Essentuki branch of the Stavropol State Medical Academy.

Medicine has always been and remains one of the most interesting and important branches of knowledge. This profession gives a person the main value - health, and the greatest gift - life.

The Essentuki branch of the Stavropol State Medical University is an educational institution that has been successfully operating in the field of educational services in the North Caucasus Federal District for more than 25 years.

The Essentuki branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education St. State Medical University dates back to May 12, 1987, when, on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Health No. 372, the Essentuki School of Advanced Training for Workers with Secondary Medical and Pharmaceutical Education of Republican Subordination was opened, with a plan for admitting 1,500 students for 1988 (in 17 specialties ).

A teaching staff of twenty people renovated the resulting building on their own in accordance with the requirements for the educational institution. Thanks to the inexhaustible enthusiasm of the team, two months later the equipped auditoriums welcomed their first listeners.

In October 1990, the first All-Russian meeting-seminar of directors of advanced training schools in Russia was held at the school. This became a kind of test of the strength and maturity of young teachers. Having carried out such a large-scale event with dignity, the teaching staff received the highest praise - the school was approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR No. 200 of November 23, 1990 and No. 178 of August 2, 1993 as a basic and regional center for schools and colleges in the North Caucasus region for advanced training .

In 1992-93, the school opened a department for basic training of paramedical personnel in the specialties “General Medicine” and “Nursing” of various forms of education.

This event was a new stage in the development of the school and brought the educational process to a higher level. The organic merging of two parts of a single process: basic training of specialists and their further in-depth postgraduate education with subsequent certification has significantly improved the quality of training of medical personnel in the region.

The team was replenished with new young specialists who came from practical healthcare, ready to pass on their accumulated experience to students and constantly improve themselves. By accumulating the advanced experience of teachers from other educational institutions of the Stavropol Territory and the Russian Federation, the developing teaching staff creates a powerful educational and methodological base. At this time, brave, innovatively thinking specialists came to the team: Pavlenko S.3., Verevkina E.A., Pylaeva Zh.I., Belokopytova O.V., Vangulova T.Yu., Storozhenko Yu.G., Krakhmaleva I P., Storozhenko T.N., Chuiko S.A., Samutina E.I., Bryantseva I.V., Chernysheva I.A. and others.

By 1995, rooms for massage, functional diagnostics, emergency care, therapy, infectious diseases, surgery, dietetics, physiotherapy, pediatrics, obstetrics and neontology, pharmacology, anatomy, laboratory diagnostics, physical therapy were equipped in accordance with modern requirements. The library fund was formed, replenished with scientific publications that met the requirements of the educational process.

In 1997, the Essentuki School of Advanced Training became the basis for the Russian Ministry of Health to hold the second All-Russian scientific and practical conference “State and prospects for the development of nursing education in the Russian Federation and current issues of nursing education,” dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the school. All leading medical educational institutions of the Russian Federation took an active part in the conference.

The training base was developed, equipped and equipped with modern
22 classrooms with visual aids and technical teaching aids. Video and computer classes were organized. Many classrooms were equipped with computers for teaching and testing students' knowledge in various programs. The methodological fund has been replenished in volume and improved in structure, providing opportunities for individual professional growth of teachers and conducting collective forms of pedagogical improvement - methodological conferences. There have been more than 50 such conferences over the years, the most advanced ones are presented in collections, there are already more than twenty-five of them.

The logical result of the progressive development of the school was its reorganization in 2000 into the Essentuki Medical College of the Ministry of Health of Russia, carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 22 dated January 24, 2000, and in 2005 - into the Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education “Essentuki Medical College of the Federal Agency on Health and Social Development".

Based on the results of work in 2004, the college was included in the Russian Encyclopedia “The Best People of Russia”. In 2005, the college was awarded a Gold Medal and a 1st degree diploma of the International Association for the Promotion of Industry and Health, and became the winner of the honorary award “European Grand Prix for Quality”.

In connection with the reorganization of some institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 19, 2011 No. 1574, Essentuki Medical College was transformed into a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Stavropol State Medical Academy". Based on the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 46 dated February 1, 2013, it was renamed the Essentuki branch of the state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Stavropol State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The creation of the university complex made it possible to expand the range of new specialties and create a vertically integrated structure of educational institutions to train specialists needed by the region.

From 1987 to 2007, the work of the team was headed by Petr Ivanovich Filippov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation, Excellent Health Worker, Academician of MANEB, awarded the Academy of Public Recognition with the Diploma “Health Elite” and the medal “A Man in His Place”, author 19 scientific works and monographs, textbooks and teaching aids. From 2008 to 2017, the institution was headed by the director, candidate of medical sciences Valeria Petrovna Filippova.

Currently, the Essentuki branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education St. State Medical University, whose director is Vladimir Ivanovich Bratus, candidate of medical sciences, is one of the leading educational medical institutions in the North Caucasus and Russia. More than 700 students are studying in two departments of the branch (“Nursing” and “General Medicine”), and more than 3,000 students are studying in the advanced training department.

Of the 33 teachers of the branch, 3 people have an academic degree: 1 candidate of medical sciences, 2 candidates of psychological sciences, teachers are certified for the highest and first qualification categories, teachers and staff of the branch were awarded Certificates of Honor from the Ministry of Health and Social Development, medals “Excellence in Health Care”, badges "Honorary worker of secondary vocational education."

The teaching staff is constantly working to improve educational and methodological support for all specialties. The pedagogical activity of each teacher is considered as a technology that guarantees the achievement of optimal learning results, ensuring proper theoretical and practical training of future specialists.

The following teachers have accumulated extensive experience in conducting integrated classes and conferences: Smirnova V.A. (laboratory diagnostics), Belokopytova O.V. (obstetrics), Padyukova E.Yu. (fundamentals of microbiology), Belyakova N.A. (anatomy), Yastrebova V.E. (computer science), Limarenko M.V. (English), etc.

Round tables, conferences, classes, competitions, and seminars were held on various topics. Conference materials were published in collections collected in the methodological office.

Future paramedics, representatives of the universal medical profession, are trained in the specialty “General Medicine”. Currently, the department is headed by Elena Vladimirovna Polyakova, a highly qualified specialist, a talented organizer, who cares about the quality training of the branch’s graduates. The department's teachers introduce new methods and forms of teaching into the educational process and improve methods for activating students' independent work.

In accordance with new teaching standards, teachers actively use information and communication technologies in classes, in subject clubs and in extracurricular activities, implementing activity-based and student-oriented approaches to teaching, taking into account the peculiarities of information perception by students with different levels of training. The material and technical capabilities of the branch are used by teachers to create methodological products, design and maintain educational, normative and educational documentation. The information visualization tools available in the classrooms make it possible to conduct lectures and practical classes effectively and efficiently, complementing and expanding the possibilities of using traditional forms and methods of teaching. Paramedic training is conducted by teachers with significant experience in practical healthcare: Belokopytova O.V., Malinenko V.V., Belyakova N.A., Glukhova N.N. and etc.

The Nursing Department trains nurses in two forms of education: full-time and part-time. Currently, the department’s staff works on the principle “We don’t teach everyone, we teach everyone.” The head of the department, candidate of psychological sciences Oksanich Svetlana Ivanovna, together with teachers, organized educational activities at a high professional level. Teachers successfully introduce modern pedagogical technologies into the educational process. The department is actively working to improve the quality of training of nurses. Students take part in the CMC week, organizing exhibitions of research innovations and scientific achievements, holding open creative events, and taking prizes in regional competitions. The department's circle work is based on the tasks of developing the personal potential of a nurse, the moral and spiritual foundations of mercy, and professional competence. The educational process in the specialty “Nursing” is carried out by teachers: Shogenova F.M., Pomazanova E.V., Emelyanova E.V., Padyukova E.Yu., Potemkina L.V., Bryantseva I.V., Bogaevskaya T. I. and others.

Particular attention in the training of medical specialists in the branch is paid to the organization of practical training. The head of the practice, Elena Vladimirovna Matuzko, implementing the principle of social partnership, works closely with the heads of medical institutions, organizes students’ industrial and pre-graduation internships. Graduates enter practical healthcare theoretically prepared with proven practical skills. The administration of the branch receives letters of gratitude from the heads of health care facilities with a high assessment of the quality of training of paramedics and nurses.

The Department of Postgraduate Education, headed by Efimycheva Zhanna Anatolyevna and Shevchenko Yulia Vasilievna, trains paramedical workers under programs of additional professional education in twenty specialties. The educational process is carried out in specialized offices of the branch and at the bases of sanatorium-resort and medical institutions with modern diagnostic and treatment equipment. All teachers of the department have extensive practical experience and are creative in solving pedagogical problems. Close cooperation with the heads of nursing services of health care facilities allows us to conduct seminars, open classes, master classes, and conferences at the city and regional levels at a high level. The conference reports were repeatedly published by specialized periodicals (“Secondary Vocational Education”, “Chief Nurse”). Knowledge of the basic principles of androgogy and the simultaneous use of traditional and innovative teaching technologies allow the teaching staff of the department to achieve maximum results in training. The effectiveness of postgraduate training is confirmed during the certification of paramedical workers and based on the results of a survey of health care facility managers. Teachers are the authors of work programs, teaching aids, articles, teaching aids and educational standards. The textbook by Z.P. Shershneva has gone through three editions. “Nursing in balneology” to the educational standard of the same name by the same author. Teacher Kashirina S.A. An educational standard for nurses – managers of sanatorium and resort institutions “Management, economics in healthcare” has been prepared. From the first days of the school's work, teachers have been working: Smirnova V.A., Shershneva Z.P., Dorosh T.A.

During the year, students, together with teachers and circle leaders, carry out extensive research work. The analysis of the research results obtained is formalized in the form of reports and presentations, which are presented at the annual educational and practical student conference “Science of the Year”; the recognized best works are presented at the regional level. The main result of research work is the contribution it makes to the development of the future graduate’s personality and to increasing the level of his professional competence. A joint creative union between a teacher and a student is the most effective way to develop abilities, unlock potential, and cultivate independence and initiative.

The subject-cycle commissions have formed creative teams of teachers who regularly develop and introduce modern gaming, information and multimedia technologies into the educational process, create an atmosphere of creativity in the branch, and determine its corporate culture. The branch staff is full of innovative endeavors, bold ideas, and enthusiastic teachers who are ready to bring the most daring ideas to life.

The educational process in the branch is carried out in accordance with the “Concept of educational work”, “Program for the development of educational work”, and the annual work plan developed by the teaching staff. The curators work in close contact with the teacher-organizer Dolgaya Victoria Aleksandrovna and the psychological service “Trust” (head of Ph.D. Oksanich S.I.), parents of students.

Traditional events are prepared and held with the active participation of the student council, for example, the holiday “Day of Knowledge”, “Teacher’s Day”, the holiday “Initiation as a Student”, “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “Victory Day”, the festival of military-patriotic song “Eh, roads!”, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic and Afghan Wars, labor landings to improve the territory of the branch and the city, and much more.

Sports competitions for students have become traditional: “First Test”, “Fun Starts”, organized by the teacher of the discipline “Physical Education” Storozhenko T.N. Health days and weekend hikes are held regularly. Every year, students take part in city and regional sports competitions of educational institutions, where they adequately represent the branch and win prizes.

The branch staff for their high professionalism and significant contribution to the development of the city of Essentuki was repeatedly awarded with Certificates of Honor from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the administration of Caucasian Mineral Waters, the Council and the administration of the resort city.

The professions of nurses and paramedics, which students of the branch master, are socially significant, and therefore remain among the most in demand in the labor market. Graduates of the branch work in medical institutions of the KMV and the entire Stavropol Territory. Many of them continue their studies at the Stavropol State Medical University. This confirms the validity of the three-stage model of professional education: secondary vocational education - bachelor's degree - master's degree, implemented through the integration of college and university.

The teaching staff of the branch is in constant search for new, progressive, interesting things, strives to keep up with the times, encourages innovations that guarantee the achievement of the optimal level of theoretical and practical training of future specialists. “By art and humanity, labor and knowledge” is the commandment of all who have connected their lives with the branch. Looking to the future, the branch's employees are actively involved in the implementation of educational reform in order to train highly qualified medical workers in demand in the labor market.

The Essentuki branch of the Stavropol State Medical University is a bright start to a successful career.

College majors

  • General Medicine
  • Nursing

Essentuki Medical College is one of the country's leading educational institutions in the field of medicine. Thanks to the extensive knowledge and experience of the teaching staff, as well as excellent material and technical base, student training is carried out at the highest level.

A little history

Honey. Essentuki College was founded in 1987 as a school for advanced training in the field of medical and pharmaceutical education. Since 1993, the educational institution, thanks to the merits of the staff, has become a regional center for advanced training. At the same time, departments for training paramedical personnel were opened here, which are still operating today. Gradually, classrooms were equipped with modern technology and equipment, and the staff was expanded.

In 2000, the educational institution began to be called by the name familiar to everyone - Essentuki Medical College. In connection with the general reorganization of the system of educational institutions, since 2011 the college became part of Address Medical. college: Essentuki, st. Pyatigorskaya, 123.

Departments, specialties and personnel composition

About 700 students study within the walls of the educational institution in the departments of nursing and general medicine. In addition, in honey. During the academic year, more than 300 people undergo advanced training in 20 specialties at the Essentuki College.

Graduates of the “Nursing” department are awarded the qualifications “Nurse” and “Medical Brother”. The duration of training in this department is 2 years and 10 months.

At the General Medicine department, future doctors are trained with the qualification of Paramedic. The training lasts 3 years 10 months. Upon completion of training, young specialists receive a state diploma and the opportunity to work in any healthcare institution or continue their education.

The extensive experience gained by teachers over the years of work in healthcare is a definite plus for the educational process. The team would be repeatedly awarded for achievements in the educational sphere and contribution to the development of the Stavropol region of the city of Essentuki. Honey. The college, represented by its leaders and employees, always keeps up with the times, including various innovations in the field of medicine and technology in its curriculum.

Information for applicants

Admission to the medical center College of Essentuki is carried out on the basis of 11 classes without taking into account the Unified State Exam. At the same time, applicants with a higher average academic score have priority for admission. The educational institution offers training on a budget or paid basis. Along with submitting documents, each applicant undergoes an entrance psychological test, based on the results of which future students are selected.

Medical students College of Essentuki, in addition to great depth in the educational process, constantly take part in various sports competitions and cultural events on both a city and regional scale.

They, together with teachers, engage in research work. Much attention is paid to students' practical training, which takes place in various medical, preventive and health resort institutions in the region. The excellent preparation of college graduates is noted everywhere.

Medicine has always been and remains one of the most interesting and important branches of knowledge. This profession gives a person the main value - health, and the greatest gift - life.

The Essentuki branch of the Stavropol State Medical University is an educational institution that has been successfully operating in the field of educational services in the North Caucasus Federal District for more than 25 years.

The Essentuki branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education St. State Medical University dates back to May 12, 1987, when, on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Health No. 372, the Essentuki School of Advanced Training for Workers with Secondary Medical and Pharmaceutical Education of Republican Subordination was opened, with a plan for admitting 1,500 students for 1988 (in 17 specialties ).

A teaching staff of twenty people renovated the resulting building on their own in accordance with the requirements for the educational institution. Thanks to the inexhaustible enthusiasm of the team, two months later the equipped auditoriums welcomed their first listeners.

In October 1990, the first All-Russian meeting-seminar of directors of advanced training schools in Russia was held at the school. This became a kind of test of the strength and maturity of young teachers. Having carried out such a large-scale event with dignity, the teaching staff received the highest praise - the school was approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR No. 200 of November 23, 1990 and No. 178 of August 2, 1993 as a basic and regional center for schools and colleges of the North Caucasus region for advanced training .

In 1992-93, the school opened a department for basic training of paramedical personnel in the specialties “General Medicine” and “Nursing” of various forms of education.

This event was a new stage in the development of the school and brought the educational process to a higher level. The organic merging of two parts of a single process: basic training of specialists and their further in-depth postgraduate education with subsequent certification has significantly improved the quality of training of medical personnel in the region.

The team was replenished with new young specialists who came from practical healthcare, ready to pass on their accumulated experience to students and constantly improve themselves. By accumulating the advanced experience of teachers from other educational institutions of the Stavropol Territory and the Russian Federation, the developing teaching staff creates a powerful educational and methodological base. At this time, brave, innovatively thinking specialists came to the team: Pavlenko S.3., Verevkina E.A., Pylaeva Zh.I., Belokopytova O.V., Vangulova T.Yu., Storozhenko Yu.G., Krakhmaleva I P., Storozhenko T.N., Chuiko S.A., Samutina E.I., Bryantseva I.V., Chernysheva I.A. and others.

By 1995, rooms for massage, functional diagnostics, emergency care, therapy, infectious diseases, surgery, dietetics, physiotherapy, pediatrics, obstetrics and neontology, pharmacology, anatomy, laboratory diagnostics, physical therapy were equipped in accordance with modern requirements. The library fund was formed, replenished with scientific publications that met the requirements of the educational process.

In 1997, the Essentuki School of Advanced Training became the basis for the Russian Ministry of Health to hold the second All-Russian scientific and practical conference “State and prospects for the development of nursing education in the Russian Federation and current issues of nursing education,” dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the school. All leading medical educational institutions of the Russian Federation took an active part in the conference.

The training base was developed, equipped and equipped with modern
22 classrooms with visual aids and technical teaching aids. Video and computer classes were organized. Many classrooms were equipped with computers for teaching and testing students' knowledge in various programs. The methodological fund has been replenished in volume and improved in structure, providing opportunities for individual professional growth of teachers and conducting collective forms of pedagogical improvement - methodological conferences. There have been more than 50 such conferences over the years, the most advanced ones are presented in collections, there are already more than twenty-five of them.

The logical result of the progressive development of the school was its reorganization in 2000 into the Essentuki Medical College of the Ministry of Health of Russia, carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 22 dated January 24, 2000, and in 2005 - into the Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education “Essentuki Medical College of the Federal Agency on Health and Social Development".

Based on the results of work in 2004, the college was included in the Russian Encyclopedia “The Best People of Russia”. In 2005, the college was awarded a Gold Medal and a 1st degree diploma of the International Association for the Promotion of Industry and Health, and became the winner of the honorary award “European Grand Prix for Quality”.

In connection with the reorganization of some institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 19, 2011 No. 1574, Essentuki Medical College was transformed into a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Stavropol State Medical Academy". Based on the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 46 dated February 1, 2013, it was renamed the Essentuki branch of the state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Stavropol State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The creation of the university complex made it possible to expand the range of new specialties and create a vertically integrated structure of educational institutions to train specialists needed by the region.

From 1987 to 2007, the work of the team was headed by Petr Ivanovich Filippov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation, Excellent Health Worker, Academician of MANEB, awarded the Academy of Public Recognition with the Diploma “Health Elite” and the medal “A Man in His Place”, author 19 scientific works and monographs, textbooks and teaching aids. From 2008 to 2017, the institution was headed by the director, candidate of medical sciences Valeria Petrovna Filippova.

Currently, the Essentuki branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education St. State Medical University, whose director is Vladimir Ivanovich Bratus, candidate of medical sciences, is one of the leading educational medical institutions in the North Caucasus and Russia. More than 700 students are studying in two departments of the branch (“Nursing” and “General Medicine”), and more than 3,000 students are studying in the advanced training department.

Of the 33 teachers of the branch, 3 people have an academic degree: 1 candidate of medical sciences, 2 candidates of psychological sciences, teachers are certified for the highest and first qualification categories, teachers and staff of the branch were awarded Certificates of Honor from the Ministry of Health and Social Development, medals “Excellence in Health Care”, badges "Honorary worker of secondary vocational education."

The teaching staff is constantly working to improve educational and methodological support for all specialties. The pedagogical activity of each teacher is considered as a technology that guarantees the achievement of optimal learning results, ensuring proper theoretical and practical training of future specialists.

The following teachers have accumulated extensive experience in conducting integrated classes and conferences: Smirnova V.A. (laboratory diagnostics), Belokopytova O.V. (obstetrics), Padyukova E.Yu. (fundamentals of microbiology), Belyakova N.A. (anatomy), Yastrebova V.E. (computer science), Limarenko M.V. (English), etc.

Round tables, conferences, classes, competitions, and seminars were held on various topics. Conference materials were published in collections collected in the methodological office.

Future paramedics, representatives of the universal medical profession, are trained in the specialty “General Medicine”. Currently, the department is headed by Elena Vladimirovna Polyakova, a highly qualified specialist, a talented organizer, who cares about the quality training of the branch’s graduates. The department's teachers introduce new methods and forms of teaching into the educational process and improve methods for activating students' independent work.

In accordance with new teaching standards, teachers actively use information and communication technologies in classes, in subject clubs and in extracurricular activities, implementing activity-based and student-oriented approaches to teaching, taking into account the peculiarities of information perception by students with different levels of training. The material and technical capabilities of the branch are used by teachers to create methodological products, design and maintain educational, normative and educational documentation. The information visualization tools available in the classrooms make it possible to conduct lectures and practical classes effectively and efficiently, complementing and expanding the possibilities of using traditional forms and methods of teaching. The training of paramedics is carried out by teachers with significant experience in practical healthcare: Belokopytova O.V., Malinenko V.V., Belyakova N.A., Glukhova N.N. and etc.

The Nursing Department trains nurses in two forms of education: full-time and part-time. Currently, the department’s staff works on the principle “We don’t teach everyone, we teach everyone.” The head of the department, candidate of psychological sciences Oksanich Svetlana Ivanovna, together with teachers, organized educational activities at a high professional level. Teachers successfully introduce modern pedagogical technologies into the educational process. The department is actively working to improve the quality of training of nurses. Students take part in the CMC week, organizing exhibitions of research innovations and scientific achievements, holding open creative events, and taking prizes in regional competitions. The department's circle work is based on the tasks of developing the personal potential of a nurse, the moral and spiritual foundations of mercy, and professional competence. The educational process in the specialty “Nursing” is carried out by teachers: Shogenova F.M., Pomazanova E.V., Emelyanova E.V., Padyukova E.Yu., Potemkina L.V., Bryantseva I.V., Bogaevskaya T. I. and others.

Particular attention in the training of medical specialists in the branch is paid to the organization of practical training. The head of the practice, Elena Vladimirovna Matuzko, implementing the principle of social partnership, works closely with the heads of medical institutions, organizes students’ industrial and pre-graduation internships. Graduates enter practical healthcare theoretically prepared with proven practical skills. The administration of the branch receives letters of gratitude from the heads of health care facilities with a high assessment of the quality of training of paramedics and nurses.

The Department of Postgraduate Education, headed by Efimycheva Zhanna Anatolyevna and Shevchenko Yulia Vasilievna, trains paramedical workers under programs of additional professional education in twenty specialties. The educational process is carried out in specialized offices of the branch and at the bases of sanatorium-resort and medical institutions with modern diagnostic and treatment equipment. All teachers of the department have extensive practical experience and are creative in solving pedagogical problems. Close cooperation with the heads of nursing services of health care facilities allows us to conduct seminars, open classes, master classes, and conferences at the city and regional levels at a high level. The conference reports were repeatedly published by specialized periodicals (“Secondary Vocational Education”, “Chief Nurse”). Knowledge of the basic principles of androgogy and the simultaneous use of traditional and innovative teaching technologies allow the teaching staff of the department to achieve maximum results in training. The effectiveness of postgraduate training is confirmed during the certification of paramedical workers and based on the results of a survey of health care facility managers. Teachers are the authors of work programs, teaching aids, articles, teaching aids and educational standards. The textbook by Z.P. Shershneva has gone through three editions. “Nursing in balneology” to the educational standard of the same name by the same author. Teacher Kashirina S.A. An educational standard for nurses – managers of sanatorium and resort institutions “Management, economics in healthcare” has been prepared. From the first days of the school's work, teachers have been working: Smirnova V.A., Shershneva Z.P., Dorosh T.A.

During the year, students, together with teachers and circle leaders, carry out extensive research work. The analysis of the research results obtained is formalized in the form of reports and presentations, which are presented at the annual educational and practical student conference “Science of the Year”; the recognized best works are presented at the regional level. The main result of research work is the contribution it makes to the development of the future graduate’s personality and to increasing the level of his professional competence. A joint creative union between a teacher and a student is the most effective way to develop abilities, unlock potential, and cultivate independence and initiative.

The subject-cycle commissions have formed creative teams of teachers who regularly develop and introduce modern gaming, information and multimedia technologies into the educational process, create an atmosphere of creativity in the branch, and determine its corporate culture. The branch staff is full of innovative endeavors, bold ideas, and enthusiastic teachers who are ready to bring the most daring ideas to life.

The educational process in the branch is carried out in accordance with the “Concept of educational work”, “Program for the development of educational work”, and the annual work plan developed by the teaching staff. The curators work in close contact with the teacher-organizer Dolgaya Victoria Aleksandrovna and the psychological service “Trust” (head of Ph.D. Oksanich S.I.), parents of students.

Traditional events are prepared and held with the active participation of the student council, for example, the holiday “Day of Knowledge”, “Teacher’s Day”, the holiday “Initiation as a Student”, “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “Victory Day”, the festival of military-patriotic song “Eh, roads!”, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic and Afghan Wars, labor landings to improve the territory of the branch and the city, and much more.

Sports competitions for students have become traditional: “First Test”, “Fun Starts”, organized by the teacher of the discipline “Physical Education” Storozhenko T.N. Health days and weekend hikes are held regularly. Every year, students take part in city and regional sports competitions of educational institutions, where they adequately represent the branch and win prizes.

The branch staff for their high professionalism and significant contribution to the development of the city of Essentuki was repeatedly awarded with Certificates of Honor from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the administration of Caucasian Mineral Waters, the Council and the administration of the resort city.

The professions of nurses and paramedics, which students of the branch master, are socially significant, and therefore remain among the most in demand in the labor market. Graduates of the branch work in medical institutions of the KMV and the entire Stavropol Territory. Many of them continue their studies at the Stavropol State Medical University. This confirms the validity of the three-stage model of professional education: secondary vocational education - bachelor's degree - master's degree, implemented through the integration of college and university.

The teaching staff of the branch is in constant search for new, progressive, interesting things, strives to keep up with the times, encourages innovations that guarantee the achievement of the optimal level of theoretical and practical training of future specialists. “By art and humanity, labor and knowledge” is the commandment of all who have connected their lives with the branch. Looking to the future, the branch's employees are actively involved in the implementation of educational reform in order to train highly qualified medical workers in demand in the labor market.

The Essentuki branch of the Stavropol State Medical University is a bright start to a successful career.