Essay on the role of a teacher in a person’s life. Arguments on the topic “teacher” for the exam essay

Pedagogy as a vocation

Without a doubt, Arseny Petrovich Gai is a very talented teacher.

One gets the impression that pedagogy is the life’s work of this wonderful, kind and truly passionate person about his work. Probably only Lev Kassil could so successfully and clearly create the image of a teacher. Probably, the young man’s worldview was largely influenced by his parents, especially his mother.

A teacher is not a title, but a calling. It is not enough to just conscientiously learn teaching skills. There are people among us who stand out from the crowd. They are modest, friendly and inquisitive. There is something special in their gaze. Once you get to know them better, you become enchanted forever, so much so that with every new meeting you feel a surge of vitality and a desire to do something, to create. Arseniy Petrovich certainly possessed such personality traits. The children, inspired by his imagination, ideas, dedication and outstanding creative abilities, subsequently followed their own path in life, confidently following the life principles laid down in them by their teacher. Any true teacher should be endowed with them, because it is he who is able to lead others along the path of achievement. And although such people may have very different professions, when by chance or by coincidence a person recognizes his calling - this is great happiness!

The role of the teacher in the lives of children

You don't become a teacher - you are born one! Yes, indeed, how much power lies in the word “teacher”. What does it mean to teach children? How to understand the statement: a teacher is a teacher, a teacher is a person?

To some extent, a teacher can be called a “creator.” After all, he prepares young children for a future happy and bright life, educates them, instills in them love for their parents and family values. He helps shape the child’s worldview, becomes his “guiding star,” and, therefore, creates a little history with him, his and his own. From such small pictures a whole life is made up. By teaching children, teachers become educators, senior mentors. It is very important for a teacher to know the purpose of his work, what he wants to achieve, what he is going towards. I think the goal of every teacher is to become an example for the little person. Arseny Petrovich Gai was a man with a capital M. His authority among the children could be the envy of any modern teacher of the 21st century. The hard and selfless work of a teacher is not as noticeable as the work of a person in any other applied specialty... But the results of teaching activity always “repeat” in future generations. In wartime, in a difficult situation, the boys of Arseny Petrovich turned out to be morally prepared no worse than the boys specially trained in military affairs and fortitude.

The next goal of the teacher is to educate the child, and most importantly, his upbringing and love for him. By the example of his pious and righteous life, the teacher-educator shows children what it means to live, what concepts such as friendship and a common goal mean. And how these concepts relate. Live according to conscience, out of love, in severity, but with meekness and humility, live wisely, not repeating your mistakes, but learning lessons from them. That's what it means! And every true teacher gives this invaluable knowledge with great joy and warmth!

“There are three types of teachers: those who explain; those who complain; those that inspire…” said Sh.A. Amonashvili. Of course, the role of each of them in the education of the individual is enormous. But still, the most important and most perfect is the third type - a teacher who inspires. An inspiring mentor is a teacher. Teachers engaged in humane pedagogy accept the child as he is, form his personality on the basis of spiritual values, reveal all the creative aspects of the child, revealing in him all the brightest and best that was inherent in nature and parents. Teachers, first of all, propose to organize the child’s life so that his energy is directed to creative activities. This is the high role of the teacher-educator. He teaches the child to improve his life, to look for joyful and happy moments in it, to see the deep things that lie behind every event in life. Even through a fantastic game. And this is truly a Great Mission!

Teacher, pedagogue, Person! Yes, the most important of these words is Human. “Brow” plus “Century” is a face facing eternity. This is exactly how this unusually beautiful word is deciphered. It is very difficult to be a real teacher, because you need to convey true knowledge to children, teach them all the most important things that will be useful in life. It is even more difficult to be a teacher-educator, because in addition to knowledge, he gives children an understanding of the world, themselves, and helps them comprehend life values. But it is not enough for a teacher to be a teacher; the most difficult thing is to be a Man, the image and likeness of the Lord on earth. People who live righteously, according to all God's laws, are the real teachers and pedagogues. The Lord endowed every person with talents, He put His love into the soul of each of us, and breathed life into us. Therefore, we can safely say that the human soul is full of eternity, knowledge and bliss. This means that it is a Person who can become the one who can overcome all difficulties, teach the basics of life, explain something and love. To love as much as God loves us all. Like father and mother. After all, only by striving for eternal values ​​can one achieve perfection. A teacher must strive for excellence. The teacher is responsible to the parents of the children for what he teaches, how he does it and for what purpose.

What role does a teacher play in a person's life? What memory does he leave in the hearts of his disciples? These are the questions that arise when reading the text of Anatoly Georgievich Aleksin.

Revealing the problem of the role of a teacher in a person’s life and memory of him, the author relies on his own memories. We meet literature teacher Maria Fedorovna Smirnova, who not only “taught” literature, but introduced children to great works. The narrator calls the lessons of his beloved teacher lessons of humanism and love. With regret, remorse and guilt, the narrator recalls how he once did not fulfill the teacher’s request to meet without fail.

The daily bustle prevented him from fulfilling his promise. When he had some free time, the narrator called the teacher, but she was no longer there. With bitterness and pain, the hero asks himself the question: why do we sometimes put off what concerns those closest and most beloved.

The author's position is as follows: the role of a teacher in the life of every person is great. A teacher is a mentor, a caring assistant who supports his students. A teacher who gives his all to his students evokes feelings of gratitude, respect and sincere love.

Let's give a literary argument. Let us recall Vasil Bykov’s story “Obelisk,” which depicts two teachers. One of them, Ales Ivanovich Moroz, opened a school in Western Belarus in a small place called Seltso in 1939. He not only gave children knowledge, but also instilled in them such qualities as hard work, compassion for all living things, honesty, and decency. Even during his illness, he continued to teach and raise children; he read to them Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” During the war years, during the occupation, Moroz continued to teach, although many considered this a betrayal, but the teacher took a firm position: not for two years did he humanize these children, so that later the Germans would dehumanize them. Ales Moroz accomplished a feat; he put his life on the chopping block for the sake of his children. When the students were arrested, accusing them of subversive activities, Moroz voluntarily came to the commandant’s office, surrendered to the enemies, in order to be with the children at the last minute, to support them morally.

The second teacher is a student of Ales Moroz, whom he saved from death - Pavel Miklashevich, who became a teacher after the war and continued the work of his teacher. Pavel Miklashevich understood better than others that the most significant thing in life is reasonable human kindness and care for others - people close or even distant to you who need this care of yours. Pavel died early - at the age of 34, but left behind a grateful memory. Miklashevich made the meaning of his life not only the continuation of his teacher’s work, but also the preservation of his memory. He ensured that the name of Ales Ivanovich Moroz was engraved on the obelisk, where the names of his dead students were already listed.

Let's look at another example. In V.P. Astafiev’s autobiographical story “The Last Bow” there is a chapter “Photograph in which I am not.” The events take place in the Siberian village of Ovsyanka on the banks of the Yenisei River in the pre-war thirties of the twentieth century. The author introduces us to rural teachers - husband and wife. Their names were the same - Evgeniy Nikolaevich and Evgenia Nikolaevna, and they looked alike, like brother and sister. They were 25 years old, and they also had a baby. In the village, teachers were respected for their politeness and responsiveness. They greeted everyone the same, never refused a request to write a paper, led an active social life, were leaders in the village club, and staged plays. The teacher went to the city, and pencils, notebooks, paints, and textbooks appeared at the school. He invited a photographer from the city, which became an incredibly important event for the village. He visited a sick student - the narrator - and talked at length with the hero's grandmother. And in the spring, the teacher took the students through the forest, told them about trees and grass and saved the students from a snake, although he had never seen a snake before.

Let's summarize. We have proven that the teaching profession is one of the noblest on earth, because teachers sow “reasonable, good, eternal.”

Teacher... Such a simple word, known to every person since childhood. Most people associate it with childhood, adolescence, and schooling. First teacher, favorite teacher, main teacher...

Some teachers leave their mark on our lives forever. They force us to think, work on ourselves, master something new, sometimes difficult and incomprehensible. Later, we will remember them, some with sincere gratitude, some with laughter, and some with fear.

But what role can a teacher play in a person’s life? I think that the student who meets a teacher who is truly in love with his profession will be very lucky. Sincerely passionate about his subject, he will certainly be able to interest his students in it. The interest of students in them depends on how interesting, exciting, and perhaps emotionally he will present his knowledge and skills. And if sparks of desire to study some science, master some skill ignite in their minds and souls, then in the future these people will be able to become real professionals, masters of their craft. I believe that a person can be truly happy if he likes his profession.

But unfortunately, there are completely different cases. When the role of a teacher is played by an indifferent person who does not love his profession, his students may be forever disappointed in their studies. It will become a burden to them, will begin to cause rejection and even disgust. And the saddest thing is that because of such a “teacher” a person can pass by his true calling and not see it.

The role of a teacher in a student’s life cannot be overestimated. She is truly huge. And the person who has taken on this responsibility must be fully aware of the responsibility and importance of his mission.

Essay 2

Teacher, teacher, these words are found quite often in a person’s life. Do we ever think about the meaning of these words? What is it and what is its role?!

A teacher is a professionally educated person who is involved in the education and training of not only children, but also adults.

A teacher has a huge responsibility to society; it is necessary not only to instill in the student professional skills, but also spiritual ones. It is the teacher who can develop any child’s talents. Involved in teaching subjects, it is important that every child learns the material. The teacher monitors not only the physical condition of the student, but also the mental one.

A child learns about the world from early childhood, and the teacher’s task is to help the child better understand the material, help him choose the right path in life, support him, and give him the right advice. After all, who the student will become in the future depends on this. It is very important that the teacher knows how to interest the student in learning, and must also be able to find an approach to each child. After all, every child is unique and everyone needs an individual approach.

Teaching plays a huge role in a student’s life. The teacher teaches us not only knowledge of the subject, but also to be kind, conscientious, and responsible. Teachers, like doctors, are a calling, a talent given from above. Teachers must understand that they are educating an individual. It is necessary to develop in a child hard work, concern for others, compassion for the weak, the values ​​of family and friendship. The school years of your life are the most important and necessary. The student will remember the teacher not only because he taught how to add five plus five, but also because of the approach he found to this person.

The modern world does not stand still; raising children today is more difficult than yesterday. Life has become difficult, a lot of information and technology have appeared, values ​​have changed. Therefore, the role of a teacher in a person’s life increases enormously. Thanks to teachers, there are a huge number of smart, kind, talented people in our world. Many thanks to such great teachers.

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Tyulmenkova Anastasia Alexandrovna,

applicant of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after. V. P. Astafieva.

The role of the teacher in the life of man

Tyul'menkova A. A.

This article will focus on teachers, lecturers, educators, mentors and trainers, i.e. those who rightfully deserve to bear the noble title of teacher. The article is devoted to describing and revealing the role of a teacher in a person’s life, in the formation of his personal qualities, which introduce the student to science, satisfy basic needs, the joys of discovery, his own successes and achievements.

Keywords:teacher, profession teacher, role of teacher.

In this article, we will focus on teachers, teachers, educators, mentors and trainers, i.e. those who rightfully deserve to wear the noble title of teachers. The article is devoted to the description and the disclosure of the teacher's role in human life, in the formation of his personal qualities, which educate the student to science, meet basic needs, joy of discoveries own fortunes and achievements.

Keywords:teacher, teacher profession, role of the teacher.

The teaching profession cannot be written off in time. From time immemorial and until the end of time, teachers are in demand in any society, because they are the ones who shape the social environment, they prepare the forge of personnel, they adapt our future generation to life, century after century.

Any person feels the need to search for knowledge, to understand the world, and, as a result, the need to follow a mentor and teacher, an adult and wise one, who helps to understand the difficult issues of life. People say: “Whoever enters the world of knowledge alone will leave it alone.” It is known that from birth a person perceives the surrounding reality not on the basis of his own experience, which he does not actually possess in infancy, but under the influence of adults who have prestige and competence. And the teacher is actually called upon to satisfy a person’s desire for knowledge, as well as to motivate him as much as possible on this path.

In everyday life, a teacher is considered to be not only the one who taught literacy, numeracy, writing and reading; in fact, any person who has taught another any kind of skill is rightfully sublimely called a teacher. But if we are talking about professional teachers, teachers, educators, mentors and coaches, then we can say with confidence that a gifted and talented person rightfully deserves to bear the noble title of teacher.

The teacher’s task is to be able to introduce the student to science, to satisfy basic needs, that is, to organize common joint experiences with him of the beauty of thought, surprise, the joy of discovery, his own successes and achievements. Only one can achieve this who was able to preserve the living energy of a child within himself and carry it through the routine of official education and the difficulties of adult survival. Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev said: “In education, the whole point is who the teacher is.”

Each of us had our first teacher, one who in one way or another influenced the formation of our personality, our process of improvement. And it is important to remember that in addition to the general educational development of the individual, the teacher takes responsibility for his spiritual and moral education.

The main function of the teacher, most likely, is precisely this - in shaping the spiritual world of young people, in determining the rules and beliefs of the community of humanity as a whole. From an early age, a teacher instills the concepts of universal human values, rights, aesthetics and culture, develops correct ideas about the world, teaches them to regulate their behavior in accordance with these ideas, teaches them to live according to the principles of kindness and mercy, tolerance, respect and humanity towards others.

A German educator who lived in the mid-1800s, Adolf Diesterweg, argued from personal experience that “the most important phenomenon in school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself. He is the personification of the teaching method, the very embodiment of the principle of education.”

Particular attention should be paid to the role of the teacher in the formation of attitudes towards oneself, in the formation of personal self-esteem. And despite the fact that human development occurs throughout life, the foundations of human socialization occur precisely in preschool and primary school age. The teacher must skillfully demonstrate rationalization and empathy, and be able to equalize the cultural and educational capabilities of each child individually. But this is colossal work.

The period of elementary school is a period of intensive growth, strengthening of the body, and the development of all its basic functions. It is at school that children first find themselves in various conflict situations, and here the authority of the teacher and his personal example and positive influence help the child to timely correct and overcome difficulties in communicating with peers, thereby increasing the child’s status.

Adolescence for educational processes can be more difficult for a teacher. At this age, young people develop an early sense of adulthood, causing a desire to get rid of the guardianship of elders (both parents and teachers), and hence a certain negativism in behavior, resistance to educational influences, a tendency to contradict, defending one’s rights and the desire to do things one’s own way. And here it is very important for a teacher to be able to gain trust and respect from high school students in order to truly become their spiritual mentor, help them understand the issues that concern them, and determine their place in life.

It is impossible to ignore the student’s relationship with the teacher, because if we take into account the enormous role that a teacher plays in a person’s life, then the student should remain grateful to the teacher for the rest of his life.

A teacher performs a huge function in a person’s life, in his formation. This is the one who contributes to the transformation of the child into a full-fledged harmonious personality. The profession of a teacher is, of course, difficult, because it can be very difficult to awaken in children the desire to work on themselves and cultivate a responsive heart.

Parents, entrusting their child, as a rule, to an unfamiliar teacher at school, should approach the choice of the first teacher as responsibly as possible. This is a key, fundamentally important point. Apparently, it is even better to introduce the child to the future teacher in advance, so that, if possible, it is possible to determine whether contact will be established between them, whether an internal connection will be established, whether the temperament matches, because the first impression is the most important, it shapes the subsequent perception of the entire learning process .

A child’s first teacher must be impeccable in everything, as according to Chekhov: “...and soul, and clothes, and thoughts...”. To form an aesthetic perception, a classy lady should be pleasing to the eye, not like a gray biscuit, in boring brown and black, and not like a clown at a masquerade! Everything in clothing should be in moderation: modest and beautiful. Her voice should pleasantly please the ear, the intonation should not lull, but interest. Believe me, listening to a squeaky voice, reminiscent of a mosquito squeak, is not only useless for assimilating the material, but also harmful for the development of hearing.

A teacher must have such qualities as understanding, unconditional support, love for students, the ability to wisely take risks in piquant moments, timely equanimity and, of course, a creative approach in everything! No less important is the self-confidence and professionalism of the teacher, that is, his ability to convey knowledge, convey it in an understandable and easily digestible form, for this you need to love your subject, at a minimum. Probably, a teacher should constantly learn himself, otherwise how can a person who does not know how to do this himself teach children?

We are talking about a Teacher with a capital T, not so much as a person who teaches a subject, but specifically about the Teacher who is the leading guide for children. A harmonious and lively, self-improving teacher who does not treat children as an annoying duty is a reliable foundation for our future generation. As young people say today, open – minded: free, unprejudiced, open.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote in one of his works: “If a teacher has only love for his work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for the student, like a father or mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for either the work or the students. If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher.”


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1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE ARKHANGELSK REGION state budgetary professional educational institution of the Arkhangelsk region "Arkhangelsk Industrial Pedagogical College" Essay on the topic "The role of the teacher in human life" Author of the essay: Kislyakova Ekaterina Vladimirovna, student of the 5th group, IV year, State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Arkhangelsk Region "Arkhangelsk Industrial Pedagogical College", Arkhangelsk. Supervisors: Demchenko Zinaida Alekseevna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, teacher, Arkhangelsk Industrial Pedagogical College, Arkhangelsk. Averina Svetlana Nikolaevna, teacher, State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Arkhangelsk Region “Arkhangelsk Industrial Pedagogical College”, Arkhangelsk. Words cannot express how valuable improvement is to people. From time immemorial, humanity has strived for knowledge and development of its personality, its thinking. After a long journey of time, education becomes the most important center of erudition for a person. But, like any system, education cannot exist on its own. Therefore, the role of a guide, a source of education is performed by the TEACHER. The thorny path of training, education and development of the future generation falls on his fragile shoulders. “The teacher, connecting times, connecting generations, transmits and disseminates the achievements of human culture.” “Teaching is one of the most difficult and responsible professions.”

2 2 “Society places higher demands on teachers than on people of other professions.” Similar thoughts can be found in many modern articles. In my essay I will try to answer the question: “What should a teacher be like in order to competently fulfill his mission.” Let’s open the pedagogical encyclopedia and read: “A teacher is a master of his craft, a specialist who deeply knows his subject, is well acquainted with the relevant branches of science or art, has a practical understanding of issues of general and especially child psychology, and is fluent in the methods of teaching and upbringing.” In my opinion, this speaks about the versatility of the teacher, about how multifaceted his image can be. But these are not all the traits that a teacher needs to have. Nowadays, the palette of pedagogical qualities is called “competencies”. Society is moving to a more developed, educated interpretation of these concepts. Thus, love for children develops into humanism, patience for defiant actions into tolerance. A teacher must not only be smart and treat children well. Now his task is to teach them to learn, accustom them to self-organization and instill a desire to work for results. By laying the educational foundation, he takes responsibility for the fate of students. I want to quote thoughts from one modern article that interested me: “There are many professions on Earth. Among them, the profession of a teacher, in my opinion, is not entirely ordinary. After all, teachers are busy preparing, so to speak, our future, educating those who will tomorrow replace the current generation, working directly with “living material”, the damage of which is equated, dare I say it, to a catastrophe. In a word, the teacher’s work is done without rehearsals, without drafts, straight away: the students are

3 3 unique individuals living not in the future, but now, today. In addition, it is impossible to look through and not notice a child’s inclination towards something. A teacher’s mistake in working with children can affect later, as an adult, an unfulfilled life, disappointment in everything.” The content of this article changed my ideas about the profession that I am now pursuing. After all, indeed, the child’s further education depends entirely on the first teacher. If a child is not accustomed to studying, this will also affect his education in high school. As a rule, studying in primary school is the most enjoyable and uncomplicated learning process. Its goal is to develop children’s ability to learn: to independently obtain knowledge, express themselves, analyze, so that later in the future the labor-intensive rhythm of high school will seem to students a very real task. Many people say that a teacher should be kind. Is it so? Personally, I value the teacher’s efficiency more than his friendliness. If I were to go back to my junior school years, I would really like to see a teacher who pays more attention to the result of his work. And his strictness and exactingness could not in the least “negativize” our joint activities. When I was in primary school, my first teacher was very kind. The lessons were fun and interesting. She was always in a good mood and did everything to make learning in her class comfortable. But now, having mastered this specialty, I realized that perhaps I really lacked its rigor. I perceived school as a pleasant pastime. I have not developed a sense of “systematic learning” or discipline. When I entered high school, I did not feel responsible for doing my homework and did not consider it necessary to fulfill the teacher’s requirements. Of course, the teacher is directly to blame for

4 4 this is not the case. I was a child who needed to be pushed, not pitied. But when you decide to lead children, you need to understand that no matter what teaching style you choose, there will always be those children who need to be treated differently, and you need to work with them, developing important skills, much more than with others. Thus, we can safely conclude that a teacher is one of the most responsible professions! An artist, when painting a canvas, saturates his canvas with a variety of colors, and the teacher participates in the development of a child, filling his personality with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. By opening the door to the world of education, teachers take responsibility not only for their work, but also for the participants in the educational process. In my life I have met few such teachers, but I would like to highlight one. When I was in ninth grade, a new Russian language teacher came to us. I always remember her when I write such works, because she was the first teacher who taught me to believe in myself. Tatyana Sergeevna made it clear that, despite the fact that there are many gaps in studies, it is possible to correct this and achieve good results. At that time I was very interested in literature and decided to rent it out by ticket. It was a very difficult subject by those standards due to the vast amount of knowledge involved. And even then, realizing that there would be exams, I was irresponsible about it. The teacher sensed this in time and began working closely with me. But before helping, she made it clear that if I had been more proactive, studying for the exam wouldn't have been so exhausting. Even then, trying to repeat all the works in a short time, I began to understand how important it is to cultivate a sense of responsibility and take things more seriously. Thanks to her, I successfully passed the exam and started working on myself. What else, in my opinion, is important for a good teacher?

5 5 Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky believed that: “an ideal teacher must be spiritually rich, generous, decent, hardworking, must love and respect the child, the teacher must be an erudite. The teacher is a modest person, humane. A teacher must be ahead of his time." Of course, the innovative teacher considered some of the most important qualities of a teacher. But what impresses me most here is the quality of “being ahead of your time.” I believe that introducing innovative processes is an important component in teaching. After all, the goal of innovative activity is to change the existing foundations of pedagogy. Taking into account the fact that children become different over time, teaching and upbringing methods must correspond to the level of development of modern schoolchildren. Studying modern research on the role of the teacher in the development of the child’s personality, I concluded that, in contrast to the previously accepted form (when the interaction of the teacher with students took place at the information level), in the activities of teachers it is important to widely use methods of dialogue and discussion, to develop the tendency to the individual choice by schoolchildren of the forms and content of their own teaching, to include children in the process of their joint work and even in the teacher’s preparation for classes with them. This contributes to a significant rapprochement between teachers and students. Such a rapprochement, in my opinion, can be greatly facilitated by a positive image of the teacher. A positive image of a teacher is more than just smiling and encouraging children all the time. This concept includes a fine line between being kind to children and being fair in their evaluation and discipline. The teacher must understand that excessive kindness will lead to chaos in the classroom and the teacher will immediately lose his authority.

6 6 Thus, a modern teacher needs to have not only rich mental and creative potential, but also master psychological and pedagogical competencies at the highest level. Only then will the teacher become free from stereotypes, find application for his creative abilities, take care of broad erudition, understand the child and accept him as he is, and also know and take into account his age and individual characteristics in the implementation of the pedagogical process. And most importantly, he will teach, developing the strong and correcting the weak qualities of the student. And at the end of my essay, I want to note that the role of a teacher directly affects a person’s future personality. And no matter how many teachers have passed through us, we will always remember our first mentor, who laid the foundation necessary for later life. It is very important when exactly the teacher can guide the student along the right path and instill in him an interest in learning. I sincerely wish all students to meet on their way such a Person who will teach them how to travel around the country of knowledge, skills and abilities. Recommended information sources 1. Kodzhaspirova, G. M., Pedagogical Dictionary: for students. higher and Wednesday ped. textbook institutions / G. M. Kodzhaspirova, A. Yu. Kodzhaspirov. M.: Publishing center "Academy", p. 2. Lvov, M.R. Advanced experience and creativity of the teacher / M.R. Lvov // Soviet pedagogy S. Podlasy, I.P. Pedagogy: textbook / I.P. Podlasy. M.: VLADOS Publishing Center, p.

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Tolpekina Tatyana Nikolaevna Sotnikova Elena Petrovna teachers of Russian language and literature State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region secondary school 2

THE RESULTS OF PRE-GRADUATE PRACTICE SUMMARY How to make an ordinary lesson unusual, how to make uninteresting material interesting, how to speak with modern children in a modern language? These and many others

Professional requirements for a teacher The profession of a teacher is one of the most important in the modern world. From it is the future of human civilization. A professional teacher is the only person who

Discussion club “Point of View” Topic of discussion: “My pedagogical credo” S.V. Good afternoon to all meeting participants! F. We welcome you to the “Point of View” discussion club! S.V.Tochka

Essay by the teacher of Russian language and literature MKOU "Ershovskaya Secondary School" of the Ust-Ilimsk district Lyubov Ivanovna Sycheva I am a teacher Teacher This is a special profession that is aimed at shaping the personality of a child,

What is the role of a mother in raising a child? Every mother wants to raise her child as an ideal person. But we all know that this is impossible. There are no perfect people. You can instill good qualities in your child,

Municipal educational institution "Novovilgo Secondary School 3" May 71, 2017 Wise Beaver Today! We tell you... Dear graduates! The last time you are together, truly together. But you will understand this only later that the last

GBOU SPO (SSUZ) "Trinity Pedagogical College" Work program of the academic discipline OP.01 PEDAGOGY for specialty 05016 Teaching in primary grades 01. Work program of the academic discipline

Lukinykh Anastasia Alekseevna Specialty “Correctional pedagogy in primary education” Group 030 MY COLLEGE It’s a long choice, Where to go, I chose college, The best college in Perm! Coming here

Essay “I am a teacher” “A teacher is a magician who opens the door to the world of adults for children. And what and how he teaches his pupils depends on what the teacher knows and can do.” K. Helvetius

“Technologies of the system-activity approach as a means of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard” Deputy. Director for Water Resources Management of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Lyceum 3 Pashchenkova E.V. So, the topic of our today’s seminar is “Technologies of system-activity

Zaitseva Oksana Aleksandrovna primary school teacher MAOU "Secondary School 112 with in-depth study of computer science" Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region MODERN FORMS AND METHODS OF CLASS ORGANIZATION

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF RUSSIA) TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY (TSU) Faculty of Psychology Department of Educational Management ESSAY ON THE TOPIC “MY UNDERSTANDING OF MODERN

All-Russian Pedagogical Forum “Civil-patriotic education of the younger generation” Article on the topic: “The role of the family in the civil-patriotic education of a child” Yulduz Khairullovna Khisyamova,

Municipal Educational Institution Urzhum Secondary School MY PEDAGOGICAL CREDO Ulyanova Svetlana Petrovna Good afternoon! My name is Ulyanova Svetlana Petrovna. I work at the Urzhum secondary school

Shevchenko Tatyana Ivanovna Gavruseva Olga Valentinovna Senior teacher Music director Everyone loves this person in kindergarten! She will be the first to help, she will provide warmth for children and peace for adults.

MBOU "Bolsheketskaya Secondary School" Preschool groups. ESSAY “PEDAGOGICAL CREDO” Completed by teacher: Shekhovtseva Svetlana Ilyinichna p. Ketsky 2014 Why did I choose the profession of a teacher? I decided to be a teacher

Creating a situation for student success in educational activities Teacher-psychologist MAOU “Lyceum 28 named after N.A. Ryabov” Savelyeva Ekaterina Viktorovna Purpose of the master class: Training teachers in the techniques of professional

Issue 13 Editors:: Krekotneva V...O. Alexandra Vereshchagina, 11 "A" grade The first of September is Knowledge Day and the beginning of the new school year. A sea of ​​beautiful flowers, white bows and elegant costumes. Expensive

Department of Education of the Krasnogvardeisky District Information and Methodological Methodological Center of the Krasnogvardeisky District Education Leaders 2011 Department of Education of the Krasnogvardeisky District of St. Petersburg

PEDAGOGY Voronina Evgenia Vladimirovna Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor Eltsova Anna Alekseevna student Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tyumen State University" in Ishim Ishim, Tyumen Region FORMATION

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University" Pedagogical


Profession Primary school teacher Kozlitskaya I.V., primary school teacher Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School 10 Kamensky village, Krasnoarmeysky district, Saratov region 2010 Teaching is an art, work is no less creative,

Arkhipov Alexander Alexandrovich Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor Institute of Culture and Arts, State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow City Pedagogical University", Moscow Filipova Irina Gennadievna Master's student Institute of Culture

CONTENTS I. EXPLANATORY NOTE... 4 Requirements for the professional preparedness of the applicant.. 4 Objectives of the entrance test. 4 The procedure for conducting the entrance test... 5 II. CONTENT

My pedagogical philosophy: Main page “It is not the quantity of knowledge that is important, but its quality. You can know a lot without knowing what you really need.” Tolstoy L. N. Love for children Love for the subject Interaction

Follow the process of covering all centuries-old categories, which demonstrates the concept of continuous coverage. Thus, optimization of the mutual relationship between wealth and nature is impossible without a reliable technological

Zharkova Svetlana Borisovna teacher of Russian language and literature MAOU "Lyceum 131" Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan PLACE OF COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL IN THE EDUCATION SYSTEM Abstract: the basis of Russian education


EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "BELARUSIAN STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER MAXIM TANK" Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining Faculty of Advanced Training for Education Specialists

JUNIOR SCHOOL AGE Junior school age (from 6-7 to 9-10 years) is determined by an important external circumstance in the child’s life - entering school. A child entering school occupies absolutely

“We live by conquering more and more new frontiers” A striking event in the life of the school was Students’ Week. On January 23-27, 2012, the school welcomed its graduates. This year, students took part in Student Week

Primary school age is a favorable period for the formation of vital skills and abilities. Including self-organization skills. After all, it is the primary school age that is associated with significant changes

Do only what lifts you spiritually and be sure that by doing so you can be most useful to society. L.N. Tolstoy There are many different professions in the world and everyone chooses their own. My profession is psychologist.

General pedagogy GENERAL PEDAGOGY Medvedeva Tatyana Mikhailovna primary school teacher MBOU "Secondary School 10" Dubna, Moscow region ASSESSMENT INDEPENDENCE OF SCHOOLCHILDREN Abstract: the article discusses

TEACHING MATHEMATICS IN BASIC AND SECONDARY SCHOOL WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF IMPLEMENTATION OF FSES LLC Dolgova E.I., teacher MBOU Secondary School 29, Georgievsk In the context of the implementation and implementation of FSES over the past five years

Essay: “I am a Teacher: profession or calling?” A teacher is a unique profession, one of the oldest and remains in demand by the state and society to this day. An important and necessary person in

MONITORING THE QUALITY OF STUDENTS' LEARNING ACTIVITIES IN THE LESSON Litovsky A.R. OU MSPU im. I.P. Shamyakina, Mozyr, Republic of Belarus The quality preparation of students in the classroom depends to a large extent on

Sergeeva Maria Pavlovna, Denisova Elena Vladimirovna, Branch of the Saratov Regional College of Arts in Marx Some issues of the implementation of the modern educational process of secondary vocational education

Teacher dynasty Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School 21 social project dedicated to the Year of the Teacher developers: 6A class of 2010 A teacher is a calling, A special character of feelings! Not everyone can achieve such a high title! Mine

Outline of the parent interactive meeting “My child is a future first-grader” Form: round table Audience: parents of the school preparatory group Number of participants: parents

Company LOGO It must meet the interests of the person, but the choice of profession must be justified by the extent to which the person meets the requirements of the profession in terms of his individual qualities. Choosing a profession is a task

PEDAGOGY Yuliya Aleksandrovna Yunkova, teacher, Ryazan College of Culture, Shatsk, Ryazan Region CASE TECHNOLOGY AS A MEANS OF DEVELOPING META-COMPETENCE OF COLLEGE STUDENTS Abstract:

I am a teacher. I consider the teaching profession to be the most important in the world. Teaching is an art, work no less creative than the work of a writer and composer, but more difficult and responsible. The teacher speaks to the soul

New requirements for the professional competence of teachers in the context of the transition to federal state educational standards “The illiterate person of the future is not the one who cannot read. They will become

Report Teacher creativity as a condition for the development of pedagogical skills Educator O.V. Komandirova The creativity of a teacher is the norm of his professional activity. Creativity is a process of activity,

Professional standard for a primary school teacher A good teacher only needs two qualities: great knowledge and a big heart. L.N. Tolstoy L/O/G/O What should a teacher be like? - creative

Educator Milena Vyacheslavovna Badalyan General information Education Secondary vocational, 2017 with honors "Novorossiysk Social Pedagogical College", specialty "Preschool teacher"

Russian Federation Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Municipal formation Yamal district MBOU "Myskamenskaya elementary school kindergarten" Methodological development in psychology "Tolerance Day"

Â. Â. CLASSICAL RESEARCH AND PRACTICES FOR APPLIED BACHELORATE 2nd edition, revised and expanded Resume about the international system in the world

Read in this issue: 1. Congratulations to our teachers pp. 2-9 MBOU Secondary School 87, Kalininsky district of Chelyabinsk 2 pp. School express “Teacher’s Day” 2, October 22, 2015 Why is this so loved and honored

THE ROLE OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES IN ADDITIONAL EDUCATION OF SCHOOLCHILDREN Apazhikhova N.V. Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavina, Tambov, Russian Federation, Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies

On the importance of homework in the educational activity of a schoolchild Tasks of the parent meeting: If our children want to be truly educated people, they must acquire education independently

State budgetary educational institution “Multidisciplinary school 1220”, Moscow The author’s methodology for teaching history and social studies at school was prepared by a history and social studies teacher

Report “Professional and personal growth of teachers as a goal and as a result of the pedagogical process” Elena Vasilyevna Ivanchuk, director of the MBOU “Borisov Secondary School 2” A teacher is a fruitful ray of sunshine

1. Name of the discipline (module) in accordance with the curriculum PEDAGOGY 2. Purpose and objectives of the discipline (module) The purpose of mastering the discipline (module) is: the formation of a system of acquired skills in students

Psychological foundations of andragogy This topic is addressed to those who work with adult audiences, helping them learn. We are accustomed to thinking that only children need to be helped to learn, and adults decide for themselves