What can I do to save the planet. Use reusable fabric products

I turn to you for the help our planet needs. I understand that everyone has problems. But now there is a problem for the one who cannot ask for herself. She can hint... she can explain with some signs... and she cannot say... but many people hear her. I'm talking about our beautiful planet Earth, our home, our cradle. The earth, thanks to which we exist, we live on its lands, eat what it gives, it raised us and helped us become who we are, despite the fact that it destroys her, she is like a loving mother who ready to give everything for my child. We turned our backs on her, and she suffers. We are all her children, but we think only about ourselves, we solve our problems... but we are still children who want to seem like adults, and forget that the mother may die by giving away her last. Without it, we cannot survive, and not because there is no planet in the universe where we can live. But because the universe will never accept those who killed their mother. Humanity, having killed the planet, will destroy itself. We have many problems now: wars, diseases, hunger, children's illnesses, drug addiction, and many others. But by solving only these problems, we become like a sinking ship, from which water is scooped up with teaspoons. In order for the ship to sail further, the hole must be repaired.

There are forces that help us, forces that can stop our almost inevitable death. God, the universe, the energy of matter, other living beings. If humanity shows that it is ready to sacrifice selfish desires, and if it is necessary to sacrifice itself to save the Earth... then the death of the planet, nature, and our smaller brothers can be prevented. If you suddenly don’t believe in miracles, then I affirm that I say this as a fact: the whole universe rests on miracles, and there is no need to try to understand them all, to explain them with laws. Nothing is impossible. But... a miracle will not happen if all of humanity does not unite its efforts in order to preserve our home. I appeal to your mind and heart, help the one who gave life to all of us, because our stupidity will destroy her, please do not turn away from her...

I know that it is often difficult to start; thoughts arise: how can this be done, since we cannot help ourselves, but how can we help the whole planet? I swear with all my heart, with all my soul, if we start helping the planet, then our problems will be solved, and there will be fewer of them. And so I propose to start with several very specific and real actions:

Lead a healthy lifestyle, do not leave garbage in nature, try to ride environmentally friendly transport (bicycle, trolleybus, train), reduce meat consumption to a minimum, or refuse altogether, use less paper, demand that factories and authorities comply with environmental standards and waste recycling : paper, plastic, etc. Paper can be replaced with electronic media and do not buy printed products, meat can be perfectly replaced with plant foods, moreover, plant foods are healthier and cause less harm to the environment than animal husbandry.

Watch your diet in general, don’t eat everything, only “pigs” eat everything. Go to the store with reusable bags, and if you do take a bag, try to use it many times. Wear your clothes and shoes longer; you can always sew up a small hole, or just ignore it altogether! Do not use shampoos, gels, and liquid soap - all of these are good substitutes for regular soap, such as Tic-Tac.

Dear girls!!! think about the fact that cosmetics are harmful not only to the environment, but first of all to yourself, your health, and the health of your future children!

These are a few small steps that we need to start taking now, and then there will be a long and difficult path that needs to be taken until the Earth is completely healed. And it doesn’t matter that he is difficult, but what matters is that he is noble and happy.

And I ask you to help each other with this. Because not only me but also you need this.

And unfortunately, money is also needed here. For example, planting one hectare of forest will cost 100,000 rubles. We also need financial support for scientific projects, to save endangered species of animals, to maintain nature reserves, and much more.

It is possible that someone will say, but what does he have to do with it? The state should do the same. So, this is the business of every inhabitant of the earth. Since the vast majority of us drive polluting transport, use plastic bags, pollute the water with waste (only crazy idiots and fools could think of dumping waste back into the water, into rivers, lakes, seas, oceans). And therefore, every inhabitant of the earth is simply obliged to think about how he can help the planet.

1) First of all, change your consumer attitude towards nature, this is the main thing.

2) And secondly, do something, right now, or today, or this week. Plant a tree, ride a bicycle or take public transport instead of a car, send money to any fund, any amount, even 10 rubles, do something that you think is beneficial for the planet. You don’t even have to do something for someone, do it for yourself... get up early in the morning and go for a run... or just find a beautiful place with a piece of nature, stop and admire it, mentally thank it for being you, bye There is still such an opportunity to say...

If you want to help the site and in my endeavors, I will be grateful for your support

But in fact, it’s not the money that’s important... It’s what you do today that’s good and useful. This is the only thing that really matters.

Who would have thought a hundred years ago that the Earth would be in danger? Moreover, the danger is due to the fault of the people themselves! Unfortunately, back in the 80s of the 20th century, scientists monitoring the state of the environment began to sound the alarm.

For about thirty years now, the issue of the safety of the planet, as well as its salvation from destruction, has been acute. What is happening, can everything be fixed, how can we live in harmony with nature and with each other? You will see answers to all these questions below.

What was the planet like before...

The Lord created the Universe, stars, planets, satellites. But at the same time, he chose the only planet on which there should be life - this is Earth. First there was water, gradually land appeared, and continents were formed. Then the planet began to fill with flora and fauna. The first people appeared. As we know from history, they obtained food from bushes and plants, used herbs, and hunted animals. Later they began to build houses from natural raw materials. But at the same time, the environmental situation did not worsen. Why? Because man took only what nature gave.

Currently, there is ongoing debate about how old planet Earth is. In fact, you need to think about something else: how to protect it from destruction due to the fault of people. We should go back to history again to understand what our mistake is.

Comparison of past and future

Since ancient times, people have used the materials they found around them: stone, earth, water, plants. Stone and earth were used in construction, and water and plants were used mainly for food. Of course, if waste was generated, it decomposed naturally or again became a full-fledged object of nature.

There was also no powerful technology for extracting oil or ore from the depths of the earth. In addition, horses with chariots, carts or carts were always used as transport. There were no factories. There were more villages than cities. The only thing that could worry ancient scientists, especially astronomers, were meteorites that from time to time fly past or almost above the surface of the Earth. But, naturally, even now it is impossible to create conditions for the safety of the planet; it is very difficult to control the elements, especially those of enormous mass and size.

Further, it should be noted that never before the 19th-20th centuries were any devices created that could cause harm. There were no power plants or nuclear energy facilities. People have always used what they have: they need lighting and warmth - they make a fire, they need to wash themselves - they bathe in the cleanest reservoirs, and so on.

Modern setting

The third millennium is an era not only of information technology, but also of an environmental crisis. There are very few places left in the world untouched by human hands. In addition, with winds and precipitation, toxic substances are carried through the air, settling everywhere.

The first and most global man-made disaster occurred in 1986 with the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Within a radius of more than two hundred kilometers, the earth was contaminated with radiation particles capable of not only killing all living things, but also being transported with rain and wind to other regions.

The automobile industry also began to actively develop. If back in the late 80s of the 20th century not all people could buy a personal car, now one person can have two of them, and a family can have as many as five! But what harm do cars cause? We are talking about exhaust gases that fly into the air. To understand how much millions of cars in a metropolis pollute the environment, you need to go out into nature for several days, far from populated areas, where the air is clean. If you start a car engine in such a pristine place as a forest or field, you can smell the unpleasant smell of exhaust, which strongly pollutes the environment. Now imagine that in cities we only breathe exhaust fumes, we’ve just gotten used to it! Therefore, the safety of the planet is at risk.

Due to multiple emissions of CO 2 (carbon dioxide), the temperature in the populated area is much higher than it should actually be. After all, harmful impurities fly out of an internal combustion engine through the exhaust pipe with a current of hot air. Why is there a difference of 5 or even 10 degrees Celsius? Because exhaust gases from cars, walls of tall buildings made of reinforced concrete, fumes and smoke from factories, and thermal power plants greatly heat the air. Global warming is another environmental problem that can slowly but surely lead to the death of all living things.

If we plunge back into the past again, we will notice that our ancestors traded things, food in bulk, or prepared environmentally friendly packaging. There were no plastic bags, no cling film, no candy wrappers. There were also no plastic bottles. All these are materials of artificial origin - non-flammable, indestructible. In addition, they are produced in large quantities. Modern people throw them into landfills and leave them in nature. Thus, there is more and more garbage.

There was a lot of noise:

  • transport,
  • music,
  • construction equipment,
  • cleaning units and so on.

In addition to the above, there are many more factors that destroy nature. It’s worth talking about each of them separately, but at the same time let’s think together about how each of us can save the Earth.

Instead of a car and a motorcycle - a bicycle

Any modern transport (car, bus, motorcycle) creates an unfavorable environment, not only polluting the air, but also creating noise. For many people, such sounds tire them to the point of deteriorating their health. Once in Europe, an idea was proposed: on one holiday, it would be prohibited to travel around the city in a personal car if you have a bicycle. This idea was picked up by many townspeople.

If all physically healthy and able-bodied people agreed to ride a bicycle to work/study in good and warm weather, then we could enjoy the silence. Of course, it is impossible to clear the air of exhaust gases in a few days, but further destruction of the environment, even global warming, can be prevented.

In addition, a bicycle is not just transport, it will help improve your well-being and improve your health.

We throw garbage only in a container

Any locality must have garbage containers, bins and trash cans. Each person undertakes to throw away even the smallest speck in a specially designated place.

Unfortunately, there are two problems:

  1. The amount of expected garbage is much greater than containers and trash cans.
  2. There are people who are not used to keeping a used item with them until they have the opportunity to throw it in the trash.

In addition, the amount of indestructible garbage is becoming more and more in forest plantations, meadows and forests. It sits in the same place for years and rots.

Remember that our home, planet Earth, is unique! There is nothing like it anywhere else! Life was given to us so that we could create it, not destroy it. Learn to clean up after yourself everything you want to leave behind after picnics, swimming, or hiking. Agree, how insulting and bitter it will be if you want to come and relax in nature, where the forest is clean, the birds are singing, but there is garbage all around! If it is there, do not join, do not add your “mite.”

We burn environmentally friendly items

You should not leave paper bags, matchboxes and other flammable items that do not pose a danger to people and the environment. It is better to burn them where the risk of igniting nearby places is minimal, for example, on bare ground among stones and near a pond.

Of course, smoke is not very good, but as they say, there is no smoke without fire. And people have used fire at all times. And if you use it wisely, observing safety precautions, you can help nature and not harm it.

The preservation of life on Earth depends entirely on us - humans. The more benefits we bring to nature, the greater the chances of saving it. But, unfortunately, what is lost cannot be returned.

Recycling of household items

It is difficult to imagine now a house that does not have any household appliances at all. At least a stove and a refrigerator can be found in every residential sector. But over time, the technology becomes unusable. If it cannot be adapted to other needs, the question of disposal arises. As a rule, in our country, people take large items to a landfill.

In many highly developed countries there are special points for recycling any equipment. But, unfortunately, it is not possible to completely and safely destroy an unnecessary device or unit. Therefore, there are only three options:

  1. Recycling to make a new item/material.
  2. Parsing for your own needs.
  3. Disposal to landfill.

If the first two points help to significantly save the planet’s resources, then the last one only harms.

A very important factor should be noted: environmental disasters occur due to the release of radioelements, electromagnetic devices, batteries and other items containing toxic chemicals into the environment.

About the dangers of smoking

Many have already heard that smoking is very harmful, as tobacco destroys health. But it's not just that. If earlier cigarettes and pipes were made from environmentally friendly raw materials, now various chemicals are added to tobacco products in order to save on real tobacco.

In megacities, there are more and more smokers using the same low-quality product, which has practically nothing to do with tobacco. Not only is the air poisoned by exhaust emissions, but tobacco smoke is also added. Thus, not only smokers suffer, but also people, animals, birds and plants who are not dependent on tobacco.

Man on Earth exists in order to take what is available: herbs, trees, shrubs, mushrooms, and build houses from stone. But he went further, he wanted to become a powerful master in order to be richer in terms of creating the technosphere. But the richer modern people are, the poorer our planet is.

Washing and washing with natural products

Well-known laundry soap, soda, sand and sea salt have replaced dishwashing liquids, washing powders with fragrances and cleaning solvents, as well as various paints and varnishes. All these substances are always poured into a drain pipe or directly onto the ground.

To reduce the use of harmful household chemicals, it is better to use natural remedies.

Petroleum products

In the automotive industry, railways and factories of any transport equipment, flammable liquids from petroleum are used. Any of these materials easily penetrates the soil, spreading deeper. At the same time, groundwater is polluted. In addition, enterprises not only consume above-ground water, but also create air emissions into it.

The safety of the planet directly depends on how often people pour petroleum products and various chemicals into the soil. If the process is not stopped, then in 20-40 years the earth will become uninhabitable.

Processing and fertilizing plants in the garden

Along with petroleum products, significant harm is caused by pesticides and artificial fertilizers, which are used by gardeners, summer residents, as well as agricultural workers and farmers.

The penetration of toxic substances into the soil can be compared to an environmental disaster. The fact is that poisons continue to remain in the upper layers of the soil for a very long time, harming the health of those who eat food and herbs grown in such areas.

Therefore, it is better to do without fertilizers at all, or to use natural raw materials, for example, ash, manure.

Energy Saving

Power plants operate at full capacity, creating unfavorable conditions for the environment. This is especially true for overloads on the line, for example, in winter, when it gets dark early.

To reduce emissions of electromagnetic and thermal radiation and reduce the risk of accidents at nuclear power plants, energy should be saved. Currently, energy-saving lamps are in great demand.

Safety from electromagnetic radiation must also be observed at home and in the workplace. You should not leave equipment or lights on if nothing is currently in use.

The Earth and the Sun are the main sources of energy that have been used since the beginning of life. Sunlight should also be used by contemporaries while working and reading. Therefore, you need to strive to create rooms with the largest number of windows.

Reducing radiation from household appliances

Microwaves, cell phones, laptops, computers are the most important sources of electromagnetic radiation, which negatively affect health, mood and energy in general.

To protect yourself and your loved ones from excess radiation, it is better to use:

  1. Gas stove instead of a multicooker, microwave oven.
  2. One laptop instead of many different office equipment.
  3. Read real books instead of e-readers.
  4. Wash clothes by hand instead of a washing machine.
  5. Use a cloth and water when cleaning instead of a vacuum cleaner.

Of course, with the current pace of life, it is impossible to apply absolutely all the recommendations, but this will help avoid the progression of a man-made disaster, which occurs quietly and unnoticed.

Maintaining silence

It is very important for living beings to be in an environment where there is no man-made noise. Modern devices and instruments create a lot of unpleasant sounds that irritate others and frighten animals and birds.

You should switch to silent devices. For example, instead of a lawn mower, buy a regular scythe, replace a chainsaw with a hand hacksaw.

A person on Earth feels comfortable and safe only when he is surrounded by a calm and quiet environment: the singing of birds, the rustling of leaves, the wind, the splashing or sound of water, and so on.

Medicines and cosmetics

The pharmaceutical industry produces various synthesized drugs in non-flammable packaging, which also fills landfills. The same goes for cosmetics.

Walking in nature and rules of conduct

The ability to appreciate nature, love the Earth and the Sun, enjoy what you have, always gives you a feeling of joy and happiness.

When walking in nature, it is very important to respect the environment around you. There is no need to break and burn something that is still alive. You cannot kill birds and animals for your own benefit, which are becoming fewer and fewer. Under no circumstances should you light fires where there is a risk of fire.

About love for our planet

You can sometimes see slogans: “Love our home - planet Earth!” But not everyone understands what needs to be done. In addition, you need to have the willpower to leave those familiar things that greatly spoil the environment and health.

It is impossible to cope with a man-made disaster alone, but if measures are taken together, then perhaps the future generation will be able to live in more favorable conditions.

Large-scale planet conservation

Even schoolchildren know about the dangers of industrial facilities, but it is almost impossible to completely ban and eliminate them, at least for moral reasons. After all, it is very difficult for a modern person to move from technology to manual labor.

If all the plants and factories in the world that daily emit tons of waste into the environment were closed, and modern vehicles were banned, then the condition of the planet might improve and the ozone layer would be preserved.

How old is planet Earth, and it continues to exist even in the harshest conditions. Over many millions of years, geophysical processes occur, and sometimes meteorites fall.

Both natural phenomena and man-made accidents harm all living things. Therefore, we are faced with the task of how to protect ourselves:

  • space safety of the planet (protection from meteorites);
  • environmental safety (reducing environmental pollution);
  • spiritual and moral values ​​(cessation of wars, internecine warfare, terrorism).

Remember that everything is only in our hands. Together we can do a lot to stop the destruction of the planet.

The ecology of the Earth is deteriorating every day. Instead of preserving and protecting the resources of our planet, we mercilessly spend them: we waste electricity, pollute water, poison the atmosphere, etc.

At the same time, everyone thinks: “Nothing depends on me anyway,” and is mistaken. Everyone must take care of the health and cleanliness of the world in which they live, only then can they hope for a positive result.

How to do it? Here are some simple examples:

Plant a tree. This is good for the air and for the earth. In addition, it will be incredibly interesting for you to watch how the tree that you planted with your own hands grows, becomes covered with greenery, gives shade to people fleeing the sun, etc.

Make sure your car's engine doesn't run in vain. Considering today's gasoline prices, this will save not only the environment, but also your wallet.

Try to dry things in the traditional way as often as possible - using a rope and clothespins. Firstly, you will extend the life of your favorite clothes, and secondly, you will save a lot of energy that the “drying” mode spends.

Have a “meat-free day” once a week. Producing half a kilo of meat requires 10 thousand liters of water and several trees cut down for pasture. In addition, such unloading will improve your digestion.

Try to wash your items at a temperature no higher than 40 degrees. This saves energy. Also try to fully load the washing machine tank.

According to statistics, the average person uses 6 paper napkins per day. If everyone reduced their number to at least five, 500 thousand fewer napkins would end up in trash cans each year.

Use both sides of the paper. You need many documents for personal use, and if some text is already printed on the other side, it will not interfere with you. Every year, office workers send about 21 million tons of A4 paper to landfill. This amount can be halved.

No one has canceled waste paper collection points. Instead of throwing away newspapers and magazines you read, recycle them. Some organizations provide such a service as pickup. It is very comfortable. Recycling Sunday newspapers saves half a million trees a week.

Plastic bottles are not recycled. They decompose over millions of years or are burned, poisoning the atmosphere. Buy a special reusable container and use it by filling it with purified drinking water. This will allow you to improve the environment and reduce costs.

Even if you love taking a bath, try to give it up in favor of a shower at least once a week. The shower uses half as much water.

Turn off the water while brushing your teeth, you don't need it anyway. This way you can save 5 liters of water per day.

Do not preheat the oven. Almost no dish, except baking, does not need this. Monitor the cooking process through the transparent door without opening it.

Instead of buying a paper airline ticket, book your ticket online, which requires very little time spent on the computer. And in general, give preference to electronic media rather than paper ones.

Use cardboard matches, which are a product of recycled paper, instead of disposable lighters made of plastic and filled with butane.

When leaving a room, always turn off the light behind you. Even if you plan to return in 15 minutes.

When traveling by car on business, try to accomplish as much as possible of what you have planned at one time. If you get everything done in one trip, you will save gas, time and make your small contribution to improving the environment. Also try to think through the route in advance so as not to add extra kilometers.

Create a flower bed in front of the house. Surely, none of your neighbors will be against it, and most will even support your endeavors.

Try to use disposable tableware as little as possible. For example, instead of buying coffee from a vending machine, drink a cup in the morning before work or keep a cup at your desk. This will reduce the amount of difficult-to-recycle waste and give you more positive emotions.

Refuse plastic disposable bags. They take tens of times longer to decompose than any other garbage. Replace them with biobags or a stylish shopping bag.

Replace at least one light bulb in your home with energy-saving fluorescent ones. You can use it in your pantry, closet, toilet, etc.

If you turn your computer off instead of leaving it in sleep mode, you can save 40 kilowatt-hours per day.

When washing dishes, many are accustomed to rinsing them first and then using detergent. The water continues to flow at this time. If you only turn on the water to rinse out the detergent, you can save a huge amount of water.

Each discarded bottle takes more than a million years to decompose, so they must be handed over to special collection points. Recycling glass reduces air pollution by 20% and water pollution by 50%.

If possible, try to use diapers less often. Of course, they relieve many problems, but at the same time they cause enormous harm to the health of our planet. Each child manages to send approximately 3.5 million tons of poorly recyclable garbage to a landfill. Diapers and cloth diapers are less convenient, but better for the environment.

Be creative. Come up with unusual packaging for gifts. It could be an old capta, newspaper, fabric, etc. This way you will make your gift more original and will not waste extra paper.

Every two minutes you sacrifice while showering will save more than 10 liters of water.

If you have the opportunity, get around the city by bike. This will help you improve the health of you and your planet.

Try to buy local products. Thus, you will support the economy of your area and reduce fuel consumption for transportation

During a barbecue, many people lose sight of their plastic plates, forks and other disposable utensils. Most solve this issue simply - unpack a new set. As a result, plastic utensils are wasted and thrown away several times more. Label the dishes so you don't lose sight of them. To make it more fun, you can come up with funny nicknames for all the barbecue participants.

If you have the opportunity, make an agreement with your boss and work from home. You will save money on travel, regardless of whether you use personal or public transport, and will also make your small contribution to the fight against air pollution from cars.

Before throwing away any item, think about whether it is necessary. Maybe you can give it to someone who needs it or take it to a thrift store?

Never leave trash behind. If everyone cleans up after themselves, our planet will become much cleaner.

Discard the discs; they decompose very poorly, just like their packaging. You can download any movie, any program, any game and any music album using the Internet. Whether you pay for it or not is your choice.

Use rechargeable batteries instead of regular batteries.

Visit second-hand and consignment stores more often. The fact that someone used a bicycle, a net, a blanket or checkers before you does not make these things worse. Let them serve you better instead of littering the environment.


There are many other ways to help our planet, for example, participate in the PROMOTION on clothing models from ARISTA on aristaopt.ru, and spend the money saved on protecting the environment or purchasing more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient products.


My planet is a human home,

But how can she live under a smoky hood,

Where is the sewer - the ocean?!

Where all nature is caught in a trap,

Where there is no place for either a stork or a lion,

Where the grass groans: I can’t take it anymore...

Do you care about the health of our planet and what are you willing to do to save it? With daily bad news about global warming, drying oceans, melting ice and endangered animals, it's hard to know where to start. You might think there's only so much one person can do, but there are actually so many ways you can help. Here are some of them.

  1. Careful attitude towards water.

Wasting water is one of the most significant ways in which humans affect the health of the planet, and supplies of clean fresh water are becoming depleted. You can start taking steps now to use less water. So, you can take a shower instead of a bath, turn off the water while you brush your teeth or soap yourself. By the way, this way you will not only help our planet, but also save money on utilities.

The chemicals we use to bathe ourselves, clean our homes, wash our cars, and anywhere else, are washed off and absorbed into the soil or grass, eventually ending up in the plumbing system. Chemicals are even more dangerous for people, so do everything in your power to reduce their use.

  1. Air protection.

The most popular sources of electricity are coal and gas. The combustion of these elements is a major factor in air pollution. Reducing your dependence on electricity is a great way to help save the environment.

One of the minor sources of air pollution and global warming is emissions from cars, trucks, airplanes and other vehicles. Everything matters here: the production of the vehicle, the fuel needed for it, the chemicals burned, as well as the construction of roads. The less you drive and fly, the more you help save the environment.

  1. Protecting the earth from pollution.

Anything you throw in a trash bag, tie up, and take to collection will eventually end up in a landfill. Plus, all this garbage, including plastic, paper, metal and everything else was produced in a way that is harmful to the environment. You can reduce pollution by throwing away fewer things.Sort your trash. Separate waste into “components” and throw away separately. If you wish, you can, for example, hand over glass bottles and jars to a collection point for glass containers, paper, old magazines, newspapers - to waste paper. It is important to keep trash cans free of household hazardous waste. For example, light bulbs, batteries, mercury thermometers, etc. – things that can harm the environment. WITH touch the trees. Trees prevent soil destruction; trees are an integral part of the ecosystem. By saving trees, you protect not only the soil, but also water and air. If you have some free space in your yard, plant a few trees.Start beautifying your city. Clean-up days, public tree-planting events, volunteer programs for collecting garbage in parks - you can participate in these events without harming your budget and benefiting your own health. Try going there with your loved ones - this way you will not only help improve the environmental situation, but also have a good time with your family, because joint work, as we know, brings people closer together.

Do you care about the health of our planet and what are you willing to do to save it? With daily bad news about global warming, shallowing oceans and endangered animals, it's hard to know where to start. You might think there's only so much one person can do, but there are actually so many ways you can help. Read Step 1 to learn how changing your personal habits and educating those around you can make a big difference.


Careful attitude towards water

    Be careful with water in your home. Wasting water is one of the most significant ways in which humans affect the health of the planet. You can start taking steps now to drink less water. If you live in a water-stressed region, this is even more important to the health and prosperity of your region. Try checking the maximum number of items in this list:

    • Check if you have any water leaks. If there is, fix it. A leaky valve can waste a lot of water.
    • Install water saving devices on valves and in bathrooms. Installing a shower head with reduced water flow is a good place to start.
    • Do not wash dishes with the water constantly on. Use a method that will use less water to wash dishes.
    • Shut off the water supply to the dishwasher to prevent leaks. It doesn't have to be on all the time.
    • Replace old toilets with new ones that use much less water.
    • Only use fully filled dishwashers and washing machines. If they are only half full, this will result in water loss.
    • Don't use too much water to water your lawn.
    • Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
  1. Reduce the amount of chemicals used. The chemicals we use to bathe ourselves, clean our homes, wash our cars, and anywhere else, are washed off and absorbed into the soil or grass, eventually ending up in the plumbing system. Because many people use strong chemicals, they cause significant harm to waterways and aquatic life. Chemicals are even more dangerous for people, so do everything in your power to reduce their use. Here are some ways:

    • Find out about alternatives to home cleaning products that don't contain dangerous chemicals. For example, a solution consisting of white vinegar and water (1:1) works just as well for almost all types of cleaning as their store-bought products. Baking soda and salt are also cheap, non-toxic cleaning products.
    • If a chemical alternative cannot be found, try to use the minimum amount necessary to achieve the required cleanliness and disinfection.
    • Instead of using chemical-filled shampoos and soaps, try making your own.
    • Instead of using pesticides and herbicides, try natural ways to get rid of weeds and pests.
  2. Dispose of toxic waste correctly. Paint, motor oil, ammonia, and many other substances should not simply be washed off onto the ground or grass. They will penetrate deep into the ground and end up in groundwater. Contact your local wastewater treatment plant to find out the location of your nearest toxic waste dump.

  3. Help find water pollutants. Even one person can do a lot to keep water clean. Very often, enterprises and industries are the culprits of water pollution. Citizens interested in protecting the environment should discuss and find ways to protect themselves from pollution.

    • Join a local conservation organization to help clean up the water in your area, be it a river, lake or ocean.
    • Contact your local government to discuss your views on keeping your water clean.
    • Volunteer and help clean up beaches and riverbanks.
    • Get others involved in cleaning up the waters in your area.

Help to protect animals

  1. Make your home a haven for flora and fauna. Due to the progress of mankind, all kinds of animals, from birds to deer and insects, have lost their homes. You may have seen birds taking baths in oily ponds and deer wandering on the outskirts of settlements simply because they have nowhere else to go. If you have some free space, be hospitable to those animals that need help. You can make your home more pet-friendly by:

    • Plant shrubs, flowers and trees that can attract forest creatures.
    • Hang a bird feeder and water bowl that always contains clean water and food.
    • Let snakes, spiders, bees, bats and other creatures live. The existence of these animals in your neighborhood means your ecosystem is healthy.
    • If there is free space, place a hive.
    • use cedar chips instead of mothballs.
    • Don't use pesticides.
    • Use more humane traps rather than mouse poisons and insecticides.
    • Use an electric or manual lawn mower rather than a gas-powered one.