What do Latin letters mean? Ways to type Latin characters: on the keyboard and more

Enter the text in Russian letters:

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How to say in Latin letters:

Why translate Russian letters into Latin?

Since Russia is not yet a very rich country and most companies cannot afford to organize the distribution of free samples to advertise their products, at the moment most offers for freebies come from abroad.

Since the most common language is English, order forms for free samples are often in English.

The address information and full name of the recipient in such forms must be filled out in Latin. Since both our postmen and those companies that distribute freebies will understand the Latin alphabet.

If you write in Russian, then there is a risk that the organizers of the action simply will not want to spend time translating and understanding what is written there.

If you write in English, then our postmen will not understand who and where to deliver.

The best option is to write the freebie delivery address and the full name of the freebie recipient in Latin.

Now the Internet is full of different translators, but most of them are either not convenient or take a long time to search for.

We suggest constantly using our free translator of Russian text into Latin.

When you order freebies through forms written in English, write the delivery address and full name in Latin.

Our free, simple and convenient service will allow you to translate Russian text into Latin. When we order samples from foreign sites, we always do this and get a freebie, not always of course :-), but it comes. So the method is correct.

However, it says the password is incorrect. What password to enter. More often than not, a letter is a symbol of the alphabet. I enter the password according to all the requirements. Search for the seller and find out the password.

When creating an Apple ID account, users often encounter problems filling out the registration form, especially when entering the password and confirming it. In our case, the iPhone does not accept the password, highlighting the registration fields in red.

In general, if the iPhone asks you to enter a capital letter, then use both small and capital letters in the password and this message will stop bothering you. Hello! A problem has arisen, the e-mail must already be registered or you need to come up with a completely new e-mail and password to create an account.

Use an already registered email address or register a new one specifically for Apple ID, just don’t forget the password, otherwise you may encounter problems in the future. When installing the update, after clicking on the install button, a window pops up where I must enter a 4-digit password. I enter which I use to unlock the phone.

Then they created it through another email, the password seemed to be accepted, but there were no notifications in the mail. And when I try to log in, it says the password is incorrect! Suddenly I stopped accepting the password even though I had used it several times before. Hello. I can't log into the AppStore because it asks for a password.

The password must contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter, as well as a number. Like this?

Now I go to the AppStore through my phone and enter my username and password, it says it’s wrong, I tried everything, it doesn’t work and that’s it. Please help, I will be very grateful. The login is an email, and I wrote down the password separately and simply copied it into the form when registering twice. So where does the error come from? Al, I also couldn’t log in until I changed the password by removing the space character from it.

Is it possible to use the number zero in a password??? Please tell me what to do if I forgot the Apple ID and password that was used to set up the iPhone? In general, I brought the phone and attached a login and password, everything worked fine and then an update arrived, I updated it and was asked to enter the password.

Capitalize your iPhone password

As a result, I went to the support site and read that you need to delete the account when deleting it, it will ask you to enter a password and delete this entry. I decided to recover my password and... I don’t have any email or security questions. I forgot my apple id password. I remember the apple id itself and the password was written down on a piece of paper, but somehow it is not correct, and the ipad is tied to this id. Before turning it on, it asks everything, what should I do?

what does it mean enter one lowercase and one uppercase letter

Try to log in through the Apple website or iCloud in one go you will find out whether you are entering the correct ID or the wrong one, and if so, you can try to recover the password. I forgot my phone password. Hello! I have an iPhone 5s. After the reboot, it began to require a password and when entering the correct one, it wrote that it could not connect to the App Store. What to do? I HAVE ALREADY 50 DIFFERENT PASSWORDS (8 CHARACTERS), I'VE BEEN SITTING FOR FOUR HOURS, STILL THE SAME - NOT THE CORRECT PASSWORD!

how to make capital letters on iPhone

When registering an Apple ID, I entered a non-existent email address. Hello, I have the same problem, I bought an iPhone 5 second hand, there was an old account, but I don’t know the password, how can I reset it all without a password? I bought an iPhone and forgot the password, blocked it completely.

Hello, my child changed the password on the iPhone 5s, I tried resetting the password through iTunes, it still asks for the password and id, but I forgot it. Let's see what a high-quality and strong password should look like, what you need to consider before and after creating it. So if Apple ID does not accept your password, pay attention to this list; most likely, not all points are met.

An approximate correct password looks like this: Ds234QCr5 Agree, much better, more complex and more reliable than the previous version. Your email will not be published. In the modern world, there are a large number of Internet services that require a personal account and password to use. Even to enter your email account, you will need to create a strong password from a combination of numbers, lowercase and capital letters so that no one can break it.

A password is a specific set of characters, knowing which you can access personal information. The strength of a password is determined by two key elements, namely length and complexity. Most people make the same mistakes when creating passwords, which is why they become victims of scammers who easily select the right combination. People use this information in order not to forget the password, but at the same time it is completely unreliable.

what does a lowercase letter mean for a password?

For example, let’s take the date of birth “January 9, 1990”; it cannot be used as a password, but after processing this combination can be used to make a strong password. This is how, after going through six simple steps, you can create a strong password consisting of capital and lowercase letters and numbers, which will be very difficult to crack.

Good evening! I went to the Internet assistant, they didn’t accept the password. 8. In the E-mail field, enter your current email address. This will be the login of your Apple ID. 9. Enter the desired password twice in the appropriate fields. Attention! Hello, why is it that an account has been created?

A letter literally means a symbol that exists separately. Usually a letter has its own speech color, that is, one letter is a sound or several sounds. Using letters, a person composes words and sentences. Even in ancient times, thinkers said that the letter is the most important unit of meaning.

10470 (About the first third of the page there are password requirements in big red letters). A lowercase letter means small, not capital. Alternatively, you can use someone's name with a capital letter and phone number as a password. Start your password with a capital letter. Write down your username and password in a notepad so you don’t forget.

As in any more or less closed club, most Internet resources are simply not allowed in - they require some kind of password, threatening, if necessary, to send a new one if you indicate the required email address... Often, impudent password demands are perceived by users as typical disgusting admins - they have no conscience, then they require you to enter a password “at least six characters”, then they vilely do not want to accept it and let the sufferer into the password-protected territory. Certain combinations of characters in the password can make the task easier for users and, oddly enough, for home-grown hackers...

Passwords that are easy to guess

So, the most popular and most easily hacked set of characters in the password line will be... you didn’t guess if you decided that “qwerty” is the brilliant English word “password”! Why go far - they want a password for them, the vipers, “password”! What is called, three ha-ha...

The second most popular number is the digital combination “123456” - but figs, they want six characters and they will get it! So, the bastards, in the tail and mane! So as not to be clever...

The third most popular password personally caused me a Homeric fit of laughter - “12345678”! Most users have no imagination, how else to understand this.

enter password

In fourth place - ta-daaam! Yes, this position is occupied by the same “qwerty” - enter it as a password and give your account to a third-grader hacker who has half-heartedly learned the PC keyboard.

Fifth place is occupied by a strange and unusually complex combination of numbers and Latin letters - “abc123”. However, first-graders in any foreign country will master it in no time. In sixth place among the passwords of English-speaking users is “monkey”. If anyone doesn’t know, it means “monkey”. Apparently there are many followers of Darwin's theory among English users...

Seventh place for the thoughtful combination “1234567” - neither for you nor for us. More than six characters, what more do you need?

Eighth place is for “letmein,” which I personally don’t understand, ninth place is for “trustno1” (apparently, “don’t trust anyone”). “Dragon” and “baseball” share the 10th and 11th positions in terms of the most popular passwords - it’s easy with them, dragons are all mythical and unfamiliar (how!), and baseball, on the contrary, is mega-popular in the West and overseas.

Attention, it's a bomb! In twelfth place is a very strong combination for a password - “111111” - everything ingenious is simple. Thirteenth place and the combination “I love you” or “iloveyou” - bullshit, love rules not only the world, but also the Internet. “Master” and “sunshine” share the 14th and 15th positions, respectively, 16th and 17th for “ashley” and “bailey” (typing them in Cyrillic we get very funny words).

You need a password everywhere today - even in a microwave oven

In the 18th position is a brilliant (!) upgrade of the most popular password, complicated by introducing a number into its combination - “passw0rd”. Brilliant, and most importantly, so simple! The shadow is found in the 19th position in the “shadow” combination - shadows are scary and intimidating, perhaps they will scare away hackers.

A series of combinations that are ingenious in their complexity: the 20th position and “123123”, the 21st and the frightening “654321”. In the 22nd most popular position is the defender of all the oppressed and the only higher power for Homer Simpson - “superman”. What can I say, this superhero had particularly memorable tights and a cape...

VKontakte password

Guess the next popular password? Hint: the first two blocks of buttons on the keyboard... This is the terrifying “qazwsx”! Whoever picks it up is the devil - at least, that’s what those users who use it think. In 24th place is “Mikhail” or “michael” - the archangels are still popular among the Internet-advanced audience. The final, 25th position will be taken by... fans of Spartak and Dynamo, rejoice - “football”! Ole, ole-ole-ole, hackers - go!

The above passwords among Western Internet users were published by The Telegraph newspaper; many of these combinations are very popular among the Russian segment of Internet resources. According to the recommendations of Internet experts, we, ordinary users, should enter unreadable characters like “$”, “%”, etc. into passwords. – passwords with similar characters entered into them are the most difficult to guess. Although, in my opinion, the most difficult password will be the exact date of the real end of the world - definitely no one knows it.

In the age of cyber terrorism, when not a single user of the World Wide Web is sure that his personal data will not be stolen and sold to scammers, the need to create a password that can well protect personal information is becoming increasingly urgent.

Many sites where registration is required add new rules for generating a password: numbers, special characters and at least one capital letter in the password.

Password protection level

When creating a profile on any site, including social networks, you will have to create a password. When entering characters, the degree of reliability is usually reflected.

However, despite the sites' warnings, almost all users create passwords that only minimally satisfy the rules. For example, a capital letter in a password most often occurs at the very beginning or end of a string of characters.

Such requirements do not bring the desired results; users only change the simplest and most standard passwords to suit the site’s rules. And, as a rule, they operate according to the same scheme. But there are still several basic rules for increasing the degree of protection:

  • The uppercase and lowercase letters in the password must be in a random location.
  • Numbers and special characters must be represented.
  • Instead of any existing word, it is better to use a set of numbers and letters.

How to create a strong password

But how can inexperienced users create a password that can protect their data? To begin with, you should adhere to the basic rules:

  • Do not use your own first name, last name and address as a code.
  • It is not recommended to insert the names of relatives, friends or animal names into the field.
  • You should not use personal information such as your birthday.
  • Do not make passwords from the simplest combinations: “1234567890”, qwerty, etc.
  • Do not use dictionary words, especially those starting with a number.
  • Forget about replacing letters and numbers with similar symbols. For example, the letter “O” and the number “0”.

According to research, the most important ones are those that are not based on any associations. A random selection of numbers, letters of different case and special characters will help protect your data. For example, df58*zDf2Z^g6.

Online password generators

Sometimes even a capital letter in an iPhone password cannot save you from being hacked. Every day, new programs are being developed that are capable of running more than a million password combinations per second. Therefore, the less meaning and associations it has, the less chance it will be hacked.

It is for such purposes that automatic password generators were created. On the main page of such sites, it is enough to enter the conditions: thirteen characters, numbers, a capital letter in the password. Which means one thing - you will be offered a random combination of all the above symbols.

However, you cannot rely solely on the protection of such passwords. It is recommended to change them every six months, and when changing, change the entire “body”, and not just a few letters or numbers. You should not store passwords on your phone or in cloud storage. But the main rule is that none of them should be identical to the mailbox password.

Capital letter in password

“The password must contain a capital letter,” this rule on the profile creation page in the Apple system often confuses many users. Long-forgotten knowledge from the school curriculum does not help one remember the meaning of the word “capital”.

But the answer is quite simple. The named letter is the capital one, the one we write after the period. To enter it into the password line, just hold down the Shift button along with the desired letter.

By following the basic rules for creating passwords for websites, and by not using the same password for all resources, you can prevent the theft of personal data.

In the modern world, there are a large number of Internet services that require a personal account and password to use. Even to enter your email account, you will need to create a strong password from a combination of numbers, lowercase and capital letters so that no one can break it. Not to mention services such as online banking, for authorization in which you will need a personal account and a strong password. A password is a specific set of characters, knowing which you can access personal information. That is why its preparation must be taken very responsibly.

The strength of a password is determined by two key elements, namely length and complexity. Based on this, you need to create a certain combination of characters:

The first thing you need to pay attention to is that the password should not be too short, at least eight characters. second, this combination must contain symbols, numbers, lowercase and capital letters. third, the password should use those symbols and letters that are rarely used.

Most people make the same mistakes when creating passwords, which is why they become victims of scammers who easily select the right combination. When creating a password you cannot use:

personal data; words or phrases; symbols that are repeated sequentially on the keyboard; words written in reverse order; document numbers; phone numbers; addresses; sequences of numbers 12345 or letters qwerty, especially with the same case.

People use this information in order not to forget the password, but at the same time it is completely unreliable.

How to create a strong and easy to remember password?

This question worries many. It’s not at all difficult to do, all you need is a little time and imagination. There are a large number of encryptions for seemingly common combinations. For example, let’s take the date of birth “January 9, 1990”; it cannot be used as a password, but after processing this combination can be used to make a strong password. What is needed for this?

Firstly, you can write this date in full in words, it will turn out
“January ninth, one thousand nine hundred and ninety” is, of course, a conditionally strong password, but still better than the first option. Secondly, you can swap the words in the combination, you get
"January one thousand nine nine hundred ninety." Thirdly, you can write this date in English letters,
“Janvarуa tusachya devуatoe devуatcot goda devуanostogo.” Fourthly, you can add or remove extra spaces to the phrase,
“Jan varya tus achya devyatoe devyatcot goda devyanostogo.” Fifthly, we use lowercase and capital letters scattered,
“jaN varya tUs achya devyatoe dEvyatcot goda devyaNostogo.” Sixth, add the characters to the password,
“jaN$varya tUs yacha devyatoe dEvyatcot goda devyaNostogo?”

This is how, after going through six simple steps, you can create a strong password consisting of capital and lowercase letters and numbers, which will be very difficult to crack. Also, do not forget that a password is confidential information that should not be disclosed.

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Many people ask the question: “What are Latin letters?” In fact, everything is extremely simple. In fact, the Latin alphabet is the alphabetic characters of modern English. The only difference is the pronunciation.

Where are Latin letters and numbers currently used?

Today, more than 40% of the world's population writes in Latin. And in fact, Latin letters are generally accepted international alphabetic characters. You don’t have to look far for an example; just take out your foreign passport and look at it. Under the surname written in Russian, you will definitely see its Latin version.

Numbers are also widely used in all countries. In Russia they are used in contracts, laws, and for numbering clauses. In order to understand how to write in Latin letters, it is enough to select consonant letters and take into account complex combinations, the table with which is given below. Typically, transliteration tables can be found at the information desk of any foreign consulate.

The history of the emergence of Latin writing

It is believed that the roots of the Latin letter go back to the Etruscan and Greek alphabets. There is also an opinion that the Phoenician letter also had its influence. Some are inclined to think that there were also Egyptian alphabetic signs.

The first reliable studies date back to the 7th century BC. The archaic Latin alphabet consisted of 21 letters.

In 312 BC, Appius Claudius Russ abolished the letter Z, after which only 20 letters remained. In the 1st century, Z returned again, and with it a new symbol Y appeared, and the alphabet took on its now familiar form. Over the following years, some letters disappeared and reappeared, some of them eventually united and gave birth to new symbols. Most often, controversy surrounds the letter symbol W.

Influence of the Greek language

Speaking about the Latin alphabet, it is difficult not to mention the influence of the Greek language, since it made a huge contribution to the formation of the modern Latin spelling. If you are confused about the question: “What are Latin letters?”, then you can search or remember the Greek alphabet.

By the way, the letters x, y and z were borrowed from the Greeks. Interesting fact: in Greece they wrote not only from left to right, but also vice versa, which is why they had so many inscriptions that read the same way, no matter which end you start from. In fact, this phenomenon is often given a certain mystical character. There is even a magical "SATOR Square". All words written in it are read not only from right to left and vice versa, but, what is most interesting, the characters can also be read diagonally. There is a belief that by writing all these symbols, you can make a wish that will definitely come true.

How to write your first or last name in Latin

Very often, when submitting documents such as visas, you are required to indicate your personal data using exclusively the Latin alphabet, the letters of which must correspond as closely as possible to Russian. Let's look at the most common names and their spellings.

Pronunciation of Latin letters

If you are asking the question: “What are Latin letters?”, then, most likely, you will also be interested in learning how to pronounce them correctly. There are no difficulties here either, since, most likely, you heard this alphabet back in school.

Despite the identity of English letters, they should not be confused. There are no complex or unpronounceable sounds in Latin, so everything is extremely simple. For comparison: in the English language there is a whole list of sounds that are very difficult for a Russian speaker to pronounce.


We reviewed the topic: “What are Latin letters?”, and now you can easily fill out an application for a visa or for any other documents that you are going to send abroad. Convenience also lies in the fact that sometimes, when you need to dictate an email address or a link on the Internet over the phone, you can use the Latin alphabet - and the interlocutor will definitely understand you. Therefore, you don’t have to explain anything according to the principle “es is like a dollar,” etc.

Centuries have passed, but we still use this amazing language, developed not by scientists based on sociological surveys and other studies, but by people who did not know what electricity is, where the ozone holes are located and much more. Nevertheless, the legacy of ancient civilizations still makes itself felt, enchanting and amazing with its amazing solutions not only in art, but also in other areas.

» Large and small letters

Large and small letters

When working with users to solve their computer problems, I very often (too often) observe the following picture.

When the user is typing text, in order to enter a capital (capital) letter, he presses the “Caps Lock” key, then types the letter itself, then, to continue writing in lowercase (small) letters, presses the “Caps Lock” key again.

For example, how to type the word “Statement”.

The "Caps Lock" key is pressed. Then the key with the letter “Z” is pressed - the capital letter “Z” is printed. Then press the "Caps Lock" key again. Now the keys “A”, “Z”, “B”, “L”, “E”, “N”, “I”, “E” are pressed sequentially. As a result, the “appearance” is printed. As a result we get the word "Statement" with a capital letter.

To my question, why is it so difficult for you to type a capital letter? After all, to do this you have to press keys THREE times? After all, you can replace these three clicks in total ONE key combination.

In response, I usually hear the following answers: It’s so convenient for me. I'm so used to it. How is it different?

It’s possible, of course, this way, but it’s also possible in another way.

But before talking about how best to type “big” and “small” letters, I want to introduce you to such a concept as keyboard register .

In one funny story, I already told how I had to deal with one user who clearly and specifically told me that “There are no small letters on the keyboard.”

In his own way he is right. Only “capital” letters are actually “drawn” on the keys of the keyboard. So let's figure out where the “big” letters are located and where the “small” letters are located.

So, the so-called keyboard register.

The keyboard register has two states, and these states are called accordingly uppercase And lower case.

For switching case keyboards on the keyboard itself two keys answer. This is the key "Shift"(for the convenience of the keys shift 2 pieces - left and right) and a key "Caps Lock" (caps onion).

Why exactly two keys? Why not alone? Let's look at the principle of operation of these keys.

I will describe my actions, and you can simultaneously train with me to feel live how keyboard register affects the input of letters, numbers and various symbols.

The easiest and most visual way to train is in the Notepad program.

Launch Notepad. Move your mouse pointer successively and select with one left click: “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “Notepad”.

And so, let's start with the fact that, after you have turned on and booted your computer, the keyboard is turned on lower case. What does this mean?

This means that if you start pressing keys with letters, then lowercase (small) letters will be printed on the monitor screen, i.e. letters in lowercase.

For example, if you have the Russian layout enabled (Russian input language), then the following letters will be printed:


Well, accordingly, if you have the English layout enabled (English input language), then the following letters will be printed:


Now about the key "Shift". Key "Shift" temporarily switches the keyboard lower case to uppercase keyboards.

What means temporarily? This means that if you press the “Shift” key(no matter left or right) and you will keep this key pressed, then the keyboard will switch to uppercase. As soon as you release the "Shift" key, the keyboard will switch back to lower case.

I show with an example. I press and hold key "Shift". I start typing letters (further I will show everything on the Russian keyboard layout).

I'm letting go key "Shift".


Simply put, if we have it turned on lower case keyboards then type lowercase (small) letters. If we have it enabled uppercase keyboards then type capital letters.

Let's go back to the word "Statement" for a moment. In this word, the first letter is capital, the rest are lowercase. How will we type this word using the key "Shift"?

Press and hold the “Shift” key. Press the key with the letter “Z” - capital is printed (capital) letter "Z", which is in uppercase keyboards. Release the "Shift" key. We print “appearance” - they print lowercase (small) letters, which are in lowercase keyboards. The result is the word "Statement" with a capital letter.

Basically, to print the capital letter "Z", we used key combination "Shift + Z".

Now about the key "Caps Lock". Key "Caps Lock" switches the keyboard register to the opposite one and fixes this register.

What does it mean? Let's press the keys again to understand and remember.

So, we have it enabled by default on the keyboard lower case, i.e. if we print letters, then the letters will be printed (displayed on the screen) in lowercase (small):


Press and release key "Caps Lock". All. Register of our keyboard switched to the top position and fixed, i.e. now we have uppercase. Now, without pressing anything additional, we can simply print capital letters:


Note! After we press and release the key "Caps Lock", one of the three lights (indicators) on the keyboard turned on, which are located in the upper right corner of the keyboard. Namely the middle light bulb. In the picture of the keyboard, which is shown at the very beginning of the lesson, this light bulb is highlighted green color.

This light shows us visually which register of the keyboard is currently on - lower or upper (this is so as not to get confused and remember). If the indicator is off- means it’s on lower case, If lituppercase.

This indicator can be designated differently on different keyboards depending on the imagination of the designers. I know two designations for this indicator. This "A" And "Caps Lock"- in the form of inscriptions above the light bulbs (indicators) themselves.

Now if we press and release the key again "Caps Lock", then the indicator will go out and the keyboard will switch and lock on lower case:


Thus, by pressing the “Caps Lock” key we switch and lock the register we need.

Well, now let's type the word again "Statement", but using the “Caps Lock” key.

So. Initial position. The “Caps Lock” light (indicator) is not lit - we have lowercase enabled.

Press the “Caps Lock” key. Our indicator lights up with the words “Caps Lock”, which means that uppercase is turned on. We press the “Z” key - we print the capital (capital) letter “Z”. Press the “Caps Lock” key again, the light (indicator) goes out - this means that the lower case is turned on and locked. We type “appearance”. In the end we get our word "Statement" with a capital letter.

Which method you will use is up to you. The main thing is that you feel comfortable. As for me, I use the Shift key to enter capital letters only because when typing quickly, entering a capital letter is 3-5 times faster.

To make it completely clear how the keys work "Shift" And "Caps Lock", let's type the word "Statement" in a slightly unusual way.

Press the “Caps Lock” key. Our indicator lights up with the words “Caps Lock”, which means that uppercase is turned on. We press the “Z” key - we print the capital (capital) letter “Z”. But then, to switch the keyboard to lower case, we press the "Caps Lock" key WE WILL NOT. We will temporarily switch the case using the "Shift" key. That is, press and hold (do not release) the "Shift" key (the keyboard will temporarily switch to lower case), type "appearance", release the "Shift" key (the keyboard will switch to upper case). In the end we get our word "Statement".

With numbers and signs in this regard it is both easier and more difficult.

The fact is that the key for entering numbers and symbols "Caps Lock" doesn't have any effect. Switching case is only possible using the key "Shift".

It’s simpler in this sense. For example, the key . Regardless of which is included (Russian or English), on lowercase a number will always be dialed "8", and on uppercase(at pressed key "Shift") an asterisk will be typed «*» . And there is even some kind of association - "8" drawn from below on the key, and the asterisk "*" above.

Here's another example - a key , where it is more difficult to figure out what will actually be printed, depending on the keyboard layout and the selected case.

For example, if we have the English layout selected, then when we press this key (lower case), the number three will be printed "3""Shift"(temporarily switch to upper case), the hash symbol will be printed «#» .

If we switch to the Russian layout, then when we press this key (lower case), the number three will again be printed "3", and if we press and hold the key "Shift"(temporarily switch to upper case), the number symbol will be printed «№» .

In order to remember where which symbol is located, you just need practice. I can advise you (I did this myself at one time) to make yourself a cheat sheet for your layouts, print it out and paste or paste it into yours (which I hope you purchased and write down various useful information there). Well, highlight the “necessary” symbols with colored pens or markers.

For example, you can do this:

That's all. Good luck and creative success to everyone.

Latin letters Latin alphabet
Type: consonantal-vocal
Languages: Originally Latin, languages ​​of Western and Central Europe, some languages ​​of Asia, many languages ​​of Africa, America, Australia and Oceania
Place of origin: Italy
Territory: Initially Italy, then all of Western Europe, America, Australia and Oceania
Date of creation: ~700 BC
Period: ~700 BC Until now
Letter direction: from left to right
Signs: 26
Origin: Canaanite letter
  • Phoenician letter
    • Greek alphabet
      • Etruscan alphabet
Related: Cyrillic
Coptic alphabet
See also: Project: Linguistics

Modern Latin alphabet, which is the basis for writing Germanic, Romance and many other languages, consists of 26 letters. Letters are called differently in different languages. The table shows Russian and "Russian mathematical" names that follow the French tradition.

Latin letter Name of the letter Latin letter Name of the letter

Writing based on the Latin alphabet is used by the languages ​​of the Baltic, Germanic, Romance and Celtic groups, as well as some languages ​​of other groups: all Western and part of the South Slavic languages, some Finno-Ugric and Turkic languages, as well as Albanian and Vietnamese languages.


The Latin alphabet comes from the Etruscan alphabet, which in turn was based on one of the variants of the Western (South Italian) Greek alphabet. The Latin alphabet became isolated around the 7th century BC. and originally included only 21 letters:


The letter Z was removed from the alphabet in 312 BC. e. (later it was restored). The letter C was used to represent the sounds [k] and [g]; in 234 BC e. a separate letter G was created by adding a crossbar to the C. In the 1st century BC. e. the letters Y and Z were added to represent words borrowed from Greek. The result was a classic Latin alphabet of 23 letters:


Claudian letters

Emperor Claudius unsuccessfully tried to add signs to the Latin alphabet for the sounds oe (as in Phoebus), ps/bs (similar to Greek), and v - as opposed to u (in the classical Latin alphabet, the letter V was used for two sounds, U and V). After the death of Claudius, the “Claudian Letters” were forgotten.

Already in modern times, there was a differentiation of syllabic and non-syllabic variants of the letters I and V (I/J and U/V), and the digraph VV, used in the writing of Germanic languages, began to be considered a separate letter. The result was a modern alphabet of 26 letters:


However, when talking about the alphabet of the Latin language itself, W is most often not included in the letters (then the Latin alphabet consists of 25 letters).

In the Middle Ages, the Scandinavian and English alphabets used the runic letter þ (name: thorn) for the th sound (as in modern English the), but this later fell into disuse. Currently, thorn is only used in the Icelandic alphabet.

All other additional characters of modern Latin alphabets come from the above 26 letters with the addition of diacritics or in the form of ligatures (the German letter ß comes from the Gothic ligature of the letters S and Z).

The ancient Romans used only capital forms of letters; modern lowercase letters appeared at the turn of antiquity and the Middle Ages; In general, the letters in their modern form took shape around 800 AD. e. (so-called Carolingian minuscule)

Letter modifications

For most languages, the regular Latin alphabet is not sufficient, so various diacritics, ligatures, and other modifications of letters are often used. Examples:

Ā Ă Â Ä Å Æ Ç Ð Ē Ğ Ģ Î Ķ Ł Ñ Ö Ø Œ ß Ş Ţ Ū Ŭ Þ Ž


The diagram shows the prevalence of the Latin alphabet in the world. Countries in which the Latin alphabet is the only written language are indicated in dark green; light green - states in which the Latin alphabet is used along with other scripts.

Latin alphabet as an international alphabet

Currently, the Latin alphabet is familiar to almost all people on Earth, since it is studied by all schoolchildren either in mathematics lessons or in foreign language lessons (not to mention the fact that for many languages ​​the Latin alphabet is native), so it is de facto an “alphabet” international communication".

For all languages ​​with a non-Latin script, there are also systems for writing in Latin - even if a foreigner does not know the correct reading, it is much easier for him to deal with familiar Latin letters than with “Chinese letters”. In a number of countries, the Latin auxiliary letter is standardized and children study it at school (in Japan, China).

Writing in Latin in a number of cases is dictated by technical difficulties: international telegrams were always written in Latin; in e-mail and on web forums you can also often find the Russian language written in Latin letters due to the lack of support for the Cyrillic alphabet or due to mismatched encodings (see transliteration; the same applies to the Greek language).

On the other hand, in texts in a non-Latin alphabet, foreign names are often left in Latin due to the lack of a generally accepted and easily recognizable spelling in their system. It comes to the point that in Russian text, Japanese names are sometimes written in Latin, although the Japanese language uses its own writing system, and not the Latin alphabet at all.

The idea of ​​​​translating all languages ​​into Latin letters was repeatedly put forward - for example, in the USSR in the 1920s (see Latinization). The famous Danish linguist Otto Jespersen was also a supporter of global Latinization.

see also

  • Latin pronunciation and spelling
  • Alphabets based on Latin
  • Latin alphabet in Unicode
  • Latinization - a project to translate the writings of the peoples of the USSR into Latin
  • Aviation alphabet

External links

  • Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary (1990) / Latin script
Scripts of the world General articles Lists Types Consonantal Abugids Alphabets Ideo- and Pictograms Logographic Syllabic TransitionalUndecryptedFictional and imaginaryMnemonic devices
History of writing Grapheme Decipherment Paleography
List of scripts List of languages ​​by writing system List of scripts by number of speakers List of scripts by time of creation List of undeciphered scripts List of script creators
Aramaic Arabic Jawi Ancient Libyan Hebrew Nabataean Pahlavi Samaritan Syrian Sogdian Ugaritic Phoenician South Arabian

Indian scripts: Balinese Batak Burmese Brahmi Buhid Varang-kshiti Eastern Nagari Grantha Gujarati Gupta Gurmukh Devanagari Kadamba Kaithi Kalinga Kannada Khmer Lanna Laotian Lepcha Limbu Lontara Malayalam Manipuri Mithilakshar Modi Mon Mongolian square script Nagari Nepalese Oriya Pallava Ranjana Rejang Saurashtra Siddhamatrika Sinhalese Soyombo Sudanese Tagalog Tagbanwa Takri Tamil Telugu Thai Tibetan Tocharian Hanunoo Hunnic Sharada Javanese

Other: Boyd's Cursive Canadian Syllabary Kharoshtha Meroitic Pitman's Cursive Pollard's Sorang Sompeng Tan Thomas's Cursive Ethiopian

Linear: Avestan Agvan Armenian Bassa Glagolitic Gothic Gregg Cursive Greco-Iberian Greek Georgian Ancient Hungarian Ancient Permian Ancient Turkic Cyrillic Coptic Latin Mandaean Asia Minor alphabets International Phonetic Manchu Nko Obɛri ɔkaimɛ Ogham Ol Chiki Runic Northern Etruscan alphabets Somali Star Omongolian Tifinagh Etruscan Hangul

Nonlinear: Braille Morse code Moon script Optical telegraph Russian semaphore alphabet International code of signals flags
Aztec Dongba Mi'kmaq Mixtec writing Mesoamerican writing systems Nsibidi

Chinese letter: Traditional Simplified T'in Kanji Hanchcha
Derivatives from Chinese: Khitan Zhuang Jurchen
Other logosyllabic: Anatolian And (ancient) Cuneiform Maya Tangut

Logo-consonantal: Demotic Egyptian Hieroglyphic Hieratic
Afaka Vai Geba Ancient Persian And (modern) Katakana Kikakui Cypriot Kpelle Linear B Man'yogana Nyu-shu Hiragana Cherokee Yugtun
Iberian Celtiberian Zhuyin
Biblical Issyk Cypro-Minoan Cretan “hieroglyphs” Linear A (partially) Mixtec script Jiahu script Symbols of the culture of the fields of burial urns Sinai Tablet from Dispilio Terterian inscriptions Phaistos disc Canaanite
Slavic runes Tengvar
Latin alphabet
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn ​​Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Ää Öö Üü ß ſ Åå Ææ Œœ Øø Çç Ðð Þþ Ññ Ũũ Ó

Latin is... Words in Latin

The Latin alphabet, or Latin alphabet, is a special alphabetic writing system that first appeared in the 2-3 centuries BC, and after which it spread throughout the world. Today it is the basis for most languages ​​and has 26 characters that have different pronunciations, names and additional elements.


One of the most common writing options is the Latin alphabet. The alphabet originates in Greece, but was fully formed in the Latin language of the Indo-European family. Today, this writing system is used by most peoples of the world, including all of America and Australia, most of Europe, and half of Africa. Translation into the Latin alphabet is becoming increasingly popular, and at the moment it is strongly replacing the Cyrillic and Arabic letters. This alphabet is rightfully considered a universal and universal option, and is becoming more and more popular every year.

The English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German and Italian Latin alphabet are especially common. States often use it along with other types of writing, particularly in India, Japan, China and other countries.


It is believed that the Greeks, in particular the Estrus, are the original authors of writing, which later became known as the Latin alphabet. The alphabet has undeniable similarities with the Etruscan script, but this hypothesis has many controversial points. In particular, it is unknown how exactly this culture was able to get to Rome.

Words in Latin began to appear in the 3rd–4th century BC, and already in the 2nd century BC. writing was formed and consisted of 21 characters. Over the course of history, some letters changed, others disappeared and appeared again centuries later, and still others were divided into two. As a result, in the 16th century the Latin alphabet became what it is today. Despite this, different languages ​​have their own distinctive features and additional national versions, which, however, are only a certain modification of existing letters. For example, Ń, Ä, etc.

Difference from Greek writing

Latin is a writing system that originates from the Western Greeks, but it also has its own unique features. Initially, this alphabet was quite limited and truncated. Over time, the signs were optimized, and the rule was developed that the letter should go strictly from left to right.

As for the differences, the Latin alphabet is more rounded than the Greek, and also uses several graphemes to convey the sound [k]. The difference lies in the fact that the letters K and C began to perform almost identical functions, and the sign K, in general, went out of use for some time. This is evidenced by historical evidence, as well as the fact that the modern Irish and Spanish alphabets still do not use this grapheme. The letter also has other differences, including the modification of the sign C into G and the appearance of the symbol V from the Greek Y.

Features of letters

The modern Latin alphabet has two basic forms: majuscule (uppercase letters) and minuscule (lowercase characters). The first option is more ancient, since it began to be used in the form of artistic graphics back in the 1st century BC. Majusculus dominated the scriptoriums of Europe almost until the beginning of the 12th century. The only exceptions were Ireland and Southern Italy, where the national version of writing was used for a long time.

By the 15th century, minuscule was also fully developed. Such famous personalities as Francesco Petrarca, Leonardo da Vinci, as well as other personalities of the Renaissance, did a lot to introduce the writing of lowercase letters in Latin. On the basis of this alphabet, national types of writing gradually developed. German, French, Spanish and other variants had their own changes and additional characters.

Latin alphabet as an international alphabet

This type of writing is familiar to almost every person on Earth who can read. This is due to the fact that this alphabet is either native to a person, or he gets acquainted with it in foreign language, mathematics and other lessons. This allows us to assert that the Latin alphabet is a written language of international level.

Also, many countries that do not use this alphabet simultaneously use its standard version. This applies, for example, to countries such as Japan and China. Almost all artificial languages ​​are based on the Latin alphabet. Among them are Esperanto, Ido, etc. Quite often you can also find transliteration in Latin letters, since sometimes there is no generally accepted name for a particular term in the national language, which makes translation into a generally accepted sign system necessary. Thus, any word can be written in Latin.

Romanization of other alphabets

The Latin alphabet is used all over the world to modify languages ​​that use a different type of writing. This phenomenon is known under the term “transliteration” (as translation into Latin is sometimes called). It is used to simplify the process of communication between representatives of different nationalities.

Almost all languages ​​that use a non-Latin script have official transliteration rules. Most often, such procedures are called romanization, since they have a Romanesque, i.e. Latin origin. Each language has certain tables, for example, Arabic, Persian, Russian, Japanese, etc., which allow you to transliterate almost any national word.

The Latin alphabet is the most common alphabetic script in the world, which originates from the Greek alphabet. It is used by most languages ​​as a basis, and is also known to almost every person on Earth. Its popularity is growing every year, which allows us to consider this alphabet generally accepted and international. For languages ​​that use other types of writing, special tables with national transliterations are offered, allowing you to romanize almost any word. This makes the process of communication between different countries and peoples simple and easy.

What are Latin letters?

Aaron Stone ®

The Latin alphabet (Latin) is a letter writing dating back to the Greek alphabet that arose in the Latin language in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. and subsequently spread throughout the world. The modern Latin alphabet, which is the basis for the writing of most Romance, Germanic, and many other languages, in its basic version consists of 26 letters. Letters are called differently in different languages.
in modern times, around the 16th century, differentiation occurred between syllabic and non-syllabic variants of the letters I and V (I/J and U/V). The result was a modern alphabet of 25 letters:

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn ​​Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Xx Yy Zz

What are Latin letters?

Arthur Petrosyan

The modern Latin alphabet, which is the basis for writing the Romance, Germanic and many other languages, consists of 26 letters. Letters are called differently in different languages. Writing based on the Latin alphabet is used by all languages ​​of the Romance, Germanic, Celtic and Baltic groups, as well as some languages ​​of the Slavic, Finno-Ugric, Turkic, Semitic and Iranian groups, Albanian, Basque languages, as well as some languages ​​of Indochina (Vietnamese), Myanmar , most languages ​​of the Sunda Archipelago and the Philippines, Sub-Saharan Africa, America, Australia and Oceania.
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn ​​Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz