What is a block? Why and when did the motors start to use liners?

Block: Wiktionary has an article “block” Block (mechanics) a simple mechanism: a wheel with a groove around its circumference, rotating around its axis ... Wikipedia

Alexander Alexandrovich (1880, St. Petersburg - 1921, Petrograd), Russian poet, playwright. Born into the family of a law professor. In childhood and youth, he often lived on the Shakhmatovo estate near Moscow, which belonged to his grandfather, the rector of St. Petersburg University. IN… … Literary encyclopedia

1. BLOCK, a; m. [German] Block] The simplest lifting device, a wheel with a groove rotating on an axle, through which a rope, chain, etc. is thrown. Install b. for lifting bricks. // About the device for raising curtains, closing doors, etc... encyclopedic Dictionary

- [device] noun, m., used. infrequently Morphology: (no) what? block, what? block, (see) what? block, what? block, about what? about the block; pl. What? blocks, (no) what? blocks, what? blocks, (I see) what? blocks, what? blocks, about what? about blocks A block is... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

1. BLOCK [from French. bloc block] The first part of compound words. 1. Indicates which l. a ready-made structure intended for mounting a more complex structure. Block garage, block room, block section. 2. Indicates the block structure of which l.... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Unit, device, installation, device, unit, section; association, group, faction, commonwealth, camp, association, party, detachment, union, army, brotherhood, faction, coalition, society; package, pack; a lot of something; source, reception,... ... Synonym dictionary

Alexander Alexandrovich (1880 1921), Russian poet. He began in the spirit of symbolism (Poems about a Beautiful Lady, 1904), the sense of crisis of which was proclaimed in the drama Balaganchik (1906). His lyrics, close in their spontaneity to music, were formed during... ... Russian history

- (Block, pulley) the simplest machine for lifting weights. Three types of boats are used on ships: metal, wooden with frames (internal or external) and wooden without frames. Block. Every boat consists of wooden or metal cheeks,... ...Nautical Dictionary

BLOCK... [English] block] the first part of complex words close to the meaning of the word “blocking”, or denoting “relating to blocking” (for example, BLOCKPOST). Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. BLOCK (German: Block). 1) temporary connection... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language


  • Collected works of A. A. Blok, A. A. Blok. In this collection, the construction of volumes of poetry embodies the poet’s desire to combine three books of poems into a trilogy - a “novel in verse.” Blok in all the meetings he prepared...
  • Alexander Blok. The best poems. Selected Prose, Blok A.. “Blok developed normally - from a boy who had read Solovyov and Fet, he became a Russian romantic, wise by his German and English brothers, and, finally, a Russian poet who ...

A world without banks, notaries, registrars, regulators - blockchain technology forces a new look at the exchange of values, documents, and money. It removes middlemen and allows users to directly send important data to each other. Some are already calling it a breakthrough of the 21st century, the greatest invention comparable to the discovery of the Internet, others are looking at it with caution.

Let's look at blockchain for dummies in simple terms.

To put it simply, the blockchain is often compared to a standard diary or file cabinet, where entries are made sequentially in chronological order about what was done - slept, ate, did laundry, took a walk, borrowed money, paid $100 for dinner, etc.

To ensure that no outsider can make changes to the diary at their own discretion, all information is encrypted in a special way, and the cipher is well thought out. If the diary is in one copy, anything can happen to it - the house burned down and he along with it, it was stolen, with the greatest desire they deciphered it and made adjustments.

Therefore, for reliability, the diary has many copies, which are stored in different places. Moreover, when new information is entered into the diary, it is updated on all copies after verification.

That's the end of the lyrics, let's get down to business.

What is blockchain and why is it needed?

Blockchain comes from the English. blockchain (block chain), which literally means “chain of blocks.” In other words, it is a database, which in the truest sense of the word is a continuous chain of blocks and is stored simultaneously on many computers.

New blocks in this database chain are created constantly. Each newly created block contains a group of recently accumulated and ordered records (transactions), as well as a header.

Transactions are any actions that users perform online, be it sending funds, registering property rights, purchasing a game item, etc. When a transaction is formed by the user, it is sent to the so-called mempool, where it waits until it is added to one of the blocks and confirmed.

Once a block is formed, it is verified by other network participants and then, if everyone agrees, it is attached to the end of the chain. Once this has happened, it is no longer possible to make changes to it. In addition to new information, the block also stores data about previous blocks in encrypted form.

The database is updated on all computers connected to the system, and miners (validators) begin to form the next block.

Basic principles of blockchain:

  • decentralization and distribution;
  • safety and security;
  • openness and transparency;
  • the immutability of what has already been written down.

Distributed storage

Any significant information related to one or another area of ​​people’s lives is stored somewhere. Buying a house or car, taking out a loan, registering a marriage, transferring money - all data about these transactions is recorded and placed centrally on the servers of government agencies or private companies. This often leads to abuse - if you wish, you can get into any database and make adjustments to it.

Blockchain technology radically changes this approach. Its essence lies in the fact that the database is stored not in one place, but distributed on thousands, or even tens of thousands, and sometimes millions of computers scattered around the world.

The likelihood that all of them will be disabled is negligible and looks fantastic. In the meantime, as long as at least one computer on the network is working, the blockchain-based system exists.


As already mentioned, any centralized database can be hacked and changes made to it. Such a number will not work with blockchain. There is no point in hacking one of the blocks and changing the information in it, since all the blocks will have to be broken, and this requires gigantic computing power - as we remember, new blocks contain encrypted data about previous blocks. Therefore, a hacking attempt will definitely be noticed by other network participants.

In addition, a powerful encryption algorithm using hash functions and a digital signature will also become an obstacle to falsification. The signature uses two keys - public and private. The first is necessary to verify the signature itself, the second is used when creating it and is secret. Keys provide participants with access to certain information.

A hash function looks, at first glance, like a sequence of random numbers and letters. It is this that ensures the immutability of all recorded data.

As we can see, the operation of the network is not based on the mythical trust of users in each other, but on strict mathematical calculations.


The entire database is publicly available, and therefore anyone can view the data of a particular block. For example, one user transferred 10 thousand dollars to another - anyone can find out about this if they want. The question is, who transferred the money to whom remains a mystery. This information is available to direct participants in the exchange, unless they themselves wish to make it public.

Interaction without intermediaries

An important point is that we constantly need to deal with intermediaries - we carry out financial transactions through the mediation of banks, payment systems, exchangers, and we notarize documents.

There are often situations when money may not reach the addressee, because the bank does not like the transaction and will be interested in it. Forgery of documents is also not uncommon. Thus, although we do not fully trust all kinds of intermediaries, we are forced to use their services, often at our own peril and risk, since there is no alternative.

Blockchain allows for direct exchange of data. The authenticity of transactions in the system is verified directly by its participants.

Network device

The network is formed by users interested in using one or another type of information. Participants are divided into two types:

  • ordinary users;
  • block builders or, as they are also called, miners, validators.

Ordinary users send new transaction records to the network. For example, user X wants to transfer 100 conventional units to user Y.” And miners are already forming blocks from these transactions. Entries are confirmed and entered into the block only if the majority agrees. The rest are ignored and are not considered valid until they end up in the contents of one of the subsequent blocks. Only the owner of the key that allows access to it can use a particular record in the blockchain.

To become a miner, you just need to allocate the power of your computer to generate new blocks. They connect to the network using special software.

There are also systems in which, instead of traditional mining using the Proof-of-Work algorithm, other protocols are used, for example, Proof-of-Stake, when validators need to reserve a certain amount of crypto coins in the account to confirm transactions.

Types of systems

Different types of systems are built on blockchain technology. Eat public supranational systems that anyone can join and become a simple user or miner. The administration of such an association is carried out by the community itself.

There are also private or so-called exclusive blockchain networks, which are maintained and controlled by their creators. To become a participant, you need to fulfill certain conditions established by the organizers. New blocks can be mined in such systems by a clearly established, certified circle of persons.

Areas of application of blockchain

As we can see, the blockchain platform is a distributed database for public use, which mainly lacks centralized oversight of the process. Using blockchain, you can keep records, store data, and make transactions in any area of ​​life:

  • financial operations;
  • real estate transactions;
  • insurance;
  • logistics;
  • traffic violations;
  • marriage registration and much more.

The first use of blockchain in practice occurred in 2009, when the Bitcoin cryptocurrency was created on its basis. Later, a great variety of such cryptocurrencies appeared for a wide variety of tastes.

Today, states are actively considering ways to introduce blockchain into the voting system in elections. China wants to transfer the work of the National Social Security Fund to blockchain.

This technology will be closely woven into the system of “smart cities”, which are actively being implemented in the PRC.

Blockchain-based startups are already being created in the field of medicine, intellectual property protection, and copyright. Based on the technology, identification systems, web browsers, decentralized cloud data storage, and social networks are being developed.

Moreover, an entire virtual nation has already been created - BITNATION, which opens embassies in different countries. Anyone can become its citizen.

More and more people are hearing about so-called smart contracts, or in other words, which work on the blockchain and significantly simplify the procedure for signing contracts. They first appeared on the Ethereum network.

In this case, there is no need to involve a third party in the process, which would act as a guarantor of compliance with the conditions. Here, the program code, based on pre-defined conditions, automatically decides what to do with a particular asset. All interested participants in the process can audit the transaction at any time.

The technology was first tested in international trade in early autumn 2016. Then, on the Wave platform, the British bank Barclays issued a letter of credit for 100 thousand dollars, ensuring the export of a large batch of dairy products to the Seychelles company by the Irish company Ornua. Typically, such a transaction takes at least a week, but here everything took about four hours.

Pros and cons of technology

As you can see, blockchain is a universal technology applicable in different areas of life, which is a definite advantage. In addition to the openness, safety and security already discussed above, blockchain also:

  • Reduces transaction costs.
  • Reduces the time of transactions from several days, or even weeks, required to verify data and exchange documents, to several hours.
  • Allows organizations and institutions to get rid of unnecessary expense items.

The disadvantages include scalability. Today, blockchain is not capable of supporting a huge number of transactions in a short time. For example, payment systems MasterCard or Visa process about 45 thousand transactions per second, while Bitcoin has only 7. The weight of the database stored on network computers is also growing daily.

Do not forget about the load on electrical networks when it comes to networks operating based on the POW algorithm. All these complex calculations cause computers to consume large amounts of energy.

Speaking about the invulnerability of the blockchain, experts also point to the likelihood of the so-called “51% attack.” In other words, if a group of network participants concentrates 51% of the computing power in their hands, it can begin to act in its own interests, confirming only transactions that are beneficial to itself. However, this will require such powerful resources that it is extremely difficult to implement this idea in practice.

Blockchain in Russia and Ukraine

In the Russian Federation, they are going to officially legalize the technology and begin to implement it in 2019, having adopted the necessary regulations by that time. So far, the country's large banks, together with the Central Bank, have created the MasterChain platform in order to increase the efficiency of the financial system.

An interesting blockchain project operates in Moscow. The platform is called “Active Citizen”, and with its help they conduct all kinds of voting regarding improving life in the capital.

In Ukraine, the State Land Cadastre has already been partially transferred to blockchain. In particular, the statement verification process works on this technology. At the second and third stages of blockchainization of the cadastre, the existing database will be transferred to a distributed registry, and then they will begin hashing all ongoing transactions. Next in line is also the State Register of Property Rights to Real Estate.


Block: Wiktionary has an article “block” Block (mechanics) a simple mechanism: a wheel with a groove around its circumference, rotating around its axis ... Wikipedia

Alexander Alexandrovich (1880, St. Petersburg - 1921, Petrograd), Russian poet, playwright. Born into the family of a law professor. In childhood and youth, he often lived on the Shakhmatovo estate near Moscow, which belonged to his grandfather, the rector of St. Petersburg University. IN… … Literary encyclopedia

1. BLOCK, a; m. [German] Block] The simplest lifting device, a wheel with a groove rotating on an axle, through which a rope, chain, etc. is thrown. Install b. for lifting bricks. // About the device for raising curtains, closing doors, etc... encyclopedic Dictionary

- [device] noun, m., used. infrequently Morphology: (no) what? block, what? block, (see) what? block, what? block, about what? about the block; pl. What? blocks, (no) what? blocks, what? blocks, (I see) what? blocks, what? blocks, about what? about blocks A block is... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

1. BLOCK [from French. bloc block] The first part of compound words. 1. Indicates which l. a ready-made structure intended for mounting a more complex structure. Block garage, block room, block section. 2. Indicates the block structure of which l.... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Unit, device, installation, device, unit, section; association, group, faction, commonwealth, camp, association, party, detachment, union, army, brotherhood, faction, coalition, society; package, pack; a lot of something; source, reception,... ... Synonym dictionary

Alexander Alexandrovich (1880 1921), Russian poet. He began in the spirit of symbolism (Poems about a Beautiful Lady, 1904), the sense of crisis of which was proclaimed in the drama Balaganchik (1906). His lyrics, close in their spontaneity to music, were formed during... ... Russian history

- (Block, pulley) the simplest machine for lifting weights. Three types of boats are used on ships: metal, wooden with frames (internal or external) and wooden without frames. Block. Every boat consists of wooden or metal cheeks,... ...Nautical Dictionary

BLOCK... [English] block] the first part of complex words close to the meaning of the word “blocking”, or denoting “relating to blocking” (for example, BLOCKPOST). Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. BLOCK (German: Block). 1) temporary connection... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language


  • Collected works of A. A. Blok, A. A. Blok. In this collection, the construction of volumes of poetry embodies the poet’s desire to combine three books of poems into a trilogy - a “novel in verse.” Blok in all the meetings he prepared...
  • Alexander Blok. The best poems. Selected Prose, Blok A.. “Blok developed normally - from a boy who had read Solovyov and Fet, he became a Russian romantic, wise by his German and English brothers, and, finally, a Russian poet who ...
  • Russian poet, author of the cycles "Faina", "Carmen", "Motherland", "Crossroads"
  • Russian poet, author of the cycles "Iambics", "City", "Mask", "Snow"
  • French historian of Jewish origin, author of works on Western European feudalism, agrarian relations in France, general problems of historical methodology
  • Alexander (1880-1921) Russian poet, drama "Balaganchik", play "Rose and Cross", cycle "Iambics", poem "Retribution", poem "Twelve"
  • Jean Richard (1884-1947) French writer and public figure, participant in "Clarte", the books "... and Company", "Sibilla", the drama "Toulon"
  • Russian poet, author of the cycles "Iambics", "City", "Mask", "Snow"
  • Russian poet, author of the cycles "Faina", "Carmen", "Motherland", "Crossroads"
  • Economic dictionary of terms

    Dictionary of medical terms

    Names, titles, phrases and phrases containing "block":

    Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


    m. Morsk. gate, veksha, vekoshka; block with opening and roller; two wooden cheeks, between which a circle, roller, ayushka (pulley) with a groove (kip) along the edge is inserted on the axis (dowel), for pulling tackle and ropes through it.

    In our everyday life, it is also called a roller block, inserted on an axis into a jamb or rack. Blocks can be single-pulley, double-pulley, etc. A sharpened block, braided, bent with a sling, a lobe, for strengthening. Hack block, portable, with a hook, for placing behind the eye (ring) or butt (eye). A block with a scroll, with a tail, for laying the rim. They resined a kanibax block, bound and with a cut cheek, for inserting the tackle in the middle, without threading the end. Catblock, for lifting the anchor onto the crane-balance, for taking the anchor onto the cat. In general, blocks take the names of their gear: marsa-halyard-block, main-marsa-brass-block, etc. From two blocks (usually a single-pulley and a double-pulley) hoists, runs, and traction are scurried together.

    Taking someone else's words arbitrarily, we sometimes say block in the meaning of a large stone fragment; this is stonework, boar, hewn (if hewn), thickness, timber; and wooden: a ridge, a chair, a block of wood, a stump, a cut, a stump.

    In sugar production, a chair, a table on a block, on a stand, where sugar is knocked out of a lyak, a mold. Blocker, blocker, blocker m. or block master, vekoshnik, kalitchik. Block pulley, ayushka, skating rink. Blokovaya, blockarnya w. a workshop where blocks are worked, a wicket room, and a workshop.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


    block, m. (English block) (fur.). A simple machine for lifting weights using a rope (chain, belt) thrown over a wheel fixed at a height with a groove around its circumference. Pick up something. block.


    (English block) (railway). The first part of compound words, denoting: blocking, or indicating a particular relationship to blocking, for example. block device, checkpoint, block stage (transport on which this block device operates).


    a, m. (French bloc).

      An agreement between political parties and groups to fight a common enemy (political). Election bloc.

      Association, group of something. (specialist.). The predominant type of development is a block of semi-detached houses.

      Sheets of paper stapled together, e.g. a stack of tear-off calendars, all the leaves of a book as opposed to the cover or binding, etc.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    A, m. A device for lifting weights, consisting of a wheel with a fixed axle, with a groove around the circumference and a rope or other flexible rod thrown through it.

    adj. blocky, -aya, -oe.


      An agreement, a union of states, parties, organizations, groups for certain joint actions. Political b.

      A part, usually complex, used as a finished part of a structure, mechanism, or product. Door b. Wall slag concrete b.

      A part of a structure, mechanism, or product, which is a group of separate functionally combined elements or parts. B. cylinders. B. power supply.

      In manual ball games: blocking the athlete at the moment of the final blow. Put b.

      trans. Totality, group, integrity. B. problems, questions, suggestions. B. examples. || adj. block, -aya, -oe (to 1 value) and block, -aya, -oe (to 2 values). Bloc politics. Block construction. BLOCK... and BLOCK-... The first part of complex words with the meaning:

      1. related to blocking, e.g. blocking device, checkpoint;

        related to block2 (in 2 and 3 values), for example. block battery, block box, block frame.

    New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


        1. A device in the form of a wheel with a groove around its circumference, through which a rope, rope, chain, etc. is thrown, intended for lifting heavy objects.

          This is a device designed for raising and lowering curtains, lampshades, etc.

      1. A device, usually equipped with a spring, that serves to tightly close the front door.

      1. Association of states, parties, organizations, etc. for joint action.

        Mechanism, design, set of something. etc., consisting of several homogeneous parts.

        1. A structural element of a building, used in modern industrial construction as a finished part of the structure.

          A room or building, as well as a number of rooms or buildings. purposes that are part of household, industrial, etc. complex.

      2. A slab of natural or artificial stone of a certain size and shape (in construction).

        Part of something a technical device, instrument, etc., consisting of many elements and designed to perform a specific technical task.

    1. m. A defensive technique in sports games with a ball, which consists of blocking the path of the opponent’s ball or a player of the opposing team.

    Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


    BLOCK (German Block, Dutch blok)

      part of a device, mechanism, instrument, etc., which is a collection of functionally combined, often similar elements, parts (for example, a cylinder block, a TV power supply).

      A structural prefabricated element or product, usually prefabricated, used in modern industrial construction (for example, a volumetric block, wall, window).


    a part in the form of a wheel with a groove around the circumference for thread, chain, rope. They are used in machines and mechanisms to change the direction of force (fixed block), to obtain a gain in force or path (movable block).


    BLOCK book sheets of a book arranged in order, stitched or glued and prepared for insertion into a binding lid or cover.


    BLOK Alexander Alexandrovich (1880-1921) Russian poet. He began in the spirit of symbolism ("Poems about a Beautiful Lady", 1904), the sense of crisis of which he proclaimed in the drama "Balaganchik" (1906). Blok's lyrics, which are close to music in their "spontaneity", were formed under the influence of romance. Through the deepening of social trends (the "City" cycle, 1904-08), comprehension of the "terrible world" (the cycle of the same name 1908-16), awareness of the tragedy of modern man (the play "Rose and Cross", 1912-13) he came to the idea of ​​​​the inevitability of "retribution" "(cycle of the same name, 1907-13; cycle "Iambics", 1907-14; poem "Retribution", 1910-1921). The main themes of poetry found resolution in the cycle "Motherland" (1907-16). He tried to comprehend the October Revolution in the poem “The Twelve” (1918) and in journalism. The rethinking of revolutionary events and the fate of Russia was accompanied by a deep creative crisis and depression.


    BLOK Alexander Alexandrovich Russian poet. Family. Childhood and education. Father, Alexander Lvovich Blok, is a lawyer, professor of law at the University of Warsaw, mother, Alexandra Andreevna, nee Beketova (in her second marriage, Kublitskaya-Piottukh) is a translator, daughter of the rector of St. Petersburg University A. N. Beketov and translator E. N. Beketova. Blok's early years were spent in his grandfather's house. Among the most vivid childhood and adolescence impressions are the annual summer months at the Beketovs' Shakhmatovo estate near Moscow. In 1897, during a trip to the resort of Bad Nauheim (Germany), he experienced his first youthful infatuation with K. M. Sadovskaya, to whom he dedicated a number of poems, which were later included in the cycle "Ante Lucem" (1898-1900) and in the collection "Beyond Past Days" (1920), as well as the cycle “After Twelve Years” (1909-14). After graduating from the Vvedensky Gymnasium in St. Petersburg, he entered the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University in 1898, but in 1901 he transferred to the Faculty of History and Philology (graduated in 1906 in the Slavic Russian department). Among the professors with whom Blok studied are F. F. Zelinsky, A. I. Sobolevsky, I. A. Shlyapkin, S. F. Platonov, A. I. Vvedensky, V. K. Ernstedt, B. V. Warneke . In 1903 he married the daughter of D.I. Mendeleev, Lyubov Dmitrievna. Creative debut He began writing poetry at the age of 5, but consciously following his calling began in 1900-0

      The most important literary and philosophical traditions that influenced the formation of creative individuality are the teachings of Plato, the lyrics and philosophy of V. S. Solovyov, and the poetry of A. A. Fet. In March 1902, he met Z. N. Gippius and D. S. Merezhkovsky, who had a huge influence on him; in their magazine “New Way” (1903, No. 3) Blok’s creative debut, a poet and critic, took place. In January 1903 he entered into correspondence, and in 1904 he personally met A. Bely, who became the poet closest to him among the younger Symbolists. In 1903, the “Literary and Artistic Collection: Poems of Students of the Imperial St. Petersburg University” was published, in which three poems by Blok were published; in the same year, Blok’s cycle “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” (the title was proposed by V. Ya. Bryusov) was published in the 3rd book of the almanac “Northern Flowers”. In March 1904, he began work on the book “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” (1904, on the title page - 1905). The traditional romantic theme of love and service received in “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” that new meaningful content that was introduced into it by the ideas of Vl. Solovyov about merging with the Eternal Feminine in the Divine All-Unity, about overcoming the alienation of the individual from the world whole through a feeling of love. The myth of Sophia, becoming the theme of lyrical poems, transforms beyond recognition in the inner world of the cycle traditional natural, and in particular, “lunar” symbolism and attributes (the heroine appears above, in the evening sky, she is white, a source of light, scatters pearls, floats up, disappears after sunrise, etc.). Participation in the literary process of 1905-09 “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” revealed the tragic impracticability of “Soloviev’s” life harmony (motives of “blasphemous” doubts about one’s own “calling” and about the beloved herself, capable of “changing her appearance”), putting the poet in front of the need to find other , more direct relationships with the world. The events of the revolution of 1905-07 played a special role in shaping Blok’s worldview, revealing the spontaneous, catastrophic nature of existence. The theme of “the elements” (images of blizzards, blizzards, motifs of free people, vagrancy) penetrates into the lyrics of this time and becomes the leading one. The image of the central character changes dramatically: the Beautiful Lady is replaced by the demonic Stranger, Snow Mask, and the schismatic gypsy Faina. The block is actively involved in literary everyday life, published in all symbolist magazines ("Questions of Life", "Scales", "Pereval", "Golden Fleece"), almanacs, newspapers ("Slovo", "Rech", "Chas", etc. ), acts not only as a poet, but also as a playwright and literary critic (since 1907 he has led the critical department at the Golden Fleece), unexpectedly for his fellow Symbolists revealing interest and closeness to the traditions of democratic literature. Contacts in the literary and theatrical environment are becoming more and more diverse: Blok visits the “Circle of Young People”, which united writers close to the “new art” (V.V. Gippius, S.M. Gorodetsky, E.P. Ivanov, L.D. Semenov, A. A. Kondratiev, etc.). Since 1905, Vyach has been visiting “Wednesdays” on the “tower”. I. Ivanova, from 1906 “Saturdays” at the theater of V. F. Komissarzhevskaya, where V. E. Meyerhold staged his first play “Balaganchik” (1906). The actress of this theater N.N. Volokhova becomes the subject of his intense passion; the book of poems “Snow Mask” (1907) and the cycle “Faina” (1906-08) are dedicated to her; her features - a “tall beauty” in “elastic black silks” with “shining eyes” - determine the appearance of “spontaneous” heroines in the lyrics of this period, in “The Tale of the One Who Will Not Understand Her” (1907), in the plays “The Stranger” , “The King in the Square” (both 1906), “Song of Fate” (1908). Collections of poems ("Unexpected Joy", 1907; "Earth in the Snow", 1908) and plays ("Lyrical Dramas", 1908) were published. Blok publishes critical articles and makes presentations at the St. Petersburg Religious and Philosophical Society ("Russia and the Intelligentsia", 1908, "Elements and Culture", 1909). The problem of “the people and the intelligentsia,” key to the creativity of this period, determines the sound of all the themes developed in his articles and poems: the crisis of individualism, the place of the artist in the modern world, etc. His poems about Russia, in particular the cycle “On the Kulikovo Field” ( 1908), combine the images of the homeland and the beloved (Wife, Bride), giving patriotic motives a special intimate intonation. The controversy surrounding articles about Russia and the intelligentsia, their generally negative assessment in criticism and journalism, and Blok’s increasing awareness that a direct appeal to a wide democratic audience had not taken place led him in 1909 to gradual disappointment in the results of his journalistic activities. The crisis of symbolism and creativity 1910-17 The period of “revaluation of values” became for Blok a trip to Italy in the spring and summer of 1909. Against the backdrop of political reaction in Russia and the atmosphere of complacent European philistinism, the only saving value became high classical art, which, as he later recalled, “ burned" him on an Italian trip. This set of sentiments is reflected not only in the cycle “Italian Poems” (1909) and the unfinished book of prose essays “Lightning of Art” (1909-20), but also in the report “On the Current State of Russian Symbolism” (April 1910). Drawing a line under the history of the development of symbolism as a strictly defined school, Blok stated the end and exhaustion of a huge stage of his own creative and life path and the need for a “spiritual diet,” “courageous apprenticeship” and “self-deepening.” Receiving an inheritance after the death of his father at the end of 1909 freed Blok for a long time from worries about literary earnings and made it possible to concentrate on a few major artistic ideas. Having withdrawn from active journalistic activity and from participating in the life of literary and theatrical bohemia, in 1910 he began to work on the great epic poem “Retribution” (which was not completed). In 1912-13 he wrote the play "Rose and Cross". After the publication of the collection “Night Hours” in 1911, Blok revised his five books of poetry into a three-volume collection of poems (vols. 1-3, 1911-12). Since that time, Blok’s poetry exists in the reader’s mind as a single “lyrical trilogy,” a unique “novel in verse,” creating a “myth about the path.” During the poet's lifetime, the three-volume set was republished in 1916 and 1918-21. In 1921 Blok began preparing a new edition, but managed to finish only the 1st volume. Each subsequent edition includes everything significant that was created between editions: the cycle “Carmen” (1914), dedicated to the singer L. A. Andreeva-Delmas, the poem “The Nightingale Garden” (1915), poems from the collections “Iambics” (1919) , "Grey Morning" (1920). Since the fall of 1914, Blok has been working on the publication of “Poems by Apollo Grigoriev” (1916) as a compiler, author of the introductory article and commentator. On July 7, 1916 he was drafted into the army, served as a timekeeper of the 13th engineering and construction squad of the Zemstvo and City Unions near Pinsk. After the February Revolution of 1917, Blok returned to Petrograd and became a member of the Extraordinary Investigative Commission for the investigation of crimes of the tsarist government as an editor of verbatim reports. The materials of the investigation were summarized by him in the book “The Last Days of Imperial Power” (1921, published posthumously). Philosophy of culture and poetic creativity in 1917-21 After the October Revolution, Blok unambiguously stated his position, answering the questionnaire “Can the intelligentsia work with the Bolsheviks” - “Can and must”, publishing a series of articles in January 1918 in the left Socialist Revolutionary newspaper “Znamya Truda” “Russia and the Intelligentsia”, which opened with the article “Intellectuals and the Revolution”, and a month later - the poem “The Twelve” and the poem “Scythians”. Blok’s position evoked a sharp rebuke from Z.N. Gippius, D.S. Merezhkovsky, F. Sologub, Vyach. Ivanov, G. I. Chulkova, V. Pyasta, A. A. Akhmatova, M. M. Prishvin, Yu. I. Aikhenvald, I. G. Ehrenburg and others. Bolshevik criticism, sympathetically speaking about his “merging with the people” , spoke with noticeable wariness about the alienness of the poem to Bolshevik ideas about the revolution (L. D. Trotsky, A. V. Lunacharsky, V. M. Fritsche). The figure of Christ at the end of the poem "The Twelve" caused the greatest bewilderment. However, contemporary criticism of Blok did not notice the rhythmic parallelism and echo of motifs with Pushkin’s “Demons” and did not appreciate the role of the national myth of demonism in understanding the meaning of the poem. After “The Twelve” and “Scythians”, Blok wrote comic poems “on occasion”, prepared the last edition of the “lyrical trilogy”, but did not create new original poems until 1921. At the same time, since 1918, a new upsurge in prose creativity began. The poet makes cultural and philosophical reports at meetings of the Volfila - Free Philosophical Association ("The Collapse of Humanism" - 1919, "Vladimir Solovyov and Our Days" - 1920), at the School of Journalism ("Catilina" - 1918), writes lyrical fragments ("Neither dreams, nor reality", "Confession of a Pagan"), feuilletons ("Russian Dandies", "Fellow Citizens", "Answer to the Question about the Red Seal"). A huge amount of what he wrote is related to Blok’s official activities: after the revolution, for the first time in his life, he was forced to look not only for literary income, but also for public service. In September 1917 he became a member of the Theater and Literary Commission, from the beginning of 1918 he collaborated with the Theater Department of the People's Commissariat for Education, and in April 1919 he moved to the Bolshoi Drama Theater. At the same time, he became a member of the editorial board of the publishing house "World Literature" under the leadership of M. Gorky, and from 1920 chairman of the Petrograd branch of the Union of Poets. Initially, Blok's participation in cultural and educational institutions was motivated by beliefs about the duty of the intelligentsia to the people. However, the acute discrepancy between the poet’s ideas about the “cleansing revolutionary element” and the bloody everyday life of the advancing totalitarian bureaucratic regime led to increasing disappointment in what was happening and forced the poet to again look for spiritual support. In his articles and diary entries, the motif of the catacomb existence of culture appears. Blok’s thoughts about the indestructibility of true culture and the “secret freedom” of the artist, opposing the attempts of the “new mob” to encroach on it, were expressed in his speech “On the appointment of a poet” at the evening in memory of A. S. Pushkin and in the poem “To the Pushkin House” (February 1921), which became his artistic and human testament. In April 1921, the growing depression turned into a mental disorder, accompanied by heart disease. On August 7, Blok died. In obituaries and posthumous memoirs, his words from a speech dedicated to Pushkin about the “lack of air” that kills poets were constantly repeated. Works: Collected Works. M.; L., 1960-63. T. 1-8. Poems. St. Petersburg, 1994. Book. 1-3. Literature: Zhirmunsky V. M. Poetry of Alexander Blok. Pb., 192

      Mochulsky K.V. Alexander Blok. Paris, 1947. Mints Z. G. Lyrics of Alexander Blok. Tartu, 1965-75. V. 14. Maksimov D. E. Poetry and prose of Alexander Blok. L., 1981. Gromov P. P. A. Blok, his predecessors and contemporaries. L., 1986. D. M. Magomedova BLOCH (Bloch) Jean Richard (1884-1947) French writer and public figure. Member of "Klarte". In the books "... and Company" (1917), "Sibyl" (1932) he asserted the historical doom of the owner class. Book of essays "Spain! Spain!" (1936) about the Spanish Civil War. Drama "Toulon" (1943, published 1944).


    BLOCK Marc (1886-1944) French historian. Works on Western European feudalism, agrarian relations in France, general problems of historical methodology. Together with L. Febvre he founded the magazine "Annal..." (1929). Member of the Resistance Movement, shot by the Gestapo.

    Block (programming)

    Block(also said code block, command block, instruction block) in programming is a logically grouped set of consecutive instructions in the source code of the program. Blocks serve to limit the scope of variables and functions, and also allow a block of instructions to be accessed as a single instruction. Blocks are the basis of the structured programming paradigm. Blocks can be empty or nested within one another. A block in code is sometimes compared to a paragraph in text, although these concepts have significant differences.


    Block- ambiguous term, surname and toponym:

    Blok (last name)

    Block- a surname of Jewish-German origin. Known carriers:

    • Blok is a Russian noble family.
    • Block, Abraham van den (1572-1628) - Renaissance architect and sculptor of the Free City of Danzig.
    • Block, Adrien (c. 1567-1627) - Dutch merchant, navigator and privateer.
    • Blok, Alexander Alexandrovich(1880-1921) - Russian symbolist poet, representative of the “Silver Age of Russian Poetry.”
    • Blok, Alexander Ivanovich (1955-2015) - Soviet and Russian actor.
    • Blok, Alexander Lvovich (1852-1909) - lawyer, father of the poet Alexander Blok.
    • (1774-1847) - German agronomist.

    • Bloch, Alfred (1877-?) - French football player, silver medalist at the 1900 Olympic Games.
    • Blok, Vladimir Mikhailovich (1932-1996) - Soviet, Russian musicologist and composer, candidate of art history.
    • Blok, Ivan Leontievich (1734-1810) - doctor, who entered the Russian service in 1755; life surgeon under Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich.
    • Blok, Ivan Lvovich (1858-1906) - Samara governor, killed by a terrorist; uncle of the poet Alexander Blok.
    • Blok, Georgy Petrovich (1888-1962) - Soviet writer, translator and editor.
    • Bloch, Gustav (1848-1923) - French historian, father of the historian Marc Bloch.
    • Blok, David Semyonovich (1888-1948) - composer, sound engineer, conductor.
    • Block, Deborah (born 1963) - Brazilian actress.
    • (1929-1994) - Dutch pilot and entrepreneur, founder of companies Martinair, Transavia And Air Holland.

    • Block, Isaac van den (1575-1626) - Renaissance artist of the Free City of Danzig.
    • Block, Johannes (1894-1945) - German general, participant in the First and Second World Wars.
    • Bloch, Jean-Richard (1884-1947) - French writer, playwright, literary critic, public and theater figure.
    • Bloch, Camille (1865-1949) - French historian.
    • Block, Ken (b. 1967) - co-founder and CEO of DC Shoes.
    • Blok, Konstantin Aleksandrovich (1833-1897) - commander of the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment, honorary guardian, lieutenant general.
    • Blok, Leonid Kononovich (1936-2016) - Russian pianist, Honored Artist of Russia, professor.
    • Blok, Lyubov Dmitrievna (nee Mendeleev; 1881-1939) - actress, historian and ballet theorist, wife of the poet Alexander Blok.
    • Blok, Marc (1886-1944) - French medievalist historian, son of the historian Gustav Bloch.
    • Block, Michel (1937-2003) - American pianist of Belgian origin.
    • (1818-1901) - French statistician and economist of German origin.

    • Blok, Natalya Igorevna - Ukrainian playwright, conceptual artist.
    • (born 1942) - American philosopher.

      (1855-1929) - Dutch historian.

    • Bloch, Pierre (known under the pseudonym Pierre Abraham; 1892-1974) - French writer, literary critic and journalist, public figure.
    • (born 1972) - American actress and singer.

    • Block, Stewart (b. 1980) is an American musician, vocalist of the band Iced Earth (since 2011) and ex-vocalist of Into Eternity. (2005-2011)
    • Block, Walter (born 1941) - American economist, representative of the Austrian school.
    • Block, Friedrich W. (born 1960) - German experimental poet, curator.

    Block (construction)

    Block- a structural prefabricated element or product, usually factory-made, used in modern industrial construction.

    Block (mechanics)

    Block- a simple mechanical device that allows you to regulate the force, the axis of which is fixed when lifting loads, does not rise or fall. It is a wheel with a groove around its circumference, rotating around its axis. The groove is intended for a rope, chain, belt, etc. The axis of the block is placed in cages attached to a beam or wall; such a block is called fixed; if a load is attached to these clips, and the block can move with them, then such a block is called movable.

    Fixed block used to lift small loads or to change the direction of force.

    Block equilibrium condition:

    F = fmg, Where

    F- applied external force, m- mass of cargo, g- acceleration of gravity, f- resistance coefficient in the block (for chains approximately 1.05, and for ropes - 1.1).

    In the absence of friction, lifting requires a force equal to the weight of the load.

    Movable block has a free axis and is designed to change the amount of force applied. If the ends of the rope clasping the block make equal angles with the horizon, then the force acting on the load is related to its weight, as the radius of the block is to the chord of the arc clasped by the rope; hence, if the ropes are parallel, then lifting the load will require a force half as much as the weight of the load, that is:

    $~F=(1 \over (2))fmg$

    In this case, the load will travel a distance half as large as that traveled by the point of application of force F; accordingly, the gain in the force of the moving block is equal to 2.

    In fact, any block is a lever, in the case of a fixed block - equal arms, in the case of a movable one - with a ratio of arms of 1 to 2. As for any other lever, the following rule applies to the block: The number of times we win in effort is the same number of times we lose in distance.. In other words, the work done when moving a load any distance without using a block is equal to the work expended when moving a load the same distance using a block, provided there is no friction. In a real block there is always some loss.

    A system consisting of a combination of several movable and fixed blocks is also used. Such a system is called a polyspast. The simplest such system is shown in the figure and gives a 2-fold gain in strength.

    Unlike a pulley, the block rotates freely on an axle and provides only a change in the direction of movement of the belt or rope, without transferring force from the axle to the belt or from the belt to the axle.

    Block (floriculture)

    Block- a fragment of pine bark, cork oak or other tree with thick bark, or a piece of tree trunk, grapevine. Used in greenhouse and indoor floriculture for planting epiphytic plants. Allows you to simulate the growing conditions of epiphytes in nature.
    The dimensions of the block must correspond to the species that will be planted on it. Species with a monopodial growth pattern, such as and, require small blocks sufficient to form a full-fledged root system. Species with a sympodial growth pattern, for example, require larger blocks that have free space for rhizome growth and the formation of new shoots.

    Before use, the block is boiled or disinfected in a double boiler. This is done to destroy fungi, bacteria, adult insects, their clutches and larvae. Water reduces the acidity of pine bark.
    A layer of sphagnum moss, fern roots or other hygroscopic material is strengthened onto the block, and a plant is planted on top. To increase the decorative effect, epiphytic mosses are additionally planted on the block. Sphagnum moss and the plant are attached to the block with thin fishing line or rubber bands.
    The root system of plants planted on a block dries out quickly, so this method of planting is used only in conditions of high - 70% and above - relative air humidity. During the active growing season of the plant, the block must always be moist, otherwise the roots touch it during their growth and stop growing.

    Blok (noble family)

    Alexander Ivanovich(1785-1847), married to Elizaveta Petrovna von Goering, significantly raised and strengthened the well-being of the family. He managed H.I.V.'s own chancellery under Nicholas I, reaching the rank of actual privy councilor and chamberlain.

    His son, Blok, Konstantin Alexandrovich(1833-1897) - participant in the Khiva campaign of 1873, commander of the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment, honorary guardian, lieutenant general.

    Another son Lev Alexandrovich(1823-1883). After graduating from the School of Law, he married the beauty Ariadna Aleksandrovna Cherkasova, the daughter of the Pskov governor. He also rose to high ranks, holding the position of vice-director of the Customs Department. The features of his beautiful, cold face, framed by handsome sideburns, were passed on, through a generation, to his grandson-poet. People who knew Alexander Blok and had the opportunity to see the image of Lev Alexandrovich at about the age of thirty were amazed at the amazing family resemblance: “The spitting image of his grandfather.”

    The eldest son of Lev Alexandrovich was Alexander Lvovich. He went along the academic side. While still a student, he left home, abandoned the well-established, well-fed lordly way of life, lived by lessons, and subsequently, with some kind of obsession, he undermined and in the end completely destroyed his life. In the autobiography of A. A. Blok it is said about his father: “His fate is full of complex contradictions, rather unusual and gloomy.” And one more thing: “... there was something convulsive and terrible in his entire mental and physical appearance.”

    Another son of Lev Alexandrovich Blok, Ivan Lvovich(1854/1858 - 1906) - Samara governor, uncle of the poet.

    Examples of the use of the word block in literature.

    When he realized that all the water from pure condensate tanks and from chemical water treatment was switched to emergency block, he immediately reported to Fomin in the bunker that he would shut down the reactor.

    He was running around block, mainly along the deaerator shelf, in order to cut off the left two deaerator tanks, from which water flowed to the destroyed emergency feed pump.

    Zemskov, who had just conscientiously bypassed the emergency block and heavily irradiated.

    Suspension possible blocks with 80 mm rockets, machine guns or grenade launchers, as well as 2 or 4 aerial bombs with a total weight of 500 kg.

    Berezhkov came to the idea that a modern aircraft engine requires block cylinders, such a design was seen in his imagination, he even expressed it in sketches, and now, looking at this motor that arrived from America, disassembled in the ADVI assembly hall, Berezhkov again felt as if someone from a foreign country had snatched and carried out his plan.

    Imagine: he said that I had ordered our people to replace the model of the rocket upper stage, which we are preparing for the air show, with the same one block, but with a real assembled engine.

    The central computer is stuffed with protective blocks, even before the operation begins, it will have to be switched off, otherwise the automation will send an emergency signal to the base.

    It was not possible to allocate more, because the access control is limited block no one canceled it, they just ordered the order, and so everyone was put on the road - the platoon commander, the sergeant-major, the driver assigned to the detachment by the group’s fleet management, and even the last reserve, the signalman.

    He stopped near the accordionist, slowly looked around those present and, as if reporting a malfunction in the work block, quite casually, simply, immediately betraying his artistic unprofessionalism, he said: “A song about a towel.”

    But although Stalin’s henchmen diligently glue him to Trotskyism, this amalgam is entirely invented; in essence, Bukharin is alien to the Trotskyist-Zinovievist block, so, of course, Stalin’s policies.

    Adamovich Georgy - 190,191,194, 291,308 Andropov Yuri - 127,128 Annensky Innokenty - 295, 314 Anrep Boris - 247 Akhmatova Anna - 7,10,13,14,30, 36,43,45,47,50,56-59,93,100, 1 01,106,108,109,138,142 -144, 157,161,181,190,192,204,206, 213-215,218,223-228,230-256, 261-278,289,295,310,312-314, 317 Bagritsky Eduard - 308 Byron George - 5,51,96,138 -140,149,152,233,272 Bakst Leon - 173 Balanchine George - 189,190,193,196,197,291,292 Baratynsky Evgeniy - 52,56,173,227-230 Baryshnikov Mikhail - 177,179-181,184,214,283,296,297,302-305,307 Batyushkov Konstantin - 51 Bach Johann Sebastian - 100, 204,213,240,241,263 Bakhtin Mikhail - 174,290 Beckett Samuel - 14.1 35 Bely Andrey - 150,289 Benkendorf Alexander - 107 Berdyaev Nikolay - 49,191 Beria Lavrentiy - 55 Berkovsky Naum - 230 Berlin Isaiah - 173,181,247,248,266,269 Burns Robert - 34 Berryman John - 145 Beethoven Ludwig van - 44 Bitov Andrey - 287 Bleriot Louis - 246 Block Alexander - 22,50,155,227,228,233,240,251,274,275,277,288,295,301,314 Bobyshev Dmitry - 226,227,232 Baudelaire Charles-

    Stalin wanted to express the idea that the base of the Kuomintang was the anti-bourgeois block workers and peasants.

    Behind the repair and construction hangar stood several buildings made of duracrete blocks- an invention of its engineers: local cement was mixed with swamp grass soaked in antitoxin and dried at high temperature.

    Using Motherboards Introduction 17-1 Installing Motherboards 17-2 Block two-way switches and jumpers 17-2 Hardware installation 17-2 Drive setup program supplied by the manufacturer 17-3 Connecting additional memory 17-4 18.

    No one, not even the omniscient Hannah, seemed to know his true age, but there were rumors that he had been present at the closing of the great Arecibo radio dish and was one of the main driving forces in the development of the first interferometric blocks space project NETWORK.

    Block: Wiktionary has an article “block” Block (mechanics) a simple mechanism: a wheel with a groove around its circumference, rotating around its axis ... Wikipedia

    Alexander Alexandrovich (1880, St. Petersburg - 1921, Petrograd), Russian poet, playwright. Born into the family of a law professor. In childhood and youth, he often lived on the Shakhmatovo estate near Moscow, which belonged to his grandfather, the rector of St. Petersburg University. IN… … Literary encyclopedia

    1. BLOCK, a; m. [German] Block] The simplest lifting device, a wheel with a groove rotating on an axle, through which a rope, chain, etc. is thrown. Install b. for lifting bricks. // About the device for raising curtains, closing doors, etc... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - [device] noun, m., used. infrequently Morphology: (no) what? block, what? block, (see) what? block, what? block, about what? about the block; pl. What? blocks, (no) what? blocks, what? blocks, (I see) what? blocks, what? blocks, about what? about blocks A block is... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    1. BLOCK [from French. bloc block] The first part of compound words. 1. Indicates which l. a ready-made structure intended for mounting a more complex structure. Block garage, block room, block section. 2. Indicates the block structure of which l.... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Unit, device, installation, device, unit, section; association, group, faction, commonwealth, camp, association, party, detachment, union, army, brotherhood, faction, coalition, society; package, pack; a lot of something; source, reception,... ... Synonym dictionary

    Alexander Alexandrovich (1880 1921), Russian poet. He began in the spirit of symbolism (Poems about a Beautiful Lady, 1904), the sense of crisis of which was proclaimed in the drama Balaganchik (1906). His lyrics, close in their spontaneity to music, were formed during... ... Russian history

    - (Block, pulley) the simplest machine for lifting weights. Three types of boats are used on ships: metal, wooden with frames (internal or external) and wooden without frames. Block. Every boat consists of wooden or metal cheeks,... ...Nautical Dictionary

    BLOCK... [English] block] the first part of complex words close to the meaning of the word “blocking”, or denoting “relating to blocking” (for example, BLOCKPOST). Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. BLOCK (German: Block). 1) temporary connection... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language


    • Collected works of A. A. Blok, A. A. Blok. In this collection, the construction of volumes of poetry embodies the poet’s desire to combine three books of poems into a trilogy - a “novel in verse.” Blok in all the meetings he prepared...
    • Alexander Blok. The best poems. Selected Prose, Blok A.. “Blok developed normally - from a boy who had read Solovyov and Fet, he became a Russian romantic, wise by his German and English brothers, and, finally, a Russian poet who ...