Demo version of the exam in chemistry. Structure of KIM Unified State Examination

control measuring materials
for holding the unified state exam in 2017
in chemistry

1. Purpose of KIM Unified State Exam

The Unified State Exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Exam) is a form of objective assessment of the quality of training of persons who have mastered educational programs of secondary general education, using tasks of a standardized form (control measurement materials).

The Unified State Examination is conducted in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation.”

Control measuring materials make it possible to establish the level of mastery by graduates of the Federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education in chemistry, basic and specialized levels.

The results of the unified state exam in chemistry are recognized by educational organizations of secondary vocational education and educational organizations of higher professional education as the results of entrance tests in chemistry.

2. Documents defining the content of the Unified State Exam KIM

3. Approaches to selecting content and developing the structure of the Unified State Exam KIM

The basis for the approaches to the development of the 2017 Unified State Exam KIM in chemistry were those general methodological guidelines that were determined during the formation of examination models of previous years. The essence of these settings is as follows.

  • KIMs are focused on testing the assimilation of a knowledge system, which is considered as an invariant core of the content of existing chemistry programs for general education organizations. In the standard, this knowledge system is presented in the form of requirements for the training of graduates. These requirements correspond to the level of presentation of the tested content elements in the CMM.
  • In order to ensure the possibility of differentiated assessment of the educational achievements of KIM Unified State Examination graduates, the mastery of basic educational programs in chemistry is checked at three levels of complexity: basic, advanced and high. The educational material on which the assignments are based is selected on the basis of its significance for the general education training of high school graduates.
  • Completing the tasks of the examination work involves the implementation of a certain set of actions. Among them, the most indicative are, for example, such as: identifying classification characteristics of substances and reactions; determine the degree of oxidation of chemical elements using the formulas of their compounds; explain the essence of a particular process, the relationship between the composition, structure and properties of substances. The ability of the examinee to carry out various actions when performing work is considered as an indicator of assimilation of the studied material with the necessary depth of understanding.
  • The equivalence of all versions of the examination work is ensured by maintaining the same ratio of the number of tasks that test the mastery of the basic elements of the content of key sections of the chemistry course.

4. Structure of KIM Unified State Exam

Each version of the examination paper is built according to a single plan: the paper consists of two parts, including 40 tasks. Part 1 contains 35 tasks with a short answer, including 26 tasks of a basic level of complexity (the serial numbers of these tasks: 1, 2, 3, 4, ... 26) and 9 tasks of an increased level of complexity (the serial numbers of these tasks: 27, 28, 29, …35).

Part 2 contains 5 tasks of a high level of complexity, with a detailed answer (the serial numbers of these tasks: 36, 37, 38, 39, 40).

On November 14, 2016, approved demonstration versions, codifiers and specifications of control measurement materials for the unified state exam and the main state exam of 2017, including in chemistry, were published on the FIPI website.

Demo version of the Unified State Exam in Chemistry 2017 with answers

Variant of tasks + answers Download demo
Specification demo variant himiya ege
Codifier codifier

Demo versions of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry 2016-2015

Chemistry Download demo + answers
2016 ege 2016
2015 ege 2015

There are significant changes in CMM in chemistry in 2017, so demo versions of previous years are provided for reference.

Chemistry – significant changes: The structure of the examination paper has been optimized:

1. The structure of part 1 of CMM has been fundamentally changed: tasks with a choice of one answer have been excluded; The tasks are grouped into separate thematic blocks, each of which contains tasks of both basic and advanced levels of difficulty.

2. The total number of tasks has been reduced from 40 (in 2016) to 34.

3. The rating scale has been changed (from 1 to 2 points) for completing tasks at a basic level of complexity, which test the assimilation of knowledge about the genetic connection of inorganic and organic substances (9 and 17).

4. The maximum initial score for completing the work as a whole will be 60 points (instead of 64 points in 2016).

Duration of the Unified State Exam in Chemistry

The total duration of the examination work is 3.5 hours (210 minutes).

The approximate time allotted for completing individual tasks is:

1) for each task of the basic level of complexity of part 1 – 2–3 minutes;

2) for each task of an increased level of difficulty in part 1 – 5–7 minutes;

3) for each task of a high level of difficulty in part 2 – 10–15 minutes.

Typical test tasks in chemistry contain 10 variant sets of tasks, compiled taking into account all the features and requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2017. The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of the 2017 KIM in chemistry, the degree of difficulty of the tasks.
The collection contains answers to all test options and provides solutions to all tasks of one of the options. In addition, samples of forms used in the Unified State Exam for recording answers and solutions are provided.
The author of the assignments is a leading scientist, teacher and methodologist who is directly involved in the development of control measuring materials for the Unified State Exam.
The manual is intended for teachers to prepare students for the chemistry exam, as well as for high school students and graduates - for self-preparation and self-control.

Ammonium chloride contains chemical bonds:
1) ionic
2) covalent polar
3) covalent non-polar
4) hydrogen
5) metal

From the proposed list of substances, select two substances with each of which copper reacts.
1) zinc chloride (solution)
2) sodium sulfate (solution)
3) diluted nitric acid
4) concentrated sulfuric acid
5) aluminum oxide

Instructions for performing the work
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Answers to the tasks of part 1
Solutions and answers to the tasks of part 2
Solving problems of option 10
Part 1
Part 2.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Unified State Examination 2017, Chemistry, Standard test tasks, Medvedev Yu.N. -, fast and free download.

  • Unified State Exam 2020, Chemistry, Typical versions of exam tasks from Unified State Exam developers, Medvedev Yu.N., 2020
  • Unified State Exam 2019, Chemistry, Expert in Unified State Exam, Medvedev Yu.N., Antoshin A.E., Ryabov M.A.
  • OGE 2019, Chemistry. 32 options, Typical test tasks from the developers of the OGE, Molchanova G.N., Medvedev Yu.N., Koroshenko A.S., 2019
  • Chemistry, Unified State Exam, Preparing for the final certification, Kaverina A.A., Medvedev Yu.N., Molchanova G.N., Sviridenkova N.V., Snastina M.G., Stakhanova S.V., 2019