Ecstasy use. Ecstasy tablets - the illusion of gaining freedom

Ecstasy, slang name for methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) (3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methamphetamine)- semi-synthetic psychoactive compound amphetamine type, belonging to the group of phenylethylamines, which has a stimulating effect with a mild hallucinogenic effect. Chemical formula (C11H15NO2).

Ecstasy has several synonyms in both Russian and English.(Adam, Barrels, Bagels, Funny Candies, Magic Pills, Stimulants, Discs, E, Eshka, X, X-TC, Wheels, Circles, Round, Kruglyashi, Buttons, Tables, Washers, Euphoria, Cadillac, Beans, Clarity , E, Eksta, Eive, Love, Pig, Smile, Snowball, Ex-E, Vitamins, Vitamin E, Rolls, Slippers, Music, Adam, Beans, E, Rolls, X, XTC, Extasy).

As practice shows Ecstasy is a collective concept. As a rule, ecstasy can be called any drug based on amphetamines and substituted amphetamines, sold in tablets and intended for oral use in a specific disco setting. This is due to the fact that Often the buyer does not know which substances are in what proportions in the tablet and guesses this by the action of the drug. In fact, anything can be there: MDMA, substances of a number of amphetamines, and many other substances, both psychoactive (e.g. safrole, isosafrole, isosafrole glycol, piperonylacetone, ammonia) and neutral (fillers, colorings, impurities, e.g. starch, lactose, sucrose, calcium carbonate, soda, caffeine , aspirin, paracetamol, quinine).

Yes, very similar to MDMA drug MDEA (MDE, 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-ethylamphetamine), chemical formula (C12H17NO2). The mechanism of action of MDEA is similar to the mechanism of action of MDMA and consists in release of large amounts of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is involved in regulating mood and feelings of pleasure. The typical dose of MDEA is slightly higher than that of MDMA (100-200 mg). The psychedelic effect lasts from 3 to 5 hours. Very often, ecstasy tablets contain this particular drug instead of MDMA.

Consequences of using ecstasy:
The effect of ecstasy occurs 15-60 minutes after oral administration. The main mechanism of action of ecstasy is enhanced release of serotonin into the brain, which causes all the pleasant effects (improved well-being, feelings of satisfaction, happiness and love.) It has also been found that ecstasy also promotes increased secretion hormone oxytocin. Typically, the concentration of this hormone increases sharply in the body during orgasm.

However, for all good things you have to pay, and the human body Those who use MDMA will inevitably face negative consequences: Reduced seizure threshold (including jaw clenching, eye twitching, tremor). Nausea, sweating and fever, rapid dehydration, increased heart rate and blood pressure, arrhythmia, anorexia, anxiety, panic, depression caused by serotonin depletion, sleep disturbance, paranoid reactions.

With prolonged- within a few months - use long-term tolerance to the drug when, regardless of the dose taken, MDMA almost completely loses its effectiveness (ecstasy loses its magical power).

Scientists from the University of Amsterdam found that even small doses of methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDMA, "ecstasy") can be harmful to the brain. These conclusions were drawn from the first studies of the neurotoxic effects of small doses of this drug in patients who had recently started using ecstasy.

Death from MDMA use occurs mainly from acute heart failure, dehydration, as well as poisoning from impurities that are almost always contained in the drug.

Signs of ecstasy use:
The person seems very animated, moves sharply and impetuously, all actions are performed quickly. It’s as if some force is constantly carrying him somewhere, it’s difficult for him to sit still, he’s constantly on the move, active, and this activity may have no practical purpose. He cannot maintain any consistency in his deeds and thoughts, so he can take on a lot and give up everything. It's difficult to talk to such a person, since something will again “call him forward”, he will not be able to discuss one topic, his thoughts will interrupt one another, and if he can still speak out, then he will never listen. He finds it difficult to be passive, even as a listener, it is difficult to be alone with yourself without distracting yourself with something. He may suddenly think of some kind of trip and rush on the road, but he will soon give up this activity and still will not go anywhere. It looks like a tennis ball, on which someone constantly slams a racket, forcing him to jump from place to place, not giving peace and consistency in anything. At the same time, being in the stage of intoxication, he may not sleep for days; the pupils are dilated, the skin is dry, the pulse is increased.

From the history of ecstasy:
1912 - MDMA is first synthesized by Merck Pharmaceuticals.
1914 - Merck Pharmaceuticals patents MDMA.
1953 - The Military Chemical Center studies the toxicity of MDMA, experiments are conducted on pigs, rats, mice, monkeys and dogs.
1965 - Alexander Shulgin synthesizes MDMA, but does not yet experiment on himself.
1967 - The first small clandestine laboratories produce MDMA.
1968 - Alexander Shulgin begins experimenting with MDMA and presents his research to other scientists.
August 1970 - the first publicly published case of MDMA being used as a drug.
1976 - First academic article on MDMA.
1977 - MDMA begins to be sold on the streets as a drug.
1977 - UK classifies MDMA as Class A. Class A is the most controlled category of drugs in England.
1977 - 1981 Eight people reported to intensive care units due to MDMA use.
1981 - 1985 For 4 years, not a single registered case of MDMA “poisoning”.
1984 MDMA gets the street name "ecstasy" in California.
July 1, 1985 - DEA temporarily places MDMA on Schedule I.
1987 - First report of human death due to MDMA use.
December 22, 1987 - MDMA removed from Schedule I.
March 23, 1988 MDMA moved back to Schedule I.
1989 Rave, electronic dance music and the "ecstasy" that fuels them lead to a "second summer of love." The Acid house band and their accompanying smiley face T-shirts are becoming fashionable and hitting the charts.
1991 - Alexander and Ann Shulgin publish PiHKAL, documenting more than 250 drug compounds, including MDMA, mescaline, 2C-B, 2C-T-7, 2C-T-2 and many others.
1995 The death of Leah Betts after taking an ecstasy tablet on her 18th birthday.
2003 6,230 people were found guilty, warned or fined for ecstasy-related offences.
2005 year. In a study of 500 Edinburgh students, 36% said they had taken ecstasy, with 75% describing ecstasy as a “positive force in our lives”.
2008 April, MDMA began to return to mainstream medicine. In particular, clinical trials of a method of treating post-traumatic stress disorder with the help of ecstasy have begun in Israel; veterans of the military campaign in Lebanon took part in it.

MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine, better known as ecstasy) - chemical psychoactive substance of the amphetamine group. Slang names - wheels, washers, round. Ecstasy tablets were first patented by Merck Pharmaceuticals in Germany in 1914. In the 1950s, the MK Ultra Project conducted research using MDMA to find methods of manipulating consciousness. In 1976, the American chemist A. Shulgin synthesized and tested ecstasy on himself. After another 9 years, the drug began to be banned.

Effect of ecstasy tablets

The drug ecstasy is most common in the form multi-colored tablets with embossed designs. Like other drugs in the amphetamine group, MDMA has a psychostimulant effect. Unlike amphetamine, ecstasy tablets activate the release of serotonin, the hormone of pleasure, and oxytocin, the hormone of attachment and satisfaction. A deficiency of the former in the body causes depression and irritability, while an excess causes a feeling of boundless happiness and love.

The production of oxytocin naturally increases at the moment of orgasm or during labor. It promotes psychological attachment to a partner or baby. Ecstasy use is strong enhances feelings of empathy. A person’s sociability increases, discomfort in communicating with strangers is relieved, sensuality increases and the perception of music improves - it seems to make its way into the depths of consciousness and controls the body.

What are the consequences of taking ecstasy?

The maximum concentration of MDMA in the blood is reached 1.5–3 hours after consumption, and the effect lasts up to 8 hours, depending on the dose. Ecstasy, like other psychedelic substances, mainly causes only psychological addiction, but this does not mean that there are no health damages. For diabetics and people with kidney and heart problems, ecstasy becomes a poison. The main danger is a violation of thermoregulation.

  1. Hyponatremia (water poisoning). Due to excessive physical activity, a person consumes a lot of water, which, through intense sweating, removes vital minerals and trace elements from the body. Internal organs malfunction and stop working.
  2. Hyperthermia. When actively dancing without stopping in a hot indoor room (and nightclubs are often just that) there is an imperceptible but dangerous jump in temperature to 40°C and above. This entails kidney failure, liver failure and even cardiac arrest.
  3. Death from overdose. The risk of death from ecstasy is quite low. The problem is that only a few take the pills in their pure form. Typically, antidepressants, alcohol and other drugs are added to the “menu”. This greatly increases the likelihood of overdose and serious complications.

The devastating effects of ecstasy tablets can take some time to appear. They usually appear in two to three months regular drug use:

  • mild hallucinations after consuming high doses;
  • a sharp increase in blood pressure and increased heart rate;
  • spasm of the facial muscles, twitching of the lower jaw;
  • inability to concentrate and depression when sober;
  • dizziness, darkening of the eyes, nausea, vomiting;
  • loss of appetite and exhaustion, hence rapid weight loss.

Although sale and possession of MDMA is punishable by law, its illegal sales continue to generate multibillion-dollar profits on the black market. Almost always, ecstasy tablets are one of the first stages of development

- use of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (in slang - ecstasy). The use of MDMA is often determined by the peculiarities of the patient’s social activity; in the general structure of this drug addiction, periodic or episodic rather than regular consumption predominates. MDMA eliminates anxiety and fear, produces euphoria, and a feeling of trust and closeness towards other people. Under certain conditions, it can provoke life-threatening hyperthermia and hyponatremia. Increases the likelihood of developing polydrug addiction.


MDMA is a synthetic psychoactive substance. It occupies a special place in the group of psychoactive and psychedelic substances because, unlike most other drugs, it has the ability to steadily increase the level of empathy, enhancing the feeling of intimacy and security, while eliminating anxiety and fear. It belongs to the group of empathogens, which some researchers consider as a subgroup of psychedelics, while others classify them as a separate group of psychoactive substances.

The drug was first synthesized in 1912, but the ability of MDMA to influence the mental and emotional state became of interest to American scientists only in the middle of the twentieth century. Initially, the drug was tested on animals. In the late 60s, its effect on humans became known. Due to its ability to eliminate anxiety, guilt and fear, as well as its pronounced empathic effects, MDMA has found acceptance among psychotherapists. It was used in family therapy, prescribed to patients suffering from stuttering, long-standing psychological problems and feelings of guilt due to the loss of loved ones.

For some time, the drug was produced legally and was available for free sale. In the 80s, it began to be widely used at discos and parties. In 1988, MDMA was added to the list of prohibited substances in the United States. After some time, other countries followed the example of the United States. MDMA is currently banned in most countries around the world. There is limited research into the drug's use in some forms of cancer and post-traumatic stress disorder.

The level of illicit MDMA consumption has remained stable in recent decades. The drug is usually taken orally in tablets; less commonly, the powder is inhaled, smoked, or administered in parenteral solution. Ecstasy tablets sold on the black market often contain all sorts of additives. On average, the MDMA content in tablets ranges from 80 to 30 percent. The rest consists of ballast substances and other psychoactive drugs (caffeine, amphetamine, etc.). Sometimes dealers sell other empathogens under the guise of MDMA. All this makes the effects of taking the drug less predictable and increases the likelihood of developing all kinds of complications.

When taken orally, the psychoactive substance begins to act after 15-60 minutes. The half-life is just over 7 hours. MDMA is broken down in the liver and excreted in the urine. The main effects of ecstasy are due to the interaction of the psychoactive substance with the neurons of the brain. The drug stimulates the release of the “pleasure hormone” serotonin, thanks to which a person experiences feelings of happiness, love, inner satisfaction, etc. It has been established that MDMA affects not only the metabolism of serotonin, but also the release of other neurotransmitters. In addition, it increases levels of certain hormones, including oxytocin, which promotes increased levels of trust and helps form psychological attachment. It is assumed that this combination explains the unusual effects when taking MDMA, but the mechanisms of formation of these effects have not yet been sufficiently studied.

The reason for taking the drug is usually an entertainment event associated with a certain social activity. The empathetic effects combined with increased stamina have made MDMA one of the most popular psychoactive substances at raves—massive discos where young people mingle and dance the night away. Gradually, MDMA became as common an attribute of a rave as dancing or loud music. People began to take the drug not only at discos, but also at regular parties.

Chronic use of MDMA increases short-term and long-term tolerance. Short-term tolerance is expressed as a decrease or disappearance of the effects of the drug when taken again within 2-3 days after previous use. Long-term tolerance develops with fairly regular use over several months or several years. The empathogenic effect of MDMA gradually disappears, only side effects occur after use. Because of this, ecstasy is considered a drug that does not encourage addiction. However, with constant use of MDMA, there is a danger of switching to other, heavier and more dangerous drugs, since the patient is already accustomed to receiving unusual pleasant sensations from using psychoactive substances.

Symptoms of MDMA Abuse

The first effects usually become noticeable 30-60 minutes after taking MDMA (in some cases this period can be reduced to 15 minutes), reach a maximum after 1.5-2 hours, persist for 3.5 hours, and then gradually disappear. A person may feel overwhelmed, anxious and suspicious. At the same time, self-confidence increases, there is an improvement in mood, cheerfulness, a desire to communicate, and become closer to other people. All signals from the outside world, perceived by the senses, become brighter and more colorful. The imagination is activated, old events are better remembered. Sometimes there are disturbances in thinking, changes in the perception of the surrounding world, one’s own body, space and time. Some patients experience pseudohallucinations, hallucinations, and mania.

Changes at the psychological and emotional level include the need for love and intimacy, increased empathy, compassion and compassion. Moral and psychological prohibitions and restrictions recede into the background. The feeling of guilt and powerlessness goes away, grievances and grief become unimportant. At the physiological level, there is an increase in heart rate and respiration, increased blood pressure, dilated pupils, increased temperature, increased sweating and decreased appetite. Nausea, difficulty urinating, tingling of the skin and some loss of muscle control may occur.

After the effects of MDMA cease, physical fatigue is noted. The patient suffers from restlessness, anxiety, depression and irritability. The thought process becomes somewhat disordered, thoughts “jump” or “get lost.” Affective disorders reach their maximum on days 3-4. During this period, there is an increase in the number of suicides due to short-term depression. In the USA, Tuesday (3-4 days after Friday or Saturday, when most patients take MDMA) is even called “suicide day.” The “hangover” after using MDMA can last up to 5 days.

Complications of MDMA Abuse

The most common dangerous complications of MDMA are hyperthermia, hyponatremia, and serotonin syndrome. The drug causes an increase in body temperature. The situation is complicated by the fact that patients taking ecstasy are often in hot, enclosed spaces (for example, raves), in a crowd of similarly intensely moving, hot people. Another risk factor is a decreased ability to assess one's own level of physical discomfort after taking MDMA. The likelihood of developing hyperthermia increases with the concomitant use of alcohol, amphetamines and caffeine. In severe cases, the body temperature exceeds 42 degrees, which entails failure of internal organs.

To normalize the temperature, it is recommended to take regular breaks and rest, preferably in a cool, well-ventilated area. To prevent dehydration, you should take enough fluids, but a patient who has used MDMA may face another problem. When drinking excessive amounts of liquid and actively sweating, hyponatremia may develop, since salts are excreted in large quantities in sweat, but do not enter the body with liquid. To prevent hyponatremia, you should drink mineral water, salted water or tomato juice.

Full-blown serotonin syndrome is rare when taking MDMA, but it cannot be excluded, especially with the simultaneous use of several psychoactive substances. Accompanied by anxiety, agitation, disturbances of consciousness, dyspepsia, headache, chills, tachycardia and increased breathing, blood pressure fluctuations, sweating, coordination problems, paresthesia, tremor, nystagmus and muscle rigidity. Hallucinations and seizures are possible. In severe cases, necrosis of muscle tissue, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, myoglobinuria, and acute renal and liver failure develop.

Overdose with MDMA is rare. The risk of developing an overdose increases with cardiovascular diseases, simultaneous use of several psychoactive substances, repeated use of MDMA while intoxicated, as well as with the simultaneous use of drugs that block the breakdown of ecstasy (cimetidine, some antidepressants and herbal preparations).

Treatment and prognosis for MDMA abuse

Treatment of acute conditions due to MDMA abuse is carried out in the intensive care unit. In case of hyperthermia, cooling is carried out, and dehydration is eliminated if necessary. For hyponatremia, saline solutions are administered orally and intravenously. For serotonin syndrome, detoxification therapy is carried out. The volume and tactics of symptomatic therapy for all of these conditions are determined by the nature of the disorders of various organs and systems.

There is no withdrawal syndrome when using MDMA, so the drug is discontinued immediately. They carry out psychotherapeutic work aimed at identifying the causes of abuse (excessive conformity, the need to perform the same actions as other group members, long-standing psychological problems, lack of other leisure options, etc.), and then, together with the patient, they find ways out of the current situation. situations. Patients are under the supervision of a narcologist.

The prognosis for MDMA abuse is favorable in most cases. With a sufficiently high level of motivation, patients are usually able to stop taking the drug. Among the unfavorable outcomes are suicide with the development of drug-induced depression and the transition to more “heavy” psychoactive substances. Some scientists indicate a decrease in the “overall level of happiness” due to disruption of serotonin receptors, a higher likelihood of developing depression, as well as mild memory impairment as long-term consequences of MDMA use.

Ecstasy is a drug popular among young people. It is supplied to Russia from European countries and China. Spread ecstasy tablets in nightclubs. They can also be ordered online. The average price of the drug in Moscow is 1200-1500 rubles per tablet.

What do ecstasy tablets look like and how are they different?

The design of the tablets is amazing. Often they are bright, made in the form of fairy-tale characters. The parent, having discovered them, will not even immediately understand that they are ecstasy tablets. The drug can easily be mistaken for small (7-9 mm in diameter) sucking candy or chewing gum.

Such types are very popular in Russia ecstasy tablets:

  • HelloKitty - pink or blue ecstasy tablets in the shape of a cat.
  • Love, or Heart - heart-shaped pills.
  • Rolls-Royce - yellow rectangular tablets with a large letter “R” embossed.
  • Apple - tablets with an image of an apple embossed on them.
  • Minions are ecstasy tablets in the form of cartoon characters. On one side they are yellow, on the other - blue.
  • Heineken - green tablets with the inscription "Heineken", shaped like a beer keg.
  • Bugatti - oval red ecstasy tablets with the corresponding inscription.
  • Gold - preparations that imitate gold bars.

Also in demand are pills in the shape of strawberries, diamonds, dominoes, with an imprint of an animal’s paw and the Chupa Chups emblem. It is believed that there are more than a thousand varieties of ecstasy tablets. Typically, drug addicts identify 2-3 favorite types, which they use regularly. What are their differences, besides design?

  1. In manufacturers and batches. The design serves as a conditional indicator for a drug addict. So he can buy an already familiar or “well-established” product.
  2. Included. It is believed that ecstasy is MDMA, but in a broad sense this is also the name for other amphetamine-type drugs in tablet form (MDA, MDEA). And in addition to the central components, other substances are added: ephedrine, ketamine, etc.
  3. In the concentration of the main active ingredient. If we are talking specifically about MDMA, then the average concentration of the drug in one tablet is approximately 125 mg - this is a standard single dose. Beginning drug addicts sometimes take half a tablet. But recently, enhanced ecstasy containing MDMA from 150 to 200 mg has become increasingly popular in use.

The Secret of MDMA's Attractiveness

Ecstasy tablets are classified as empathogens-entactogens; they stimulate the release of oxytocin (attachment hormone) and serotonin (pleasure hormone). This means that the sense of belonging increases, unconditional trust in people arises, and internal barriers disappear. This is why ecstasy is a group drug and is almost never taken alone. And this is also the reason for the attractiveness of the drug.

For young people, the drug becomes a gateway to communication; it helps to relax and forget about complexes. Often pills are swallowed not only during parties, but also in intimate settings to enhance the experience of sexual intercourse. The state of euphoria lasts 4-8 hours. However, pleasure comes at a price.

Side effects and consequences

On average, ecstasy tablets are consumed 3-4 times a month; it is a “weekend drug.” Nevertheless, the main consequence of taking it is drug addiction.

Ecstasy users are confident that they are not at risk of drug addiction. Indeed, MDMA, when compared with other drugs, is almost not physically addictive. But it causes the psychic. People use the substance again and again to feel ecstasy. They are no longer able to achieve a sense of harmony and happiness in other ways.

In addition, taking “magic” pills leads to other bad consequences:

  • Hyponatremia is a violation of electrolyte metabolism.
  • Hyperthermia, or overheating. It occurs especially often when MDMA is combined with DXM (dextramethorphan), which suppresses the sweat glands.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Nausea and dizziness.
  • Deterioration of thinking.
  • Increased heart rate, increased blood pressure.
  • Hallucinations (at high doses).
  • Depression that occurs as a result of drug withdrawal.

The worst consequence of taking ecstasy tablets is an overdose. Its risk increases if a person uses other drugs, antidepressants, or cimetidine (an ulcer medicine) at the same time as MDMA. Ecstasy is especially dangerous for people with heart and vascular diseases, kidney failure, and diabetes.

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine belongs to the category of semi-synthetic substances of the amphetamine group. Refers to phenylethylamines. Most often it can be found in tablet form under the name “ecstasy”.

Slang names for the drug:

  • Adam,
  • Molly,

This is one of the most common and popular drugs. Its widespread use is reflected in the mass culture of Western countries. The drug began to spread especially quickly among ravers and nightclub visitors.

The synthesis, sale and even transportation of MDMA is prohibited by the UN Convention - it is a criminal offense in most countries of the world community.

MDMA - safrole, is a yellowish oil. The oil has a sharp burning taste and smells like mold. It is made from the bark of the roots of sassafras bushes. This substance was for a long time the only precursor to MDMA. A large number of psychoactive substances obtained during the synthesis of the drug have been recorded - most often for the production of bromsafrole, which, when interacting with methylamine, produces MDMA.


The drug was first obtained in 1912 during attempts to synthesize a drug to improve blood clotting. The German scientist A. Kelisch (Merck company) patented a drug based on MDMA in 1914 as an intermediate in the production of hydrasthenine or an analogue of methylhydrasthenine - a means to stop bleeding.

After this, work on the study of this substance was stopped for almost half a century, and only short-term work by researchers in the 50-60s of the last century on behalf of the US Army command made it possible to study MDMA as a psychoactive substance. The purpose of this work was to study methods of manipulating the consciousness of an individual and the research was included in the famous work “MK-Ultra”. After one of the program participants died from an MDMA overdose, all work was urgently curtailed.

MDMA in medicine and psychiatry

Widespread use of the drug began in the 70s. The American chemist A. Shulgin, who worked at one of the universities in the USA, synthesized the drug and carried out research on himself, gradually increasing the dose. His work, published in 1978, describing the action of the drug was widely disseminated in the scientific community. It said that the effect of MDMA on the psyche is easy to control, and a change in consciousness occurs with increased sensory perception.

In 1977, L. Zef used the drug in psychiatric practice. L. Zef contributed to the dissemination of knowledge about MDMA among psychotherapists.

As a medicine, the drug began to be widely used in psychotherapy sessions.

By 1980, it was used in clinical practice by more than a thousand psychotherapists in different US states. Before the complete ban, about half a million doses were used in psychotherapy sessions. It was L. Zef who gave this substance the name “Adam,” hinting at its ability to return the psyche of any person “to an innocent” state that does not know feelings of guilt, shame or an inferiority complex. MDMA was not widely used in therapeutic practice due to the fact that everyone remembered the case of LSD, which was banned after its use went beyond the confines of psychotherapists' offices.

Some therapists and narcologists emphasized the beneficial effects of MDMA on the psyche of alcoholics and the beneficial effect in the treatment of alcoholism. This continued until the 80s, when MDMA attracted attention as a psychoactive substance that causes persistent addiction. After this, its use in the treatment of alcoholism was curtailed.

In January 1992, a number of articles were published in the English press on the research of Dr. J. Henry from the National Poisonous Substances Council of the United States. The articles described seven deaths after taking MDMA.

This led to the formation of public anti-drug protest activity in the United States, which resulted in hundreds of publications about the deadly neurotoxicity of MDMA.

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Effect produced

MDMA has an effect on several neurohormonal and neurotransmitter systems at once. The substance can enhance pleasant experiences. In some cases, it caused increased unpleasant experiences.

MDMA acts as an empathogen and produces feelings of euphoria while reducing feelings of anxiety or fear. This effect, according to some researchers, places MDMA in a special category of psychedelics and emaptogens.

MDMA is a stimulant, inferior in strength to amphetamines.

According to the consolidated opinion of doctors, this substance belongs to the category of recreational drugs and, due to its health hazard, is placed next to alcohol and tobacco. The main danger that MDMA poses to the body is its neurotoxicity. Most often, the harm from taking it is enhanced by the simultaneous use of stronger drugs. Due to increased neurotoxicity, taking the drug leads to:

  • to a decrease in mental abilities,
  • loss or weakening of memory,
  • insomnia,
  • decreased performance,
  • decreased ability to concentrate.

Deaths caused by MDMA have been recorded. This fact prompted increased government oversight of the production and distribution of MDMA in clubs and rave parties.

MDMA is usually taken orally or inhaled. It is available in the form of tablets and capsules.

Most often, tablets and capsules contain amphetamine, caffeine or other psychoactive substances.

The effect of the drug begins 20-30 minutes after administration. Duration is 1 hour or more. The plateau phase lasts 3.5 hours. This is followed by a decline. First of all, unlike other psychostimulants, MDMA affects the mechanisms of production and absorption of serotonin. Penetration into brain tissue occurs by diffusion. After entering the brain, the drug binds to serotonin transporter units. This prevents the reuptake of serotonin and increases its concentration in the synaptic cleft. The mechanism promotes the direction of serotonin into axons, which stimulates the production of serotonin at synapses and the subsequent depletion of serotonin stores.

Substances have a similar effect on the production and absorption of dopamine. But its effect on dopamine is many times lower. In addition, norepinephrine is included in the effect of MDMA on the body.

MDMA causes a powerful release:

  • vasopressin,
  • cortisol,
  • prolactin.

The drug stimulates oxytocin neurons located in the pituitary gland.

The friendly feelings and empathy conveyed by a person who has taken MDMA occurs due to the stimulation of oxytocin neurons and the powerful production of the “attachment hormone” oxytocin.

The effects of MDMA on the body are different from stimulants and hallucinogens. Human behavior under the influence of the drug is more predictable. Behavior is subject to certain phases depending on the doses taken, personality type and psychological characteristics of the person. People who take drugs for the first time experience:

  • subjective emancipation and removal of verbal and emotional barriers in communication,
  • elimination of psychological problems,
  • increased desire for love,
  • deterioration of spatial and speech memory,
  • feeling of peace and harmony.

At the physiological level, the following are noted:

  • splitting and blurring of the image,
  • dry mucous membranes,
  • acceleration of heart rate and breathing,
  • increased blood pressure,
  • hyperhidrosis,
  • nausea,
  • loss of appetite,
  • gnashing of teeth,
  • dilated pupils with worse reaction to light,
  • hyperthermia,
  • difficulty urinating,
  • decreased coordination of movements,
  • convulsive states (in case of overdose).

Danger of use

MDMA is characterized by short-term and long-term forms of tolerance. Tolerance increases after a week of systematic use of the drug. The decrease in the intensity of positive emotions is confirmed by many people. Tolerance causes an increase in the single dose taken, which leads to overdose. It provokes an increase in negative emotions and a complete smoothing out of positive ones. In patients with a long history of use, sensitization effects are observed, which cause a feeling of revitalization with small doses of the administered drug.

Consequences of use

The consequences of abuse include a number of physiological and psychological aspects.

Physiological aspects include:

  • physical exhaustion,
  • depression,
  • irritability,
  • insomnia,
  • difficulty concentrating.

At the physiological level, there is a progressive serotonin syndrome, which causes the release of cortisol, vasopressin, prolactin, etc. This leads to an increase in blood pressure with a simultaneous sharp increase in brain temperature. This dangerous phenomenon in case of overdose can cause not only dopamine shock, but also the death of brain cells from overheating. In humans, the throughput of the blood-brain barrier is disrupted, which causes the release of sodium ions into the intercellular fluid, increasing the content of potassium ions in them. This leads to excessive thirst, excessive fluid consumption and its accumulation in the intercellular space of the brain and spinal cord. This leads to loss of coordination and deterioration of the brain, causing absent-mindedness, inattention, forgetfulness, etc.

Psychological aspects include a gradual increase in positive emotions with a slight increase in dosage and a gradual increase in negative emotions with an even greater increase.

The drug causes disturbances in the perception of surrounding macro- and micropsia. The psychological consequences of taking it include:

  • depressive disorders,
  • attacks of paranoia,
  • unmotivated aggression towards acquaintances and strangers,
  • panic disorders.

Addicts experience rudimentary hallucinations, which are characterized by increased brightness and clarity of objects, distortion of size and shape.

Metabolites of MDMA cause the death of serotonin-producing nerve endings. This leads to the formation of persistent depressive states with suicidal thoughts, which are difficult to treat.

MDMA abuse develops tolerance to the use of psychoactive substances. People who, as a result of long-term use, have become immune to this drug, become, in most cases, polydrug addicts or switch to using hard drugs. Pills produced in clandestine laboratories contain toxic substances that cause the development of severe chronic diseases.

Film: The Truth About Ecstasy (MDMA/MDMA).

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