Flag of Russian fascists. Why does the Russian flag coincide with the flag of Vlasov’s army? Here is the Vlasov military newspaper, which talks about the ROA flag

The flag of the Vlasov Army existed in official status for only 3 years. But if during the times of the USSR, his appearance did not remind the average person of anything, now the associations arise are very ambiguous.

History of the tricolor

The red, blue and white flag of Russia is unmistakably recognizable by most Russians. But there are too many colors of a similar color in heraldry. And by what right, in this case, is this tricolor called Russian? When did he appear?

The first mentions of the red-blue-white tricolor date back to the end of the 16th century. It appeared in the Netherlands during the reign of William of Orange. Only instead of red, it had an orange stripe.

Orange means orange.

To color the flag, colors from the heraldic coat of arms of the ruler, who was from Schleswig-Holstein, were used.

More than a hundred years later, in the era of large-scale government reforms, Peter the Great personally made a sketch of the merchant flag of the Russian fleet, in a modern version.

There are quite truthful versions of the appearance of the tricolor in pre-Petrine times. In particular, during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich the Quiet, some ships that were part of the Caspian flotilla were crowned with this flag.

But in this case, we are talking about the local use of this flag, and under Peter the Great, it adorned all merchant ships of the Russian Navy.

In subsequent history, the red-blue-white tricolor occasionally appeared in the system of state symbols, but it reached its maximum meaning only in 1896, when it became the State Flag of the Russian Empire.

Between 1883 and 1896, the tricolor was considered the "national flag".

Important clarification
In pre-revolutionary Russia, there was no such clearly defined concept as the State Flag. There were many concepts of flags to indicate belonging to a state. In this case, any military or trade flags are not taken into account.

We are talking about such elements of state symbols as:

· State flag of the Russian Empire;

· National flag of the Russian Empire;

· State banner of the Russian Empire;

· Royal standard of the Romanovs;

The system was incredibly complex and difficult for a modern Russian to understand. If for us the words: banner, flag and standard are approximately equivalent, then a hundred years ago the difference was obvious.

It should be noted that the unification and standardization of elements of state symbols, on a global scale, became possible after the creation of the “League of Nations” (predecessor of the UN). Until this time, some countries did not have a generally accepted set of state symbols.

But only 18 years were allotted to the state flag, the tricolor. After the revolution, he sometimes represented the White Guards.

Flag of the Vlasov Army – photo

All collaborationist groups during the Great Patriotic War did not have an ideological emphasis in this direction. The Wehrmacht command did not seek to awaken in the Russians any sense of unity, without a German core.

But since many of these associations were headed by emigrated officers of the tsarist army, they used the tricolor flag as the basis for their banners.

Since they had no place to flaunt these flags, there was practically no documentary evidence left. There are very few of them, and most of them are controversial. After all, color photography at that time was a very expensive and technically complex hobby.

However, during the Victory Parade of 1945, the ROA tricolor was also thrown at the foot of the Kremlin.

Tricolor in our time

This may sound strange, but the idea of ​​restoring the tricolor as the state flag of the Russian Federation was first raised at meetings of the Council of the Democratic Union, and Valeria Novodvorskaya chaired it.

To initiate the process of restoring the old symbols, the Russian Banner organization was formed.

But even before these events, approximately from the beginning of the 80s, an amateur group of enthusiasts, under the “Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments,” began to use the Russian tricolor as their symbol.

Yes, this group of enthusiasts called themselves “Memory Society”. And there is a lot of evidence that the roots of this team go back to the fifth department of the KGB.

In other words, “Memory Society” + “Democratic Union” + Novodvorskaya imposed this tricolor on Russia as a symbol of statehood.

Other versions of state flags
It is extremely difficult to find an example in the history of Russia. It is known that during the time of St. Prince Vladimir, went into battle with a red banner. Subsequently, after the baptism of Rus', the rulers used banners and standards with Christian symbols, but in black and gold.

This continued until Peter the Great, each ruler made his own sample of the banner.

After the formation of the Russian Empire, each new Romanov ascendant to the throne ordered the original “Imperial Standard” for his coronation, with the obligatory presence of a double-headed eagle. But the colors continued to remain in black and gold.

It should be noted that there is no clearly established interpretation of color symbolism at the state, official level. In other words, it is simply a beautifully arranged piece of matter that does not symbolize anything. He simply represents Russia in the form of a recognizable sign.

It is as a sign that the Russian flag should be perceived in the understanding of prof. Moscow State University Loseva A.F. According to him, in modern society the boundary between the sacred essence of a symbol and a sign is being carefully blurred.

Without an official interpretation, even vexillology cannot consider the flag as a full-fledged symbol. Therefore, everyone is free to interpret the meanings of color symbolism to the best of their knowledge and beliefs.

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KONR brochure, 1944, - the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia - a political body created with the participation of the authorities of Nazi Germany to overthrow the existing political system in the USSR and united the Russians and a number of national organizations operating in territories controlled by Nazi Germany.

Recently, in view of the extremely negative attitude of Russian society towards the so-called Vlasov army, an ideological movement has begun to separate it from its flag - the state flag of the Russian Federation, known as white-blue-red. Russian Liberation Army, ROA - the historical name of the armed forces of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (KONR), who fought on the side of the Third Reich against the USSR, as well as the totality of the majority of Russian anti-Soviet units and units from Russian collaborators within the Wehrmacht in 1943-1944, formed various German military structures (the headquarters of the SS Troops, etc.) during the Great Patriotic War, led by the famous traitor General A.A. Vlasov. As a flag, she used a flag with the St. Andrew's Cross, as well as the Russian tricolor, which is documented in the footage of the parade of the 1st Guards Brigade of the ROA in Pskov on June 22, 1943 and in the photo chronicle of the formation of the Vlasovites in Munsingen. The use of the Russian tricolor in ROA units is confirmed by one of their marching songs - the so-called “March of the Russian Liberation Army”:

We are walking, with a tricolor flag above us.
We walk through our native fields.
Our motive is carried by the winds
And they are carried to the Moscow domes.

And now, when everything had been established long ago and precisely, absurd statements like these suddenly began to appear: It is a reliably known fact that when forming such units, the Germans banned the use of the white-blue-red three-stripe flag, clearly fearing Russian national symbols. This data can be gleaned from the memoirs of V. Shtrik-Strikfeldt “Against Stalin and Hitler,” a Russian German seconded to A.A. Vlasov: “Gradually, all the so-called “national military units” in the German army received badges with the national colors of their peoples . Only the largest people - the Russians - were denied this. This issue urgently required a solution. But even here difficulties arose. The historical Russian national colors - white-blue-red - were banned."(Russian flags during World War II)

To improve visibility, the flag is artificially colored.

Along with this data, the German writer Sven Steenberg argued that the flag of the ROA was Andreevsky. The ROA sleeve chevron was an Andreev shield with a red edging. Photographs of the famous Prague meeting of the KONR on November 14, 1944 clearly show that the stage is decorated with two huge banners: the Nazi flag with a swastika and the St. Andrew's flag. There is an opinion that the ROA flag was also a white-blue-red flag, but it was banned by the Germans. The Russian artist A. N. Rodzevich was involved in the development of the symbols of the ROA. He made nine sketches, all of which were dominated by the colors of the old Russian flag - white, blue and red. The sketches were submitted to the Imperial Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories for approval. Rosenberg personally crossed out all nine, after which the sketches came back, prompting a bitter remark from Vlasov: “I would have left it that way - the Russian flag, crossed out by the Germans out of fear of it.” Then Malyshkin suggested using the St. Andrew's Cross, and the sketch, which ultimately received Rosenberg's approval, was a blue St. Andrew's Cross on a white field. In the footage of the parade of the 1st Guards Brigade of the ROA in Pskov on June 22, 1943, there is a white-blue-red flag. But there the white-blue-red flag was used as a symbol of the Russian people, Russia and the White Army.(Shteenberg S. General Vlasov. - M.: Eksmo, 2005)

So, the Germans banned the tricolor because they didn’t like it, these scribblers claim. But besides the ROA, Hitler also had other units of Soviet traitors.
Russian National People's Army (RNNA) (Sonderverband “Graukopf” (“Special Unit “Gray Head”))- an armed paramilitary formation formed in the occupied territory of the USSR and took part in World War II on the side of the Third Reich.
Lieutenant V.A. Ressler, Colonel K.G. Kromiadi and senior doctor Razumovsky. Osintorf, 1942. Ressler and Kromiadi are dressed in Soviet uniforms with RNNA shoulder straps and tricolor cockades.

“For the cockade of the headdress, the colors of the Russian national flag were taken - white, blue and red. Due to the lack of suitable material, they were made from cloth and cardboard. Of course, our flag was white, blue and red.", - writes in his book “For the land, for freedom!” Colonel of the White Army K. G. Kromiadi.

"Green Special Purpose Army" - 1st Russian National Army - Division "Russland"- a military formation that operated as part of the Wehrmacht during the Second World War under the leadership of B. A. Smyslovsky (an Abwehr officer operating under the pseudonym Arthur Holmston) - went into battle under the tricolor.
Sleeve insignia of the “Special Division of General Smyslovsky”, 1943

Why did the fascists, who supposedly didn’t like the tricolor so much that they allegedly banned Vlasov from using it, allowed the tricolor to everyone who liked it? Where is the logic? Why was a white-blue-red flag used at the KONR meeting in Riga in 1944?

Why was the blue and red cockade worn on the right sleeve the distinctive badge of the KONR Armed Forces? The answer is obvious - no one in Hitler’s army banned the tricolor; the ROA simply used two flags to expand the range of attracting volunteers. Today's Vlasovites select chronicle footage where only one of the hung flags is captured by the camera lens, and present them as proof of the “innocence” of their symbol, saying that the participants in the events have already died, there are no ROA museums - go figure.(For the main collaborator of the Kremlin junta, Gena Zyuganov, the tricolor has long ceased to be a Vlasov skirt; now he calls it “the desecrated Vlasov.”) Modern Vlasovites themselves admit their lies when, between statements about the Nazis banning the tricolor, they insert phrases like, “But there is white and blue -The red flag was used as a symbol of the Russian people, Russia and the White Army." Like, yes, they banned it, but they used it, but not as Vlasovites, but as the Russian people. But even if the tricolor really was not the official flag of the ROA, its widespread use by other units of traitors who fought with Hitler against their people still makes it the flag of traitors, traitors, and scum.

Spiritual bonds and values ​​of carriers of the state flag of the Russian Federation.

Polivanov O.I.

24.10.2014 The State Duma, in the third reading, adopted a law prohibiting propaganda and public display of symbols of organizations that collaborated with the fascists, including the state flag of the Kremlin junta - the tricolor, like the flag of the Vlasovites, and other traitors who fought against the Soviet people. Also outlawed were the attributes of organizations that denied the verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal. In particular, the symbols of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army were banned. But, obviously, the tricolor that fits the definition of the law will not be prohibited, which will be another blatant example of double standards of bourgeois justice. :

Wehrmacht generals wore the St. George's ribbon

Differences between the Guards Ribbon and the St. George Ribbon: the modern ribbon for the Order of St. George (1992) is an alternation of three black and two orange stripes. But the Guards Ribbon is three black stripes superimposed on an orange background. Since 1769, the pre-revolutionary Guards ribbon was in the colors of the state emblem - black and yellow. Only four years before the revolution, a change was made to the statute of the order: orange and black officially became the colors of St. George. But even here there is a difference from the Guards ribbon - the side orange gaps along the edge of the ribbon are narrow, while those of the Soviet guardsmen are wide.

Putlevizor lies that the people called the Guards Ribbon “St. George’s” to spite the officialdom, and the wearing of pre-revolutionary awards was prohibited. Before the revolution, people called the St. George Cross “Egory”. Why would all of a sudden, during the Great Patriotic War, Komsomol atheists suddenly “remember” about some kind of George? And in the USSR, the wearing of old regime awards was never prohibited by anyone; soldiers and marshals wore them without any hesitation. Moreover, the official press published photos of heroes where the Order of Lenin or the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union was adjacent to the St. George crosses.

Interesting article?

I will not remind you here that Vlasov and his army of traitors fought against Russia and our people on the side of Nazi Germany; much has already been written and said about this.

I would like to dot the i's, did the Vlasovites fight under the Russian Imperial Flag?

Now they write a lot about this on the Internet, simultaneously desecrating our state symbols. It turns out that the Vlasovites did not fight under the Tricolor, but under the likeness of Andreevsky, edged with a red ribbon, this is what the famous writes military historian Yaroslav YASTREBOV:

As you can see, the Russian national flag was banned by the Germans. They suggested that the Vlasovites take the St. Andrew’s flag - a symbol of the disappeared Russian imperial fleet, which, apparently, the Nazis no longer associated with Russia. However, today, when the St. Andrew's flag has returned to the fleet, who would dare to throw a contemptuous nickname in its direction? It never even occurs to anyone. And rightly so. So why is slander against our national flag repeated over and over again? After all, it was under this flag that our grandfathers fought in the First World War. And we should be proud of this flag.
Colorblind from history

Here is the Vlasov military newspaper, which talks about the ROA flag

On the chevrons of ROA fighters we also do not see the tricolor, but an ANALOGUE of the St. Andrew’s flag in a red border.

There was an isolated case when Vlasovites marched with the Imperial Flag in Pskov, then they were banned, so where did such a monstrous myth come from?

Now it’s no secret that the war of 1941 - 1945 had elements of the Second Civil War, since about 2 million people fought against Bolshevism, which illegally seized power in 1917, 1.2 million citizens of the USSR and 0.8 million white emigrants. The SS had a total of 40 divisions, 10 of which were composed of citizens of the Russian Empire (14th Ukrainian, 15th and 19th Latvian, 20th Estonian, 29th Russian, 30th Belorussian, two Cossack SS divisions , North Caucasus, SS brigades Varyag, Desna, Nachtigal, Druzhina, etc. There was also the RNA of General Smyslovsky, the Russian Corps of General Skorodumov, the Cossack Stan of Domanov, the ROA of General Vlasov, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), the Eastern divisions of the Wehrmacht, police, Hiwi There were many of our compatriots directly in German units, and not just in national formations.

Today I would like to talk about ROA( Russian Liberation Army) General Vlasov.

P.S. The article does not justify the ROA and does not accuse them of anything. The article was solely made for historical reference. Everyone decides for themselves whether they were heroes or traitors, but this is part of our history and I think everyone has the right to know about this history.

Russian Liberation Army , ROA - military units that fought on the side of Adolf Hitler against the USSR, formed by the German headquarters of the SS Troops during the Great Patriotic War from Russian collaborators.

The army was formed mainly from Soviet prisoners of war, as well as from among Russian emigrants. Unofficially, its members were called “Vlasovites,” after their leader, Lieutenant General Andrei Vlasov.


The ROA was formed primarily from Soviet prisoners of war who were captured by the Germans mainly at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, during the retreat of the Red Army. The creators of the ROA declared it as a military formation created for “ liberation of Russia from communism "(December 27, 1942). Lieutenant General Andrei Vlasov, who was captured in 1942, together with General Boyarsky, proposed in a letter to the German command to organize the ROA. General Fyodor Trukhin was appointed chief of staff, General Vladimir Baersky (Boyarsky) was his deputy, Colonel Andrei Neryanin was appointed head of the operational department of the headquarters. The leaders of the ROA also included generals Vasily Malyshkin, Dmitry Zakutny, Ivan Blagoveshchensky, and former brigade commissar Georgy Zhilenkov. The rank of ROA general was held by former Red Army major and Wehrmacht colonel Ivan Kononov. Some priests from the Russian emigration served in the marching churches of the ROA, including priests Alexander Kiselev and Dmitry Konstantinov.

Among the leadership of the ROA were former generals of the Russian Civil War from the White Movement: V. I. Angeleev, V. F. Belogortsev, S. K. Borodin, Colonels K. G. Kromiadi, N. A. Shokoli, Lieutenant Colonel A. D. Arkhipov, as well as M. V. Tomashevsky, Yu. K. Meyer, V. Melnikov, Skarzhinsky, Golub and others, as well as Colonel I.K. Sakharov (formerly a lieutenant in the Spanish army under General F. Franco). Support was also provided by: generals A. P. Arkhangelsky, A. A. von Lampe, A. M. Dragomirov, P. N. Krasnov, N. N. Golovin, F. F. Abramov, E. I. Balabin, I. A. Polyakov, V.V. Kreiter, Don and Kuban atamans, generals G.V. Tatarkin and V.G. Naumenko.

Captain V.K. Shtrik-Shtrikfeldt, who served in the German army, did a lot to create the collaborator ROA.

The army was financed entirely by the German state bank.

However, there was antagonism between former Soviet prisoners and white emigrants, and the latter were gradually ousted from the leadership of the ROA. Most of them served in other Russian volunteer formations not associated with the ROA (only a few days before the end of the war, formally attached to the ROA) - the Russian Corps, the brigade of General A.V. Turkul in Austria, the 1st Russian National Army, the regiment " Varyag" by Colonel M.A. Semenov, a separate regiment of Colonel Krzhizhanovsky, as well as in Cossack formations (15th Cossack Cavalry Corps and Cossack Stan).

On January 28, 1945, the ROA received the status of the armed forces of an allied power, maintaining neutrality towards the United States and Great Britain. On May 12, 1945, an order was signed to dissolve the ROA.

After the victory of the USSR and the occupation of Germany, most of the members of the ROA were transferred to the Soviet authorities. Some of the “Vlasovites” managed to escape and get asylum in Western countries and avoid punishment.


At the end of April 1945, A. A. Vlasov had the following armed forces under his command:
1st Division of Major General S.K. Bunyachenko (22,000 people)
2nd Division of Major General G. A. Zverev (13,000 people)
3rd Division of Major General M. M. Shapovalov (unarmed, there was only a headquarters and 10,000 volunteers)
the reserve brigade of Lieutenant Colonel (later Colonel) S. T. Koida (7000 people) is the only commander of a large formation not extradited by the US occupation authorities to the Soviet side.
Air Force of General V.I. Maltsev (5000 people)
VET division
officer school of General M. A. Meandrov.
auxiliary parts,
Russian Corps of Major General B. A. Shteifon (4500 people). General Steifon died suddenly on April 30th. The corps that surrendered to Soviet troops was led by Colonel Rogozhkin.
Cossack Camp of Major General T. I. Domanov (8000 people)
group of Major General A.V. Turkul (5200 people)
15th Cossack Cavalry Corps under Lieutenant General H. von Pannwitz (more than 40,000 people)
Cossack reserve regiment of General A. G. Shkuro (more than 10,000 people)
and several small formations of less than 1000 people;
security and punitive legions, battalions, companies; Russian Liberation Army of Vlasov; Russian security corps of Shteifon; 15th Cossack Corps von Pannwitz; individual military formations that were not part of the ROA; “volunteer helpers” - “hivi”.

In total, these formations numbered 124 thousand people. These parts were scattered at a considerable distance from each other.

I, a faithful son of my Motherland, voluntarily joining the ranks of the Russian Liberation Army, solemnly swear: to fight honestly against the Bolsheviks, for the good of my Motherland. In this struggle against the common enemy, on the side of the German army and its allies, I swear to be faithful and unquestioningly obey the Leader and Commander-in-Chief of all liberation armies, Adolf Hitler. I am ready, in fulfillment of this oath, not to spare myself and my life.

I, as a faithful son of my Motherland, voluntarily joining the ranks of the fighters of the Armed Forces of the peoples of Russia, in the face of my compatriots, I swear an oath - for the good of my people, under the main command of General Vlasov, to fight against Bolshevism to the last drop of blood. This struggle is being waged by all freedom-loving peoples in alliance with Germany under the main command of Adolf Hitler. I vow to be faithful to this union. In fulfillment of this oath, I am ready to give my life.

Symbols and insignia:

The flag with the St. Andrew's Cross, as well as the Russian tricolor, was used as the flag of the ROA. The use of the Russian tricolor, in particular, is documented in footage of the parade of the 1st Guards Brigade of the ROA in Pskov on June 22, 1943, in photo chronicles of the Vlasov formation in Munsingen, as well as other documents.

Completely new uniforms and insignia of the ROA could be seen in 43-44 on soldiers of the eastern battalions stationed in France. The uniform itself was made of grayish-blue material (stocks of captured French army cloth) and in cut was a compilation of a Russian tunic and a German uniform.

The shoulder straps of soldiers, non-commissioned officers and officers were of the Russian tsarist army type and were sewn from dark green fabric with red edging. Officers had one or two narrow red stripes along their shoulder straps. General's shoulder straps were also of the royal type, but the same green shoulder straps with red edging were more common, and the general's "zig-zag" was depicted with a red stripe. The placement of insignia among non-commissioned officers roughly corresponded to the tsarist army. For officers and generals, the number and placement of stars (German model) corresponded to the German principle:

In the figure from left to right: 1 - soldier, 2 - corporal, 3 - non-commissioned officer, 4 - sergeant major, 5 - second lieutenant (lieutenant), 6 - lieutenant (senior lieutenant), 7 - captain, 8 - major, 9 - lieutenant colonel , 10 - colonel, 11 - major general, 12 - lieutenant general, 13 - general. The last highest rank in the ROA, Petlitsy, also included three types - soldier. and non-commissioned officer, officer, general. The officer's and general's buttonholes were edged with silver and gold flagella, respectively. However, there was a buttonhole that could be worn by both soldiers and officers. This buttonhole had a red border. A gray German button was placed at the top of the buttonhole, and a 9mm ran along the buttonhole. aluminum galloon.

"Russia is ours. Russia's past is ours. Russia's future is also ours" (gen. A. A. Vlasov)

Printing organs: newspapers ROA fighter"(1944), weekly" Volunteer" (1943-44), " Front leaflet for volunteers "(1944), " Volunteer Messenger "(1944), " Alarm"(1943), " Volunteer Page "(1944), " Warrior's Voice"(1944), " Zarya" (1943-44), " Work », « Arable land", weekly " Is it true" (1941-43), " With hostility». For the Red Army: « Stalin's warrior », « Brave Warrior », « Red Army », « Front-line soldier», « Soviet warrior ».

General Vlasov wrote: "Recognizing the independence of each people, National Socialism provides all the peoples of Europe with the opportunity to build their own lives in their own way. For this, each people needs living space. Hitler considers its possession the fundamental right of every people. Therefore, the occupation of Russian territory by German troops is not aimed at destruction Russians, but on the contrary - victory over Stalin will return to the Russians their Fatherland within the family of New Europe."

On September 16, 1944, at the headquarters of the Reichsführer SS in East Prussia, a meeting between Vlasov and Himmler took place, during which the latter stated: “Mr. General, I spoke with the Fuhrer, from now on you can consider yourself the commander-in-chief of the army with the rank of colonel general.” A few days later, the reorganization of the headquarters began. Before that, to the headquarters, except for Vlasov and V.F. Malyshkin included: commandant of headquarters Colonel E.V. Kravchenko (since 09.1944, Colonel K.G. Kromiadi), head of the personal office, Major M.A. Kalugin-Tenzorov, Vlasov’s adjutant Captain R. Antonov, supply manager Lieutenant V. Melnikov, liaison officer S.B. Frelnkh and 6 soldiers.

On November 14, 1944, the founding congress of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (KONR) took place in Prague, and A. Vlasov was elected chairman. In his opening speech, Vlasov said: “Today we can assure the Fuhrer and the entire German people that in their difficult struggle against the worst enemy of all peoples - Bolshevism, the people of Russia are their faithful allies and will never lay down their arms, but will go shoulder to shoulder with them until complete victory." At the congress, the creation of the Armed Forces of the KONR (AF KONR) was announced, led by Vlasov.

After the congress, the security company of Major Begletsov and the management company of Major Shishkevich were transferred from Dabendorf to Dahlem. Major Khitrov was appointed commandant of headquarters instead of Kromiadi. Kromiadi was transferred to the post of head of Vlasov's Personal Office, his predecessor, Lieutenant Colonel Kalugin, to the post of head of the Security Department.

On January 18, 1945, Vlasov, Aschenbrener, Kroeger met with the Secretary of State of the German Foreign Ministry, Baron Stengracht. An agreement was signed on the subsidization of KONR and its aircraft by the German government. At the end of January 1945, when Vlasov visited German Foreign Minister von Ribbentorp, he informed Vlasov that cash loans were being provided for KONR. Andreev testified about this at the trial: “As the head of the main financial department of KONR, I was in charge of all the financial resources of the Committee. I received all financial resources from the German State Bank from the current account of the Ministry of the Interior. I received all amounts of money from the bank by checks issued by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Sievers and Ryuppei, who controlled the financial activities of KONR. From such checks I received about 2 million marks.”

On January 28, 1945, Hitler appointed Vlasov Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces. The ROA began to be treated as the Armed Forces of an allied power, temporarily subordinated operationally to the Wehrmacht.

"Telegram from the Reichsführer SS to General Vlasov. Compiled on the instructions of Obergruppenführer Berger. From the day this order was signed, the Fuhrer appointed you as the supreme commander of the 600th and 650th Russian divisions. At the same time, you will be entrusted with the supreme command of all new emerging and regrouping Russian formations. Yours." "The disciplinary right of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief will be recognized and at the same time the right of promotion to officer ranks up to lieutenant colonel. Promotion to colonel and general takes place in agreement with the head of the SS Main Directorate in accordance with the provisions existing for the Great German Empire. G. Himmler."

On February 10, 1945, Inspector General of Volunteer Formations E. Kestring informed Vlasov that, in view of the completion of the creation of the 1st Division and the progress made in the formation of the 2nd, he could officially take command of both formations.

The oath-taking parade took place on February 16 in Müsingen. Kestring, Aschenbrenner, commander of the 5th military regiment were present at the parade. in Stuttgart Fayel, head of the testing site in Müsingen, General. Wenniger. The parade began with Vlasov walking around the troops. Bunyachenko raised his hand in an Aryan salute and reported. Having completed his tour, Vlasov ascended to the podium and said the following: “During the years of joint struggle, the friendship of the Russian and German peoples was born. Both sides made mistakes, but tried to correct them - and this speaks of a commonality of interests. The main thing in the work of both sides is mutual trust trust. I thank the Russian and German officers who participated in the creation of this union. I am convinced that we will soon return to our homeland with those soldiers and officers whom I see here. Long live the friendship of the Russian and German peoples! Long live the soldiers and officers of the Russian army! Then the parade of the 1st Division began. There were three infantry regiments with rifles at the ready, an artillery regiment, an anti-tank fighter division, sapper and signal battalions. The procession was closed by a column of tanks and self-propelled guns. On the same day, the Russian Corps announced its entry into the ROA.

Text of the oath of the ROA/AF KONR: “As a faithful son of my Motherland, I voluntarily join the ranks of the troops of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia. In the presence of my fellow countrymen, I solemnly swear to fight honestly to the last drop of blood under the command of General Vlasov for the good of my people against Bolshevism. This struggle is being waged by all freedom-loving peoples under the supreme command of Adolf Hitler. I vow that I will remain faithful to this union."

On February 20, 1945, the deputy representative of the International Red Cross in Germany was given a KONR memorandum on protecting the interests of prisoners of war from the ROA if they surrendered to representatives of the Western powers. When coming into contact with the International Red Cross, Vlasov counted on the help of the organization’s secretary, Baron Pilar von Pilah, a Russian officer.

By the end of March 1945, the total strength of the KONR Armed Forces was about 50,000 people.

On March 24, 1945, at the All-Cossack Congress in Virovitica (Croatia), a decision was made to unite the Cossack troops with the KONR Armed Forces. Vlasov was also joined by the brigade of Major General A.V. Turkul, who began the formation of regiments in Lienz, Ljubljana and Villach.

Major General Smyslovsky, who headed the 1st Russian National Army, refused to cooperate with Vlasov. Negotiations with General Shandruk on the inclusion of the SS division "Galicia" in the KONR Armed Forces remained without result. The German command did not subordinate the 9th infantry brigade to Vlasov. Major General von Henning, in Denmark. Later, one of the regiments of the brigade became part of the 1st division. (714th), stationed since February on the Oder Front under the command (from the beginning of March) of Colonel Igor Konst. Sakharov (participant in the Spanish Civil War, head of the Spanish branch of the Russian Fascist Party).

To test the combat effectiveness of the KONR Armed Forces, on the orders of Himmler, an assault group (505 people) was formed by Colonel I.K. Sakharov. Armed with SG-43 rifles, MP-40 submachine guns and Faustpatrons, the group was brought into battle on February 9 in the area between Wriezen and Gustebise in the Küstrin region with the goal of dislodging Soviet troops from the bridgehead on the western bank of the Oder. The detachment as part of the Döberitz division took part in the battles against the 230th Division. Commander of the 9th Army, Gen. Busse ordered the commander of the 101st Corps, General. Berlin and the division commander, Colonel Hünber, “receive the Russians in a friendly manner” and “behave very smartly with them politically.” The detachment was entrusted with the task of liberating a number of settlements in the area of ​​the 230th RKKA SD during a night attack and persuading its soldiers to cease resistance and surrender. During the night attack and 12-hour battle, the Vlasovites, dressed in Red Army uniforms, managed to capture several strong points and capture 3 officers and 6 soldiers. In the following days, Sakharov’s detachment undertook two reconnaissance in force in the region of the city of Schwedt and participated in repelling a tank attack, destroying 12 tanks. On the actions of the Russians, the commander of the 9th Army, Infantry General Busse, reported to the main command of the German ground forces (OKH) that the Russian allies distinguished themselves by the skillful actions of their officers and the bravery of their soldiers. Goebbels wrote in his diary: “... during Sakharov’s operation in the Küstrin area, General Vlasov’s troops fought magnificently... Vlasov himself believes that although the Soviets have enough tanks and weapons, they nevertheless faced almost insurmountable difficulties supplies from the rear. They have a lot of tanks concentrated on the Oder, but they don’t have enough gasoline..." Gene. Berlin personally awarded the soldiers and officers the Iron Crosses (Sakharov was awarded the Iron Cross 1st class), Vlasov received personal congratulations from Himmler on this occasion. After this, Himmler told Hitler that he would like to have more Russian troops under his command.

On March 26, at the last meeting of the KONR, it was decided to gradually pull all formations into the Austrian Alps for surrender to the Anglo-Americans.

On April 13, the Swiss Ambassador in Berlin, Zehnder, said that the arrival of the Vlasovites on Swiss territory was undesirable, because this may harm the interests of the country. The Swiss government also refused to Vlasov personally.

In April, Vlasov sent Captain Shtrik-Shtrikfeld and General Malyshkin with the task of establishing contact with the allies.

On April 10, the Southern group of the ROA performed in the Budweis-Linz region. The 1st Division moved here from the Oder Front. At the beginning of May she was near Prague, where by this time a rebellion had broken out. Chehir radioed asking for help.

On May 11, Vlasov surrendered to the Americans and was in the Shlisselburg fortress as a prisoner of war. At 14:00 on May 12, under the protection of an American convoy, he was sent to higher American headquarters, ostensibly for negotiations. The column of vehicles was stopped by Soviet officers. At gunpoint, they demanded that Vlasov and Bunyachenko, who was with him, move into their cars. American officers and soldiers did not interfere. German historians believe that the Deputy Chief of Staff of the 12th Corps of the American Army, Colonel P. Martin, played an important role in this.

ROA officers were shot without trial, and everyone else was sent to concentration camps in locked freight cars. Those who were not sentenced to death and camp terms, by decree of the State Defense Committee of August 18, 1945, received an extrajudicial 6 years of special settlement.

In addition to Vlasov, Malyshkin, Zhilenkov, Trukhin, Zakutny, Blagoveshchensky, Meandorov, Maltsev, Bunyachenko, Zverev, Korbukov and Shatov appeared at the closed trial. The court sentenced them to death by hanging. The sentence was carried out on August 1, 1946.

1. Commander-in-Chief: Lieutenant General Andrei A. Vlasov, former commander of the 2nd Shock Army of the Red Army. Iron Cross (02/09/1945).

2. NS and Deputy Commander-in-Chief: Major General F.I. Trukhin (08.1946, hanged), former deputy NSh of the North-Western Front of the Red Army

3. Deputy NS: Colonel (since 09/24/1944 Major General) V.I. Boyarsky

4. officer under the Commander-in-Chief for special assignments: Nikolai Aleksan. Troitsky (b. 1903), graduated from the Simbirsk Polytechnic Institute in 1924, then from the Moscow Architectural Institute. He worked in the People's Commissariat for Education, scientific secretary of the Moscow Architectural Society, and deputy scientific secretary of the USSR Academy of Architecture. Arrested in 1937, he was under investigation for 18 months at Lubyanka. In 1941 he was captured and until 1943 he was in a concentration camp. Co-author of the Prague Manifesto KONR. After the war, one of the leaders and organizers of the SBONR. In 1950-55. Director of the Munich Institute for the Study of History and Culture of the USSR. Author of the book "Concentration Camps of the USSR" (Munich, 1955) and a series of short stories.

5. adjutant of the Headquarters leadership group: second lieutenant A.I. Romashin, Romashkin.

6. Commandant of Staff: Colonel E.V. Kravchenko

7. officer for special assignments: senior lieutenant M.V. Tomashevsky. Graduated from the Law Faculty of Kharkov University.

8. Liaison Officer: Nikol. Vladim. Vashchenko (1916 - after 1973), pilot, was shot down and captured in 1941. He graduated from propagandist courses in Luckenwald and Dabendorf.
Head of the Office: Lieutenant S.A. Sheiko
translator: second lieutenant A.A. Kubekov.
Head of the general unit: Lieutenant Prokopenko
head of food supply: captain V. Cheremisinov.

Operations department:

1. Chief, Deputy NS: Colonel Andrey Geor. Aldan (Neryanin) (1904 - 1957, Washington), son of a worker. In the Red Army since 1919. Graduated from infantry courses and the Military Academy. M.V. Frunze (1934, with honors). In 1932 he was expelled from the CPSU(b) for his left-Trotskyist deviation, then reinstated. Head of the Operations Department of the Ural Military District (1941), was captured near Vyazma in November 1941, being the head of the operations department of the 20th Army headquarters. In 1942-44. member of the Anti-Comintern. Responsible for the organizational activities of the ROA headquarters. Chairman of the Union of Warriors of the Liberation Movement (USA). Member of the Central Bureau of the SBONR.

2. Deputy: Lieutenant Colonels Korovin

3. Head of subdepartment: V.F. Ril.

4. Head of subdepartment: V.E. Mikhelson.

Intelligence Department:

Initially, the military and civilian intelligence services were under the jurisdiction of the KONR security department, Lieutenant Colonel N.V. Tensorova. His deputies were Major M.A. Kalugin and b. head of the special department of the headquarters of the North Caucasus military district Major A.F. Chikalov. On 02.1945, military intelligence separated from civilian intelligence. Under the supervision of Major General Trukhin, a separate intelligence service of the ROA began to be created, and an intelligence department was formed at the Headquarters. On February 22, the department was divided into several groups:
intelligence: chief lieutenant N.F. Lapin (senior assistant to the head of the 2nd department), later Lieutenant B. Gai;


enemy intelligence group: second lieutenant A.F. Vronsky (assistant to the head of the 1st department).

According to the order of Major General Trukhin dated 8.03. In 1945, the l/s department consisted of 21 officers, in addition to the chief. Later, the department included captain V. Denisov and other officers.

1. Chief: Major I.V. Grachev

2. head of counterintelligence: Major Chikalov, supervised the operational intelligence of the ROA, since 1945 he organized the training of military intelligence personnel and terrorist actions in the USSR.

Counterintelligence Department:

Chief Major Krainev

Investigation Department:

Chief: Major Galanin

Secret correspondence department:

Chief: Captain P. Bakshansky

Human Resources Department:

Chief: Captain Zverev

Communications department:

Head of the Office, Senior Lieutenant V.D. Korbukov.

VOSO Department:

Chief: Major G.M. Kremensky.

Topographic department:

Chief: Lieutenant Colonel G. Vasiliev. Senior lieutenant of the Red Army.

Encryption department:

1st Chief: Major A. Polyakov
2. Deputy: Lieutenant Colonel I.P. Pavlov. Senior lieutenant of the Red Army.

Formations department:

1st Chief: Colonel I. D. Denisov
2nd Deputy: Major M.B. Nikiforov
3. group leader of the formations department: captain G.A. Fedoseev
4. group leader of the formations department: captain V.F. Demidov
5. group leader of the formations department: captain S.T. Kozlov
6. Head of the formation department group: Major G.G. Sviridenko.

Combat training department:

1. Chief: Major General Asberg (Artsezov, Asbjargas) (b. Baku), Armenian. Graduated from a military school in Astrakhan, commander of a tank unit. Colonel of the Red Army. He emerged from encirclement near Taganrog, was convicted by a military tribunal and sentenced to death in 1942, which was replaced by a penal battalion. In the first battle he went over to the Germans.

2. Deputy: Colonel A.N. Tavantsev.

Head of the 1st subsection (training): Colonel F.E. Black

3. Head of the 2nd subsection (military schools): Colonel A.A. Denisenko.

4. Head of the 3rd subsection (charter): Lieutenant Colonel A.G. Moskvichev.

Command department:

Consisted of 5 groups.

1. Chief: Colonel (02.1945) Vladimir Vas. Poznyakov (05/17/1902, St. Petersburg - 12/21/1973, Syracuse, USA). In the Red Army since 1919. In 1920 he graduated from the Kaluga command courses. From 09.20 instructor of newspaper business on the Southwestern Front. In 1921-26. student of the Higher Military Chemical School. Since 01.26, head of the chemical service of the 32nd Saratov Infantry Division. In 1928-31. teacher at the Saratov School of Reserve Commanders. In 1931-32 teacher at the Saratov Armored School. In 1932-36. head of the chemical service of the Ulyanovsk armored school. Captain (1936). Major (1937). In 1937-39 arrested and tortured. In 1939-41. teacher of chemistry at the Poltava Automotive Technical School. Since 03.41, head of the chemical service of the 67th IC. Lieutenant Colonel (05/29/1941). 10.1941 captured near Vyazma. In 1942, head of the camp police near Bobruisk, then at the propaganda courses in Wulheide. 04.1943 at the Dabendorf school of propagandists, commander of the 2nd cadet company. From 07.43 he was the head of the preparatory courses for propagandists in Luckenwalde. In the summer of 1944, he was the head of a group of ROA propagandists in the Baltic states. Since 11.1944, head of the command department of the ROA headquarters. On October 9, 1945, he was sentenced to death in absentia. Since the early 50s. taught at military schools of the US Army, worked for the CIA. Since the beginning of the 60s. taught at the military aviation school in Syracuse. Author of the books: “The Birth of the ROA” (Syracuse, 1972) and “A.A. Vlasov" (Syracuse, 1973).

2. Deputy: Major V.I. Strelnikov.

3. Head of the 1st subsection (General Staff officers): Captain Ya. A. Kalinin.

4. Head of the 2nd subsection (infantry): Major A.P. Demsky.

5. Head of the 3rd subsection (cavalry): senior lieutenant N.V. Vashchenko.

6. Head of the 4th subsection (artillery): Lieutenant Colonel M.I. Pankevich.

7. Head of the 5th subsection (tank and engineering troops): Captain A. G. Kornilov.

8. Head of the 6th subdepartment (administrative, economic and military sanitary services): Major V.I. Panayot.

Russian Liberation Army - ROA. Part 1.


Vladimir: “It would be funny if it weren’t so sad!!!
What angers me most is the Vlasov flags next to the slogans about Victory.
It seems that the Nazis won and are now celebrating."


“The flag of the traitor Vlasov was thrown along with swastikas at the foot of the Mausoleum. I consider it blasphemous to hang out the shameful tricolor on Victory Day. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought so that the Vlasov flag would fly over Red Square? Not without boasting, I declare that 7, 8, and On May 9, I personally tore down 5 flags from houses."

Original taken from zeleninsergey in Exposing the myth of the “Vlasov flag”

Attention to everyone who comes across this post and wants to use it for the good purposes of educating the people!
I express my deep gratitude and gratitude to you for using my humble work.
I would like to ask you to use not this post, but another one, improved and edited especially for you and for greater convenience.
Once again, I thank everyone who liked this post and who uses it as an argument. This means that I worked and wrote it not in vain.
With gratitude and respect,
blog author zeleninsergey
March 14, 2016

The use of the national flag by various collaborators is quite common. For example, the Vichy government used the national flag of France. Nevertheless, de Gaulle did not even think about replacing it with any other for this reason. Example: 33rd SS Grenadier Division "Charlemagne" (1st French). It used a chevron with the French tricolor applied to it.

Or the Legion of French Volunteers against Bolshevism. His fighters subsequently formed the basis of Charlemagne.

See what flag they used? National flag of your country. What was the flag of the collaborating Vichy government?

Now let's look at those French who did not accept the conquest of their country and fought in every possible way against the German occupiers. Example - Fighting France.

So here is the flag of their main armed forces and the naval ensign. Now the SF Air Force

What flag is on the tail? Yes, still the same, the French national tricolor.

And this flag was used by the Normandie-Niemen pilots. What is the current national flag of France? Yes, still the same! And he always was. Is someone in France demanding that it be removed as the flag of the collaborators? Nobody!
The same is with the flags of other countries that had their own collaborators - Belgium, the Netherlands, Serbia, Norway, Estonia, Latvia and so on.

But which flag was actually the ROA flag?

Indeed, some Russian anti-Bolshevik formations created during the Second World War used the tricolor flag, in particular the Russian Security Corps and the 1st RNA of General Smyslovsky. However these formations were formed mainly from Russian emigrants and had nothing to do with Vlasov. The flag of the ROA itself was a white flag with an oblique azure cross, best known as St. Andrew's. ROA sleeve chevron also represented St. Andrew's shield with red edging. Photographs of the famous Prague meeting of the KONR on November 14, 1944 clearly show that the stage is decorated with two huge banners: a fascist flag with a swastika and St. Andrew's flag. The only thing documented use of the tricolor flag by the Vlasovites - parade of the 1st Guards Brigade of the ROA in Pskov on June 22, 1943 However, in the future the Germans did not allow such amateur performances . (With)
S. Drobyazko. Russian Liberation Army. M., AST, 1999

"Motherland", 1992, N 8-9, p. 84-90.
Now let's move on to viewing the illustrative material. Let's start with the Russland division.

One of the variants of the sleeve insignia of the “Special Division R”, 1943. The commander of this army, Smyslovsky, had a serious conflict with Vlasov, who spoke harshly about it. Vlasov was categorically against the party using the tricolor, as "flag of the White Guards" and she is supported by the heir to the Russian throne, Prince Vladimir Kirillovich. Vlasov was categorically against the monarchy and everything that had a connection with the White Guards, he hated them very much: in 1920 he himself fought against Wrangel. Vlasov was, whatever one may say, a Soviet man, from a peasant background, completely alien to the White emigrants. Therefore, the ROA and other Russian collaborator units (which were formed from emigrants) were not allies and friends, they did not fight together. In addition, the White Guards themselves hated Vlasov: he fought against them in civilian life, he was a former Red general, a Bolshevik, a communist (since 1930), a traitor-defector, and so on. Now on the symbolism of the ROA.

Actually, here it is - St. Andrew's flag.

In 1993, during the battles in the center of Moscow, the St. Andrew's flag was used by the defenders of the Supreme Council building.

But that is not all. Here is a photograph of the House of Soviets being shelled by Yeltsin's tanks. Do you see the flag?

Now let's return to the ROA and look at their chevrons and symbols.

Everywhere - St. Andrew's flag. And this was at a ceremonial meeting held in Prague, where the Vlasov Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (KONR) was created. This was in 1944. The so-called "Prague Manifesto" by Vlasov.

And here everywhere Andreevsky.
And this is about the symbolism of the Vlasovites and other collaborators.
Although the use of the white-blue-red flag by the Vlasovites is also known. For example, at the parade of the 1st Guards Brigade of the ROA in Pskov on June 22, 1943. But it was rather an exception to the rule. To confirm the above, we present photographs of the parade in Pskov and the raising of the white-blue-red flag during the formation of the ROA in Müsingen (1945). (c) Let's look at the photos from the parade.

Do you see the man carrying the tricolor? In a white uniform, with a short mustache (which, contrary to popular belief, was worn not only by Hitler, but also by officers of the Red Army, but more on that next time). So, looking at him, I want to scream - “I recognize brother Kolya!”, or rather, I find out who he is. It's none other than Konstantin Grigorievich Kromiadi.

Here Kromiadi is in the center and in the same uniform and with the same mustache.

Again Kromiadi and again in the center. But without a uniform, but with a mustache. Who is this?
Russian Greek, officer Russian Imperial Army(which fought under the tricolor). He volunteered in World War I on the Caucasian front and in Persia, and rose to the rank of lieutenant ( under the tricolor sign). In the spring of 1917, as a battalion commander, he took part in the campaign of Colonel L.F. Bicherakhov (an attempt through Persia to establish contact with British troops in Mesopotamia). Participant in the Civil War. Colonel. Knight of St. George. ( Fought in the White Army, which all fought under the tricolor. Don't believe me? The Elusive Avengers and Staff Captain Ovechkin will help you. Finally, search the Internet for the symbols of the White Guards). He emigrated to Germany, where he worked as a taxi driver in Berlin for 16 years. On September 1, 1941, he was invited to work at the Imperial Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories. He headed the commission for the distribution of prisoners of war by specialty. For sharp criticism of the conditions of detention of Russian prisoners of war, he was removed from work in the commission. At the end of March 1942 he came to Smolensk and took part in the formation of the Russian National People's Army (RNNA). He holds the position of Commandant of the Central Headquarters. On August 29, 1942 he was recalled to Berlin. In the spring of 1943, he was sent to Pskov to form the 1st Guards battalion (brigade) of the ROA. Appointed to the post of Chief of Staff. At the end of August 1943 he was again recalled to Berlin. From September 2, 1943 - employee of the headquarters of General A. A. Vlasov. He held the position of commandant of headquarters, and later - head of the personal office of General Vlasov. He avoided extradition, lived and died in 1991 in Germany.
Here is another photo of Kromiadi

So, we have before us Vlasovites, every single one of them with chevrons St. Andrew's flag , And former White Guard Kromiadi, for whom the tricolor was native, he swore allegiance to this flag. It was monarchist flag, flag of the Russian Empire. That's why, he used this flag on his own initiative. There are well-known scandalous “paintings” by the “artist” N.M. Terekhov, who obviously has some kind of personal dislike for our national flag. Obviously, he is unpleasant that this flag was replaced by the red banner in 1991. The dislike is understandable, but why do this?

Admire his "creativity".
This is nothing more than manipulation of consciousness and distortion of objective reality. The author of these “pictures” is trying to change consciousness and introduce into it the stupidest myth that the tricolor is the “flag of the enemy”, that the Vlasovites only used it. Obviously, the author has problems that zombify other people and there are those who quite seriously consider the flag to be “Vlasov”. Although, as we see, this does not correspond to reality and is nothing more than a private initiative of an individual.

Here's a little historical excursion:

The first mention of the flag in Russian history dates back to second half of the 17th century . The flag was introduced into use by the Moscow Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. It was white-blue-red flag, which intended for Russian ships floating on the Caspian Sea. It simultaneously played the role of an identification and signal sign, because Arab and Turkish ships also sailed in the Caspian Sea and such a flag was clearly visible from afar. IN 1668 The first Russian warship "Eagle" was launched. On this ship, by order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the white-blue-red flag with a double-headed eagle sewn on it. Peter I approved tricolor flag as a distinctive sign of ships Russian fleet . At the same time, the main purpose of the flag is to distinguish friendly ships from foreign ones in battle and the ship’s belonging to the state. So in 1699, Peter I gave the naval flag, under which merchant ships sailed, the status of a state flag - the main symbol of the country. By this time, the symbolism of the colors of the flag had finally taken shape. The tricolor banner of Peter I existed as the state flag of Russia until the 1917 revolution.(With)

Here's what else they say about France:

Is it worth responding to demagogy of this level? Joan of Arc was one of the most important symbols of the Vichy regime (for fighting against the British). So, is that why she stopped being a national heroine of France? (With)

The Russian flag existed before the ROA, and it’s not his fault that it was used (c)

The Russian tricolor was used by all sorts of nits. So what now? Should the government pay attention to this mold? The Russian flag has long been a tricolor. And the leeches that once sat down have long since died and fallen off. (c)

It is common knowledge that current Russian flag(aka historical flag) combines traditional Slavic colors- colors of the flags of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia. In gratitude for liberation from the Ottoman yoke, Bulgaria adopted this flag, replacing the blue color with green. Units of the White Army went into battle under the tricolor flag.

The Drozdovites walked with a firm step
The enemy fled under pressure
And with the tricolor Russian flag
The regiment gained glory for itself

The white-blue-red flag, which became a symbol of resistance to Bolshevism, was inherited by the Russian Abroad. When forming Armed Forces of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia - Russian Liberation Army (ROA) The Germans banned the use of the blue-white-red flag , afraid of Russian national symbols. Andreevsky became the flag of the ROA. The Nazis did not understand the subtleties (after all, Andreevsky was also a Russian naval flag). The tricolor flag was raised in the ROA on February 16, 1945- When Vlasov's soldiers and officers destroyed the German eagles on uniforms, regardless of the opinion of Berlin. Under the tricolor flag, the first ROA division under the command of General Bunyachenko entered into battle with SS units on May 7, 1945 in Prague And liberated the city, under this flag, the soldiers of one of the battalions of the division in the last massive bayonet attack of World War II in Europe knocked out selected SS men from the “Das Reich” division from the Prague Ruzyne airfield. Exactly Czechoslovak, St. Andrew's and Russian tricolor flags were raised in the evening of this day over the center of the liberated Czech capital. Soviet tanks at that time were sixty kilometers from the city. (With)

Let's take the memories of a Russian German, an officer in the Wehrmacht service, assigned to A.A. Vlasov V. Shtrik-Shtrikfeldt “Against Stalin and Hitler”, published in 1993 - it is difficult to find a more valuable source. We read: “ Rosenberg(Alfred Rosenberg, one of the main war criminals of Nazi Germany, engaged in propaganda. - M.Ch.) I was interested in the question about the flag(for Vlasovites. - M.Ch.). The Romanov flag with an eagle and white-blue-red colors were it, of course, rejected (since no one from the ruling elite of Nazi Germany ever thought about recreating the Russian Empire! - M. Ch.). On the contrary, Rosenberg liked the blue St. Andrew's cross on a white background, designed as a small shield on a red banner" Or: " Historical Russian national colors - white-blue-red - were banned " Above the Dobendorf camp, in which the formation of the Vlasov formations took place, “... next to the German flag... fluttering blue St. Andrew's cross on a white cloth ”. Against this background, the lines of one brochure (published right at Moscow State University!) will seem somewhat strange, where the author writes very vaguely, perhaps even timidly, about the existence of the ROA’s own banner: “The entire Russian emigration continued to consider the white-blue-red flag a national shrine . (...) St. Andrew’s flag finally became just as national. Perhaps General A.A. borrowed his symbols from the white emigration. Vlasov, creating the ROA - Russian Liberation Army.” And the reader is perplexed: what kind of symbolism did Vlasov use? White-blue-red flag or St. Andrew's flag? Or both at the same time? Not a single photograph has preserved for us the image of the Vlasovites under the “besik”, and vice versa, the sleeve insignia was a heraldic Spanish shield with a red border and the St. Andrew's flag in it. These are the vicissitudes of the historical destinies of the slandered white-blue-red and “ real Vlasov"St. Andrew's flag... The first division of the ROA raised the white-blue-red flag only when it ceased to obey the Germans and came to the aid of the rebellious Prague. A new verse then appeared in her march:
“We are coming, there is a tricolor flag above us,
The song flows across the native fields.
Our motive is carried by the winds
And they carry it to the Moscow domes!”

But this, perhaps. will be very, very interesting:

Probably few people know that They wanted to revive the white-blue-red colors even in... the USSR! From 1949 to 1953, in connection with the return to many historical symbols (epaulettes, ranks, ministries), most republics introduced national colors into their flags. On January 9, 1954, the flag of the RSFSR was approved - one of its projects included white-blue-red colors in the lower third of the flag, but at the last moment the project was rejected, probably because the idea was too bold. That's why limited themselves to introducing a narrow vertical blue stripe near the shaft. (With)

Thus, it can be said that The Russian flag cannot in any way be considered “Vlasov” and criminal, especially since, contrary to someone’s sick imagination, obviously formed under the impression of Terekhov’s “picture” (see link), the tricolor was not thrown at the Mausoleum. Well, it didn't happen, it didn't happen. All the banners thrown then were taken into account and counted. all of them are in the Central Museum of the Armed Forces. You can see them all there.

The enemy banners and standards, thrown onto the platform at the Mausoleum, were collected by captured SMERSH teams in May 1945. All of them are of an outdated 1935 model, taken from regimental storage areas and training camps (new ones were not made until the end of the war; the Germans never went into battle under the banners). The dismantled Leibstandarte LSSAH is also an old model - 1935 (the panel from it is stored separately in the FSB archive). In addition, among the banners there are almost two dozen Kaiser banners, mostly cavalry ones, as well as party flags, Hitler Youth, Labor Front, etc. All of them are now stored in the Central Military Museum. (With)

There is NO tricolor among these flags. And it never happened.

It’s time to get rid of myths and throw out of our heads this stupid myth about the “Vlasov flag”, which is already quite boring and is being spread only by those who don’t like it and nothing more. I am a communist, but the Russian flag is dear to me, I grew up under this flag, it means a lot to me. My flag, the Russian flag for me is a tricolor: