Happy with what you have. Enjoy what you have

How many people can affirmatively say that they are satisfied and happy? Probably quite a bit. Everyday everyday life absorbs, and there is very little time left for awareness of existence. In order to complete the planned work, you have to burden yourself and even force yourself, promising to compensate the body for the energy spent with a pleasant rest on the weekend. Instead of pleasure, work brings exhaustion and negativity. Have you noticed how much more freely and joyfully children perceive any changes that happen in life? They are not afraid to look funny because they love everything they touch and every move is based on learning, understanding and being satisfied.

As they grow up, their interest and excitement for new things gradually fades away. Standard excuses appear about responsibilities, financial and moral debt to loved ones. They stop becoming satisfied, happy, satisfied. At what stage spontaneity and pleasure are lost, no one notices and a noticeable period of time passes, after which a feeling of dissatisfaction appears. How to truly be happy, positive, satisfied with your life, energizing those around you, loved ones and family?

First steps

Here are some first steps to help you think differently about common challenges:

  • Try to appreciate every moment, have fun and live in the present day;
  • Thank fate for the trust to be in the thick of things in the circle of close people, among members of a friendly team and understanding neighbors;
  • Pay attention to any little things: a bright ray of sunlight breaking through a thick curtain, a satisfied look from a husband or wife agreeing to an adventure and much more;
  • Take a few minutes of time to think about the unfavorable situation that has arisen and the elements of dissatisfaction with life;
  • Stop complaining about circumstances, the world will not change and the sun will not shine brighter, but a satisfied person is always desired by loved ones and others;
  • Take note that you are an individual, do not compare yourself with others, get positivity and pleasure from uniqueness;
  • Your financial situation will not change your internal state, learn to be satisfied with the minimum;
  • Empathize with other people and new interesting acquaintances will help you avoid loneliness, dispel the surging sadness and sad thoughts;
  • Choose what you like best. Put away the judgment, smirks and mistrust.

Tangible Actions

Little secrets of big achievements

It all starts with trying to be simple and organic. Something you like becomes like a child's game, attracted by awe and novelty. Plunging headlong into an unusual activity, remain satisfied with any outcome, without demanding the ideal option.
Working for money leads to moral exhaustion. Let go and try to put your desire to serve others first. By receiving pleasure and strength from a completed mission, you set an example of inspiration and purity.
Come up with new ideas that guide you along the path of the unknown, mystery and endurance. The secret path will entice you with sharp turns, sharp cliffs and unexpected results. Never be afraid to make mistakes, be happy with difficulties, facing failures one on one.
Try to be content with life and be patient. Without noticing the mistrust, caustic remarks, persistently go towards the desired goal, so as not to leave any doubt about the lost chance. Gradually, your undertakings will turn into high-quality abilities, you will be satisfied, and those around you will be delighted with the hidden possibilities.
Every day achieve a new level, be happy with what is happening and go to the top. Do not be distracted by a bad mood or negative emotions. Sadness and joy always go together. This is not at all a reason to abandon big plans.
Don't spread yourself thin on too many things. Choose one that brings pleasure and suits your energy and inner state. By focusing on specific and reasonable premises, complete the goal, and then move on to something else. The brain loves completeness.
Mastering knowledge will help improve your professional level, be competent and literate. The acquired new skills will be confirmed by practical actions, you will be happy and well-read. Don't stop there. Constantly improve your abilities and be able to find a connection with reality.


To call yourself content and happy, you don’t need to have unsurpassed skill. Simple little joys in a close family circle, having a favorite activity and achievable goals compare with the life of great travelers exploring other countries and peoples. Emotion and mood are fickle quantities. How to measure the pleasure of a life limited by financial limits, human obligations and everyday problems? Remain content with small opportunities, love loved ones, and remember that nothing is more valuable than life itself.


After Moses left Egypt, he enjoyed staying with Raguel:

21 Moses liked to live with the man; and he gave his daughter Zipporah to Moses.
(Exodus 2:21).

« Liked" is a translation of the Hebrew word ya'al meaning “to be pleased with (something).”

Moses heard something and approved:

20 And Moses heard and approved.
(Lev 10:20).

« Approved" in this text is a translation of the Hebrew word ayin, which means “eye” and, by analogy, eyebrows, face, facial expression. The meaning of Leviticus 10:20 is that Moses raised his eyebrows in approval of what was said.

A jealous person will not be pleased even with many gifts:

34 For jealousy is the wrath of a man, and he will not spare on the day of vengeance,
35 He will not accept any ransom and will not be satisfied, no matter how many gifts you multiply.
(Proverbs 6:34-35).

« Will be satisfied" in this verse is a translation of the Hebrew word abah, which literally means “to yearn (for someone or something)”; “hope”, and figuratively – “desire”, “agree”.

It is very difficult to gain the pleasure of a jealous person with gifts or actions aimed at overcoming his jealousy. In the New Testament, Paul often spoke about the need to be content and satisfied. He said about himself that he had learned to be content in any condition or situation:

11 I say this not because I am in need, for I have learned to be content with what I have.
12 I know how to live in poverty, and I know how to live in abundance; I learned everything and in everything, to be satisfied and to endure hunger, to be both in abundance and in shortage.
(Phil 4:11-12).

« Satisfied" is the translation of the Greek word autarkes(autos – “himself”; arkeo – “satisfied”; “sufficient”). This word can be defined as “self-sufficient”; "sufficient in oneself."

This does not mean that Paul was self-sufficient without Christ and God. The context of this passage clearly demonstrates Paul's next point. He did not worry about life’s circumstances because he was with the Lord. He could achieve anything in Christ:

13 I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me.
(Phil 4:13).

No matter what obstacles stood in Paul's way, he did not worry, but showed contentment and satisfaction! The same root word is used in 1 Timothy 6:6, where Paul said, “It is great gain to be godly and content (autarkeia).”

When a person has godliness, that is, lives in accordance with the commandments of God, he can not depend on circumstances. He does not have to worry about what is happening in the world around him, because he relies on God!

8 Having food and clothing, let us be content.
(1 Tim 6:8).

How do we understand the words “one must be content with what one has”? and got the best answer

Answer from Zinaida Tarasenko[guru]
Don't envy someone who is happy and rich
Sunset always follows dawn
With this short life, equal to a sigh
Treat it like it’s rented to you!
Source: Omar Khayyam

Answer from Alexander[guru]
Be happy with what you have.

Answer from INCENSE for the people[guru]
don’t reach for the feeder, eat what the gentleman throws

Answer from Epinrt[guru]
you need to be able to appreciate what you have, take care of what you have, enjoy what you have, if for you this means “to be content,” accept this phrase, if for you to be content from the word “enough to do nothing,” then you can stop developing.

Answer from Petrovna[guru]
Take care and appreciate what you have - but you can always think about the best and strive to have it

Answer from Allan[guru]
That is, we must strive not for material, but for spiritual perfection.

Answer from Velina Matevosyants[guru]
“If we have food, clothing, and shelter, we will be content with these things,” is a biblical principle (1 Timothy 6:8). Money by itself does not bring happiness. Jesus spoke of a simple eye focused on the spiritual (Matthew 6:22). This helps us to be content with what we have. And the pursuit of material things will never satisfy a person financially; a person always lacks something; the more money, the more you want to spend it.

Answer from Irina Sokolova[guru]
Many do not have what I or you have. You must learn to appreciate what you already have.

Answer from With. P.[guru]
A story from Benin. Draw your own conclusions...
One day, a fisherman, returning home from fishing in his pirogue, met a businessman who had come to this developing country on business. The businessman asked the fisherman why he was returning so early. The fisherman replied that he could fish longer, but his family would have enough of this catch.
- What do you do in your free time? - asked the businessman.
- I sit on the shore with a fishing rod or play with my children. In the midday heat we sleep, in the evening we have dinner with the whole family. Then I meet friends, listen to music or do something else.
“Listen,” the businessman interrupted him, “I graduated from the university, where I studied various sciences.” I want to help you. Fish longer and you will earn a lot of money. Soon you will be able to buy a boat bigger than this pirogue. By fishing on such a boat, you can earn more money and buy a fishing fleet.
- And then what?
- Then you will no longer sell fish through an intermediary, but will sell it directly to the plant or even buy your own fish processing plant. Then you can leave the village for Cotonou, Paris or New York and manage things directly from there. If you want, you can invest your money in stocks, and then you will receive millions.
- How long will it take?
- About 15 or 20 years old.
- And then?
- Then the most interesting part will come. You will leave work, move away from all this fuss to a small village.
- And then what?
- Then you will have time to sit on the shore with a fishing rod, play with your children, sleep in the midday heat, then have dinner with the whole family, and then get together with friends and listen to music!

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How do we understand the words “one must be content with what one has”?

Let us show fear of God to Allah who created us! “And whoever fears Allah, He will arrange an outcome for him, and He will give him sustenance from which he does not expect.” . (at-Talaq, 2-3).

Yes, if you fear Allah properly, He will make your outcome easier, and your sustenance will come to you from where you never suspected. But fearing Allah does not mean sitting trembling in fear. To be God-fearing means to be active in fulfilling His commandments, to distance ourselves from what He has forbidden.

Just as our congregational prayer today is prescribed for us by Allah Tagyala, He calls us to work in order to earn wealth to support ourselves and our families. “And when the prayer (collective) is over, then disperse throughout the earth and seek the mercy of Allah(start trading)". It is the same God who encourages us to be active in both religious and worldly affairs.

The noble Prophet also speaks about this صلى الله عليه وسلم: “The best food for a person is food earned by his own labor.”. After these words, he immediately gave an example: « The Prophet of Allah Dawud (peace be upon him) ate the food that he earned with his own hands». (al-Bukhariy).

Moreover, the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم says that there was not a single prophet who did not tend sheep. He himself also did this business when he lived in Mecca.

All this indicates that without diligence you cannot achieve good, without working hard, without enjoying yourself, without taking a step, no one will give you your share of food.

“Truly, it is better for any of you to take a rope and go to the mountains, bring a bundle of firewood on your own backand sell it, and thereby Allah will preserve his honor, than to ask for alms, which may or may not be given.”, said our noble Prophet (al-Bukhariy).

In the past, people worked hard, tirelessly. Despite this, the earnings of many of them allowed them to barely make ends meet. But they remained happy with their situation, there were few complaints and more mutual love.

Nowadays, it has become possible to feed a family without making such hard efforts; moreover, it is possible to purchase various household items. It became possible to fulfill many desires. And the person, in fact, should have been more grateful for this state of affairs, be happier.

However, in reality, the more a person has, the higher his demands become - he longs to get even more, it seems to him that his property is insignificant, and his complaints about this do not subside.

This is confirmed by the words of our revered Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم : “I am not afraid of poverty for you, but that you, like those who came before you, will freely enjoy the benefits of the world, and this will become a reason for conflicts between you and the cause of your death.”. ( el-Bukhariy, Muslim).

But be that as it may, under any circumstances, a Muslim must remain extremely vigilant: do not sit idly by, but even if you are deeply immersed in work, do not forget to trust in God; be grateful for what you have, and when failure occurs, remain content with where you are!

If you wake up peacefully in the morning in good health, and in your home you have food for your family for that day - this means that you do not lack anything. It's like being given the whole world as a gift. This is stated in an authentic hadith. (Tirmidhi).

“Man’s wealth does not consist in an abundance of worldly goods. True wealth is the wealth of the soul » , - says the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم . (Bukhariy, Muslim).

A rich-hearted person lives freely, breathes freely, does not envy other people's wealth and does not worry. Such a person is loved by Allah Himself and people treat him with love.

ABOUT, Allah, teach us to be happy with what we have! Let there be no anxiety in our hearts due to the lack of some benefits! Give us the wisdom to be equal to those who are better than us in matters of religion and to thank You worthily, looking at those who are poorer than us in worldly life!