Positions, degrees and titles at the university. Ordinary professor, title and position

The academic title of professor is definitely a ticket to the heights of the career ladder in scientific and educational institutes. The status and position acquired with the assignment of this title is very difficult to challenge, and its owner has every chance of retiring with honors and a good increase in pension.

What is an ordinary professor?

The term “professor” denotes both an academic title and a position enshrined in the staff list of a university or other higher education or educational institution, and even a special (often honorary) status that can be awarded for outstanding achievements.

This is the status of an ordinary professor, assigned by a number of universities (Higher School of Economics) to employees who have made a significant contribution to the scientific, research or teaching activities of the university or national research university.

The status is awarded by the Academic Council of the University/NRU to full-time employees with a certain length of service (5 or more years) for special services to the institution. This is evidence of the highest recognition of a scientist’s qualifications by his colleagues and management and is akin to the title of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, only for a single institution, and not for the entire science.

However, such a title of professor can be lost for serious misconduct (violation of ethical standards) before the institute that awarded it. It also becomes invalid due to termination of the employment contract.

Thus, this status is a kind of certificate of honor, which is awarded to especially valuable and important employees. In well-known circles, introducing yourself with such a title is, of course, more pleasant. This status does not officially imply any increase in salary and does not provide any privileges, but social status means something, not to mention the feeling of internal satisfaction from the fact that one’s merits were appreciated and accepted into the highest circle of the most valuable employees.

Who can hold the position of professor

Let's figure out what this is all about. As already noted, a distinction is made between the title of professor and the position of professor. The title is awarded by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (HAC), and to obtain it, many requirements must be met. But the position of professor is a staff position assigned to a specific department of a university or institute.

What conditions must be fulfilled by those wishing to become a professor? According to the Order “On approval of the Unified Qualification Directory”, an employee can apply for the position of professor of the department if a number of conditions are met: higher specialized education, a doctorate degree and teaching experience of 5 years or more or the academic title of professor.

Let's imagine the following situation: a young qualified specialist (only a graduate student or someone who has recently completed his defense) comes to teach at a university. Is it possible for him, after five years of continuous work experience and with a candidate’s degree, to apply for a competition to take up the position of professor? In other words, can a candidate of sciences be a professor (ex officio)? No, it can’t, because... To do this, he must already have a doctorate degree, which is unrealistic in five years. Previously, when the requirements were softer, it was easier to get a position: a candidate of science could become a professor by title after a certain number of years worked in the department and then nominate himself for the position of professor. This provided loopholes for ambitious careerists who wanted to get into a professor’s chair at little cost, but recently only doctors of sciences with extensive work experience can receive this title.

It is obvious that today only established scientists and teaching staff who can present an existing doctorate degree have the right to hold the position of professor.

Who is higher: associate professor or professor

What is this anyway - professor and associate professor? These words denote both academic titles awarded by the Higher Attestation Commission and positions listed in the university’s staffing table.

It is curious: in the countries of Europe and America there is no such division.

Abroad, everyone who has written a scientific work after higher education receives the status of a doctor and, accordingly, the right to work as a professor at a university (the English term PhD is philosophy degree, professor).

The main career ladder of an education worker at a university looks something like this:

  • graduate student or applicant.
  • assistant (allowed during postgraduate studies).
  • After defending your candidate's dissertation, you can obtain the position of associate professor of the department (if there are free positions). If there are none, then you can apply to become a senior teacher (if you already have 1 year of experience in the department).
  • after 10 years of experience and if your doctorate is defended, you can apply for the position of professor. Few reach this level; for most teachers, a candidate's degree and the title of associate professor are the ceiling with which they retire.

Further career advancement is possible in the direction of administrative and managerial activities: the position of head of a department, dean's office, any department or division of a university, or research work (research fellow, laboratory manager).

Scientists who work as part of well-known scientific institutes have access to even higher titles and titles: after professorship, you can receive the title of corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, and the apotheosis of your career is the honorary title of academician (for example, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences or Russian Academy of Education)

Just for fun: a complete list of titles and ranks of a famous scientist may look no worse than the list of regalia of the Queen of England: Mr. N, Doctor of such and such sciences, Professor, Head of the department of such and such, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honorary Academician. Other positions can also be added here, such as: freelance expert, head of a research group in such and such a field, etc., etc.

How to get the title of professor

Previously (before 2014) the titles (professor and associate professor) were awarded in the department, after 2014 - associate professor or professor in the specialty. This means that cathedral titles were abolished, because It happened that with the disappearance of the pulpit a person “hung in the air.” At the same time, recently there has been a tendency towards consolidation of departments, which means that situations are increasingly arising when different specialists work in one department. To avoid confusion, the Higher Attestation Commission made a proposal to clearly link academic titles to specialties.

From now on, it is necessary to have several years of experience teaching specific disciplines and be employed in a specialized department

Thus, the following can work simultaneously at the Department of Psychology: an associate professor in the specialty “General Psychology”, a professor in the specialty “Adult Psychology”, etc. This makes it easier for a specialist to move from one job to another without losing specialization.

Teaching staff of higher educational institutions may apply for an academic title by providing an exhaustive list of documents indicating the qualifications and experience of the applicant. The responsibility to check the compliance of documents with the list indicated on the HAC website lies with the academic secretary of the university. By the way, he is also obliged to receive ready-made certificates from the secretariat of the Higher Attestation Commission.

To receive the academic title of professor, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

  1. University experience of 10 years.
  2. Academic degree of Doctor of Science.
  3. The academic title of associate professor, received more than 3 years ago.
  4. The applicant can hold administrative positions, but must work as a teacher for at least 0.25 times the salary (part-time work is also allowed).
  5. Availability of 50 or more printed works (patents) in the declared specialty, and over the last 5 years - 3 or more educational publications (methodological manuals, terminological dictionaries, etc.) and 5 scientific works (articles). Scientific works must be published in publications included in the list of peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission, corresponding to the applicant’s specialty, and very preferably in foreign journals (it is necessary to speak English).
  6. It is mandatory to provide at least 1 textbook written independently, or at least three textbooks compiled in collaboration, over the past 10 years.
  7. Successfully defended graduate students/doctoral students (three or more), and it is necessary that the topics of their dissertations correspond as closely as possible to the declared specialty.

Thus, for those who want to add the academic title (position) of professor to their titles, it is important to understand that it is obtained through persistent, continuous work and constant scientific, pedagogical and research activities.

Regarding academic titles, questions often arise: what is it and how to get it? In this article we will tell you what an assistant professor is. This word can simultaneously denote several concepts that are essentially similar. Firstly, associate professor is the academic title of a teacher in higher education institutions. Secondly, the degree of employees of scientific institutions. Thirdly, positions in universities. With the concept of “professor” everything is much simpler - this is a person who is a highly qualified specialist in a certain field of science, an expert.

Who is awarded the title of associate professor?

Being in the position of associate professor at a university does not mean possessing it, which is assigned by the academic council of a scientific institution (or higher educational institution) and approved by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science. This degree is awarded for life.

Criteria for awarding the position and title “Assistant Professor”:

  • the position is assigned to university teachers, who, as a rule, have the title after competitive election by the academic council;
  • Research workers are awarded the degree of associate professor in their specialty (previously - “Senior Researcher”);
  • Lecturers and teachers who have worked for 5 or more years, who have worked for at least one year as an assistant professor and who have scientific works, can also receive this title.

What does an assistant professor do?

Thus, an associate professor is a position at a university or an academic title that can be obtained by lecturers, researchers and persons with an academic degree “Candidate”.

What are his responsibilities?

  1. Associate Professor of Sciences conducts methodological and educational work.
  2. Supervises students' own studies and scientific research.
  3. Gives lectures, conducts classes and introduces their results into the national economy.
  4. Prepares scientific and teaching personnel.

Who is a "professor"?

Translated from Latin, “professor” means “teacher.” He is engaged in teaching at universities, conducting scientific research, introducing their results into the national economy, training teaching and scientific personnel, directing students' scientific research and his own studies. Professor is both a title and a position in a higher educational institution. To get the first one you need:

  • Have a Doctor of Science degree, own inventions or scientific works. Be selected by competition for the position of “Head of the Department” or successfully work for a year in this position.
  • Work as a professor for at least a year, have extensive research and teaching experience, and have your own works.
  • Be without any scientific title, with extensive industrial experience. The position may be assigned by the Academic Council on a competitive basis.

From this article we learned that the word “professor,” like “associate professor,” is both a title and a position. Only in the first case is it assigned for life, and in the second - for the period of work. The titles of associate professor and professor are similar in meaning. It is quite difficult to earn them; you need to really understand your field and be a specialist.

    In Russia/USSR/RF there is a system of scientific degrees and scientific titles. Degrees are candidate and doctor of sciences. Scientific titles: associate professor, professor, corresponding member, academician. A university graduate can continue his studies in graduate school, during which time he, as a graduate student, can hold the position of assistant (i.e. assistant). After completing his postgraduate studies and defending his candidate's dissertation, he receives the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences and can take the position of associate professor of the department, i.e. conduct independent scientific work, teach basic courses, supervise diploma and graduate students. After some successful experience as an assistant professor in the department, he can receive the title of associate professor. The rank differs from the position approximately like in the military. Let's say there is the position of regiment commander, and there is the rank of colonel. In theory, the position of regiment commander should be held by a colonel, but also by a lieutenant colonel and even a major (for example, in war), but the colonel will no longer be offered the position of battalion commander. It’s the same in science - having received the title of associate professor, you can apply for the position of associate professor in any department; they can’t give you anything less (assistant). But a simple candidate of science without the title of associate professor can hold the position of assistant if there are no available assistant professor vacancies.

    Let's move on. After the associate professor comes the position of professor of the department. It can also be a candidate of sciences, but in general it is a doctorate. After a few years as a professor of the department, a person receives the scientific title of professor. To do this, you must be a doctor of science. A professor may apply for the position of head of a department. From among the managers Departments elect deans (head of faculty) and rector (head of the university). This is the highest level of a university career.

    But there is also an academic career. For outstanding achievements in science, a doctor of science or professor may first be elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences (he does not take part in academic meetings and other matters, but acts as a reserve staff - to replenish the ranks of future academicians). The head of the Academy is selected from among the academicians. People usually become academicians at a very advanced age (well over 70). The functions are mainly purely administrative and representative: holding meetings, distributing budgets, etc. Academicians, who may be 80 or 90 years old, of course, do not engage in any real science. But as a sign of past merits they receive very good money and other nice things.

    But in addition to the RAS itself, a lot of other academies have opened over the past 20 years. The title of academician in them is a pure formality; it does not provide any advantages, except perhaps a solid inscription on a business card, often issued on a paid basis - for several thousand rubles a year (such as a membership fee).

    In principle, having studied the issue, it becomes clear that the difference is quite significant.

    As you can see, the title of professor is inseparable from a doctoral degree, and to be more precise, it comes after receiving this degree.

    The title of academician is also not easy and requires election to the Academy of Sciences.

    If we look for common ground, then, as a rule, one becomes an academician after being awarded the title of professor.

    A person receives the status of academician if he has become a member of the Academy of Sciences.

    At the same time, the status of a professor is quite prestigious and is one step higher than a doctorate, but it is worth noting that it is still lower than the degree of an academician.

    Academician is the highest scientific rank, lower - corresponding member (under the new reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences there will be no such rank), and even lower - professor. In addition, a professor is a position in a university.

    I had a beloved man who was a doctor of science.

    Then he had his own students (at least three), who defended their dissertations, and he became a professor. There are also requirements for publications, such as monographs, but this was far from me.

    But academicians are superior to professors. Academicians are selected by some academy of sciences from among its corresponding members. My beloved did not live to see this.

    Academician is a title of a person who joins the Academy of Sciences; academicians are elected by voting at a general meeting. This is a title for life.

    But as for professor, this is the title of teacher in a higher educational institution.

    Academician is the title of full member of the scientific academy of sciences. Academicians are elected at the general meeting of the relevant academy, as a rule, from among its corresponding members (with the exception of honorary and foreign academicians), and only academicians have the right to vote. Academicians are elected for life.

    Professor (lat. professor teacher) is the academic title and position of a university teacher or researcher at a research institution. Official status since the 16th century (first at Oxford University)

    I think that an academician is a researcher at the academy. That is, a person who goes to work at an academy. An academy is an educational institution that often simultaneously engages in scientific activities. Typically, academics are teachers or supervisors of teachers in academies. A professor is a person who has defended a professor's dissertation. But in reality, he may not work at the academy, but the main thing is that he has a certificate conferring a professorial degree on him.

    Although these are different concepts, usually most academicians are professors. But I don’t know what percentage of professors work in academies.

Professor (from Latin professor - teacher, teacher)

academic title, position of teacher of a higher educational institution or employee of a scientific institution. The term "P." first began to be used in the Roman Empire (mid-1st century BC - end of the 5th century AD), where P. was used to name teachers of grammar and rhetoric schools, teachers-mentors, etc. In the Middle Ages, P. was called teachers theological schools, from the 12th century. - university teachers (See Universities). In the Middle Ages, the term "P." was synonymous with academic degrees master A or Doctor of Science (See Ph.D) (philosophy, theology). With the organization of departments at universities, P. is not only a symbol of high scientific qualifications, but, above all, the title of university teacher. In the 17th-18th centuries. The title of P. appeared in Russian educational institutions. The first university charter (1804) introduced the titles of ordinary and extraordinary graduate (to obtain the title of ordinary graduate, an academic degree of doctor of science was required, and for extraordinary - a master's degree). Ordinary P. were in charge of departments. The promotion of extraordinary P. to ordinary was carried out by the Minister of Public Education on the recommendation of the trustees of educational districts. The title of Honored P. was awarded to P. after 25 years of teaching and scientific activity. In the 19th century preparation for the professorial rank was carried out first at foreign universities, and then at domestic universities - the Dorpat Professorial Institute (1828-40) and the Main Pedagogical Institute (See) , and from 1863 - in university departments (professorial fellows); this path has become the main one in the training of teaching staff for higher education. P. were appointed by the Minister of Public Education or approved by him on the proposal of universities.

In universities and research institutions of the USSR, the title of P. was initially awarded by qualification commissions of the People's Commissariats. By decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated April 26, 1938, their functions were transferred to the Higher Attestation Commission (See. Higher Attestation Commission) (VAK). The title of P. is assigned by the Higher Attestation Commission on the recommendation of the academic councils of universities or research institutions: a) to persons who have an academic degree of Doctor of Science, scientific works or inventions and are elected by competition to the position of head of the department or P., after a year of successful work in this position ; b) highly qualified specialists with extensive industrial experience who do not have an academic degree, if they have successfully worked in a full-time position as a P. at a university for at least a semester from the date of election; c) university teachers (as a rule, candidates of science, associate professors) holding the position of P. by competition, if they have successfully worked in this position for at least a year and have extensive experience in scientific and pedagogical work, as well as printed scientific works and teaching aids .

P. conducts educational and methodological work, gives lecture courses, conducts scientific research and participates in the implementation of their results in the national economy, supervises independent studies and research work of students, and trains scientific and teaching personnel. P. can be elected Dean om faculty, appointed Rector oh, Vice-Rector ohm In universities and scientific institutions there is also the position of P.-consultant, which was introduced by decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 13, 1961 (No. 536) for P. who have retired; they are entrusted primarily with training scientific personnel and assisting departments in conducting scientific research. In 1937-73, 29,958 people were approved to the rank of P. Higher Attestation Commission, including 2,139 in physical and mathematical sciences, 1,551 in chemical sciences, 1,802 in biological sciences, 913 in geological and mineralogical sciences, 7,503 in technical sciences, 1,397 in agricultural sciences. ., 1451 - historical, 1301 - economic, 504 - philosophical, 1090 - philological, 327 - geographical, 505 - legal, 369 - pedagogical, 6787 - medical, 146 - pharmaceutical, 559 - veterinary sciences, 1161 - art history, 170 - architecture, 191 - military and 54 naval sciences, 38 - psychology (assigned since 1969).

Abroad, the title of P. is awarded by various authorities: academic councils of universities, ministries of education, and the government. The position of P. is filled, as a rule, through competition. There are P. ordinary, extraordinary, and honored. Ordinary P. - permanent full-time university teachers, as a rule, head the department. Extraordinary professors are temporary, freelance teachers (often from other universities and even other countries) who are allowed to give lectures on a certain course, without the right to a decisive vote in the affairs of the department and the university. The title of Honored P. is awarded to P. who has extensive experience in scientific and teaching work (25 years) and major scientific works in his specialty. At the conferences of ministers of higher education of European countries (1967, 1973), a decision was made to establish the equivalence of the title of P. and other academic titles and degrees (See. Academic titles and degrees). In some countries (for example, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Yugoslavia, etc.) secondary school teachers are called P.

V. A. Yudin.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


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