Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Moscow Financial University: passing grade on a budget

Many prominent people graduated from this iconic university, including Alexander Khloponin and Anton Siluanov, and Viktor Gerashchenko, and billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov admitted that if he had such an opportunity, he would graduate from the Financial University again. The passing score here, of course, is quite high, since not every university graduates become ministers of finance, heads of the Accounts Chamber or “bankers of all Rus'.” What is the difference between this focus and a number of others existing in the country? There has always been an innovative approach to organizing training; lectures were given by real experts in their field, invited professors, including from abroad. But the Financial University has the right to be proud of its teachers. The passing score fluctuates very slightly from year to year, maintaining a high level.

Under the Government of the Russian Federation

This university really belongs to the government of the Russian Federation, and it is from here that the largest part of the staff comes to power. It is also natural that the Financial University is the leader in the field of training financiers, economists, lawyers and managers, as well as political scientists, sociologists and IT specialists. Passable but this does not stop the huge flow of applicants. This university is the oldest, founded immediately after the October Revolution of 1917, since the country needed a higher education institution specialized in finance.

Already in December 1917, the decision was made by the People's Commissariat, but the Financial and Economic Institute opened in Moscow only after the end of the Civil War - in March 1919. Further, its path was thorny: it was closed, and reopened, and reorganized, called a credit institution, but still the university survived, did not lose its focus, and in 1946 it no longer had 280, as at the very beginning, but as many as two thousand students. And even then, going to the Financial Institute, just like now going to the Financial Institute, was practically impossible. There were only four faculties, and in 1947 there were five - the military was added. The university studied international economic relations, credit economics, economic accounting, finance and economics.


With the beginning of Perestroika, the quiet time ended for almost all specialized universities. The time has come for the emergence of a Financial University under the Government. Passing scores remained just as high in 1991, when the university was transformed and called the State Financial Academy. In 1992, a new decree was received from President Boris Yeltsin, by which the Financial Academy became owned by the government. In principle, nothing changed in the work of the university until 2010, when the academy was given the status of a Financial University under the Government. The passing scores remained at the same level (they, in principle, had nowhere to increase, and there was no reason to decrease). But the reorganizations did not end there.

In 2011, the university absorbed two iconic educational institutions. It was after the merger of the Moscow State College of Informatics and Electronic Engineering that the financial university began to train highly qualified IT specialists, and thanks to the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics, which also became part of the university, it only strengthened its main positions. In 2012, new structural divisions appeared: the Ministry of Finance had its own state university, which strengthened the university under the government, and then the All-Russian Tax Academy joined this company. The most important transformation: since 2014, according to a special resolution, the rector of this university can be appointed directly by the Government of the Russian Federation. There will be no more elections.


Only Moscow State University received class “A” from the Expert RA rating agency, which indicates an exceptionally high level of graduate training. It’s just that a very high level is designated by the letter “B”, and this is the rating class that the Financial University has had since 2014. The minimum passing score, however, is practically no different from the passing score at Moscow State University. In 2015 and 2016, the Financial University was included in the list of the two hundred best universities in the BRICS countries. Last year, after assessing various aspects of the educational institution, according to the QS Quacquarelli Symonds rating, this particular university received three QS Stars, which could significantly increase its passing scores.

It has long been using tools that influence the decisions of applicants around the world in choosing a university. This university has created a reputation for itself that is unlikely to be damaged by an inappropriate letter or number of the position it occupies. In Russia, rankings for all components of education at each university are carried out by the Typical Applicant portal. Passing scores are also taken into account. The Financial University under the Government (Moscow), according to the information provided on the portal, occupies the seventh position in the overall ranking and the fifth among socio-economic universities. In 2017, the ranking from QS Quacquarelli Symonds gave the Financial University 351 position among universities specializing in economics and econometrics in the world. The demand among employers placed the Faculty of Finance and Economics of this university in fifth place in the ranking.


It was already mentioned above about the difficult and full of restructuring path that the Financial University went through: it was both an institute and an academy that specialized in training professionals in the financial and banking sector, there were times when it existed nominally and even did not exist at all. Now the position of the university is very strong.

This is a large scientific and educational complex, which has in its own structure thirteen recreated educational and scientific departments, fifteen faculties in Moscow and six in branches, eleven university-wide departments, two departments of further professional education, eleven basic departments that were created jointly with employers, one educational scientific- research department and seventy-six similar ones in branches, eight institutes, two higher schools, two research centers, two colleges.


There are twenty-eight branches, among which only fourteen are for higher education programs, the rest are for secondary vocational education. In the 2016-2017 academic year, 47,712 students began studying at the same time. Among them are full-time - 25125, part-time - 259, part-time - 22328. There are twelve areas of training (twenty-eight profiles) only for bachelors, for masters there are eleven areas and more than fifty master's programs.

Specialists with secondary vocational education are also thoroughly trained. Retraining programs are good; specialists are happy to improve their skills here. It is with the growing authority of this university that every year more and more applicants apply to the Financial University under the Government. The passing score for 2017 in some faculties increased to 250 units.

Scientific work

The last few years have shown the active development of research, expert, analytical and consulting activities of the university. Most of all, these studies concern where budget funding is provided. Thus, in 2015, sixty-seven projects were studied and funding was raised in the amount of more than one hundred and eighty million rubles.

Research is carried out on a competitive basis, and almost forty departments (including not only departments of the Financial Institute) and twelve scientific departments take part in them. The scientific work of four hundred teachers, doctoral students and graduate students receive state support, even more than a hundred students and master's students participate in research. Reports are accepted by a special expert commission, which includes leading scientists and specialists from the Financial University, as well as independent experts, including those from the Government of the Russian Federation.

State order

The Financial University participates in competitions on contractual topics, as a result of which contracts were concluded with the state to carry out research work on 178 projects, where services related to the scientific field were provided. Funding for 2015 alone for these projects amounted to about one hundred and seventeen million rubles.

Customers include the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Bank of Russia, the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund, the Council of the CIS Assembly, the EEC, JSC Gazprombank, OJSC EKOS, FSUE NIISU, FSUE GosNIIAS, FSUE TsNIIMash, as well as many other serious organizations. Research is also being carried out using external grants.

Endowment fund (target capital)

The Financial University, as was said at the very beginning of the article, managed to give a start in life to a huge number of graduates who made a confident career and began to manage the state in various areas of its economy. They have not forgotten their home university and help it as much as possible. Thus, in 2007, an endowment fund was created, that is, a non-profit organization that forms endowment capital, uses it, and distributes income.

The establishment and further existence of this organization fully complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The recipient of all income is the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. The passing score does not depend on this, but the lucky ones who are accepted will be able to participate in international Olympiads, receive internships abroad, their scientific and research activities will be subsidized, and much more, which will be discussed in more detail below.


The initiative to create this fund was taken by five very well-known alumni. This is, first of all, the rector of the Financial University - this is billionaire Mikhail Dmitrievich Prokhorov, this is the former head of Vozrozhdenie Bank Dmitry Lvovich Orlov, this is Andrei Ilyich Kazmin, who at that time held the post of General Director of Russian Post, this is the then chairman of Vnesheconombank. , and now vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vladimir Aleksandrovich Dmitriev.

Where are the funds raised in this fund directed and how are they distributed? First of all, this is the strengthening of professorial positions in each faculty. This, as was said, is the participation of students in conferences and olympiads in Russia and abroad. This is an invitation to the most famous experts to give lectures - teachers from the best universities in the world, from the most famous scientific centers. This is payment for Bloomberg Professional (licensed software), this is the re-equipment of a publishing house owned by the university. And, of course, money is needed to materially support scientists and teachers who have retired from the Financial University.

Passing marks 2017

We will consider in detail several educational programs (bachelor's degrees), which receive special attention from applicants. All information regarding admission to the Financial University (passing score - budget and fee basis) can be found on the university website. So, the bachelor's program "International Finance", which has the advantage that all training takes place entirely in English. In this regard, it is not the only one offered by Moscow Financial University. The passing score is from 245 units, the average passing score is from 61.25, there is a competition of more than seven people per place. This program is of interest to those who seek to learn the basics of foreign economic activity in the field of finance, learn how to practically organize the activities of an enterprise, and how to manage the company’s long-term competitiveness in the market. This means the international market.

The Bachelor's program in Law has a financial and legal profile. There are only fifty-three budget places here, even fewer are paid - only thirty, but they are not cheap - you will have to pay 99 thousand rubles for the year. The passing score is from 212 units, the average is from 70.67. Here the process of financial activity and social relations is studied. which arise in this case. Key disciplines - law: financial, investment, currency, budget, tax; taxation, liability after financial offenses, auditing, securities market, foreign exchange and banking transactions. Electronic means are used for training.

State and municipal management

This undergraduate program is designed for ninety budget and one hundred and thirty paid places. The passing score is from 214 units, the average is from 71.33. The competition is relatively small - three people per place. Applicants willingly submit documents to study this program, since this is where the ability to make management decisions, bring them to fruition and bear responsibility for them is formed. This is both public administration and municipal, that is, relating to the social, economic, cultural, and legal spheres of society.

This program develops both professional and business qualities of the student, teaches how to work in a team and individually, creatively solve problems and assigned tasks, since the student receives both theoretical and practical knowledge. Professional disciplines are given in blocks: territorial and regional management includes monitoring and evaluation of all development programs for a given territory, management of it, and its social sphere.

It also examines municipal and government procurement, marketing, development strategy for a given territory with the study of infrastructure, local government, regional management and territorial planning. This is precisely what makes the Financial University attractive in Moscow. The passing score is, of course, high, but this does not stop truly motivated people.

Graduate of this university: The reason that prompted me to write a review about my university was pure coincidence - by the will of fate, I ended up at an open day and decided to look at my university from the outside, through the eyes of an applicant. I would like to write a real review, focused more on parents and thoughtful, adult applicants who want to make the right choice.

About Open Doors Day (ODD)
To say that I was surprised would not be true, because I was SHOCKED by the lies that poured out from all the cracks and microphones of Leningradka that day. They advertised a completely different university, where I studied for 6 years.
The reason for such lies (okay, deceit) is the lack of money on the one hand (as a consequence of the need to attract paying customers by hook or by crook), and on the other hand, these are student volunteers who are selected for such events from the student council (hard-hearted activists ready to do anything the administration wants, for the sake of various bonuses or a place in the hostel). In fact, these “activists” are far from the general mass of students and from the study as a whole, since adequate people do not perceive such characters at all. Students do not have their own opinions at these events; all words are dictated by the administration in advance.

About the FU brand, and even under the Government...
As for the “Financial University” brand, and even more so “under the Government of the Russian Federation,” today we can say with great regret that it has seriously devalued itself. There was a time when people could not enter the Finance Academy and in shame went to the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. Today the situation has changed dramatically. Its real level is Sharazhka's offices, of which there are thousands today. Next I will tell you in detail why. The reason for this was the merger of several universities at a lower level, as a result of the mixing of teaching staff, territories, loss of identity and reputation of the once powerful and prestigious Financial Academy.
Regarding “under the Government of the Russian Federation”. This university has nothing to do with the government, just as RANEPA has nothing to do with the President of the Russian Federation. These are just advertising slogans, which are used with great success by the golden youth and their parents; for the most part, Caucasians appreciate this console.

About studying and its quality...
Everything is sad here... There are several reasons for this:
1) Transition to the Bologna system of bachelor's and master's degrees (4+2 years) instead of a specialist's degree (5 years). As a result, everything that was in the 5-year specialty was shoved into the 4-year bachelor’s degree, while throwing out the block of professional disciplines in the specialty, replacing them with general ones (the bachelor’s degree is now the first so-called “initial” stage of higher education). You probably think, ok, but there is a master's degree - this is a highly specialized add-on to a bachelor's degree! No, nothing like that. A master's degree is the same as a bachelor's degree, only for 2 years. The reason for all this, of course, is a general misunderstanding of the Bologna system, primarily by our Ministry of Education. The programs are crude, not adapted - everything is top-notch, but there is no sense.
2) The accession of several universities at a lower level, as a result of mixing of teaching staff, changes in curricula and programs.
3) Teaching staff. He is good, but there are fewer quality teachers every year. There remain enthusiasts, of whom there are very few today. The main reason is low salary. A candidate, associate professor, and even more so a doctor of science, professor simply should not receive 60-80 thousand for the hellish workload that the university gives. I agree, the labor market is not fair, especially in Russia, but the salary of a university teacher should not be at the level of a cleaner’s salary in a large company like Gazprom.
4) Point-rating system. She kills everything. Instead of knowledge and its quality, you are constantly chasing points - that’s how the system works.
5) Lack of dropouts, as a result of which many students have an indifferent attitude to learning. It is not profitable for the university to deduct, because it is a loss of money (either budgetary or private).
6) Exams are all in writing. This was done in order to remove subjectivity in grading. Unfortunately, it remained when the certification was issued (you can get 40 points during the semester - this is the certification, and 60 in the exam itself. Then these points are added together and converted to the usual 5 point scale. 50-69 points is “3 ", 70-85 is "4", 86-100 is "5"). So, what is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe, as they say. It would seem, what a blessing! In fact, such rigor is compensated by widespread cheating - all exams are passed either with the help of cheat sheets (paper or telephone) or through a micro earphone. 95% of students pass this way. The reason is the pursuit of points, as I wrote above.
7) Presentations. This word can describe the entire FU. You will do them all the time. What does constantly mean? Personally, I gave 152 presentations during my 4 years of undergraduate study. This is the level of a honors diploma, let's say. The minimum, in my opinion, is 100. On average, 1-2 per week, not counting the rather voluminous work. You have to come to terms with this if you want points.
8) Foreign languages? Let's mi speak from may hart. If during your studies at FU you do not forget what you knew at school, this will already be considered a great success.
9) Faculty rating (my subjective):
1. IEO, FEF, KEF, UIA - approximately one level. Previously, KEF was the leader in all indicators, since it has the most interesting graduate departments (banking management, monetary regulation, financial markets). The FEF, which has recently gained popularity, is a purely marketing move (the face of which is Siluanov), before no one went there at all because of dry and unpromising graduate departments (insurance, state and municipal finance, corporate finance). Now the nominal dean of FEF is Siluanov, but don’t delude yourself. He doesn’t teach classes, he comes to the university 1-2 times a year with public lectures - that’s all. IEO is a hodgepodge of everything and a little bit + languages. Accounting and accounting accountants are needed always and everywhere.
2. MFF, NiN, GUiFK, Law Faculty - regular specialized faculties. MFF-zakos under MGIMO for the rich - in fact, there are only majors from English special schools.
3. Management, MTSG, ARIEB, FSP-gutter FU. Just to have somewhere to hang out for 4 years for those who need a crust (it’s not clear why they need it?)

About the infrastructure, atmosphere, contingent...
Infrastructure, material and technical base - everything is perfect here. There is plenty of everything everywhere - renovated buildings, bright and large auditoriums, computer classes, projectors, media libraries - everything is at the highest level, you can’t complain.
The relationships between students in the group are very tense and contradictory. The reason for this is fierce competition for points. During my entire training, I never met a friendly group. Everyone stays in small groups of 3-4 people, doing homework together and preparing for exams.
The atmosphere in the university itself is quite pleasant. Of course there is pathos, but everything here is determined by the student population itself. MEO and MFF are a parade of majors. KEF and FEF are mostly normal guys, middle class. Taxes - in short, they are 90% Caucasian (this happened historically, since the NIN faculty arose on the basis of the former VGNA, which was considered a hangout for Caucasians. I won’t risk talking about the rest, as there was little overlap.
Many are concerned about the Caucasian issue - they are everywhere, there are quite a lot of them. In taxes they are the majority, in other faculties there are fewer of them (20-30% of the group). Expensive cars, Unified State Exam score 120 points out of 100, pistols and knives are their mandatory attributes. And yes, they are practically not expelled. What is the reason, you ask? Read the rector's biography. We don’t abandon our own, as they say.
Canteens are expensive and not tasty. This is a problem in all buildings, since they are all outsourced. Poisoning occurs.
The dorms are great, if you're lucky enough to get one, of course. There are catastrophically few places, because the university is huge. It's mostly the Olympiads who get it; others don't always get their turn, so for the 1st or 2nd year, get ready to rent an apartment.

About employment and prospects...
Rector of the Department of Education: “The employment rate of our graduates is almost 100%, because these are top-level specialists. Plus we host a lot of career events, and the placement department is always there to help.”
These words touched many graduates. I graduated from my bachelor's degree in 2014 and still can't find a job in my field. All this time I worked part-time outside my specialty and studied for a master’s degree. Experience, specialists with at least 3 years of experience and incredible skills for this age are needed everywhere. Neither a bachelor's degree from a financial university nor a master's degree give me absolutely any advantages today over vocational school graduates (oh yes, now they have the fashionable name college) with 3 years of work experience. I thought that knowledge was power, but it turned out differently. Employment statistics in my group are approximately 30 to 70. More than half of the group is unemployed and does not understand what they did wrong. How did the others get along? Under the protection of parents or relatives. They, in fact, needed education for show.
Well, if you are lucky and you find a job somewhere, then know that your whole future life is a computer with Excel in an 8-hour schedule for 30 thousand, if it is a small office or a government agency, or if you catch luck by the tail and it will be you have 50-60 thousand in a big company.
Employment department. It exists and, in theory, should help in finding an internship and subsequent employment. In all 4 years of my contacts with this department, they have not offered me anything worthwhile. I had to look for internships in the bachelor’s program, as well as part-time work in the master’s program myself.

And what to do now, where to go?...
What should a 2016 applicant do and where should he apply?
If you have successfully passed the Unified State Exam and you have enough points for the Moscow State University budget, go there to the Higher School of Economics. There is simply nothing better in the Russian Federation today.
If you are going to the budget of FU, Pleshki, Ranhigs, etc., choose FU.
What to do if you don’t qualify for the budget - is it worth paying, and if so, for what?
Dear Parents! I want to convey to you the main idea that most paid graduates come to. Education in the Russian Federation is not worth the money. Let your child go to work (try to find a place where you can, it will be more useful), and use the saved 1-1.5 million rubles to create a business, albeit a primitive one. Personal business is the best entrepreneurial school for your child.
If you are living in the past and believe that education is compulsory, even if it costs ridiculous amounts of money (1-1.5 million), pay for Moscow State University or Higher School of Economics. FU costs +- the same, but is far behind.
If you still choose paid education at FU-100, think twice. It's not worth it. With the same success, go to all sorts of MFYuA, etc. desks - there will be the same quality, but for a relatively reasonable price.
If you have a choice between a budget “somewhere” and paid education at a FU, then it’s better to go on a budget “somewhere”.
Don't neglect distance learning. The correspondence + work formula is more advantageous today than ever, since experience comes first, not a diploma. Absorbing at FU is an interesting option in terms of price-quality-prestige ratio.

For myself personally, over 6 years of undergraduate and graduate studies, I have identified three types of pastime for modern students:
1) Study because I want to, because it’s interesting
2) Party - because I’m young and don’t want to study, but this will make my parents calmer
3) Just spill the beans somewhere and somehow, because that’s the custom
Take a careful look at your child, think about what type he is, talk to him about what he wants, what goals he pursues and, based on this, help him make a decision.

I hope my review will help you. Good luck and success in your studies!

Moscow Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation is one of the most prestigious Russian economic universities in the country. The university was established in 1919. Recognized as one of the best Russian higher educational institutions.


Moscow Financial University is located at Leningradsky Prospekt, building 49. Public transport stops: tram No. 12, 70, 82; minibuses No. 453, 370 m, 462 m; bus number 105.

Bachelor's degree

The educational institution offers a wide variety of undergraduate programs, including:

  • advertising and public relations;
  • personnel Management;
  • applied mathematics and computer science;
  • Information Security;
  • business Informatics;
  • jurisprudence and many others.

The duration of study for bachelor's programs is 4 years. During their studies, students defend coursework on their study profiles and examinations. To obtain a bachelor's degree, a student must pass a state exam and defend a final qualifying thesis at the end of his studies.

Passing scores

To enroll in undergraduate programs at the Moscow Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, applicants must submit a package of documents, which includes Unified State Examination certificates, within the prescribed period. The passing score for the “Marketing” major exceeded 210 points based on the sum of several Unified State Examinations. The average score sufficient for admission to a paid place in 2017 was 35 for 1 exam. In 2018, 60 places were allocated with payment from the federal budget, and 44 with payment at the expense of the student. The cost of training is 70,000 rubles per year.

To enroll in the financial management program, you need to score just over 210 points. The passing rate for a paid place was 105 points. The number of budget places is 61, paid places are 47. Tuition fees start from 70,000 rubles per year.

To become a student in the “financial markets and banks” direction, with a budgetary basis of study, it was necessary to score more than 214 points. To enter on a contractual basis, it was enough to pass the Unified State Exam with an average of 35 points per exam. The university allocates 124 budget places in 2018. But with tuition fees there are much more - 275. The cost of training for the program is 70,000 rubles per year.

The most expensive direction is considered to be “international business”. The cost of training per year is 400,000 rubles. To qualify for a budget place, you must score more than 247 points. There are 37 budget places allocated. Competition for places is quite high.

Master's degree

Moscow Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation offers applicants the following master's programs:

  • Information Security;
  • finance and credit;
  • personnel management and others.

The duration of full-time master's studies is 2 years. When studying part-time or part-time, the student will have to spend 2.5 years in university classrooms. Upon completion of training and defense of their final qualifying work, students receive a master's degree.

Training courses

The Financial University in Moscow offers schoolchildren and applicants various types of preparatory courses. The courses allow you to coordinate and enhance the effect of preparing for school or student Olympiads, for passing a general or unified state exam, for enrolling in a bachelor's or master's degree at a higher educational institution.

Preparation courses for the Unified State Exam at the Financial University in Moscow last 2.5 months. You must register for training in advance. Full information about the preparatory courses is posted on the official website of the university.


The Financial University has created a special secondary education institution to prepare applicants for admission to economic universities.

To be admitted to the ranks of the lyceum students, an applicant must successfully pass 2 stages of entrance examinations. Stage 1 of admission includes passing a general education test, which includes tasks in the Russian language, a foreign language and mathematics. The maximum number of points a student can score is 100. The student is given 120 minutes to complete the tasks.

Stage 2 of the entrance test is a profile test. The exam depends on the profile of the lyceum to which the applicant is applying. In total, the Lyceum at the Moscow Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation offers the following profiles:

  • humanitarian;
  • socio-economic;
  • technological.

Those who decide to enroll in the socio-economic profile will be offered to take an exam in social studies, as well as geography. Technology applicants will need to demonstrate their knowledge of school subjects such as physics and ICT. To enroll in a humanities major, you will need to pass an exam in history and literature. The maximum score is also 100. The duration of the exam is 120 minutes. Applicants will also have an interview, for which they can receive a maximum of 200 points.

Many people strive to obtain an economic and financial education. However, for modern universities, training economists and financiers is a difficult task. The fact is that a person who has received an education must be more than just a manager or economist. He must be able to manage financial, economic, social and legal processes, solve simple and non-standard problems. Specialists who meet the listed requirements are trained by the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (address - Leningradsky Prospekt in the capital of our country, no. 49).

The named educational organization is considered one of the leading in Russia. It has a good teaching staff. The university employs over 1000 teachers, among whom there are many doctors of science and professors. It is important to note that the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation has a developed regional network. Branches offering higher education are located in 18 cities of our country. There are also branch colleges. There are 10 of them.

About the educational institution

A few more years will pass, and the Financial University will celebrate its centenary existence, because it was created in 1919. Over the years of its development and formation, the university has come a long and difficult path. The history of the educational institution began with the creation of a financial and economic institute. There were only 280 people in the first intake.

In subsequent years, the university was closed and later restored as a faculty. He gained independence in 1930. Subsequently, the educational organization changed its name several times, old structural divisions were closed and new ones were created. The Financial University that exists today is a leading financial and economic educational and scientific center.

A modern educational organization consists of divisions. The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation includes faculties in the amount of 13 structural units. It is these units that organize the educational process. Each faculty is worth considering, because all existing structural divisions offer various areas of training and specialties.

Faculty of Economic Security and Risk Analysis

It is not enough to organize some kind of business. It is important that the created company be competitive and have economic stability. To ensure these conditions, appropriate specialists with knowledge in economics, management, and financial engineering are required. Such personnel are produced by the Faculty of Economic Security and Risk Analysis. It was created several years ago by the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

The departments of the structural unit offer 2 undergraduate programs - “Economic Security”, “Analysis and Risk Management of the Company” (both programs are included in one direction - “Economics”). Students at the faculty receive a wide range of knowledge in the economic disciplines they study. After completing their studies, they find employment in the financial and credit sector, various enterprises and corporations and are engaged in minimizing risks and ensuring the economic security of operating entities.

Faculty of Financial Control and Public Administration

Public managers are the category of persons on whom the development of the country depends. It is very important that future officials can correctly influence the course of history and make the right decisions. This is why education plays an important role. Without the appropriate knowledge, you can harm the country and the people living in it. The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation has taken care of the training of government managers. He created the Faculty of Financial Control and Public Administration in 2015.

This structural unit implements 2 programs at the first stage of higher education. In “Economics” it offers applicants “State Financial Control”. The second program is “Municipal and State Administration”. The faculty produces highly qualified personnel who have good theoretical knowledge and practical skills, and can work as officials in state and municipal bodies and organizations.

Faculty of Economic International Relations

It is impossible to imagine the development of countries without international connections. Russian companies establish contacts with international organizations, our country's banks conduct operations in the field of currency relations and global finance. In connection with the development of international cooperation, the training of qualified personnel becomes relevant. It is handled by the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (state university) represented by the Faculty of Economic International Relations.

The structural department offers several economic profiles related to:

  • international business of energy organizations;
  • international business and global economy;
  • global finance.

The Faculty of Economic International Relations opens up a lot of opportunities for its students. Firstly, students are offered double degree programs. Successful completion of them allows you to receive a diploma from the Financial University and a foreign university located in the USA, Great Britain or Holland. Thanks to such programs, many graduates go abroad, find prestigious jobs there, or continue their studies.

The faculty also offers services to improve the level of knowledge of the English language. First year students can use them. Students are offered internships abroad with accommodation in other people's families. The duration of stay is 1 month. After this period, students return to Russia.

Faculty of International Tourism, Hospitality and Sports

In this structural unit, training is conducted in several areas of higher education. The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation offers:

  • “Management” related to sports.
  • “Tourism” (profiles - “Hotel business”, “National and international tourism”).

Education at the faculty is carried out in an interesting way. Innovative technologies are used, open lectures and master classes are held. Students study at the university almost the entire week. They attend lectures and seminars. Friday is considered a practical training day at the faculty. Students admitted to the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation go to various exhibitions and sporting events (branches conduct classes differently).

Studying at the faculty also includes studying 2 foreign languages. This makes Financial University graduates competitive in the labor market.

Faculty of Information Technologies and Applied Mathematics

At the university, a structural unit related to the field of information technology and applied computer science sees its main task in training specialists in such profiles as:

  • “Security of automated systems in the banking and financial sector.”
  • "IT management in business."
  • “Information analysis and decision making in finance and economics.”
  • “IT technologies and information processing services in finance and economics.”

A variety of areas of training, the use of modern achievements in teaching - this is what allows the faculty to produce qualified specialists who are able to work in the field of economics and finance and apply mathematical methods and modern computer technologies in their activities.

After graduation, graduates get jobs in various financial, banking, insurance institutions, and auditing firms. The knowledge acquired at the university allows them to work in the field of financial analytics, risk management, etc.

Faculty of Political Science and Sociology

When considering the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, special attention should be paid to the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology. This is a non-core department, but it was created due to the fact that in modern life politics and sociology are closely related to the financial and economic sphere.

The faculty in question has the following areas of training and profiles:

  • “Political Science” (“Public Relations in Business and Political Sphere”, “Political Science of Economic Processes”).
  • “Sociology” (“Economic sociology”).

The Faculty of Political Science and Sociology is relatively young. Despite this, he has already created a base of practices for students. It includes the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, the National Energy Security Foundation, the Center for Political Information, etc. Some graduates, after completing an internship and completing their studies at the university, remain to work in the listed structures.

Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law is popular among applicants entering the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. At the undergraduate level, he organizes training in the field of “Jurisprudence”. Suggested profiles:

  • "Business and civil law."
  • "Tax and financial law."
  • "International Economic Law".

Faculty students receive in-depth legal knowledge in their chosen profile. After completing their studies, they are in demand on the labor market. A ranking of universities compiled in 2016 and ranked depending on the salaries of young legal professionals showed that the Financial University under the Government of Russia ranks 4th.

Other faculties of the educational institution

The organizational structure does not consist only of the listed structural units. The educational organization also includes the following faculties:

  1. Faculty of Economics and Credit. It trains specialists in one economic profile - “Financial markets and banks”.
  2. Faculty of Taxes and Taxation. This structural unit offers applicants to enroll in “Economics” by choosing the profile “Taxes and Taxation” or “Tax Control and Customs Regulation”.
  3. International Finance Faculty. This structural unit owns one profile in the direction of “Economics” - “International Finance”. A distinctive feature of the faculty is that all disciplines are taught in a foreign language.
  4. Faculty of Audit and Accounting. It offers an economic profile such as “Audit, accounting, analysis.”
  5. Faculty of Management. He organizes training in the same direction. Students are given a choice of 3 profiles related to marketing, financial management, and company management. Also, applicants to the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow) are offered such a direction as “Human Resources Management”.
  6. Faculty of Economics and Finance. This structural unit invites you to economic profiles - “Municipal and state finance”, “Insurance”, “Corporate finance”, “Finance and economics of the fuel and energy complex”.

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation: passing grade

This educational institution is considered the best educational organization that trains specialists for the financial, economic and management spheres. That is why many applicants strive to enroll here. To assess your chances of admission, you can compare your Unified State Exam results with the average passing grade. Below is the table.

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation: reviews

Students leaving reviews note that the university used to have a good reputation. The Financial Academy (this was the name of the educational institution) was famous for the quality of education. It was considered even better than the economics department at Moscow State University. Nowadays, everything has changed, as some students say. The quality of education has decreased significantly. The university attracts applicants with its loud name and only seeks to get money.

Students also write in negative reviews that the dean’s office does not care about the students. Employees cannot answer questions and often lose documents. That is why students do not advise applicants to enter the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. People advise using the scores received for the Unified State Exam, which are quite high, for admission to another university.

The university also has positive reviews, but they are few. Some students thank teachers and the university for the knowledge they have acquired. Students write that the leading departments of the Financial University not only help to collect knowledge in their specialty, but also teach them to cooperate with people in a team, understand the socio-economic situation as a whole, and, if necessary, be responsible for incorrect decisions.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that currently the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation is a recognized leading university in training highly qualified personnel for the field of the financial and banking system, the world economy and international finance, accounting and analytical work, risk management and economic security, information and analytical activities in accounting and control.

There are only modern areas of training that meet the requirements of the time and the labor market. If you wish, you can try to enroll here or choose a college at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, which offers equally relevant secondary vocational education programs.

The Financial University specializes in training highly qualified personnel in the economic sphere - financiers, economists, mathematicians, financial lawyers, political scientists, IT specialists and sociologists. This is one of the most popular universities in Russia with a rich history and successful work in the present.

About the university

  • When entering the Financial University, the passing score for the 2018/2017 budget is 80-90 points (average).
  • Every year, about 12,000 specialists, bachelors and masters graduate from FU.
  • More than 3,500 are full-time students, about 5,000 are part-time students and about 160 are mixed-education students.
  • Today, more than 46,500 people are FU students.
  • FU provides training in 13 areas of bachelor's training and 14 areas of master's training.
  • The university includes 14 faculties and 14 scientific and educational departments.
  • For applicants to the Financial University, entrance tests usually include mathematics.
  • There are 1,490 professional teachers teaching at the Moscow branch of the university, 1,137 of whom have an academic degree.
  • The university has one of the largest and most complete scientific libraries in Russia: in Moscow, the Financial University complex includes 10 libraries, in regional branches - 28 libraries. The total book stock of printed publications is more than 950,000 items, the total stock of electronic publications with remote access is more than 370 million documents.

Features of training

  • The university student community often participates in festivals, concerts and competitions at the city and federal levels, youth projects, and Olympiads. Scientific exhibitions, seminars, workshops and other events are held on the basis of the FU and with its support. Anyone can become a member of a student club, volunteer organization, etc.
  • The university’s partners, providing internships, practical training and postgraduate employment to students, are such well-known state companies and private organizations as Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan LLC, PJSC ANK Bashneft, PJSC Sberbank Moscow Bank of Sberbank of Russia, JSC Alfa-Bank , Microsoft Rus LLC, Norbit LLC, etc.
  • The university prepares future applicants for Russian universities and cooperates with many schools and gymnasiums throughout the country. Students in the FU program have higher scores on the Unified State Examination and an increased chance of admission to the budget.
  • At the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, faculties provide opportunities for advanced training or retraining of specialists with higher education. The list of classes includes seminars, corporate programs, preparation for qualifying exams, trainings, training of municipal and government employees, foreign language courses, etc.
  • For the purpose of self-study, students have access to materials posted in the electronic catalog on the university website: teaching materials, textbooks, lecture notes, books, scientific articles, works of university teachers. The materials are posted in two versions - Russian and English. There is also a version for the visually impaired.
  • University students compete in university-wide, city, regional and state olympiads, competitions and scientific projects, and create their own research projects under the guidance of teachers. This not only influences you to receive a higher scholarship, but also helps with subsequent employment due to a more successful resume.

What problems do Financial University applicants face?

  • Exhausting competition. The Financial University is in a leading position in the rankings of Russian universities, so it is not surprising that the number of applicants applying for a budget is consistently high. Training courses give the future student an advantage and help him get ahead.
  • Unattainable score. When entering the Financial University, the passing grades in 2017 became an insurmountable obstacle for many applicants entering both the budget and paid departments. Math courses allow you to pass with a score of 80 or more.
  • Scattered knowledge. No matter how high grades you get at school and no matter how well you cope with standard tasks, passing the Unified State Exam in mathematics requires knowledge of specific topics and the presence of a certain set of knowledge. During the courses you will be able to avoid being distracted by unnecessary topics.
  • High stress. The test itself is difficult, but even this is often not the main reason for a bad grade. Simple stress can be the culprit, so all sorts of competent courses not only provide the necessary knowledge to the student, but “train” him to correctly fill out test forms within the allotted period of time.
  • Increased requirements. For most FU students, mathematics is a compulsory major subject, without which the Unified State Examination is also required. In this case, the requirements are not just high, they are significantly more serious than for those entering other universities. Additional preparation for the courses includes all “missed” topics.

What are the advantages of the Alpha School online courses for applicants to the Financial University?

  • Open materials. We provide open access to methodological and educational texts for self-study: tests, tasks, notes, etc.
  • Student confidence. We create comfortable conditions for the learning process and encourage pleasant communication between our tutors and students.
  • Private lessons. We create individual learning plans and increase the productivity of classes with the help of pre-designed plans separately for each student.
  • Affordable price. We do not take prices out of the blue, so any college or school student, future applicant or student can enroll in our training courses.
  • Competent check. We carry out an initial test of your knowledge immediately before creating a lesson plan.