Unified State Exam in Russian task 2. Introductory words and phrases

Theory for Task No. 2 Unified State Exam 2019 in Russian

Changes in 2019:

    The wording of the task has changed: there are no answer options, you must independently select and write out a means of communication.

    The amount of theory you need to know to successfully complete a task has changed.

The wording of the task from the demo version of the Unified State Exam 2019:
“Choose your own subordinating conjunction, which should take the place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down this union."

Execution algorithm:

  • Carefully read the task and the required portion of the text.
  • Establish a logical connection between parts of the text.
  • Pay attention to the part of speech you are looking for: it is important to choose a word that will correspond to the stated characteristic. For example, if the assignment specifies that the missing word should be a subordinating conjunction, it is important not to confuse it with a coordinating conjunction.

Logical connections in the text can be of the following nature:










consistency, connection of thoughts;

way of forming thoughts;

expression of the speaker's feelings;

confidence/uncertainty about something;




As means of communication they act as service parts of speech ( prepositions, conjunctions, particles), and independent ( pronouns, adverbs), and introductory words and phrases.


Now in more detail about parts of speech.

Functional parts of speech

1. Preposition

- This is a part of speech that serves to connect words in a sentence. Prepositions put the next word in the required case.

There are prepositions:

  • Derivatives(derived from other parts of speech): thanks to, because of, despite, during, as a consequence, etc.
  • Non-derivatives: about, about, without, on, over, in, etc.

2. Particle

- This is a part of speech that adds shades of meaning (intensification, clarification, negation, indication, restriction) to words and serves to form certain forms of the word (conditional and imperative mood of the verb, degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs).

Particles are:

Shape-forming: would, come on, let, let, yes.

Do not confuse the particle “yes” with the conjunction “yes”.
Union: old man and old woman (can be replaced with “and”)
Particle: Long live the sun!

— Negative: neither and nor

— Interrogative: really, really, really
- Modal: how, what, hardly, barely, only, just, here, out, after all, after all, even, same, and, exactly, just, directly

Do not confuse particles with other parts of speech!

Something like a movie (preposition) - Did you like it? Seems good (particle)
Let it be funny, but be honest (union) – Let him speak (particle)
It’s easy to solve the problem (adverb) – You’re just an ignoramus (particle)

3. Union

- This is a part of speech that is necessary to connect words in a sentence or to connect simple sentences as part of a complex one.

Unions are divided into:

— Coordinating conjunctions(connect homogeneous members of a sentence and parts of a complex sentence (SSP))

Can be divided into:

and, yes (in the sense of and), not only,...but also, also, also, and...and, neither...nor, both,...and; how much..., so much and.

a, but, yes (in the meaning but), but, however, however, nevertheless.

or, or...or, either, or...or, then...that, or...or, not that...not that

Comparative (gradational):

not only but; both... and, not so much..., but; not so much...but


too, also, yes and, moreover, and.


that is, namely.

— Subordinating conjunctions(connect parts of a complex sentence)

IMPORTANT! The division of subordinating conjunctions into groups is conditional, since the name depends on the question that we ask to the subordinate part of the clause.

For example, the conjunction “HOW” can be explanatory in one sentence and comparative in another sentence. Therefore, be careful.

Explanatory: what, how, in order... etc.

Time: when, only, barely, as soon as...

Goals: in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to...

Consequences: so...

Conditions: if, if, once...

Concessions: although, at least, let, despite the fact that...

Comparisons: as, as if, as if, as if, exactly, as if...

Reasons: because, because, since, because...

Places: where, where, where...

Mode of action and measure, degree: so much, so much, so, to such an extent, to that, such.

Independent parts of speech

1. Pronouns


Personal: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they - in all cases (by me, him, etc.)

Possessives: mine, yours, ours, yours, his, hers, theirs - in all cases (mine, yours, etc.)
Possessive pronouns her, him, them coincide in form with personal pronouns he she They in R.p. and V.p. They are easy to distinguish in the text. Compare:
Her book was lying on the table. (Whose book?) – hers. This is a possessive pronoun.
I know her well. (I know who?) – her. This is a personal pronoun.

Returnable: myself

Demonstratives: that, those, this, such, so much, this, that, etc.

Definitive: himself, most, all, every, each, other, any, other, etc.

Undefined: someone, something, some, some, someone, something, etc.

Negative: no one, nothing, none, no one's, nothing, etc.

Interrogative: who, what, how many, whose, which, what, with what, to whom, whom, etc.

Relative:(interrogatives in affirmative sentences, usually found in the second part of the NGN)


- This is an unchangeable independent part of speech, which denotes a sign of an action, sign and object, answers questions where, how, where, why, why etc.

There are adverbs:

— Circumstantial
-mode of action (how, in what way?) (so, summer-like, comradely...)
-measures and degrees (how much, to what extent, to what extent) (very, quite, a little, a little...)
-places (where, where, from) (far, here, somewhere..)
- time (when, how long, since when, until when) (now, the day after tomorrow, always, then...)
-goals (why, for what purpose) (out of spite, in defiance, on purpose...)

— Definitive
-quality (natural, scary, cold, monstrous, fast...)
-quantitative (a lot, a little, a little...)
-method and mode of action (running, galloping, walking, idling, probably swimming...)
-comparisons and likenings (in a man’s way, in a bearish way, in our opinion, still...)
- aggregates (two, three, publicly, together..)

3. Introductory words and phrases

- separated by commas
- are not members of the proposal
- you can’t ask them a question

Introductory words and phrases are not members of the sentence (you cannot ask a question about them), are separated by commas, do not change the information in the sentence, they can be excluded without distorting the meaning.

Groups of introductory words by meaning:

— The speaker’s feelings (joy, anger, regret, etc.)
Fortunately, unfortunately, to horror, to shame, to misfortune, to joy, etc.

— Degree of certainty (assumption, possibility, uncertainty, etc.)
Maybe, perhaps, apparently, in fact, it seems, it would seem, indisputably, it is true, one must believe, essentially, unconditionally, etc.

— Connection of thoughts, sequence of presentation
So, therefore, by the way, firstly, secondly, on the other hand, for example, the main thing, thus, by the way, means vice versa, etc.

— Message source
According to rumors, they say, according to someone, in my opinion, in my opinion, according to legend, remember, report, convey, etc.

— Techniques and ways of forming thoughts
In other words, in other words, simply put, to put it mildly, in one word, etc.

— Appeal to the interlocutor or reader in order to attract attention
Do you know, know, understand, excuse, forgive, listen, believe, agree, imagine, please, etc.

- Assessing the extent of what is being said
Perhaps, literally, as if, in addition, to top it off, suddenly, after all, ultimately, here, hardly, after all, even, hardly, exclusively, precisely, as if, as if, just, besides, meanwhile, I suppose, by proposal, by decree, by decision, approximately, approximately, moreover, almost, therefore, simply, decisively, as if, supposedly.

Task formulation:

Choose your own subordinating conjunction, which should take the place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down this union.

(1)According to the blue-de-ni-yams of modern research-to-va-te-leys in humans, on the basis information on the Internet, the “nature” of reading. (2) Develop a focus on superficial, skimpy reading, and the skill of attention that remains unused The ability to read a long text disappears, like any ability that is not trained. (3)<...>consciousness, accustomed to working with small pieces and separate fragments that are not connected with each other, copes poorly with large texts, requiring time and attention.

Correct answer: due to this<ИЛИ>That's why

A comment:

The word “therefore” and the like are not suitable, since they would need to be followed by a comma; these are introductory words that are a conclusion from the chain of evidence. We are required to choose a subordinating conjunction.

The conjunction “due to this” can be replaced with “therefore”.

What you need to know:

The sentences in the text are interconnected both in meaning and grammatically. A grammatical connection means that the forms of words depend on other words in the neighboring sentence, which are consistent with each other.

Lexical means of communication:

1) Lexical repetition - repetition of the same word

Around the city there are low hills forests, mighty, untouched. In forests There were large meadows and remote lakes with huge old pine trees along the banks.

2) cognates

Of course, such a master knew his worth, felt the difference between himself and not so talented, but he knew perfectly well another difference - the difference between himself and a more gifted person. Respect for the more capable and experienced is the first sign talent. (V. Belov)

2) Synonyms. We saw in the forest moose. Elk I walked along the edge of the forest and was not afraid of anyone.

3) AntonymsNature has a lot friends. Foes she has significantly less.

4) Descriptive phrases

Built highway. Noisy, swift river of life connected the region with the capital. (F. Abramov)

Grammatical means of communication:

1) personal pronouns, possessive pronouns

1.And now I am listening to the voice of an ancient stream. He coos like a wild dove. 2.The call for forest protection should be addressed primarily to youth. To her live and farm on this land, to her and decorate it. (L. Leonov).3. He unexpectedly returned to his native village. His the arrival delighted and frightened the mother. (A. Chekhov)

2) demonstrative pronouns(such, that, this)

1.A dark sky with bright, needle-like stars floated over the village. Such stars appear only in autumn.(V. Astafiev). 2. They shouted with distant, sweet twitching corncrakes . These corncrakes and the sunsets are unforgettable; they were preserved forever by pure vision.(B. Zaitsev) - in the second text the means of communication are lexical repetition and the demonstrative pronoun “these”.

3) pronominal adverbs(there, so, then, etc.)

He [Nikolai Rostov] knew that this story contributed to the glorification of our weapons, and therefore it was necessary to pretend that you did not doubt it. So that's what he did(L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”).

4) unions ( mostly creative)

It was May 1945. Spring thundered. The people and the land rejoiced. Moscow saluted the heroes. AND joy flew into the sky like lights.(A. Alekseev). With the same chatter and laughter, the officers hastily began to get ready; again they put the samovar on dirty water. But Rostov, without waiting for tea, went to the squadron"(L.N. Tolstoy)

5) particles

6) introductory words and constructions (in a word, so, first of all and etc.)

The young people spoke about everything Russian with contempt or indifference and, jokingly, predicted for Russia the fate of the Confederation of the Rhine. In a word, society was pretty disgusting. (A. Pushkin).

7) unity of types of tense forms of verbs - the use of identical forms of grammatical tense that indicate simultaneity or sequence of situations.

Imitation of the French tone of the times of Louis XV was in fashion. Love for the Fatherland seemed pedantry. Smart guys back then extolled Napoleon with fanatical servility and joked over our failures.(A. Pushkin) - all verbs are used in the past tense.

8) incomplete sentences and ellipsis, referring to previous elements of the text:

Gorkin cuts the bread and distributes the slices. He puts me too: huge, you'll cover your whole face(I. Shmelev)

9) syntactic parallelism - identical construction of several adjacent sentences. To be able to speak is an art. Listening - culture. (D. Likhachev)

The Unified State Examination in Russian consists of two parts and 25 tasks.

First part represents 24 tasks. They can be test-type, with a choice of one or more answers, open-ended (fill in the blank yourself).

The answer to the tasks of Part 1 is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a number (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers) written without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Part 1 tasks test graduates’ mastery of educational material at both basic and high levels of complexity (tasks 7, 23–24).

Second part - consists of one task - 25. This task involves writing an essay based on the read and analyzed text.

Part 2 task (task 25 - essay) can be completed by the examinee at any level of difficulty (basic, advanced, high).

The work is given 210 minutes - 3.5 hours.

Distribution of tasks by parts of the examination paper

Parts of the work Number of tasks Maximum primary score Type of tasks
1 part24 33 Short answer
part 21 24 Detailed response
Total25 57

Unpointing for tasks

Below I will give the “cost” of each task performed.

For the correct completion of each task first part (except for tasks 1, 7, 15 and 24) the examinee receives 1 point. For an incorrect answer or lack thereof, 0 points are given.

For completing tasks 1 and 15, you can score from 0 to 2 points.

The answer that contains all the numbers from the standard and no other numbers is considered correct.

For completing task 7, you can score from 0 to 5 points.

For each correctly indicated digit corresponding to a number from the list, the examinee receives 1 point (5 points: no errors; 4 points: one error was made; 3 points: two errors were made; 2 points: two digits were indicated correctly; 1 point: correctly indicated only one digit; 0 points: completely incorrect answer, i.e. incorrect sequence of numbers or its absence.

For completing task 24, you can score from 0 to 4 points. The answer that contains all the numbers from the standard and no other numbers is considered correct.

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive if he or she completes the task correctly second part , is 24 points.

For correct completion of all tasks of the examination paper, you can receive the maximum 57 primary points .

Task No. 2 in the Unified State Exam in Russian is aimed at identifying the ability of graduates to correctly use various means of connecting text sentences. It is performed on the basis of the same text that was given in task No. 1. A specially omitted word, which is a connective, is the correct word that is suitable in meaning, and students must choose from five proposed options.

In many cases, the desired word itself “asks” for an empty space, but to correctly complete the task, for which you can get one primary point, you need to have a good understanding of the means of communication of the sentence.

Theory for task No. 2 of the Unified State Exam in Russian

Means of connecting sentences in the text

Lexical means of communication:
  1. Prepetition of the same word – lexical repetition.

    Around the city there are low hills forests, mighty, untouched. IN forests There were large meadows and remote lakes with huge old pine trees along the banks.

  2. Similar words.

    Of course, such a master knew his worth, felt the difference between himself and not so talented, but he knew perfectly well another difference - the difference between himself and a more gifted person. Respect for the more capable and experienced is the first sign talents.

  3. Synonyms.

    We saw in the forest moose. Elk I walked along the edge of the forest and was not afraid of anyone.

  4. Antonyms.

    Nature has a lot friends. Foes she has significantly less.

  5. Descriptive phrases.

    They built a highway. A noisy, fast-moving river of life connected the region with the capital.

Grammatical means of communication:
  1. Personal pronouns.
  2. Demonstrative pronouns(such, that, this)

    A dark sky with bright, needle-like stars. Such stars appear only in autumn.

  3. Pronominal adverbs(there, so, then, etc.)

    He [Nikolai Rostov] knew that this story contributed to the glorification of our weapons, and therefore it was necessary to pretend that you did not doubt it. So he did.

  4. Unions(usually creative)

    It was May 1945. Spring thundered. The people and the land rejoiced. Moscow saluted the heroes. And joy flew into the sky like lights.

  5. Particles
  6. Introductory words and constructions(in one word, so, firstly, etc.)

    The young people spoke about everything Russian with contempt or indifference and, jokingly, predicted for Russia the fate of the Confederation of the Rhine. In a word, society was pretty disgusting.

  7. Unity of tense forms of verbs- the use of identical forms of grammatical tense, which indicate simultaneity or sequence of situations.

    Imitation of the French tone of the times of Louis XV was in vogue. Love for the fatherland seemed pedantry. The wise men of that time praised Napoleon with fanatical servility and joked about our failures.

  8. Incomplete sentences and ellipsis, referring to previous text elements:

    Gorkin cuts the bread and distributes the slices. He puts it on me too: it’s huge, you’ll cover your whole face.

  9. Syntactic parallelism– identical construction of several adjacent sentences.

    To be able to speak is an art. Listening is a culture.

We are most interested in grammatical means of communication, namely points 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, since usually either introductory constructions or parts of speech such as conjunctions, particles, adverbs are missing.

Words that are most often missing in the text:

  1. Besides– used to complement and expand the earlier sentence given;
  2. in other words– applies in the case when already known information is reported, but formulated differently;
  3. thus, therefore, thus– words necessary to summarize the above reasoning;
  4. for example like this– used when you need to enter an explanation of what was said earlier;
  5. vice versa– necessary for contrasting different information;
  6. first of all, on the one hand– display the order of the arguments;
  7. despite, although, in spite of– are used when something said in the sentence happens contrary to the facts given earlier;
  8. because, because, the thing is that– needed to explain the reasons for the previously mentioned phenomena;
  9. therefore, from here– help to draw a conclusion from the above;
  10. however, but, but- contrast one sentence to another;
  11. exactly, after all– are used to emphasize the meaning of some information, to clarify it;
  12. even– reinforcing particle;
  13. not by chance- "for this reason".
Algorithm for completing the task:
  • We read the text carefully.
  • We use the selection method - we will try to read the text with each of the proposed options and select the one that looks most harmonious.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 2 of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language

Second task of demo version 2018

(1) The consequence of the ongoing struggle for existence in the animal world is natural selection - a process that eliminates less adapted organisms and favors more adapted organisms. (2) In this competition, those representatives of the species who turn out to be the most viable, that is, adapted to specific living conditions, gain an advantage. (3)<…>

Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

On the other hand,

After all



Despite this,

Execution algorithm:
  • The text talks about the laws of natural selection, that more viable animals have an advantage over weaker ones.
  • If you imagine that instead of spaces there are words and combinations of words on the other hand, on the contrary, although, despite this, which have the meaning of opposition, it turns out that the ability to produce healthy offspring is opposed to adaptability to the prevailing environmental conditions. This is an incorrect statement. On the contrary, the last sentence explains the reason for nature’s preference for more viable animals: After all they have a greater chance of leaving behind full-fledged offspring.

Answer: indeed.

First version of the task

(1) The ancient Greeks honored the winners of sports games. (2) The most famous athlete of all time was Milo of Croton, a student of the philosopher Pythagoras. (3) It was he who, as a boy, began to train his strength by lifting a calf on his shoulders and carrying it around the exercise area every day. (4) The calf grew, but Milo’s strength also grew. (5) ... three years passed, he carried a large bull around the stadium with the same ease.

(6) When Milo won a victory, a full-length bronze statue was cast in his honor; he threw it over his shoulder and brought it to the temple himself. (According to M.L. Gasparov)

Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in the blank in the fifth (5) sentence?

  1. When
  2. Then
  3. That's why
  4. Against,
  5. On the one side
Execution algorithm:
  • In this example, everything is quite obvious - such a simple task may appear on the exam, which once again proves that every student can pass it with high scores. The text contains a narration - a mention that after three years he easily carried a large bull. This clearly indicates that the missing word is "when".
  • Even if you try to substitute all the given options, it is clear that they are absolutely not suitable. Therefore, the answer is 1.

Second version of the task

(1) It is impossible to create a reliable flu vaccine, since the virus changes the composition of its shell proteins every year, against which the vaccine must train the immune system of the vaccinated person. (2) ... for each epidemic, a new version of the vaccine has to be developed. (3) French immunologists from University of Lyon decided to approach the problem from the other end: to block the activity not of the virus, but of the PAR-1 protein, which is present in the mucous membranes of the lungs and is involved in the process of their inflammation under the influence of viruses. (4) It is assumed that the new vaccine will be available in the form of a nasal spray. (“Flu vaccine: a new approach”, “Science and Life”, No. 8 2013)

Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in the blank in the second (2) sentence?

  1. If
  2. Although
  3. Because
  4. More than that,
  5. That's why
Execution algorithm:
  • The first sentence contains the cause, and the second effect: the virus changes the composition of proteins, and for each epidemic a new vaccine must be created. In our retelling of the main meaning of the text, the conjunction “and” is easily replaced by “therefore”; this word is the correct answer to the task.
  • However, you can try to substitute other options - for self-test. The word “if” is not suitable because the following “then” does not appear in the sentence. “Although” absolutely does not satisfy the meaning of the sentences; we can also talk about “because” and “in addition.”

Third version of the task

(1) Those who like to watch the vibrant palette of autumn leaves noticed that it had faded and came to the following conclusion: global warming of the planet’s climate affects the intensity of the color of autumn leaves. (2) By studying how climate affects the color of leaves, scientists came to the conclusion that during drought, leaves turn brown and fall off, and during cloudy weather, the formation of red pigment in the leaf slows down. (3)<…>, the intensity of the color of autumn leaves depends on the weather.

Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in the blank in the third (3) sentence?

  1. Vice versa
  2. Moreover
  3. On the other side
  4. That's why
  5. Thus
Execution algorithm:
  • When reading the text, it is obvious that options 1, 2 and 3 are not suitable. However, at first glance, making a choice between “therefore” and “thus” is not so simple: they both satisfy the meaning of the sentences - when there is a drought, the leaves fall, and when it is cloudy, red pigment is formed in the leaves more slowly, therefore, their color depends on the weather. Options 4 and 5 are both used to draw a conclusion and summarize.
  • Let's read the text more carefully: in the third sentence, immediately after the missing word, there is a comma. It is not placed after the adverb “therefore”, but “thus” is always separated by this punctuation mark! Therefore, the correct answer is 5.

Lexical means of communication:

  1. Lexical repetition- repetition of the same word. Around the city, forests spread across the low hills, mighty and untouched. In the forests there were large meadows and remote lakes with huge old pine trees along the banks.
  2. Cognates. Of course, such a master knew his worth, felt the difference between himself and a less talented person, but he also knew perfectly well another difference - the difference between himself and a more talented person. Respect for the more capable and experienced is the first sign of talent.
  3. Synonyms. We saw a moose in the forest. Sokhaty walked along the edge of the forest and was not afraid of anyone.
  4. Antonyms. Nature has many friends. She has significantly fewer enemies.
  5. Descriptive phrases. They built a highway. A noisy, fast-moving river of life connected the region with the capital.

Grammatical means of communication:

  1. Personal pronouns. 1) And now I’m listening to the voice of an ancient stream. He coos like a wild dove. 2) The call for forest protection should be addressed primarily to young people. She should live and manage this land, she should decorate it. 3) He unexpectedly returned to his native village. His arrival delighted and frightened his mother.
  2. Demonstrative pronouns(such, that, this) 1) A dark sky with bright, needle-like stars floated over the village. Such stars appear only in autumn. 2) The corncrakes screamed with distant, sweet twitching sounds. These corncrakes and sunsets are unforgettable; they were preserved forever by pure vision. – in the second text the means of communication are lexical repetition and the demonstrative pronoun “these”.
  3. Pronominal adverbs(there, so, then, etc.) He [Nikolai Rostov] knew that this story contributed to the glorification of our weapons, and therefore it was necessary to pretend that you did not doubt it. That's what he did.
  4. Unions(mostly composing) It was May 1945. Spring thundered. The people and the land rejoiced. Moscow saluted the heroes. And joy flew into the sky like lights. With the same chatter and laughter, the officers hastily began to get ready; again they put the samovar on dirty water. But Rostov, without waiting for tea, went to the squadron.”
  5. Particles.
  6. Introductory words and constructions(in one word, so, firstly, etc.) The young people spoke about everything Russian with contempt or indifference and, jokingly, predicted for Russia the fate of the Confederation of the Rhine. In short, the society was quite disgusting.
  7. Unity of tense forms of verbs- the use of identical forms of grammatical tense, which indicate simultaneity or sequence of situations. Imitation of the French tone of the times of Louis XV was in vogue. Love for the fatherland seemed pedantry. The wise men of that time praised Napoleon with fanatical servility and joked about our failures. – all verbs are used in the past tense.
  8. Incomplete sentences and ellipsis, referring to the previous elements of the text: Gorkin cuts the bread, distributes the slices. He puts it on me too: it’s huge, you’ll cover your whole face.
  9. Syntactic parallelism– identical construction of several adjacent sentences. To be able to speak is an art. Listening is a culture.
Introductory word, conjunction, particle, adverb When is it used?
IN OTHER WORDS, IN OTHER WORDS It is used when the author of the text wants to say the same thing, but more clearly.
BESIDES It is used when it is necessary to supplement what has been said with some, in the author’s opinion, important thoughts or circumstances.
THUS, SO, THEREFORE They are used when the author of the text summarizes his reasoning.
FOR EXAMPLE, SO They are used when the author wants to clarify something he said before.
VICE VERSA It is used when the author of the text contrasts one sentence with another.
FIRST, ON ONE SIDE Indicate the order in which arguments are presented.
DESPITE THIS, ALTHOUGH, DESPITE THIS They introduce the following meaning into the author’s reasoning: “contrary to the circumstances indicated in the previous part of the text.”
BECAUSE, AS, BECAUSE, THE POINT IS THAT The author uses it when he indicates the cause of the described phenomena.
SO, SO WHAT, FROM HERE The author of the text uses it when he wants to draw a conclusion from his reasoning.
THAT IS Used to clarify what was said earlier.
HOWEVER, THEN, BUT Used to contrast the meaning of one sentence with another.
EXACTLY, IF They add clarification and emphasize the importance of the thought.
EVEN Enter the gain value.
NOT BY CHANCE Means "for this reason".
MEANS The author wants to provide an explanation of what was said before as an example, an illustration of his thoughts.

Meaningful relationships expressed by coordinating conjunctions:

  1. Connecting: and, yes (=and), and...and..., not only... but also, like... so and, also, too
  2. Dividers: or, or, then...that, not that...not that, or...or, either...or
  3. Nasty: a, but, yes (=but), however, but
  4. Gradational: not only, but also, not so much... as, not really... but
  5. Explanatory: that is, namely
  6. Connecting: also, also, yes and, and moreover, and
  7. too, yes and, that is, namely.

Meaningful relations expressed by subordinating conjunctions:

  • Temporary: when, while, barely, only, while, just, barely, barely
  • Causal: since, because, because, in view of the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, for (obsolete), due to the fact that
  • Conditional: if (if only, if, if - obsolete), if, once, as soon
  • Target: so that, in order to, in order to (obsolete), for the purpose of, in order to, then in order to
  • Consequences: So
  • Concessive: although, despite the fact that
  • Comparative: as, as if, as if, exactly, than, as if, likewise, rather than (obsolete)
  • Explanatory: what, how, to
  • Conjunctions are not used at the beginning of a sentence: so, than, rather than, as well as explanatory conjunctions: what, how, so that.