“This is just a way to hide the problem”: the Institute of Physical Education was closed with a scandal at the USPU. Don't drown

"Help! Students may be left without physical education credits and scholarships, and therefore without a livelihood, which will have a particularly acute impact on orphan students - this is how the collective letter from the pedagogical university, which the editors of UR received, begins.

As follows from the letter, the university has a gym in which physical education should take place, but since the beginning of the academic year, classes in it have been prohibited because it is in disrepair. At one time, students studied in the halls of the dormitory, but the rector forbade physical education there too.

The director of the Institute of Physical Culture, Aleksey Terentyev, warned the rector Alevtina Simonova at the end of the last academic year that the educational sports complex was in disrepair, but the rector refused to allocate money for its reconstruction. Due to the fact that at the moment physical education classes are not held at most institutes and faculties of the university, students did not work out all the hours they were supposed to.

“UR” turned to lawyers to understand whether the university management really violates the rights of students.

“The competence of the university, in accordance with the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” includes material and technical support for educational activities, equipment of premises, creation of conditions for physical education and sports,” explains lawyer Yana Pryalya.

Thus, the university is obliged to ensure the full implementation of educational programs.

But the leadership of the pedagogical university violated the law - students were not provided with a place for physical education, and the curriculum was not followed. I am sure that there are a considerable number of guys who are only happy about this coincidence of circumstances - not everyone likes to go to physical education. But the point is that students of the Institute of Physical Culture are engaged in specialized “exercises,” so relaxing on the couch is not the best option for them.

Violation of the law on education is punishable by an administrative fine of 10 to 30 thousand rubles for officials, for legal entities - from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.

Despite this, the rector is confident that the “denunciations” against her are pure slander.

“This is unfair, our university was created for students,” says Alevtina Simonova, “and none of the university management has any intentions of violating their rights.” The interests of students are primary for us. But, unfortunately, our IFC students showed a complete lack of patriotism towards the university. They did not come with questions either to me, or to their trade union committee, or to the council of public organizations. And they started right away by going to the media, to some peripheral portals.

Moreover, the rector believes that it was the director of the Institute of Physical Culture, Alexey Terentyev, who was inciting students to “unrest.” The students, in their defense, say that they saw no point in going to the rector, since she made it clear to Terentyev: there is no money (but you hold on). But the rector also found an excuse for this.

“In the spring of this year, Terentyev informed me that a crash could be heard in the gym, and stated that the building was in disrepair,” continues the rector. — An examination was carried out, as a result of which it was written that there is some potential danger and that it is necessary to strengthen the foundation. The university announced a competition, and design work has already begun.

According to the rector, the temporary lease stopped because Terentyev prepared the contracts late, and students could not be allowed into illegally rented buildings.

“In addition, the director of the IFC refused to draw up a schedule and organize classes in the areas available at the pedagogical university. Organizing the educational process, according to the USPU Charter, is entirely the task of the head of the unit, which Alexey Terentyev failed to cope with,” concluded Alevtina Aleksandrovna.

Perhaps it is all due to a struggle for power, the incompetence of the director of the institute, or the oversight of the rector, and not irresponsibility. The students don't care. The main thing for them is to pass tests in one of the core subjects on time and receive honestly earned scholarships.

“After all this fuss, the rector urgently held a meeting for us,” says one of the students. “She said that 2.5 million rubles have been allocated for the renovation of the complex, which will begin in March. In the meantime, we will start training in rented halls in February. She assured that the scholarship would be paid to everyone on time, despite the fact that we will take the tests in the next semester. She promised that the schedule makers would try to distribute the load so that we would not collapse from fatigue.

“The educational and methodological department prepared a schedule, we tried to rebuild the curriculum,” says the rector. - Now we can strengthen theoretical classes, use small gyms at the university - in dormitories. They are workers, classes have always been and are held there. Scholarships will be paid. We have a very good system of social protection for students, a serious trade union organization that guards the interests of students, and student government bodies.

“The fact that classes will be restored does not cancel the violation that has already been committed, for which, if all formalities are observed, liability can be imposed,” explains the lawyer.

It looks like the scandal has been hushed up for now. Students will expect changes. If the situation repeats itself, most likely the prosecutor’s office will decide which of the university officials will be punished.

When we spoke with the university press service, they did not hide the fact that they consider students’ contact with the media immoral, since everything can be resolved “without washing dirty linen in public.” What do you think, UR readers? Leave your comments on the newspaper’s website or on our social media pages, and we will publish them.

Ex-rector of the Ural State Agricultural Academy, now a prominent official in the Russian State University of Psychology and Education, who appeared in a high-profile corruption case Alexander SEMIN

An unexpected twist arose in the scandal surrounding the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University (RSPUU, former SIPI). As university employees told VEDOMOSTI Ural, he has been appointed to a leadership position at the university. Alexander Semin, previously dismissed from the post of rector of the Ural State Agricultural Academy after a high-profile corruption scandal and the initiation of criminal case No. 138208. According to our sources in law enforcement agencies, Semin managed to evade criminal prosecution thanks to connections in the investigation and the prosecutor’s office. In the hierarchy of the Russian State Pedagogical University, the son of the vice-rector-chief accountant was “assigned” to Semin Lyudmila Pachikova.

“How can people with SUCH a reputation be at the head of large state universities?!”, indignant representatives of the teaching staff of the Russian State University of Pedagogical University are perplexed in a collective letter to our editors. According to them, “having avoided criminal liability thanks to his connections in law enforcement agencies,” the ex-rector of the Agricultural Academy (Ural State Agricultural Academy) Alexander Semin has now been appointed director of the Institute of Management and Economic Security. This unit, as they say within the walls of the alma mater, is the rector of the Russian State Pedagogical University Gennady Romantsev created “especially for Semin” by his recent order No. 33 dated January 31, 2012.

Mr. Semin’s deputy at the new institute was Vitaly Pachikov- the son of the vice-rector of the Russian State Pedagogical University for financial, economic, administrative, economic and social policy, 63-year-old Lyudmila Pachikova. It is noteworthy that Pachikov Jr. got the office of the former director of the Institute of Economics and Management, Doctor of Economics, Professor Alexandra Mokronosova(employees are sure that he was removed from the Russian State Pedagogical University as an unnecessary figure).

Wide scandalous fame came to Alexander Semin in the summer of 2010, when the investigative department of the Yekaterinburg Internal Affairs Directorate opened six (!) criminal cases on corruption in the leadership of the Urals State Agricultural Academy: Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (misappropriation or embezzlement) and Art. 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of official powers). Then the “criminals” were combined into one proceeding under the number . The detectives were interested in the facts of multimillion-dollar additions in acts of work paid for at the expense of the state university, the diversion of money to fly-by-night companies, the resettlement of traders with "" in student dormitories under the guise of students from the People's Republic of China, and even the rental of an apartment in Moscow, in the documents documented as an alleged "representative office" of the agricultural academy. .

BEP operatives carried out several seizures in the rector’s office of the Ural State Agricultural Academy, in Semin’s office and at home, and the results of the check “unambiguously pointed to him” (as our insiders in the law enforcement sphere reported). According to our interlocutor, even the corresponding procedural resolution was ready, but it was urgently “together with the registration card taken away from the investigator in the city, and was not seen again.” As a result, only the chief accountant of the agricultural academy turned out to be “extreme” in terms of loud “criminal” Lyubov Stakheeva, and the investigation ended in nothing. Unless, of course, you consider that Mr. Semin is, after all, his “grain” position. In the spring of 2011, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture appointed him as the new rector of the Ural Agrarian University.

Rector of the Russian State Pedagogical University Gennady ROMANTSEV (right) appointed the son of his deputy Vitaly PACHIKOV to a good position

This year, the former head of the Ural State Agricultural Academy “surfaced” at another state university, which is also rocked by corruption scandals - the Russian State University of Psychology and Education. The latter’s employees make bold assumptions: “According to the well-known scenario, by analogy with Semin, in order to avoid criminal problems, Romantsev leaves, because his actions as rector are being checked against five charges at once. And his place will be taken by Semin, proven in difficult financial “situations”. In this situation, Semin’s current place at the Russian State University of Psychology and Education will be given to the same Vitaly Pachikov, and his mother, Lyudmila Pachikova, will continue to be in charge of the university cash desk. This development of events does not surprise anyone now,” says an employee of the Russian State Pedagogical University, who wished not to advertise his name.

“The money that is “pumped” every month through a university at the level of the Russian State Pedagogical University justifies any intrigue,” explains Vedomosti Ural’s trusted source in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region (he has information about verification activities against Romantsev-Pachikova). - There is budget funding, there is tuition from contract students. But don’t forget about the huge real estate, which, with the appropriate approach, also generates good cash flow. Think about whose interests numerous commercial establishments operate on the premises of the Russian State Pedagogical University... Where does the money go that is used to “fund” the renovation of the management’s premises? At the same time, many premises for teachers and students remain in terrible condition.”

According to university employees, many of their colleagues who dared to openly criticize the management in the person of Romantsev and Pachikova were subsequently fired. “It is enough to remember at least such names as Bazhenov, Dzodiev, Zborovsky, Woodpecker, Sidorov, Ilyshev..., - lists an employee of the RGPPU. - Moreover, the administration’s most favorite method is unnecessary structural reorganizations, as a result of which unwanted personnel were fired and replaced with “our own.” And although disgraced teachers communicate with media representatives warily, almost each of them is ready to give honest testimony during any interrogation by law enforcement agencies.

The head of the anti-corruption unit of the regional Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Oleg KURACH, personally received applicants on issues of abuse in the RSPPU

As VEDOMOSTI Ural reported, law enforcement agencies currently have several verification materials regarding the top management of the Russian State Pedagogical University. The “composition”, which is cited in statements against the management of the university, is under the jurisdiction of several law enforcement agencies. First of all, this is a police investigation (Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - misappropriation or embezzlement), under the jurisdiction of the head of the Main Investigation Department of the Sverdlovsk Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladimir Mironov and the competence of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (Article 285 - abuse of official powers, 292 - official forgery, 315 - failure to comply with a court decision, 136 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - violation of equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen) through the regional department of the Investigative Committee headed by Valery Zadorin. In addition, the inspection by the ORCh for economic security and anti-corruption of the regional Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the leadership of Oleg Kurach.

The severity of the current situation is that the regional security forces themselves have not yet given positive signals about their determination to identify corruption in higher education. The case of the machinations of the former leadership of the Ural State Agricultural Academy during the rectorship of Semin became an eloquent confirmation of this. Checks against Romantsev and his entourage are also sluggish. Meanwhile, it is in universities that, like nowhere else, the degree of public protest and understanding of the harmfulness of corruption is high: if for broad sections of the electorate a couple of loud statements by high authorities in uniform are enough, then the intellectual layer of the same teachers, graduate students, candidates and doctors of sciences will clearly not be won over by anti-corruption populism . Today's inability to resist theft in the state system of higher education is turning into the litmus test by which tomorrow's socially active citizens will conclude that the law enforcement system is incompetent.

One way or another, the journalistic investigation of VEDOMOSTI Ural continues.


To the Chairman of the LDPR V.V. Zhirinovsky Dear Vladimir Volfovich! We are forced to turn to you with a request to take measures to restore justice and legality in relation to teacher education in the country and the ambiguous attitude of the leadership towards state policy in the field of education. In December 2013, elections of the rector were held at USPU. Simonova A. was elected to the position of rector.

A. At that time she was 63 years old. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation concluded an employment contract with Simonova A.A. until April 25, 2016, t.K.

By this time she had turned 65 years old. Before the expiration of the contract, namely until April 25, 2016, Simonova A.A. Obviously false documents were submitted to Moscow to extend the term of office as rector. Namely, a petition from the Academic Council of the USPU dated January 28, 2016 was presented. This procedure is assumed by the Labor Code of Art.

332. Such a petition was not submitted for discussion by the Academic Council. There is a complete decision of the meeting of the Academic Council of the USPU, which is posted on the website of the USPU. That is, A. A. Simonova most likely included deliberately false information in the extract of the decision of the Academic Council, which was not verified by the Department of Civil Service and Personnel of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

As a result, order No. 12-07-3/55 of March 23, 2016 was issued to extend Alevtina Aleksandrovna Simonova’s tenure as rector of USPU until April 25, 2017. A. A. Simonova did not apply to the Academic Council of the USPU due to the ambiguous attitude of many university employees towards her. What was the reason for issuing false documents? The outrage became some showdowns at the university.

Many dissatisfied people were simply morally eliminated and fired. And some simply “went into the shadows”, afraid of losing their jobs. The chaos continues to this day. Realizing that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation does not check the submitted documents and, hoping for their “kindness”, A. A. Simonova did not find it enough to extend her tenure as rector of the USPU until April 25, 2017 and, feeling great unlimited power over people, She again took the same forged petition from the Academic Council of the USPU, previously submitted in 2016, to Moscow.

Exactly the same actions in the Department of Civil Service and Personnel of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, only with different signatures, led to the issuance of a new order No. 12-07-03/09 of January 31, 2017 on the extension of Simonova A. A. Term of office Rector of USPU until April 25, 2018. Taking advantage of her official position and the opportunity to submit deliberately forged documents, A. A. Simonova, as the rector of USPU, is trying to change, without the decision of the University Academic Council, the management system of university departments, in order to reduce “inconvenient” employees and completely subjugate power over people.

Over the past academic year, this problem has plagued the entire university staff. Simonova A. A. All day long she resolves issues of her self-preservation in the position of rector, issuing a number of documents that worsen the educational activities of the university, which has already led to a decrease in the image of the educational institution itself. Our appeals to the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to Vasilyeva O. Yu.

They didn’t make it and settled in the Department of Civil Service and Personnel, supposedly taking note and further work. The appeal was registered with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. PG-MON-49363 dated November 17, 2016. This appeal contained a request not to renew A. A. Simonova.

Employment contract for the position of rector of USPU and announce the election of a new rector. We all knew about this forgery, which is why we turned to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The very contents of the letter were transferred to Simonova A.A. Without taking action on the appeal. This once again led to a violation of Art.

332 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the unlawful appointment of A. A. Simonova to the position of rector. The term of A. A. Simonova’s tenure as rector of USPU since April 26, 2016 is considered illegal.

The new order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 12-07-03/09 of January 31, 2017 on the extension of A. A. Simonova’s tenure as rector of the USPU until April 25, 2018 also needs to be canceled, and she should be held accountable for official forgery . All local government bodies from the prosecutor's office to the FSB are aware of this, but no measures are being taken, since the instruction has been given “not to take any drastic measures in connection with the elections.”

American writer, poet Charles Bukowski (1920-1994) said: “The problem with this world is that educated people are full of doubts, and idiots are full of confidence.” Dean of the Faculty of Life Safety of the Ural State Pedagogical University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Academician of MANEBYU, retired colonel

Yuri Viktorovich Repin Attached documents: Appeal from Vasilyeva O. Yu.; response from MI-NOBRNAUKA OF RUSSIA dated 09.12.2016 No. 12-PG-MON-49363; Results of the meeting of the Academic Council of USPU on January 28, 2016; orders of the Ministry of Education and Science on extending the term of office of the rector. Sent by email

On December 17, the Ural State Pedagogical University hosted a Conference of scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other categories of workers and students to elect the rector of the Ural State Pedagogical University.

The conference was opened by the Chairman of the Commission for the Election of the Rector of the USPU - Rector of the USPU Boris Mikhailovich Igoshev. He presented the strategic results of USPU activities from 2010 to 2013, after which he noted that he was leaving the position of rector with a sense of accomplishment. The main value of the university, according to Boris Mikhailovich, is the people who work and study here. The rector of the USPU expressed gratitude to the close-knit team of teaching staff and wished good luck to the candidates for the post of rector of the Ural State Pedagogical University.

In his report on the results of the university’s activities over the past 3 years, Boris Mikhailovich listed 10 main positions, including:

1. Obtaining the status of “Effective University” in 2012 based on the results of monitoring by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

1a. Obtaining the status of “Effective University” in 2013 based on the results of monitoring by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. Only 9 pedagogical universities out of 33 in the Russian Federation received the status of effective twice. Consequence: maintaining the independence of USPU as a separate institution of higher professional education.

2. Obtaining a perpetual license to conduct educational activities and undergoing public and state accreditation with obtaining the right to issue a state diploma and “University” status.

3. Achieving the highest qualification level of the university teaching staff and the activities of scientific schools and scientific directions of the USPU.

4. Victory in the competition of universities of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for the best quality management system (2010)

5. Ensuring the financial stability of USPU; obtaining the status of budget-efficient customers; achieving third place among 33 pedagogical universities in Russia in terms of wages in relation to the average wage in the regional economy (139.04%).

6. High level of implementation of USPU social programs: 100% implementation of the Collective Agreement with employees and the Agreement with students in 2010–2013.

7. Victories in numerous and varied international, all-Russian, regional professional, creative and other competitions for students, graduate students, teachers and graduates of USPU.

8. Victory in the 2013 competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on information policy “News of an educational institution.” Achieving a high popularity rating for USPU in the media and Internet resources.

9. Victory in the competition and confirmation of the status of the base platform of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for civic and patriotic education (the most important indicator of USPU in terms of the level of development of a student’s personality).

10. Achieving the level of Strategic Partner of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region and other regional departments and organizations.

To summarize, Boris Mikhailovich noted that in his life there was and remains only one university. The current rector of USPU expressed his desire to be professionally useful to the university and noted that regardless of personnel changes, USPU should adhere to only one course - continuous movement forward.

The conference participants expressed interest in preserving and developing the best traditions of USPU and thanked Boris Mikhailovich Igoshev for his highly productive work. As a sign of respect, the audience gave a standing ovation.

Let us remind you that the Certification Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation agreed on three candidates (in alphabetical order) as candidates for the position of rector of USPU:

Minyurova Svetlana Aligarevna, director of the Institute of Psychology, USPU, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, professor;

Simonova Alevtina Aleksandrovna, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, USPU, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor;

Sinyakova Marina Gennadievna, director of the Institute of Personnel Development and Management of the USPU, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Over the past 19 years, elections for the rector of USPU were held for the first time on an alternative basis.

Each of the candidates for the position of rector of the Ural State Pedagogical University addressed the delegates with their election program.

Svetlana Aligarevna Minyurova noted that for 25 years USPU has been a space for her professional development and personal development. The director of the Institute of Psychology of the USPU expressed a desire to create the present and future together with the Ural State Pedagogical University.

Alevtina Aleksandrovna Simonova noted that as rector she will continue the university’s strategic course laid down in the USPU development program, developed under the leadership of the USPU rector Boris Mikhailovich Igoshev. Alevtina Aleksandrovna also emphasized that the rector is, first of all, a manager, and the implementation of the set goals should be of interest to the entire USPU team.

Marina Gennadievna Sinyakova turned to the history of the university and noted that the Ural State Pedagogical University has replaced 13 rectors over its more than 80-year history. In 1931, URIPI - USPU was headed by the only female leader, Anna Nikolaevna Bychkova. Despite the short period of her leadership of the pedagogical university (only 10 months), Anna Nikolaevna managed to do a lot for the benefit of the development of the institute. In 2014, the 14th rector of USPU will be a woman.

Honorary guests of the conference:
- Vadim Rudolfovich Dubichev, first deputy head of the Administration of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region, member of the Academic Council of the USPU, professor of the USPU;
- Alexey Alexandrovich Pakhomov, First Deputy Minister of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region;
- Oleg Lvovich Lefton, head of the Administration of the Ordzhonikidze district of Yekaterinburg, member of the Academic Council of the USPU, candidate of technical sciences;
- Igor Rudolfovich Morokov, Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Sverdlovsk Region.

Vadim Rudolfovich Dubichev emphasized that regardless of the results of the conference, the Administration of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region will cooperate fruitfully with the new rector of the Ural State Pedagogical University. All candidates, in his opinion, are worthy candidates for a responsible post.

Alexey Aleksandrovich Pakhomov noted that USPU is always in the focus of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region. Alexey Alexandrovich called the main task of the new rector of the university “increasing the prestige of education and teachers.” A.A. Pakhomov also thanked the current rector of the university, Boris Mikhailovich Igoshev, and wished the staff that “those qualities and the colossal experience that Boris Mikhailovich has continue to serve for the benefit of the university.” Alexey Alexandrovich noted that the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region will continue to work with Boris Mikhailovich and sees him as the head of the Public Education Council being formed under the ministry.

The guests of the Conference on the election of the rector of USPU included outstanding students and graduates of the university:
- Igor Olegovich Rodobolsky, Hero of Russia, holder of seven military orders, master’s student at the Institute of Personnel Development and Management of the USPU;
- Anna Aleksandrovna Aleksandrova, master of sports in synchronized swimming, champion of the Ural Federal District, prize-winner of the Russian championship in synchronized swimming, student of the Institute of Physical Culture of the USPU;
- Anastasia Aleksandrovna Stepanova, winner of the intra-university competition “Best Student 2013”, winner of the competition of innovative ideas “Minute of TechnoGlory”, established by the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Evgeny Vladimirovich Kuyvashev and held as part of the International Industrial Exhibition “INNOPROM-2013”, graduate student at the Institute of Personnel Development and Management USPU;
- Yulia Aleksandrovna Grigorova, winner of the All-Russian competition “Best Employee of a Social Service Institution”, master’s student at the Institute of Special Education of the USPU;
- Yulia Leonidovna Semenova, laureate of the All-Russian competition “Teacher of the Year in Russia - 2013”, graduate of USPU;
- Oleg Aleksandrovich Skotnikov, winner of the All-Russian competition of professional excellence “Teacher of the Year in Russia-2013”, graduate of USPU.

Voting for candidates for the position of rector of USPU took place in two stages. Based on the results of the first stage, Svetlana Aligarevna Minyurova and Alevtina Aleksandrovna Simonova advanced to the second round. In the second round, 41% of the votes were given to Svetlana Aligarevna, and 58.6% to Alevtina Aleksandrovna.

Alevtina Aleksandrovna Simonova addressed the USPU team with words of deep gratitude.

Alevtina Alexandrovna:

Currently, the documents of the rector Alevtina Aleksandrovna Simonova, elected by the conference of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ural State Pedagogical University", are being prepared for approval by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.


In Yekaterinburg, students of a pedagogical university ask Mutko to intervene in a dispute with the rector

Students of the Institute of Physical Culture of the Ural State Pedagogical University sent a complaint to Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko against the rector of the university, Alevtina Simonova, and the vice-rector for academic affairs, Svetlana Minyurova. “For several months now, we have not been able to study normally. The university management does not pay for the rent of sports facilities and does not repair our educational and sports building.

Their detailed complaint reveals the essence of the problem. Thus, from November 2016, physical education classes were stopped for all university students due to the emergency condition of the educational and sports building. This complex on Cosmonauts Avenue was closed in June of this year.

“At the beginning of the school year, sports grounds were rented for physical education classes. But the rector of the university refused to pay the rent, so classes are not held. Because of this decision, students of the Institute of Physical Education suffer the most,” the letter says.

As students note, the vice-rector issued an order to postpone classes to the next semester, but this did not suit them. At the same time, the complaint addressed to Mutko indicates that the director of the IFC tried to solve the problem and even found sports grounds, but the rector of the USPU is now trying to bring the head of the institute to disciplinary liability.

“It is not clear why we are paying money if we are not taught the curriculum in full, and who will return this money to us? It is also unclear where the budget money allocated for free education of students will be spent,” the students conclude the letter.

the site contacted the university for comment, where they said that back in the spring of this year it became clear that the academic and sports building was in disrepair. “The relevant organization carried out an examination, which recognized that there is some potential danger and that, most likely, it is necessary to strengthen the foundation. The university announced a competition, and design work has already begun to eliminate the shortcomings. The complex is planned to be put into operation by the end of March. The USC premises were opened in 2006, it is not old. The problem is different. It turned out that there was water in the basement for a long time due to a burst pipe, and Terentyev (director of the IFC - editor's note), who was the director of the IFC for many years, did not take any measures to pump out the water. This hot summer, the basement dried out, after which, apparently, the foundation gave way,” the university noted.

USPU Rector Alevtina Simonova explained that the university management has taken measures to transfer practical classes to other sites. “A schedule was drawn up, space was rented, the payment for which for September amounted to about 350 thousand rubles for two halls, and we could conclude an agreement without announcing a competition with a single supplier. This was the Uralmash arena and the second hall called “Going to the Sun”. At the end of September, we received an expert opinion, and it became clear that we needed to strengthen the foundation of the building. Terentyev was asked to prepare contracts and consider the options that are possible for us, always taking into account the financial capabilities of the university.

However, he presented the contracts only at the end of October, and for a large amount - 610,500 rubles. for two premises in one month. If for the period from September 5 to October 10 we paid 309,000 rubles, then in October Terentyev showed “independence” and submitted documents for October after the fact. From a legal point of view, he had no right to admit students to those halls that were not legally rented. But, by resorting to legal violations, Terentyev brought USPU to fines for violations of the contract system, and this is all money for the entire university, including students,” concluded the rector.