What does it mean if a woman has a ring on her thumb? Meaning of a ring on a girl's thumb

Now you can’t say who was the first to put a thin band of metal, bone or wood on his finger and for what reason; there are only assumptions that this happened in Ancient Egypt. However, since then, rings have become an unchanging symbol of supreme power, infinity and love. And at the same time they acquired a strong reputation as a magical item. Apparently, this is why they remained for a long time an attribute of the ruling elite, prohibited for the common people. And when the rings finally came down to the people, they quickly became the main “characters” of many signs and mysterious rituals. So which hand can you wear the ring on and which finger means what?

General signs about rings

Perhaps it would be difficult to find a thing that human rumor would endow with the same number of mystical properties.

The meaning of wearing rings for women on the right or left hand

If the ring itself served our ancestors as a talisman, a talisman for good luck, a focal point of power, wisdom, and even a kind of connecting channel with the Universe - many peoples believed that divine powers constantly flowed through the hole in the ring - then so did the finger on which it rested , was also not so simple. Today we wear jewelry as we please, focusing only on our taste, fashion or momentary desire. People in ancient times approached this issue much more seriously. After all, a ring put on one or another finger came into contact with it and, therefore, could influence the mental state of its owner. And sometimes even adjust the circumstances of his life in one direction or another!

If a girl wears it on her thumb

A ring on your thumb will attract attention to you

The first finger on the palm is responsible for intelligence and logic. And also for such “purely masculine” character qualities as will, the desire to win and unbending courage. If a young lady feels that she lacks all this, a gold ring on the thumb of her right hand can serve as a stimulant for the development of the necessary qualities. Especially when it is decorated with a pebble of active yellow, red or orange color. If you are a true “iron lady” who would benefit from acquiring feminine intuition and slightly softening your fighting character, put the ring on your left hand. Are you used to wearing your ring on your right? Then replace it with a silver trinket that will calm your violent temper.

When trying on a ring on their thumb, girls should take into account the fact that nowadays many people indicate their non-traditional sexual orientation in this way. Remember this so as not to find yourself in an ambiguous situation.

What does wearing on the index mean?

Ambitious girls wear eye-catching jewelry on the index finger.

This finger is the focus of our ambitions, organizational abilities and desire for power. Many esotericists claim that an energetically strong person is capable of causing confusion in someone’s aura, just by pointing his index finger at the poor fellow in irritation! Therefore, girls who are angry and quick to say a strong word are advised not to wear gold jewelry here at all, otherwise not only strangers, but also family members will suffer from outbursts of their bad mood. It’s better to pacify the volcano raging inside you with a silver ring with a pale blue, transparent or white stone. And protect yourself from other people’s outbursts of rage with a ring on the index finger of your left hand.

What does average mean?

Lady Gaga can't be denied individuality

The middle finger is your personality. A gold ring worn on it brings harmony to life, develops the ability for introspection and helps personal growth if it is on the right hand. True, experts warn: a massive gold ring on the “middle” finger can provoke a whole series of trials and tribulations. They will really contribute to your spiritual development by teaching you many important things, but they will not be very easy. Therefore, it is not recommended for weak and timid persons to experiment with jewelry. It’s better to put a modest silver ring on your left hand - here it will act slowly, deliberately and delicately.

What qualities is the nameless person responsible for?

The ring will strengthen your senses and awaken your creativity

Several of the most important human energy centers come together in this finger. He is responsible for the family, makes sure that love does not fade away in our hearts, is responsible for self-realization, creativity and awakens a person’s vitality. Even in Ancient Egypt and Greece, they believed that it was here that a vein or nerve ran straight to the heart, which is why there was a custom of sealing marriages with a ring on the ring finger. If you feel that your affairs of the heart leave much to be desired, inspiration has withered, and optimism is at zero, it makes sense to try to stir them up with a gold ring on the finger of your right hand! With its help, feelings in marriage are strengthened and revived. But a silver ring is considered not the best choice for a symbol of love. Romantic, but cold, it can mean a clear cooling of feelings between spouses.

It is recommended that divorced husbands and wives wear their rings on their left hand. The ring finger neutralizes the impact of previous mistakes on your life and a new feeling will not be slow to appear on the horizon. It is worth noting that some peoples act in the opposite way: for example, Catholics wear a wedding ring on their left hand during marriage, and on their right hand in case of divorce.

Why you can’t wear it on your little finger for a long time

Girls with jewelry on their little fingers are sociable and flirty

The smallest finger controls our social activity and ability to communicate with the outside world. “Bitches” and reserved individuals, for whom joining a new team is a martyrdom, and for whom it is impossible to make new acquaintances even with the help of social networks, are recommended to wear gold rings with flashy stones in fiery red-yellow shades on their little fingers. In addition, such decoration is considered an effective help in business. If there is plenty of communication in your life and you would like to focus on your own thoughts, strengthen your resolve with a silver ring worn on the little finger of your right hand or a gold ring on your left. But don't wear it for too long! Palmists and esotericists predict loneliness for women who have the habit of constantly decorating their left little finger.

Often a ring on the little finger distinguishes coquettes and girls who know how to take life lightly. Or unsurpassed intriguers, whose “many moves” Cardinal Richelieu himself would envy.

What do rings mean for men?

The stronger sex, as usual, has everything its own way. Although the fingers and their meanings are the same!

On the big

Pushkin considered his ring to be a lucky charm

During the times of the ancient Hellenes and Romans, this finger was considered a symbol of masculinity, and in the most literal, physiological sense, namely the phallus. In the turbulent Middle Ages, wide leather or bone rings were worn on this finger by archers - the military “elite” of that time, if you do not take into account the knights. It turns out that representatives of the stronger sex, seeking to decorate their thumb, subconsciously emphasize or try to stimulate their sexual energy and masculinity! Moreover, there is no big difference whether to put the ring on the right or left hand.

On the index

A ring on the left hand indicates authority and an uneven character.

Kings, conquerors and born leaders, destined by nature to lead people, wear their rings here. It is believed that the decoration on the finger of the right hand appeals to strong-willed, strong people who are prone to making informed decisions. Or those who strive for all this. The situation is worse with the left hand. There is a chance that you have met an imperious and hysterical tyrant who greatly overestimates his abilities.

The ring on the index finger on the right, supporting the ambitious aspirations of its owner, helps him move up the career ladder and achieve his goals.

On average

The owner of such a ring is prone to narcissism

A man with a precious ring on this finger is worth taking a closer look at. If a modest metal strip with a discreet pattern or without it at all shines on his hand, this is a balanced person who knows his worth, but is far from selfishness. An ornate ring or one decorated with a “kilogram” diamond, especially when worn on the left hand, betrays a self-obsessed narcissist whose world revolves exclusively around himself. However, exceptions are possible. For example, nobles in the Middle Ages reserved this finger for family jewelry, which was supposed to help them overcome life's difficulties and bring balance to life. Maybe your new acquaintance is the owner of just such an ancient relic?

A ring worn on the middle finger of the right hand is believed to attract wealth.

On the nameless

It's simple - marriage, love or craving for pleasure

No surprises here. Just like the representatives of the fair half of humanity, the ring symbolizes matters of the heart. If a man is not married and not in love, a metal ring on the finger of his right hand indicates his penchant for pleasure and luxury. According to tradition in Russia, divorced couples or widowers wear rings on their left hands.

On the little finger

Creative people prefer to wear rings on their little fingers.

Not every man will decide to put a ring on this finger, but only those who are distinguished by a creative streak, original thinking and a penchant for adventurism. If such a person starts a business, profits will easily flow into his hands; If he gets carried away with creativity, he will definitely achieve serious heights in his business. He easily wins women's hearts, makes friends, makes bold and unconventional decisions. However, a guy with a ring on his left hand can just as easily turn out to be a narcissistic macho, incapable of deep feelings, or a shifty liar.

Although many consider the “language of rings” to be an effective tool in determining a person’s character, you should not blindly trust it, of course. Perhaps your neighbor will turn out to be a sweet and shy woman, despite the desire to decorate her index finger with a gold band. Or a new acquaintance, an enthusiastic romantic, “spied” the idea of ​​wearing a ring on the little finger of his left hand from a friend. However, taking note of the idea and, if necessary, testing its veracity in practice is a tempting idea. What if something interesting actually comes out?

Women's love for jewelry is absorbed with mother's milk. Back in the Stone Age, when a representative of the fairer sex saw her reflection in water, she realized feminine attractiveness and decided to decorate her appearance with furs and bone beads. Primitive rings on the fingers of women acquired enormous significance. The more jewelry a man presented to a primitive lady, the more significant her status became. She received payment for her beauty, affection and sexual pleasures, was recognized as the best and was considered worthy to continue the human race.

Since those times, practically nothing has changed; as soon as a girl gets the coveted ring on her ring finger, she realizes that she is loved, desired and chosen for the main female mission. But a man can’t get away with just a wedding ring; a beautiful girl can never have enough jewelry. And women’s craving for jewelry and jewelry is truly magical.

Symbolism of the ring. Decoration and character of nature

When you search for “rings on fingers, meaning for women in history,” magnificent pictures pop up on the pages. Great artists depicted the chiseled hands of ladies, decorated with rings and pearl bracelets.

From world history we know:

  • Wearing a ring on the thumb is a girl’s desire to change her life, to show will and character. In troubled times, a woman often had to suppress her feelings, and only by wearing a ring could she express her desires.
  • Jewelry was often worn on the thumb of the left hand; it did not interfere and presented the woman as a socialite, educated and self-confident.

Advice! You should not wear a huge, ornate ring on your thumb - this is considered the height of bad taste!

  • The index finger has always been considered a symbol of power and threat. Wearing a ring on this finger activates the energy of leadership and spurs ambition. All ruling queens wore jewelry on this finger, emphasizing their indivisible power, and the indicating royal Persian could punish or pardon at any moment.

The note! If a girl wants to attract attention and declare herself as the queen of the evening, she will put her best ring on her right index finger.

  • High society ladies rarely wore jewelry on the middle finger. This large and strong finger in no way emphasizes the fragile feminine nature. Wearing a ring on this finger was simply convenient, and it symbolized balance and harmony in the fragile girl’s mind.

If a woman prefers to wear jewelry on this finger, she is, first of all, a responsible person, loves order in everything, and adheres to the rules. This strict lady is always for justice and respects the laws of society, and in the evenings she can deeply analyze her thoughts and actions.

It is important to know! If a woman wears jewelry on a certain finger, she may just be comfortable!

  • For many peoples, the ring on the ring finger symbolized engagement or marriage. The energy contained in this finger is associated with the sensual area of ​​human nature, with deep, romantic relationships.

Girls who prefer to wear jewelry on their ring finger have a soft character, often fall in love, indulge in dreams and, most likely, write poetry.

Wearing a ring on the ring finger adds joy and optimism to a woman, thus she tries to protect her vulnerable nature from the influence of harsh life factors.

Note to men! Women who are fragile by nature must be protected and carried in their arms!

  • The pinky ring has gone down in history as a symbol of divorce. Signets and family coat of arms rings were worn on this finger, and, as a rule, this was the privilege of men.

If a woman wore jewelry on her little finger, she unconsciously emphasized her intelligence, education and creative nature.

In modern society, such girls are worth paying attention to, they are smart, deep in content and carry the main, feminine mystery.

As world history has shown, precious rings on women's fingers acquired enormous significance. These were not just decorations, they symbolized greatness and power, character and protection in the complex, merciless world of men.

There are many rules associated with wearing rings. Remembering the symbolism, you can find out some information about the owner of the jewelry. For this reason, when buying a jewelry accessory, the question always arises, which finger should it be put on, and what difference it will make.

On which finger is the wedding ring worn?

In different countries, newlyweds wear the symbol of fidelity in their own way, which depends on local traditions. For Orthodox Christians, the right hand is of great importance, because they are baptized with it, so believers put the wedding band on it. In Catholic countries, the wedding ring is worn on the left hand because it is closer to the heart. Mostly ring fingers are chosen for these. However, Jews wear wedding rings on their index fingers because this is the most prominent place that corresponds to the status and purity of the bride.

In Russia

Russians, Armenians, Ukrainians and Belarusians profess Orthodoxy, so married men and women wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of their right hand. Rules:

  1. According to the canons of the church, the right limb, with which a person is baptized, eats food, shakes hands, is associated with honesty, and the left - with deception.
  2. According to legend, a person has an angel behind his right shoulder, and a devil behind his left. The first always protects a person, therefore he will protect his union.
  3. In Orthodoxy, it is not recommended to remove wedding accessories, and losing them is a bad omen.


In Islam, it is strictly forbidden for men to wear gold jewelry. As for wedding rings, you are allowed to purchase them, but only silver ones. Although wearing them after the wedding is a Christian tradition, and Islam prohibits imitating people of other faiths, some spouses believe that there is nothing reprehensible in this. The only thing Muslim men cannot do is wear a wedding ring on their middle or index finger. This ban does not apply to women.


In many religions, it is believed that when a partner dies, a marriage ends. However, some wives, after the death of their husband, continue to wear a wedding band as a sign of fidelity. Mostly widows do not think about which finger the ring is on, and leave it on their right hand. Some women, after the death of their spouse, wear two symbols of fidelity at once - theirs and their husband’s on different hands. According to tradition, widows must wear a wedding accessory on their left hand, but no one has the right to tell them to. The woman decides for herself whether to leave the engagement ring or remove it altogether after the death of her husband.


Most divorced people do not wear wedding bands at all, so that they do not remind them of their past sad experience. If a sacred symbol is encrusted with precious stones, for example, diamonds or pearls, then often wearing rings on fingers turns into a preference for simple jewelry. In this case, a woman's or man's ring is put on the left hand, if this happens in Orthodox countries. In Catholic America and some Western countries, divorced people wear their wedding bands on their right hands.

Which finger is the engagement ring worn on?

Recently, engagement has become increasingly popular among young people. The tradition of proposing and putting a ring on an unmarried girl’s finger came to us from Western countries. Guys don’t always know what size jewelry his chosen one has, so the question of which finger to wear the engagement ring on often remains open. Most likely, the girl will put it on the finger that fits it. According to tradition, the engagement ring is the predecessor to the wedding ring, so it should be worn on the same finger.

"Bless and save"

This ring is a symbol of protection and faith among Christians. It is believed that such decoration protects the wearer from illness and misfortune. The words “save and preserve” have strong energy. This is a message to the Almighty, which not only strengthens faith, but also admonishes the owner not to commit sins. A silver or gold ring Save and Preserve is worn on any finger, but some recommendations exist. In Orthodoxy, people make the sign of the cross with three fingers, when they put the middle, index, and thumb fingers together, so they are considered the best for wearing powerful protection.

On which finger do men wear the signet?

The signet is the same ring, but inlaid with engraved monograms and precious stones. According to the rules, the decoration used to be worn on the little finger of the left hand. Today there are no restrictions. Men no longer have the question of which finger to wear the ring on - they themselves choose which is more convenient. However, psychologists can easily determine the wearer’s temperament based on this choice. In their opinion, a signet on a man’s finger means:

  • little finger or finger of Mercury - creative individuals;
  • ring finger of the Sun - lovers;
  • middle finger of Saturn - narcissists;
  • thumb of Mars – men with increased sexuality;
  • index or finger of Jupiter - decisive and courageous.


In the 70s of the last century, wearing a ring on the little finger of a man was a sign of belonging to the gay community. If the decoration is on the left hand, then the guy is free or active, and if it is on the right hand, it means he is busy. Nowadays men wear jewelry, not paying attention to these outdated traditions. Many people know the meaning of rings on their fingers and what they are called, so they wear them based on Chinese philosophy or to influence biologically active points in order to maintain the body’s energy balance.

Thumb ring

On the finger of Mars, active and emotional men like to wear accessories. Hot-tempered and aggressive, they subconsciously want to make their nature more harmonious. A ring on a man’s thumb helps him establish relationships with others and himself, and find an intuitive approach. Psychologists say that decoration indicates a desire to assert oneself and take first position in the sexual field. The meaning of rings on women's fingers is exactly the same.

On the little finger

The finger of Mercury is considered the protector of politicians, speakers, doctors and diplomats, so a ring on the little finger of the right hand will bring good luck to those people who need such qualities as the ability to speak well, dexterity of hands and flexibility of mind. The owner of a ring on the little finger, especially with an amethyst or turquoise, can get along with anyone. A woman’s ringed little finger indicates that the lady is flirtatious, narcissistic, and ready to flirt. A man with such decoration is resourceful and ready for betrayal and adventurous adventures.

On the index finger

Decorations on the index fingers can often be found in portraits of emperors and rulers. This speaks of a proud character, independence and ability to manage people. A ring on the index finger in the form of a crown speaks of a strong-willed, strong personality. Wearing jewelry with a ruby, aquamarine or jade on the right hand speaks of a sensible person who strives for positive thinking. On the left - about the owner’s tendency to hysterics, narcissism, and arrogance.

On the middle finger

People with a strong personality, confident in their superiority, strive to decorate the finger of Saturn with a ring. Large jewelry passed down by inheritance is often placed on this finger to attract the protection of deceased relatives. A ring on the middle finger of the left hand helps a person not only establish connections with relatives, but also believe in his destiny and cope with any difficulties. Losers are advised to wear jewelry on this finger to attract the favor of fate.

On the ring finger

In addition to wedding or wedding (church) decoration, the ring on the ring finger of the Sun is worn by both married and unmarried people. For example, Catholics wear wedding bands on their left hand and wear jewelry on their right hand. A non-family man tries to emphasize his love for art and luxury. As a rule, these are singers, artists, actors. The owner of such an accessory is a sensual, loving nature, who is always ready to have a good time. Esotericists recommend wearing jewelry on the finger of the Sun to people who want to increase their wealth.


Different types of rings in shape, material, use or meaning have passed through the centuries. Rings may have a symbolic, social or simply aesthetic function, but they are always a reflection of their time and say a lot about their owner. The importance of rings on men's fingers cannot be underestimated and there are many reasons for this.

How can you find out that a person is married? Just look at his hand, at the ring. This is the power of a small round object that signals information about the owner to the world. The ring is not a simple accessory. It is a message that reveals commitments, achievements and beliefs.

Rings are important, and it is better to understand the messages that a person gives to the world by wearing certain types of jewelry:

    • – presented during the wedding ceremony;
    • championship ring - worn by members of winning teams in professional sports leagues and college tournaments in the United States;
    • mourning ring - worn in memory of a deceased person, also called a “memorial ring”. The beginning of its use dates back to the 14th century;
    • cameo ring - a very old type of jewelry with a carved cameo on top. It was usually worn by men. Antique Cameos represented gods, Christian saints and portraits. The stone often used was marble. The modern cameo ring usually shows the face of a goddess or a Roman soldier;

    • iron ring - worn by American or Canadian engineers after the engineer's oath. Modern rings tend to be made of steel, some with engraved geometric designs. This product is worn on the little finger of the dominant hand;
    • the class ring was worn by students and graduates to commemorate graduation;
    • Posie ring - with a long inscription on the inner or outer surface. Commonly used as a wedding ring;
    • doctor's ring - gold, worn by doctors who graduated from a Danish or Swedish university. In America, such rings are worn by priests who have received a doctorate in theology;

    • church ring - worn by religious ministers as a symbol of power. When worn by bishops or priests of higher rank, it is called a "bishop's ring";
    • signet ring – often carries the family crest or initials, some can be used as a seal;
    • ring of five metals - a ring considered by the Talmud as a lucky talisman and as a Kabbalistic accessory. Five metals extracted from the earth (gold, silver, copper, tin and lead) must be included in the ring.

      Expert opinion

      Helen Goldman

      Male stylist-image maker

  • Aqeeq ring is an agate ring worn by Muslims, especially Shiites, referring to Muhammad.

How to wear?

Skeptics may argue that it doesn't matter which finger the ring is worn on - all fingers are the same. But it's interesting that sometimes the ring doesn't feel "right" on a certain finger. Therefore, the designation of rings on men’s fingers should be studied not just for the sake of interest, but also because the ring produces a certain effect:

  • strengthen/maintain on a subconscious level those qualities that are associated with this finger;
  • limit finger-related tendencies.

Rings on men's fingers allow you to make a statement without saying a word:

  • If a man has large hands, then it is advisable to wear large rings. Those with small hands need to balance the proportions and purchase smaller jewelry;
  • For thin fingers, compact rings are preferable, while for full fingers, you should choose wide rings;
  • The balance of the ring with other jewelry should be maintained. No need to group a bunch of rings, watches and bracelets on one side, leaving the other hand completely free;
  • There are no hard and fast rules for matching metals when it comes to rings. However, if the skin is fair and the blue veins on the arm are clearly visible, silver is a better choice. In cases where the skin color has warm tones, gold is preferable;
  • A safe set is two or three rings distributed on both hands.

The meaning of rings for men on different fingers of the left and right hands

When choosing the hand on which the ring will be worn, you can base it on certain symbolism associated with the chosen jewelry. The right hand is usually considered active, dominant, and involved in most gestures. The left one is “mental”, showing the character of a person and his beliefs.

On the thumbs

A ring on a man's thumb is a sign of wealth or influence, and they tend to be wide or bulky to reflect this. By placing a power ring on the control finger, a person can express their desire to gain control over things.

Thumb gestures are associated with interaction and friendship. Men's thumb rings should be large or short, but nothing incredibly tacky or overly expensive. It is already larger than the others, so if you add an extravagant design, the ring will turn into a massive anchor that pulls your hand down. A worn ring on the thumb of an active hand speaks of a persistent personality. Wearing a ring on the left hand represents a man's inner thoughts, beliefs and feelings.

On the index fingers

The first natural instinct is to leave the index finger empty, since a person uses it more than any other. However, if you go back hundreds of years, you can see that a man's ring on the index finger was common, as it denoted a certain status of a person. It is believed that a ring on the left index finger signals that in a person's personal life, his self-esteem, ambition and leadership skills are strengthened.

The astrological connection is Jupiter, which is a symbol of power, leadership and authority. Men with a ring on their index finger are considered unapologetic and confident.

For reference! Jupiter is associated with both pewter and wood, so bright silver tones are a normal choice for this finger.

On medium

The rings on the middle finger are amazing and unusual. It is better for a man to choose a small ring for this finger. Family jewelry that can emphasize the importance of connections with ancestors is also perfect. It is also believed that a ring on a man’s left hand on his middle finger can speak of his fear of being alone, and the ring strengthens the feeling that people are eating around him.

Because of its central location, the middle finger is held to symbolize structure, balance, conscience and order. It is believed to be associated with Saturn. Since Saturn's metal is lead, simple silvery metals such as steel are a common choice for the middle finger.

On the nameless

In America, the ring finger of the left hand is associated with wedding symbolism: one ring signifies engagement, and a pair of rings indicates marriage. Almost all men choose a simple ring for their wedding band. On the other hand, a ring on the ring finger will help a man become more enterprising.

Symbolically, this finger is associated with the sun, the source of creativity and beauty, as well as romantic relationships (which explains its connection with marriage). The metal of the sun is gold, making it the traditional metal for wedding and engagement jewelry groups. This is the only finger that was once considered an unbroken artery leading directly to the heart, essentially creating a direct connection with it to signify eternal affection between a man and a woman.

For reference! Divorced people wear jewelry on their left ring finger.

On the little fingers

Often, a man who wants to try wearing a ring chooses this finger. This could be a signet on the little finger or a simple traditional metal band. Here the products will not be associated with religious or cultural signs, although sometimes even wedding rings are placed on the right little finger.

Do you wear a ring on your little finger?


People who love astrological symbolism will associate pinky rings with Mercury and intelligence, insight and conviction. If we look more specifically at which little finger to wear the jewelry on, then the ring on the right hand is associated with intelligence and the tendency to express oneself. A person wearing it on the left little finger shows strong intuition and excellent listening skills.

There are other symbols of rings on a man’s fingers, for example, wearing a ring on the little finger of his left hand indicates that there is a sense of limitation in a person’s personal life and there is no desired support. It can also be on the right little finger, which means problems in public life (at work, in society).


In this modern era, everyone wants to get a unique ring because men's rings are becoming very popular. Nowadays, rings are generally worn based on fashion trends, regardless of cultural or traditional interpretations.

Eleanor Brik

The ring has been a very popular piece of jewelry for centuries. It has some meaning for every person. Some wear it as a talisman, others as a fashionable and beautiful decoration, and others use it to demonstrate their social status. But not everyone knows that an important role is played by which finger is decorated with the accessory?. But this is closely related to human energy. What does a ring on a finger mean, what finger is it usually put on, what is the best way to wear rings on different fingers for women, girls, men?

Psychology of rings

It came to us from ancient times - for centuries they were worn by everyone without exception, regardless of nationality, religion, age and position in society. Since ancient times it was believed that rings are endowed with magical powers(remember the rings of the pharaohs) and were used in various rituals. Some of them have survived to this day, for example, the exchange of rings during marriage, as a symbol of sincere feelings and fidelity. And even in our modern world, which is dominated by the era of progress, rings with their mystical properties have not lost their relevance - many believe that knowing the meaning of wearing rings on each finger of girls, men and women, you can control your destiny or, at least, the mood for at least one day.

Jun 17 2016 at 9:36 am PDT

Psychologists say that if you focus on which finger a person wears a ring on, you can draw up his personal bioenergetic portrait. This decoration, depending on which finger it sits on, is capable of influencing its owner in a certain area, and this has long been a proven scientific and psychological fact. Experts who have studied this issue claim that, putting a ring on a finger, a person launches a powerful program, a kind of mechanism that can affect his fate, and affect him very seriously. How does this happen? Everything is very simple. Various types of energies are concentrated in the human body, including in the fingers. A ring placed on one or another finger collects in this place all the energy for which the finger is responsible for the area of ​​life. Hands play an important role in this, because people are divided into left-handed and right-handed people, so this nuance is also very important. For example, Right-handed people should wear rings on their left hand, as on a more passive one - this will serve as protection for them from accidents and negative energy. And vice versa - left-handed people need to concentrate on their right hand to balance the life zones of the body.

Gold adds energy and activity, while silver, on the contrary, inhibits unnecessary aspirations.

Accordingly, gold rings should be worn by indecisive people, and silver rings should be worn by overly emotional people.

Healing properties of rings

The metals from which jewelry is made play an important role. Of course, if the ring is made of a base metal like aluminum, then it will not play a special role in human energy. Such jewelry is chosen more for beauty and is selected rather as an addition to a particular image. Noble metals, unlike others, feel a person more subtly. For example, silver should be worn by tired and irritable people who suffer from headaches, and gold is more suitable for those who feel a loss of energy and suffer from high blood pressure. Many people prefer to wear rings made of copper, iron, tin and steel. These metals also have healing properties.

Copper helps with varicose veins and insomnia, tin helps with diabetes and asthma, iron helps with stomach and potency diseases, and steel is good for nervous disorders, depression and epilepsy.

The meaning of rings on fingers

Palmistry is a difficult science, but very interesting, and each finger of the palm not only has its own meaning, but also influences a person’s personality. Each of them is responsible for a certain area of ​​life, which is why, if the owner of a piece of jewelry wants to achieve success in any area, he needs to wear it on a specific finger. The brush is divided into several zones, each of which received the name of a mythological god.

  • Thumb (Mars finger)– responsible for perseverance, activity and energy.
  • Index (finger of Jupiter)– is responsible for wisdom, intelligence and prudence.
  • Middle (Saturn finger)– responsible for intelligence, confidence and responsibility.
  • Ring finger (finger of the Sun)– responsible for inspiration, loyalty and creativity.
  • Little finger (finger of Mercury)- Responsible for artistry, passion and communication skills.

May 28, 2016 at 8:30 PDT


What does it mean and why do many people believe that You can't wear a ring on your thumb? Emotional and energetic people prefer to decorate their thumbs with accessories. These are real wars in life, hot-tempered, straightforward and even aggressive. There is no point in arguing with them; they are stubborn and always insist on their opinion, even if they understand perfectly well that they are wrong. Moreover, they are aware of their disadvantages and, by decorating their thumb with a ring, they intuitively try to dampen their temperament.

The decoration on the thumb is leader ring. The one who will achieve his goal at any cost. Such a person never listens to other people's advice and loves to tell others what to do. People who wear rings on their thumbs are very ambitious and love to be the center of attention. It was not for nothing that in the ancient world they loved to wear rings in this very place, as a symbol of influence and wealth. If you wear jewelry on your thumb, you can control yourself, suppress outbursts of anger and live in harmony with people.

The restriction on wearing a massive ring on the thumb of a girl or single woman comes from the depths of history, from those times when women wore their husbands’ jewelry, which was too large for them, in memory of their deceased spouses. Subconsciously a wide ring on the thumb of a girl or woman perceived as a sign of mourning for lost love and perhaps even scare away potential suitors for the fashionista’s heart. If desired, it is better to choose thin and elegant women's thumb rings - such jewelry will look stylish and reasonable.


Such famous personalities as Ivan the Terrible, Julius Caesar, Napoleon and Cardinal Richelieu preferred to wear jewelry on this finger. A finger with a massive ring indicated power and symbolized a strong-willed and strong-willed person. The conclusion for those who wear a ring on their index finger suggests itself: such people are hysterical, proud, vain and arrogant. But, nevertheless, they are reasonable, smart, wise and have authority.

It is not advisable for a business person to wear a ring on this finger., he may seem overly self-confident and aggressive to others. The ring on the index finger shows that we have a proud person, for whom his own benefits are above all. However, these are purposeful people who persistently move towards their goal and do not stop halfway. They, as a rule, always achieve what they want.

But what does a silver ring on the index finger of the right and left hand mean? Here, not only the location of the ring on the pointing (literally) finger plays a role, but its material. Silver “extinguishes” and protects personality not only from oneself, but also from others from aggression, and sometimes even tyranny of the owner of the ring - it neutralizes the desire to “point” a finger at someone from the environment. Silver on the index finger of your right hand protects others from your unconscious actions, and on your left - you from yourself. Wearing gold on the index finger is strongly discouraged.

May 25, 2016 at 9:08 am PDT

Wearing the accessory on your index finger is recommended if you are a timid, indecisive and shy person. This helps in increasing self-esteem and gives confidence in one's abilities. The main thing to remember: the simpler the metal, the stronger the effect.

Middle finger

What does a ring on the middle finger mean? If a person rings his middle finger, this means that we have a bright, extraordinary, independent and charismatic nature. Such people absolutely do not care what others think about them; they never doubt their irresistibility. Self-esteem- one of the main features of such a person. Also, a decoration on the middle finger can mean that it is family and symbolizes a close connection with a dear person.
It is recommended to wear the accessory on the middle finger for those who want to eliminate a bad streak in life and cope with failures. For example, people whose family life or career is not working out. The zones of luck and success are concentrated on the middle finger, therefore, a ring worn in this place helps not only to cope with adversity, but also allows you to make the right decisions, imparting wisdom and prudence.

Those who want to assert themselves or curb their aggressiveness should wear a ring on their thumb.

Simply moving the ring from the ring name to the middle one because it is large is very undesirable. It’s better to give it to the tightening, it will be more correct.

Ring finger

The ring on the ring finger, first of all, indicates a person's marital status and symbolizes love and fidelity. If the owner of such a ring is not married, but prefers to wear the ring on his ring finger, then this is, without a doubt, a creative person. Such people adore art, exquisite luxury and a pleasant pastime. This is a romantic and dreamy nature. A man wearing a ring on his ring finger a calm, balanced and self-confident personality. Such people always have their own principles and their own outlook on life, they are quite happy with what they have, and do not particularly strive to achieve any heights. They love fun, luxury, expression, bright emotions, but often suffer from mood swings. But this does not prevent them from enjoying life.

Apr 28 2016 at 11:42 PDT

Many people whose marriage has ended continue to wear a ring on their ring finger. This is not entirely correct. No, you don’t need to remove the ring completely, you even need to continue wearing it, but on the other hand. Also on the ring finger, only on the left hand.

Little finger

A ring worn on the little finger reveals an extraordinary, adventurous and flirtatious personality, be it a man or a woman. A person who prefers to wear a ring on his little finger loves flirting in any form. These are very sociable people who can easily establish new contacts and rush headlong into new relationships. A little finger decorated with a ring means that a person is eager to attract attention.

Most often, jewelry on these fingers is worn by creative people, but even if a person has nothing to do with art, do not doubt that this is extraordinary personality. If the ring adorns the little finger constantly, then this reveals a narcissistic person with a changeable character. Such people are prone to intrigue, risks, betrayal and gambling. They love to be the center of attention, are independent and have an internal magnetism.

A ring worn on the little finger will benefit those who lack eloquence, diplomacy and communication skills.

Which pinky rings to choose and what does a ring on a girl’s little finger mean? Undoubtedly, for the smallest and most graceful finger, the ring should be appropriate - thin and elegant, they look great snake rings or decoration in the form of a twig with miniature leaves. A ring on a girl’s little finger means freedom of the heart and, at the same time, not the readiness to get married or have a serious long-term relationship. But such a ring will help you find a common language with people, establish new contacts and have a casual conversation.

Ring on the leg

Decoration on a woman's leg is always original, sexy and bold. What does a toe ring mean and where to wear women's toe rings, since not all shoes can be worn with them? According to psychologists, toe rings signify the desire to stand out and attract attention—they are worn by people with high self-esteem and a sense of superiority.

Toe rings, first of all, must be appropriate- they will perfectly emphasize the beauty and slimness of your legs during the beach season, but are unlikely to be appreciated by the business community during an evening cocktail. The decoration must be skillfully combined with the design and color scheme of the clothing; there is no need to talk about the need for a high-quality pedicure. Don't wear a lot of rings on your feet.- this is a certain inconvenience when walking and an obvious overkill: one ring on the big or middle finger or a paired set on two adjacent ones will look both impressive and stylish.

Rings and rings on men's fingers

For many attentive women, wearing and marking rings on men’s fingers is one of the important steps towards understanding a person’s character: a man can be stern and brutal, but the decorations on his hands can tell about his true essence. The October Revolution abolished and even, albeit unofficially, banned all kinds of jewelry for men, but years later, on the hands of men you can see signets, or even rings with stones - today this is a beautiful and stylish decoration.

There are no strict rules for a man to wear a signet - a man is free to choose on which hand he would like to wear the ring. But by the finger chosen for the signet you can determine the temperament of a man:

  • little finger- for people of creative inclinations and professions, a man with a signet or ring on his little finger is distinguished by a penchant for gambling and flirting; It is believed that people of creative professions can have a signet on it. They also say that a person with a pinky ring is prone to gambling and flirting;
  • nameless means the status of a married man and beauty on display - to wear on this finger, the jewelry must be expensive and stylish;
  • middle finger with a ring will help a man overcome difficulties and improve his ability to think soberly - it is customary to wear family jewels on it;
  • forefinger at all times was considered a symbol of power: a signet on the left finger leads to delusions of grandeur, on the right - to prudence. But in both cases, such a man’s desire for leadership is undeniable;
  • thumb in ancient times it was considered a symbol of sexual power and self-affirmation at any cost. It is inconvenient to wear a ring on it, but it attracts the attention of others and, of course, gorgeous ladies.
November 19, 2014