Electronic cigarettes opinion of doctors of the first channel. How harmful are electronic cigarettes?

Most smokers immediately liked it, so the question of their harm faded into the background. And this is not surprising - You can smoke electronic cigarettes at work, in a restaurant, in bed and everywhere else , where smoking classic cigarettes has long been prohibited. The only difference, at first glance, is that instead of smoke, steam is released with a very pleasant smell and without harm to suffering passive smokers.

What other advantages of “electronics”?

  • A regular cigarette contains ammonia, benzene, cyanide, arsenic, harmful tars, carbon monoxide, carcinogens, etc. There are no such components in electronics.

  • From "electronic" leaves no marks on teeth or fingers in the form of a yellow coating.

  • At home (on clothes, in mouth) no smell of tobacco smoke .

  • You don’t have to worry too much about fire safety precautions - if you fall asleep with your electronic device, nothing will happen.

  • For the money Electronic is cheaper regular cigarettes. It is enough to buy several bottles of liquid (one is enough for several months) - different in flavor and dosage of nicotine, as well as replaceable cartridges.

At first glance, there are a lot of advantages. And no harm! But - not everything is so simple.

Firstly, electronic devices are not subject to mandatory certification. What does it mean? This means that they are not subject to supervision or control. That is, a cigarette purchased at a store checkout may not be as safe as manufacturers are trying to convince us.

Secondly, the WHO did not subject e-cigarettes to serious research - there were only superficial tests carried out more out of curiosity than for public safety reasons.

Well, and thirdly, the opinions of experts about “electronics” are not the most optimistic:

  • Despite the external “harmlessness” of electronics, There is still nicotine in it . On the one hand, this is a plus. Because giving up regular cigarettes is easier - nicotine continues to enter the body, and the imitation cigarette “deceives” hands accustomed to the “smoking stick”. The well-being of electronic smokers also improves - because harmful impurities stop entering the body. And even oncologists stated (although they could not provide evidence based on in-depth research) that liquid for refilling cigarettes cannot cause cancer. But! Nicotine continues to enter the body. That is, you still won’t be able to quit smoking. Because as soon as you receive one dose of nicotine (no matter - from a regular cigarette, patch, e-mail or chewing gum), the body immediately begins to demand a new one. It turns out to be a vicious circle. But there is no point in talking about the dangers of nicotine - everyone knows about it.

  • Psychiatrists also confirm this fact. : electronics are the change of one “nipple” to a more fragrant one.

  • Narcologists are also joining them. : The craving for nicotine does not go away, does not decrease, and nicotine dosing options do not matter.

  • The “harmlessness” of electronic cigarettes plays a serious role in creating an interest in smoking in our children . If it’s not harmful, it means it’s possible! Yes, and somehow more respectable, with a cigarette.

  • As for toxicologists - They look at e-cigarettes with suspicion. Because the absence of harmful substances and smoke in the air is by no means proof of the harmlessness of electronics. But there were no proper tests.

  • American FDA against e-cigarettes : analysis of the cartridges showed the presence of carcinogenic substances in them and the discrepancy between the declared composition of the cartridges and the real one. In particular, nitrosamine found in the composition can cause cancer. And in nicotine-free cartridges, again, contrary to the manufacturers’ statements, nicotine was detected. That is, when buying an electronic cigarette, we cannot be sure of the absence of harm, and the “filling” of the electronic cigarette remains a mystery for us, shrouded in darkness.

  • - good business . This is what many unscrupulous manufacturers take advantage of.

  • Inhalation of smoke and steam are different processes. The second option does not bring the saturation that a regular cigarette gives. That's why the nicotine monster begins to demand a dose more often than with regular smoking. To regain the “charm” of old sensations, many begin to smoke even more often or increase the strength of the liquid they refill. Where does this lead? To an overdose of nicotine. This is also the result of the temptation to smoke everywhere and at any time, and the illusion of harmlessness.

  • WHO warns that e-cigarettes have not been proven safe . And the tests that were carried out on these fashionable devices indicate serious discrepancies in the quality of the composition, the presence of harmful impurities and the amount of nicotine. A high concentration of propylene glycol leads to respiratory problems.

To smoke or not to smoke? And what exactly should you smoke? Everyone chooses for themselves. It will be possible to say about the harm or benefit of these devices only after many years. But to the question - will e-mail help you quit smoking - the answer is clear. Will not help. By replacing an ordinary cigarette with a beautiful and fragrant one, you can't rid your body of nicotine , and you won't stop being a smoker.

Electronic cigarettes are becoming increasingly popular. Many tens of millions of people around the world are believed to be regular users. But is this invention really safe?

The whole truth about electronic cigarettes - latest data

E-cigarettes, seen by many as a healthy alternative to smoking tobacco, can cause lung damage. This was stated by scientists from the University of Athens at the annual congress of the European Respiratory Society in 2012. Scientists conducted experiments on 32 volunteers, of whom 8 were former non-smokers and 24 were heavy smokers. Some of the subjects had healthy lungs, while others suffered from asthma. Everyone was asked to use e-cigarettes for 10 minutes, inhaling the vapor into their lungs.

Research and reviews - what do doctors say about e-cigarettes?

Here are some of the doctors' findings:

Professor Cristina Grazu, Chairperson of the European Respiratory Society for Tobacco Control (ERS): " We do not yet have evidence that unauthorized nicotine products such as e-cigarettes are safer than regular cigarettes, despite marketing claims that they are less harmful".

"We found an immediate increase in airway resistance in subjects, suggesting that e-cigarette use may cause immediate harm after smoking the device. More research is needed to understand whether this harm will also have long-term effects". ERS recommends the use of smoking cessation techniques whose treatment guidelines are based on clinical evidence, which does not recommend the use of products such as e-cigarettes ".

What else do doctors say about e-cigarettes? " We do not fully know what exactly is in them besides nicotine and how this nicotine affects the body if inhaled in this way".

How does an electronic cigarette work?

Electronic cigarettes (the device is battery powered) are used instead of cigarettes. Manufacturers, distributors and sellers of e-cigarettes say they are effective and a healthy alternative to smoking tobacco because the user does not inhale harmful tobacco smoke, which contains more than 4,000 toxic chemicals. Regular e-cigarette smokers say the device offers them a similar experience to smoking tobacco cigarettes. However, since there is no combustion there is no smoke. Sucking on such a cigarette activates the heating element, and the liquid nicotine solution evaporates. Vapors enter the respiratory tract. The effect of an electronic cigarette is practically no different from that of regular tobacco.

For reference

Nicotine upsets the heart, disrupts the contraction rhythm, and the heart begins to work intermittently. Nicotine causes prolonged and severe constriction of blood vessels. There is a special “tobacco” form of angina, in which compression of the heart vessels occurs. There are known cases of heart attack due to excessive smoking. It has been established that heavy smokers by the age of 50 are 12 times more likely to develop angina than non-smokers. Nicotine causes a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels. Blood vessels that have lost their elasticity can rupture easily, resulting in a risk of hemorrhage, especially in the brain.

The World Health Organization stated back in 2008 that e-cigarettes are not considered as nicotine replacement therapy.

Are there clinical studies on the safety of e-cigarettes?

The WHO says it has no scientific evidence to support the safety and effectiveness of this “invention” because the necessary clinical trials have not been conducted.

The appearance of electronic cigarettes on world markets has been assessed ambiguously. The opinions of scientists and representatives of public organizations about the new product that helps fight smoking are divided.

On the one hand, it is almost impossible not to recognize the benefits of a modern device. After all, positive results from its use have been proven in studies by many famous scientists, such as Michael Siegel, Murray Laugesen and others.

On the other hand, it is also impossible to say that an electronic cigarette is truly harmless. After all, only the results of long-term studies can be considered reliable. But such experiments have not yet been completed.

Only doctors have formed a more or less unanimous opinion about electronic cigarettes. Doctors observing patients who use e-products have already been able to draw some conclusions about their effectiveness. What do doctors say about electronic cigarettes?

First of all, the appearance of the devices interested oncologists. Indeed, it has now been proven that carcinogens contained in tobacco smoke can provoke the development of tumors. As a result of their own research, oncologists concluded that from this point of view, the electronic cigarette does not pose a threat to human health. There are no carcinogens in the aroma-nicotine liquid.

Cardiologists pay no less attention to the problem of electronic smoking. Doctors believe that the use of e-products is not only safe for the patient, but can also bring him considerable benefit. Such conclusions were made as a result of observations of patients. Doctors have found that after 4 months of electronic smoking, the health of patients improves significantly. This manifests itself in the disappearance of shortness of breath and a reduction in the number of attacks of tachycardia. In addition, smokers' heart rate is restored.

Electronic cigarettes also received positive assessments from phlebologists. Also, based on observations, they found that the use of e-products helps slow down the development of venous diseases.

Some doctors are more critical of modern devices. Thus, pulmonologist Alexander Averyanov believes that nicotine causes no less harm to the body than other substances contained in tobacco smoke. Therefore, using electronic cigarettes, a person only reduces the risk of developing diseases by half. Alexander Averyanov is confident that an e-product can only be effective if the user chooses nicotine-free cartridges.

Thus, at present, electronic cigarettes still receive more positive ratings and reviews from doctors and scientists. Perhaps the emergence of new research results will clarify the situation even better and allow us to draw clear conclusions about the benefits of e-products.

One of the most harmful habits of modern man is smoking. Many heavy smokers dream of getting rid of their addiction, but if the period of addiction is long, then doing so can be quite problematic. Previously, people had special lollipops, chewing gum, and sweets in their arsenal. Now another means has been added - electronic cigarettes. The new product is actively advertised by product sellers, and an increasing number of men are trying to get rid of smoking regular cigarettes by switching to electronic ones. The article will tell you what harms and benefits of electronic cigarettes are known, what an electronic cigarette is and what doctors think about the new product.

New device

The design of the new product is significantly different from conventional cigarettes, and in order to understand whether smoking them is beneficial or harmful to health, it is better to understand it. The device includes:

  1. Light-emitting diode. Its function is to imitate a smoldering fire.
  2. Battery (lithium) for inhalation replacement and microprocessor.
  3. Sensor.
  4. An ultrasonic liquid atomizer (evaporator) and a replaceable cartridge containing liquid.

The composition of the liquid for filling a replacement cartridge varies, but its main component is a base consisting of glycerin and propylene glycol in varying percentages, as well as flavorings and possibly nicotine.

Propylene glycol is a clear and completely colorless liquid with a sweet taste. Used as a food additive under code E 1520 in industry (pharmaceutical, food industry, cosmetics). Has no known toxicity. Metabolized in the body into uric acid and partially excreted unchanged. Glycerin is a colorless liquid. When dehydrated, it can form acrolein, which in some situations is toxic to the respiratory tract.


If we talk about the benefits and harms of electronic cigarettes with liquid, then we should start the story by listing the absolute advantages of the device. Both doctors and their patients note the benefits. These include the absence in the device of such harmful substances present in ordinary ones, such as tars, carcinogens and especially dangerous substances (cyanide, arsenic, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide), combustion products, plant alkaloids (harmine, nicotine), etc.

The benefits of switching to electronic cigarettes have also been noted by dentists. People who give up habitual smoking in favor of vaping improve the structure and appearance of their teeth, and the unpleasant smell of tobacco disappears over time. It is impossible to say that after switching to electronic cigarettes it will be possible to completely get rid of the ingrained yellow plaque, but the yellowing process will slow down.

People who give up habitual smoking in favor of vaping improve the structure and appearance of their teeth.

By the way, the smell of cigarettes and smoke will disappear and the houses, clothes and personal belongings of a person who prefers vaping will smell more pleasant, which, of course, is beneficial for the image of a successful person.

When talking about the pros and cons of vaping, we need to mention personal safety. Many promotional programs have been developed to prevent smoking in bed and at home to reduce the risk of fire. You can smoke electronic cigarettes in bed - a fire from vaping cannot occur.

With the advent of electronic cigarettes, not only their adherents arose, but also their opponents. Some people believe that with the help of such “substitutes” you can quickly and forever quit smoking, others simply like their smell, taste and the smoking process itself, and there are those who consider electronic cigarettes more harmful than regular ones. So who is everyone right?

Of course, electronic nicotine carriers have certain advantages. They do not have the characteristic unpleasant smoke and combustion products. Another advantage is that they can be smoked in any public places, because it will not cause discomfort to the people around you. Is it really? It's worth looking into this a little more.

What is an electronic cigarette

An electronic cigarette is a kind of mini-inhaler that runs on a micro battery. It works in such a way that when inhaled, nicotine enters the smoker’s lungs in the form of smoke, thereby simulating the sensations of a real cigarette. It also comes with cartridges for refilling liquid with different levels of nicotine dosage. Also, a huge number of different flavors have been invented for such gadgets to suit every taste.

There are also electronic cigarettes in which the nicotine content is reduced to zero. This is where the debate begins: are they harmful to the human body or not?

The benefits or harms of electronic cigarettes

Unfortunately, there is no law that states that electric cigarettes must be strictly certified, like regular cigarettes. This indicates that they do not undergo any thorough control, so no one has the right to guarantee their safety. It’s unlikely that anyone would buy ice cream knowing that it was made somewhere in an abandoned basement. So why should it be any different with e-cigarettes?

If a product has a certificate, this means that it has not only passed a quality test, but also been tested for the content of hazardous substances. Since electronic inhalers do not have this certificate, one can only guess what harm they can cause to human health.

Doctors do not have a unanimous opinion on new nicotine products. For example, the Portuguese doctor Antonio Arajo openly demonstrates his point of view about the benefits of such cigarettes. He believes this is the most effective way to quit smoking.

Of course, you can disagree with him, because it has long been proven that smoking addiction is more of a psychological nature. Few people actually need a daily dose of nicotine. There are many examples of people who gave up their addiction by simply throwing away a half-smoked pack of cigarettes. It's that simple.

American scientists, unlike Antonio Arajo, believe that the amount of harmful substances in electronic cigarettes is greater than in regular ones. Also, the smoker has to inhale nicotine through an e-cigarette more and for longer. This fact once again proves that they clearly do not provide any benefit to humans.

The harm of electronic cigarettes: rumor or reality

There is also an opinion that tobacco manufacturers themselves are spreading rumors about the dangers of their electronic competitors. After all, according to statistics from scientists from the University of Geneva, the majority of smokers abandoned regular cigarettes in favor of electronic ones. This fact, of course, could have prompted the manufacturers of the first cigarettes to take such a step. But those people who preferred electronic cigarettes still did not give up this addiction! They smoke in the same way, only now they smoke different cigarettes. This means there is no accurate information about whether electronic cigarettes help a person quit smoking.

To independently understand the question of the benefits or harms of electronic cigarettes, you need to consider both positive and negative aspects.


  1. A good way to quickly quit smoking traditional cigarettes;
  2. No resins or combustion products. A person’s lungs are not contaminated as they are from regular tobacco smoke;
  3. No tobacco smoke or ash. The ability to smoke in public places without causing inconvenience to others;
  4. Affordable price of replacement cartridges. It is enough to invest money once in the electronic device itself;
  5. The ability to stop smoking at a convenient time by simply putting a cigarette in your pocket or bag;
  6. Does not require ashtrays or designated smoking areas.


  1. Psychological dependence. The desire to constantly occupy yourself with harmful activities in your spare time. The addiction remains only slightly modified;
  2. Increasing the number of puffs to obtain the required dose of nicotine, which means the possibility of overdose;
  3. Duration of action. Electronic cigarettes often last several times longer than regular cigarettes;
  4. Lack of quality certificates. We cannot know for sure the amount of harmful substances contained in electronic cigarettes, so it is impossible to judge their safety;
  5. Negative attitudes of others towards tobacco smoke, even electronic;
  6. A large number of counterfeits and low-quality cigarettes that can be bought in the open.

In conclusion, it is important to note that it is not easy to identify clear pros or cons of e-cigarettes. They are still a completely new product on the market, and therefore not fully studied. Reliable information will only be available in 10–20 years, when enough time has passed and e-cigarette adherents have undergone medical research.

Today we only need to note that everyone has the right to make their own choice. To quit smoking you do not need to replace one cigarette with another. By and large, these are the same thing, just in a different shell.

Video: are electronic cigarettes harmful?