What does an inadequate person mean? Twelve types of inappropriate behavior

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Many have heard the term “inappropriate behavior” more than once and, without delving into the intricacies of this concept, always associate it with a violation of a person’s mental activity. Simply put, we consider people who behave inappropriately to be mentally ill or schizophrenic. To some extent, this judgment is fair, but the problem is not in how we call this or that manifestation of the illness of the people around us, but in our reaction and understanding of the need to provide timely assistance to such people. Do you agree that this is much more important and more humane in relation to the patient than labeling him “schizophrenic”, “psychopath” and others?

So what is this - inappropriate behavior, how is it expressed, how dangerous is it for the patient and others? Is it necessary to seek help from psychiatrists, and what results can be expected from treatment in case of inappropriate human behavior?

The first thing you need to know is that inappropriate behavior is a visible manifestation of existing or emerging serious mental illnesses. We should also not forget that the understanding of the term “inappropriate behavior” at the everyday level does not always correspond to the actual presence of any mental illness in the person to whom we apply it. This is a very important and noteworthy aspect. Groundless, undeserved or thoughtless accusing a person of inappropriate behavior can have very unpleasant and sometimes unpredictable consequences.

How does inappropriate behavior manifest itself?

Inappropriate behavior can manifest itself in persistent, pronounced aggression towards others.

In fact, aggressiveness is characteristic of every person, it is necessary and sometimes useful. For example, without moderate aggression, it is difficult to advance in your career or coexist in human society. By suppressing healthy aggression, we often block some vital actions and decisions.

But aggression can also be a reaction to pain, insult, or irritation. If this type of aggression, the unhealthy kind, predominates, problems arise in the mental sphere and personal relationships. Dominant aggressive behavior can be directed at oneself, others, and, often indiscriminately, thereby bringing destruction to the individual, family, and loved ones. Often an attack of aggression rolls in like a wave, and when it subsides, it greatly depletes the body and rarely leaves regrets or guilt. In this case, aggression needs to be treated.

Adults who are aware of changes in their behavior usually respond to treatment more quickly and effectively, but adolescents are also highly susceptible to attacks of aggression. Sometimes they seem to provoke adults into screaming and beating. But remember, this aggression is a cry for help. Teenagers often think of themselves as bad; Having received a portion of indignation, they seem to be confirmed in the opinion “I am bad, no one loves me.” Correct behavior of adults - sufficient attention to the teenager and periodic consultation with specialists will help preserve his personality and prevent the formation of pathology in development itself. When treating aggression, the specialist and the patient, first of all, must achieve two main results: reducing aggression in general and preventing aggression in the future.

Considering the rhythm of modern life, nutritional imbalances, temporary shifts and many other negative factors, it is not surprising that disorders occur in the human body. Mental discord, aggression, insomnia, and depression become entrenched over time, gradually increasing tenfold. Unhealthy, excessive aggressiveness is the same disease.

We don’t like to neglect teeth, intestinal diseases, or colds, but we trigger illnesses of the soul, often turning into twitchy, inadequate creatures. A qualified psychotherapist, correct diagnosis and successful treatment will turn you back into a Human. After all, “Man sounds proud.”

Inappropriate behavior can also manifest itself in the manifestation of painful isolation not determined by the character of a person and a sharp narrowing of the range of interests. Obsessive actions that do not have a sound explanation, performing any rituals not related to religious beliefs, in reasoning that is not related to the surrounding reality and many other symptoms. All of the above signs may be a manifestation of existing or developing forms of such serious mental illnesses as schizophrenia (psychosis). In some cases, the cause of persistent inappropriate behavior may be advanced forms of severe depression.

Help for patients with inappropriate behavior

Regardless of the reasons for inappropriate behavior, the patient must be shown to qualified doctors to undergo appropriate examination and treatment. A timely visit to a specialist will help determine the causes of inappropriate behavior, make an accurate diagnosis and select the course of necessary treatment that will lead to recovery.

Modern methods of treating mental disorders can quite successfully and effectively help people with inappropriate behavior. The main thing is not to forget that our body always sends us timely signals for help, and whether we hear it or not depends only on us.

Multifaceted diagnostics, the high professional level of our doctors, combined with qualified comprehensive treatment, progressive methods of social and labor rehabilitation, will return your loved ones to a full life.

Here are some signs of a possible inadequacy that you should pay attention to (keep in mind that normal men can also have these signs in appearance, for example, if he is an artist, a poet, or a representative of one of the bohemian professions that sometimes require a person to have an inappropriate appearance) . So, signs of inadequacy:

1) unpredictable polar changes in mood (from good to bad; and also, if suddenly his mood changes from bad to unjustified joyful euphoria);

2) unexpected reactions to you or other people (behaves not logically, but unexpectedly or too impulsively);

3) facial expressions and gestures do not correspond to what is happening (excessive theatricality, twitchiness, excessive gesticulation, or, conversely, strange calm in an inappropriate environment, a fixed, unblinking “boa constrictor” gaze straight into your eyes);

4) interrupts interlocutors, does not listen to their arguments and opinions, does not listen to others at all, or voices his point of view off topic, categorically declares sometimes a completely inappropriate opinion, or takes the topic of conversation in a completely different direction;

5) talks more about himself;

6) uses obscene language, rude slang expressions, or generally uses inappropriate expressions, uses demonstratively abstruse phrases in ordinary everyday conversation (for example, you are discussing what someone is planning to cook for dinner today and your new friend says: “I noticed that any individual in a state of mental discomfort is capable of not controlling his cognitive dissonance, and therefore sometimes does not know what he should do.");

7) inappropriate style of clothing for certain circumstances, pretentious, excessively flashy clothing;

8) provocative appearance, dyed hair a bright color or a strange hairstyle;

9) for men - excessive piercings, earrings in the ears, rings on the fingers or many tattoos all over the body, not to mention scarring (this will also be immediately visible to the camera.) That’s why we often say - look at the man in the camera and draw conclusions!

Remember! It is impossible to identify an inadequate person by one or two signs unless you are a specialist in the field of psychology. And each of these “red flags” can only be a feature of his personality.

Perhaps we often call people inadequate if we see only a discrepancy with our expectations. So be observant but kind to people. Be respectful of those you interact with, but don't show too much unsolicited compassion to your own detriment!

But before you conclude that a person is inadequate, try to understand YOUR attitude towards this. Not imposed by society or friends. And, if you like a person, then you can try to understand the reasons for his inappropriate behavior and not rush to conclusions or decisions. There were cases when a girl was dissuaded by all her friends from having a relationship with a man, but she followed her heart, eventually got married, went to the USA and gave birth to a child. Although I didn’t even expect that I might ever get married. So, everything is individual. Be vigilant, do not give in to virtual seducers, do not send money to anyone you know on the Internet, do not meet those who are disgusting to you, do not pay anything for men, do not quarrel with anyone. And the rest is all fixable.

There are many reasons for a person’s inadequacy; we do not know the details of his childhood and the methods of upbringing by his parents, the individual characteristics of his personality, level of education and physiology. Unless, of course, he is blatantly inadequate, so that it hurts your eyes, your ears and generally causes complete disgust. There is only one conclusion - run away from this and try not to contact under any circumstances. No patience, no love. This means - listen to your heart.

Any inappropriate behavior of a person is an integral part of the environment in which he is located. Social, political, economic, cultural and moral components all influence a person's reaction to external conditions. It is much easier to reduce everything to a specific person, singling him out from the rest and making him a scapegoat. But each personality is formed as a result of external influence, and therefore is part of all other members of society. A completely reasonable question arises, such as why, among all members of society who have practically the same conditions of existence, there are some individuals who behave inappropriately? My friends, in every herd there are weak ones who cannot withstand the same loads as the rest; in nature they die, and in society they are subjected, at best, to ridicule and contempt. In any society, they are always looking for strangers, always looking for those who are somehow different from the rest; a person’s inappropriate behavior is partly due to his inadequate perception by society.

There are many factors influencing inappropriate human behavior, and first of all this concerns each of us, as an integral component of the society in which this occurs, are we really not involved in causing inappropriate behavior of other people? High or low self-esteem, the inability to achieve set goals, dependence on other people, all this is inappropriate behavior, and all this is inextricably linked with the environment. This does not mean that a person is not to blame for behaving inappropriately, it means that we are creating a society around ourselves in which everyone can be the center of attention as a negative person. A person makes mistakes about himself and this prevents him from adapting to society and taking his rightful place in it, but is this a rarity these days, inappropriate behavior, can everything be reduced to just a few individuals?

We are all becoming inadequate, society itself is greatly mistaken, both in relation to itself and in relation to each individual. And if we don’t help a person adapt among us, if we simply turn away from him, will we be adequate to ourselves? What is considered appropriate behavior, belittling the weak, condoning violence, distinguishing oneself from others, and negative assessments of individual members of our society? There is, of course, a criterion for evaluating any activity - this is the result to which it led, and which we and you need. If it is there, then everything is correct, you did everything correctly, and if not, then a mistake was made somewhere, either in relation to yourself or in relation to others. Do we want a society where there will always be inadequate individuals, do we want this result? And if an individual’s inappropriate behavior is simply such because it does not fit into social norms of behavior, and at the same time the person gets what he wants, how should we treat him?

So the basis of a person’s inappropriate behavior may be a banal rejection of him by society because of his beliefs. If you call black black while everyone else sees it as white, who do you think will be inadequate? Without external stimuli, a person is just a person who acts according to his instincts and desires. If a person has a need for food, then the desire to get it by any means will become his most adequate behavior. If you plunge deeper into the nature of natural desires, you will be able to see all the natural manifestations of a person on the way to achieving his goals. And the only thing that can confuse him is external factors, which of course should not be relied upon, but they certainly cannot be excluded either.

In my opinion, the basis for a person’s inappropriate behavior should be, first of all, his delusion regarding the ways to achieve his natural desires, based on natural needs. And external influence plays a colossal role in this case; a person will have to fight against this influence, and for this to change himself, adapting to external conditions. Each component particle of the external world affects a person’s behavior, taking it into account and analyzing its impact on oneself, one can manage one’s behavior in accordance with one’s interests. If you pay attention to your reaction in a given situation, then through rational selection, you can highlight both positive and negative aspects for yourself. And this can give a significant advantage in adaptation and compliance with public interests and one’s own.

In our lives, we very often hear the phrases “adequate reaction”, “inadequate man” and various others associated with the concept of “adequate” or “inadequate”. Let's try to figure out what these concepts mean.


Adequate behavior is behavior that is understandable to others and does not go against generally accepted norms, corresponds to the situation and the expectations of others. In any society there are generally accepted ones. So, an adequate person will behave in accordance with these norms, perform actions expected by others. For example, if he entered a trolleybus and sat down on the seat, this is adequate behavior, but if he lies down on the floor in the trolleybus, this is inadequacy. Please note that all these norms are external, created by public opinion. That is, a person lives adequately according to external guidelines and is not always guided by his feelings and desires. Simply put, he knows how to control himself. For example, you liked your neighbor’s handbag, you’ve wanted one for a long time, but you’re not going to take it away. In fact, adequacy is a rather relative concept, because moral standards may differ in different religions or countries, for example, if in the East it is customary to drink tea while sitting on the floor, then somewhere in Europe, say, in London, this will be less at least strange. And if a person behaves correctly, in your opinion, this does not mean at all that other people will also consider it normal. In general, all people are inadequate to one degree or another, and they certainly commit such actions from time to time.


In psychology, a person who reacts to any event in a non-standard way, contrary to generally accepted moral norms, is called inadequate. The reaction, emotions and behavior of such a person do not correspond to the situation. For example, some positive event causes negative emotions in a person. It may become inadequate temporarily, for example, in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication, or in some critical situation. Or it may be his constant state of consciousness, in which case it is already a disease, for example schizophrenia.

Types of inappropriate behavior

Depending on the methods of manifestation, inappropriate behavior can be divided into several types: deviant, victimized, delinquent, conflicting, erroneous and demonstrative. Let's consider each of these types separately and draw a conclusion.

Deviant state

We can talk about deviant principles if an inadequate person regularly commits actions that run counter to generally accepted norms. This type of behavior includes: drug addiction, alcoholism, crime, prostitution, and so on. According to scientists, the likelihood of deviation definitely increases with the weakening of normative control that occurs at the social level.

Victim inadequate state

This is when an individual provokes some kind of harm, creates a dangerous situation for him. For example, a girl in a short skirt gets into a car at night with a group of drunken hooligans. A person can behave provocatively, unaware that he himself may begin to provoke danger.

Delinquent state

This is when actions are committed that can cause any harm to both society and the individual. Here we should especially highlight adolescent delinquency. Examples of inappropriate behavior of this type include minor offenses, drinking alcohol and using swear words in public places, petty hooliganism and even violating traffic rules. By the way, being absent from work for an unexcused reason or coming to work while drunk are also examples of delinquent behavior.

Conflict state

This, as you probably already guessed, is behavior when an inadequate person tries to provoke a scandal or create a conflict situation. Lives by the principle “if you don’t attack, they will attack you.”

Error state

Directed away from the desired target. For example, when a person in childhood found a way to solve some life problem that was successful for a child, and it turned out to be effective, was repeated many times, was consolidated through repetition, and is now repeated by an adult, although it has long been a reaction. An inadequate reaction is when a child was constantly scolded as a child, and he got used to constantly making excuses, grew up and realized that he no longer needed to make excuses, but he still continues to do it. Behind such maneuverability of a psychologically healthy person there are often the following reasons: physical problems, accident, bad manners, incompetence, and provocations of the environment.

Demonstrative state

This is when some bright, memorable actions are performed, in which the desire to attract attention to oneself by any means is noticeable, regardless of the opinions of others. This behavior is sometimes very convenient to use in order to achieve some goal. This is especially true for women, because they love to attract attention. Demonstrative behavior is not always inappropriate; very often it remains within the normal range.

Types of inadequacy

By type, inadequacy can be divided into absolute, formal and relative. Formal is when a person does not comply with generally accepted norms of behavior and breaks the rules. This includes the same swearing in public places. Relative inadequacy lies in the characteristics of a certain individual and may even be invisible to society. The absolute is divided into conscious and unconscious. Inadequacy of the conscious type is when a person is in complete control of his actions, clearly knows what he is doing, and expects an appropriate reaction from the people around him. That is, such a person behaves inappropriately quite consciously. This is always a challenge to public opinion and moral standards accepted in society. Politicians and tyrant bosses can behave this way. For example, singers or actors perform such acts in order to shock the audience and provoke general discussion. The unconscious type of inadequacy is considered the most dangerous and is somewhere on the verge of serious personality disorders. Such an individual is not aware of his actions, his principles are almost always inadequate, although he believes that everything is normal for him

Reasons for inappropriate behavior

In fact, the reasons for the manifestation of such a condition can be very different. A person may simply not understand what is expected of him; he may have some psychological problems that contribute to the manifestation of inappropriate behavior. Very often, inadequate people commit some actions that go against public opinion, simply because they rely not on the reaction of others, but on their personal opinion, and are guided not by the external, but by their inner world. In various situations, even the most balanced people commit rash acts. Sometimes the reasons for this are hidden in deep childhood. For example, children raised in families of drug addicts and alcoholics very often differ in such standards of principles.

Dangers of inadequate condition

Is an inadequate person dangerous in society? It depends on how much it goes beyond moral standards and what actions express his condition. In any case, communicating with such an individual is a rather unpleasant experience. But if this is expressed by aggression, or the person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, then this can be very dangerous. Avoid this. If this is not possible, try to act as calmly as possible and try not to enter into conflict. Remember, an inadequate person is not aware of his actions! And, as in, he can do anything.