Children's fantasy story by K. Bulychev “Alice's Journey”

The doctor stood for a long time at the feet of the huge stone captains and waved his hat. The golden rays of the setting suns illuminated him, and it seemed that he was also a statue, only smaller than the others.

- A-ah-ah! – suddenly a distant cry reached us.

We turned around.

The doctor ran towards us, getting stuck in the sand.

- I wish I could! - he shouted. - I completely forgot!

The doctor ran up to us and for about two minutes tried to catch his breath, he kept starting the same phrase, but there was not enough breath to finish it.

“Ku...” he said. - Uh...

Alice tried to help him.

- Chicken? – she asked.

- No... ku-ustiki. I... forgot to say about the bushes.

- What bushes?

– I stood by these very bushes and forgot to tell about them.

The doctor pointed to the monument. Even from here, from afar, it was clear that at the feet of the Third Captain the sculptor depicted a lush bush, carefully sawing out its branches and leaves from the stone.

“I thought it was just for beauty,” said Alice.

- No, it’s a bush! Have you ever heard of bushes?

- Never.

- Then listen. Just two minutes... When the Third Captain was on the eighth satellite of Aldebaran, he got lost in the desert. No water, no food, nothing. But the captain knew that if he did not reach the base, the ship would die, because all the crew members lay stricken with space fever, and the vaccine was only at the base, on an empty, abandoned base in the Sierra Barracuda mountains. And so, when the captain’s strength left him and the path was lost in the sands, he heard distant singing. At first the captain thought it was a hallucination. But he still gathered his last strength and walked towards the sounds. Three hours later he crawled to the bushes. The bushes grow in places around small ponds, and before a sandstorm their leaves rub against each other, emitting melodious sounds. It seems that the bushes are singing. This is how the bushes in the Sierra Barracuda mountains, with their singing, showed the captain the way to the water, gave him the opportunity to wait out a terrible sandstorm and saved the lives of eight astronauts who were dying from space fever. In honor of this event, the sculptor depicted a bush on the monument to the Third Captain. So, I think you should look at the eighth satellite of Aldebaran and find bushes in the Sierra Barracuda mountains. In addition, the Third Captain said that in the evening large, delicate, luminous flowers open on the bushes.

“Thank you, doctor,” I said. “We will definitely try to find these bushes and bring them to Earth.”

– Can they grow in pots? - asked Alice.

“Probably,” answered the doctor. - But, to tell the truth, I have never seen bushes - they are very rare. And they are found only at a source in the very center of the desert surrounding the Sierra Barracuda mountains.

...The Aldebaran system lay nearby, and we decided to find the bushes and, if possible, listen to their singing.

Eighteen times our spacecraft flew around the entire desert, and only on the nineteenth approach did we see greenery in a deep hollow. The reconnaissance boat descended over the sand dunes, and the bushes surrounding the spring appeared before our eyes.

The bushes were not tall, up to my waist, they had long leaves, silvery on the inside, and rather short, thick roots that easily came out of the sand. We carefully dug up five bushes, choosing those on which we found buds, collected sand into a large box and transferred our trophies to the Pegasus.

On the same day, Pegasus launched from the desert satellite and headed further.

As soon as the acceleration ended, I began to prepare the camera for filming, because I hoped that luminous flowers would soon bloom on the bushes, and Alice prepared paper and paints to sketch these flowers.

And at that moment we heard quiet, euphonious singing.

- What's happened? – the mechanic Zeleny was surprised. – I didn’t turn on the tape recorder. Who turned it on? Why don't they let me rest?

“It’s our bushes singing!” - Alice screamed. – Is there a sandstorm coming?

- What? – Zeleny was surprised. – Where can there be a sandstorm in space?

“Let’s go to the bushes, dad,” Alice demanded. - Let's see.

Alice ran into the hold, and I lingered a little, charging the camera.

“I’ll go too,” said mechanic Zeleny. “I’ve never seen singing bushes.”

I suspected that he actually wanted to look out the window because he was afraid that a sandstorm was actually approaching. I had just finished charging the camera when I heard a scream. I recognized Alice's voice.

I threw the camera in the wardroom and quickly ran down to the hold.

- Dad! - Alice shouted. - Just look!

- Save me! - the mechanic Zeleny made noise. - They are coming!

A few more steps and I ran to the door to the hold. At the door I ran into Alice and Zeleny. Or rather, I ran into Zeleny, who was carrying Alice in his arms. Zeleny looked frightened and his beard was flying as if from the wind.

Bushes appeared in the doorway. The spectacle was truly terrible. The bushes crawled out of a box full of sand and, stepping heavily on short, ugly roots, moved towards us. They walked in a semicircle, swaying their branches, the buds opened, and among the leaves, pink flowers burned like ominous eyes.

- To arms! – Zeleny shouted and handed Alice to me.

- Shut the door! - I said.

But it was too late. While we were jostling, trying to pass each other, the first of the bushes passed the door, and we had to retreat into the corridor.

One by one the bushes followed their leader.

Green, pressing all the alarm buttons along the way, ran to the bridge to get a weapon, and I grabbed a mop that stood against the wall and tried to cover Alice. She looked at the advancing bushes with fascination, like a rabbit at a boa constrictor.

- Yes, run! – I shouted to Alice. “I won’t be able to hold them back for long!”

The bushes, with elastic, strong branches, grabbed the mop and tore it out of my hands. I was retreating.

- Hold them, pa! - Alice said and ran away.

“It’s good,” I managed to think, “at least Alice is safe.” My situation continued to be dangerous. The bushes tried to drive me into a corner, and I could no longer use the mop.

– Why does Green need a flamethrower? – I suddenly heard Captain Poloskov’s voice in the speaker. - What's happened?

“We were attacked by bushes,” I answered. – But don’t give Zeleny a flamethrower. I'll try to lock them in the compartment. As soon as I retreat behind the connecting door, I will let you know, and you will immediately close the hold compartment.

-Aren't you in danger? – asked Poloskov.

“No, as long as I hold on,” I answered.

And at the same moment, the bush closest to me strongly pulled the mop and tore it out of my hands. The mop flew to the far end of the corridor, and the bushes, as if encouraged by the fact that I was unarmed, moved towards me in a closed formation.

And at that moment I heard quick steps from behind.

- Where are you going, Alice! – I shouted. - Go back now! They are strong like lions!

But Alice slipped under my arm and rushed to the bushes.

There was something large and shiny in her hand. I rushed after her, lost my balance and fell. The last thing I saw was Alice, surrounded by ominous branches of animated bushes.

- Poloskov! – I shouted. - For help!

And at that very second the singing of the bushes stopped. It was replaced by quiet murmurs and sighs.

I rose to my feet and saw a peaceful picture. Alice stood in the thick of the bushes and watered them from a watering can. The bushes swayed their branches, trying not to miss a drop of moisture, and sighed blissfully... When we drove the bushes back into the hold, removed the broken mop and wiped the floor, I asked Alice:

- But how did you guess?

- It’s nothing special, dad. After all, bushes are plants. This means they need to be watered. Like a carrot. But we dug them up, put them in a box, and forgot to water them. When Zeleny grabbed me and tried to save me, I had time to think: after all, they live at home right next to the water. And the Third Captain found water by their singing. And they sing when a sandstorm approaches, which dries the air and covers the water with sand. So they worry then that they won’t have enough water.

- So why didn’t you tell me right away?

- Would you believe it? You fought with them like you fought tigers. You completely forgot that they are the most ordinary bushes that need to be watered.

- Well, the most ordinary ones! – the mechanic Zeleny grumbled. “They’re chasing water through the corridors!”

Now it was my turn as a biologist to say my last word.

“So these bushes are fighting for existence,” I said. “There is little water in the desert, the springs dry up, and in order to stay alive, the bushes have to wander through the sand and look for water.

Since then, the bushes have lived peacefully in a box of sand. Only one of them, the smallest and restless one, often crawled out of the box and lay in wait for us in the corridor, rustling branches, humming, and begging for water. I asked Alice not to over-drink the baby - and so water oozes from the roots - but Alice felt sorry for him and until the very end of the trip she carried him water in a glass. And that would be nothing. But somehow she gave him compote to drink, and now the bush doesn’t allow anyone passage at all. He stomps along the corridors, leaving wet footprints behind him, and stupidly pokes leaves at people’s feet.

There's not a penny of sense in him. But he loves compote like crazy.

I present the methodological development of an extracurricular activity from the author’s program “Thoughtful Reading”, grade 3, using the textbook “ Reading portfolio for 3rd grade". The article presents materials and photographs from a lesson on extracurricular reading at MBOU Secondary School No. 49 in Novouralsk, Sverdlovsk Region (the lesson was conducted by a teacher of the first qualification category, Tatyana Yuryevna Bulatova).

Lesson topic:

Fantastic story “Alice's Journey” by K. Bulychev (final lesson).

Purpose of the lesson:

Generalization of students’ ideas about the features of Kir Bulychev’s fantastic story “Alice’s Journey.”

Planned results:

Personal: self-determination and self-knowledge based on comparison of the image of “I” with the characters of literary works through emotional and effective identification (I want to have a friend like Alice, I want to be like Alice);


  • searching and highlighting the necessary information, including solving work problems using ICT tools and information sources generally available in primary schools;
  • semantic reading as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose;
  • extracting necessary information from texts; identification of primary and secondary information;
  • free orientation and perception of texts of artistic style.

Communicative: formation of psychological conditions for the development of communication and cooperation based on: the ability to listen and hear a partner, recognize everyone’s right to their own opinion and make decisions taking into account the positions of all participants.


  • developing the ability to establish a logical cause-and-effect sequence of events and actions of the characters in the work;
  • developing the ability to regulate one’s activities;


  1. Form the concept of “fantastic story”.
  2. Find signs of a fantastic story in the text (in particular, fantastic creatures).
  3. Develop the ability to characterize the image of the main character.

Preliminary preparation for the lesson: Reading the story “Alice’s Journey” and watching a cartoon on the eve of the lesson, reading the text “Bushes” as homework.

Equipment: for each student, a “Thoughtful Reading” manual for 3rd grade.

For the teacher: computer, screen, presentation, exhibition of the writer’s books, illustrations, recording of music from the cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet,” excerpts from the cartoon to illustrate the answers, sheets with tasks for groups.

Objectives of using ICT:

  • transition from an explanatory and illustrative method of teaching to an activity-based one;
  • activation of the cognitive sphere of students;
  • increasing positive motivation for learning;
  • increasing the level of knowledge.

Progress of the lesson

Music from the mf is playing. "The Mystery of the Third Planet."

Teacher: Why is such music played in class? Did you recognize her? We have an unusual activity today. I want to take the words as his motto: “Space sometimes asks riddles. Whose words are these? “Space sometimes poses riddles that a simple terrestrial biologist cannot handle...” (Professor Selezneva).

Do you like riddles, are you ready to solve them? We divided into 2 teams: programmers and researchers. The programmers are starting the task, and they will show it to us soon. Are the researchers ready? Look at the blackboard.

On the board there are words in 3 lines:

Jidai, Skliss, Talker
Autolet, Autobot, earflaps
Blook, Shelezyaka, Endor

Teacher: Determine the genre of today's work. (Fantastic story). Let's look in the dictionary: fantastic: something that is based on creative imagination, fantasy, artistic invention. Do you agree that these words are from a fantasy story? Is there anything superfluous?

Guys, who will formulate the topic of the lesson? (Fantastic story “Alice’s Journey” by K. Bulychev.)

2. Formation of the concept of “fantastic story”

Teacher: We continue to solve riddles. Let's check how well you know the characters in the story.We work in groups. (Each group was given worksheets.)

Game "Find a Pair" (the second part of the table is mixed up, the sheets are separate). Arrange the numbers.

Checking for correct execution. Frontal survey.

Teacher: What is special about the story Alice's Travels? Prove that this is a fantastic story.

Sample student response plan:

1) The story takes place on different planets of the Solar System and Galaxy. Unknown, fictional planets. They are all lived in. Some have an artificial atmosphere.

2) Unusual transport: autoplane, space boat.

3) Unusual creatures (the “Programmers” group prepared a presentation, the children talk about the birds Krok and Govorun, long-eared monkeys, Gromozeka. (Each team prepares a story in advance according to plan: what planet they live on, what their features are).

4) Fictional plants: singing bushes, mirror flowers.

5) Unusual space professions: cosmozoologist, cosmoarchaeologist.

Quiz “Recognize heroes by description”. Work in groups. Each group was given task sheets.

1) He is short, fair-haired, silent and very delicate, he never loses his presence of mind, and he is very respected in the space fleet, he often comes to our house and is especially friendly with Alisa. ( Captain Poloskov).

2) This is a tall man with a lush red beard. He is a good mechanic and flew with Poloskov on other ships five times. His main pleasure is digging into the engine and fixing something in the engine room. This is generally an excellent quality, but sometimes he gets carried away, and then some very important machine or device ends up being dismantled at the very moment when it is really needed. ( Mechanic Green)

3) When he graduated from university, he knew so much about animals that he was able to write his first book about them. Twenty years have passed since then, and there are a lot of space zoologists. But it turned out to be one of the first. He flew around many planets and stars and, unnoticed by himself, became a professor. ( Professor Seleznev).

4) Something always happens to her, but all her adventures have ended happily so far. She is a useful person on the expedition - she knows how to care for animals and is afraid of almost nothing. ( Alice).

Checking the correctness of the quiz answers.

Watching an excerpt from a cartoon "The Mystery of the Third Planet" » (Soyuzmultfilm, 1981, director Roman Kachanov, scriptwriter Kir Bulychev).

3. Characteristics of the image of the main character

Conversation on questions:

Teacher: So, the story is called “Alice’s Journey.” Therefore, the main mystery for today: Who is Alice and why is the story dedicated to her? Tell us what we know about her.

Children: Alisa completed 2nd grade, she is the daughter of Professor Seleznev,she is kind, a good friend.

Teacher: At home you read an excerpt from the story “Bushes”. Remember who told Alice and her friends about the bushes? What were these bushes famous for?

Children: Doctor Verkhovtsev told the heroes about the bushes. They were unusual - they could move and always found water.

Teacher: How did the bushes behave when they were on board the Pegasus spaceship?

Children: The bushes made sounds similar to singing, flowers bloomed on the bushes ( selective reading of an excerpt from a chapter). They tried to enter the hold.

Teacher: Why were the bushes singing?

Children: This is how they conveyed their desire to find water.

Teacher: Let's compare the behavior of the characters in the passage. Find in the text and underlineHow did the adults and Alice behave at that moment ( selective reading and retelling of a passage from the chapter).

Children: Adults considered that the behavior of the bushes was dangerous, they tried to defend themselves, and above all to save Alice ( selectivereading an excerpt from a chapter).

Teacher: How Alice behaved?

Children: Alice, unlike the adults, was not afraid. She realized that she needed to water the plants and they would calm down. I ran for a watering can with water ( selective reading an excerpt from a chapter). Alice turned out to be more intelligent; she knows how to sympathize even with bushes.

Teacher: So, draw a conclusion: What qualities allowed Alice become a fantasy heroine stories?

Children: Alice is brave, she does not know fear like adults, which is why she saved the three captains. ABOUT open and friendly, a good friend,always ready to help friends. ABOUTShe’s kind, she knows how to sympathize even with bushes. Alicebelieves in miracles, which is why she was given an invisibility hat.

Teacher: Did you want to have a friend like Alice, and why?

Children: Yes, we would like to.

Teacher: Guys, do you know how the writer came up with this heroine? It turns out that the first of the stories, “The Girl With Whom Nothing Will Happen,” was published in 1965. And the serious scientist Igor Mozheiko came up with it for his daughter Alice, who was then still a preschooler and asked her dad to tell her a fairy tale. This is how stories about a girl similar to Alice, the writer’s daughter, appeared.You can continue reading books from the series about Alice's adventures (exhibition of the writer's books).

A selection of books by Kir Bulychev

4. Reflection

Teacher: Did you like the story? Continue the sentence “After class I wanted...”

Children: After the lesson I wanted... to fly into space... read other books by Bulychev... watch a cartoon... draw pictures for the book...

We will continue our acquaintance with the amazing science fiction story “Bushes” by Kir Bulychev. Or more precisely, with chapter 6 of the story “Alice’s Journey”

What are we going to work on?

  1. Above the content of the text.
  2. Watch the plot develop.
  3. Let's try to prove that this is a science fiction story.

*** I propose to go on a space journey. The result of the flight will be determined by the astrologer.
*red star (it was interesting, understandable, I wanted to fantasize)

*green star (flyed well, but still have questions)

*yellow star (tried to fly, but it didn’t work out)

  1. At home you have become acquainted with history.

On whose behalf is the story being told?

He is a science fiction writer. * science fiction

Working with a dictionary. (science fiction, fantasy) Each student has a printout on his desk with the necessary words.

***Watch the video story, clip about Kir Bulychev.

Conclusion: Kir Bulychev is a science fiction writer, a film scriptwriter, and a modest person. Real name: Mozheiko Igor Vsevolodovich.

You need to divide the text into semantic parts, determine the boundaries of the parts.

Plan. (the teacher gave the names, and the students look for the boundaries of the semantic parts under the guidance of the teacher)






6. Peaceful life.

We will work together, take a simple pencil. (Students put dots with a simple pencil, and after checking they put square brackets)

6. Observation of the heroes, how the situation on the ship changed.

1.Part “Nakhodka”

***Selective reading.

A) Prove that the crew was persistent and persistent.

B) What hit the bushes?

Setting: ***mysterious, unusual.

2. Part “Sounds”

***Selective reading

A) What happened on the ship? (the bushes began to sing) epithets and personification

B) How does Alice behave? (worried)

Q) Dad and Green? (not in a hurry)

The situation on the ship: *** restless, alarming.

3.Part “Offensive”*** Reading by roles.

A) What happened? (the bushes went on the offensive)

Situation: ***panic, chaotic.

  1. Part “Defense” ***selective reading

A) How did the heroes defend themselves from the bushes?

D) How did Alice behave?

D) How did the bushes advance?

The situation on the ship: ***terrible, terrible.

5.Part. " Solution"

A) What did Alice come up with? (she decided to water the bushes)

B) Look at the picture. Support with words from the text.

Q) What conclusion did Alice draw?

D) What conclusion did dad make?

Ambiance: *** soulful, calm.

6.Part. « Peaceful life

Prove that the life of the bushes was wonderful?

Setting: *** peaceful, calm.

A) Who found a way out of a difficult situation?

B) What was Alice like?

Q) Who liked the story? What have you learned?

D) What means of expression did he use to create such an unusual story?

G) Prove that “Bushes” is a science fiction story.

D.z. prepare a retelling on behalf of Alice, an optional creative task: make up your own fantastic story about a mysterious planet. (Draw a planet with chalk on the floor and lay out the inhabitants of the planet, which the students drew in an art lesson on the topic “Mysterious Planet”)

What struck you about the lesson?

What did you think about?

What did you learn in the lesson?

Are you satisfied with your work in class?

Today it is not so easy to instill in a child a love of reading. Cartoons, TV shows and computer games compete for his attention. Forcing people to read under pressure is definitely not the answer. Wise parents use a completely different method, since it is enough just once to interest the child in an entertaining story or story for him to want to make friends with books. And experience shows that this friendship drags on for years.

However, which book should you choose? In this article, as an example, we will look at a work written by Kir Bulychev - “Alice’s Journey”. A brief summary of the story will not only allow you to get a general idea of ​​the book, but will also reveal the features of the author’s artistic style. But this is precisely what allowed Bulychev to create an impressive cycle of works united by one heroine, which for several decades continues to be popular with both children and adults.

The story consists of 24 chapters, each of which, in fact, is a small independent complete story. From the first chapter, the reader learns about the preparations for an interstellar journey to collect rare alien animals by Professor Seleznev and his daughter Alice, whom he promised to take with him. The participation of second-grader Alice in the expedition is called into question due to an unpleasant incident at school. However, true friends come to the rescue, and everything ends well.

In the next chapter, due to Alice's fault, the launch of the Pegasus spaceship is almost disrupted. Due to the fact that she secretly brought on board nearly fifty of her school friends so that they could get to a football match on the moon, there was an overload, and the Pegasus simply could not tear itself away from the Earth. However, the crew’s favorite is forgiven for this trick too.

New character

In the third chapter, a new, very colorful character appears - the space archaeologist Gromozeka. This good-natured giant will appear more than once in various stories in the series about Alisa Selezneva. Most often, in order to convince Professor Seleznev to allow his daughter to get involved in another adventure, it is his help that the author Bulychev will resort to. “Alice’s Journey,” a brief summary of which we are considering, gives a fairly complete picture of Gromozeka’s character and his inclinations. So in other stories his appearance is perceived as a meeting with a close friend.

In the meantime, he invites his friend Seleznev to turn to the diaries of the famous Three Captains, who traveled the entire Galaxy on their starships. Their records should help the expedition find truly rare and unique alien animals. The main intrigue of the story begins with this innocent conversation.

Alice's first discovery

The fourth chapter is marked by a commotion on the ship. The first unknown animals found - tadpoles - quickly turn into monsters, and then suddenly disappear altogether. This secret, which turned out to be too much for the three adult crew members, is easily dealt with by Alice’s extraordinary childish thinking.

This is her first discovery in a whole series of future mysteries and puzzles. What follows is another episode that, without a doubt, deserves to be included in the summary (“Alice’s Journey”). Bushes are creatures that look like plants, which is how they get their name, but behave like animals. They terrorized the entire team until the inventive Alice realized what the bushes were really after.


Professor Seleznev was not able to personally see the captains' diaries; he received only their oral and very brief contents. Alisa Selezneva’s journey might not have become so exciting if she had not been lucky enough to acquire a talker that belonged to one of the captains.

Govorun is an amazing bird that can fly independently between planets. In addition, he has an excellent memory and is able to reproduce any sounds he hears. The second captain, having fallen into a trap, sent him to call for help. But only a knowledgeable person could fully extract the information embedded in the bird. So our heroes had to be content with only fragmentary clues.

Meeting with space pirates

On the very outskirts of the Galaxy, far from patrol ships, the most elusive of space pirates - Veselchak U and the Rats - enter into confrontation with the Pegasus crew. But even here, Alice’s courage and ingenuity allows her to win a complete victory over the sophisticated scoundrels. They are arrested, and the captured captains are released.

Famous captains express gratitude to their saviors. They ask about the latest news from Earth and receive a story about it. Alisa Selezneva's journey is coming to an end, but the captains promise to take her with them on an excursion to the neighboring Galaxy. The father promises to let his daughter go on the condition that she grows up a little more.


The story ends with a description of how the whole team heads to their native solar system. During the expedition, we managed to collect not very many specimens of rare animals. But these species will be a worthy addition to the collection of the Moscow Space Zoo.

Alice is asked not to talk too much about the most amazing adventures. She readily agrees, realizing that her friends won’t believe most of them anyway. In addition, the logbook already stores their brief contents. Alice's journey, completed during the summer holidays, ends with the beginning of the new school year.

The Mystery of the Third Planet

Based on his story, Bulychev wrote a script for the cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet.” Like the book itself, it turned out to be perky and dynamic. However, this work should be perceived, at best, only as a summary of the fairy tale “Alice’s Journey.” It in no way conveys the full story about the girl Alice described in the book.

Therefore, if your school curriculum requires you to read this story, do not think that watching the cartoon will be enough. Although, if you try, you can write a summary of “Alice’s Journey.” 5-6 sentences will be enough for this.

Description option for reader's diary

As the expedition progresses, the small crew encounters many unusual situations, the resourceful Alice often helps to find a way out of them. Thanks to her curiosity, the team manages to discover the trail of long-lost heroes - famous captains. Despite the machinations of space pirates, the crew of the Pegasus discovers the secret hideout of the villains and frees the captive captains.

From his trip, Professor Seleznev brings tadpoles to the zoo, which during their development grow to gigantic sizes, and then turn into small amphibians; bushes that can run after people on their roots in search of water, and fight among themselves for compote. Among the finds are pebbles that turn into heroes that a nearby person thinks about. The researchers also brought Skliss, who looks like an ordinary cow, but has transparent wings, and a couple of other animals.