Tree of government of the Rurikovichs. The last of the Rurik family

And the expansion of the territory of Russian lands was facilitated by more than seven centuries of rule of the Rurik dynasty.
Russian chronicle legends, in particular ““, explain the appearance of the leaders of the Varangian squads at the head of the ancient Russian state, by the request of the Novgorodians. It was the Novgorodians who invited Rurik the Varangian to reign in order to stop civil strife.This legend of the appearance of the founder of the Rurik dynasty is refuted by many historians and consider the Rurik brothers to be invaders who took advantage of the internecine strife of the Slavs.

But in any case, the year 862 is considered the beginning of the reign of the Rurik dynasty - the great princes of Novgorod, Kyiv, Vladimir, and Moscow. Russian tsars, until the 16th century, were considered descendants of Rurik. The last of this dynasty was Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich.So, from 862 to 879, Rurik of Varangia became the great prince of Novgorod. His reign was marked by the establishment of feudal relations, identical to the European feudal system.

After his death, power passed to, who was the guardian of Rurik’s young son, Igor. Oleg the Prophet is known as the first gatherer of Russian land into one state. According to legend, he died from a snake bite.For the first time, the son of Rurik became the Grand Duke of Kyiv and all Rus'. He contributed to the strengthening of statehood among the Eastern Slavs by extending the power of the Kyiv prince to the East Slavic tribal associations between the Dniester and the Danube.

The first Russian prince named by name in non-Russian chronicles. This happened during his campaign against Byzantium during the capture of Constantinople. His reign was not successful; from 915, numerous tribes of Pechenegs began to settle between the Don and Danube, who carried out devastating raids on peaceful Slavic tribes. Igor himself was killed in 945 while collecting annual tribute from conquered tribes.

His wife and temporary ruler cruelly punished the Drevlyan tribe for the death of her husband and the prince of Kyiv. She became the first woman to rule the state. Her reign was marked by rationality, wisdom and diplomatic abilities. She personally toured the estates, established the amount of state tribute, the timing of its collection, and divided the entire land into graveyards (volosts).As the ruler of the Russian land, Olga was known in all European countries.

The son of Olga and Igor was the first among the princes of Kyiv to bear a Slavic name. Known as a prominent commander, for the most part, he was on military campaigns.His son Yaropolk is considered guilty of the death of his brother Oleg, who tried to claim the Kiev throne. Yaropolk himself was killed by his brother Vladimir.The Grand Duke of Kiev received the nickname “Saint” in Russian chronicles. The brave and warlike prince was a fanatical pagan in his youth and, at the same time, a vengeful and bloodthirsty fratricide, who, because of the desire to possess the princely throne, went to war against his half-brother.

Under the influence of circumstances, he decided that Rus' should become Christian and in 988 the townspeople were gathered on the banks of the Dnieper and a solemn baptism ceremony was performed. From that moment on, Christianity became the state religion, the persecution of pagan idols began, and the Christian church began to call Prince Vladimir “Saint” and “Equal to the Apostles.”

His son Yaroslav Vladimirovich, to whom history added the nickname “Wise,” was truly a wise and diplomatic ruler of the Old Russian state. The time of his reign was not only internecine feudal wars between close relatives, but also attempts to bring Kievan Rus to the world political arena, attempts to overcome feudal fragmentation, and the construction of new cities. The reign of Yaroslav the Wise is the development of Slavic culture, a kind of golden period of the Old Russian state.

He himself was a great connoisseur and admirer of beauty, directing his energy to the development of education - schools were organized for all classes. He personally collected a rich library of ancient and modern manuscripts and contributed to the development of monasteries, which at that time played a fundamental role in the spread of book publishing in Rus'. Under Yaroslav, the first written laws of public administration appeared, called “Russian Truth,” which became the basis of legal proceedings in Rus'.

The sons of Yaroslav the Wise, during their stay on the Kiev throne, tried to complement the deeds of their great father.Izyaslav made additions to “Russian Truth”, Svyatoslav replenished the library. The famous “Izbornik” with instructions and teachings is one of the pearls of Russian literature.Vsevolod, throughout his reign, tried to reconcile and unite the growing dynasty - his additions to the “Russian Truth” abolish blood feuds, regulate the degree of feudal dependence, and determine the status of the princely warriors.

One of the most prominent rulers of Ancient Rus' was Vladimir Monomakh, who fought for the restoration of the unity of the Russian lands. He was the first of the Kyiv princes to transfer his throne by inheritance to his son Mstislav, thereby laying the foundation for succession to the throne and taking a step towards state centralization.The sons tried to continue their father’s work of unifying the Russian lands and, most of all, Prince Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky and his son, Monomakh’s grandson, Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky succeeded in this.

During their reign, the principalities of Vladimir and later Moscow became the center of the Old Russian state. Kyiv is beginning to lose its political and economic significance. Numerous Rurikovichs moved to the outskirts of Rus', turning them into developed and significant principalities.Feudal strife and princely strife led to the Mongol invasion. For almost 300 years, Russian princes paid shameful tribute to the Mongol khans. Individual pockets of protest were brutally punished not only by the Baskaks, the governors of the Horde khans, but also by the Russian princes, who preferred to pay tribute rather than fight.

The grandson was able to unite the forces of the Russian princes and, as a result of the victory on the Kulikovo Field, put an end to the hated power of the Horde. The Moscow principality expands and becomes the center. The next ruler is the son of Dmitry Donskoy, Vasily I, and Moscow becomes an all-Russian cultural and political center in which state power is concentrated.Even during his reign, Vasily II makes his son Ivan co-ruler and heir. Under Ivan's eldest son, Vasily III, the unification of Russian lands into a single state ends.

He became the first Tsar of All Rus', who significantly increased the territory of the state and forced European countries to reckon with Muscovy.The last Russian tsar from the Rurik dynasty was the childless son of Ivan the Terrible, Fyodor Ioannovich, with whom this dynasty ended.


862 –1598

Kyiv princes.


862 – 879

IX century – formation of the Old Russian state.


879 – 912

882 - unification of Novgorod and Kyiv.

907, 911 – campaigns against Constantinople (Constantinople); signing a treaty between Rus' and the Greeks.


912 – 945

941, 944 - Igor's campaigns against Byzantium. /the first one is unsuccessful/

945 - Treaty between Rus' and the Greeks. /not as profitable as Oleg/


945 –957 (964)

/regetsha of the young prince Svyatoslav/

945 - an uprising in the land of the Drevlyans. Introduction of lessons and graveyards.


I957 –972.

964 – 966 - defeat of the Kama Bulgarians, Khazars, Yases, Kosogs. The annexation of Tmutarakan and Kerch, a trade route to the East was opened.

967 – 971 - war with Byzantium.

969 - appointment of his sons as governors: Yaropolk in Kyiv, Oleg in Iskorosten, Vladimir in Novgorod.


972 – 980

977 - the death of Prince Oleg in the struggle with his brother Yaropolk for leadership in Rus', the flight of Prince Vladimir to the Varangians.

978 - victory of Yaropolk over the Pechenegs.

980g. - Defeat of Yaropolk in the battle with Prince Vladimir. Murder of Yaropolk.


980 – 1015

980g. – pagan reform /unified pantheon of gods/.

988 –989 - adoption of Christianity in Rus'.

992, 995 - battles with the Pechenegs.

Svyatopolk the Accursed

1015 - 1019

1015 - the beginning of strife between the sons of Vladimir. The murder of the young princes Boris and Gleb on the orders of Svyatopolk.

1016 - the battle of the princes of the skiatopolk and Yaroslav near Lyubich. Flight of Svyatopolk to Poland.

1018 – return of Svyatopolk to Kyiv. Flight of Yaroslav to Novgorod.

1018 – 1019 -war between Yaroslav and Svyatopolk.

Yaroslav the Wise

1019 –1054

Beginning XI century - compilation of the “Russian Truth” (Yaroslav’s Truth), which consisted of 17 articles (according to academician B.A. Rybakov, this was an instruction on fines for scandals and fights).

1024 - the battle between Yaroslav and his brother Mstislav Listven for control over all territories of Rus'.

1025g. - division of the Russian state along the Dnieper. Mstislav is the eastern, and Yaroslav is the western part of the state.

1035 - death of Mstislav Vladimirovich. Transfer of his inheritance to Yaroslav.

1036 – formation of the Kyiv Metropolis

1037 – the beginning of construction of the Church of St. Sophia in Kyiv.

1043 - Vladimir Yaroslavich’s unsuccessful campaign against Byzantium.

1045 - the beginning of construction of the Church of St. Sophia in Novgorod.


1054 – 1073, 1076 – 1078

1068 - defeat of the Yaroslavichs on the river. Alte from the Polovtsians.

1068 – 1072 – popular uprisings in Kyiv, Novgorod, Rostov-Suzdal and Chernigov lands. Supplementation of “Russian Pravda” with “Pravda Yaroslavichs”.


II 1073 –1076gg.


1078 – 1093

1079 - speech of the Tmutarakan prince Roman Svyatoslavich against Vsevolod Yaroslavich.


1093 – 1113

1093 - the devastation of Southern Rus' by the Polovtsians.

1097 - Congress of Russian princes in Lyubich.

1103 - defeat of the Polovtsians by Svyatopolk and Vladimir Monomakh.

1113 – the death of Svyatopolk II, the uprising of townspeople, smerds and purchases in Kyiv.

Vladimir Monomakh

1113 – 1125

1113 – addition of “Russkaya Pravda” to the “Charter” of Prince Vladimir Monomakh on “purchases” /debtors/ and “cuts” /interest/.

1113 –1117 - writing “The Tale of Bygone Years.”

1116 - the campaign of Vladimir Monomakh with the sons of the Polovtsians.

Mstislav the Great

1125 – 1132

1127 – 1130 - Mstislav’s struggle with the Polotsk appanage princes. Their exile to Byzantium.

1131 – 1132 – successful campaigns in Lithuania.

Strife in Rus'.

Moscow princes.

Daniil Alexandrovich 1276 – 1303

Yuri Danilovich 1303 –1325

Ivan Kalita 1325 – 1340

Semyon the Proud 1340 – 1355553

IvanIIRed 1353–1359

Dmitry Donskoy1359 –1389

BasilI1389 – 1425

BasilIIDark 1425 – 1462

IvanIII1462 – 1505

BasilIII1505 – 1533

IvanIVGrozny 1533 – 1584

Fyodor Ivanovich 1584 – 1598

The end of the Rurik dynasty.

Time of Troubles.

1598 – 1613

Boris Godunov 1598 – 1605

False DmitryI1605 – 1606

Vasily Shuisky 1606 – 1610

“Seven Boyars” 1610 – 1613.

Romanov dynasty.

1613 –1917

The Norman or Varangian theory, which reveals aspects of the formation of statehood in Rus', is based on one simple thesis - the calling of the Varangian prince Rurik by the Novgorodians to manage and protect a large territory of the Ilmen Slovenian tribal union. Thus, the answer to the question of what event is associated with the emergence of the dynasty is quite clear.

This thesis is present in the ancient one, written by Nestor. At the moment it is controversial, but one fact is still indisputable - Rurik became the founder of a whole dynasties of sovereigns who ruled not only in Kyiv, but also in other cities of the Russian land, including Moscow, and that is why the dynasty of rulers of Rus' was called Rurikovich.

In contact with

History of the dynasty: the beginning

The genealogy is quite complex, it is not so easy to understand it, but the beginning of the Rurik dynasty is very easy to trace.


Rurik became the first prince in his dynasty. Its origin is a highly controversial issue. Some historians suggest that he was from a noble Varangian-Scandinavian family.

Rurik's ancestors came from the trading Hedeby (Scandinavia) and were related to Ragnar Lothbrok himself. Other historians, distinguishing between the concepts of “Norman” and “Varangian”, believe that Rurik was of Slavic origin, perhaps he was related to the Novgorod prince Gostomysl (it is believed that Gostomysl was his grandfather), and for a long time he lived with his family on the island of Rügen .

Most likely, he was a jarl, that is, he had a military squad and kept boats, engaging in trade and sea robbery. But precisely with his calling first to Staraya Ladoga, and then to Novgorod the beginning of the dynasty is connected.

Rurik was called to Novgorod in 862 (when he began to rule exactly, of course, is unknown; historians rely on data from the PVL). The chronicler claims that he came not alone, but with two brothers - Sinius and Truvor (traditional Varangian names or nicknames). Rurik settled in Staraya Ladoga, Sinius in Beloozero, and Truvor in Izborsk. I wonder what any other mentions there is no mention of brothers in PVL. The beginning of the dynasty is not associated with them.

Oleg and Igor

Rurik died in 879, leaving young son Igor(or Ingvar, according to the Scandinavian tradition). A warrior, and possibly a relative of Rurik, Oleg (Helg) was supposed to rule on behalf of his son until he came of age.

Attention! There is a version that Oleg ruled not just as a relative or confidant, but as an elected jarl, that is, he had all the political rights to power according to Scandinavian and Varangian laws. The fact that he transferred power to Igor could indeed mean that he was his close relative, perhaps a nephew, his sister’s son (according to Scandinavian tradition, an uncle is closer than his own father; boys in Scandinavian families were given to be raised by their maternal uncle).

How many years did Oleg reign?? He successfully ruled the young state until 912. It is he who is credited with the complete conquest of the route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” and the capture of Kiev, then his place was taken by Igor (already as the ruler of Kiev), by that time married to a girl from Polotsk (according to one version) - Olga.

Olga and Svyatoslav

Igor's reign can't be called successful. He was killed by the Drevlyans in 945 during an attempt to take double tribute from their capital, Iskorosten. Since Igor’s only son, Svyatoslav, was still small, the throne in Kyiv, by a common decision of the boyars and squads, was taken by his widow Olga.

Svyatoslav ascended the Kiev throne in 957. He was a warrior prince and never stayed long in his capital rapidly growing state. During his lifetime, he divided the lands of Rus' between his three sons: Vladimir, Yaropolk and Oleg. He gave Novgorod the Great as his inheritance to Vladimir (illegitimate son). Oleg (the younger) was imprisoned in Iskorosten, and the elder Yaropolk was left in Kyiv.

Attention! Historians know the name of Vladimir’s mother; it is also known that she was a whitewashed servant, that is, she could not become the ruler’s wife. Perhaps Vladimir was the eldest son of Svyatoslav, his first-born. That is why he was recognized as the father. Yaropolk and Oleg were born from Svyatoslav's legal wife, possibly a Bulgarian princess, but they were younger than Vladimir in age. All this subsequently influenced the relations between the brothers and led to the first princely feud in Rus'.

Yaropolk and Vladimir

Svyatoslav died in 972 on the island of Khortitsa(Dnieper rapids). After his death, the Kiev throne was occupied by Yaropolk for several years. A war for power in the state began between him and his brother Vladimir, ending with the murder of Yaropolk and the victory of Vladimir, who ultimately became the next prince of Kyiv. Vladimir ruled from 980 to 1015. His main merit is Baptism of Rus' and the Russian people into the Orthodox faith.

Yaroslav and his sons

An internecine war broke out between Vladimir’s sons immediately after his death, as a result of which one of Vladimir’s eldest sons from the Polotsk princess Ragneda, Yaroslav, took the throne.

Important! In 1015, the Kiev throne was occupied by Svyatopolk (later nicknamed the Accursed). He was not Vladimir’s own son. His father was Yaropolk, after whose death Vladimir took his wife as his wife and recognized the born child as his first-born.

Yaroslav reigned until 1054. After his death, the right of ladder came into force - the transfer of the Kyiv throne and the “junior” in seniority in the Rurikovich family.

The Kiev throne was occupied by Yaroslav's eldest son - Izyaslav, Chernigov (the next "seniority" throne) - Oleg, Pereyaslavsky - Yaroslav's youngest son Vsevolod.

For a long time, the sons of Yaroslav lived peacefully, observing the behests of their father, but, ultimately, the struggle for power entered an active phase and Rus' entered the era of Feudal fragmentation.

Pedigree of the Rurikovichs. The first Kyiv princes (table or Rurik dynasty diagram with dates, by generation)

Generation Prince's name Years of reign
I generation Rurik 862-879 (Novgorod reign)
Oleg (Prophetic) 879 – 912 (Novgorod and Kiev reigns)
II Igor Rurikovich 912-945 (Kiev reign)
Olga 945-957
III Svyatoslav Igorevich 957-972
IV Yaropolk Svyatoslavich 972-980
Oleg Svyatoslavich Prince-governor in Iskorosten, died in 977
Vladimir Svyatoslavich (Saint) 980-1015
V Svyatopolk Yaropolkovich (stepson of Vladimir) Damned 1015-1019
Yaroslav Vladimirovich (Wise) 1019-1054
VI Izyaslav Yaroslavovich 1054-1073; 1076-1078 (Kiev reign)
Svyatoslav Yaroslavovich (Chernigovsky) 1073-1076 (Kiev reign)
Vsevolod Yaroslavovich (Pereyaslavsky) 1078-1093 (Kiev reign)

Genealogy of the Rurikovichs of the period of feudal fragmentation

Tracing the dynastic line of the Rurikovich family during the period of Feudal fragmentation is incredibly difficult, since the ruling princely the genus has grown to its maximum. The main branches of the clan at the first stage of feudal fragmentation can be considered the Chernigov and Pereyaslav lines, as well as the Galician line, which needs to be discussed separately. The Galician princely house originates from the eldest son of Yaroslav the Wise, Vladimir, who died during his father’s lifetime, and whose heirs received Galich as an inheritance.

It is important to note that all representatives of the clan sought to occupy the Kiev throne, since in this case they were considered the rulers of the entire state.

Galician heirs

Chernigov house

Pereyaslavsky house

With the Pereyaslav House, which was nominally considered the youngest, everything is much more complicated. It was the descendants of Vsevolod Yaroslavovich who gave rise to the Vladimir-Suzdal and Moscow Rurikovichs. The main representatives of this house were:

  • Vladimir Vsevolodovich (Monomakh) - was the prince of Kyiv in 1113-1125 (VII generation);
  • Mstislav (the Great) - the eldest son of Monomakh, was the prince of Kyiv in 1125-1132 (VIII generation);
  • Yuri (Dolgoruky) - the youngest son of Monomakh, became the ruler of Kyiv several times, the last in 1155-1157 (VIII generation).

Mstislav Vladimirovich gave rise to the Volyn House of Rurikovich, and Yuri Vladimirovich gave rise to the Vladimir-Suzdal House.

Volyn House

Pedigree of the Rurikovichs: Vladimir-Suzdal House

The Vladimir-Suzdal house became the main one in Rus' after the death of Mstislav the Great. The princes who made first Suzdal and then Vladimir-on-Klyazma their capital, played a key role in the political history of the period of the Horde invasion.

Important! Daniil Galitsky and Alexander Nevsky are known not only as contemporaries, but also as rivals for the grand ducal label, and they also had a fundamentally different approach to faith - Alexander adhered to Orthodoxy, and Daniil accepted Catholicism in exchange for the opportunity to receive the title of King of Kyiv.

Pedigree of the Rurikovichs: Moscow House

In the final period of Feudal fragmentation, the House of Rurikovich numbered more than 2000 members (princes and younger princely families). Gradually, the leading position was taken by the Moscow House, which traces its pedigree to the youngest son of Alexander Nevsky, Daniil Alexandrovich.

Gradually, the Moscow house from grand ducal transformed into royal. Why did this happen? Including thanks to dynastic marriages, as well as the successful domestic and foreign policies of individual representatives of the House. The Moscow Rurikovichs did a gigantic job of “gathering” the lands around Moscow and overthrowing the Tatar-Mongol Yoke.

Moscow Ruriks (diagram with dates of reign)

Generation (from Rurik in the direct male line) Prince's name Years of reign Significant marriages
XI generation Alexander Yaroslavovich (Nevsky) Prince of Novgorod, Grand Duke according to the Horde label from 1246 to 1263 _____
XII Daniil Alexandrovich Moskovsky 1276-1303 (Moscow reign) _____
XIII Yuri Daniilovich 1317-1322 (Moscow reign)
Ivan I Daniilovich (Kalita) 1328-1340 (Great Vladimir and Moscow reigns) _____
XIV Semyon Ivanovich (Proud) 1340-1353 (Moscow and Great Vladimir reign)
Ivan II Ivanovich (Red) 1353-1359 (Moscow and Great Vladimir reign)
XV Dmitry Ivanovich (Donskoy) 1359-1389 (Moscow reign, and from 1363 to 1389 – Great Vladimir reign) Evdokia Dmitrievna, the only daughter of Dmitry Konstantinovich (Rurikovich), Prince of Suzdal - Nizhny Novgorod; annexation of all territories of the Principality of Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod to the Moscow Principality
XVI Vasily I Dmitrievich 1389-1425 Sofya Vitovtovna, Daughter of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vitovt (complete reconciliation of the Lithuanian princes with the ruling Moscow house)
XVII Vasily II Vasilievich (Dark) 1425-1462 _____
XVIII Ivan III Vasilievich 1462 – 1505 In his second marriage to Sophia Paleologus (niece of the last Byzantine emperor); nominal right: to be considered the successor of the imperial Byzantine crown and Caesar (king)
XIX Vasily III Vasilievich 1505-1533 In his second marriage with Elena Glinskaya, a representative of a wealthy Lithuanian family, descended from the Serbian rulers and Mamai (according to legend)

In the image you can see the sequence of changing rulers of Rus', as well as their many relatives: sons, daughters, sisters and brothers. The family tree of the Rurikovichs, the diagram of which begins with the Varangian prince Rurik, represents the most interesting material for study by historians. It was this that helped researchers find out interesting facts about the descendants of the Grand Duke - the founder of the Old Russian state, and became a symbol of the unity of family members, power and continuity of generations.

Where does the tree of the Rurik dynasty come from?

Prince Rurik himself and his wife Efanda are semi-mythical figures, and there is still debate among historians about their possible origin. The most common version, based on the Tale of Bygone Years, says that a native of the Varangians was voluntarily invited to reign, although some suggest that Rurik and his squad captured Novgorod during one of their campaigns. There are also opinions that the founder of the royal dynasty had Danish roots and was called Rorik. According to the Slavic version, the origin of his name is associated with the designation of a falcon in the language of one of the tribes. There are also those who believe that the prince, as a historical figure, did not exist at all and was a fictional character.

Ambition pushed Rurik’s descendants into internecine wars and murders. In the battle for the throne, the strongest won, but the loser faced death. Bloody divisions of lands were accompanied by fratricide. The first happened between the sons of Svyatoslav: Yaropolk, Oleg and Vladimir. Each of the princes wanted to gain power in Kyiv and for this purpose they were ready to make any sacrifices. So, Yaropolk killed Oleg, and he himself was destroyed by Vladimir. The winner became the Grand Duke of Kyiv. This bright historical figure deserves to be told in more detail.

The rise to power of Vladimir Svyatoslavich

A photo of the Rurik family tree with dates of reign shows that the reign of Svyatoslav Igorevich’s son, Prince Vladimir, falls at the end of the 10th century. He was not a legitimate son, since his mother was the housekeeper Malusha, but according to pagan customs he had the right to inherit the throne from his father of princely origin. However, the story of his birth caused many to smile. Due to his low origins, Vladimir was dubbed “robichich” - the son of a slave. Vladimir’s mother was removed from raising the child and the boy was handed over to the warrior Dobrynya, who is Malusha’s brother.

When Svyatoslav died, a struggle for power broke out in Kyiv between Yaropolk and Oleg. The latter, retreating during a battle with his brother, fell into a ditch and was crushed to death by horses. The Kiev throne passed to Yaropolk, and Vladimir, having learned about this, moved with Dobrynya to the Varangian lands to gather an army.

Together with his soldiers, he conquered Polotsk, which was on the side of Kyiv at that time, and decided to marry Yaropolk’s bride, Princess Rogneda. She did not want to take the slave’s son as her husband, which greatly offended the prince and aroused his rage. He forcibly took the girl as his wife and killed her entire family.

To overthrow Yaropolk from the throne, Vladimir resorted to cunning. He lured his brother to negotiations, where the Kyiv prince was stabbed to death by Vladimir’s soldiers. So power in Kyiv was concentrated in the hands of the third son of Svyatoslav Igorevich, Grand Duke Vladimir. Despite such a bloody background, a lot was done during his reign for the development of Rus'. The most significant merit of Vladimir is considered to be the baptism of Rus' in 988. From that moment on, our state turned from pagan to Orthodox and received a new status in the international arena.

Branching of the family tree of the Rurik dynasty

The direct heirs through the line of the first prince were:

  • Igor
  • Olga
  • Svyatoslav
  • Vladimir

There are documents in which you can find references to Igor’s nephews. According to sources, their names were Igor and Akun, but little is known about them. The ramifications in the scheme of the Rurikovich tree began after the death of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Vladimir. In the previously united family, a struggle for power began between the princes, and feudal fragmentation only aggravated the situation.

Thus, the son of the Kyiv prince Vladimir, Svyatopolk the Accursed, killed his brothers Boris, Gleb and Svyatoslav in the battle for the throne. However, another figure claimed power, which can be seen in the photo of the family tree of the Rurik dynasty. Svyatopolk's opponent was Prince Yaroslav the Wise. A destructive internecine war was waged between the two contenders for the throne for a long time. It ended with the victory of Yaroslav in the battle on the Alta River. Kyiv came under the rule of Yaroslav the Wise, and Svyatopolk was recognized as a traitor to the Rurik family.

Yaroslav the Wise died in 1054, after which the tree changed radically. Over the years of Yaroslav's reign, the unity of the clan came to an end, the state was divided into fiefs with their own way of life, laws, power and government. Most of the inheritance and lands were divided between the three sons of the Wise:

  • Izyaslav – Kyiv, Novgorod
  • Vsevolod – Rostov-Suzdal possessions and the city of Pereyaslavl
  • Svyatoslav – Murom and Chernigov

As a result, the previously unified government split and the so-called triumvirate was formed - the rule of three Yaroslavich princes.

Local dynasties began to form in appanage lands. The photo shows that it was from this period that the genus began to expand greatly. This happened mainly due to the large number of dynastic marriages that princes entered into in order to increase their authority, maintain and consolidate power. Previously, only the most influential and significant princes could afford to look for a spouse abroad. Now many people have begun to enjoy this privilege.

Family tree of the Rurikovichs: branching diagram

There could no longer be any talk of the original unity of the clan; the branches multiplied and intertwined. Let's take a closer look at the largest of them.

Izyaslavich Polotsk

The line received its name from the founder of the branch - Izyaslav, the son of Vladimir Yaroslavich and the Polotsk princess Rogneda. According to legend, Rogneda decided to take revenge on her husband for what he did to her and her family. At night, she snuck into his bedroom and wanted to stab him, but he woke up and deflected the blow. The prince ordered his wife to put on an elegant dress and stood in front of her with a sword in his hands. Izyaslav stood up for his mother and Vladimir did not dare to kill his wife in front of his son.

The prince decided to send Rogneda and Izyaslav to live in the Polotsk lands. This is where the line of Izyaslavichs of Polotsk came from. There is information that some descendants of Izyaslav attempted to seize power in Kyiv. Thus, Vseslav and Bryacheslav tried to oust Yaroslav the Wise, but their expectations were not destined to come true.


They originate from Prince Rostislav. He was an outcast and had no right to claim the throne after the death of his father, but with the help of wars he managed to gain power in Tmutarakan. He left behind three sons:

  • Vasilko
  • Volodar
  • Rurik

Rurik left no descendants behind, and Vasilko’s sons ruled Terebovlya and Galich. Volodar's son, Vladimirko, trying to expand the estates of the Rostislavichs, annexed Galich to the lands. His cousin Ivan Galitsky helped him. He added Terebovl to his possessions. This is how the large and influential Principality of Galicia was formed. The Rostislavich branch was interrupted when Vladimir Yaroslavich, the son of the famous prince Yaroslav Osmomysl, died. After this event, Roman the Great, one of the heirs and descendants of Yaroslav the Wise, began to rule in Galich.

Izyaslavich Turovsky

Another descendant of the Wise, Izyaslav Yaroslavich, ruled in Turov. The prince died in 1078, his brother Vsevolod began to rule in Kyiv, and his youngest son Yaropolk began to rule in Turov. However, a fierce struggle was waged for these lands, as a result of which Izyaslav’s descendants died one after another. In the end, they were forever expelled from their possessions by Vladimir Monomakh. Only in 1162, Izyaslav’s distant descendant Yuri was able to regain his lost possessions and strengthen them for himself. According to some sources, some Lithuanian-Russian princely dynasties originate from the Izyaslavichs of Turov.


This branch of the Rurik family tree originates from Svyatoslav, one of the members of the triumvirate formed after the death of Yaroslav the Wise. After the death of their father, the sons of Svyatoslav fought with their uncles Izyaslav and Vsevolod, as a result of which they were defeated. However, one of the sons, Oleg Svyatoslavich, did not lose hope of regaining power and expelled Vladimir Monomakh. The lands rightfully belonging to the Svyatoslavichs were divided among the surviving brothers.


The line was formed from Vladimir Monomakh, the son of Prince Vsevolod. He also had a brother who died fighting the Polovtsians. Thus, all princely power was concentrated in the hands of Vladimir. The princes of Kyiv gained control and influence in all Russian lands, including Turov and Polotsk. But the fragile unity did not last long. With the death of Monomakh, civil strife resumed and power in the destinies again became fragmented.

It is noteworthy that a descendant of the Monomakhovich branch on the family tree of the Rurik dynasty was Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. It is he who is indicated in the chronicles as the founder of Moscow, which later became the collector of Russian lands.

The Rurik family tree is full of tyrants, murderers, traitors and conspirators. One of the most cruel sovereigns of Rus' is consideredIvan IV the Terrible. The atrocities that occurred during his reign on Russian lands are still remembered with shudder. Murders, robberies, raids on civilians, which the guardsmen carried out with the permission of the tsar, are bloody and terrible pages in the history of our state. It is not for nothing that the sculpture of Ivan the Terrible is absent from the “Millennium of Russia” monument, erected in honor of the great sovereigns of our country.

Among the Rurikovichs there were also wise rulers - the pride of the family and defenders of their state. ThisIvan Kalita- collector of Russian lands, brave warriorAlexander Nevskiyand liberated Rus' from Tatar-Mongol dependence, the Grand DukeDmitry Donskoy.

Compiling a family tree of the Rurik dynasty with dates and years of reign is a difficult task for historians, requiring deep knowledge and lengthy research. The point here is both in the remoteness of the era and in the numerous intertwining of surnames, clans and branches. Since the great princes had many descendants, it is now almost impossible to find the person on whom the royal dynasty was finally interrupted and ceased to exist. It is only known that the last kings from this ancient family before the Romanovs came to power were Fyodor Ioannovich and Vasily Shuisky. It is difficult to answer the question whether the descendants of the first Russian prince exist today or whether the family has sunk into oblivion forever. Researchers have tried to find out this using a DNA test, but reliable data on this matter still does not exist.

All the supreme rulers of Rus' contributed a lot to its development. Thanks to the power of the ancient Russian princes, the country was built, expanded territorially, and provided with protection to fight the enemy. Many buildings were built that today have become an international historical and cultural landmark. Rus' has been replaced by a dozen rulers. Kievan Rus finally disintegrated after the death of Prince Mstislav.
The collapse occurred in 1132. Separate, independent states were formed. All territories have lost their value.

Princes of Rus' in chronological order

The first princes in Rus' (the table is presented below) appeared thanks to the Rurik dynasty.

Prince Rurik

Rurik ruled the Novgorodians near the Varangian Sea. Therefore, it had two names: Novgorod, Varangian. After the death of his brothers, Rurik remained the only ruler in Rus'. He was married to Efanda. His assistants. They looked after the household and held courts.
Rurik's reign in Rus' took place from 862 to 879. Afterwards, two brothers Dir and Askold killed him and took the city of Kyiv into power.

Prince Oleg (Prophetic)

Dir and Askold did not rule for long. Oleg, Efanda’s brother, decided to take matters into his own hands. Oleg was famous throughout Rus' for his intelligence, strength, courage, and authority.He captured the cities of Smolensk, Lyubech and Constantinople into his possessions. Made the city of Kyiv the capital of the Kyiv state. Killed Askold and Dir.Igor became Oleg's adopted son and his direct heir to the throne.In his state lived the Varangians, Slovaks, Krivichi, Drevlyans, Northerners, Polyans, Tivertsy, and Ulichs.

In 909 Oleg met a sage-magician who told him:
“You will soon die from a snake bite because you will abandon your horse.” It so happened that the prince abandoned the horse, exchanging it for a new, younger one.
In 912, Oleg learned that his horse had died. He decided to go to the place where the remains of the horse lay.

Oleg asked:
- Will this horse cause me to die? And then, a poisonous snake crawled out of the horse’s skull. The snake bit him, after which Oleg died. The prince's funeral lasted several days with all honors, because he was considered the strongest ruler.

Prince Igor

Immediately after Oleg’s death, the throne was taken by his stepson (Rurik’s own son) Igor. The dates of the prince's reign in Rus' vary from 912 to 945. His main task was to maintain the unity of the state. Igor defended his state from the attacks of the Pechenegs, who periodically made attempts to take over Russia. All tribes that were members of the state regularly paid tribute.
In 913, Igor married a young Pskov girl, Olga. He met her by chance in the city of Pskov. During his reign, Igor suffered quite a few attacks and battles. Fighting with the Khazars, he lost all his best army. After which, he had to re-create the armed defense of the state.

And again, in 914, the prince’s new army was destroyed in the fight against the Byzantines. The war lasted a long time and in the end, the prince signed an eternal peace treaty with Constantinople. The wife helped her husband in everything. They ruled half of the state. In 942 they had a son, who was named Svyatoslav. In 945, Prince Igor was killed by the neighboring Drevlyans, who did not want to pay tribute.

Princess Saint Olga

After the death of her husband Igor, his wife Olga took the throne. Despite the fact that she was a woman, she was able to rule all of Kievan Rus. In this difficult task, she was helped by her intelligence, intelligence and courage. All the qualities of a ruler came together in one woman and helped her cope well with the rule of the state. She took revenge on the greedy Drevlyans for the death of her husband. Their city of Korosten soon became part of her possessions. Olga is the first of the Russian rulers to convert to Christianity.

Svyatoslav Igorevich

Olga waited a long time for her son to grow up. And having reached adulthood, Svyatoslav fully became the ruler of Rus'. The years of the prince's reign in Rus' from 964 to 972. Svyatoslav already at the age of three became the direct heir to the throne. But since he physically could not rule Kievan Rus, he was replaced by his mother, Saint Olga. Throughout his childhood and adolescence, the child learned about military affairs. I learned to be brave and belligerent. In 967, his army defeated the Bulgarians. After the death of his mother, in 970, Svyatoslav launched an invasion of Byzantium. But the forces were not equal. He was forced to sign a peace treaty with Byzantium. Svyatoslav had three sons: Yaropolk, Oleg, Vladimir. After Svyatoslav returned back to Kyiv, in March 972, the young prince was killed by the Pechenegs. From his skull, the Pechenegs forged a gilded pie bowl.

After the death of his father, the throne was taken by one of the sons, the prince of Ancient Rus' (table below) Yaropolk.

Yaropolk Svyatoslavovich

Despite the fact that Yaropolk, Oleg, Vladimir were siblings, they were never friends. Moreover, they constantly fought with each other.
All three wanted to rule Russia. But Yaropolk won the fight. Sent his siblings outside the country. During his reign, he managed to conclude a peaceful, eternal treaty with Byzantium. Yaropolk wanted to make friends with Rome. Many were not happy with the new ruler. There was a lot of permissiveness. The pagans, together with Vladimir (Yaropolk’s brother), successfully seized power into their own hands. Yaropolk had no choice but to simply flee the country. He began to live in the city of Roden. But some time later, in 980, he was killed by the Varangians. Yaropolk decided to make an attempt to capture Kyiv for himself, but it all ended in failure. During his short reign, Yaropolk failed to make global changes in Kievan Rus, because he was famous for his peacefulness.

Vladimir Svyatoslavovich

Novgorod Prince Vladimir was the youngest son of Prince Svyatoslav. Ruled Kievan Rus from 980 to 1015. He was warlike, courageous, and possessed all the necessary qualities that a ruler of Kievan Rus should have had. Performed all the functions of a prince in ancient Rus'.

During his reign,

  • built defenses along the Desna, Trubezh, Osetra, and Sula rivers.
  • Many beautiful buildings were built.
  • Made Christianity the state religion.

Thanks to his great contribution to the development and prosperity of Kievan Rus, he received the nickname “Vladimir the Red Sun.” He had seven sons: Svyatopolk, Izyaslav, Yaroslav, Mstislav, Svyatoslav, Boris, Gleb. He divided his lands equally among all his sons.

Svyatopolk Vladimirovich

Immediately after the death of his father in 1015, he became the ruler of Rus'. Part of Rus' was not enough for him. He wanted to take possession of the entire Kyiv state and decided to get rid of his brothers. First, on his orders, it was necessary to kill Gleb, Boris, and Svyatoslav. But this did not bring him happiness. Without arousing the approval of the people, he was expelled from Kyiv. For help in the war with his brothers, Svyatopolk turned to his father-in-law, who was the king of Poland. He helped his son-in-law, but the rule of Kievan Rus did not last long. In 1019 he had to flee from Kyiv. That same year he committed suicide, as his conscience tormented him because he had killed his brothers.

Yaroslav Vladimirovich (Wise)

He ruled Kievan Rus from 1019 to 1054. He was nicknamed the Wise because he had an amazing mind, wisdom, and courage, inherited from his father. He built two large cities: Yaroslavl, Yuryev. He treated his people with care and understanding. One of the first princes who introduced a set of laws into the state called “Russian Truth”. Following his father, he divided the land equally between his sons: Izyaslav, Svyatoslav, Vsevolod, Igor and Vyacheslav. From birth, he instilled in them peace, wisdom, and love of people.

Izyaslav Yaroslavovich First

Immediately after the death of his father, he ascended the throne. He ruled Kievan Rus from 1054 to 1078. He was the only prince in history who could not cope with his responsibilities. His assistant was his son Vladimir, without whom Izyaslav would simply have destroyed Kievan Rus.


The spineless prince took over the rule of Kievan Rus immediately after the death of his father Izyaslav. Ruled from 1078 to 1113.
It was difficult for him to find a common language with the ancient Russian princes (table below). During his reign, there was a campaign against the Polovtsians, in the organization of which Vladimir Monomakh helped him. They won the battle.

Vladimir Monomakh

After the death of Svyatopolk, Vladimir was elected ruler in 1113. Served the state until 1125. Smart, honest, brave, reliable, courageous. It was these qualities of Vladimir Monomakh that helped him rule Kievan Rus and be loved by the people. He is the last of the princes of Kievan Rus (table below) who managed to preserve the state in its original form.


All wars with the Polovtsians ended in victory.

Mstislav and the Collapse of Kievan Rus

Mstislav is the son of Vladimir Monomakh. He ascended the throne as ruler in 1125. He was similar to his father not only in appearance, but also in character, in the way he ruled Russia. The people treated him with respect. In 1134 he transferred the rule to his brother Yaropolk. Which contributed to the development of turmoil in the history of Russia. The Monomakhovichs lost their throne. But soon there was a complete collapse of Kievan Rus into thirteen separate states.

The Kyiv rulers did a lot for the Russian people. During their reign, everyone diligently fought their enemies. The development of Kievan Rus as a whole was underway. Many constructions were completed, beautiful buildings, churches, schools, bridges, which were destroyed by enemies, and everything was built anew. All the princes of Kievan Rus, the table below, did a lot that made history unforgettable.

Table. Princes of Rus' in chronological order

Prince's name

Years of reign






Oleg the Prophet







Yaroslav the Wise



Vladimir Monomakh













