What is allowed to the student? Behavior in the school canteen

AiF found out what innovations have occurred this academic year.

Long live astronomy!

Perhaps the most discussed innovation is the return of astronomy to school curriculums. And not a variable course, but a mandatory one. Schools have been given a year to build up, they have the right to independently decide whether to introduce this subject from September 1, 2017 or January 1, 2018. The determining factor here is the actual readiness of the educational institution for high-quality teaching of this subject. It is assumed that physics teachers will teach astronomy; for this they will have to take advanced training courses.

In St. Petersburg, astronomy is already taught to students in grades 10-11 in 50 schools and gymnasiums, said the chairman of the St. Petersburg Education Committee Zhanna VOROBYOVA. - The course will be 35 hours. In other educational institutions of the city, astronomy will appear as an optional subject.

This subject was removed from the list of educational subjects in 1993. Now, astronomy, as stated in the presentation of the Ministry of Education and Science, in addition to understanding the structure of the world, including beyond the Earth, motivates to study physics and mathematics, and also instills “immunity” to pseudoscience and pseudoscientific sensations.

Most Russian schools began introducing astronomy in the first quarter of 2017, said Minister of Education and Science Olga VASILYEVA. - But it will be possible to start teaching next year - if, for example, teachers have not yet completed advanced training courses.

Test for teachers

Another change is the introduction of an oral part to the Russian language exam for the ninth grade. For now, this form of delivery will take place in several regions, but in a year it will be introduced throughout the country. The point is that the child will be asked to read a story, and then he will have to reason about the meaning of the text. In St. Petersburg, this form of exam will become mandatory from 2019.

Also, starting from the current academic year, not only schoolchildren, but also teachers will be examined. Rosobrnadzor conducted research and came to the conclusion that some teachers are confused in the subjects that they themselves teach.

10% of teachers lack knowledge of the Russian language and grammar, and 24.2% of mathematics teachers were unable to solve the equation, said the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey

Based on the results of the inspection, the teacher will be able to undergo retraining in those areas where problems were discovered.

Robotics clubs should appear in schools this year. Schoolchildren from 5th to 9th grade can study science as an elective.

In the next academic year, schools will have to expand the staff of psychologists. Officials did not ignore several teenage suicides that occurred earlier. Specialists will be required to work more specifically with children. That is, to help all schoolchildren without exception, and not just teenagers from disadvantaged families.

Some points will remain unchanged. For example, lessons in Orthodox culture are still offered at the discretion of schoolchildren and their parents.

The Russian Academy of Education reported that this subject is optional and will not be included in the compulsory program. Also, electronic textbooks are still being tested, and we are still far from completely abandoning paper textbooks.

Modern etiquette is a whole set of rules of behavior and good manners, which teaches how to meet people, greet each other, how to behave in public places, how to visit people, how to properly set the table and behave during meals, and so on. The rules of etiquette at school begin to be instilled from childhood.

General for students

1. You need to arrive at school early, about 15 minutes before classes.

2. Appearance must be appropriate for the educational institution, clothing must be clean and tidy.

3. The student must always have a change of shoes with him, which, like outerwear, must be taken off in the school wardrobe.

4. Before the start of the lesson, the student must prepare everything necessary for the upcoming lesson, check the availability of a diary, pen, notebook, textbook, and so on.

5. It is strictly prohibited to bring any type of weapon, alcohol, cigarettes, narcotic or toxic substances, etc. into the school grounds.

6. You cannot leave the educational institution during lessons and breaks without permission. Absence from classes for valid reasons must be confirmed by a certificate from a doctor (in case of illness), or an explanatory note from parents.

7. The rules of student behavior at school are based on the principles of respect for older students and a caring attitude towards younger students.

8. Students need to take care of and maintain school property in its original form, including furniture, books, and so on.

Student behavior during class

Students must also follow certain rules of polite behavior at school during the lesson itself. As soon as the teacher enters the classroom, the students stand and greet the teacher or another adult who has entered the classroom. During the lesson you need to behave decently, do not make noise, do not shout, do not engage in extraneous activities, especially not leave your workplace without permission and do not walk around the classroom. If you still need to leave the class, you must first ask permission from the teacher. The rules of behavior for children at school are the same for absolutely everyone. If you need to ask the teacher about something, you need to raise your hand first, and not shout out from your seat.

Such simple rules

The student should try to express his thoughts when answering clearly, clearly and understandably, using all the necessary visual materials for this. On a day when the class schedule includes a subject such as physical education and health, you must have sportswear and shoes with you. You can only enter the gym with the permission of the teacher. Students who are excused from physical education classes for various reasons must still be in the gym. It is believed that the bell at the end of the lesson rings for the teacher, and students leave the class after the teacher announces the end of the lesson.

School etiquette

School etiquette rules require this to apply to clothing, hairstyles, and the reasonable use of cosmetics and accessories. School etiquette involves students being friendly towards each other. Polite students greet and greet all teachers, not just those they know personally. You should call each other by name, and do not use offensive nicknames.

The rules of student behavior at school also imply self-discipline. Littering on the territory of an educational institution (and not only) is prohibited; there are trash cans for this. You need to behave culturally not only in class, but also during breaks. Running, shouting and pushing is prohibited; you should be careful on stairs. Children should also behave in a civilized manner in the dining room, eat only in the designated area, and clean up the dishes after the meal.

Etiquette rules in elementary school

Etiquette lessons in elementary school are necessarily included in the plan for educational work with students. It is very important from childhood to instill in a child the basics of correct behavior in a given situation. Mutual respect should be an integral part of behavior. Starting in first grade, children are taught to be grateful and introduced to the words “thank you” and “please.” Etiquette presupposes a respectful attitude towards elders, and addressing them must be “you”.

There is also the so-called If a child calls his teacher or class teacher, the first thing you need to do is say hello and say your name. In places where there are usually a lot of people, it is worth talking on the phone without attracting much attention, but in places such as a museum, theater or cinema, it is better to turn off the mobile phone altogether.

  • To feel comfortable in class, you must complete the homework assigned in advance.
  • It is better to have a school diary filled out two weeks in advance; it should be kept carefully and kept on your desk during lessons.
  • Your bag or school backpack must be packed in advance; be sure to check the availability of textbooks, notebooks, pens and pencils and other necessary things.
  • The mobile phone must be turned off or set to silent mode during classes. You can call or send SMS during recess.
  • You need to behave decently not only in class, but also on the street, at home and in public places. These are not just rules of behavior for students at school that must be followed, they must become an integral part of the personality of an educated modern person.
  • Leaving school without the knowledge and permission of the teacher or nurse is strictly prohibited.
  • You should always be neat; cleanliness should be maintained in everything, in your appearance, in the workplace.
  • It is the student's responsibility to attend class on a first-come, first-served basis. This responsibility must be fulfilled in good faith.
  • During breaks, it is better to leave the classroom and allow the teacher to ventilate the room. By the way, this is a very good way to walk and warm up.

Etiquette lessons: at school and in life

School etiquette is not only a set of rules that must be followed within school walls. First of all, this is the formation and development of cultural communication skills, these are lessons in courtesy, attentiveness and kindness. These qualities are simply necessary for the development of a full-fledged harmonious personality in the future.

School etiquette rules include treating different groups of people appropriately. Everyone knows that ladies should be allowed in first, and pregnant women, as well as elderly and disabled people should give up their seats on public transport. Adults should also observe etiquette at school and outside of it, because they are the ones children look up to first and foremost.

In order for studying to bring useful knowledge and the joy of communication, it is necessary to follow certain rules of etiquette at school, which will make the stay within the walls of the educational institution comfortable for all participants in the educational process.

Rules of conduct at school.

All classes at the school are conducted in accordance with the schedule approved by the school director.

Lesson duration 45 minutes.

The duration of breaks is determined by order of the school director.

Preparation for the lesson should be carried out only during recess.

If a student is late for class, a corresponding entry is made in his diary.

Classroom Rules

  1. When coming to class, the student must have completed homework.
  2. At each lesson, the student must have a written diary of the established form, which is presented to the teacher upon request.
  3. Before the start of classes and during breaks, the student must prepare for the lesson by placing all books, notebooks, and other necessary educational materials and writing materials on the desk.
  4. The student should not interfere with others in preparing for the lesson.
  5. To ask a question or speak, the student must raise his hand and ask permission from the teacher. It is unacceptable to interrupt the teacher or talk to another student during the lesson.
  6. The student must demonstrate independence of thought and action. Cheating and plagiarism are strictly prohibited.
  7. At the end of the lesson, the student must write down homework in the diary and make other necessary notes.
  8. At the end of the lesson, the student must collect his things and put his work area in order.
  1. Students are prohibited from leaving the school grounds during classes, except in cases of exemption from classes for a valid reason (in each such case, the basis for leaving school is the order of the administrator on duty). After finishing classes, students leave school only accompanied by their parents or persons authorized by them. Only students with written parental permission are allowed to leave school on their own.
  2. In case of missing classes, students must present supporting documents to the class teacher: a medical certificate or a statement from their parents.
  3. Student. Those who miss more than 3 lessons during the week and do not present supporting documents can be admitted to classes only after a written explanation addressed to the director.
  4. A student who has missed more than 3 days of the month without supporting documents may be admitted to classes only after a written explanation addressed to the school director and a written statement from the parents.
  5. The student is responsible for studying all missed material independently within a week, unless otherwise agreed with the teacher.
  6. Missing lessons does not exempt the student from submitting a test to the teacher based on the material of the missed lesson and completing homework.
  7. Exemption from classes is possible for a certain period of time based on an application from one of the student’s parents, which is submitted in advance (no later than a week) to the school director. In this case, missed classes must be compensated either by the student’s independent work or by additional classes with teachers before or after the missed period. The student reports on the work for the missed time by completing the appropriate tests.
  8. For physical education and sports, students must have appropriate clothing, otherwise the student is not allowed to attend classes, and the lesson is considered missed without a good reason.
  9. Persons wearing outerwear are not allowed on school premises.
  10. Staircases and passages must be free. Using the stairs. Students should stay to the right and walk calmly without running, jostling or obstructing the movement of others.
  11. It is strictly forbidden to write on walls, desks, chairs, wardrobes, scratch or break school furniture, equipment and other property.
  12. It is prohibited to make inscriptions on books and manuals belonging to the school, or to tear out pages from books. in case of damage or loss of a library book or aid, the student is obliged to replace it (him) with exactly the same one or pay monetary compensation 5 times the cost of the book or aid.
  13. Students are not allowed to bring medications, narcotic drugs, explosives, or weapons (including gas, pneumatic, toy, and water weapons) to school. gas cans and cans of paint, tobacco products, matches and lighters, drinks containing alcohol, piercing, cutting and other objects that can cause damage to health and property.
  14. Smoking is prohibited on school grounds (parents are fined 100 rubles for smoking) and drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Garbage should only be thrown into trash bins. Running is not allowed in the corridors.
  15. It is prohibited to bring seeds to school. Chew gum during school hours.
  16. Use of mobile phones. pagers, electronic games, etc. allowed only during recess.
  17. Foul language and assault are strictly prohibited.
  18. Every student, no matter where he is. must demonstrate qualities that affirm and reinforce the high reputation of the school. He shows respect towards other people, takes care of his appearance, and behaves with dignity.

Student behavior is governed by these rules. A disciplinary violation is considered:

  1. Late for class.
  2. absences from classes without a valid reason.
  3. foul language.
  4. assault.
  5. smoking
  6. drinking alcoholic beverages.
  7. insult by word or action of surrounding people.
  8. deliberate damage to school property.
  9. other violations of school rules of conduct.

Any person who believes that the behavior, words, or actions of a student or group of students violates his dignity, or who witnesses a disciplinary violation, must immediately inform the administrator on duty.

In case of violation of discipline, the following penalties may be applied to students:

1. warning.

2. recording a comment in a diary.

3. Announcing a reprimand in a school order.

4. transfer to another class.

5. suspension from classes or a ban on participation in extracurricular activities.

6. expulsion of a student from school.


the brackets and use the correct form.

1. My friend was sure that Ferdinand Magellan (discovered, had discovered) Australia. But I told him he (is, was) wrong. 2. Our history teacher explained to us that the Revolutionary War in America (took, had taken) place in the 18th century.3. Betty knew that she(did, had done) everything she could win the competition.4. We asked Professor Smith when he(came, had come) to Moscow how many places of interest he already(saw, had seen). 5. Little JOHN delieved that Canada (is,was) in the South of the American Continent. 6. We all wanted to know where in New York the Statue of Liberty (is,was) situated. 7. The children asked what cities in the USA we (saw, had seen) . 8. Father told me that I (made, had made) a mistake in my school test. 9. We all knew that Germany (declared, had declared) war on several European countries in 1941. 10. He said he always (supported, had supported) me. 11.Not all the pupils knew that the US President (is,was) the Commander in Chief of the countrys armed forces.

Please translate into English: Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich - was born into the family of a doctor who served at the Marian Hospital in Moscow. In the family

there were 7 children. After graduating from the engineering school in St. Petersburg in 1841, he entered military service. His first major work is "Poor People". He was arrested and brought to trial for participation in a criminal community. He was sentenced to death, but at the last minute, when he was already standing on the scaffold, the royal mercy was announced to him. The death penalty was replaced by hard labor. In 1854, Dostoevsky, who fell ill with epilepsy in hard labor, was sent to the army. In 1859, the tsarist government allowed him to return to St. Petersburg. On February 15, 1867, he married Anna Snitkina. He had a son in Zhinev, but he died when he was 3 months old. In 1869, a daughter, Lyubov, was born in Dresden. Dostoevsky's most famous novels are Crime and Punishment, The Idiot and the novel Demons. On January 26, 1881, the writer died of epilepsy. Fame came to him only after death.

I like to read books. Books take a lot of time, but it doesn't frighten me. Me since the childhood taught cares and to love books. Recently I read books

such as Eragon, Harry Potter and others. Books it is my friends they teach me to assiduity, patience and I become cleverer. Since then when I began to read books my vocabulary increased twice. My most favorite book is Eragon in it is reported about that as the boy of years 12 came to be in the old, rotten village. Then it made friends with a dragon and he helped it to get out from there. Book of very big more than 500 pages. I very much love books and I think I will always love. Help me check my essay

Observing how schoolchildren behave during breaks and in class, many adults sometimes catch themselves thinking that they did not behave this way in childhood.

Fifteen to twenty years ago, schools placed much greater emphasis on discipline, and students knew the rules of conduct in class and during recess. But do you know them? Let's check.

Behavior before classes start

Arriving at school, you need to take off your outerwear and street shoes, and change into replacement shoes. A jacket or coat is hung in the wardrobe or on a hanger in the classroom, and street shoes are also left in a special bag.

You need 10-15 minutes before the start of lessons in order to have time to prepare for the lesson - take textbooks, notebooks, a diary, pens and pencils out of your briefcase and lay them out on your desk. Before starting the lesson, you can open the textbook and repeat your homework.

The student on duty must arrive early - half an hour before the start of classes - to prepare the class. He needs to wipe the board, wash the rag, water the flowers and bring the class magazine from the teacher's room.

Behavior during the lesson

After the bell rings for class, students take seats next to their desks. When a teacher enters the classroom, he is greeted by standing up. You can sit down only after the teacher gives permission.

Silence reigns in the classroom: conversations between students are prohibited during class. Only the student answering at the board or from his seat speaks. Everyone listens carefully to the teacher. If you need to ask a question, the student raises his right hand and waits for the teacher to allow him to ask.

During the lesson, you cannot do extraneous activities - draw, rummage through your phone, spit chewed paper, etc. You cannot get up from your seat without the teacher’s permission, it is unacceptable to walk around the class and sit next to other students. You cannot laugh loudly, knock on the desk, or break the silence in other ways.

Behavior during recess

A break between lessons is needed so that students can rest a little and prepare for the next lesson. To ventilate the classroom, everyone except the person on duty goes out into the corridor. The attendant wipes the board, washes the rag if necessary, brings and places a new piece of chalk on the board.

During recess, it is not allowed to run quickly through the school corridors, push, fight, shout loudly, whistle, or use foul language. If you want to run, you need to go out into the school yard, where running around will not disturb other students and teachers. But it’s better to take your textbook with you and repeat your homework for the next lesson.

Behavior in the school canteen

A visit to the school canteen always takes place during recess. You are not allowed to run to the cafeteria during lessons. Before entering the cafeteria, students wipe themselves with special clean napkins. Each student has his own napkin, and this is monitored by the person on duty or the class leader.

Students enter the cafeteria in order, without jostling, and take their seats at the tables assigned to their class. As a rule, by the time they arrive, the breakfast plates are already on the tables. Each student takes his own plate and spoon or fork. You need to eat carefully, without spilling or smearing food on the table.

It is unacceptable to throw food on the floor, crumble bread or make figures out of it. After eating, each student removes his plate to a special table.

Behavior in the assembly hall

In the school assembly hall, students gather on holidays to attend a formal school meeting or concert. The whole class enters the hall, in order, under the supervision of the teacher, and calmly takes their seats. You cannot shout, stomp, slam the reclining seats, or stand with your feet on the seats.

At a meeting or concert, you must not talk, whistle, shout or disturb others from listening or watching. If you liked the performance, you can express your approval by clapping your hands. You cannot eat sweets or buns in the assembly hall, crack seeds, much less throw husks or pieces of paper on the floor.

You should behave politely and carefully. At the end of the concert, you should not push your way to the exit - it is better to wait for those in front to come out and calmly follow them.

Behavior in the library

You should always remain quiet in the library, talk quietly, do not laugh or stomp. It is unacceptable to litter in the library, bring food with you, and grab books with greasy fingers.

Borrowed books must be returned on time and in good condition. If a book is accidentally torn, the tear must be glued so that other students can use it.

Rules of conduct when talking with teachers

You need to talk to teachers politely, address them as “you” and by their first name and patronymic. When meeting a teacher in the hallway or on the street, the student is the first to say hello. If teachers are talking to each other, the student waits until they finish talking and only then turns to one of them about his business.

You cannot interrupt the teacher, insert your comments into his speech, or run away without listening to the end. After talking with the teacher, the student must wait for his permission, and only after that can he leave.

If the teacher notices any violation of discipline, the offender must submit a diary to record the comment. It is unacceptable to be rude to the teacher, wave your hand at him, grimace, etc. – the punishment in this case may be removal from the class so that the careless student does not interfere with his friends.