Attention deficit symptoms in adults. How to determine hyperactivity in adults - doctor

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a psychological condition characteristic of preschool children. Most often, this syndrome manifests itself in the form of increased impulsivity, lack of self-control and difficulty in recognizing one’s own “I”. Attention deficit disorder occurs much less frequently in adults. According to scientists, the development of this disease in adulthood indicates unfavorable conditions for personality formation in childhood. The relevance of this problem at present can be explained by the fact that ADHD is diagnosed quite rarely. Problems with timely detection of the disease lead to the fact that patients have to independently adapt to the conditions dictated by society.

People with attention deficit disorder try to engage in activities that do not require constant concentration. It should be noted that this mental disorder does not prevent the patient from living his own life fully. However, communication with others can present some difficulties for patients with this disease.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a known problem among school-age children.

According to experts, the disease in question is part of the organic group and is characterized by minimal dysfunction of the cerebral lobes. Such disorders lead to the inability of certain parts of the brain to perform direct functions. Unfortunately, the modern level of medicine does not always allow us to diagnose such changes. Special devices only allow diagnosing the first signs of the disease.

According to experts, this syndrome often occurs before the moment of birth. The development of hyperactivity and attention deficit in a child is provoked by the lifestyle and psycho-emotional state of a pregnant woman. Addiction to alcoholic beverages and drugs can negatively affect the condition of the embryo. According to recent studies, the lifestyle a woman leads directly affects the condition of her eggs. Thus, all of the above factors begin to influence a woman’s body long before pregnancy itself. In addition, severe pregnancy, toxicosis and gestosis are also factors that increase the risk of developing ADHD.

According to the researchers, the risk of developing brain dysfunction in a child increases in the presence of infectious diseases suffered during gestation. In their opinion, attention deficit disorder is only a small part of possible problems with brain activity. You should also pay attention to the fact that the appearance of ADHD may be associated with asphyxia in the first days of a child’s life.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults can be caused by unfavorable social conditions during childhood. A special role in this issue is given to the microclimate prevailing in the family, the model of raising a child and other everyday factors.

Clinical picture

In the international classification of diseases, a whole section is devoted to this disease. Each case of contacting a specialist with a similar problem is considered strictly on an individual basis. The clinical picture directly depends on the nature of the symptoms and their severity. You should also pay attention to the fact that many signs of the disease characteristic of childhood rarely appear in more mature years.

Recent research shows that the disease remains in more than half of children for life

The clinical picture of ADHD in adults differs significantly from the childhood form of the pathology.

Often, the attention deficit experienced hardly manifests itself upon reaching adulthood. Experts explain this by saying that age-related changes in the body lead to an increase in the body’s energy resources.

In adults, the pathology in question manifests itself in the form of instability. The presence of instability is expressed in problems with performing routine daily activities. Cleaning, washing and cooking can be a real problem for a sick person. Often the presence of this disease leads to controversial and conflict situations. Many people do not find understanding and sympathy from their immediate environment, which greatly complicates their lives. Also, most people diagnosed with hyperactivity face various difficulties in the professional sphere. Severe asociality and problems with communication skills lead to the fact that a person simply closes himself off in his own world.

Signs of attention deficit in adults manifest themselves in the form of the following factors:

  1. Difficulty with various financial issues, including calculating your own salary, paying for various purchases and utility bills.
  2. Problems with concentration, forgetfulness and absent-mindedness.
  3. Problems with communication and communication.
  4. Difficulties in making plans for the near future.

People with this diagnosis rarely show tact and the ability to listen to their interlocutor. Many of the patients have no ambitions and rarely move up the career ladder. Low interest in various aspects leads to a lack of interests and hobbies. Disorganization leads to the fact that when starting to do one thing, a person is often distracted by various stimuli. Attention deficit may be accompanied by difficulty drawing conclusions and conclusions, as well as analyzing various situations. The person shows his inability to stick to a plan or save money. Forgetfulness and lack of concentration can lead to the patient forgetting to take medication on time or being late for pre-arranged appointments.

People with attention deficit disorder are often overly impulsive and rarely think ahead about their words. Problems with tact lead to the fact that the patient has practically no control over his speech and says only what he thinks about. It is almost impossible for hyperactive people to curb their impulsiveness. Forgetfulness and lack of composure are accompanied by difficulties in the professional sphere, due to problems with fulfilling one’s work responsibilities. Attention deficit disorder is most acute when driving. The road itself, other road users and road signs make it difficult to control the situation.

Sometimes ADHD manifests itself as difficulty reading books and watching movies. Patients rarely show interest in slowly developing activities, and have difficulty understanding works of art.

ADHD in adults is an organic disease that involves minimal dysfunction of the brain lobes

Diagnostic methods

Now that the symptoms of ADHD in adults have been reviewed, we can move on to discuss diagnostic methods for this disease. According to most researchers of this disease, obvious signs of ADHD appear in childhood. Lack of timely treatment leads to the disease manifesting itself at an older age.. Based on this, the specialist must carefully study the patient’s questionnaire in order to detect signs of this disease in childhood. A detailed survey about the patient’s childhood and the climatic conditions in the family will allow you to collect all the elements of the puzzle and form a unique picture telling about the patient’s current condition.

One of the important nuances of conducting a diagnostic examination is collecting information about various aspects of the patient’s behavior in childhood. In addition, increased attention should be paid to the pace and conditions of mental development. The next stage of diagnosis requires a general examination of the body’s condition. It is very important to exclude the presence of somatic and neurological diseases that have similar symptoms. The use of special equipment to measure organic changes in the brain area allows you to confirm or refute the diagnosis. To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct studies of brain activity at rest and concentration.

To obtain a complete clinical picture, various methods are used to determine temperament, personality type and other psycho-emotional characteristics. Measuring IQ, personality testing and other methods of psychoanalysis make it possible to most accurately diagnose the disease.

How to deal with ADHD

How to treat attention deficit in adults? Today, an integrated approach is used to combat this disease, based on:

  • psychotherapy;
  • use of various medicines.

In order to overcome the disease in question, you will need to undergo a course of behavioral therapy. Working with a psychologist allows you to achieve lasting results, however, in order to consolidate success, a psychiatrist and psychotherapist must take part in the treatment of the patient.

The cause of the disease may occur even before the birth of the child

After a person with this mental disorder contacts a psychotherapist, the doctor is obliged to develop an individual treatment strategy. The treatment method is determined by the severity of the main symptoms characteristic of the disease. In order to raise the patient's self-esteem and strengthen his self-affirmation, it will be necessary to use behavioral and cognitive techniques. It is very important that all methods used are tailored specifically to the character of the patient.

The task of the psychotherapist is to teach the patient to cope with various psychological stress and stress. Special trainings dedicated to relaxation should teach a person how to properly distribute his own energy. At such trainings, the patient learns various methods of managing his own time to achieve maximum productivity. Creating a clear framework between working time and rest allows you to achieve lasting results in therapy.

One of the important stages of working with a psychotherapist is family sessions, during which various controversial and conflict situations between spouses are resolved. A diagnosis of ADHD often complicates communication between spouses, resulting in misunderstandings and domestic quarrels. The doctor must teach the patient’s spouse proper communication with his chosen one.

There are also special trainings, the purpose of which is to normalize the professional sphere. The correct approach to the treatment of the disease allows you to normalize the patient’s communication abilities, which has a beneficial effect on his productivity.

People with ADHD find it difficult to carry out routine daily activities

Drug therapy is rarely used in adult patients. Most often, to achieve a lasting result, psychotherapy sessions are enough for the patient. However, if necessary, the patient may be prescribed various medications. Most often, medications used to treat the disease in children are also used by adults. It is very important that there is a person in the patient’s family who will take control of the process of taking medications.

Today, various psychostimulants are used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This category of medicines allows you to achieve lasting results by reducing the severity of the main symptoms characteristic of the disease. However, uncontrolled use and lack of a regimen can lead to addiction to this category of medications. In addition to psychostimulants, nootropic drugs are used, the action of which is aimed at stimulating brain activity. In addition, the use of such means normalizes the quality of thought processes. The correct approach to the use of medications can completely eliminate the development of relapse of the disease.

As part of complex treatment, drugs that have a vasodilating effect are used. The use of such drugs makes it possible to increase blood flow to certain parts of the brain, which has a beneficial effect on the dynamics of the disease. It is not recommended to use these drugs for self-medication, since uncontrolled use of vasodilators can lead to negative consequences for the body.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a well-known problem among school-age children that has received particular attention in the United States. However, the famous neuroscientist Dr. Amen sees ADHD as the cause of many adult problems - from the habit of procrastinating to problems in sexual life. We present the symptoms of ADHD, debunk the main myths about this condition and suggest taking a test.

Features similar to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have been described since the 18th century. Philosopher John Locke described a group of hapless young students who, "try as they might...could not help being distracted." The distinctive symptoms of this condition are: short attention span, pathological distractibility, disorganization, anxiety and impulsivity.

Many people believe that this disorder only affects hyperactive boys with problem behavior. But it also affects girls. And it often goes unnoticed because girls tend to be less hyperactive and have fewer behavior problems. Neglecting ADHD in women can have devastating consequences on their health, mood, relationships, careers and finances.

To figure out if you have trouble concentrating, look at which of the following statements apply to you:

  1. You get bored easily.
  2. You usually have your head in the clouds while talking to someone.
  3. You are easily distracted by something.
  4. You often become the initiator of conflicts.
  5. You often say things that you later regret.
  6. You forget to do what you promised.
  7. You get distracted even during sex.
  8. You find that your disorganization is creating problems for you and/or others.
  9. You have outbursts of anger for unimportant reasons or for no reason at all.
  10. It's not uncommon for your mind to shut down during conversations.
  11. Do you need music or the sound of a running fan to lull you to sleep before bed?
If there are more than 4 statements that match you, then there is a chance that you have ADHD.

8 Myths About ADHD

Unfortunately, there are many myths about ADHD in our society. Here is a list of common misconceptions and truths about ADHD as I see them.

Myths about ADHD The truth about ADHD
This is just a “fashionable” disease: a fancy diagnosis and just an excuse for bad behavior. ADHD is nothing new. In 1902, pediatrician George Still described a group of children who were hyperactive, impulsive, and inattentive.
ADHD is diagnosed too often. Any child who begins to act a little naughty is immediately given medication. ADHD affects approximately 6% of the population, but less than 2% receive treatment. Child psychiatrist Peter Jensen found that only 1 in 8 children diagnosed with ADHD take medication. Often, children with ADHD, especially girls, are not treated at all.
ADHD is a disease of hyperactive boys. Many ADHD sufferers are not hyperactive at all. And their disorder goes unnoticed because they attract less negative attention to themselves. Often these children, teens, or adults are simply labeled as bratty, lazy, unmotivated, or “not very smart.” ADHD is quite common among women, but in men this disorder is diagnosed 3-4 times more often.
ADHD is an American invention created by a society that seeks simple solutions to complex problems. ADHD occurs in every country where it is studied. We observed patients with ADHD from Hong Kong, Lebanon, Ethiopia, West Africa, Israel, and Russia.
ADHD is caused by bad parents or bad teachers. If our society were firmer and tougher with them, these problems would not exist. Parents or teachers can certainly make ADHD symptoms worse, but the main causes are genetics, poor diet and environmental toxins. The behavior of such children and adults sometimes makes even experienced parents and teachers give up.
ADHD sufferers must try harder. And there is no point in justifying them. The harder ADHD patients try, the worse things get. Brain imaging studies reveal that in most ADHD patients, the frontal cortex shuts down during focus tasks. In other words, when they try to concentrate, the part of the brain associated with focusing and finishing something is actually suppressed.
Everyone outgrows ADHD by age 12 or 13. Statistics show that at least half of children with ADHD continue to have ADHD symptoms into adulthood.

Why are there so many myths about ADHD? The answer is simple. Children, teenagers, and adults with ADHD look like other people. Until you know the life history of a person with ADHD, you will not be able to determine whether they have ADHD.

We've done tens of thousands of studies on the brains of ADHD patients, and in CT scans we've been able to see how problematic brain systems affect behavior. When you see the symptoms of ADHD in the brain firsthand, the myths disappear and the possibility of understanding and effective treatment becomes possible.

4 Symptoms of ADHD in Adults

Characteristic symptoms of ADHD are: short attention span, distraction, disorganization, procrastination (constantly putting off important things until later) and insufficient internal control. Hyperactivity, while most commonly seen in young boys, is uncommon in adult men and women.

Attention instability is the main symptom of ADHD, but it does not manifest itself in all areas of life. People with ADHD have problems with regular, routine, everyday attention. For example, they find it extremely difficult to complete homework, pay bills on time, clean the house, report expenses at work, listen to their spouse, or take medications regularly. However, ADHD sufferers pay attention to something new, unusual, stimulating, interesting or scary without any problems. They seem to need stimulation to pay attention to something, which is why they go to scary movies, engage in risky activities, and tend to run into conflict in their relationships.

Many ADHD patients play the “Let me be in trouble” game. If such a person is upset, he is able to focus and perhaps even become hyper-focused on some problem. This trait often misleads others, even doctors.

Absent-mindedness is another common symptom of ADHD. Normally, a person is able to block unimportant, distracting things. But for those who don't have ADHD, their thoughts and conversations tend to spin in circles. People with ADHD tend to be overly sensitive. Labels on clothes bother them (irritate their skin) - heightened tactile sensitivity. And the clothes must fit them, otherwise they experience discomfort. They may need white noise at night to help them fall asleep; otherwise they hear everything in the house.

“What does it take to have an orgasm?” - I often ask the audience at my lectures. Some might say, “A competent lover.” Others may shout, “Great imagination.” I keep asking until someone says, "Attention." Indeed, to get an orgasm, a person needs to concentrate on what is happening. Absent-mindedness often affects a woman's ability to experience orgasm. You need to focus on your sensations long enough for it to arise. With proper ADHD treatment, many people's sex lives become much better.

Many ADHD sufferers disorganized. Their rooms, desks, desk drawers, and closets are in disarray. They are also disorganized in terms of time and are often late. Such a person always comes to work 10 minutes late and, as a rule, with a large cup of coffee in his hands, since he requires stimulants like caffeine and nicotine.

Typically in ADHD sufferers poor internal controls. They don't think before they say or do something - which is why they often find themselves in unpleasant situations. ADHD also has problems with long-term goals. Such people live only in the present moment. They put things off until the last minute and find it difficult to save money for a rainy day.

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I never thought about the fact that I could be ADHD, but my eldest son has this diagnosis. I read your article and began to wonder if the same thing happened to me.

Comment on the article "ADHD in adults: how it interferes with sex, work and personal life"

I woke up this morning, I went down to the kitchen, and there my husband was standing in his shorts, cooking porridge for us... And he was so handsome, his shoulders were wide, his butt was narrow, half of his back was wrinkled, the other was scratched... She came up, hugged him, that’s it - HAPPINESS! :) And I always liked it, and these panties, and hugging him, squeezing him, and lying together on the sofa with spoons, but now my children live with us, who are not particularly pleased to see all this tenderness... :(And my husband doesn’t understand... :/ If my back is turned, I’m cooking in the kitchen...


Congratulations, it's great when a woman is happy. And as for the children, you need them to see how your husband treats you tenderly (hugs gently, kisses you sweetly on the cheek, not on the lips, not a hickey), but not to cross the line of decent, of course, what happens in the bedroom is not for the ears of the eyes of children, because teenagers have a wild imagination and they have known and understood everything for a long time. How to do this, just discuss it with your husband and that’s it, explain how and what. And I'm so happy for you

Everything is OK, it’s good for children. Especially for the older ones, let them know that there are no irreplaceable people and they should take care of their happiness, and not buy apartments for their mistresses.

Living with ADHD: education issues (Typical mistakes of parents). Treatment of ADHD in children and adults: 7 tips. He works with ADHD. But we didn’t contact him personally, I can only judge by reviews.


It’s difficult for me to judge your child, but my little one, for example, on the playground constantly runs forward, looks back, and in the end he either trips and falls, or crashes his forehead into a pole. Well, raise your hand forward and shout “There!” rushing anywhere - this is his signature trick - that’s all I have time to catch. He definitely doesn’t have ADHD, he went to neurologists and said everything was ok, it’s just his temperament, plus his age.

Maybe not. You still have a Syrian hamster. Wait another six months, at least six months. Many children from DD have no sense of danger and self-preservation, just like the Syrian hamster has no sense of edge.)))

A rat, a pig, or a kitten placed on a table will not fall - there is a sense of edge.

Psychologist and blogger June Silney wrote an amazing article about living with someone who has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). And Bright Side translated it for you. - In fact, it is difficult to love a person with ADHD. You never know what to say. It's like walking through a minefield: you tiptoe, but you have no idea what step (or word) will cause an explosion of emotions. People with ADHD suffer. Life is more difficult for them than for most. Their brilliant minds are constantly in...

According to DSM IV, there are three types of ADHD: - Mixed type: hyperactivity combined with attention disorders. This is the most common form of ADHD. - Inattentive type: disturbances of attention predominate. This type is the most difficult to diagnose. - Hyperactive type: hyperactivity predominates. This is the rarest form of ADHD. _______________ () Of the signs listed below, at least six must persist in the child for at least 6 months: INATTENTION 1. Often unable to maintain attention on...

1 there are lessons in which ADHD or not, but everyone obeys, but in others - no, and why should ADHD itself be given more attention - well, purely abstract, you have equal rights to the teacher’s attention, even with myopia, not everything is clear - what is stopping them from wearing glasses?


My son has ADHD, 5th grade, a certificate is given by a neurologist, only the first desk is written on it. We received the certificate after the New Year holidays, the teacher reviewed the certificates of everyone sitting on the 1st desk - one of them did not have my certificate and was imprisoned, he became less distracted, but of course he takes prescribed medications the same neurologist.

We are transferred to a correctional class. Or parents take such children and transfer them to private schools.

Even those with ADHD can be taught not to touch anyone. I watched American children (children's camp), very strictly with personal space. So - the rest "lined up" within 3-4 months. They told me “do what you want, but don’t let them interfere with the school’s work.”


Look for a comfortable living environment for your child, a teacher who will accept her and be “yours.” When I was young, I also always wanted to “win” in the field of seeking justice. Yes, in most cases it was possible. Now I remember these cases and marvel at how much time was spent on strangers and situations that were unpleasant for me and the child. Yes, there are force majeure situations in which you should show your strength, first of all, to the child. to calm him down and give him confidence. but more often the child should demonstrate wisdom - how to obtain the most satisfying result with the least expenditure of all types of energy.

Opinion from the other side. My children are not angels, there were reasons to fear their antisocial behavior in the classroom. I accepted the idea that if they start to interfere with my classmates’ ability to learn in class, then I will take them out of school of my own free will. I am a permanent member of parent committees. FUCKED parents , using school as a storage room for their inadequates. Why should my children, who at the cost of my incredible efforts are focused on acquiring knowledge, have to suffer because of one or two copies, disrupting lessons and taking off their panties during recess? It’s too bad that the parent community is now powerless , and normal, well-mannered children are forced to act as idiots in this madhouse.

Why do your dreams remain just dreams? What do you want: iron health, amazing relationships, love, sex, money, a good job, travel, learn a language or anything else you’ve been dreaming about for so long? Often what prevents us from getting what we want is lack of motivation, fear of failure, not knowing what and how to do, lack of a good plan, lack of self-confidence, and various fears. And sometimes we don't even know what we want. You will be surprised, but research by psychologists shows that this is far from...

They don’t teach high-quality work with information at school - most average students simply do not understand the text they read, and cannot analyze and formulate the main idea. Responsibility for choice? So students are not given a choice... Negotiations and public speaking? Development of intuition and sensitivity? Leadership skills? Ability to act? They are not included in the program at all... The ability to give up unnecessary things must be replaced with the opposite ability to endure the unnecessary and useless for years. Instead of...

Magazines for women advise that before building a long-term relationship, so that there are no surprises, agree “on the shore” how to live together: how to run a household, raise children, relax, and at whose expense this banquet will be. Even if you haven’t agreed “on shore,” no one is stopping you from doing it right now. After 3-5 years of marriage, most couples get tired of trying to make each other perfect every weekend and want to finally start enjoying the simple joys of family life. What...

Discussion of issues about a woman’s life in the family, at work, relationships with men. I don’t understand at all how a _husband_, an adult, in theory, a person, can “interfere with work” or do anything else. The hard life of people with ADHD.

Mini-lecture “How to help a hyperactive child” Keeping in mind the individual characteristics of hyperactive children, it is advisable to work with them at the beginning of the day, not in the evening, reduce their workload, and take breaks from work. Before starting work (classes, events), it is advisable to have an individual conversation with such a child, having previously agreed on the rules for the fulfillment of which the child receives a reward (not necessarily material). A hyperactive child needs to be encouraged more often...

Women who are satisfied with the amount of sex are more purposeful and successful in all areas of life - careers, hobbies, sports, in contrast to those who would like to change the regularity of intimacy. At the same time, women who would like to have sex less often feel less confident both in their profession and in their hobbies than women who want to increase sexual activity. These conclusions were made in a recent study conducted by the largest...

Check out other discussions: Living with ADHD: parenting issues (Typical mistakes of parents). Treatment of ADHD in children and adults: 7 tips. He works with ADHD. But we didn’t contact him personally, I can only judge by reviews.


We have a 4-year-old boy and doesn’t speak at all, the doctors said wait until he’s three years old, they can’t say anything, now, as I myself understand, he’s already hyperactive, doesn’t sit still, doesn’t understand anything, etc., but he walks sometimes there is no potty, how to deal with it in terms of speech development

02/06/2019 20:15:59, Arman

My son did the same thing until the 2nd grade, but not from lack of attention, but from his mind, as it turned out. He was bored. The indicators went from below normal to above normal. Many parents who have developed children have the same complaint, I don’t see any problem, she most likely is not interested. Well, mine actually also worked as a clown, at first the teachers hinted to me that he was most likely the rest and poured out complaints, now I see delight in his eyes. My son has a child in his class with ADHD. That child does not have time to do anything because he is busy making faces, running away from class, teachers running after him, he has serious impairments in social communication and aggression.

ADHD in adolescence. Does anyone here have a child with ADHD? If they had told me about this 7 years ago... I wouldn’t have believed it - I stuck to my job: what could I live on? Now I understand how many fears there were in my previous life... sheer stress.

If the pregnancy is going well, future parents can have sex; it will not harm the child, and as the due date approaches, it is even advisable to do so. A ban on having sex during pregnancy, if imposed, is most often temporary, and it is better to check with your doctor for how long you need to maintain abstinence. Doctors at antenatal clinics usually warn expectant mothers if sex is contraindicated for them, and when everything goes well, they do not always explain that intimate relationships are not dangerous...

Today I had a fight with my husband again. And for the last year, this has been happening for the same reason: I’m on maternity leave, my child is two years old, I’ve taken on most of the household chores. Thank God my mother actively helps me, without her I would be unbearable. Every time my husband comes home from work, he looks for a reason to find fault with the cleanliness of the apartment. I am tormented by the question, why did he not care about this before, but now, even some toy that was not picked up after the child becomes my “jamb”? Let me explain. When we started living together...


Thank you very much everyone for your feedback. My mother’s example still taught me that in any case I won’t be left penniless. In September, my daughter will go to kindergarten, and there I will go to work and my husband’s quiet life at home will end. I will not hire a nanny under any circumstances, this is my subjective opinion.
For those who don’t quite understand me, I want to clarify: doing household chores with all the household appliances is certainly not a problem, but I’m not eager to do it every day. When in the whole day you have time with your child to do a bunch of things at the doctors and around the house, and to go to the store and sew something else for your child, and to play sports. And when dad returns, you expect, satisfied with yourself, well, if not admiration, then at least some kind of gratitude, but instead you hear: “That’s it? I could have done all this in 3 hours, but was it difficult to clean up here?” It ends in nothing but a scandal, and after that I don’t want to have sex, or warmth, or even talk.

An example of my mother’s life (. She never really came out of maternity leave with me. But there were music classes, ballet, art, etc. Institute and everything was fine. My father provided VERY well. But... as I grew up, he from time to time he started a conversation with me about why my mother didn’t work (apparently, she was counting on what I would tell her. I didn’t dare open such a topic..). I know for sure that money didn’t play any role. My father received a lot (a high rank in the army) and at the same time was very intangible. He needed the social status of his wife. My friend is exactly the same wonderful mother. Her husband is a wealthy oriental man. Moreover, his housewife wife is very burdensome for him.. Voiced in the presence of me and my husband and the matter is slowly but surely moving towards divorce, most likely ((. Well, there are such men. Although women too.. I can’t imagine that I can love * the house owner *, even if he is rich.

07/11/2012 14:47:42, songbird...

About yours, about your girl’s. Discussion of issues about a woman’s life in the family, at work, relationships with men. She cannot stand up for the entire service, she begins to push around and disturbs everyone. I'm trying to understand that adult psychopaths are not former ADHD people?


ALL adult hysterics known to me (not very many) remain so because of impunity. In the family - 300%, at work - they are found only and exclusively where they can afford it as a general manager or owner of an enterprise. If character is demonstrated by a subject who has a boss over him, the boss usually fires him within 24 hours, and at the next job (or three jobs later) the subject learns to keep his emotions in a certain secret place. Or flies out into the street.
Maybe, however, he gets involved with crime as a scumbag and falls under natural selection.

I don't understand what the controversy is about. Good article, this is the first time I’ve seen it written in plain text that MMD is not a medical diagnosis. It always seemed to me that a medical diagnosis should be based on a physiological pathology identified in one way or another, but MMD is just that: they looked at the child and decided that something was wrong with him. And no encephalograms, emerai or anything else, not even a blood test is needed. So the nanny looked at the child and said: everything is not right with his head, well, not so much, then they would immediately write UO or mental retardation, but just a little, in the end we get a diagnosis of MMD. And if you look at the topic below, then from the point of view of many employees of “institutions”, and many doctors, there is a priori something wrong with orphans. So we get the following diagnoses en masse: in infants, perinatal hypoxia and encephalopathy, in older children, MMD, etc.
So everything is written correctly in the article and explains a lot, what’s there to break spears about?

I don’t know how to prohibit him from sitting if he finds such a site. But I’ll try to get it into my head that this is just a fairy tale for adults with an unhappy ending.

With what undisguised interest my son read this topic yesterday (over my shoulder). He gave himself away with an enthusiastic grunt :))
And recently we were talking about porn, so he responded to my words that I would like to protect him, laughed and said that he would now open a local area where everyone has free access among porn films, and if he wanted to watch, then I would look. Logical. A pig will find dirt everywhere :)) If he wants, prohibitions will not help.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a very unpleasant disease that can significantly affect the daily life and performance of every person. People of all ages are at risk of encountering it, but it causes the most problems for adults. Many patients do not receive any treatment, which is why they are forced to suffer from constantly occurring symptoms. This is due to the fact that treating ADHD in adults is a complex process that requires a lot of attention and effort. To achieve any result, returning to your usual state, you need to know not only the methods of dealing with the problem, but also what it is.

Classification, reasons

Many scientists question the existence of ADHD. The reason for this is the lack of an accurate ability to identify the disease in a patient through instrumental diagnostics, as well as the large difference in the number of people affected by the syndrome in different countries. Nevertheless, the problem is officially recognized, and attention deficit is classified as ICD code F90.0.

ADHD most often appears in childhood. The child does not seem as smart as his peers, he cannot complete all assigned tasks, and he behaves strangely. Adults encounter this problem very unexpectedly. As a rule, the syndrome still begins in childhood, but does not appear until many years later, when the person’s brain is under serious pressure from work, household responsibilities or problems. ADHD is associated with insufficient development of the psyche, which is not able to withstand the usual load for many people and fails. For the same reason, the disease may not show itself immediately.


A separate classification has been developed for ADHD, which reflects the predominance of one or another aspect of the disease. This helps to make a more accurate diagnosis and prescribe the most effective treatment. The species is determined at the diagnostic stage. There are 3 of them in total:

  • ADHD-DD - symptoms are limited to attention deficit or are expressed only by it, the patient is absent-minded and forgetful, may look stupid even with a high IQ, performance is quite low, procrastination often appears;
  • ADHD-H - symptoms are concentrated in the manifestation of hyperactivity, the patient has difficulty sitting still, he may sway in a chair or shake his legs, often leaves the workplace under various pretexts for the sake of physical activity, may become irritated because it’s hard for him to rest;
  • ADHD-C – symptoms are mixed, the patient has difficulty focusing on one task, he is often distracted, forgets important information, and he always has a desire to do something physically.

Sometimes doctors separately identify an unspecified type of ADHD. This diagnosis is made if it is not possible to accurately determine all the features of the disease. It is often used for preliminary conclusions.


The exact causes of attention deficit disorder in adults still remain unknown. However, scientists were able to identify factors that could trigger the development of the disease. They can affect the body even during the period of fetal formation, which will cause the manifestation of ADHD in the future.

The main reasons are as follows:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Negative effects during pregnancy (infections, medications, alcohol, smoking);
  • Risk factors for miscarriage during pregnancy;
  • Chronic diseases in the mother at the time of pregnancy;
  • Complications during childbirth, caesarean section;
  • Incompatibility of mother and child by Rh factor;
  • Diseases in a newborn;
  • Taking strong medications in the first years of life;
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions.

If an adult has the disease, then regular stress associated with serious stress on the psyche can provoke its awakening. Therefore, it is very important to dose heavy work at the slightest risk of having such a disease.

ADHD was first described in 1902 by D. Still based on a group of children with severe symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.


The syndrome manifests itself very noticeably in adults. Sometimes from the outside it may seem that a person is simply tired, did not get enough sleep, or is faced with life’s difficulties. But those close to him know that he is always like this, and his unusual behavior and condition are associated with the disease. ADHD symptoms can be divided into several components, each of which includes specific features.

The first symptom of the syndrome is impaired concentration, which manifests itself in all daily activities, work and communication. Along with it, there is often a complete loss of interest in many phenomena that previously attracted the patient. Violations include the following manifestations:

  • Abrupt disconnection of the brain from talking or doing work;
  • Frequent distraction from the activities being performed;
  • Inability to focus normally on one phenomenon or action;
  • Lack of attention to minor details;
  • Rare completion of tasks by 100%;
  • Inattentiveness in conversation, inability to retell the dialogue.

In some cases, this symptom becomes reversed. Then the patient will begin to experience hyperconcentration. He will immerse himself in the work at hand so deeply that he will lose track of time and stop paying attention to everything that is happening around him.


Signs of attention deficit in adults bring many problems, in which disorganization plays an important role. It occurs in almost all patients, having a negative impact on work efficiency and the success of completing assigned tasks. The symptom may appear like this:

  • Lack of time for household chores;
  • Regular procrastination “for later”;
  • Difficulty starting or completing a business;
  • Inability to calculate time;
  • Forgetfulness, loss of even important information from your head;
  • Frequent and forced search for small things (keys, remote control, etc.).

Such people always forget about something, cannot find things that they themselves held in their hands 5 minutes ago, are late for important meetings and suffer from a constant lack of time.


ADHD is often accompanied by unpleasant emotions. Adults experience feelings of anger or frustration that are associated with constant worries. They may manifest themselves as the following symptoms:

  • Inability to control emotions;
  • Frequent overwork;
  • Irritability, mood swings, short temper;
  • Low self-esteem, resentment;
  • Expectation of bad results;
  • Constant lack of motivation to perform various tasks.

Many patients become closed people because... communication often causes them emotional difficulties, and work leads to disappointment. They are constantly sad, their thinking is depressive, there are no expectations for positive changes.


Increased activity and energy become a real problem, because... the person is unable to concentrate on one thing, and is unable to remain calm or sit still. The patient will encounter the following signs of the syndrome:

  • Constant excitement, desire to do something;
  • Motor restlessness, lack of perseverance;
  • Craving for risky actions and vivid impressions;
  • Frequent changes of thoughts, desire to multitask;
  • Rapid onset of boredom during monotonous work;
  • Strong talkativeness, annoyingness.

A person with ADHD is virtually unable to sit still. He tries to constantly move, takes on many things at once, talks often, and thoughts in his head very quickly replace one another.


Impulsivity refers to the inability to control one's words and actions. It is part of the symptoms of ADHD and can cause a lot of inconvenience, as well as spoil relationships with other people. Often patients do not even notice the incorrectness of their behavior. The symptoms are as follows:

  • Inability to control yourself;
  • Sharp expressions of thoughts;
  • Interrupting the interlocutor;
  • Spontaneity of dangerous actions.

Some patients behave antisocially, which is why they are not accepted by other people. It is possible to develop drug addiction or alcoholism, which is associated with a craving for addiction and risk.

Statistics show that women are more likely to have problems with concentration and organization, while men are more likely to have problems with hyperactivity and impulsivity.

Basic treatment

Treatment can begin only after a final diagnosis has been made. However, there are difficulties with this, because the disease can be confused with other disorders in the body. The doctor experiences even more problems from the inability to identify the disease using classical diagnostic methods. You have to make do with a regular survey, as well as the MOXO test, which allows you to study the patient’s symptoms in more detail using a computer program.

When the doctor can say for sure that the patient has ADHD, treatment should begin immediately. It includes several methods of influencing the disease, each of which is effective in its own way. It is worth considering that no one will be able to recover completely. But the right approach to therapy will eliminate most symptoms.

Drug therapy

Only a doctor can make an exact decision on how to treat attention deficit in adults in each specific case. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe medications on your own, as well as to adjust the dosage prescribed by a specialist.

The main method of therapy is psychostimulants: Adderall, Dexedrine or Ritalin. They are banned in many countries, which is associated with a lot of side effects. Therefore, they are replaced with Atomoxetine tablets or similar ones.

Additionally, the patient is prescribed other medications:

  • "Bupropion";
  • "Dizpramin";
  • "Clonidine";
  • "Nortriptyline."

The exact prescription depends on the symptoms of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. In some cases, you can do without medications at all.


The use of psychotherapy can have a positive effect in almost 100% of cases. Professionals will help you solve many problems, as well as adjust your thinking so that there are fewer difficulties in later life.

The first component is personal and family psychotherapy. They help you understand yourself and your relationships. The specialist will teach you how to properly cope with the difficulties that arise with ADHD and will contribute to the development of a positive outlook on life, which is very important with such an illness.

Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy becomes the second component. It helps eliminate everything negative in a person’s life. The main goal of the method is to have a practical impact on the patient’s everyday life to eliminate all factors that provoke manifestations of attention deficit disorder.

Folk remedies

Treatment of attention deficit disorder in adults can be done using folk remedies. They calm the body, normalize brain function, and also promote more productive activity. The usual herbal-based sedatives (Valerian, Persen) are perfect for this. You can also prepare the medicine yourself using the following recipes:

  1. Hop cones. Boil 2 cones in 300 ml of water for about 2 minutes, then keep in a closed container for 5 minutes and strain. Take a spoon three times a day.
  2. St. John's wort. Pour one spoon of chopped herb into 300 ml of water, boil for 5 minutes, let it brew for 10 minutes, and then strain. Drink two spoons three times a day.
  3. Lavender. Pour 150 ml of boiling water over one spoon of lavender, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Take a spoonful morning and evening.

You can also prepare herbal teas from several herbs, take baths with sea salt or take Ginkgo Biloba. Among the unusual options, it is worth considering placing a bag of dry valerian root near the bed.


A special method of combating ADHD is exercise. Their regular implementation helps to get rid of most of the symptoms of the disease, as well as normalize the general condition of the body. The treatment of ADHD in adults is carried out by exercise by increasing dopamine, serotonin and other important hormones.

There is no need to choose any special workouts. It is enough to do simple physical exercises every day. You can start with morning exercises or jogging in the fresh air. In the evenings it is recommended to just walk. If you have the desire, it will be useful to seriously engage in any sport, devoting a lot of time to it.

Approximately 6% of people suffer from ADHD. Only a third of them receive the necessary treatment and try to overcome their symptoms.

It is not so easy to cure most of the symptoms, but you can increase the effectiveness of all basic methods by following simple recommendations that relate to a person’s daily life. The more of them are implemented, the better for combating the disease.

Do you have problems concentrating? Are you used to doing everything at the last minute? Sudden mood swings are not new? Perhaps you are one of the 5% of the adult population of the planet suffering from hyperactivity, suggests neuropsychologist Elena Yakovenko

The one who runs around the office

One of my clients, having a higher education and working in an office, literally could not concentrate on anything for longer than 15 minutes,” says the doctor, “it was especially difficult to distract herself from any signals from the outside world. At her new job, she had to work in an “aquarium” - and her behavior immediately went beyond the bounds of decency. She was distracted by any conversations, jumped up and walked around the room, went out every hour to smoke... The employer decided that he was dealing with an unprofessional and lazy person. But fortunately, the woman had just been examined and was diagnosed with hyperactivity. We managed to come to an agreement with the bosses - and the employee temporarily began working at home, where no one would distract her. Productivity immediately increased. But even then the lady had to isolate herself, turn off her phone, block the Internet... And at the same time, she could not work continuously, but opened a dozen files and worked on them in turn, changing them every 15-20 minutes, in order to somehow occupy the “jumping” attention... Over time, the treatment helped, and the woman was able to work under normal conditions.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is becoming an increasingly common diagnosis for schoolchildren: according to official statistics, there are now 15 times more such children than thirty years ago. But the problem does not disappear as they grow older, for at least half of these fidgets who did not receive timely medical care. Often the syndrome goes unnoticed for years, and is discovered by chance - for example, during a visit to the doctor with suspected depression.

Change jobs and partners

The disorder is caused by a slightly different brain function than in most people: the activity of neurotransmitters responsible for attention is disrupted. Doctors say that in most cases it is a hereditary problem. It is generally accepted that boys are more likely to suffer from ADHD, but statistics show that as they get older, the balance evens out.

It would seem that what’s wrong with being active, mobile, and quickly responding to any external stimulus? This behavior is now trending. But being mobile or fussy, restless are completely different things.

First of all, a hyperactive person’s career and personal life are at risk. Statistics show that those with ADHD are much more likely to change jobs and are slower to advance in their careers. As for relationships, it is obvious that the eternal lack of composure and regular mood swings will delight few people. And it won’t be difficult at all to piss off such a person. Perhaps this is the reason for the disappointing statistics - the divorce rate among such people is much higher than among others. Add problems such as depression, attempts to “help” yourself with alcohol - they are often added to the already difficult life of a “hyperactive” person. However, after treatment, most of these factors decrease or disappear altogether.

Alarm bells

ADHD in adults often goes undetected. The characteristics presented below may be exactly the signs that hint that it’s time to go to a specialist.

Problems concentrating;

Disorganization and regular lateness;

Impulsivity and mood swings;

Constantly postponing even the most important things;

Anxiety and restlessness;

A haunting feeling of boredom.

It is impossible to get sick over the years

Doctors around the world to this day cannot reach a consensus on many aspects of this disorder. But they all agree on one thing: ADHD does not arise in adulthood - the problem always stems from childhood. Therefore, the first thing the doctor will do at the appointment is to find out whether the person had childhood symptoms of the disease. Primarily such as difficulty concentrating and hyperactivity. In this case, the specialist will be helped not only by questioning and talking with the patient, but also by talking with his relatives, who can shed light on the state of affairs in the past. Psychological tests, medical examinations for concomitant diseases and brain studies (CT, MRI, ECG) can also help in establishing a diagnosis.

Both psychotherapy and medications are used to treat the disorder. Such remedies are designed to regulate the state of disturbed neurotransmitters.

What can be confused with

Behavior that looks similar to hyperactivity occurs in many nervous disorders. For example, an anxiety disorder or a reaction to severe psychological trauma causes a person to “thrash around.” Hysterical disorder makes a person’s behavior when he is under stress inconsistent, makes him talk excitedly, gesticulate a lot, and become “hysterical.” And such a person’s ability to work is low. A hypomanic state accelerates the pace of speech, movements, and activities. Even thoughts jump, and a person gushes with ideas. A psychotherapist will be able to limit these conditions. But most importantly, ADHD does not depend on psychological causes; it can be confirmed or refuted by diagnosing brain function.

Test yourself

Of course, only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. But if you notice illogical and stressful nuances in your behavior that bring discomfort into your life, the test will help you figure it out:

1.I have difficulties with self-organization;

2. When I have something to do, I usually hesitate before starting it;

3. I take on many things at once, but rarely finish anything;

4. I tend to make decisions impulsively, under the influence of emotions;

5.I often feel bored;

6. I cannot always achieve my goals, even if I strive for it;

7.I am often distracted and do not listen to the other person during a conversation;

8. It happens that I become so immersed in something that it is difficult for me to take a break or switch;

9. I have a tendency to excess (unnecessary purchases, alcohol, overeating, etc.);

10.I get easily frustrated and impatient when I have to wait for something;

11.I have low self-esteem;

12. I need emotional shocks in the form of shopping, new acquaintances, extreme sports, etc.;

13.I speak/do first, and only then think;

14. I prefer to do everything my own way, without following anyone’s advice;

15.I often swing my leg, tap a pencil on the table, or do something that gives me an outlet for energy;

16.I feel depressed when I don't get what I want;

17. I see myself differently than others see me, and when someone is angry with me, I feel surprised;

18.I often do not take into account possible dangers to my health and life;

19. Even though I have fears, others would describe me as a risk-taker;

20. I make a lot of mistakes due to my carelessness;

21. I have blood relatives who suffered from ADHD, depression, and bipolar disorder.

The more yes answers, the more likely it is that you have ADHD.

Yulia Miroshnichenko

Problems with concentration are a real scourge of modern society: more and more people complain of fatigue, distractibility and inability to concentrate on an important task. This can be either a consequence of multitasking and information overload, or a manifestation of a specific mental disorder - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. “Theories and Practices” tried to figure out what ADHD is and how to cope with it.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder reveals all the weaknesses of psychiatry as a science: it is difficult to find a more controversial, vague and mysterious disorder. Firstly, there is a high risk of misdiagnosis, and secondly, scientists are still arguing whether it is a disease at all or a variant of the norm - and if it is a disease, then can ADHD be considered a full-fledged diagnosis or is it just a set of symptoms, perhaps , not united by one reason.

The history of research into attention deficit disorder (which received its current name only in the second half of the twentieth century) began in 1902, when pediatrician George Frederick Still described a group of impulsive, poor learning children and hypothesized that such behavior was not associated with developmental delays. The hypothesis was subsequently confirmed - although the doctor was unable to explain the reasons for this phenomenon. Twenty-five years later, another doctor, Charles Bradley, began prescribing benzedrine, an amphetamine-derived psychostimulant, to hyperactive children. The stimulants turned out to be very effective, although again, for a long time doctors could not understand the mechanism of their effect on patients. In 1970, American psychiatrist Conan Kornetsky first hypothesized that the disease may be associated with decreased levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain and that such drugs help increase them. The American Psychiatric Association proposed the first methods for diagnosing the syndrome only in 1968, and in Russia they started talking about it only in the second half of the 1990s - and then without much enthusiasm.

A wary attitude towards this topic is understandable: the study of ADHD and the development of diagnostic criteria have been accompanied by scandals since the 1970s - the creators of the American reference book DSM-4 were accused that their descriptions of the disorder caused an entire epidemic of overdiagnosis in children and adolescents. Some doctors and parents chose medications as the path of least resistance: it was easier to stuff difficult children with medications than to cope with their characteristics using pedagogical methods. In addition, amphetamine-type drugs prescribed to active and uncontrollable children sometimes migrated into the arsenal of their housewife mothers: stimulants gave strength and helped them cope with housework (the most effective horror story on the topic of what the domestic abuse of such drugs leads to is the story of a mother main character in "Requiem for a Dream"). In addition, the criteria for diagnosing the disorder changed several times, which also caused a flurry of criticism. As a result, attention deficit disorder was greatly discredited and for some time fell into the list of “non-existent diseases”.

However, the experience of psychiatrists has shown that the problem, no matter how you classify it, still exists: a certain percentage of the population experiences difficulties associated with poor concentration, inability to self-organize, impulsiveness and hyperactivity. Often these characteristics persist into adulthood, and manifest themselves strongly enough to create serious problems for a person (especially an ambitious one) in school, at work and in his personal life. But usually the disorder is perceived by others and the patient himself not as a serious illness, but as a manifestation of personal shortcomings. Therefore, most adults with such a set of symptoms do not go to doctors, preferring to fight their “weak character” through strong-willed efforts.

Attention deficit disorder causes difficulties for patients even at school: a teenager with this diagnosis, even if he has a high IQ, finds it difficult to learn material and communicate with peers and teachers. A person with ADHD can immerse himself in a topic that is subjectively interesting to him (however, as a rule, not for long - such people are prone to frequent changes of priorities and hobbies) and show bright abilities, but it is difficult for him to perform even simple routine work. At the same time, he is poorly able to plan, and with a high level of impulsiveness, to foresee even the immediate consequences of his actions. If all this is also combined with hyperactivity, such a teenager turns into a school teacher's nightmare - he will get bad grades in “boring” subjects, surprise others with impulsive antics, disrupt order and sometimes ignore social conventions (since it will be difficult for him to focus on expectations and requirements of others).

It was previously believed that the disorder would “dissolve” on its own with age - but according to recent data, approximately 60% of children suffering from ADHD continue to exhibit symptoms of the disease into adulthood. An employee who is unable to sit through the end of a meeting and ignores important instructions, a talented specialist who misses important deadlines by suddenly getting distracted by some personal project, an “irresponsible” partner who is unable to organize his home life or suddenly blows a lot of money on some strange whim. - all of them may not just be weak-willed slobs, but people suffering from a mental disorder.

Diagnostic problems

According to various estimates, 7-10% of children and 4-6% of adults suffer from this disease. At the same time, the popular idea of ​​a patient with ADHD as exclusively an impulsive fidget is already outdated - modern science identifies three types of the disorder:

With an emphasis on attention deficit (when a person does not have signs of hyperactivity, but it is difficult for him to concentrate, work on the same task for a long time and organize his actions, he is forgetful and gets tired easily)

With an emphasis on hyperactivity (a person is overly active and impulsive, but does not experience significant difficulties with concentration)

Mixed option

According to the American classification of mental disorders DSM-5, the diagnosis of “attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder” can be established no earlier than 12 years. In this case, the symptoms must be presented in different situations and settings and manifest themselves strongly enough to significantly affect a person’s life.

ADHD or bipolar disorder? One of the problems in diagnosing the syndrome is that, according to some signs, the syndrome overlaps with other mental illnesses - in particular, with cyclothymia and: hyperactivity can be confused with hypomania, and fatigue and problems with concentration can be confused with signs of dysthymia and depression. In addition, these disorders are comorbid - that is, the probability of getting both at the same time is quite high. In addition, suspicious symptoms may be due to non-mental illnesses (eg, severe head trauma or poisoning). Therefore, experts often recommend that those who suspect they have attention deficit disorder undergo a routine medical examination before contacting psychiatrists.

Gender nuances. Last year, The Atlantic magazine published an article about how ADHD manifests itself differently in women than in men. According to the studies described in the article, women with this disorder are less likely to show impulsivity and hyperactivity and more often show disorganization, forgetfulness, anxiety and introversion.

The editors of T&P remind you that you should not rely entirely on self-diagnosis - if you suspect you have ADHD, it makes sense to consult a specialist.

Losing control

The genetic factor plays a large role in the development of ADHD - if your close relative suffers from this syndrome, the probability that you will be given the same diagnosis is 30%. Modern theories associate ADHD with functional disorders in the neurotransmitter systems of the brain - in particular, with the balance of dopamine and norepinephrine. Dopamine and norepinephrine pathways are directly responsible for the executive functions of the brain - that is, for the ability to plan, switch between different stimuli with volition, flexibly change one’s behavior depending on changing environmental conditions, and suppress automatic reactions in favor of conscious decisions (this is what the Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman calls). All this helps us control our behavior. Another function of dopamine is to maintain the “reward system,” which controls behavior by responding to “correct” (from a survival point of view) actions with pleasant sensations. Disturbances in the functioning of this system affect motivation. In addition, people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may also have abnormalities in serotonin balance. This can cause additional problems with organization, timing, concentration, and emotional control.

Disorder or personality trait?

The concept of neurodiversity, an approach that views different neurological features as a result of normal variations in the human genome, is gaining popularity. Adherents of neurodiversity are interested in both sexual orientation and gender self-identification, as well as some genetically determined mental illnesses, including autism, bipolar disorder and attention deficit disorder. Some scientists believe that many of the behaviors that lead to a diagnosis of ADHD are natural personality traits and do not indicate the presence of unhealthy abnormalities. But because such traits make it difficult for a person to function in modern society, they are labeled as “disorders.”

Psychotherapist Tom Hartman developed the spectacular “hunter and farmer” theory, which posits that people with ADHD retain the genes of primitive people responsible for behavior optimal for hunters. Over time, humanity switched to agriculture, which required more patience, and “hunting” qualities - quick reaction, impulsiveness, receptivity - began to be considered undesirable. According to this hypothesis, the problem lies only in setting tasks, and the ability of people with the syndrome to “hyperfocus” - strong concentration on a task that is subjectively interesting to them to the detriment of all others - can also be considered as an evolutionary advantage. True, it is difficult to consider Hartman an objective researcher - his son was diagnosed with ADHD.

But in any case, there is a sound grain in this theory: since one of the most important criteria of mental health is the ability to successfully cope with everyday tasks, many problems can be mitigated by choosing a suitable field of activity. That is, one where routine processes and patience play a lesser role and a “sprinting” temperament, the ability to improvise, curiosity and the ability to easily switch between various activities are valued. For example, it is believed that with ADHD you can make a good career in sales or entertainment, in the arts, and in “adrenaline” professions (say, a firefighter, a doctor, or the military). You can also become an entrepreneur.

How to be treated

Medicines. Psychostimulants containing amphetamine (Aderall or Dexedrine) or methylphenidate (Ritalin) are still used to treat ADHD. Drugs from other groups are also prescribed, for example, norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (atomoxetine), antihypertensives (clonidine and guanfacine) and tricyclic antidepressants. The choice depends on the specific manifestations of ADHD, additional risks (propensity for drug addiction or concomitant mental disorders) and the desire to avoid certain side effects (you can see an approximate list of “side effects” from different drugs)

Since in Russia psychostimulants are firmly entrenched in the list of dangerous drugs that are not available even by prescription, domestic psychiatrists use atomoxetine, guanfacine or tricyclics.

Psychotherapy. It is believed that cognitive behavioral therapy helps with ADHD, which, unlike many other schools of psychotherapy, places an emphasis on working with the conscious mind rather than the subconscious. For a long time, this method has been successfully used in the fight against depression and anxiety disorders - and now special programs have appeared for the treatment of attention deficit disorder. The essence of such therapy is to develop awareness and not allow irrational patterns of behavior to take over a person’s life. Classes help control impulses and emotions, deal with stress, plan and systematize your actions and bring things to completion.

Nutrition and dietary supplements. You can try to adjust your diet in accordance with the advice of foreign medicine. The most common recommendations are to take fish oil and avoid sudden spikes in blood glucose levels (that is, say no to simple carbohydrates). There is also evidence showing a relationship between low levels of iron, iodine, magnesium and zinc and increased symptoms. Some studies suggest that small amounts of caffeine may help you concentrate, but most experts still advise against drinking too much coffee. In any case, adjusting the diet is more of a “maintenance” measure than a full-fledged way to combat the disorder.

Schedule. People with ADHD, more than anyone else, need planning and a clear routine. An external “backbone” helps to compensate for internal problems with systematization and time management: timers, organizers and to-do lists. Any large projects should be divided into small tasks and rest periods and possible deviations from the schedule should be included in the plan in advance.