What a night the clear air is shackled.

To the question: Please give an analysis of the poem by Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet “What a night!” asked by the author _Nu3dell_37RUS_ the best answer is Analysis of the poem by Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet "What a night!"
A. A. Fet is a sophisticated lyricist, endowed with an exceptional sense of beauty and genius. The love theme is especially significant for Fet. Fet's main cycle of love poems is dedicated to Maria Lazic. Their romance ended in separation, which was soon followed by the death of the girl.
Memories of this tragic love did not lose their poignancy for Fet over time. Therefore, in most of his love poems, verbs are used in the past tense. The lyrical hero lives in the past, in memories, “it was tenderness.”
In the poem “What a Night! The transparent air is constrained... "
the lyrical hero at the hour of the meeting was only tormented by the consciousness that he was loved, but he did not love:
You waited, you longed for recognition -
I was silent: I didn’t love you.
But since the last date everything has changed:
But now, when I tremble and cry
And, like a slave, I catch your every glance,
I'm not lying when I call you mine
And swearing that I love you! »
Fet does not try to explain this sudden change, to trace what caused the change; he describes in detail the very state of his lyrical hero:
"I'm shaking and crying
And, like a slave, I catch your every glance.”
The main task of the poet is to convey mood and sensations. This poem contains the same thing as in all of Fet’s poetry - a mood of spiritual uplift. Intoxication with nature, love, art, tenderness, attraction, memories, dreams - this is the main emotional content of his poems.
Feelings for a woman in the poem “What a Night! "becomes all-consuming for the lyrical hero. Love makes it possible to experience inexpressible delight. However, the originality and strength of Fet's love lyrics do not lie in the psychological portrait, not in the individual characteristics.
The poet does not seek to recreate the image of his beloved woman. He is not interested in people themselves, but in their experiences. The poems give only moments of feeling, there is no explanation of the reasons for its development. The poet records certain moments of their love affair.
The feeling for the untimely departed beloved woman continues to give inspiration:
And, shuddering, I sing.
Analyzing this poem by A. A. Fet, it can be argued that his poems about love reveal a large world of experiences characteristic of every person. Like all true poetry, Fet's poetry summarizes what the poet himself experienced.

On this page you will find the poem What a Night! The transparent air is constrained; you will definitely need this information for your overall development.

What a night! The transparent air is constrained. Afanasy Fet

What a night! The transparent air is constrained;
The aroma swirls above the ground.
Oh now I'm happy, I'm excited
Oh, now I'm glad to speak!

Do you remember the hour of the last meeting?
The gloom of the night was desolate;
You waited, you longed for recognition -
I was silent, I didn’t love you.

The blood ran cold and the heart ached:
So heavy was your sorrow;
I felt sad for both of us,
And I was sorry to tell the truth.

But now, when I tremble and cry
And, like a slave, I catch your every glance,
I'm not lying when I call you mine
And swearing that I love you!

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