Dictations in the Russian language in elementary school. Incomplete Sentences - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1. Read it.

In the spring, the rain is crazy, it wants to wet everything, it will cry as a joke, it will deceive everyone with its tears, it will fool everyone and stop.

(I. Ehrenburg)

  • What is the name of the rain? Why?
  • Find words that have sibilant consonants. Make every hissing sound. Name the letter with which it is indicated on the letter.

2. Name the objects.

  • Say the words-names of these objects. Listen to the sound of the hissing consonant sound in each of the words.
  • Which of the hissing consonant sounds in these words are hard and which are soft?

Page for the curious


Some sounds were given interesting name: hissing. Say the sounds [w], [ch"], [sch"] one after the other. What do the sounds remind you of? Maybe it’s the hissing of oil in a frying pan, the boiling of a kettle, the rustling of dry leaves underfoot, the hissing of an iron or sparkling water?

The sound [zh] was also called hissing for a reason: pronounce it first loudly, then quieter and quieter - [zh-zhzhsh-sh]. Now say the words hedgehog, really, and again you hear the sound [w] in these words.

(V. Ivanova)

3. Read it.

      The hedgehog has hedgehogs, and the grass snake has a snake.
      Funny jokes from Sasha and Mishutka.

  • How do the sounds [w] and [z] sound: hard or soft?
  • Write down any tongue twister. Check yourself. Indicate the emphasis in words.

4. Read it.

      Two puppies cheek to cheek
      pinch the brush in the corner.

      Four turtles
      four turtles each.

  • What sounds are taught to pronounce tongue twisters? Say them.
  • How do the sounds [u"] and [h"] sound: hard or soft?
  • Say any tongue twister slowly at first, then faster and faster. Emphasize hissing consonant sounds with your voice.

5. Read it. When do they say that?

      Good work lives for two centuries.
      Time for work, time for fun.

  • Write down one proverb. Underline the letters in the words that represent the hissing consonant sounds.


Page for the curious

About the origin of the word

Word pencil came to us from Turkic language. It consisted of two words: punishment And dash. Word punishment means "black" and dash means "stone". Word pencil in this language it was understood as “black stone”, graphite.

6. Write the word pencil. Underline the letter in it that denotes an unpaired hard hissing consonant sound.

  • What object do we call a word? pencil? What is it for? What color do you think the lead that left the pencil mark was before? And now? What is it simple pencil?

Incomplete sentences Development Stepyak G.V. Municipal educational institution "Secondary" comprehensive school No. 22, Cherepovets Exercise 146 1. Nikolay carried a backpack, and Mikhail carried fishing gear. 1. Nikolai carried a backpack, and Mikhail (carried) fishing gear. Exercise 146 2. Well, what’s your name? - Petrov. 2. Well, what’s your name? - (My name is) Petrov. Exercise 146 3. Where are we, Ivan Stepanovich? - At the foot of the island of Rapa Nui. 3. Where are we (located), Ivan Stepanovich? - (We are) At the foot of the island of Rapa Nui. Exercise 146 4. What is your last name? - Bachey. - Vasily Petrovich’s son? - Yes. 4. (Your) Last name (what is it) what? – (My last name is) Bachey. - (Are you) Vasily Petrovich’s son? - Yes. Exercise 146 5. Father saw the fish, but I haven’t seen it yet. 5. Father saw the fish, but I haven’t seen (the fish) yet. Exercise 146 6. All the roads were covered with snow. 6. All the roads were covered with snow. [single-part, impersonal] A sentence is incomplete if any member of the sentence is missing, which is easily restored from the speech situation. It’s night above the Arctic Circle. There is complete silence in the ice. There are two candles on the table, letters on the table.  A river is known to float, a man is in trouble.  Truthful words are good, fox fur coats are fluffy.  The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge.  Gain intelligence in learning, courage in battle. In Levitan’s painting “March” all nature is permeated with the gentle spring sun. At the porch there is a horse, still harnessed to a sleigh in winter. On the left are melted snowdrifts. And right in front of the viewer is a road clearing of snow. Exercise 148 1. Leaves were torn from the trees, swirling with heat above... One-part, impersonal. (and there they decayed). Two-part Exercise 148 3. The ice was covered with fluffy snow. One-part, impersonal 4. At least they laugh at braggarts... One-part, indefinite-personal. (and often they get shares in the division). Two-part Exercise 148 5. Be a thunderstorm! One-part, impersonal I see it in the fluttering of the poplars... Two-part. Exercise 148 2. Grandfather told us fairy tales, and father (told) stories from his travel stories. your travels. Exercise 148 6. Everyone was leaving for home, but I wasn’t the only one leaving. was leaving home. Exercise 148 7. In the spring the rain is crazy. If it wants to rain, it will wet everything. - everything will be moistened. Exercise 148 8. How to name a kitten? kitten? 8. Call it a tiger or a mouse? Baby doll or mouse? Baby doll or May? call or Li-jian? May? Or call it Or Jin Jin Li-dzian? Task: find one-part and two-part incomplete sentences. 1) Fifth day at sea. 2) Yesterday we stood in Beluzha Bay. 3) Brown Novaya Zemlya mountains, shores covered in snowy white armor. 4) Above them is the northern sky, flat clouds. Items that preserve the memory of life... Feather... An ordinary feather in an unpainted wooden handle. Ordinary yellowed sheets of paper. There is a small chair at the table. Empty chair. Among those who write on earth, there is not yet a person who could rightfully occupy it... A table with gifts from admirers, a kerosene lamp. Portrait of Dickens. The great Russian loved the great Englishman very much. Jug for washing. There are two candles on the table. He extinguished them, leaving forever Yasnaya Polyana. Since then, the candles have not been lit even once... There are letters on the table. One of them is from America. Objects that preserve the memory of life... A feather... An ordinary feather in a wooden... oh (not) more beautiful... pen. Ordinary yellowed sheets of paper. There is a small chair at the table. Empty chair. Among those who write on earth, there is not yet a person who could (could) rightfully occupy it... A table with gifts from admirers, a blue lamp. Portrait of Di(k, kk)ens. The great Russian loved the great Englishman very much. Washing bowl. There are two candles on the table. He put them out (on) always leaving Yasnaya Polyana. Since then, the candles have (not) been lit even once... There are letters on the table. One of them is from America. One-part sentences: 1). Items that preserve the memory of life... 2) A feather... 3) An ordinary feather in an unpainted wooden handle. 4) Ordinary yellowed sheets of paper. 5) Empty chair. 6) Among those who write on earth, there is not yet a person who could rightfully occupy it... 7) A table with gifts from admirers, a kerosene lamp. 8) Portrait of Dickens. 9) Jug for washing. Two-part incomplete sentences: 1) 2) 3) 4) There is a small chair at the table. There are two candles on the table. There are letters on the table. One of them is from America. Complete two-part sentences: Among those writing on earth there is not yet a person who could rightfully occupy it... The great Russian loved the great Englishman very much. He extinguished them, leaving Yasnaya Polyana forever. Since then the candles have not been lit. Parsing. There is a small chair at the table. (Narrative, non-vocal, simple, two-part, incomplete, extended) Syntactic analysis. Objects that preserve the memory of life... (Narrative, non-vocal, simple, one-part, nominal, distributive, complicated by participial phrase). Parsing. Among those who write on earth, there is not yet a person who could rightfully occupy it... Narrative, non-vocal, complex, SPP 1. simple, one-part, impersonal, rapr. 2. simple, two-part, dist. Parsing. Yesterday we stood in Beluzha Bay. (Narrative, non-vocal, simple, one-part, undefined-personal, distributive) Syntactic analysis. Above them is the northern sky, flat clouds. (Narrative, non-vocal, simple, two-part, incomplete, distributed) Syntactic analysis. The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge. (Narrative, non-vocal, complex, SSP 1. simple, two-part, distributed, 2. Simple, two-part, incomplete, extended) Development Stepyak G.V. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 22", Cherepovets

Distributive dictations

1. Distribute verbs into groups according to tense forms (present tense, past tense, future tense), explain the spelling of the studied spellings.

Rode, works, appears, rewards, asks, throws, feels, serves, records, sows, sees, glues, sparkles, stands up, laughs, cooks.

2. Distribute verbs into indefinite form into two groups on issues what to do? And what to do?

3. Distribute the verbs by conjugation (1st conjugation and 2nd conjugation).

1) To please, watch, sow, fry, drive, dine, cry, extinguish, endure, mow, hear, respect, blush, offend, wither, declare.

2) You think, you breathe, you hold, you tie, you will, you breathe, you see, you write, you regret, you depend, you enter, you wave, you make friends, you pay, you help, you give, you don’t love.

Selective dictations

Write down the verbs, explain the spelling of the studied spellings in the verbs.

1) Looks: a kite is drowning in the sky and not moaning like a bird. 2) At dawn, the shepherd no longer drives the cows out of the barn. 3) March will come, rooks will fly to us from the south, the snow will melt, it will feel warm, and new sign all outfit. 4) The boy is dozing on the carpet. 5) Where are you in a hurry, dear, where are you heading? 6) There is a mustachioed cat wandering around the garden, and a horned goat follows the cat. 7) The blizzard sweeps the white path, wants to drown in the soft snow. 8) During the day, swifts and swallows fly squeaking over the lake, catching midges, and drinking water.

First cancer

Thunder rumbled, and it rained, and the sun shone through the rain, and a wide rainbow spread from edge to edge. At this time, the bird cherry tree was blooming, and the wild currant bushes just above the water turned green. Then the first crayfish poked its head out of some crustacean oven and moved its whiskers.

(M. Prishvin)


1) If you touch it with your finger, it’s smooth, but if you bite it, it’s sweet. (Apple.) 2) They don’t feed him oats, they don’t drive him with a whip, but when he plows, he drags five plows. (Tractor.) 3) There are eyes - they don’t see, there are ears - they don’t hear, there is a mouth - it doesn’t speak, there is a nose - it doesn’t smell. (Portrait.) 4) Sits - turns green, lies - turns yellow, falls - turns black. (Leaf from a tree.) 5) Spinning, chirping, fussing all day. (Magpie.)

The snake that stands

A cobra will not bite on the sly. If you walk and don’t see her, she will warn you about herself: she will throw up her black head above the ground - “stand on her tail,” as snake catchers say. It will sparkle with round bird eyes, unfold its scaly hood, hiss and snort like an angry cat. See, I'm here! Better go! For such timely warning, snake catchers call the cobra a noble snake.

(N. Sladkov)

Visual dictations

Oh, how good it is to be in the free air, under clear sky, where the larks fluttered, from where the silver beads of their sonorous voices rained down!

(I. Turgenev)

You enter the forest and stroke the trees with your palm, as if you were patting old friends on the back. The trunks are warm, like a living body: they sway slightly, as if they are breathing.

(N. Sladkov)

The spring sun is shining so tenderly. Spring streams run everywhere. The buds on the birch trees are already completely swollen and red: they are about to open and each one will release a green leaf, so soft, light, fragrant and as if covered with varnish.

(D. Mamin-Sibiryak)

In spring the rain is crazy. If he wants, he will wet everything, cry as a joke, deceive with tears, fool everyone and stop. Only from the birch tree, along the gray bark, large tears run in a crowd.

(I. Ehrenburg)

I thought a random breeze moved an old leaf, and it was the first butterfly that flew out. I thought it was a shock to my eyes, but it was the first flower that appeared.

(M. Prishvin)

Rainbows sparkle over the smoky, damp distance. Thunder rolls, rumbles, grumbles, rumbles, shakes the earth.

(K. Paustovsky)

The morning was coming solemn, majestic and unique in its mighty beauty... The sun pushed the clouds aside, scattering them across the dome, like a good shepherd scattering a flock of sheep. Soon the clouds became transparent and scattered one by one throughout the sky.

(G. Troepolsky)

Warning (explanatory) dictations

Seven weathers for a day

In the tundra in summer there are seven weather conditions per day. It sows, blows, blows, cools, wets, warms, dries. A cloud will creep in and a cold shadow will cover the tundra. The second cloud will wet it with rain. The third will cut it with ice pellets or sprinkle it with snow. Either fog will roll in from the sea, or the wind will disperse the fog. And again clear distances and bright sun.

(N. Sladkov)


Spring has begun in all its glory. Life began to play everywhere. The copses were already turning blue. A dandelion turned yellow over the fresh emerald of the first greenery. Swarms of midges appeared in the swamps. A water beetle was already running after them. Every bird gathered in the dry reeds from everywhere. Forests and meadows woke up.

(N. Gogol)


In India, elephants are ridden through the streets. Elephants even listen to a little boy. The guys with a twig drive them to the river to swim. Elephants work in the garden. They cut down trees, drag logs and carefully place them in a pile. Domestic elephants help catch wild elephants in the jungle. The elephant is wise. He doesn't hurt people.

(G. Snegirev)

Spring in the forest

What the hunter saw and heard spring forest? A capercaillie is mating at the edge of the swamp. Elks graze in a young aspen forest. An old wolf runs with prey. The birds are singing loudly. Spring streams ring under the trees. The swollen buds smell like resin. Bird cherry will soon bloom on the edges of the forest, and vociferous nightingales will begin to click over the streams. Long-tailed cuckoos will arrive and crow.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Creative dictations

Replace past tense verbs in sentences with 2nd person verbs singular future tense.

Birch Grove

The birch grove in the spring rings with bird songs. Walked through the sunny birch forest, touched the white trunks and sticky leaves, watched the wind blow away the yellow pollen from the earrings, listened to the starling sing - and you will feel light and joyful.

(G. Snegirev)


We are not very tall, and our flowers are drip, and there is no pleasant smell. But you still haven’t forgotten us. Saw blue sky in the spring - he remembered us. I met a clear blue lake and remembered us. I saw blue eyes and remembered us again. We are forget-me-nots.

Free dictations

Spring song

One day, Vova and Petya brought Uncle Matvey lunch in the field. It was spring. The ground was covered with young grass. The first flowers bloomed in the lowlands. A lark was singing in the sky.

After lunch, the tractor driver put the guys in the cab, and the tractor set off across the field. And the lark kept singing his spring song.

Suddenly the singing stopped. The winged singer darted across the arable land. A hawk circled above him.

But then something unprecedented happened. A lark flew into the cabin window. Uncle Matvey carefully took the bird in his hands. She was injured.

The boys cured the lark and released it into the wild. Again the spring song rang over the fields.

(A. Musatov)

Words for reference: unprecedented, careful, wounded, again.


The ground suddenly swelled, and a mole stuck out of it. The nose is a drill, the paws are shovels, the teeth are knives.

The mole does not like clear sun and fresh wind. He lives his whole life in a dark and damp dungeon. Digs the earth, builds tunnels, catches worms. It doesn’t even crawl out for dry grass for a nest, but pulls it in by the roots right from under the ground.

And yet he still wants to look at the world. He will stick his head out and his mouth will gape in surprise!

(N. Sladkov)

Words for reference: the tunnel even stuck out from under, after all.

Test dictations

Here it is - spring!

The March sky is blue and clear. This kind of sky only happens in spring. The sun is shining and warming. Through the glass you feel the warmth of spring. It melts on the sunny side. There is a long icicle hanging on the roof. Droplets fall from its end. Sparrows chirp and look smart. A crow flew up onto a birch branch. She cranes her neck and screams hoarsely. A young jackdaw is looking for a place to nest. On the far fence, magpies turn their heads, swing their tails and chatter. Now you hear the gentle song of the oatmeal. Her song rings like a little bell. (80 words)

(N. Plavilshchikov)

Spring blossom of trees

The buds open, chocolate, with green beaks. On each beak hangs a large transparent drop. The buds on the bird cherry tree today have turned into green spears. The nut earrings began to gather dust, and smoke rose up under each bird fluttering in the nut tree. On young birch trees you see bright green leaves the size of a raindrop everywhere. The buds on the linden tree are turning green. You take one bud, rub it between your fingers, and then your hands will smell like birch, poplar, and bird cherry for a long time. The aspen stands with swollen buds. Soon the aspen fluff will fly, the golden birch earrings will turn green. Red young cones will appear on the Christmas trees. It is interesting to observe the spring blossoming of the trees of our forests. (93 words)

(M. Prishvin)

Addresses of berries

Who can tell you the addresses of the berries in the summer? You can ask the forest stumps for the address of the strawberries. Search between the stumps in the grass and you will find an oblong, fragrant berry that looks like a scarlet droplet. You can find out the blueberry address from the shaggy and gloomy spruce trees. Blueberries are the berries of raw spruce forest. You will find the lingonberry address in a pine forest. The soil in a lingonberry forest will be drier than in a blueberry forest. You will see raspberries on forest edges, clearings, and ravines. The host of cranberries will be green moss. When the cranberries are ripe, it looks as if someone has scattered red beads on green velvet. The forest generously treats us with berries in the summer. Take only berries from the forest, but do not pull out the berry bushes. (96 words)

(N. Nadezhdina)

Forest Orchestra

At morning and evening dawns, not only birds, but also all forest inhabitants sing and play. Here you will hear ringing voices and the sounds of various musical instruments.

The fox and the white partridge bark. The roe deer coughs. The wolf howls. An owl hoots. Bumblebees and bees are buzzing. Frogs purr and croak.

The nightingale sings so loudly that it whistles and clicks day and night. (76 words)

(V. Bianchi)

Words for reference: white-browed thrush, roe deer.

May thunderstorm

A dark cloud is creeping towards the sun. Lightning flashes across it in red zigzags. Distant rumbles of thunder are heard. A warm wind blows through the grass, bends trees, and raises dust. Now the May rain will splash and a thunderstorm will begin. And the clouds have already covered the sun. It's getting dark. The first large and heavy splashes fall on the ground. The wind subsides. The only noise is the rain, the sound of small shots on the dry road. Lightning flashes. A loud blow is heard. Now the thunder subsides, and its rumbles can be heard from afar. The sun appears from behind the clouds, flooding the forest and field with warming light. menacing cloud she left and took the storm with her. The warm air smells of bird cherry, honey porridge, and lilies of the valley. (97 words)

(A. Chekhov)

Words for reference: zigzag, clouded, due, lie down.

Presentation Transcript

Life... Feather... An ordinary feather in an unpainted wooden pen. Ordinary yellowed sheets of paper. There is a small chair at the table. Empty chair. Among those who write on earth, there is not yet a person who could rightfully occupy it... A table with gifts from admirers, a kerosene lamp. Portrait of Dickens. The great Russian loved the great Englishman very much. Jug for washing. There are two candles on the table. He put them out, leaving Yasnaya Polyana forever. Since then, the candles have not been lit even once... There are letters on the table. One of them is from America.

Life... Feather... An ordinary feather in a wooden... oh (not) more beautiful... oh pen. Ordinary yellowed sheets of paper. There is a small chair at the table. Empty chair. Among those who write on earth, there is not yet a person who could (could) rightfully occupy it... A table with gifts from admirers, a blue lamp. Portrait of Di(k, kk)ens. The great Russian loved the great Englishman very much. Washing bowl. There are two candles on the table. He put them out (on) always leaving Yasnaya Polyana. Since then, the candles have (not) been lit even once... There are letters on the table. One of them is from America.

1). Items that preserve the memory of life...

3) An ordinary feather in an unpainted wooden handle.

4) Ordinary yellowed sheets of paper.

5) Empty chair.

6) Among those who write on earth there is not yet a person who could rightfully occupy it...

7) A table with gifts from admirers, a kerosene lamp.

8) Portrait of Dickens.

9) Jug for washing.