Harmonious style and normal personality type. Harmonious type




Harmonic the personality is in unity with the world, people and himself. Such a person is directly a moral person. Violation of moral norms is associated with a violation of the integrity of his own personality. The formation of personality is associated with the formation of a hierarchical structure of motives or values, the dominance of higher levels over the lower. The level of motives or values ​​is determined by the measure of their commonality, starting with personal motives (the lowest), through the interests of loved ones, the team, society - up to universal universal goals. The presence of such hierarchies in a person does not violate its harmony, since complexity, multiplicity of interests, multidirectionality in the presence of a dominant ensures a variety of connections with the world and overall stability. On the contrary, the simplicity of the individual (having a single goal, immersion in one activity, narrowing the circle of communication and problems to be solved) often leads to it disharmoniousness. 1 An attempt to describe a normal or harmonious type is found in E. Fromm in the form of a productive personality type or in E. Kostrom through a description of the “actualizer”, K. Jung - in his presentation of sociotypes, in V.M. Miniyarova - in the characteristics of the socio-psychological personality type. Let us give an example of a description of a harmonious socio-psychological type of personality in the system of those relationships into which preschoolers and schoolchildren enter. 1. Attitude towards people. These are children who have already proven themselves at preschool age to be reasonable. They do not work - Shevandrin N.I. Social psychology in education.-M.: Vlados, 1995.- P. 185-237.

c 2. Harmonious personality type and features of mental deviation from the norm 89

They act under the influence of external motivations and emotions, but always translate them into conscious, intelligent activity, motivating their actions. During the school period of life, these children are characterized by a sensitive and attentive attitude to the requests of both peers and elders. It is typical for them to be honest and truthful in everything. They always tell the truth or don’t tell at all; they keep silent if they don’t want to lie. When communicating with friends they are sincere and frank, they never hide their true motives and desires, they are happy to share their problems, they never hide their true feelings and relationships. Respectful attitude towards people is the main feature of this type, which remains until the end of life and always manifests itself, no matter how others try to knock such a person off balance. As adults, they are very self-sufficient, independent and never try to make others dependent on them. A distinctive feature of this type is philanthropy, an orientation towards serving for the benefit of other people. The personality of another person is the main value for them.

                    Attitude to activity. These students are distinguished by complete harmony of mental and physical development. They can equally and with pleasure engage in both mental and physical labor. Both in preschool and school age, children of this type are very active, they always find something to do in which they introduce elements of creativity. As adults, they are very conscientious about their responsibilities, always finish everything, and do not give up on the work they have started. The main traits that are demonstrated in work are high efficiency and responsibility.
                    Attitude towards your capabilities. Neither in preschool, nor in school and adolescence, the harmonious type of personality never experiences fear of new activities. This is the only type of child who does not overestimate or underestimate their capabilities when performing a particular type of activity. Most often, they either take up work or

                    90 SECTION I Chapter 5. Personality types as a result of education and development

no, warning about it right away. Such an adequate assessment of their capabilities allows students to be respected among their comrades, not to get into trouble, not to be humiliated or suppressed. Self-confidence makes these schoolchildren not braggarts, not self-confident upstarts, but people who know how to keep their word. 4. Attitude to the team. They never put their personal
interests are higher than the public and higher than the interests of comrades,
therefore they are always loved by their friends. Their main principle is
pom is justice in resolving life issues
in favor of the team. Children of this type know how to protect their own
comrades friends and themselves. There is no desire and feeling of pre-
superiority over others, the desire to humiliate one's neighbor and exalt
hover over him. Many children are drawn to them and, sometimes, they
merit can be both formal and informal
leaders. These children know how to make friends with complex, difficult, or simply pedagogically neglected peers. In friendship, they have a positive influence on the latter, since they do not allow them to overstep the moral standards of behavior, which they always observe themselves and are critical of violators. In relationships with comrades, they never use violent measures to resolve conflict situations, always limiting themselves to requests expressed seriously and justifiably. Along with the lack of harshness in communication, these students do not exhibit memorized, formally performed techniques of politeness or moral behavior. 5. Attitude towards yourself. High demands To mind your own business-
These children are constantly working seriously on themselves. They
before everyone else, already in early adolescence, they begin
engage in self-education, improving oneself both in physical
both in spiritual and moral terms. In adolescence
At a young age and adolescence, children of this type are favorably distinguished by
This is due to the fact that their moral actions and actions, developed
by consciously assessing other people's reactions, they allow
them to be independent from the environment and act


In accordance with natural generally accepted moral standards. As adults, they are self-confident people who know how to respect themselves; and others. 6. Attitude to criticism and comments. Children of harmonious
like they are capable of pranks, they can commit school violations
discipline, however, critical comments are taken
reasonably, without sharp answers and hysterics, and try not to violate
order from now on. Having done something wrong, they ask for forgiveness, and when
in adolescence and adolescence, they politely apologize. During the period of active self-education, these adolescents exhibit increased self-criticism in response to fair criticism. The positive attitude of these children towards criticism allows them to evaluate themselves quite objectively, which contributes to their constant improvement. 7. Attitude to volitional manifestations. Early enough kids
this type exhibits strong-willed abilities, since they are disciplined
behave in a regulated manner both in kindergarten and at school. Early
the ability to self-govern allows these children to pain-free
to obey the demands of elders without accepting
seeing this as a violation of their dignity. What distinguishes these children is that
that they are organized, always collected. High self-organization allows these children to rationally use their free time, attend various clubs and sections, without neglecting their studies. They complete any task, never stop halfway, and are always persistent in achieving their goals. Having achieved goals, they always put forward new ones, overcoming which is the meaning of their life. Thus, the diagnosis of a harmonious socio-psychological personality type is based on identifying the following qualities that make up characterological properties: initiative, balance, activity, equal attitude to mental and labor actions, intransigence to the shortcomings and ugly actions of others, the need for protection of their comrades and loved ones, simplicity in dealing with people, truthfulness, sincerity, politeness, modesty, conscientiousness, reality of assessing one’s capabilities^compliance

92 SECTION I Chapter 5. Personality types as a result of upbringing and development

Rules and norms of behavior, devotion to the interests of the team, self-demandingness, self-criticism, perseverance in achieving goals, initiative. They are also characterized by the manifestation of such personal qualities as openness, goodwill, self-confidence, calmness, stability, obedience, compliance, conscious dependence on other people, conscientiousness, diligence, responsibility, social courage, non-pressure, decisiveness, high self-control, good understanding of social norms. Consequently, external influences of the environment, upbringing, and training influence the child’s behavior through internal conditions, i.e. through individual personal properties, the formation of which significantly depends on the interaction of hereditary prerequisites with all environmental conditions. Social and psychological personality types, formed in the family, in a comprehensive school experience from the first day a powerful pedagogical influence, which does not always coincide with the guidelines and needs of students. Therefore, the optimal way of personality formation can be achieved if the methods of pedagogical influence correspond to the existing characterological properties of the personality. Such a coincidence is possible for a “harmonious” socio-psychological personality type. This is evidenced by the psychological state of personal qualities, which was revealed during the study of this group of students. However, regardless of the socio-psychological type of personality, social tension is possible, which arises when motivated behavior encounters an obstacle, when satisfying needs becomes impossible. This happens in those students who have certain deviations in characterological properties from the harmonious socio-psychological type or in conditions of a political or economic crisis. This leads to internal conflict and for many socio-psychological

5.2. Harmonious personality type and features of mental deviation from the norm 93

Sky personality types cause difficulties in the way they adapt to the circumstances around them. If a person makes unrealistic claims, he often encounters insurmountable obstacles to achieving his goal, suffers failures, and experiences frustration. 1 Frustration- a specific emotional state of a person that arises in the event of insurmountable obstacles on the way to achieving the desired goal. Frustration manifests itself as aggression, anger, which can be directed at others (“aggressive frustration”), or on himself, blames himself for failures (regressive frustration). Frequently recurring states of frustration can consolidate certain characteristic traits in a person’s personality: aggressiveness, envy, bitterness - in some; lethargy, lack of self-confidence, “inferiority complex”, indifference, lack of initiative - in others. If a person does not get out of a frustrated state for a long time, then neurosis- a disease that arises as a result of a conflict between a person and the environment due to clashes between a person’s desires and a reality that does not satisfy them. Most often this is characteristic of conformal, dominant, infantile, anxious socio-psychological types, but most likely accented character types. Neurosis- an acquired functional disease of the nervous system, in which a “disruption” of brain activity occurs without any signs of its anatomical damage. Neurosis is a consequence of failures, frustrations and interpersonal clashes and at the same time often serves as their cause. So a vicious circle results: conflicts lead to neuroticism, and this, in turn, provokes new conflicts. Short-term neurotic states that go away on their own over time, without treatment, are observed 1 Stolyarenko L.D. Fundamentals of Psychology.- Rostov-n/D.: Phoenix, 1996.- pp. 185-190.

94 SECTION I Chapter 5. Personality types as a result of education and development

At one time or another in almost every person’s life. Unfortunately, neuroses also develop in children. Among the psychological traumas of childhood, the main ones are the death and illness of loved ones, fear, conflicts between parents, their divorce, or the parents’ desire to change the child’s character. Not any conflicts and troubles lead to functional diseases of the nervous system, but only those that deeply affect a person’s interests and cause him a strong feeling of dissatisfaction, resentment, and emotional stress. The cause of anxiety or a nervous breakdown is not always easy to understand; the child sometimes has difficulty formulating it or even realizing it. This especially applies to the so-called internal frustration conflicts with oneself. For example, conflicting feelings for the same person (love and hatred for a father who abandoned his family), a discrepancy between a person’s desires and capabilities, abilities (he dreamed of becoming a great actor, but lacks talent, abilities; or insolvency) are acutely experienced. an ambitious but inexperienced leader, scientist). The causes of neuroses lie in a wide variety of psycho-traumatic situations, in acute or chronic emotional stress. Neuroses divided by three main types: neurologicalshadow, hysteria And obsessive-compulsive neurosis. Each of them occurs in people with a certain type of higher nervous activity, with specific mistakes in their upbringing and typical unfavorable life situations. Neurasthenia(translated from Latin as “nervous weakness”) is the most common retribution for the inability to overcome communication barriers, and it itself creates new difficulties in interpersonal relationships. Patients with neurasthenia are bothered by irritability over the most insignificant reasons. It is difficult for them to concentrate their attention, they quickly get tired, they experience insomnia, sexual function is upset, and the severity of sexual sensations decreases.

It is customary to distinguish between harmonious and disharmonious types of family education.

A harmonious type of upbringing is characterized by mutual emotional acceptance, empathy, recognition of the child’s right to choose an independent path of development, relationships of mutual respect, recognition of the intrinsic value of the child’s personality, a reasonable and adequate system of sanctions and rewards, stability, consistency of upbringing while preserving the right of each parent to their own concept of upbringing and a systematic change in its system in accordance with the age of the child.

Disharmonious types of upbringing are very diverse, but all of them are characterized to one degree or another: insufficient level of acceptance of the child, the possibility of emotional rejection, lack of reciprocity, low level of parental cohesion, high level of inconsistency, inconsistency in the relationship between parents and children, excessive demands on the child, unconstructive nature of control.

Let us dwell on a brief description of the most common variants of disharmonious family upbringing: hypoprotection, dominant hyperprotection, pandering hyperprotection, pandering hypoprotection, upbringing in the cult of illness, emotional rejection, cruel attitude, increased moral responsibility, contradictory upbringing and upbringing outside the family.

Hypoprotection is characterized by a lack of guardianship and control, true interest and attention to the affairs of the child, and in its extreme form - neglect.

There is also hidden hypoprotection, when control over the life and behavior of a child is formal. Hidden hypoprotection is often combined with hidden emotional rejection.

Conniving hypoprotection is characterized by a combination of a lack of parental supervision with an uncritical attitude towards violations in the child’s behavior.

Overprotection negatively affects the development of independence, initiative and the formation of a sense of duty and responsibility in the child.

Dominant hyperprotection manifests itself in excessive guardianship, petty control, a system of continuous prohibitions and the inability for the child to ever make his own decisions. Excessive control reveals the desire of parents to protect children, monitor their attempts to do something in their own way, limit activity and independence, prescribe a course of action, scold them for the slightest mistakes, and resort to sanctions.

This intensity of educational activities is perceived by the child as psychological pressure. An increased level of care is often associated with the parents' unfulfilled need for affection and love. Parental motives for hyperprotection: anxiety caused by the family situation and character traits, psychogenic-determined fear of misfortune with the child, fear of loneliness, need for recognition, dominance in communication, unsociability, neurotic manifestations.

Indulging hyperprotection is an upbringing of the “child is the idol of the family” type. Characteristic features are excessive patronage, the desire to free the child from the slightest difficulties, to satisfy all his needs. This leads to an increase in egocentric tendencies in personality development, complicates the formation of a collectivistic orientation, the assimilation of moral norms, and prevents the formation of purposefulness and arbitrariness.

Education in the cult of illness is specific to a family where the child has suffered or is suffering from somatic chronic diseases or physical defects for a long time. The child’s illness acts as the semantic center of the family’s life, its worries and troubles. This type of education contributes to the development of egocentrism and an inflated level of aspirations.

Emotional rejection has a particularly difficult impact on a child’s personality development. The picture gets worse when other children in the family are accepted by their parents (the so-called Cinderella situation). Hidden emotional rejection is when parents refuse to admit to themselves the actual emotional rejection of their child. Often, hidden emotional rejection through the mechanism of overcompensation is combined with emphasized care and exaggerated attention of parents to the child, which, however, are formal in nature.

Abuse is usually combined with emotional rejection. Cruel attitudes can manifest themselves in open form (severe punishment for minor offenses or disobedience), or in hidden form, such as mental indifference, callousness and evil in relation to the child. All this in most cases results in the development of the child’s aggressiveness and personality disorder.

Increased moral responsibility as a parenting style is characterized by an increase in the level of parental expectations regarding the future, success, abilities and talents of the child. This may include assigning overwhelming and age-inappropriate responsibilities to a child as one of the adult family members (for example, caring for younger children) or expecting the child to fulfill their unfulfilled desires and aspirations. The predominance of the rational aspect in upbringing is excessive moralizing and demandingness, formality in the approach to the child, which largely leads to asexual upbringing and emotional flattening of the child, his inability to fit into an emotionally charged, ambivalent situation.

Contradictory upbringing is a combination of different styles in one family, often incompatible and inadequate, which manifests itself in open conflicts, competition and confrontation among family members. The result of such upbringing can be high anxiety, uncertainty, low unstable self-esteem of the child. The inconsistency of upbringing contributes to the development of internal conflict in the child.

No less difficult for a child are manifestations of inconsistency in relationships with the child, associated with parents’ misunderstanding of their own parental position and unreasonable changes in prohibitive and permissive approaches to education. Often, inconsistency in raising a child is due to the fact that parents love a certain model of an ideal child, and a real one only when he meets expectations.

Parenting outside the family is an extreme type of parenting. This refers to upbringing in a children's institution, which combines the features of the types of upbringing described above.

The following 6 types have the most important practical significance when organizing work with parents: pandering hyperprotection, emotional rejection, dominant hyperprotection, increased moral responsibility, neglect, abuse.

Info lesson on the topic PARONYMS HARMONIC - HARMONIC

Info lesson plan:

1. Lexical meaning of paronyms harmonic - harmonious

2.Examples of phrases with paronyms harmonic

3.Examples of sentences with a paronym harmonic

4.Examples of phrases with paronyms harmonious

5.Examples of sentences with a paronym harmonious


HARMONIC- relating to harmony, the combination of musical tones and simultaneous sound, based on the principles of harmony.

Harmony(in philosophy) - the coordination of heterogeneous and even opposite (conflicting) elements; in aesthetics - the coherence of the whole, born from the combination of essences of opposite quality.

HARMONIOUS- slender, coordinated.


1) harmonic scale

2) harmonic analysis

3) harmonic series

4) harmonic hearing

5) harmonic structure of the world

6)harmonious development and personality formation

7) harmonic function

8) harmonic analysis of musical text

9) harmonic chord

10)harmonious development of the child

11) harmonic sounds

12)harmonic formation of musical abilities

13) comprehensive and harmonious development of personality

14)harmonious perception of reality

15)harmonious unity of life

16)harmonious combination of colors


1) I've done a lot harmonic tasks, harmonizing first the rhyming basses, then the melodies and chorales. (N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Chronicle of my life)

2)Together with harmonic like a storm of an orchestra, you rush into a breakthrough into the future, to the blue cities of a higher order. (A.N. Tolstoy. From the rehearsal of Shostakovich’s Seventh Symphony)

3)Harmonic hearing often lags behind melodic hearing.

4)Notable feature harmonic Rimsky-Korsakov's thinking constitutes his "color" harmonic hearing.

5) The participation of the accompanist in the daily work of the choral group requires him to have a well-developed harmonic hearing and complex musical thinking.

6) Along with the expressiveness of the melodies, it is interesting and original harmonic and the orchestral language of Tchaikovsky.

7) In music, the melody is almost always accompanied by other sounds that we hear simultaneously with it. What sounds along with the melody is called harmonic accompaniment or harmony.

8) Plato, the great teacher of antiquity and a follower of the teachings of Pythagoras, considered music the main means of education harmonic personality.

9) Standards of beauty of the human body, samples harmonic physique has long been considered the great works of Greek sculptors: Phidias, Polykleitos, Myron, Praxiteles.

10) Why does society need to achieve harmonic interaction of all social regulators?

11) The famous teacher of the twentieth century V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Caring for human health, especially the health of a child - ... is, first of all, caring for harmonic the fullness of all physical and spiritual forces, and the crown of this harmony is the joy of creativity.”

12) For the ancients, Sappho, a poetess from the island of Lesbos, who lived at the beginning of the 5th century BC, was an ideal harmonic personality.

13) There is life harmonic the merging of opposites and the constant struggle between them... (A.A.Fet)

14) The strength of poetry is brevity. To say a lot in a little is one of the testaments of true art. And Akhmatova learned this from the classics: Baratynsky, Tyutchev, and, first of all, from Pushkin. It is with the Pushkin tradition that Akhmatova’s characteristic scale of poetic thought is connected, harmonic the accuracy of the verse, the variety of lyrical themes, the ability to identify the universal meaning of a unique spiritual movement, to correlate the sense of history with the sense of modernity.

15) The love of Nadezhda Ivanovna Zabela-Vrubel helped the artist M.A. Vrubel. It was, in fact, harmonic marriage.

16) Ivan the Terrible decided to commemorate the victory over Kazan by building the Intercession Cathedral on Red Square. The construction of the cathedral was undertaken by the Russian architect Barma Yakovlev, nicknamed Postnik. In 1560 the cathedral was built. He represented harmonic a union of nine churches located on the same foundation. The tented top of the central cathedral soars upward.

17) People of the planet devote a lot of free time to self-education and harmonic development.

18)To create harmonic composition on the hill, the builders even increased the height of the hill in the southern part by building a powerful embankment for this purpose.

19) Skillfully using the pedal, the pianist finds the timbre, the color of the sound, creates harmonic melody background.

20) The works of the French composer C. Debussy are distinguished by a unique sense of musical color, unusual harmonic and rhythmic environment.

21) In “Poems about a Beautiful Lady,” young A. Blok dreamed of joining through love with the ideal, unearthly, harmonic.

22) The German philosopher Hegel called harmonic that art in which the form corresponds to the content, comic - that in which there is more form than content.

23) Physical education in our time is an important means harmonic Personal development, health promotion.

24) The poet A.A. Fet was always drawn to beauty, harmonic, what was missing in his real life.

25) The love poetry of F.I. Tyutchev is a whole story, which has its own prologues and beginnings, explosions and climaxes, chaotic fermentation of the soul and harmonic permissions.


1) harmonious personality

2) harmonious relationship between the child and parents

3) harmonious style of family education

4) harmonious pattern

5) achieve a harmonious color combination

6) the idea of ​​a harmonious combination of modern health technologies

7) the main rule of creating a harmonious living space

8)harmonious parenting style

9) harmonious personality type of the child

10)harmonious lifestyle

11)harmonious selection of colors when decorating rooms

12)harmonious work of the left and right hemispheres

13) the importance of art in creating a harmonious environment for human life

14)harmonious, rich inner spiritual world

15)harmonious world of folk culture

16)harmonious combination of poetic text and expressive words

17) harmonious development of the student’s personality

18) harmonious, versatile development of personality

19)harmonious proportions of the human body

20) a harmonious combination of mental and physical development

21)creating a harmonious image of a suit


1) What is harmonious relationships in nature?

2) Become harmonious personality, to be able to behave with dignity in any environment is the right and responsibility of any person.

3)Harmonious the arrangement of elements in relation to each other and their balance as a whole constitutes the essence of the composition.

4) The Athenian education system set as its goal harmonious child development?

5) How to choose harmonious trim color?
6) Products made from flaps must be made in harmonious color scheme.

7) Well-chosen color and pattern of the walls allow you to create harmonious transition from one room to another.

8)The art of composition harmonious A pattern made from random scraps that are at hand develops artistic taste and imagination.

9) It is small in size, harmonious and a clear-shaped temple, surrounded on two sides by columns.

10) A person dreams of living in a very beautiful and harmonious world.

11) Cooperation is the most harmonious a style of interpersonal relationships based on understanding the uniqueness of each person and trust.

12)The Maslenitsa skating scene turns into harmonious image of the beauty of the national Russian holiday.

13) What does “ harmonious person" in your understanding?

14) Plants and animals prefer harmonious music.

15)“The purpose of school should always be to educate harmonious an individual, not a specialist,” wrote the scientist A. Einstein.

Parents equally place responsibility for the conflict on themselves and on their children, while children much more often take the blame upon themselves. Both parents and children believe that the parent is the “winner”, or a compromise is found that satisfies both parties. Responsibility for the decision lies with both the parent and the child, with each party somewhat exaggerating its role in making the decision.

Pandering hyperprotection ("Idol of the family" Parents strive to free the child from the slightest difficulties, indulge his desires, overly adore and patronize him, admire his minimal successes and demand the same admiration from others. ).

Parents tend to place the blame for the occurrence of conflicts on themselves, and not on the child. The parental role in this case is that of a “guardian-patron”, ready to turn a blind eye to the child’s misdeeds and justify them by the lack of experience and the child’s age. The role of the child, which he is forced to accept in a dyad of this type, is “baby”, “incompetent”, a loser in need of protection and guardianship from the parent, forced to recognize the parent’s right to make decisions and thereby to “primacy” in the conflict.

Dominant hyperprotection ( It manifests itself in increased, heightened attention and care, excessive guardianship and petty control of behavior, surveillance, prohibitions and restrictions. The child is not taught independence and responsibility )

Parents equally place responsibility for the conflict on themselves and their children, while children place responsibility on themselves. Parents assume that conflict resolution is carried out with the participation of both parties, while children are confident that decisions are made by parents who are “always right” and in favor of the parents. Maximum level of conflict. Roles: the parent is always right, competent, experienced, has the right to make decisions, tries to take into account the interests of the “offending” child; the child is ready to take the blame upon himself, recognizing the superiority of the adult and his own shortcomings. The parent is the “persecutor,” the child is the “violator,” admitting his guilt and the parent’s right to judge.

Hypoprotection ( Characterized by a lack of guardianship and control. The child is left without supervision. The teenager is shown little attention, there is no interest in his affairs, physical abandonment and unkemptness are common )

Parents equally share responsibility for the occurrence of conflict between themselves and their children, while children, as in the case of indulgence, believe that in most cases the blame for the occurrence of conflict lies with them. Parents believe that either the “winner” in the conflict is the adult, or that a compromise solution is found. In contrast to other groups, children raised in conditions of hypoprotection, as well as children in families with conflicting upbringing, are much more likely than other groups to consider themselves to be on an equal footing with the adult “winner” of the conflict. Thus, hypoprotection is characterized by a significant divergence in the ideas of parents and children about ways to resolve the conflict, the most important characteristic of which is the underestimation by parents of the active role of children and the children’s attribution of this role to themselves. Insufficient attention and influence of parents on resolving conflict situations allows the child to maintain a certain independence and independence from parents, which prevents the possibility of conflicts and open confrontation. Children learn to independently resolve conflict situations, taking into account their own interests, and parents are quite satisfied with their parental role and, being distanced from the real process of interaction with the child, perceive parent-child relationships as calm and conflict-free.

Controversial Parenting

Parents in this group are characterized by a tendency to shift responsibility for conflicts to their children or to external circumstances. Parents believe that conflicts are resolved either in favor of the children, or taking into account the interests of both children and parents. Children believe that they are more active and influential than their parents believe, and are much more likely to turn the resolution of the conflict to their advantage. Contradictory upbringing is characterized by a significant discrepancy in the views of parents and children on the issue of who is the initiator of the conflict and how it is resolved. This is explained by the fact that children, realizing the position of active participation in resolving conflict situations, are satisfied with the results, and parents, not being able, due to the inconsistency and inconsistency of their own educational attitudes and requirements, to clearly pursue their own line of behavior, consider child-parent relations as a sphere of contradictory interests and confrontation. The roles in a dyad of this type can be defined as follows: the parent is the “victim” of the child’s failure to comply with pedagogical requirements and rules; the child, having become convinced of the unpredictability and unpredictability of the parent’s behavior, tries to build a line of his own behavior, but is not always successful due to the limitations of his own experience.

Thus, it is shown that disharmony in family upbringing is associated with a high level of conflict and divergent images of conflict interaction among the participants in the conflict. Features of the type of family upbringing determine specific strategies for the behavior of children and parents in resolving conflicts.

Sex education of children in the family. Definition of basic concepts of sex education. Human gender is a complex of characteristics that define an individual as a man (boy) or woman (girl): reproductive, physical, behavioral, psychological, social.

Gender is a psychological personality trait that is formed under the influence of social factors.

Gender consciousness is a system of knowledge, ideas, personal meanings and relationships that shape the experiences and motivation of a person as a representative of his gender.

Sex education as a condition for the formation of sexual consciousness. Sexual consciousness as a component of psychosexual consciousness.

Modern models of sex education (Kozakevich A.B.): repressive, liberal, democratic (in terms of volume and content of information).

Incorrect attitudes in sex education: incorrect attitudes of parents towards the other sex (negative attitude as revenge; self-affirmation; prevention; ascetic attitude; consumer attitude); incorrect attitude of parents towards children (possessive, economic); incorrect attitude of parents towards psychosexual education (panic, indifferent).

Principles of sex education: the principle of realism, understandability and clarity; trust, efficiency; promising initiative.

Areas of psychosexual education:

Formation of psychological femininity, masculinity;

Formation of sexual consciousness in the context of psychosexual culture;

Preparation for natural marriage, parenthood;

Formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Parental Monitoring– the process of systematically or continuously collecting information about the parameters of a complex object or activity to determine trends in changes in parameters; constant monitoring of a process in order to study its dynamics and check its compliance with something

The degree of awareness of parents about the most important areas of children’s life is determined by parental monitoring, which includes awareness of the child’s successes and problems in his educational activities, social circle, friends, forms and places of leisure, etc. A parent's knowledge of the child's affairs can be obtained from three sources:

On the part of the child himself, who voluntarily tells the parent about them;

As a result of a special search for information (questions, calls, searches);

As a result of the child’s subordination to parental instructions and acceptance of the parent’s will as the main guideline. In this case, the parent, in fact, completely controls all types of activity of the child.

The concepts of “monitoring” and “control” must be differentiated taking into account the different nature of the parent’s activity. Only the first option for obtaining information corresponds to true monitoring. Thus, the meaning of monitoring as a special form of parent-child relationship is broader than simply indicating the parent’s awareness of the child’s affairs. Monitoring means a special quality of parent-child relationships - trust, cooperation and harmony. Control is correlated in this system of concepts with the third case, i.e. includes elements of pressure and obvious restriction of the rights and freedoms of the child. The closest thing to this understanding of control for us is the concept of “authoritarianism”. Monitoring, not including actual control of the child’s behavior and activities, is an important condition for preventing deviant behavior in children and immediately providing assistance to the child in problem situations. Lack of parental monitoring is characteristic of neglect.



Along with individual traits and qualities of character, we can highlight the general way of adapting an individual to the social environment is the type of person’s character. When determining the type of character, we highlight what is essential and similar in the characters of individual people, which determines the general style of their life.

On this basis, we distinguish the following types of characters:

1. Harmonically integral type – It is distinguished by the stability of relationships and at the same time high adaptability to the environment. A person with this type of character has no internal conflicts; his desires coincide with what he does. He is a sociable, strong-willed, principled person. People with a harmoniously integral character retain their system of values ​​in all difficult circumstances of life. This is a type of strong-willed fighter for his ideals and principles. Not opportunism, but changing reality in accordance with their ideals - this is the way these people adapt

2. The type is internally conflicting, but externally harmoniously consistent with the environment– characterized by inconsistency between internal motivations and external behavior, which, in accordance with the requirements of the environment, is carried out with great tension.

A person with this type of character is prone to impulsive actions, but they are constantly restrained by volitional efforts. The system of his relationships is stable, but his communicative properties are not sufficiently developed.

People of this type have a complex system of correlating their value orientation with the conditions of reality.

These people overcome discord with the outside world through internal tactical adjustments, psychological defense, devaluing current events that do not fit into their value system, preserving the basic values ​​of the individual, but not actively trying to change external circumstances. This is a type of wise contemplator detached from everyday struggle.

3. Conflict type with reduced adaptation – characterized by conflict between emotional impulses and social responsibilities, impulsiveness, the predominance of negative emotions, underdeveloped communicative properties, and insufficient structure of self-awareness. Individual connections with the world in people of this type are not included in any general behavioral system. The life of such people follows a simplified scheme: their changing needs should, in their own opinion, be immediately satisfied without much effort.

The psyche of such individuals is not burdened with much experience; they are not concerned about the future. They are not seasoned in the struggle for existence. In childhood, they, as a rule, were subjected to overprotection and were surrounded by excessive care of the people around them. They are characterized by immaturity and inability to overcome life's difficulties. The main mechanism of their life is pleasure (hedonism). People of this type perceive all difficult situations as acute conflict situations and resort to unconscious psychological pseudo-defense distorted reflection of reality (whims, stubbornness, retreat into the world of dreams and fruitless dreams)

4. Variable type character - outwardly adapting to the environment as a result of instability of positions, unprincipledness, indicates a low level of personality development, the absence of a stable general way of behavior.

Lack of character and constant opportunism are a surrogate for plasticity of behavior; it should not be confused with genuine plasticity of behavior, with the ability to take into account circumstances to achieve basic goals, without deviating from social norms and requirements.

People of this type are characterized by a simplified inner world; their struggle for existence is straightforward. They do not show doubts or hesitations in achieving utilitarian goals and do not have any special internal restrictions. They know only one type of obstacle - external. Reality puzzles them only with questions of a “technical” nature - how to achieve, how to achieve the greatest possible number of momentary benefits. This is the type of “realists”: such people try to satisfy their needs as fully as possible within the limits of realistically existing possibilities. Adaptation, adjusting, adjusting the inner world to external circumstances - this is the general way of adaptation of these people.

Typological characterology can be based on leading orientation of the personality. Thus, the famous German philosopher and psychologist Eduard Spranger (1882–1963) distinguishes the following personality types according to their leading orientation.

1. Scientific person. In its pure form, he knows only one passion, passion for a problem, for a question, which leads to explanation, establishment of connections, theorizing. His experiences are divorced from real life: he can despair from the impossibility of knowing, or rejoice because of a purely theoretical discovery. He exhausts himself as a psychological being in order to generate a purely ideal world of regular connections. For him, only the purity of methods of cognition is valuable - truth at any cost. The world for him is an endless production of entities and a system of relationships of dependence... In its most natural and pure form, this form of life is embodied in professional scientists who, as a rule, come to the formulation of their life tasks as a result of free interest. But the preliminary stages of this kind of spiritual organization are found regardless of professional affiliation, and, perhaps, the structural features of the type appear much more clearly on them than in great scientists, who are often very complex natures.

2. Economic man. This is not necessarily a person associated with production. The most important thing is that the main motive that determines the most diverse spheres of personality and the nature of its existence is the motive of utility.

“In the most general terms, an economic person is one who puts utility in first place in all life connections. Everything for him becomes a means of maintaining life, the struggle for existence and the best arrangement of his life. He saves material, effort, time - just to extract from This is the maximum benefit. It would be more accurate to call him a practical person, since the entire field of technology is connected with the concept of economics. The meaning of his actions is not in the activity itself, but in its beneficial effect...

3. Aesthetic person. Purely aesthetic behavior is not characterized by lust. Direct contact with the world is always painful and associated with the struggle for existence. But there is a second world where pain is as sweet as joy, suffering is as spiritual as joy: this is the world of fantasy. We know that there are people who surround themselves with such fantasies, through which they perceive reality.

When considering the aesthetic type, we mean not so much artists who create material works, but people who create themselves, possessing the internal structure of the aesthetic type...

4. Social person. A special life form, which is called social, arises when this need for self-denial for the sake of another becomes a leading life need.

Social orientation in its highest manifestation is love. It can be a fundamental feeling for all of life. But it can also be directed at a separate object or a circle of objects and at the same time not lose the character of a leading need that determines all individual existence. The individual becomes the object of love as the center of values. You can love another person because the value of truth, or beauty, or holiness is discovered in him. Akin to such love is a passionate desire to acquire the values ​​of life that are already known to us. But the essence of love itself is even deeper: it remains something in itself, turned to another life for the sake of the values ​​contained in this life. Conceptually defining what ultimately defies formulation, we can say that love discovers in another person - one, several or many - potential bearers of certain values ​​and finds the meaning of its own life in devotion to these people.

5. Political person. A special case when power in itself becomes the main thing for a person.

Here we have the totality of the worldview: self-affirmation, achievement of success, vitality, energy of being... They strive for a high social status and only then, as leaders, in the rays of glory, do they feel in their place.

6. Religious person. A religious person is one whose spiritual structure is constantly and entirely aimed at achieving the highest meaning of life, postulated by religion.

The behavior of religious people is dominated by an altruistic orientation. They see the highest meaning of their existence in noble, free service to people - in helping the injured, wounded, maimed, infirm, humiliated and lonely. The behavior of such people significantly exceeds norm of social responsibility.

Religious dogmas are firmly embedded in the sphere of superconsciousness of a religious person, covered by the complex intuitive mechanism of the human psyche - the mechanism of faith. The behavior of a religious person is modified - ideas of goodness and love for man begin to dominate in his psyche. It is characterized by a desire for sinlessness, and its possible guilty behavior is reorganized through deep repentance and atonement for guilt through good deeds.

All the main religious confessions of the world affirm spirituality, morality, the highest ideals of human existence, mobilize a person to walk his earthly path with dignity, and postulate unshakable laws of human life among people.