What is our life for? Why does a person live? The evolution of audio search

Why am I living? Everyone asks this question at least once in their life. Sooner or later, people think that the life they live is actually not at all what they came for.to the ground. “They came to Earth” - what is behind these words? This means that the human soul needs to go a long way from the subtlest planes, plunging into increasingly dense layers of matter, creating dense clothing layer by layer, then wait for the moment when some couple calls on it and conception occurs. Each stage of immersion in matter requires time and a lot of energy. But things are not so simple anymore. It takes nine months for the most perfect instrument for the incarnated soul to be formed - the physical body. Most often, couples are not ready to receive a soul; conception, pregnancy and childbirth are far from ideal. As a result, having traveled a long way, having experienced many difficulties, and sometimes suffering, a person appears on Earth.

So what's next? Is all this really done just so that a person can live such a life? To be born and receive crumbs of knowledge at school, at college, even to obtain scientific degrees - all these are crumbs from what the soul originally has! Or in order to give birth to someone like yourself, to create simple reproduction, by uniting in a pair, to bring into the world two or three more? Why them? There are now more than 6 billion of us on the planet, more than five of whom live in poverty and inhumane conditions. Maybe, as the churches say, to atone for the sins of our ancestors through suffering? Why did the ancestors come to Earth?

Such a path from the level of the soul to the physical body can only be accomplished in love, and not from under the stick to prison - after all, the soul has free will. She's heading to Earth! All souls
rush here! For what? To enjoy earthly delights, pleasure, drive a luxury car, live in a beautiful house, lie in the sun on an expensive beach, eat skillfully prepared dishes and seventy years later die quietly, surrounded by crying relatives, leaving them to share the wealth they have acquired? Or maybe souls are rushing here to become celebrities and enjoy fame, achieve power over people, have a lot of money and various pleasures. And now the count goes on to hundreds and even thousands of conquered bodies, but why? All the sensual delights of earthly life are incomparable to the state of love in which the soul initially finds itself. This is not why she made such a difficult journey to Earth.

So why are souls so eager to come to Earth? Surely there is a reason for this! Religions talk about God’s plan for man, but the plan itself is interpreted differently: man is born to love God in order to fulfill his commandments. Which? And again - to love God. That's all. We can add: love your neighbor as yourself. For many thousands of years people have known these commandments, so what? What has changed over these thousands of years in the manifestation of love and in human life? And again the question arises: ?

And yet, something is changing! More and more people believe in the rationality of the world, in its greatest harmony. This means that there is a great rationality of human life. More and more people are thinking about the meaning of their lives. To realize and reveal the divine qualities in oneself, to show respect and love for all people, to learn to build friendship with every person one meets - this is the path of a person, this is the meaning of his life!

Listen to your soul! Stop avoiding communication with her, stop suppressing your intuition, your conscience, which says that you are living wrong, doing wrong, going to the wrong place.

Stop pretending you don't know any of this. Everyone knows everything! They just don’t want to think about the meaning of their life. There are many events happening around that tell you how not to live. Diseases and suffering arise, but people, in some kind of stupor, still go, like a herd to the slaughterhouse, to death. They stumble, fall, get up, and go in the same direction again.

What makes them do this? Perhaps the main reason is laziness of mind and dishonesty with oneself. If I honestly tell myself that my life is a projection of my thoughts, my worldview, and if I don’t like something about it, it means that I myself create it this way, then deeper thoughts will come. I must honestly tell myself that I am the creator of my life, the creator of my space. It's time to overcome laziness of mind.

Thinking like this is already a big step. But this is not enough. We must act like this! Constantly being in motion on this path is an even more difficult task. Need spirituality current!

The coming era of Aquarius has brought higher energies and vibrations, and with this is associated a great acceleration of time. Literally everyone notes this. This means that processes in the World are accelerating, the World is changing quickly, and therefore a person, a participant in the process of life, also needs to change faster and faster, in accordance with the times. The pursuit of meaning in life means constant change with ever greater acceleration!

Changes are needed in everything. The desire for growth, for development is inherent in the essence of a person, this is one of the purposes of a person, it just needs to be manifested. And a person manifests, but often in the wrong way. Look how much effort, energy, time, creativity he puts into having more money and a better financial situation. And he doesn’t stop on this path, he strives for change! What happens in other areas of life? For example, in the relationship between husband and wife? Or between relatives and parents? Or with children? Or with friends? Is there the same desire for improvement here? As a rule, no.

But it is in relationships that a person reveals himself as a person; in relationships with others like himself, he most of all reveals his purpose.

Why don't people try to put their efforts here? Because this is the most difficult part of life, and people leave this path, avoiding it in every possible way. They go fishing, around the world, into monasteries and hermitage, into solitude, into science, into creativity...

And the meaning of life can only be known through relationships! Get an answer to the question: you can only become through relationships. In this divided world, relationships are the greatest value. This is what people come here for!

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  • seotitle: Why does a person live - All about family

Read 1254 once Last modified Saturday, September 10, 2016 5:41 pm

Yes, indeed - a good question. What is the meaning of this life?

And you know, in this article we will give you the exact answer to this question!

Only it will be at the end of the problem book. Remember how in the algebra textbook at school?

But we have to warn you right away!!!

After reading this article, your life may change 180 degrees.!

Yes Yes exactly!

Think about it, do you really need this answer? Are you sure you're ready to hear it?

If not or you are not sure, then feel free to close this page and go further somewhere to Google or Yandex to read hundreds of other articles there about how the meaning of life is in children!

For those who have already read this far, let us say right away: the meaning of life is NOT in children!!

The last phrase can be underlined and highlighted in bold!!!

Why? We'll explain a little later...

So what is the meaning of human life? A...?

Why all this: a job for which you need to get up every morning on an alarm clock, some goals, plans, loans, a constant lack of time, stress, traffic jams, the subway, family, children, medications and headaches?

Why is all this needed? What is the meaning of such a life?

Where are you going? What are you aiming for? You are rushing headlong into the future at a speed of 200 km/h, not noticing how the events of your present are flashing outside the window. And you don’t even have enough time to breathe in the scent of flowers?

Loans, suppliers, contracts, partners, kickbacks, taxes... and now the alarm clock is ringing again in the morning! Ding-ding! Climb! And again pictures from life flashed at a speed of 200 frames per second. And somewhere now the sun is rising, the surf is roaring, seagulls are screaming and the air still smells of morning coolness!

Or is there emptiness ahead of you? All the colors of your life have long been erased. And you live only in thoughts about the past... experiencing old grievances, heartache, betrayal, slowly fading away from the lack of love, warmth, care, understanding... regretting opportunities, blaming your fate and other people who made it this way for you ? This must be fate, you tell yourself.

So what is the meaning of life then?

Why live at all?

After all, every year there are more and more wrinkles on the face, but no one has explained why a person lives, what is the meaning of his life.

Well, okay, stop being lost in conjectures, poking around in your past, thoughts, experiences!

From now on you can start smiling! Like this: :))))))))

Just what you were looking for!

First, let's look at the wrong answers!

Although, probably 99% of people, when asked “what is the meaning of life,” will answer this way, because they also don’t know what it is! :))

Wrong answer #1

The meaning of life is in children!

Why not in children, you ask!

Yes because!

Just think: Masha gave birth to a little daughter. And Masha decided to name her daughter Katya. Beautiful name! But before Katya was born, Masha had no meaning in life. None at all! More precisely, no, he was: to give birth to Katya. For all 35 years, Masha lived only to give birth to Katya. And now she finally has the meaning of life: to raise and educate her beloved daughter (or son, whatever). But what will happen when Katya grows up? When she is already 21 years old and she finally says: “Mom, well, that’s enough already! I’m not little...” Masha will again lose the meaning of her life!

It turns out that way.

The saddest thing is that for most of these Mashas, ​​for whom the meaning of life is children, this is what happens. After their child grows up, their lives become aimless and dreary again.

But Nature intended it this way that sooner or later Katya and Vasya will grow up and leave their parents’ home to start building their own independent lives!

And if their mother (or father) by this moment has not found the correct, Natural answer to the question “what is the meaning of my life,” then she will continue to “cling” to her children, trying to control their lives without having her own!

And if we continue this chain, then Katya will think the same as Masha: I must give birth to a child, because this is the meaning of my life. And then history will repeat itself!

Night, street, lantern, pharmacy... pharmacy, street, lantern...

Because the meaning of a person’s life is not in children!

A child is only a tactical (intermediate) goal, but not the main, strategic one.

Although most people, not knowing what the main goal is in their life, put a child in this place!

Wrong answer #2

Who cares what the meaning of life is!
Do not worry. Just live and DO NOT think about it!

Well, that’s also an option! Indeed, what difference does it make what the meaning of a person’s life is!

Live for yourself and live! If you die, then maybe the guys with white wings up there will finally explain what the point was. And they will give you a pass or fail... Well, like in college, remember? :) And then they will send you back to Earth for a retake, but in a different body, in a new incarnation, to a new family... To some popuass in the jungle. And everything is all new again: being born again, screaming, sucking a tit, learning to walk... And then, one fine day, when the Sun is at its zenith, warming the earth with its warm rays, you will be devoured by some skinny-toothed tiger in the bushes, where did you go little by little? And again to heaven, welcome to heaven, to the admissions committee with its tattered record book from past incarnations! Just some kind of Samsara circle!

So what's the joke? Can someone explain? Otherwise, I’m already tired of back and forth... I’ve already changed so many bodies, I’ve been both a man and a woman, I’ve seen so many things on this Earth over many centuries, but I still remain a fool! Hey, guys in white coats, what is the meaning of life?

Well, I finally thought to ask! And you type in Google “what is the meaning of life”, they will answer with thoughts in your head... You will find an article “what is the meaning of human life”. And read. Read attentively! Until the end. If after so many lives I have not yet understood what the meaning is. There they will explain everything to you in human language. And maybe this time, when you return from Earth to us again with your record book, we will give you a solid 4 instead of zeros and ones for past unlived lives.

Wrong answer #3

The meaning of human life = power, sex and money.

Well, it is for such chosen meanings of life that angels in white coats put zeros (0) and ones (1) in the heavenly office. Just some kind of kindergarten! I amused my ego called personality by playing into the illusion of my power over the world, or power over 5 janitors from the HOA. Who has what power... Small, medium and large businesses. Policy. He spent 20 years building his empire, and then the government changed and everything fell apart like a house of cards in a few months. And if this business was the whole meaning of life, then, in fact, there is no need to live any further! Alcohol, anger, accident... and again write off the expense!

Knock Knock? Can? Hello office! I came to you again with my record book. Somehow it turned out to be an unsuccessful implementation. Somewhere I messed up again!

The conversation might go something like this:

But there were hints! Well, if you remember. Don't you remember?

Don’t come here, it’ll snow on your head and you’ll be completely dead. Don’t sign this contract, it smells bad, don’t start this business, better look here... This is much more promising and profitable.

But NO! I said, I decided so, I want this, I will achieve this at any cost...

And we talked to you, suggested, but you don’t hear...

Your personality, your Ego has grown so much that it seems to you that this is you. That nothing else exists. That only your personal will, your personal plans and your personal goals determine your life.

What if we tell you that you have your invisible master, your boss?

No, not the one who, spitting saliva, yelled at you with anger and discontent every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. (By the way, your earthly office boss did this too because he doesn’t know what the meaning of his life is).

We are talking about your Spirit! And his tasks of incarnation on Earth through your physical body and your Personality!

Well, why are you looking at us again with such stunned, incomprehensible eyes, like 125 years ago, when you took your last test?


Okay, let’s explain in human language you understand!

With pictures like in comics!

And don't tell us again that you didn't understand.

And here is the answer at the end of the problem book!

The correct answer to the question: “What is the meaning of human life?”

But first, let's figure out who this person is.

There is a physical shell, a material object of the dense plane of existence of matter. Arms, legs, head, stomach, lungs, rectum, bones and heart.

But what distinguishes the dead from the living?

It seems like the same set of organs. But something is already missing from this set.

Can you answer what is missing?

Right! Souls, more precisely, a subtle material object that connects with the physical body (biological carrier) throughout life.

What about the Soul or the Spirit? What's the difference. Let's figure out how all this is interconnected.

The human body is surrounded by an energy shell (in other words, an aura or biofield). These are objects of the astral plane of existence of matter. On the human aura (biofield) we can distinguish zones of energy condensation, which are called chakras. There are 7 of them.

The human energy shell is enclosed in a cocoon of the emotional shell, which feeds the energy shell. Therefore, the more often a person rejoices, the denser and larger his energy shell is and the less he gets sick, since there is a direct relationship between a person’s state of health and the density and size of his energy shell. “Jupiter, you are angry, that means you are wrong.”

What is a person?
Physical and energetic shells of a person