Didactic games and exercises for the formation of the syllabic structure of words. Card file on the formation of the syllabic structure of a word

A short author's version of the methodological manual by S.E. is presented. Bolshakova, which will soon be published by the publishing house "TC Sfera". An experienced speech therapist-practitioner offers effective methods for forming the syllabic structure of speech, in particular, methods of manual reinforcement that make it easier for children to learn multisyllabic words and words with consonant clusters. Speech material and didactic games are supplemented with a set of 64 color pictures on a special tab of the magazine. The system of speech therapy exercises proposed by the author will help parents and speech therapists in working with children who have syllable structure disorders.

Two-syllable words consisting of open syllables: melon, water*, owl, cotton wool, coffee, fly, soap, children, feet, moon, perfume, scales, vase, notes, goat, teeth.

Three-syllable words consisting of open syllables: shovel, dog, cubes, boots, cabin, Panama hat, ducklings, head, raspberry, newspaper, mimosa, berries, car, coin, wheel, milk.

Monosyllabic words consisting of a closed syllable: poppy, onion, ball, whale, forest, beetle, catfish, juice, oak, lion, honey, house, cat, goose, smoke, nose.

Two-syllable words consisting of one open and one closed syllable: lemon, broom, bouquet, banana, fire, package, can, hammock, carriage, loaf, iron, rooster, skating rink, sofa, scoop, rope.

Two-syllable words with a cluster of consonants in the middle of the word: bank, skirt, letter, branch, letters, duck, bath, thread, fork, cap, pumpkin, slippers, window, skates, T-shirt, taxi.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Forming the syllabic structure of a word, Bolshakova S.E., 2006 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • Formation of fine motor skills of the hands, Games and exercises, Bolshakova S.E., 2008
  • The use of folk toys in various activities of preschool children, 2013
  • Pedagogical portfolio for parents, Kolpakova N.V., 2012

The following textbooks and books:

  • Steps of literacy, a textbook for teaching elements of literacy to children with severe mental disabilities, the first period of education, in 2 parts, part 1, Galskaya N.V., Sahar L.M., 2001
  • Steps of literacy, a textbook for teaching elements of literacy to children with severe mental disabilities, the first period of education, in 2 parts, part 2, Galskaya N.V., Sahar L.M., 2001

The formation of grammatically correct, lexically rich and phonetically clear speech in children, which enables verbal communication and prepares them for learning at school, is one of the important tasks in the overall system of teaching a child their native language in kindergarten and in the family.

To raise a full-fledged personality, you need to eliminate everything that interferes with the child’s free communication with the team. It is important that children master their native speech as early as possible and speak correctly, clearly, and expressively. The correct pronunciation of sounds and words becomes especially necessary for a child when he begins to master literacy. The practice of speech therapy shows that correction of sound pronunciation is often brought to the fore in preschool age and the importance of forming the syllabic structure of words is underestimated, and this is one of the reasons for the occurrence of dysgraphia and dyslexia in schoolchildren.

Among the various speech disorders in preschool children, one of the most difficult to correct is such a special manifestation of speech pathology as a violation of the syllabic structure of words. This defect in speech development is characterized by difficulties in pronouncing words of complex syllabic composition (violation of the order of syllables in a word, omissions or addition of new syllables or sounds). Violation of the syllabic structure of a word is usually detected during a speech therapy examination of children with general speech underdevelopment. As a rule, the range of these violations varies: from minor difficulties in pronouncing words of a complex syllabic structure in conditions of spontaneous speech to severe violations when a child repeats two- and three-syllable words without a combination of consonants, even with the aid of clarity. Deviations in the reproduction of the syllabic composition of a word can manifest themselves as follows:

1. Violation of the number of syllables:
– syllable reduction;
– omission of the syllabic vowel;
– increasing the number of syllables due to the insertion of vowels.
2. Violation of the sequence of syllables in a word:
– rearrangement of syllables;
- rearrangement of sounds of adjacent syllables.
3. Distortion of the structure of an individual syllable:
– reduction of consonant clusters;
- insertion of consonants into a syllable.
4. Similarization of syllables.
5. Perseverations (cyclic repetition).
6. Anticipations (replacing previous sounds with subsequent ones).
7. Contamination (mixing elements of a word).

Violation of the syllabic structure of words can persist in children with pathology of speech development for quite a long time, revealing itself whenever the child encounters a new sound-syllable and morphological structure of a word.

The choice of methods and techniques of correctional work to eliminate this disorder is always preceded by an examination of the child, during which the degree and level of violation of the syllabic structure of words is revealed. This will allow you to set the boundaries of the level accessible to the child, from which corrective exercises should begin.

This type of work is based on the principle of a systematic approach to the correction of speech disorders and the classification by A.K. Markova, which identifies 14 types of syllable structure of a word in increasing degrees of complexity:

1. Two-syllable words made from open syllables (willow, children).
2. Three-syllable words made from open syllables (hunting, raspberry).
3. Monosyllabic words (house, juice).
4. Two-syllable words with a closed syllable (sofa, furniture).
5. Two-syllable words with a cluster of consonants in the middle of the word (jar, branch).
6. Two-syllable words made from closed syllables (tulip, compote).
7. Three-syllable words with a closed syllable (hippopotamus, telephone).
8. Three-syllable words with consonant clusters (room, shoes).
9. Three-syllable words with a consonant cluster and a closed syllable (lamb, ladle).
10. Three-syllable words with two consonant clusters (tablet, matryoshka).
11. Monosyllabic words with a cluster of consonants at the beginning of the word (table, closet).
12. Monosyllabic words with a consonant cluster at the end of the word (elevator, umbrella).
13. Two-syllable words with two consonant clusters (whip, button).
14. Four-syllable words made from open syllables (turtle, piano).

Corrective work to overcome violations of the syllabic structure of words consists of the development of speech-auditory perception and speech-motor skills. I built my work in two stages:

– preparatory; the goal of this stage is to prepare the child to master the rhythmic structure of words in his native language;
– correctional; The goal of this stage is the direct correction of defects in the syllabic structure of words in a particular child.

At the preparatory stage I conducted the exercises first on a non-verbal level, and then on a verbal one.

Exercise “Repeat the same”

Goal: learn to reproduce a given rhythm.
Materials: ball, drum, tambourine, metallophone, sticks.
Progress of the exercise: The speech therapist sets the rhythm with one of the objects, the child must repeat the same.

Exercise “Count correctly”

Goal: learn to count sounds.
Materials: children's musical and noise instruments, cards with numbers, cube with dots.
Progress of the exercise:
Option 1. The child claps his hands (knocks on a tambourine, etc.) as many times as the dots appear on the cube.
Option 2. The speech therapist plays sounds, the child counts them and picks up a card with the corresponding number.

Exercise “Choose a scheme”

Goal: learn to correlate the rhythmic pattern with its diagram on the card.
Material: cards with patterns of rhythmic patterns.
Progress of the exercise:
Option 1. The speech therapist sets a rhythmic pattern, the child selects the appropriate pattern on the card.
Option 2. The child reproduces a rhythmic pattern according to a given pattern.

Exercise “Long - short”

Goal: to learn to distinguish between long and short sounding words.
Material: chips, long and short strips of paper, pictures.
Progress of the exercise:
Option 1. The speech therapist pronounces the words, the child places a chip on a long or short strip.
Option 2. The child names the words in the pictures and puts them into two groups: the long strip and the short one.

At the correctional stage the work was carried out at the verbal level with the obligatory “switching on” of the auditory, visual and tactile analyzers.

Exercises at the sound level:

  1. “Say the sound A as many times as there are dots on the die. Make the sound O as many times as I clap my hands.”
  2. “Find out what sound (series of sounds) I made.” Recognition by silent articulation, pronunciation with voice.
  3. Determination of a stressed vowel in a stressed position (in a series of sounds).

Exercises at the syllable level:

– Pronounce a chain of syllables while simultaneously stringing rings onto a pyramid (building a tower from cubes, rearranging pebbles or beads).
– “Fingers say hello” - pronouncing a chain of syllables by touching the fingers of the hand with the thumb on each syllable.
– Count the number of syllables pronounced by the speech therapist.
– Name the stressed syllable in the chain of heard syllables.
– Memorizing and repeating chains of different types of syllables.

Word level exercises:

Ball game

Goal: learn to clap the syllabic rhythm of a word.
Material: ball.
Progress of the game: the child beats the rhythm of the word given by the speech therapist with a ball.

Game "Telegraph"

Goal: to develop the ability to divide words into syllables.
Material: sticks.
Progress of the game: the child “transmits” the given word by tapping out its rhythmic pattern.

Game "Count, don't make a mistake"

Material: pyramid, cubes, pebbles.
Progress of the game: the child pronounces the words given by the speech therapist and lays out pebbles (pyramid rings, cubes). Compare words: where there are more pebbles, the word is longer.

Goal: to learn to divide words into syllables while simultaneously performing a mechanical action.
Material: ball.
Progress of the game: children pass the ball to each other and at the same time name the syllable of the given word.

Game "Say the correct word"

Goal: to learn to distinguish correctly sounding words.
Material: pictures.
Progress of the game: the speech therapist pronounces the words incorrectly, the child names the words correctly (if it is difficult for the child to complete the task, then pictures are given to help).

Exercise “What has changed?”

Goal: to learn to distinguish between different syllable structures of words.
Material: pictures.
Progress of the exercise: the child explains the difference between words.
Words: cat, cat, kitten. House, house, house.

Exercise “Find the longest word”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables.
Material: pictures.
Progress of the exercise: the child chooses from the proposed pictures the one that shows the longest word.

Exercise “Count, don’t make a mistake”

Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to divide words into syllables.
Material: pictures, cards with numbers.
Progress of the exercise: The speech therapist shows pictures, the children show a number corresponding to the number of syllables in a word (a complication option is the number of a stressed syllable).

Exercise “Which word is different”

Goal: learn to distinguish words with different rhythmic structures.
Material: pictures.
Progress of the exercise: the speech therapist names a series of words, the children identify the extra word (use pictures if the children find it difficult).
Words: tank, crayfish, poppy, branch. Carriage, bud, loaf, plane.

Exercise “Name the same syllable”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to compare the syllabic structure of words.
Material: pictures.
Progress of the exercise: the child must find the same syllable in the proposed words (airplane, milk, straight, ice cream).

Game “The end of the word is yours”

Goal: learn to synthesize words from syllables.
Material: ball.
Progress of the game: the speech therapist begins the word and throws the ball to the child, he adds the same syllable SHA: ka..., va..., Yes..., Ma..., Mi...

Game “What word did you get?”

Goal: to practice simple syllabic analysis.
Material: ball.
Progress of the game: the child, throwing the ball to the speech therapist, pronounces the first syllable. The speech therapist, returning the ball, says the second syllable and asks the child to name the word in full.

Child: Speech therapist: Child:
ket bouquet
fet buffet
Boo tone bud
ben tambourine

Exercise “Call me kindly”

Goal: to learn to clearly pronounce words of type 6 syllabic structure when forming nouns.
Material: ball.
Progress of the exercise: the speech therapist, throwing the ball to the child, names the object. The child, returning the ball, calls it “affectionately.”
Bow - bow, bandage - bandage, bush - bush, scarf - scarf, leaf - leaf.

Exercise “Say the word correctly”

Goal: to learn to clearly pronounce words of type 7 syllable structure, to develop auditory attention and memory.
Material: subject pictures.
Progress of the exercise: the speech therapist shows a picture and pronounces a sound combination. The child raises his hand when he hears the correct name of the object and names it.

Speech therapist: Child:
The plane is breaking

Game "Syllable cubes"

Goal: to practice synthesizing two-syllable words.
Material: cubes with pictures and letters.
Progress of the game: children must collect words from two parts.

Game "Chain of words"

Goal: to consolidate the ability to analyze and synthesize two- and three-syllable words.
Material: cards with pictures and words divided into parts.
Progress of the game: children lay out a chain of words (pictures) like dominoes.

Game "Logocube"

Goal: to practice syllabic analysis of one-, two- and three-syllable words.
Material: cube, set of subject pictures, cards with numbers.
Progress of the game: children select from a general set of pictures those that correspond to a given number of syllables and fix them on a certain side of the cube.

Train game

Goal: learn to select words with a given syllable pattern.
Material: train with carriages, a set of subject pictures, diagrams of the syllabic structure of words.
Progress of the game: children are invited to help “seat passengers” in the carriages in accordance with the number of syllables.

Game "Pyramid"

Goal: to consolidate the ability to analyze the syllabic composition of a word.
Material: a set of subject pictures.
Progress of the game: the child must arrange the pictures in a given sequence: one at the top - with a one-syllable word, two in the middle - with two-syllable words, three at the bottom - with three-syllable words.

Exercise “Collect a word”

Goal: learn to synthesize two- and three-syllable words.
Material: cards with syllables on tinted paper.
Progress of the exercise: each child lays out one word. Then a set of cards is exchanged and the game continues.

Exercise “Choose a word”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to analyze the syllabic structure of words.
Material: subject pictures, cards with diagrams of syllable structure. Cards with words (for reading children).
Progress of the exercise:
Option 1. The child matches the diagrams to the pictures.
Option 2. The child matches the pictures to the diagrams.

Game "Let's put things in order"

Goal: improve syllabic analysis and synthesis.
Material: a set of cards with syllables on tinted paper.
Progress of the game: children select syllables from the total number and arrange them in the right order.

Game "Who is more"

Goal: improve the ability to synthesize words from syllables.
Material: a set of cards with syllables on paper of the same color.
Progress of the game: from the total number of syllables, children lay out as many variants of words as possible.


  1. Agranovich Z.E. Speech therapy work to overcome violations of the syllabic structure of words in children. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2000.
  2. Bolshakova S.E. Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of words in children. Moscow: Sfera, 2007.
  3. Volina V.V. We learn by playing. Ekaterinburg: Argo, 1996.
  4. Kozyreva L.M. We read syllable by syllable. A set of games and exercises for children 5 – 7 years old. Moscow: Gnom i D, 2006.
  5. Kurdvanovskaya N.V., Vanyukova L.S. Formation of the syllabic structure of a word. Moscow: Sfera, 2007.
  6. Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V. Correction of general speech underdevelopment in preschool children. St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 1999.
  7. Lopukhina I.S. Speech therapy. Moscow: Aquarium, 1996.
  8. Tkachenko T.A. Correction of violations of the syllabic structure of words. Moscow: Gnom i D, 2001.
  9. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. Preparing children with general speech underdevelopment for school in a special kindergarten. Moscow: 1991.
  10. Chetverushkina N.S. The syllabic structure of the word. Moscow: Gnom i D, 2001.

The concept of “syllable structure of a word” is usually understood as the relative position and connection of syllables in a word. It is no secret that mastering the pronunciation of the syllabic structure of a word is a great difficulty for preschoolers. But mastering the syllabic structure of a word is one of the main prerequisites for mastering literacy. The lack of development of skills in syllabic analysis and synthesis entails the manifestation of dyslexia and dysgraphia during schooling.

The problem of motivation is one of the central ones in speech therapy work. Very often, knowledge of speech correction techniques and the desire of a speech therapist are not enough for the positive dynamics of children’s speech development.

It is known that the use of play techniques in correctional work prevents children from getting tired, supports their cognitive activity, and increases the effectiveness of speech therapy work in general. The words “learn by playing” remain relevant today.

A didactic game is both a method of teaching preschool children, a form of education, and a means of comprehensive education of the child’s personality.

I present to your attention didactic games, the purpose of which is to form the syllabic structure of words in preschoolers.

“When you say a word, how many syllables do you say in it?”

The first line shows numbers from one to four. On the second line are pictures whose titles have a different number of syllables.

Option 1.

The child chooses a picture and determines the number of syllables in its name. Then selects the corresponding number.

Option 2.

The child moves the first ruler so that a number appears in the window. Then it searches for a word with the appropriate number of syllables.

Modern children's construction sets offer limitless imagination not only for the child, but also for the teacher.

The children are offered object pictures with words of different syllable structures. Based on the number of syllables in a word, children build a tower from construction set parts. Then they compare the towers and determine which word is the largest and which is the smallest.

Along the miraculous ladder
I'll get up now.
I will count all the syllables,
I'll climb higher than everyone else.

Speech therapist: “Help the little people climb their steps.”

Children use pictures to determine the number of syllables in a word. They walk up the steps with their fingers, naming the syllables of the word, place the little man on the step of the last syllable, and determine the number of syllables in the word.

Children decorate the Christmas tree. The largest lower branches are decorated with toys with pictures, the names of which have three syllables.

Smaller branches - two-syllable words. The smallest top branches are monosyllabic words.

We go with the guys to visit Slogovichok and help him collect two-syllable words - the names of toys from the halves of Kinder Surprise eggs.

We put each toy in an egg with its name.

Sculpts since the morning
Snowman baby.
Rolls snow globes
And, laughing, he connects.

The speech therapist invites children to build snowmen so that words can be read on them.

On the clock dial, instead of numbers, there are balls with syllables.

Speech therapist: “The clown was juggling balls and mixed up all the words. Help the clown collect the words."

Children move the hands of the clock, connecting syllables to form two-syllable words.

Ryabova A.M.,
teacher speech therapist

Didactic manual for the formation of the syllabic structure of words

(for preschoolers 4-7 years old with word and phrase formation disorders)

Compiled by:

Chakhova Valentina Petrovna, teacher speech therapist

Russia, Tyumen, municipal autonomous institution

preschool education child development center

kindergarten No. 158 in Tyumen

While engaged in speech therapy practice, we came to the conclusion that in order to increase the effectiveness of correctional work, it is necessary to have a large variety of games and aids. In children with speech disorders, in addition to defects in sound pronunciation, the syllabic structure of the word is often impaired - the ability to correctly reproduce in speech words of different syllable composition (two-, three-, four-syllables, with a combination of consonants, etc.). This particular manifestation of speech pathology is one of the most difficult to correct, and it is one of the causes of school dysgraphia and dyslexia. Violation of the syllabic structure of speech negatively affects the formation of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech

In order to correct defects in the syllabic structure of words (eliminations, omissions, distortions, perseverations, etc.), we have developed and tested a didactic manual that allows us to solve a whole range of various problems in the process of logocorrection:

Replenish and activate children's vocabulary.

Develop children's phonemic awareness.

Develop mental operations (ability to generalize, classify), attention, memory.

Restore the rhythmic pattern of words in children’s speech based on visual, auditory, and kinesthetic functions.

Form a sound analysis of words.

Form optical-spatial orientations.

Clarify and consolidate the lexical meaning of words.

Develop the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech.

Didactic games with visual material:

1. “Say it in one word”

Goal: to form and consolidate children’s ideas about generalizing words.

Progress of the game: the speech therapist asks the child (children) to name several pictures in one word (dress, jacket, pants, hat - clothes, etc.).

2. “Name the word with the given sound”

Goal: to form and develop sound analysis of words.

Progress of the game: the speech therapist asks the child (children) to show and name pictures for a given sound (W – hat, pants, fur coat; Z – hare, zebra, etc.). A more complicated version of the game is to name words with a given sound at the end or middle of the word.

3. “Put the picture in the house (basket, garage, drawer, closet)”

Goal: to form and develop the rhythmic pattern of words of different syllabic composition; development of spatial orientations.

Progress of the game: the speech therapist asks the child (children) to divide the words into syllables (clap their hands). Words with one syllable are located in a house (locker, garage, basket, box) with one symbol (red circle); with two syllables - in a house (locker, garage, basket, box) with two symbols, etc.

4. “Find the extra object”

Goal: to develop mental operations, visual and auditory attention.

Progress of the game: the speech therapist asks the child (children) to find an extra item among the others (a fungus among the berries, an animal among the clothes, a vegetable among the fruits, etc.) and explain their choice.

5. “Who (what) does what?”

Goal: to develop the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech.

Progress of the game: the speech therapist asks the child (children) to tell what a cow, a car, a plane, an apple, etc. is doing (a cow is mooing, a plane is flying, an apple is hanging, etc.).

6. “Describe the words”

Goal: to teach children to use adjectives in speech and to correctly coordinate them with nouns.

Progress of the game: the speech therapist asks the child (children) to describe as a separate object (dress, boletus, cat, etc.); and a generalizing word (clothes, animals, berries). For example, the dress is summer, the cat is fluffy, the clothes are warm, the car is big, etc.

Game option: the speech therapist asks the child to find objects based on some characteristic (all red, all fluffy, all edible).

7. "Confusion"

Goal: to develop mental operations, visual and auditory attention, memory.

Progress of the game: the speech therapist asks the child (children) to “untangle” the pictures (domestic animals are “mixed” with wild animals, vegetables with fruits, mushrooms with berries, etc.) and explain their choice.

8. “What for what?”

Goal: to develop the grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech, coordination of words in a sentence, thinking.

Progress of the game: the speech therapist asks the child (children) to explain why a car, a ship, an airplane, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits, pants, a jacket, a hat, etc. are needed.

Game option: children explain what can be done with any object.

9. “Come up with a proposal”

Goal: to activate children’s imagination, teach them to coordinate words in a sentence, use prepositions, and develop coherent speech.

Progress of the game: the speech therapist asks the child (children) to come up with a sentence with a given word, or offers a word to choose from (a car is driving along the road, a ship is sailing on water, a mushroom is growing in the forest, etc.).

10. “Make up a story”

Purpose: to activate imagination, fantasy; develop grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech.

Progress of the game: the speech therapist asks the child (children) to come up with a story about someone (something). For example: Here is a little puppy. His name is Sharik. He has soft fur and a short tail. He loves to walk and wag his tail.

Visual material (photo 1,2,3,4,5)

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

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Didactic games and exercises

for the formation of the syllabic structure of words in preschoolers with OHP

The formation of grammatically correct, lexically rich and phonetically clear speech in children, which enables verbal communication and prepares them for learning at school, is one of the important tasks in the overall system of teaching a child their native language in kindergarten and in the family.

To raise a full-fledged personality, you need to eliminate everything that interferes with the child’s free communication with the team. It is important that children master their native speech as early as possible and speak correctly, clearly, and expressively. The correct pronunciation of sounds and words becomes especially necessary for a child when he begins to master literacy. The practice of speech therapy shows that correction of sound pronunciation is often brought to the fore in preschool age and the importance of forming the syllabic structure of words is underestimated, and this is one of the reasons for the occurrence of dysgraphia and dyslexia in schoolchildren.

Among the various speech disorders in preschool children, one of the most difficult to correct is such a special manifestation of speech pathology as a violation of the syllabic structure of words. This defect in speech development is characterized by difficulties in pronouncing words of complex syllabic composition (violation of the order of syllables in a word, omissions or addition of new syllables or sounds). Violation of the syllabic structure of a word is usually detected during a speech therapy examination of children with general speech underdevelopment. As a rule, the range of these violations varies: from minor difficulties in pronouncing words of a complex syllabic structure in conditions of spontaneous speech to severe violations when a child repeats two- and three-syllable words without a combination of consonants, even with the aid of clarity. Deviations in the reproduction of the syllabic composition of a word can manifest themselves as follows:

1. Violation of the number of syllables:
– syllable reduction;
– omission of the syllabic vowel;
– increasing the number of syllables due to the insertion of vowels.
2. Violation of the sequence of syllables in a word:
– rearrangement of syllables;
- rearrangement of sounds of adjacent syllables.
3. Distortion of the structure of an individual syllable:
– reduction of consonant clusters;
- insertion of consonants into a syllable.
4. Similarization of syllables.
5. Perseverations (cyclic repetition).
6. Anticipations (replacing previous sounds with subsequent ones).
7. Contamination (mixing elements of a word).

Violation of the syllabic structure of words can persist in children with pathology of speech development for quite a long time, revealing itself whenever the child encounters a new sound-syllable and morphological structure of a word.

The choice of methods and techniques of correctional work to eliminate this disorder is always preceded by an examination of the child, during which the degree and level of violation of the syllabic structure of words is revealed. This will allow you to set the boundaries of the level accessible to the child, from which corrective exercises should begin.

This type of work is based on the principle of a systematic approach to the correction of speech disorders and the classification by A.K. Markova, which identifies 14 types of syllable structure of a word in increasing degrees of complexity:

1. Two-syllable words made from open syllables(willow, children).
2. Three-syllable words made from open syllables
(hunting, raspberry).
3. Monosyllabic words
(house, juice).
4. Two-syllable words with a closed syllable
(sofa, furniture).
5. Two-syllable words with a cluster of consonants in the middle of the word
(jar, branch).
6. Two-syllable words made from closed syllables
(tulip, compote).
7. Three-syllable words with a closed syllable
(hippopotamus, telephone).
8. Three-syllable words with consonant clusters
(room, shoes).
9. Three-syllable words with a consonant cluster and a closed syllable
(lamb, ladle).
10. Three-syllable words with two consonant clusters
(tablet, matryoshka).
11. Monosyllabic words with a cluster of consonants at the beginning of the word
(table, closet).
12. Monosyllabic words with a consonant cluster at the end of the word
(elevator, umbrella).
13. Two-syllable words with two consonant clusters
(whip, button).
14. Four-syllable words made from open syllables
(turtle, piano).

Corrective work to overcome violations of the syllabic structure of words consists of the development of speech-auditory perception and speech-motor skills. The work is being carried out in two stages:

preparatory; the goal of this stage is to prepare the child to master the rhythmic structure of words in his native language;
– correctional; The goal of this stage is the direct correction of defects in the syllabic structure of words in a particular child.

At the preparatory stage Exercises are carried out first on a non-verbal level, and then on a verbal one.

Exercise “Repeat the same”

Goal: learn to reproduce a given rhythm.
Materials: ball, drum, tambourine, metallophone, sticks.
Progress of the exercise: The speech therapist sets the rhythm with one of the objects, the child must repeat the same.

Exercise “Count correctly”

Goal: learn to count sounds.
Materials: children's musical and noise instruments, cards with numbers, cube with dots.
Progress of the exercise:
Option 1. The child claps his hands (knocks on a tambourine, etc.) as many times as the dots appear on the cube.
Option 2. The speech therapist plays sounds, the child counts them and picks up a card with the corresponding number.

Exercise “Choose a scheme”

Goal: learn to correlate the rhythmic pattern with its diagram on the card.
Material: cards with patterns of rhythmic patterns.
Progress of the exercise:
Option 1. The speech therapist sets a rhythmic pattern, the child selects the appropriate pattern on the card.
Option 2. The child reproduces a rhythmic pattern according to a given pattern.

Exercise “Long - short”

Goal: to learn to distinguish between long and short sounding words.
Material: chips, long and short strips of paper, pictures.
Progress of the exercise:
Option 1. The speech therapist pronounces the words, the child places a chip on a long or short strip.
Option 2. The child names the words in the pictures and puts them into two groups: the long strip and the short one.

At the correctional stage the work was carried out at the verbal level with the obligatory “switching on” of the auditory, visual and tactile analyzers.

Exercises at the sound level:

    “Say the sound A as many times as there are dots on the die. Make the sound O as many times as I clap my hands.”

    “Find out what sound (series of sounds) I made.” Recognition by silent articulation, pronunciation with voice.

    Determination of a stressed vowel in a stressed position (in a series of sounds).

Exercises at the syllable level:

Pronounce a chain of syllables while simultaneously stringing rings onto a pyramid (building a tower from cubes, rearranging pebbles or beads).
– “Fingers say hello” - pronouncing a chain of syllables by touching the fingers of the hand with the thumb on each syllable.
– Count the number of syllables pronounced by the speech therapist.
– Name the stressed syllable in the chain of heard syllables.
– Memorizing and repeating chains of different types of syllables.

Word level exercises:

Ball game

Goal: learn to clap the syllabic rhythm of a word.
Material: ball.
Progress of the game: the child beats the rhythm of the word given by the speech therapist with a ball.

Game "Telegraph"

Goal: to develop the ability to divide words into syllables.
Material: sticks.
Progress of the game: the child “transmits” the given word by tapping out its rhythmic pattern.

Game "Count, don't make a mistake"

Material: pyramid, cubes, pebbles.
Progress of the game: the child pronounces the words given by the speech therapist and lays out pebbles (pyramid rings, cubes). Compare words: where there are more pebbles, the word is longer.

Goal: to learn to divide words into syllables while simultaneously performing a mechanical action.
Material: ball.
Progress of the game: children pass the ball to each other and at the same time name the syllable of the given word.

Game "Say the correct word"

Goal: to learn to distinguish correctly sounding words.
Material: pictures.
Progress of the game: the speech therapist pronounces the words incorrectly, the child names the words correctly (if it is difficult for the child to complete the task, then pictures are given to help).

Exercise “What has changed?”

Goal: to learn to distinguish between different syllable structures of words.
Material: pictures.
Progress of the exercise: the child explains the difference between words.
Words: cat, cat, kitten. House, house, house.

Exercise “Find the longest word”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables.
Material: pictures.
Progress of the exercise: the child chooses from the proposed pictures the one that shows the longest word.

Exercise “Count, don’t make a mistake”

Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to divide words into syllables.
Material: pictures, cards with numbers.
Progress of the exercise: The speech therapist shows pictures, the children show a number corresponding to the number of syllables in a word (a complication option is the number of a stressed syllable).

Exercise “Which word is different”

Goal: learn to distinguish words with different rhythmic structures.
Material: pictures.
Progress of the exercise: the speech therapist names a series of words, the children identify the extra word (use pictures if the children find it difficult).
Words: tank, crayfish, poppy, branch. Carriage, bud, loaf, plane.

Exercise “Name the same syllable”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to compare the syllabic structure of words.
Material: pictures.
Progress of the exercise: the child must find the same syllable in the proposed words (airplane, milk, straight, ice cream).

Game “The end of the word is yours”

Goal: learn to synthesize words from syllables.
Material: ball.
Progress of the game: the speech therapist begins the word and throws the ball to the child, he adds the same syllable SHA: ka..., va..., Yes..., Ma..., Mi...

Game “What word did you get?”

Goal: to practice simple syllabic analysis.
Material: ball.
Progress of the game: the child, throwing the ball to the speech therapist, pronounces the first syllable. The speech therapist, returning the ball, says the second syllable and asks the child to name the word in full.

Child: Speech therapist: Child:
ket bouquet
fet buffet
Boo tone bud
ben tambourine

Exercise “Call me kindly”

Goal: to learn to clearly pronounce words of type 6 syllabic structure when forming nouns.
Material: ball.
Progress of the exercise: the speech therapist, throwing the ball to the child, names the object. The child, returning the ball, calls it “affectionately.”
Bow - bow, bandage - bandage, bush - bush, scarf - scarf, leaf - leaf.

Exercise “Say the word correctly”

Goal: to learn to clearly pronounce words of type 7 syllable structure, to develop auditory attention and memory.
Material: subject pictures.
Progress of the exercise: the speech therapist shows a picture and pronounces a sound combination. The child raises his hand when he hears the correct name of the object and names it.

Speech therapist: Child:
The plane is breaking

Game "Syllable cubes"

Goal: to practice synthesizing two-syllable words.
Material: cubes with pictures and letters.
Progress of the game: children must collect words from two parts.

Game "Chain of words"

Goal: to consolidate the ability to analyze and synthesize two- and three-syllable words.
Material: cards with pictures and words divided into parts.
Progress of the game: children lay out a chain of words (pictures) like dominoes.

Game "Logocube"

Goal: to practice syllabic analysis of one-, two- and three-syllable words.
Material: cube, set of subject pictures, cards with numbers.
Progress of the game: children select from a general set of pictures those that correspond to a given number of syllables and fix them on a certain side of the cube.

Train game

Goal: learn to select words with a given syllable pattern.
Material: train with carriages, a set of subject pictures, diagrams of the syllabic structure of words.
Progress of the game: children are invited to help “seat passengers” in the carriages in accordance with the number of syllables.

Game "Pyramid"

Goal: to consolidate the ability to analyze the syllabic composition of a word.
Material: a set of subject pictures.
Progress of the game: the child must arrange the pictures in a given sequence: one at the top - with a one-syllable word, two in the middle - with two-syllable words, three at the bottom - with three-syllable words.

Exercise “Collect a word”

Goal: learn to synthesize two- and three-syllable words.
Material: cards with syllables on tinted paper.
Progress of the exercise: each child lays out one word. Then a set of cards is exchanged and the game continues.

Exercise “Choose a word”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to analyze the syllabic structure of words.
Material: subject pictures, cards with diagrams of syllable structure. Cards with words (for reading children).
Progress of the exercise:
Option 1. The child matches the diagrams to the pictures.
Option 2. The child matches the pictures to the diagrams.

Game "Let's put things in order"

Goal: improve syllabic analysis and synthesis.
Material: a set of cards with syllables on tinted paper.
Progress of the game: children select syllables from the total number and arrange them in the right order.

Game "Who is more"

Goal: improve the ability to synthesize words from syllables.
Material: a set of cards with syllables on paper of the same color.
Progress of the game: from the total number of syllables, children lay out as many variants of words as possible.


    Agranovich Z.E. Speech therapy work to overcome violations of the syllabic structure of words in children. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2000.

    Bolshakova S.E. Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of words in children. Moscow: Sfera, 2007.

    Volina V.V. We learn by playing. Ekaterinburg: Argo, 1996.

    Kozyreva L.M. We read syllable by syllable. A set of games and exercises for children 5 – 7 years old. Moscow: Gnom i D, 2006.

    Kurdvanovskaya N.V., Vanyukova L.S. Formation of the syllabic structure of a word. Moscow: Sfera, 2007.

    Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V. Correction of general speech underdevelopment in preschool children. St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 1999.

    Lopukhina I.S. Speech therapy. Moscow: Aquarium, 1996.

    Tkachenko T.A. Correction of violations of the syllabic structure of words. Moscow: Gnom i D, 2001.

    Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. Preparing children with general speech underdevelopment for school in a special kindergarten. Moscow: 1991.

    Chetverushkina N.S. The syllabic structure of the word. Moscow: Gnom i D, 2001.

Teacher-speech therapist MADOU D/S No. 4