What is a disturbed sense of security? Crisis psychologist: How to restore a basic sense of security.

07.01.2005 22:16

It seems that there is one value in life that prevents many people from setting and achieving significant goals - the need for security. Security is the feeling of confidence that all your basic needs will be met. At first glance there is nothing wrong here. It's great to feel safe! Abraham Maslow argued that it is one of the basic human needs. Until we feel safe, we cannot move to the next level of personal development, such as love and self-realization. If we are not sure whether we will be able to pay the rent at the end of the month, how can we pursue our lofty dreams? You have to feel safe first, right?

Then how come most people who become millionaires started out penniless or even in debt? How is it possible that some people can start a new business after a complete failure, with little or no income, and no guarantee of success at all? Perhaps people who risk becoming entrepreneurs have a lesser need for security? When you read the biographies of successful people, you will see a common pattern over and over again: from the outside, it will seem that most of them were not safe when they began to follow their dreams. Sylvester Stallone was so broke that he had to sell his dog so he could continue to look for a buyer for the Rocky script (when no one wanted to buy it). Tony Robbins cooked in the bathroom; his room had no kitchen. Brian Tracy was a laborer. Og Mandigo was a homeless drunkard who went to the library to warm himself. Babe Ruth grew up in an orphanage. While some successful people had everything to start with, most had nothing.

On the other hand, how can this be - other people who seem to be more financially secure are paralyzed and do nothing? People who have money in the bank, who have a nice house and a solid salary - still do not feel safe? Meanwhile, those who started from a much worse position are ahead of them. Why?

The reason is not that some people need more security than others. I think everyone should feel safe. However, the difference is that entrepreneurs find security from within, while others look for it from without.

For example, those who can't take a step usually define security as X amount of bucks in the bank, a fully paid-off house, a stable job with a good salary and prospects, a strong relationship with the boss, a new car, etc. All security is from outside. If external factors are stable, a person feels safe. But when they are under threat, for example, there is a possibility of being fired, then the person no longer feels safe. He will spend a lot of time trying to bring external factors into order.

But enterprising people of action determine their security from within. Security comes from trusting yourself, from the ability to think and act. As long as you are able to think and do, you are safe. With this mindset, you can be homeless and still feel safe. Why? Because you still have the ability to think and act, and homelessness is a temporary setback. She is not a threat to your safety. Therefore, even if you find yourself in a financially unstable situation, the external environment will not threaten your safety. Safety is guaranteed. External events cannot harm her.

Now that the time has come to act, one group of people is seen to be paralyzed while the other is flying forward. According to Maslow's hierarchy of values, security is a more important need than self-actualization. This means that you will not be able to fully set and achieve goals until you are safe. Safety comes first.

It is a fact that most will not be able to satisfy the external need for security without sufficient resources; those who define security this way will not be able to take action and follow their dreams until all external factors come together. They will wait and wait until they have enough money to be safe before they can follow their dreams. Most often this does not happen - a person would rather die before satisfying all external needs. On the other hand, if he succeeded and received enough money to follow his dream, but again a threat to their safety appeared (for example, he lost a lot of money), then he will have to put his dreams aside and again take care of his safety. This is a terribly ineffective way to turn dreams into reality. In most cases it doesn't work at all. You will spend your whole life searching for security instead of self-realization. It's sad that most people live this way.

Let's look at an enterprising group of people who are defining security from the inside. All you need to be safe is to think and act. To be safe, you don't have to wait for external factors to come together. You are already safe because you believe in yourself. In this way, you can take up self-actualization and do it for the rest of your life. You will be able to follow your dreams without stopping. You won't have to pause to satisfy an external need for security.

Having an external center of control is paralyzing. If your safety depends on external factors, you will always be a victim of circumstances beyond your control. But the internal center of control gives strength. When your security is within, your need will always be met, no matter what happens outside of your control. This means you can always follow your dreams, no matter what happens.

How then can you move from the first group to the second? It's just a matter of choice. Just as you could choose external security, you can choose another option. You can choose to listen to the world confirm who you are and what you are capable of (which most people do). Or you can choose to listen to yourself.

Believing that you can handle anything that comes your way is a matter of choice. You don't have to deserve it. You don't need to acquire a series of external confirmations to somehow gain permission to follow your dreams. You don't need this permission. You don't need anyone's words" Okay, you've finally met the basic safety requirements. Now you have access rights to work on your dreams. But only as long as your level of external security is at its best“.

Yes, it's as simple as it sounds. There is no physical law in the world that says that you need to achieve some arbitrary level of safety before you can start making your dreams come true. You can start broke, in debt and without a stable income, but still spend the lion's share of your time on your dreams. People do it again and again - and succeed.

If you define security for yourself from within (and you are free to make that choice), many of the difficulties that seem to be holding you back will simply melt away. While you should simply pay attention to opportunities, such as overspending, most people give them too much importance, which paralyzes them.

Money, of course, is a very important resource. But time is even more important. When you run out of time, you are dead. But what happens if you run out of money? Did you know that you can continue your journey even without money? Going bankrupt doesn't mean you should die, and it doesn't mean you should stop pursuing your dreams. You won't die the moment you run out of money. And the referee will not show you a red card and send you off the field. This game can't end that easily.

The typical self-made millionaire failed an average of 3.2 times before making a million. Yes, every crash has consequences and you may need to tighten your belt for a while, but that doesn't mean you have to stop. By and large, bankruptcy is an imaginary obstacle. For those whose safety lies externally, overspending is a huge personal threat, something to be avoided at all costs. But for those whose safety is within, overspending is just a temporary stop. It was experienced by Donald Trump, Walt Disney, Abraham Lincoln and many others who persistently followed their dreams.

It really doesn't matter where you start, whether you're an entrepreneur or an employee, a millionaire or a bankrupt. There are much greater values ​​than money. You can afford to lose all your money and continue to follow your dream. You can suffer failure after failure, but just continue on your way. But you can't afford to waste time. Money can be earned. Time is impossible. Even if you have no money left, you will still be able to think and act. But if time runs out, then it’s game over. Every day of life that passes is another day that ends; it cannot be returned. If you paralyze yourself with the illusion of external security, you are wasting your life. If you don't spend your precious time turning dreams into reality - today, right now - then you are simply counting the days until you die. External security will never come. All circumstances will never be favorable. If you are waiting for external security, you are waiting for death. And in the meantime you forget to live.

So what are you waiting for? External security is a mirage. As Helen Keller said: “Safety is inherently a prejudice. It does not exist in nature, and not a single person has experienced it to the fullest extent. In the long run, running away from danger is no safer than being open to it. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”

So what will it become for you? Do you choose adventure or do you choose not to choose?

If you still think this is not possible for you... then here is a fancy sign for you. It's snowing in Las Vegas right now. Sorry, I'm leaving you. I'll go make some snowballs...

No. I hope the question is not about something global - about the threat of war, for example, or about the terrible economic crisis and the HIV epidemic, because personally I see a threat every day in small things.

The people around are too unpredictable, and the behavior of each of them can never be predicted: will a girl rushing to the first car of an approaching train push me off the platform? Or will you be pushed over by an inadequate grandmother standing behind you? Will the man who followed me into the entrance rob me? Will they rape you at home and very fun gatherings with friends? Will a nice bus driver open the doors at the final stop if I’m the only one inside? Will the taxi driver take you to your destination or block the doors and turn into an unfamiliar yard? Should I get out of the carriage if there is only me and a large drunken group left there? Will the man whom I invited over just to chat understand my refusal to have sex? Does the drunk neighbor downstairs really only need salt from me at four in the morning? Will the pills help with an asthma attack? Are they definitely not counterfeited? Will your last money be stolen in a foreign city? Will my partner take off the condom while I'm not looking? Will the doctor hurt me and be disrespectful and rude to me and my body? Will I be hit by a drunk driver who veers onto the sidewalk? Is it safe to travel on a bus that violates the speed limit? It’s dangerous to return home from a concert at night, right? It’s dangerous to walk along the skating rink that the road along the house has turned into (after all, sidewalks are unofficially considered parking, what’s wrong with that?) Is it dangerous to live if complete strangers are not embarrassed to come up on the street or in the subway and express their disapproval of my appearance or actions what am I doing? What if they decide to punish?

I hope that all this above does not look very much like paranoia, because these thoughts do not completely take over my consciousness, but they flash briefly every time in these situations. Yes, every time I’m afraid to enter the entrance at any time of the day - I endlessly look around and for some reason I’m afraid. It's scary to drink with people, even if I think I know them. It's scary to walk home in the dark. It's scary when I communicate with drunk people. It's scary when the doorbell rings and I'm not expecting anyone. It's scary when neighbors scream and swear on the staircase. It's scary to be alone with an unfamiliar man. For some reason, it’s scary to contact the police, who are supposed to protect you. It's scary when strangers compliment you. It's scary that my partner won't tell me that he has HIV or anything else that he can infect me with and change my life forever. It's scary that a huge piece of ice will fall from a roof in the city center that no one is cleaning. I'm afraid that another person's careless or intentional action will injure or take the life of me or the people I love.

Warm summer and spring days have only one drawback - nasty insects who are just dying to run over you or bite you. Ticks are especially dangerous. If you love active recreation and spend a lot of time outdoors or go on a picnic with your family on weekends, then there is a chance that you will return with these reptiles on your body.

In order for your vacation to bring only joy and you don’t have to think about the potential dangers of tick bites, we will tell you about one trick. And as you can already guess, preventing this problem is very easy.

An effective tick repellent

All you need to have is a regular lint roller and essential oil. Add just a little essential oil to the roller. Just do it evenly and carefully so as not to stain your clothes later. Before you go for a walk in the park or go to nature, go over the clothes you will wear with a roller several times.

Just keep in mind that not every essential oil will work. We present to your attention the 5 most effective oils for fighting ticks.


  1. Eucalyptus
    Eucalyptus oil can be used alone or in combination with lemongrass oil to repel any insects.
  2. Lemon
    This oil is considered especially effective against ticks, fleas and even lice.
  3. Mint
    This essential oil is toxic to insects and is an effective natural repellent.
  4. Lavender
    The most surprising thing is that people adore the scent of lavender, but ticks cannot stand it. Moreover, this also applies to midges and mosquitoes.
  5. Schisandra chinensis oil
    It has a bright citrus scent and is a natural flea and tick repellent.

In that method of fighting ticks There is another nice bonus - it helps repel mosquitoes and various midges. Due to the fact that you apply essential oil to your clothes using a roller, it will be an unobtrusive aroma for you and those around you.

Also, some people simply mix water with essential oils and apply it to the body as a spray. But in hot weather, contact of a steamed body with oil can lead to skin irritation.

When planning to go outdoors, use this trick and relax without annoying ticks.

This feeling is unusual for me, because I don’t know how to stay in a calm state for a long time, I often experience unreasonable fear and the feeling that I will have to pay for my safety later. I subconsciously move away from this feeling. In my opinion, a sense of security is greatly enhanced by being surrounded by people close to me, when I receive support and help from them in difficult situations. But it is often difficult for me to share my difficulties with someone and ask for help. And it’s easier for me to isolate myself from others and solve problems alone than to trust someone and feel a sense of security. I would really like not to run away from this feeling and not replace it with anything else, but to learn to live it without fear.

A feeling of security comes when I feel at ease and comfortable, when there is no fear or anxiety.

In my opinion, this is one of the basic human needs, like sleep and food, and naturally I want to feel safe. But sometimes, my illness does not allow me to feel safe, since I am used to such feelings as anxiety and fear. I rarely manage to track my security and this is something I would like to learn.
Feeling safe, I arrive in a good mood. But it seems to me that this feeling can dull my vigilance. I want to somehow learn to control it so that it doesn’t completely turn my head and take me into the wrong steppe. I do not hide or suppress the feeling of security, but on the contrary, I rejoice in it and share it with my loved ones.