Exam required subjects. Unified State Exam in Literature

Every spring, the Unified State Exam becomes one of the most discussed issues. Students are in a panic rereading and studying options for last year’s unified state exam, teachers persistently remind students that the date for testing their knowledge will soon come, and parents are in turmoil trying to figure out how to help their children. Regular rule changes and innovations require you to constantly learn the latest information in order to be prepared. It is better to do this in a timely manner so that you can make changes to your exam preparation. There is already information about the Unified State Exam in 2019: changes and compulsory subjects, unexpected concessions and changes in priorities.

Will the Unified State Exam 2019 be cancelled?

The types of exams themselves are also changing: an oral part is mandatory added to the Russian language, mathematics is now divided into 2 levels and 2 sublevels (base: first and second parts, and specialized mathematics: also first and second parts), and is also complicated by banking tasks and tasks of increased difficulty. Graduates frantically search every website for new rules in the Unified State Exam system. So what can they expect in 2019?

This question interests every high school student, because the abolition of the Unified State Exam promises at least a calmer life during the 10th and 11th grades. The Unified State Exam causes bewilderment among teachers, students and parents, because the extremely strict measures for passing such an exam are shocking more and more every year. Even excellent students fail this stage, so relying on fate and ingenuity is unlikely to work and you will still have to prepare even if it is cancelled. But it is not only the weak level of knowledge of students that frightens the public: the wild overload and tense atmosphere have their negative consequences when smart children, having passed the Unified State Exam with unsatisfactory scores, go to technical schools.

The Unified State Examination can actually be cancelled, because the number of complaints and indignations of the people is only increasing. The rumor that the Unified State Exam will be canceled has been circulating for many years, but presumably this can only happen in 2019. The main question of the Ministry of Education and Science today is the question of the only state exam; Representatives of this organization do not promise quick results, because the abolition of the Unified State Exam is as serious a step as its introduction, so this procedure can take quite a long time.

Many demand a return to Soviet times, when exams were taken on tickets in a calm environment and with a living person, and not in a camera-controlled room with a computer that could malfunction at any moment, causing terrible results, which has already happened to graduates more than once.

Disputes about the benefits and harms of the Unified State Exam

A series of annual dissatisfaction with the peculiarities of the examination of graduates is constantly mixed with rumors about the harm of the Unified State Exam for the fragile teenage psyche. There are certain shortcomings in such a knowledge certification system, which causes heated discussions. On the other hand, if a student has mastered the necessary knowledge, then he has no reason to worry about the exam. Any form of exam will cause a lot of stress only if the child has not put in any effort while studying.

The changes and compulsory subjects of the 2019 Unified State Exam indicate that this type of state exam is effective in improving the quality of education. This form of certification forced schoolchildren not just to “sit their pants” in class, but to actually study, which had a positive impact on the general level of knowledge.

Introduction of new mandatory exams

Mathematics and the Russian language have always been considered the “main” or “core” subjects in the list of school subjects. That is, for example, upon admission they will be taken into account in almost every university: if you want to go to the Faculty of Humanities, take not only Russian, literature, etc., but also mathematics in the compulsory queue; If you want to be an engineer, be kind enough to know your native language so that you can pass your only state exam in it perfectly.

Also, many are sure that excellent passing of the Unified State Exam in mathematics and the Russian language is not at all an indicator of a graduate’s real knowledge.

The emergence of a new compulsory exam means that now future students will be required to do their best to pass the threshold of points in a certain subject: if with additional exams or elective exams everything is easier (if you fail, you will be released from school anyway), then with compulsory ones it is much more difficult: no If you pass, you won’t receive a certificate at all.

In 2019, it plans to add a foreign language to the list of mandatory exams: presumably English. The option of taking Chinese is also being considered. Unlike the second, they are unlikely to try to simplify English, leaving only the test part.
But if knowledge of a foreign language is not necessary for everyone (although children with a high level of knowledge and a big plan for life, for whom a foreign language is necessary), should go to grades 10-11, then everyone must know history.
They want to make this subject mandatory for passing the only state exam in 2019-2020. It is believed that a truly educated and self-respecting person must know the history, if not of the world, then of his own country. A particularly distinctive feature of passing the Unified State Examination in history as a mandatory exam is the passing of this subject with tickets: it is not clear whether this is an advantage for graduates or not, but in any case, such a system is radically different from today’s.

New compulsory and elective subjects

An unexpected innovation will be the trial addition of a new foreign language to the elective subjects, which was not previously included in the list of those allowed to be taken. At the Unified State Exam, about 3 thousand schoolchildren will take the test version of Chinese as a foreign language. The assessment rules are still being discussed; it is not yet known whether mitigating requirements will be imposed on this subject or whether the Chinese language will immediately begin to be assessed on general terms.

For several years now, there has been talk about the fact that knowledge of the Russian language and mathematics cannot reflect the knowledge of students. If you focus on these compulsory subjects, you can achieve high standards in their study within a year, allowing you to pass the exam with dignity. Therefore, several months before the Unified State Exam, the question of introducing additional compulsory subjects is raised. It has been said more than once that by 2020 all students will take 4 compulsory subjects:

  1. Story.
  2. Mathematics.
  3. Russian language.
  4. Foreign language.

Changes in the number of compulsory subjects affected the Unified State Exam in 2019 - now there will be three. History has moved from being an elective subject to being a compulsory one, although the format for taking it is somewhat different. The old version of the “History” subject is planned - it will be ticketed.

Regular rumors that there will be more compulsory subjects are beginning to come true. The Ministry of Education reminds that later there will be additional academic disciplines that will be compulsory. One of these subjects will be foreign languages ​​- they plan to make it compulsory by 2020-2022. The new minister will adhere to the same strategy for changing the Unified State Examination as the previous one, but the innovations will become smoother for a comfortable transition for both students and teachers, and inspection authorities with methodologists.

Cancellation of tests and introduction of oral part

It is now known that a new version of the state exam is being developed with a reduction in the test part of the tasks. This is due to the fact that in addition to the existing probability of guessing the correct answer, there is also a number of speculations with tests. This may include banal cheating from a neighbor or the hidden use of technology in order to obtain correct answers from a third party. The illegal sale of answers to test tasks is also practiced. Another option for speculating with the test part was “training” students on last year’s options during the last six months instead of going through a detailed school curriculum.

The USE in 2019, with its changes and new compulsory subjects, will become more similar in appearance to the exams familiar to the adult generation. The unified examination system is convenient for a real test of knowledge, which is typical of the Unified State Examination, but they decided to return the oral part to the exams, just to give it more specific forms.

In addition to humanitarian subjects, it is planned to introduce a detailed oral part on the scale of the Russian language test. The so-called “speaking” should evaluate not only the amount of knowledge, but also the ability to use it. The specific form of the oral part of the Russian language exam is now being approved. So far, two options are being considered - an interview with a teacher and oral answers in front of a computer. Moreover, the issue of introducing the oral part in the Russian language as an admission to the exam is now being discussed, although it may also be included in the subject itself.

Refusal to deliver exam forms

Already, Rosobrnadzor is preparing a project for independent printing of forms, carried out immediately before the exam. This innovation will not only reduce delivery costs, but also minimize the likelihood of speculation on the part of teaching staff and students.

According to this project, each educational institution conducting the Unified State Exam will have equipment that allows printing out the necessary forms within 10-15 minutes before the exam begins. Moreover, they will already contain certain information regarding the date and location of the examination tests. Students will only have to enter their first and last name.

Simplified retake rules

For now, the appearance of an additional retake is still at the stage of final discussion. Previously, students who failed the exam the first time were given a one-time attempt to correct the situation. Now it is planned to introduce 2 attempts to retake compulsory subjects. They will take place during the next academic year. The right to fail the exam twice will be granted both after completing 9th and 11th grades.

At the same time, both education officials and teachers want to remind students that increasing the number of attempts to pass state exams will not help careless students accidentally pass the certification. Changes to the Unified State Exam in 2019 are increasingly aimed at assessing the actual knowledge acquired at school.

Average USE scores 2019

The number of points for passing the Unified State Exam changes every year, only increasing, for a huge variety of different reasons. The value of the passing score depends on the prestige of the future educational institution, on the level of education in it and on additional services included in the education for the graduate (this could be a dormitory at the university, work, food, and so on). The number of budget places also plays an important role - the more there are, the lower the score is likely to be. Calculating passing scores is an important procedure, so on the Internet you can find most sites with a “calculator” of passing scores.

Below are the approximate number of passing points depending on the city

  1. Vladivostok - from 32 to 42.3.
  2. Volgograd - from 33 to 38.
  3. Voronezh - from 48.2 to 58.7.
  4. Makhachkala - from 45 to 47.
  5. Nizhny Novgorod - from 57 to 65.1.
  1. Russian language - 35 points.
  2. Mathematics - 28 points.
  3. Computer science - 41 points.
  4. Biology - 37 points.
  5. History - 33 points.
  6. Chemistry - 37 points.
  7. Languages ​​- 23 points.
  8. Physics - 37 points.
  9. Social studies - 43 points.
  10. Literature - 31 points.
  11. Geography - 36 points.

Such norms are supported by the law of the Russian Federation: according to the norms of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, any higher educational institution has the opportunity to determine the minimum threshold of passing scores in any academic subject independently.

For a relative understanding of what a future student can count on, there is an online calculator that will calculate the number of points scored for admission to a particular university. So, the graduate is only required to enter the exam results, his personal interests and preferences, and sometimes the desired university. But an online calculator cannot give a one hundred percent guarantee, so you should trust only yourself, trying to score as many points as possible. Rules for conducting the Unified State Exam.

The only state exam is most often carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation (sometimes this procedure is carried out outside its borders). Everything is written at a strictly specified time, corresponding to the specific time zone in which the graduate lives. Also, in certain areas there may be a specific place where students are required to take their exam, even if they previously studied at another school. Thus, often graduates from nearby rural and township areas are brought to one point, where they take the Unified State Exam.

It is prohibited to bring with you any means of communication and media of photographs, audio and video recordings. It is prohibited to enter in outer clothing. Be sure to have your passport with you.

Before the Unified State Exam, each student has access to a test: most often this is an essay on literature, which is evaluated by a commission: if a child has written an essay that complies with all norms and rules, then he is considered officially admitted to take the only state exam, but if the essay is not passed, then One retake is allowed.

Also, in order to be admitted to the exam, it is necessary to eliminate all possible academic debts: student absences are taken into account here; for the entire year, the graduate should not miss more than 40% of classes; the student’s final grades are taken into account - there should be no failures in half a year, the student must be certified, that is, score the required number of grades to receive the final grade; the graduate must hand over all books to the school and local libraries, otherwise he will not receive a certificate.

The early stage of exams is scheduled for March 22 - April 6. Geography and computer science will be the first subjects taken at the early stage. It is worth noting that at least 1-2 days will pass between exams. From April 9, schoolchildren will be able to retake one of the subjects, or retake one that was taken on the same day as another exam taken. The main stage is scheduled for May 28th - after the last bell on Saturday the 26th. Schoolchildren will begin taking exams according to the preliminary schedule of the Unified State Exam 2018 with geography. Then, May 30 – basic mathematics. After the base, graduates will pass tests in physics, specialized mathematics, Russian language and other subjects. Oral exams in foreign languages ​​are scheduled for the last days of the schedule. But the schedule of reserve days of the main stage has shifted to July itself. The last reserve day is now scheduled for July 29. It will be possible to retake the necessary subjects on September 4 and 7.


Information about the changes begins to appear on official websites. This:

  • The test part and short-answer questions will be reduced or eliminated altogether;
  • The number of complex tasks and tasks of increased complexity will increase;
  • The total number of tasks will decrease;
  • There will be more tasks with graphs and tables.
  • Literature

Changes should be expected in the literature exam. It is planned to reduce or remove short-answer tasks focused on knowledge of terminology. The emphasis will be on creative tasks - writing an essay, for example. But there will be more topics for essays - not three, as in previous years, but four or even five. This will make writing essays much easier for graduates. But you shouldn’t be too happy - the volume of the essay will also be increased. Previously, the volume was 200 words, but now it is 250. In the analysis of a work, the text presented to schoolchildren will now need to be compared with only one other text, which they must remember on their own, and not with two, as was the case before.

  • Foreign

As for foreign languages, English will very soon become mandatory. But Spanish, German and French remain selective. But due to the demand for the Chinese language, trial Unified State Examinations in the Chinese language are being conducted, and already in 2018 it may be included in the selective exams. The same goes for Italian and Japanese.

  • Biology

There will be no multiple-choice questions in the Unified State Examination in Biology. But the number of tasks with diagrams, graphs and tables will increase to 11. Previously there were only 4. The part with increased complexity of tasks will also become more complicated - instead of 1 complex task there will be three. The total number of tasks will decrease from 40 to 28. Graduates are not happy about this at all.

  • Computer science

Computer science and ICT will be taken on computers; there will be no tasks of easy complexity - only tasks of medium and high complexity will remain. Passing the exam on computers will provide an opportunity to test graduates for logical thinking, the ability to work with diagrams, tables and basic programs.

  • Chemistry

As already mentioned in the news for today from Rosobrnadzor, tasks with a short answer or with a choice of answers will be removed. This also affected the chemistry exam. The simplest tests have been completely removed. The total number of tasks has changed from 40 to 34. Even easy tasks will be worth 2 points. Whether these changes are good or vice versa is a controversial question and each graduate decides for himself. By the way, Rosobranadzor is considering the issue of an interview for admission to the Russian language exam, and for cheating, increasing the inadmissibility to retake from 1 to 2 years.

  • Russian

Not much changes occurred in the exams in social studies, mathematics and foreign languages. In Russian, in addition to the first part with writing an answer and the second part with writing an essay, it is planned to add a third part. “Speaking” is a real innovation in the Russian language exam. Nothing like this had happened before, but now graduates will have to answer the questions asked and justify their answer. This task is aimed at testing the ability to formulate your thoughts and present them correctly. Whether this will make life easier for graduates remains to be seen.

  • Geography

The simplest tests have been removed from the geography exam paper. The most difficult tasks relate to gender and age categories of the population and migration processes. To successfully pass the exam, you must have a lot of knowledge in your head about the hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and other areas, as well as knowledge about weather conditions and climates of different countries and continents.

  • Physics

The Unified State Exam in physics has become significantly more difficult. Previously, graduates could score a sufficient number of points on the test tasks, but now they don’t have them at all. There is more experience, and graduates must select the equipment themselves and also understand it. According to officials in the field of science, this may “scare off” schoolchildren who chose technical universities for admission. This information is also available on the FIPI website.


The Minister of Education noted that graduates, having chosen the subjects they need for admission, abandon other subjects. In this case, between the 4-7 subjects that students pass on average and those that do not pass, there is a very large gap in the difference in knowledge. The level of knowledge of graduates thereby decreases. Schoolchildren forget that knowledge of all subjects is necessary and, while passing one list of subjects, they cannot forget about the remaining ones. Thus, starting from 2020, a foreign language will be added to the list of compulsory subjects. In the latest news, it was announced that measures against cheating would be tightened.

Required subjects may be:

  • Story
  • Social science
  • Physics
  • English language

How many exams should I take?

An innovation in the Unified State Exam 2018 is expected in the form of adding history to the compulsory subjects. Although things may still change before spring and social studies or, in general, physics may be a mandatory exam. But it’s worth waiting for the list of required items to be replenished. In total, 3 compulsory subjects, 2 mandatory optional subjects - 5 subjects will be taken by eleventh graders in 2018. And that's the minimum.

The previous Minister of Education gave children and their parents cause for concern - he said that the number of subjects taken at the Unified State Exam will increase to 6. Of these, 4 will be compulsory and 2 will be optional. At this time, nothing has been done and no required items have been added. The need for this innovation is also noted by the president, who claims that the level of knowledge of the history of their country among schoolchildren is very weak. If history becomes a compulsory subject on the Unified State Exam, then both students and their teachers will take it more seriously and pay more attention to it.

After history comes social studies. About a third of graduates choose it to take it as an additional exam. And this is not surprising, society is not the most difficult subject, and there are a lot of areas where a social studies exam is required for admission. After a number of changes in the social studies exam, it is no longer possible to say that it is one of the easiest. One thing is certain - if social studies is added to the list of compulsory subjects, the tasks will become much more difficult. Applicants to technical universities want to see physics as the third compulsory subject, but the Ministry of Education considers this impossible. Physics has always been and remains one of the most difficult subjects, and while some can master it, others find it extremely difficult and passing an exam in it seems like something impossible.


Graduates of 2018 should prepare themselves to take at least 5 subjects, of which they will be able to choose only 2 themselves. Perhaps changes in the exam will change the choice of graduates and they will choose completely different subjects to take. And, although there is still a whole academic year before the exam, preparation for the Unified State Exam 2018 should begin as early as possible. You should not expect the cancellation of the Unified State Exam, at least for the next few years.

Putin speaks out about the abolition of the Unified State Exam:

Anna Mozharova about changes in the Unified State Exam:

The Unified State Exam has undergone many changes since its implementation, especially after changes in the composition of the Ministry of Education. Recently, the Unified State Exam has been subject to widespread criticism, both on behalf of teachers and students. The main complaints are about excessive demands on students, absurd assignments, and the imperfection of the system itself in general. In connection with these complaints, proposals to cancel the exam are periodically made, and certain State Duma deputies are preparing appropriate bills. But the point of view of the Ministry of Education in this case is unchanged - the Unified State Exam will not be cancelled. In addition, the exam showed that it is the best way to test knowledge. In addition, the ministry agrees that numerous aspects of the Unified State Exam should be rethought and improved.

Will there be changes in the Unified State Exam 2018?

The state exam will undergo changes, however, over time, so that students can more easily adapt to innovations. The main problem worrying graduates is how the list of compulsory disciplines will change in 2018. Former head of the Ministry of Education Dmitry Livanov said that the list of testing disciplines will be increased to 6. According to his project, 1 subject was added to the list in 2017, and in 2018 – already 3 subjects: 1 compulsory and 2 optional. After Olga Vasilyeva became the head of the ministry, adjustments were made to the plans.

Planned changes in the Unified State Exam 2018: in 2018, the list of compulsory subjects will be expanded by only 1, the name of the subject has not yet been determined. Experts believe that history will probably be the third compulsory subject, as it is an integral element of the patriotic education of the future generation.

The next contender for inclusion in the list of compulsory subjects is social studies, which is very popular for its ease; in this case, the tasks will be made more difficult.

It cannot be ruled out that, along with mathematics and the Russian language, schoolchildren will have to take physics in order to increase the demand of applicants for technical specialties. But this is still a controversial issue because not all high school students plan to pursue engineering degrees.

Unified State Examination Physics 2018 changes:

  1. The first part is increased by 1 basic level exercise, on elements of astrophysics.
  2. The total primary score for the entire work has changed from 50 to 52 points.

Unified State Examination Chemistry 2018:

  • Lack of test part.
  • Mandatory short answer to simple questions in the form of a word or number.

Unified State Examination Informatics 2018 - no changes are expected. In the Unified State Examination 2018 biology, no changes are provided.

From the words of Olga Vasilyeva, it becomes clear that most of the changes will be made to testing based on literature.

Unified State Examination literature 2018 changes:

  1. The test part for checking terms with a short answer will be removed, the exam will become more creative.
  2. The number of topics for an essay will increase from 3 to 4-5, and the volume of the essay will increase to 250 instead of 200 words.
  3. It is planned to simplify the analysis of the work; the text must be compared with one recalled one, instead of two.

In conclusion, we note that the Unified State Examination in 2018 is expected to undergo certain changes, but they will in no way be drastic.

You might be interested.

Final exams are stressful for both students and their parents. This is a kind of milestone, overcoming which the child finally becomes an adult and chooses the future path and profession that he wants to acquire. Often, a person’s future depends on the results of an exam. Will he be able to enter the desired university or will he have to adjust his plans urgently? The results of the Unified State Exam show how much the school curriculum has been mastered by a person and at what level his basic knowledge is.

The Unified State Exam is a new system for assessing the knowledge of schoolchildren. It was first tested at the beginning of the new millennium. The new knowledge assessment system was finally established back in 2009. Next year it will be 10 years since the usual entrance exams were replaced by a test.

Educational reforms are carried out annually and the Unified State Examination procedure is adjusted. This causes a lot of trouble for the families of schoolchildren and the students themselves.

The former head of the Ministry of Education, Dmitry Livanov, previously stated that serious reforms were coming to the Unified State Examination system.

Graduates of 2018 cannot avoid innovations. Olga Vasilyeva, who is the head of the Ministry of Education, confirmed information about upcoming changes in the system this year.


A lot of talk boils down to the fact that the Unified State Exam is supposedly planned to be abolished. In fact, this is not true. This is the ninth year since the Unified State Exam determines the level of knowledge of graduates. To date, a lot of effort has been spent and a sufficient number of reforms have been made. Abolishing the Unified State Exam after all the resources and efforts expended is inappropriate.

There is no clear opinion on reforms. But, despite the controversy of the ongoing reforms, this is not a reason to cancel the exam as such.

Unified State Exam 2018 - video on the topic

Required subjects for the Unified State Exam 2018

So, let's look at how things will be with the exam procedure itself, and what will be planned as compulsory subjects this year.

Schoolchildren and their parents are interested in the question of how many subjects the exam will include.

Where did the cause for concern come from? The fact is that the previous head of the Ministry of Education mentioned in one of his interviews that in 2018 it is planned to increase the number of subjects taken to six.

It was assumed that in 2017 one subject would be added, and in 2018 a fourth and two more elective subjects would be added to the three. Total - six compulsory subjects.

With the change in leadership came a change in the core strategy.

There have been rumors about an increase in the number of items since 2014. But until today there have been no changes. The assumption that another one would be added to the two compulsory subjects did not materialize. Last academic year the system remained the same. Two are compulsory and the third subject is at the discretion of the examinee.

The Ministry of Education and Science announced that changes will still occur in 2018. Graduates of 2018 will be required to take three exams, instead of last year's two.

It is not yet reliably clear what specific subject we are talking about. And what discipline will be required to be taken.

Having analyzed the state of education today, we can make the assumption that this subject will become story. Why history? The fact is that modern children’s knowledge in this area is at an insufficient level. And if history is included in the top three compulsory subjects of the Unified State Examination, more time will be allocated to this discipline and the approach to teaching will change. It is necessary to develop students' interest in studying the roots and history of the country in which they were born, raised and educated.

The next subject that may be on the list of required ones is social science. Why is it likely that social studies will be included in the mandatory list? One third of schoolchildren have given preference to this elective subject for several years in a row. You should not expect that it will be as easy to pass as it seems to a student. The fact is that the degree of difficulty of the exam will be increased.

Physics- the third subject that is discussed as a potential compulsory subject for the Unified State Examination. Real-life teachers are leaning towards physics as the main discipline. But in reality, physics does not have a great chance. Not every schoolchild finds exact sciences easy. This means that it is impossible to consider physics as a compulsory subject for all graduates.

For now, we can only say with certainty that the Russian language and mathematics remain in their positions.

Schedule of the Unified State Exam, Main State Exam and State Final Exam in 2018

Unified State Exam Schedule 2018

Unified State Examination date 2018

GVE-11 2018

Schedule of early exams 2018

March 21 (Wed) Geography, Computer Science and ICT

Geography, Computer Science and ICT

March 23 (Fri) Russian language

Russian language

March 26 (Mon) history, chemistry history, chemistry
March 28 (Wed) foreign languages ​​(oral)
March 30 (Fri) mathematics B, P mathematics
April 2 (Mon) foreign languages ​​(written), biology, physics foreign languages, biology, physics
April 4 (Wed) social studies, literature social studies, literature
April 6 (Fri) reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral), history reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, history
April 9 (Mon) reserve: foreign languages ​​(written), literature, physics, social studies, biology reserve: foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology
April 11 (Wed) reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P reserve: Russian language, mathematics

Schedule of the main period for passing the Unified State Exam 2018

May 28 (Mon) Geography, Computer Science and ICT Geography, Computer Science and ICT
May 30 (Wed) mathematics B mathematics
June 1 (Fri) mathematics P
June 4 (Mon) chemistry, history chemistry, history
June 6 (Wed) Russian language Russian language
June 9 (Sat) foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 13 (Wed) foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 14 (Thu) social science social science
June 18 (Mon) biology, foreign languages ​​(written) biology, foreign languages
June 20 (Wed) literature, physics literature, physics
June 22 (Fri) reserve: geography, computer science and ICT
June 25 (Mon) reserve: mathematics B, mathematics P reserve: mathematics
June 26 (Tue) reserve: Russian language reserve: Russian language
June 27 (Wed) reserve: chemistry, history, biology, foreign languages ​​(written) reserve: chemistry, history, biology, foreign languages
June 28 (Thu) reserve: literature, physics, social studies
June 29 (Fri) reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral)
July 2 (Mon) reserve: for all academic subjects
September 4 (Tue) Russian language Russian language
September 7 (Fri) mathematics B mathematics
September 10 (Mon)
September 15 (Sat) reserve: mathematics B, Russian language reserve: mathematics, Russian language

Unified State Exam 2018 - news

Olga Vasilyeva is not a supporter of sudden and fundamental changes, unlike her predecessor. Of course, reforms will follow. But it is planned to introduce them gradually so that they do not cause unnecessary stress for students.

From some interviews with the new leader, it becomes clear that there will still be reforms. In turn, Olga Vasilyeva stated that all significant changes will be known in advance.

FIPI announced that the reforms will primarily affect the literature exam.

You can already find a new model of the exam test on the FIPI website. This is the type of final exam that will be structured around.

  • What changes exactly does the updated exam include?
  • Will the practice of writing essays continue?
  • What will be the difficulty level of the exam?

We will try to answer these and other questions in more detail.

The literature exam has already been subject to reform before. There was a practice of answering in the form of a test, where students were given the opportunity to answer a question by choosing the correct one from several answers. After the reform, such a test system was replaced by a short answer. Based on the short answer, it was possible to draw a conclusion about whether the student knows how to use terminology correctly and how well he has mastered it.

What can we expect in 2018?

Short answers will be discarded. There will be space for creativity. Unlike the exact sciences, literature requires a creative approach and develops students' ability to think outside the box. It is expected to get rid of technical answers in favor of deeper and more detailed ones.

The second part of the test will be simplified. The practice that existed until now was based on the fact that the student needed to analyze the proposed text and find a comparison of the main text with two, which had to be given as an example independently from the material covered.

The model of the new test involves analytical work on only one text.

News that concerns the essay. Until now there were only three themes to choose from. In 2018, graduates will have the opportunity to choose one of five essay topics. This will significantly expand the possibilities of choice and allow each student to cope with the task.

This year, not only the number of topics will increase, but also the volume of essays. If today it is 200 words, now they have approved the optimal volume of 250 words.

Another reform that affected essays was the introduction of grades using a five-point system. That is, graduates will receive a separate grade for the text, and not just a “pass” or “fail” resolution, as has been the practice until now.

After the new assessment system was tested in 44 regions of our country, it was decided that in 2018, all students will undergo new testing for the Unified State Exam.

Foreign languages ​​at the Unified State Exam 2018

Let's touch on a topic that worries many - foreign languages ​​in a single state language. exam.

It is impossible not to recognize the fact that knowledge of one or more foreign languages ​​significantly facilitates a person’s not only admission to a university, but also the search for a job, as well as building a career. Therefore, for several years in a row there have been heated debates about the need to transfer foreign languages ​​from selective to compulsory subjects on the Unified State Exam.

Today, a foreign language will still remain on the “optional” list. But graduates of 2020 will most likely actually take it as a compulsory test.

So, let's look at which foreign languages ​​you can choose for the Unified State Exam in 2018:

  1. English language
  2. French
  3. German
  4. Chinese
  5. Spanish

A few words about the appearance of the Chinese language in the exam list. In 2016, an experiment in passing Chinese took place in schools on the banks of the Amur. Since the experiment was successful, the Chinese language added to the above list.

System for passing the Unified State Exam 2018 in Crimea and Sevastopol

For the last year, a choice system has been in place for graduates of Crimea and Sevastopol. Graduates have the opportunity to choose between the usual regional university entrance exams and the Unified State Exam.

Last year, Sevastopol and Crimea differed significantly in indicators. In Crimea, thirty-four percent chose the Unified State Exam. But the majority of Sevastopol students opted for a new examination system for them. About eighty-four percent gave preference to the Unified State Exam.

Unified State Examination in Russian

At one time, Kuprin expressed the idea that the Russian language is not an idle matter, but the history of the people, which requires careful treatment and deep study.

The importance of the Russian language and the quality of its teaching in the school curriculum is spoken at all levels, both by teachers in schools and by the president of the country. The Russian language is the consciousness of the people; it is the language that unites people together and plays one of the main roles in the issue of human self-identification. You cannot approach the issue casually or formally. Literacy and culture of speech are what you need to focus on in order to consider yourself an educated person.

In 2018, reforms of the Russian language exam will consist of adding an oral part to the exam.

The Society of Russian Literature supports reforms that are being carried out to improve the quality of knowledge of young people. Russian language is a mandatory part of the exam. Without passing the Russian language, it is impossible to become the owner of a certificate of secondary education.

The oral part of the exam will be called “Speaking”.

What prompted innovations of this kind? The fact is that the modern realities of life are as follows: most schoolchildren spend a significant part of their time on social networks and other Internet portals. The speech used online is quite sparse and is a mixture of slang, abbreviations and foreign words. There is no need to talk about pure and literate Russian. Moreover, this lifestyle of schoolchildren significantly influenced oral speech. The vocabulary, unfortunately, cannot be called rich. In order to, if not change, then at least influence the situation, a decision was made to introduce an additional oral block.

The goal pursued by supporters of innovation is clear. In the future, after graduating from school, a person will need not only the ability to comment on posts on social networks, but also the ability to present himself at different levels.

In order to make a report in front of a large number of people, to be able to competently convey an idea, to learn how to give arguments and participate in disputes, defending one’s position, and also to be able to resist the opinions of others, one must learn to competently express one’s thoughts.

What will happen to a person if he cannot convey a thought to his interlocutor? At a young age, many do not think that the time will come when those subjects that many people dislike at school will come in handy. No one is interested in cramming the rules, but they are the ones that help to gain knowledge in a particular area. Long essays on topics that literature teachers offer seem boring, but this is how a person learns not only to think coherently, but also to have a creative approach.

If we talk about creative thinking, this in no way means that a person who possesses it should choose a creative profession. On the contrary, if a person makes progress in a real profile, and is able to express his thoughts competently and literaryly, showing the originality of his mind, this is a big trump card in his piggy bank.

In the modern world it is impossible to do without the skill of self-presentation. In order to get a good position you need to be sociable. Often, due to duty, a person will have to spend a lot of time communicating with other people for different purposes. A doctor needs to talk with a patient, a lawyer needs to represent the interests of a company or client, even a salesperson needs to have competent speech so that a potential client has confidence and a desire to purchase a product.

Family and school are where love and thirst for knowledge are born. It is there that the child receives the necessary skills in communication among society.

Graduates of the ninth grade could already fully experience what the innovation represents.

Ninth graders completed the following tasks:

Experts were present at the exam who could give an objective assessment from the outside at what level of oral speech was performed.

Learn more about what will be included in the “Speaking” block at the Unified State Exam 2018.

Let's discuss in more detail what this innovation represents for graduates of the ninth and eleventh grades of Russian schools, as well as what goals this reform sets for schoolchildren.

The main objective of the reform is to help graduates develop the following qualities:

  • Expressive reading. The reading level of the text that will be proposed in the test will be assessed.
  • Analytical thinking. The student's degree of understanding of the text and ability to analyze the material read are assessed.
  • The ability to correctly express your thoughts. Short monosyllabic answers are not allowed. The graduate must be able to construct sentences and convey his thoughts to the interlocutor, who in our case is a member of the examination committee.
  • Grammatically correct speech. The degree to which the graduate has an understanding of the norms of the Russian language is assessed.
  • Competent construction of monologue and dialogue.

Which points will remain the same in the Unified State Exam 2018?

Now a few words about which parts of the exam will remain unchanged.

The Russian language will not undergo any special changes, with the exception of the addition of a spoken unit. Otherwise, the usual form is fixed.

The test contains two blocks. Let's take a closer look at what each of them is.

The first block of the test for the Unified State Exam 2018.

The first block contains twenty-four points, which are aimed at giving an objective assessment of the following parameters:

  1. Extracting the main idea of ​​the text;
  2. Orthoepy;
  3. Grammar, the ability to find an error and classify it;
  4. Spelling;
  5. Punctuation. The student’s ability to correctly place punctuation marks;
  6. Vocabulary. Use of words;
  7. Types of speech;
  8. The ability to distinguish means of expression in a text fragment.

The second block of the test for the Unified State Exam 2018.

The second block of the test assesses the creative approach to the subject and the ability to think.

The essay includes many aspects of verification. It demonstrates in practice how a person has mastered school material. Everything is assessed here - from grammar to the ability to express your thoughts and justify your opinion. It is the essay that gives a complete picture of the student’s level of knowledge and the ability to put this knowledge into practice.

This table shows the minimum scores below which the exam is considered a failure.

In order to successfully pass the exam, you need to prepare for it ahead of time. On the last night before the exam, it is hardly possible to learn all the rules in 11 years.

In order to get acquainted with test examples, you can go to the FIPI website. It is on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements that you will find useful information on preparing for the Unified State Exam. The website has a huge number of tests and assignments on all school topics and subjects in the public domain.

You can test your knowledge by testing it using last year's USE versions. If you start preparing in advance, you will feel confident in your abilities during the exam itself and will be able to obtain a certificate without unnecessary stress.

At the beginning of 2018, it will become known reliably on what dates the exams will be taken.

We, in turn, wish the graduates good luck and successful passing of the Unified State Exam in 2018!

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