What does exalted mean? Exalted personality type: signs, characteristics, psychological characteristics

In psychology, exaltation is considered as a special property of temperament, close to psychopathy. The feelings and experiences of an exalted personality are always somewhat exaggerated. He sees the world in black and white, not noticing halftones. An exalted person clearly shows emotions where other people do not even notice a reason for joy or sadness. Exaltation is characteristic of sanguine and choleric people. Women are more likely to have this trait than men.

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Signs of exaltation

Exaltation is a tendency toward emotional exaggeration. A person abruptly moves from a state of happiness to exorbitant grief. Such people exaggerate the most ordinary things, attaching a lot of importance to little things. Another sign of exaltation is that people overestimate their capabilities and abilities, which is why they often look ridiculous in the eyes of others. An exalted person's mood changes in a matter of minutes. Failure in even the most insignificant activity leads to sadness and melancholy, and the most modest success leads to rejoicing.

Exalted people are amorous and talkative, compassionate, sincere and capable of altruism. Their fear quickly turns into panic. Due to their vulnerable nervous system, such individuals try to avoid open conflicts, although they may enter into disputes and small skirmishes. Exalted people reward those around them with arrogant glances and contemptuous grins. Their unshakable sense of superiority borders on delusions of grandeur.

Since an exalted person constantly experiences strong emotions, he can find himself in the field of art, especially theater. These people are born artists. They express themselves pathetically, are able to convey any emotion to others, and use flowery descriptions, colorful phrases, and raised tones in communication. The rest seem to them insensitive, impenetrable. They consider themselves unrecognized geniuses and subtle natures.

Exalted person:

  • able to bow before something or someone;
  • from admiration turns into deep despair;
  • loves madly and hates with every fiber of his soul;
  • has favorite animals, at the sight of which he experiences a feeling of awe, tenderness, tenderness, excitement;
  • absolutely cannot stand certain types of people - fat, thin, men, women, taxi drivers, etc.;
  • having noticed any peculiarity in people, he can suddenly change his opinion about them to the opposite;
  • admires the work of any artist, poet, musician, entertainer;
  • cries over a tragic film, a literary work with a sad ending;
  • has people around him whom he deeply despises or hates;
  • in most cases, his opinions, positions, tastes, principles are different from the position of the majority.

Those who have 9-10 of these statements are clearly exalted. A match with 5-8 statements means moderate exaltation; with 4 or less, this quality is absent.

At what age does exaltation appear?

A two or three year old child expresses emotions very clearly. He goes from hysterics to laughter in a matter of seconds. Exaltation is also characteristic of adolescence, but as one grows older it usually goes away.

This trait is characteristic of everyone at a certain stage of growth and development. Most people, as their nervous systems mature, begin to control their emotions and behavior. Individuals remain “eternal children” and are spoken of as exalted adults.

Attitude of others

Excessive expression of emotions and the inability to control them greatly complicates the life of an exalted person. He often has conflicts with others, he is not trusted with important assignments at work, and deep personal relationships are not established with him, since it is not known what he will do in the next minute.

The loved ones of an exalted person are always on guard, since their existence is full of surprises, and not always pleasant ones. Exalted people are poorly adapted to conducting everyday life. They may abuse alcohol, lose their home, or become a victim of scammers. As long as there are parents and loved ones nearby, something irreparable is unlikely to happen. But in the second half of life, these people often remain alone and create problems for themselves.

By exaltation, some people mistakenly understand pretentiousness in clothing, some special external chic in a person that sets him apart from the surrounding gray mass. While exaltation is a character trait, temperament, and hence a behavior pattern and, to a certain extent, a person’s lifestyle.

Sociologists interpret the concept of “exaltation” as an excited, enthusiastic state, painful liveliness. There is an expression: “to fall into exaltation.” A similar state is inherent in artistic people who live on emotions. They are extremely impressionable. Love for nature, art, and ideological searches can capture an exalted personality to the depths of the soul. They deeply experience the failures of their relatives and people close to them, just acquaintances, at a time when the victims themselves do not see the tragedy as such a big one. Compassion for an animal that is lonely and unhappy in their opinion can also drive such people to despair. An exalted lady, in a fit of compassion, is able to pick up an “abandoned” kitten on the street and take it home, and the next day, after it “made a puddle” in her shoe, internally tormented and hiding from prying eyes, she will take it back.

Also, the concept of “exaltation” refers to a short-term period of increased excitability of nervous and muscle tissue, which is then replaced by a phase of slightly reduced excitability. Changes in mood, enthusiasm and disappointment are characteristic of people of this type. They are talkative, often argue, but rarely descend into open conflicts.

Mass exaltation

A state of exaltation can simultaneously cover large groups of people in the form of spontaneous excitement for certain events - fire, earthquake, other natural and social phenomena. An enthusiastic, extremely excited state of the masses can be artificially induced. For example, the phenomenon of mass exaltation occurs at pop star concerts and during and after major sporting events.

Exaltation in astrology

The term “exaltation” is also used by astrologers. For them, it means the position of the planet in a certain part of its trajectory, path. A planet in exaltation means the planet is not at home, not in its abode. She is “visiting” and at the same time at work. Its effect on the zodiac sign is different. It is believed that if in the monastery the planet acts on an intuitive-instinctive level, then in exaltation it acts on an emotional-sensual level.

A 9-year-old child was sent to see me because he was unable to comprehend educational material. This is what the specialist explained to me over the phone, who referred him to me.

At the appointed time, a boy and his grandmother, who can hardly be called a grandmother, came to the reception. Cutaneous-visual in vectors - very youthful, mobile, readily coming (one might say, running rapidly) to contact. I admit right away that the first impulse directed in my direction was very pleasant to me.

It’s nice to see people who are not indifferent, but interested in you, but then...

To my question: “What did you come with? What are you complaining about? She said something very brightly, colorfully and emotionally for 5 minutes. I didn't understand a word of her speech. When I asked her to formulate the problem for the second time, a stream of words fell upon me again, which I tried to formulate into some kind of meaning in order to catch on to something, but to no avail... The only thing I understood was that the boy at some point falls into a state of stupor. And this was not spoken, but shown.

I felt this stupor myself when, after the examination, the boy lay down on the couch, and I walked around him for about a minute, since I had completely forgotten the entire algorithm of work. I was shaking inside. I asked my grandmother to sit silently, not to tell me anything else, and consciously began to calm myself down. Giving yourself commands: “Tanya, calm down! Breathe! Everything is fine, now we will do this and that.” A minute later my condition returned to normal, and I was able to begin performing my duties.

Naturally, the boy had a state of stress, “tension” in the head and in the area of ​​the thoraco-abdominal diaphragm. His internal craniosacral mechanism was limited.

The boy's vectors were cutaneous-anal-visual. Both his mother and his grandmother were carriers of the visual vector. Grandmother in a state of emotional exaltation in the visual vector. Mom, apparently, was also in a not entirely harmonious state. The grandmother herself said that “her daughter is still hysterical and will be worse than her in her emotional manifestations.”

Of course, you shouldn’t believe everything that such people say. Everything can be greatly exaggerated and have little to do with reality. But even from the grandmother alone it was clear that life was very difficult for the guy in such conditions.

After working osteopathically with the boy, I explained to his grandmother that the reason for his condition is the behavior of his loved ones. For representatives of the anal vector, a calm rhythm and consistency in everything, including the presentation of information, are very important. They are thorough in everything they do. To begin action, such a child needs to get ready and tune in. And once you start, bring it to the end. These are necessary conditions for his psychological comfort and the development of his properties.

And here the grandmother’s emotional exaltation, along with flickering, twitching in the skin vector, is constantly tear it down, preventing you from going deeper into anything. Her attention jumps from object to object. Doesn't fixate on anything for long. It’s difficult to even follow her train of thought. She is sending conflicting signals - what she is talking about and what to do is unclear to him. This puts the boy in need of consistency into a stupor.

Not life, but an eternal scene

The visual vector is endowed with emotionality, which, in conditions of unrealization in a person, can take an exalted form. Their emotions are violent, but at the same time superficial. Such spectators perceive everything very exaggeratedly, at the peak of their emotions. With this behavior they undermine themselves and those around them. This can cause irritation and rejection from other people.

Viewers who have stopped in their development are infantile. They can't do anything themselves. They just attract attention. To yourself. But today, when there is a real opportunity to realize the entire enormous potential of your emotions in helping people, remaining at the level of oohs and ahs is not enough. It's not filling.

Such spectators need an audience. It is important for them to evoke emotions in other people. They need to EMPATHATE THEM, sympathize with them. It's like a child who attracts attention to himself by crying, hysterical, or otherwise for the sole purpose of getting what he wants.

Emotional vampire. A tangle of fears and emotions

Exaltation or depth of real feelings

Emotions are a type of reaction to current events. The ecstatic viewer hears them scream, knocking everyone around them off their feet. Not being realized in socially useful activities, they simply spill out randomly, without ever forming into a deep feeling - empathy, compassion, love.

Feelings are deeper, they don’t scream. They are quietly lived by the person inside. Developed sensuality helps a person to focus his attention on his neighbor. Feel someone else's pain and respond to it, support it. It’s warm and comfortable to be with such a person.

Tatiana Karakazova, doctor


When some very joyful event occurs, making the heart tremble with happiness and the cheeks glow with a vibrant blush, it seems that a person is directly sowing goodness around him.

Most people are in this mood for some special reason, because it’s not for nothing that they say: “Laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool.” Unreasonable joy, of course, is not a negative phenomenon if it has boundaries. If not, then they say that the person is in a state of exaltation.

Both good and bad

Exaltation is an excessively unmotivated condition. In this state, a person can loudly admire a well-painted border for Easter or the original design of a candy wrapper. Those around such people, as a rule, treat them with caution: who knows what exaltation can lead to. This is not only unbridled fun, but also a distortion of the perception of reality, which can lead to disastrous consequences.

Scary funny people

Someone may say that it is better for a person to run and laugh than to lie and cry, but there is also a second side to the coin. In general, exaltation is an abnormal state from a psychological point of view. Let's remember all the famous films about psychiatric hospitals. The classic image of a crazy person is a sort of enlightened “God’s dandelion” with a strange laugh and an inadequate reaction to what is happening. This is the same impression made by a person who is “affected” by exaltation. This may seem like a too radical opinion to some, but in such a state it is especially important not to contact others. There is a high probability that they will not only not understand this mood, but will also urgently call an ambulance and try to force-feed their happy friend a sedative. Unreasonable joy scares everyone just as much as unmotivated aggression, because it is destructive to the same extent.

What to do if exaltation reaches you

Oddly enough, it is not psychologists, but linguists who can very clearly explain what exaltation is. The meaning of the word comes from the Latin noun exaltatio, which means “emotion”, “inspiration”. The same semantics is observed in the concept that is used today. This state can manifest itself not only in the form of active delight for any reason, but also in the form of an ordinary dreamy mood. For example, if a person suddenly decided to skip one day of work and instead had a lonely picnic in a local park, lay down on the grass and began to count the clouds, most likely he was “infused” with exaltation. It can also relax you, but only if the person notices something is wrong in time and is able to calm himself down. But if the end of the exaltation is not visible, it means that it is better to simply leave the person alone for some time and, if possible, not laugh at his jokes inappropriately.

and inflated passion

Excessive spring happiness in mid-January is what exaltation means. This condition is sometimes observed in lovers who have not yet come out of the period of rose-colored glasses and stubbornly call their new love their life partner. It doesn’t matter that they met this life partner about two weeks ago at a party on the occasion of the day of the cut glass. Their permanent exaltation will smooth out all the rough edges of this acquaintance and convince the lovers that they have found their destiny at the party. In this state, people usually do not notice even the most obvious disadvantages of their significant other.

The most attentive and honest people realize that perhaps this person is not the best option for life together, but they continue to love him madly and pretend that everything is going according to plan. It's a pity that in the end these relationships have no future, but it's good that people feel so happy at least for a while.

Exaltation among the planets

However, this term is used not only in psychology. There is also such a thing as “exaltation of planets”. It is quite common in astrology, and lovers of detailed horoscopes probably know firsthand about its meaning. Astrologers believe that a person’s fate directly depends on the location of celestial bodies, and it is they who talk about their exaltation. They say that certain planets in certain constellations “feel” best, and astrologers base their horoscopes on this.

During this period, the planets seem to show all their best qualities with special force, and at the same time nothing interferes with them. A certain “degree” of exaltation may indicate that the planet is at the peak of its powers. At such moments, astrologers advise people to do what they have long dreamed of. Perhaps it’s time to confess your love to that pretty girl over there, and then exaltation may well come to you. However, you need to remember common sense and know moderation in everything.


An affectively exalted temperament, when its severity approaches psychopathy, could be called the temperament of anxiety and happiness. This name emphasizes its close connection with anxiety-happy psychosis, which is accompanied by sudden mood swings. The described temperament may indeed be a weakened form of this disease, but such a relationship is not necessary. In cases where pure affective exaltation is observed, there can be no talk of pathology.

Affectively exalted people react to life more violently than others. The rate of growth of reactions and their external manifestations are very intense. Affectively exalted individuals equally easily become delighted with joyful events and despair with sad ones. From “passionate jubilation to mortal melancholy,” in the words of the poet, they have one step. Exaltation is to a small extent associated with gross, egoistic incentives; much more often it is motivated by subtle, altruistic motives. Attachment to loved ones, friends, joy for them, for their success can be extremely strong. There are enthusiastic impulses that are not related to purely personal relationships. Love for music, art, nature, passion for sports, religious experiences, searches for a worldview - all this can capture an exalted person to the depths of his soul.

The other pole of his reactions is extreme impressionability about sad facts. Pity and compassion for unfortunate people and sick animals can drive such a person to despair. Over an easily correctable failure, a slight disappointment that others would have forgotten the next day, an exalted person may experience sincere and deep grief. He feels some ordinary trouble of a friend more painfully than the victim himself. Fear in people with such a temperament apparently has the property of a sharp increase, since even with a slight fear that engulfs an exalted nature, physiological manifestations are noticeable (trembling, cold sweat), and hence an intensification of mental reactions.

The fact that exaltation is associated with subtle and very human emotions explains why artistic people - artists, poets - especially often have this temperament. Artistic talent is something completely different from scientific ability in a particular area, such as mathematics. What is the reason for this phenomenon?

First, I believe that talent alone does not provide the opportunity to create a work of art. Such a work is born only when the creator is capable of a high intensity of emotional experiences. If a person has deep intelligence and practical common sense, then nothing will prevent him from developing his mathematical, technical or organizational abilities. But with such a reasonable practical attitude, this person does not write poetry or compose music, although his natural abilities would be enough for this.

Secondly, emotions themselves make it possible to create a correct judgment about the emerging work, to give it a correct assessment. The level of science is measured by its applied value, while the value of a work of art is recognized only by its emotional impact. It follows from this that an integral property of a poet or artist must first of all be emotional excitability. The second stimulating moment for an artistic nature may be the presence of demonstrative character traits. Finally, we will encounter a third point when considering introversion.

Conflicts between artistic natures and life often occur due to too much sensitivity; the “prose” of life, its sometimes crude demands, are beyond their ability to cope with.

For example, Hölderlin's excess of feelings stimulated his poetic creativity, but at the same time did not allow him to adapt to the everyday demands of life. Perhaps his constant emotional excitability was of a painful nature, since in the second half of his life he developed a severe mental illness (my work on this topic was published in 1964).

Throughout his life, Hölderlin suffered more than he experienced outbursts of ecstatic joy, but this was due to the great difficulties in life that he had to experience due to excessive sensitivity. By the onset of mental illness, this exceptional emotive excitability had increased even more. In a letter to V. Lange, he writes: “Believe me, dear! I have struggled to the point of mortal exhaustion to preserve the higher life, in faith and in contemplation, oh yes! I have struggled, suffering unspeakably, and I believe that my torment exceeds everything that has ever been experienced by man.” In such vital hyperboles we not only recognize Hölderlin, but at the same time we get an idea of ​​the strength of the impulses with which excitability fed his poetic inspiration.

I cited the outstanding German lyricist as an example. In a similar way, although perhaps not to the same extent, emotive excitability is the basis for the creation of artistic works in many artistic natures. Let us add to this the natural desire of the artist to reflect in his work what captivates him so strongly and deeply.

The negative “pole” of the affectively exalted temperament can be observed in the following example.

Klaus E., born 1928 The mother is an exalted woman, who is characterized, on the one hand, by a feeling of enthusiasm, and on the other, by susceptibility to sad experiences. As a child, Klaus was afraid of the dark. In the darkness, it always seemed to him that someone was standing behind him - he would look around and quickly run away, his heart pounding. He was a silent, reserved man who did not like to speak in public: in doing so, he lost his voice and sweated profusely. Klaus E. could not stand it when animals were beaten in front of him; he experienced “aching melancholy,” but, since he was “choked by excitement,” he could not utter a sound in defense of the poor four-legged animal. He is captivated by various solemn events: “When solemn hymns are performed, I am directly afraid to cry, all from being moved...” Klaus experiences something similar during visits to the theater. However, he cannot play himself and never could, he begins to experience “stage fever” and definitely has a “lump in his throat.” He really loves music, tender, lyrical, similar to Schumann’s “Dreams,” but he also likes the chorus from “The Flying Dutchman.” At the age of 25, he entered a university, studied with enthusiasm for 2 years, after which a breakdown occurred. Klaus E. fell ill. His mother sent him a significant amount to buy food, but he, succumbing to the persuasion of his comrades, spent all this money on alcohol and had a party. “My God, I come from the most friendly feelings, we must help each other!” This incident was the beginning. Now, after all sorts of minor failures, which often cause Klaus severe depression, he drinks more and more often. His mother contacted us about this.

We can say that the character of this subject is dominated by “readiness for despair.” Already as a child, he was often in the grip of sad and anxious experiences. Later, he increasingly began to despair when he could not achieve something; he was often overcome by fear. The fact that these fluctuations were associated with the typical temperament of anxiety and happiness is confirmed by Klaus’s emotion at all kinds of special events: in this case, this state symbolizes a feeling of happiness, and his tears at this moment are tears of happiness.

Poets and artists are often distinguished by an exalted temperament, as evidenced by the examples below.

Martin R., born 1901, lyric poet. At the age of 62, when he came to see me, he was more engaged in translating poetry from foreign languages. R. was distinguished by his musical abilities, and he rather perceived his poems “as songs.” For some time he worked on advertising posters. His entire life bears the imprint of violent emotional experiences and unrest. Since childhood, R. was an enthusiastic person; at school he took an active part in social work. One day it almost came to a school strike, organized by R. as a protest against one vain and intolerant teacher. Later, his hobbies mainly concerned music, poetry and beautiful women. R. pathetically described his current wife as a “wonder woman.” R. is characterized by constant fluctuations between inspiration and extreme pessimism during trifling failures. In the latter case, he also began to have suicidal thoughts. R. came to meet us depressed: renal colic led him to believe that he had cancer.

R. is a typical lyricist. What is interesting in this case is that outbursts of despair are associated with thoughts of suicide.

I turn to the characterization of the artist’s personality, described earlier by Thorstorf.

Adele G., born in 1901, mother of an imbecile child, who became her favorite precisely as a result of his illness. She selflessly looks after him.

G. lives for the sake of his sick son and for the sake of art. She is interested in “everything beautiful.” At her first visit (she was then 63 years old), she said dreamily: “Painting is my greatest joy. I can’t help but write them!” The beauty of nature served as a kind of mood, and she began to be drawn to the brush: “I paint only motives that evoke inner joy. I have a need to express in colors the feeling of happiness that nature gives me. When I walk through a meadow or a forest, I feel unspeakable happiness. And I think: “This is wonderful, you write this!” Happiness without painting does not exist for me!” When asked why she tries so hard, since she never exhibits her paintings, she replied: “I don’t set this goal for myself. It’s enough for me to know that I can draw this...” Her statement is also interesting: “When I see a flower, I want to penetrate into its essence. For example, calendula - how much joy these petals radiate thanks to their yellow radiance!” Or here’s another: “It’s difficult to draw a human face. You always want to guess the expression of the soul itself behind the external outlines.”

The ability to experience great inspiration explains the fact that G. devoted herself to painting and creativity with great inspiration. The second pole is represented by her touching concern for her son, deep compassion for this feeble-minded child.

The following example is previously described by Seige.

Martin C., 25 years old, was musical since childhood and sang willingly. After graduating from high school, he became a mechanic's apprentice. During one radio broadcast, he was unexpectedly discovered to have singing abilities. He began taking singing lessons and then began performing with a pop orchestra. He sings on radio and television in entertainment programs, but dreams of participating in revues and musicals, since he is interested not only in singing, but also in artistic design. Even now Ts. is trying to accompany the singing with expressive facial expressions and gestures.

The subject characterizes himself as a very temperamental person. He quickly becomes inspired and at such moments he feels “super happy.” But just as quickly he can fall into deep melancholy or a state of anxiety; at such moments he is close to despair. He is returned to a balanced state by the influence of his wife. In general, Ts. is in an elevated mood, he considers himself an optimist, and is sometimes ready to “dance on the table” out of joy. It is not difficult for Ts. to immerse himself in the mood that a pop number requires, and then his performance turns out to be very convincing. He is ambitious, but fair, not vindictive and does not know how to stand up for himself.

One day Ts., very alarmed, ran to the dentist, who shortly before had given him two crowns. There was no pain, but the crowns were “insanely in the way”; he will not be able to sing or perform. Ts. already saw himself as unemployed. The doctor reassured Ts., for which he thanked him in a very pompous style. A few days later, the singer reported that everything was fine with him.

The deep enthusiasm associated with Ts.’s profession as a pop singer is explained by his excitability and tendency to exaltation. The incident with the crowns indicates the lability of his psyche with a tendency to excessive anxiety.

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