What to read from new books. "Dark Secrets" Gillian Flynn

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Modern literature is constantly evolving. Today there are a lot of excellent new authors who surprise with intricate and interesting plots, unusual writing style and creative book design.

Every year there are many bestsellers that captivate readers from different parts of the world. The best books of 2015 are distinguished by their fantastic plots, which are impossible to tear yourself away from. The reader rating “Top 20 Popular New Books of 2015” includes interesting and most popular books that not only left their mark on people’s destinies, but changed many and influenced their lives.

Today, e-books have become very popular, especially since there are a huge number of gadgets on the market for reading them. Such books can be stored in one device without filling up your apartment, and they are much cheaper. You can make your own list of the best and most interesting books and re-read them whenever and wherever you want, without having to carry heavy volumes with you.

The ranking of the most read books of 2015 also includes publications that have long been bestsellers abroad, but in our country were translated into Russian and published only this year. Nevertheless, these books are worthy of attention and “most popular” status.

Books are life. They should not only bring pleasure, but also teach us a lot. Today there is a huge amount of interesting literature that teaches readers to be more positive, believe in the best and be kinder. Such publications inspire, make you think about yourself and start changing your life.

Our top 20 best books of 2015 is exactly the list of literary works that won the hearts of readers with their sincerity and real feelings. It is also important that a fiction book should be exciting, keep you in suspense until the last line.

1. Name: ""
Author: Anatoly Boukreev, G. Weston DeWalt
The book's high rating is due to the fact that it is based on real events that occurred in 1996 during the ascent of a group of people to Everest. Bad weather conditions and mistakes by climbers led to the tragedy. The book was written in 1997, but was translated into Russian only in 2015.

2. Name: ""
Author: Mark Levy
An interesting and exciting love story between two people who did not expect or hope to know real feelings. The book makes you think about how unpredictable fate can be, and how people are accustomed to not noticing the happiness that is very close.

3. Name: ""
Author: Paula Hawkins
It was no coincidence that Paula Hawkins' work was included in the list of the best 20 books of 2015. This is an unusual story about people who have their dark sides. We are used to idealizing everything, but the truth can turn out to be much more cruel and terrible.

4. Name: ""
Author: Victor Pelevin
The book is full of secrets, riddles, fiction and truth. This is a new world, a new level, new knowledge. This book is loved by many for the extraordinary skill of the author and is rightfully in the top 20 best books of 2015.

5. Title “The sea is my brother. Lone Wanderer"
Author: Jack Kerouac
The first works of the young Kerouac, which were considered lost. The book is unique in that it preserves the author’s special style. It was first written in 2011, but translated into Russian only in 2015.

6. Name: ""
Author: Haruki Murakami
An unusual story about a man who tried to find harmony with himself and the world around him. Haruki Murakami is an amazing author who creates unpredictable worlds and makes his characters very rich and interesting personalities. The book was written in 2013, translated into Russian in 2015.

7. Name: ""
Author: Harper Lee
This book is a continuation of the beloved work “To Kill a Mockingbird.” As the years go by, everything changes. The main character returns to her native land, where everything is no longer the same as it was before, and people, relatives and friends, are no longer the same either.

8. Name: ""
Author: Frederic Beigbeder
The book is about the writer Jerry Salinger and his girlfriend, who were separated by the war. In the end, everyone went their own way, but fate decided that the roads must cross in the future. The book was written in 2014 and translated into Russian in 2015.

8. Name: ""
Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Chuck Palahniuk always likes to question everything. In his book, he talks about a manipulative man who creates special products for women called “To the Very Tips.” The book was first written in 2014 and translated into Russian in 2015.

9. Title: “Marina”
Author: Carlos Ruiz Zafon
The story is about a young man who went missing. Friends and relatives searched for him for a long time, but he was found at the station. He has secrets that are hidden far away in a dark box. He will have to talk about the night when he met the mysterious Marina. The book was written back in 1999 and the author considers it his best work. Translated into Russian only this year.

10. Name: ""
Author: Bernard Werber
A book about our future, about what each person is. And most importantly, it touches on the topics of ecology, and what does our planet think about humanity? After all, no one ever asked her about this.

11. Name: ""
Author: Boris Akunin
This is a detective story, which the author himself describes as: “Technocratic detective”, “nostalgic detective” and “idiotic detective”.

12. Name: ""
Posted by Jeannette Walls
This book is the autobiography of the author. This is not just a story about a difficult childhood and difficult parents. This is a story about how a person, even who grew up in unfavorable conditions, can change his life and not follow in the footsteps of his parents. The book inspires, makes you change and change everything around you, achieving happiness and harmony.

13. Title: ""
Author: Donna Tartt
Art, tragedy, new life, new person - this is probably how you can describe this creation, which was included in the ranking of the best books of 2015. A powerful work, written in 2013 and translated into Russian in 2015, touching the soul.

14. Title: ""
Author: Sally Green
A book for both teenagers and adults. There is something for everyone here. There is magic, witches and Great Britain. It is not for nothing that the book is compared to the series about the most famous wizard, Harry Potter.

15. Title: “Lights”
Author: Eleanor Catton
This is not just a detective story, where there is a murder, and a mysterious disappearance, and a real treasure, and people who have taken the path of reform, and revenge, and even spiritualistic seances. The plot revolves around 12 main characters, but they have their own peculiarity - each of them is associated with celestial bodies and zodiac signs.
Written in 2013, and in 2015 it was translated into Russian.

16. Title: ""
Author: Anthony Doerr
The book describes military events, as well as the fate of two heroes who are fighting for their lives and for the lives of their loved ones. The book is very bright and kind, because even a tiny ray of light can defeat real darkness. The book was written in 2014, and in 2015 it was translated into Russian.

17. Title: ""
Author: Narine Abgaryan
A story about a small town hidden high in the mountains. There are very interesting people here who have a strong spirit, a grumpy character and eccentricities.

18. Title: ""
Author: Jaume Cabret
The story is about a musician, a creative person, who completely rethought his life before he lost his memory due to illness. He decided to write down all those bright moments of his life that are still stored in his heart and which can disappear in an instant, dissolve into oblivion. The book was written in 2011, and it was translated into Russian in 2015.

19. Title: ""
Author: Andre Maurois
A touching and especially tender story about the human soul. The book tells about a man who has achieved a lot in this life, but in his soul there is no miracle of love that will turn autumn into spring. Only Andre Maurois can so sensually and subtly describe such beautiful feelings as love. The book was written in 1956 and translated into Russian in 2015.

20. Title: ""
Author: Dmitry Glukhovsky
This book is one of the most anticipated in 2015, and it immediately became a bestseller. It tells the story of an apocalypse that happened on earth. People who survived, hiding in the subway underground, begin to create a new world. But will he be that good? After all, human nature is very dark and warlike.

Many of the books included in the top 20 best books of 2015 are known and loved by readers. Of course, each of them can find its own flaws and shortcomings, which is what critics love to do. But even a negative review indicates that the book attracted attention, was read and appreciated, even if poorly. The main goal has been achieved – attention and active discussion.

In any case, this list of books is very interesting and deserves everyone's attention. After reading this literature, you will definitely be able to find a lot of interesting and useful things for yourself. A good book is essential for a good rest. Our ranking of the 20 best books of 2015 will help you find great reading.

Every year, many authors produce many different reading materials. And that's great! I want to re-read everything that appears on the shelves of a bookstore online or in real life, and at the same time remain satisfied, immersed in the story or story of this author.

Actually, for you we have selected the newest, best and most interesting from the book world for 2016-2017. And in this article, we will surround you with some of the hottest and most anticipated titles. We will present you the new books of 2016, bestsellers that will please even the harshest critics.

To be more precise, these are only 5 books, but they are really worth your attention. Four (4) of the Five (5) books have already been made into films this year with a considerable budget, and in order to have an idea of ​​what this or that book will be about, and so that To awaken your interest in it, we will share not only the description of these books, but also include trailers. So, let's go!

Top new releases - bestselling books of 2016 that you need to read!

Novel "Meet You"

They had nothing in common until love gave them everything to lose.

Louise Clarke is an ordinary girl living an extremely ordinary life, who had practically no permanent friend or close relatives further from home in her small village. She takes a job with Will Traynor, who is confined to a wheelchair after an accident.

Will has always lived on a large scale - grand ventures, extreme sports, travel - and now he is quite sure that he will not be able to live the same life anymore. But Lou opens new rooms for him and shows him that the life that fate has brought upon him is still worth living.

This is a very touching story about a paralyzed guy and his resourceful nurse.

Home for Peculiar Children

One day, a nightmare burst into his life, killing his grandfather in reality.

The story in the book begins with the fact that Jacob's grandfather, who told him fantastic stories about super children before going to bed, dies and leaves him clues that lead him to Miss Peregrine's House. Where he meets in person the specific children his grandfather told him about.

Among the majority of new products, the book “The Home for Peculiar Children” is a 2016 bestseller, a mind-boggling, adventure-mystery novel designed for a wide audience.

Two meetings in Paris

The action in the novel develops in the spirit of completely different time periods, about two couples in love in Paris, where two completely different stories will be forever intertwined with each other!

Abandon. abandoned city

This is Blake Crouch's new psychological thriller "Abandon." Abandoned City" is a mysterious story about an old abandoned ghost town in which all its inhabitants one day disappeared without a trace.

Florence: Robert Langdon wakes up in a hospital bed with no memory of how or where he got here. However, he cannot explain the origin of the terrible things found hidden in his property.

Girl on the train

This is a gripping, entertaining and top-notch thriller from Paula Hawkins.

Rachel catches the same train every morning. She knows that she will wait for the same signal every time, and drive past the row of gardens behind the house. She even began to feel that she knew the people who lived in one of the houses. "Jess and Jason" and their lives are wonderful. If only Rachel could be this happy...

But then she sees something that is shocking. It was only a minute, while the train was not moving anywhere, but it was quite enough to see this horror.

Now everything has changed... Now Rachel is drawn into a life that she only watched from afar.

In fact, these new books will for a long time occupy leading positions in terms of huge circulation in 2016-2017. Enjoy reading!

Every year new covers, new titles, new worlds appear on the shelves of bookstores... But how do you figure out what to choose that is really worth reading? A rating of the most interesting and important books will come to the rescue. We are talking about the top 10 books, among which is a novel in the genre of historical fantasy. A play about good old wizards. A collection of stories from the Russian writer himself and much more...

We present the best new releases from different parts of the world and many hours of literary pleasure! So, the rating of the 10 most important works of 2016.

My Strange Thoughts, Orhan Pamuk

The Turkish writer, whose fame has spread far beyond the borders of his country, created and in 2016 published “the most Istanbul novel” of all. At the epicenter of readers' attention is the story of street vendor Mevlüt Kartash, which stretches over 40 years. Over the years, he created the most ordinary family, did not achieve any career heights, did not lose his naivety and simplicity... But thousands of thoughts swarmed in his head, simple - and important at the same time.

“My Strange Thoughts” is in many ways reminiscent of the Latin American novel “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, which is included in all times and peoples. These two books are united by the authors’ ability to recreate the national flavor, but at the same time remain artists, not documentarians. Orhan Pamuk once again proved that his novels are rightfully included in the ranking of the best literary works.

"Zone of Interest", Martin Amis

A novel that shocks. Like the whole history of Auschwitz - a terrible place whose existence cannot be explained from the point of view of humanity.

The uncompromising Martin Amis tells how the Nazis turned the concentration camps into a huge source of income; how Jews were forced to pay for train tickets to hell; How wonderfully incredible cruelty and incredible greed coexist.

For readers from the relatively prosperous year of 2016, it will be useful to remember what the Holocaust is and how important it is to remain human, even if the world has gone crazy...

This absurdist, but at the same time absolutely realistic novel about the everyday life of Auschwitz, in the UK was called the best book of the last 25 years. Of course, it is included in our ranking of the most important literary works of 2016.

"The Humble Hero", Marios Vargas Llosa

Another creation of the brilliant Peruvian writer, Nobel Prize winner, was published in 2016. And again a novel in the genre of “magical realism”, characteristic of Llosa; and again - a masterfully twisted plot; and again - good humor mixed with melodrama. The heroes of the book are two ordinary people, and each of them wants to achieve their goal. Decent hard worker Felicito Yanage suddenly found himself in the center of attention of blackmailers, and businessman Ismael Carrera intends to take revenge on his drone sons.

In addition, a surprise awaits readers on the pages of the book: a meeting with some characters from other works of the Nobel laureate. The “highlight” is the unexpected ending, for which it is worth reading “The Modest Hero,” which was included in our “top 10 long-awaited books of 2016” rating.

"The Narrow Road to the Far North" by Richard Flanagan

The theme of war, like the theme of love, is immortal. And the book by the Australian Flanagan only confirms this idea.

The plot is based on the memoirs of the writer's father. During the Second World War he was one of those who built the Thai-Burma road. Why did it end up with a second name – Death Road? A former prisoner of war shares terrible memories with his son, who puts them into the mouth of the book's protagonist, surgeon Dorrigo Evans.

For modern readers, the sincerity of this work will be a revelation. How not to lose human dignity if you are in captivity? What are some people motivated by who consider themselves right to torture other people? Is there life after the war?

There are many questions, and for readers of this book, which was included in the top 10 best works of 2016, it is very important to answer many of them yourself.

"The Buried Giant" by Kazuo Ishiguro

Parable novel, a 2016 discovery that can be classified as fantasy, but must remain in the niche of “serious” literature. The most British Japanese writer in his new work raises the theme of memory and oblivion.

An elderly couple living in the time of King Arthur set off on a long journey. Their goal is to find a son who left them a long time ago... However, the situation is complicated by the fact that the country is shrouded in gloomy fog, due to which people lose their memory. Is it good or bad - that is the question that worries the author and readers!

Oblivion is the ability to forget about pain, war, suffering; memory can be regarded as a return to evil reality and the most severe mental anguish. However, Ishiguro is sure: memory, whatever it may be, should not become a buried giant. And the feelings of two touching old men only confirm this idea.

“The Buried Giant” is the deepest book of 2016, and is rightfully included in the top ranking of the best works of Kazuo Ishiguro.

"Shadow of the Mountain" by Gregory David Roberts

“Shadow of the Mountain” is a continuation of the acclaimed book “Shantaram”, recognized as one of the best books of 2003. Adventurer and criminal Lynn, who fled from Australia to India, has already settled in the city and even joined a gangster group. However, this work, which became part of our top 10, cannot be classified as a crime novel. It is much deeper, replete with philosophical reasoning and thoughts about a possible future.

“The Shadow of the Mountain” is a fascinating read about universal love, the search for oneself in this world, the confrontation between good and evil. It is flavored with good humor and an adventure plot. Therefore, this “eight-hundred-page brick” is of interest to everyone who considers himself a connoisseur of good literature.

Children's Act, Ian McKewan

A powerful piece of legal drama from a Booker Prize winner. The heroine of the novelty, judge Fiona May, suddenly faces a number of problems. The husband's departure from the family coincides with a complex process related to the fate of a seventeen-year-old boy who was diagnosed with leukemia.

However, both the boy and his parents are members of the Jehovah's Witness sect, which means they are prohibited from receiving blood transfusions. The parents have come to terms with the imminent death of their son, but justice can change the fate of the young man - albeit in a way that is violent for his beliefs.

What will a judge, a logician, an atheist do when faced with a sincerely believing child? This question will keep readers in suspense until the very end of the book.

“Seven Lives”, Zakhar Prilepin

From voluminous novels, Zakhar Prilepin again returned to small forms. His collection of short stories “Seven Lives” is ten stories in which there is nothing political, but everything is based on psychology.

Readers will get to know characters full of vices and virtues, sorrows and joys, cruel memories and universal love.

The heroes of the new product are a drunkard, a family man, a priest, a soldier, a politician, a lover... Who are they all? It is quite possible that these are variations of Prilepin himself, if something had gone wrong in his life. The writer explains that his collection is like a garden with many paths: which one to step on, where to go? It all depends on the person himself, who always has the opportunity to choose.

Among all the books listed, “Seven Lives” is the most ingenuous and the most Russian. This is why it is included in the top 10, and this is why it is worth reading in one go.

"Wild Swan" by Michael Cunningham

Have you ever wondered what happened to the heroes of your favorite children's fairy tales after the word “end” seemed to put everything in its place? And Michael Cunninghame was interested.

“Wild Swan” is his next work, inspired by children's stories. Only a happy ending is not at all what awaits the beloved characters.

Fairy tales are over, they live in the real world, where love ends, luck does not come to everyone, and to be different from others means to become known as a loser and become the subject of ridicule.

Cunninghame's books are sad, but not without hope. And you need to read “The Wild Swan” in order to become a little more humane and find a matured child in your soul.

Thanks to a non-standard approach to works familiar from childhood and a heartfelt plot, we give this collection an honorable place in the top 10 books recommended for reading.

"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child", JK Rowling

This happened! Fans of "Potter" are in a state of happy shock: on July 31, 2016, the official release of a new book about the adventures of their favorite hero took place. The long-awaited, eighth volume is called “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.”

So, yesterday’s little Harry today successfully serves in the Ministry of Truth, and the history of a new generation of wizards comes to the fore. Or rather, Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy. With the help of a miraculous artifact, this pair of friends travels back in time; however, interference in “past affairs” can lead to disaster...

In general, the book turned out to be in the spirit of the good old “Potteriana”, but at the same time with new interesting characters. It is not surprising that the long-awaited work is included in the top 10 most interesting books of 2016.

Continuing the topic

Definitely, 2016 gave the world some wonderful books. There are many more than the top 10, so some books simply could not make it into our ranking. This list includes:
  • "A Spool of Blue Thread" by Anne Tyler;
  • "In the Service of Evil", Robert Galbraith;
  • A Little Life, Hanya Yanagihara;
  • "HHhH", Laurent Binet.
These books are written in different genres and styles, but they are the best examples of prose of 2016.

In the previous couple of years, we observed the rise of Russian-language fiction, but in 2016 the trend was interrupted. Several well-known authors pleased us with quality books, but nothing particularly surprised us. And many Russian celebrities took a creative break - hopefully not too long.

But in 2016, many new translations appeared - both by authors already known to us, and by those who have not yet reached Russia (we even introduced the “New Name” nomination). That's why almost all of last year's champions were foreigners.

Science Fiction of the Year

Contenders: James Cambias "Dark Sea", Adam Roberts "Glass Jack", Kim Stanley Robinson "Red Mars", Paolo Bacigalupi "Water Knife"

A lot of high-quality science fiction has been released, but this time there was no clear leader. Among the contenders for victory are the original contact story of James Cambias, the hard futuristic detective story of Adam Roberts, the large-scale planetary SF of Kim Stanley Robinson, and the gloomy post-apocalyptic story of Paolo Bacigalupi.

And the winner was one of the best novels by Ian Macdonald, “Brazil” - a hybrid of close-in fantasy, detective thriller and historical adventure. The author painted a colorful portrait of Brazil, which mixed its past, present and future. The book turned out to be bright, multi-layered, with an intricate plot. This includes exotic futurism, alternative history, and fantasy about parallel worlds. “Brazil” is a difficult novel, and this is logical: the best examples of modern SF are designed for thoughtful readers.

Where can I buy?

Mystery and horror of the year

Contenders: Frances Harding "The Cuckoo's Song", Catherine M. Valente "Orphan's Tales", Stephen King "The Shop of Bad Dreams", Vladislav Genevsky "The Smell"

This nomination, according to the already established tradition, turned out to be quite colorful. Perhaps, among all the contenders, only the collection of stories by the untimely deceased Vladislav Zhenevsky can be considered without reservations in the “horrible” genre. The rest are teetering on the brink: Frances Harding’s novel is a scary fantasy for young people, Stephen King’s collection contains stories of different genres, and Catherine Valente’s duology is generally difficult to unambiguously classify.

The winner was Dan Simmons' novel - a witty literary game, a book about the new adventures of the great detective Sherlock Holmes. The author sent the legendary detective to the New World to investigate a mysterious crime side by side with the outstanding writer Henry James. “The Fifth Heart” is a fascinating novel, full of allusions and secret meanings. True, the mysticism here is not traditionally supernatural, but rather like in works of magical realism.

Where can I buy?

Contenders: Peter Watts “Beyond the Rift”, Harry Harrison “Harrison! Harrison!”, Kelly Link “I got into trouble!”, Elena Kushnir “Real Tales”

Among the nominees in this category there is only one little-known name - Elena Kushnir, the author of cute, diverse stories. All the rest are venerable writers: Peter Watts with hard science fiction, Kelly Link with magical realism and, of course, Harry Harrison with his early stories and memoirs.

And we recognized as the best the latest collection by Stephen King, which includes works written by him over the past seven years. Of course, the collection was not a revelation, because many of its plots are quite traditional for King, but they are executed at the highest level. At the same time, the writer tries to diversify his creative approach, experimenting with genres and style. The result is perhaps his best book since the unfortunate accident in 1999, when Stephen miraculously survived. In general, the collection deservedly received the 2015 Shirley Jackson Award for outstanding achievements in dark fiction.

Our review and story from the collection

Where can I buy?

Children's and Youth Science Fiction of the Year

Contenders: Terry Pratchett "Tiffany Sick" (cycle), Nick Perumov "The Adventures of Molly Blackwater" (cycle), Frances Harding "Midge May" (cycle), Frances Harding "Tree of Lies"

Unlike last year, when the nominees were works gravitating toward “adult” fiction, the current contenders are aimed at a younger audience. However, the moralizing fantasy of Terry Pratchett, the fantasy steampunk of Nik Perumov, the adventure fantasy and Victorian detective story of Frances Harding can also appeal to adult readers.

But the winner was precisely the most children's book - a fascinating fairy tale by the Canadian master of urban fantasy Charles de Lint. Well-written characters, wonderful dialogues, sweet humor, a dynamic plot, relevant references to mythology - these are the main trump cards of the book. And, of course, one cannot fail to mention the more than seventy wonderful color illustrations by Charles Vess. It's no wonder that the book won Canada's Solar Flare Award for excellence in young adult fiction.

Where can I buy?

Domestic Science Fiction of the Year

Contenders: Alexey Pekhov “Contemplator”, Henry Lyon Oldie “Strong”, Olga Golotvina “Open your wings!”, Sergey Lukyanenko “Quazi”

There were no special breakthroughs in Russian science fiction in 2016. Famous authors performed at their level - but no more. Alexey Pekhov came up with a fascinating steampunk fantasy, Oldie again successfully turned to mythology (this time taking the epic of the Far North as a basis), Sergey Lukyanenko composed a high-quality zombie version of the “watches”. Except that Olga Golotvina has taken a step forward in her work, although her fantasy adventure, while entertaining, is too derivative.

Therefore, we decided not to be particularly original and elevated Robert Ibatullin’s novel “The Rose and the Worm,” which has already received several awards for its attempt to write serious science fiction, to the top step of the pedestal. Despite some shortcomings, “The Rose and the Worm” attracts with its dynamic plot, polyphonic picture of the future and the thoroughness of the author’s approach to scientific and technical details.

Where can I buy?

The most awaited book of the year

Contenders: Terry Pratchett "Little Free People", Richard Adams "Shardik", Terry Pratchett "Hold the Mark", Kim Stanley Robinson "Red Mars"

Michael Moorcock "Gloriana" or the Queen who has not tasted the joys of the flesh"

Here we highlight books that, for various reasons, took too long to reach our readers. As a rule, we are talking about works by foreign authors (although there are exceptions). The current nominees include two flat-world fantasies by Terry Pratchett, a large-scale fantasy by Richard Adams and a serious science fiction story by Kim Stanley Robinson.

And the winner was Michael Moorcock's novel, first published in the homeland of the famous Briton back in 1978. However, the point is not in the “statute of limitations” - the book is too far out of genre traditions. Even for Michael Moorcock, who is known for his penchant for experiments, often quite shocking ones. “Gloriana” is a careful stylization of an adventure novel in the traditions of Baroque literature. The book is not easy to read, but for fans it is a balm for the soul. Perhaps, if it were not for Gloriana, the “new strange” ones that thundered much later would not have been born.

Where can I buy?

The most unusual book of the year

Contenders: Michael Moorcock "Gloriana", Dan Simmons "Fifth Heart", Mark Z. Danilevsky "House of Leaves", James Ballard "High-Rise"

Katherine M. Valente "Orphan's Tales"

Magic realism, literary play, alternative classics, absurdist fiction... Every now and then books appear that cannot be squeezed into the Procrustean bed of any of the traditional fantasy genres. The pseudo-historical stylization of Michael Moorcock, the mystical-detective pastiche of Dan Simmons, the conspiracy theory of Mark Z. Danilevsky, the “dystopia of morals” of James Ballard - these are the current nominees.

We gave primacy to the two-volume novel “Orphan's Tales” by Catherine Valente, where mythological fantasy, horror and postmodern prose came together. The book consists of bewitching and eerie stories, when reading which, classic fairy tale plots of the Brothers Grimm, not adapted “for children,” come to mind. And Valente’s novel is beautifully written and superbly translated.

Where can I buy?

Artbook or encyclopedia of the year

Contenders:“All of Ankh-Morpork: A Guide”, “Doctor Who. Life and Times", "Dragon Age. World of Thedas. Volume 2"

"The World of Ice and Fire. The Official History of Westeros and the Game of Thrones"

A lot of art books and colorfully designed reference books were published in 2016. The most striking of the traditional publications of this kind was the second volume of The World of Thedas. But books with game elements looked much more advantageous - like guides to Terry Pratchett's Ankh-Morpork and the universe of the Doctor Who series.

And the winner was “The World of Ice and Fire,” a guide to the fantasy saga by George R.R. Martin. The authors of this encyclopedia stylized the text to resemble historical chronicles written by maesters. The book delights with an abundance of magnificent illustrations and a variety of information about the past of the Seven Kingdoms and adjacent territories. A great gift for fans of both Martin's epic and the Game of Thrones series.

Where can I buy?

New name of the year

Contenders: Robert M. Wegner, Felix Gilman, Lev Grossman, Mark Z. Danilevsky

Last year we met a lot of new authors - we even had to introduce a special nomination. Among the contenders were Lev Grossman with the fantasy trilogy “The Magicians”, Robert M. Wegner with the large-scale fantasy epic “Tales of the Meekhan Borderland”, the author of the original steampunk “The Shattered World” Felix Gilman and Mark Z. Danilevsky, who wrote the elitist conspiracy theory “House of Leaves” .

And we recognized the winner as the English writer Frances Harding, a new star of young adult fiction. In 2016, four of Harding’s novels were published in Russian - from her debut, the entertaining adventures of the young rascal Moshka May Fly by Night, to the writer’s most recent book, the Victorian fantasy detective story “The Tree of Lies,” which became the novel of the year in Britain and was included in shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal Award. Harding's books are good in everything - plot, characters, setting, style. For truly world-wide fame, her works lack only one thing - a talented film adaptation.

The nominees in this category are the mythological techno-fantasy of Henry Lyon Oldie, the epic of Ken Liu inspired by the Chinese Middle Ages, the steampunk adventure of Alexei Pekhov, the postmodern fantasy of Lev Grossman.

The winner by a huge margin, almost doubling ahead of its closest competitor, was Robert M. Wegner’s cycle “Tales of the Meekhan Borderland.” Perhaps, since the time of Andrzej Sapkowski we have not met such a brilliant Polish science fiction writer. However, in terms of his creative style, Wegner bears little resemblance to his eminent compatriot. If Wegner is compared to anyone, it would be Joe Abercrombie. Although “Tales” has something in common with stories about the Witcher - the first four parts of the cycle consist of stories and tales united by a common plot.

Wegner's "Tales" are tough, harsh, merciless and piercing texts that are difficult to classify as any one fantasy genre. This fantasy is at the same time epic, heroic, adventurous, dark, mythological, romantic, picaresque, detective... And such eclecticism does not interfere with “Tales” at all. The series has practically no weak points - a fascinating plot, a well-developed setting, a realistic style, psychologically reliable characters, many expressive, sometimes heartbreaking episodes. And ahead of us are full-fledged novels, each of which is showered with a heap of Polish genre awards. So, perhaps, the next volumes of “Tales” by Robert M. Wegner will be among our laureates in 2017.

It was a great year for female writers, debut writers, long-awaited premieres by famous masters of the pen, and for critics who make up a wide variety of ratings. Whether you want to keep up with literary trends or are simply looking for something new to read, you're sure to find a worthy book among the 2015 premieres.

We've compiled a list of the 15 best novels of 2015. Let's start turning the pages!

1. Dark Secrets by Gillian Flynn

A new book from the creator of the bestselling Gone Girl.

Libby Day was seven years old when her mother and two sisters were brutally murdered. The girl survived and began to testify that the killer was her fifteen-year-old brother, Ben. Twenty-five years later, members of the Murder Club, a secret society obsessed with high-profile crimes, find Libby and bombard her with questions about that terrible day. They hope to discover evidence that will help free Ben. And Libby seeks to profit from her tragic story: she decides to cooperate with members of society, but only for a fee. So the search takes Libby from a strip club in Missouri to abandoned tourist towns in Oklahoma, to the very place where she ran away from a killer twenty-five years ago.

2. “22:04” Ben Lerner

A year ago, the protagonist of 10:04 was enjoying his unexpected literary success when he was diagnosed with a potentially fatal disease and his best friend asked him to help her conceive a child. In a New York City beset by increasingly devastating hurricanes and social unrest, he must continue to live with his illness and the prospect of becoming a father in a city that may soon be flooded.

Lerner, whose book has been hailed by critics as “funny, smart and original from the first line to the last,” reveals what it means to live right now, in the twilight of empire, when it is difficult to imagine the future without changing one’s relationship to the past and present.

3. "The Girl on the Train" by Paula Hawkins

Rachel takes the same train every morning. Every day she drives past cozy country houses and stops at the same place at the train signal to watch how the ideal couple, in her opinion, has breakfast every morning. She feels like she knows them well. Rachel even gives them names - "Jess and Jason." For her, their lives are perfect, unlike her own.

And then she sees something shocking. Just for a minute while the train moves on, but that’s enough. Unable to hide what she saw, Rachel tells the police everything and immediately becomes involved in terrible events. Did Rachel hurt herself more than help justice?

This is a wonderful debut novel by Paula Hawkins, written in the style of Hitchcock thrillers. The book instantly became a bestseller and took leading positions in the ratings of reputable publishing houses.

4. “I Confess” by Jaume Cabret

Adria Ardevol lived in this world for sixty long and at the same time terrible years. When Alzheimer's disease begins to take away his memory, he decides to write a goodbye letter to his beloved. In it, Adria openly talks about her life, which was closely connected with the ancient Storioni violin.

Adria's father loved antiques much more than his son. But he had a special passion for the precious violin, which for many years belonged to the Ardevol family. The father forbade his son to touch the exhibit, and when Adria broke his oath, the father unexpectedly died. Realizing that the violin has made his father crazy, Adria himself is unable to give it up, even for the sake of the woman he loves.

At the same time, the writer tells several stories that happened to people many centuries before Adria was born. But the connecting link of all the characters is the Storioni violin, a mysterious and cursed instrument that for a long time mercilessly interfered with the destinies of people and destroyed their lives.

5. “The Pauline Principle” by Didier van Covelaert

"The Pauline Principle" is an elegant and unpredictable novel from French writer Didier van Covelrath, winner of the prestigious Prix Goncourt.

A successful writer, Quincy, while walking through second-hand bookstores, accidentally finds his first novel among the books. When he opens the book, on the first page he finds his signature: “To Polina and Max.” These two were once the most important people in his life and played their part in it.

Many years ago, Quincy had just published his first novel, and the literary reading was to take place in the city jail. Pauline was a student who really wanted to go to the book launch, and Max was one of the prisoners. That day their destinies were intertwined. Their meeting became the beginning of a strong friendship and true love.

6. “To the very ends” Chuck Palahniuk

Penny Harrigan is an ordinary employee at a Manhattan law firm, lives in a small apartment in Queens and has no personal life. So an invitation to dinner from Linus Maxwell, a billionaire and lover of the most beautiful and educated women on earth, comes as a big shock to the girl. After dinner at Manhattan's most exclusive restaurant, he takes her to a hotel room where they have the most amazing sex of her life. Everything is great, if not for a small nuance. Penny discovers that she is just a new test subject for the development of a line of sex toys that will be sold in the chain of boutiques "To the Tips". So powerful and effective are these devices that women line up in the millions outside stores on opening day. Penny decides that Maxwell's plans for erotic world domination must be destroyed. But how?

7. “Una & Salinger” Frederic Beigbeder

Many years ago, in New York, aspiring writer Jerry Salinger accidentally met Una, the very young daughter of the famous playwright Eugene O'Neill. The young people immediately fall in love with each other, but their happiness does not last long. When America joins the liberating forces in World War II, Salinger leaves for the front in Europe. While Una waits for her lover to return, she decides to try her hand at cinema and goes to audition for Charlie Chaplin. The girl not only gets the role, but also becomes the wife of a great actor and director. Salinger returns after the war not to the arms of his beloved, but to an empty apartment and a lonely life. He begins working in magazines, and then creates his famous work, “The Catcher in the Rye.”

8. "Consumed" David Cronenberg

The sensational and exciting debut novel from cult Hollywood director David Cronenberg.

Stylish and work-obsessed, Naomi and Nathan thrive in the tabloid industry. Despite the fact that they are competitors, no one stops them from being lovers. They are always in pursuit of sensations and meet only in airport hotels.

One day, Naomi finds herself embroiled in a scandal between Celestine and Aristide Arostegai, a Marxist philosopher and libertine. Celestine is found dead and mutilated in a Paris apartment, and Aristide simply disappears. The police immediately suspect him of murder. With the help of a graduate student named Hervé Blomqvist, Naomi sets out in pursuit of Aristide. Delving into the details of Celestine's relationship, Naomi does not notice how her friendship with Herve is growing into something more.

Nathan, meanwhile, is in Budapest collecting information about a surgeon named Zoltan Molnar, who is wanted by Interpol for organ trafficking. After he spends the night with Molnar's patient, Nathan learns of a rare disease called Rufe syndrome. Nathan travels to Toronto to meet the man who discovered the syndrome. From Dr. Rufe, he learns that his now adult daughter is studying here, who is trying to hide a terrible secret behind her strange behavior.

These parallel narratives weave together into a captivating fairy tale in this provocative debut novel from one of the world's leading filmmakers.

9. "Funny Girl" Nick Hornby

Everyone in the film industry lives their own life, different from the perfect picture on the screen.

Writers Tony and Bill are comedy gurus, but each of them keeps his own terrible secret behind the walls of the film set. The project's director, Dennis, loves his job but hates his marriage. Superstar Clive feels he is destined for a better life. And comedian and TV's hottest girl, Sophie Strew, who changed her name and left her old life behind to pursue a career, must decide whether to keep it up or change the channel.

Funny Girl is Nick Hornby's new comedy novel about popular culture, television, being young and old, fame and teamwork. This is the story of Sophie Strew, who went through a difficult journey from a provincial “protégé” to a movie star.

10. “Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Wandering” by Haruki Murakami

Tsukuru Tazaki, remembering his past and present, tries to understand why his life went downhill sixteen years ago.

In the early 1990s, Tsukuru lived in his hometown of Nagoya and attended high school. He had four best friends. The name of the color was hidden in everyone's last name. Tsukuru was called "colorless" and they all represented an "orderly, harmonious community." But in 1995, during his second year of college, Tsukuru's friends abruptly cut off all ties with him. His only college friend disappeared the next semester, and he felt empty, a man who had lost his color and his personality.

Now in 2011 in Tokyo, 36-year-old engineer Tazaki works for a railway company and builds stations. His new friend Sarah advises him to face his past, not as a naive, vulnerable boy, but as a grown man, and find his former friends to mend their relationships and find out why they rejected him. And so Tsukuru visits his old friends one by one, first in his native Nagoya, then in rural Finland. He goes in search of truth, himself and happiness.

11. Career of Evil by JK Rowling/Robert Galbraith

The last part of a not at all children's detective trilogy, from the famous British writer JK Rowling, creator of Harry Potter.

Private detective Kornomar Strike this time takes on the case of his own assistant, Robin Ellakot. One day she receives a box in the mail containing a severed woman's leg. Strike begins to conduct his own investigation, in parallel with the British police. When law enforcement agencies manage to catch a criminal, a private detective quickly proves his innocence. While the police are trying to track down the real killer, Strike suspects three people at once and, with his assistant, is trying to catch the cruel maniac.

12. “Downton Manor.” The Beginning" Margaret York

Novel “Downton Manor.” The Beginning" is the background to the famous British television series, which provides answers to many of the viewer’s questions.

This is the story of what really happened on board the Titanic, which almost destroyed Downton Abbey itself. In this novel you can learn how an arranged marriage between Cora and Robert turned into a true love story. How an independent American girl managed to enter the closed and conservative British society. For the first time, family secrets will be revealed, and the “skeletons in the closet” will be exposed to everyone!

13. “Repairing the Living” by Meilis de Kerangal

Surfer Simon Limbre gets into a terrible car accident in which he dies. More precisely, his brain dies. Modern equipment continues to support life in his unconscious body, as his parents believe that their boy is alive. The doctor asks them to sign papers and allow Simon's organs to be given to people who need transplants. But parents cannot imagine how to voluntarily kill their son and give a piece of him to strangers.

The writer tells the stories of many people who are connected by the still living heart of Simon Limbra.

14. Before the Beginning by Amy Plum

This is the long-awaited continuation of the fantastic bestseller “After the End” from the famous American writer Amy Palm.

When the Juneau clan disappeared, the girl lost much more than friends and family. She soon discovered that everything she knew about her life was a lie. She actually has secret powers that others are desperate to get their hands on. They want it so much that they kidnapped her clan.

Juneau's new companion, Miles, goes on a quest that takes them to the New Mexico wilderness. Now Juno's friends and loved ones are within reach, and she will stop at nothing to save them. But she's not the only one to hunt. There is a target hanging on the girl’s back, because it is the key to solving everything. To save her clan—and herself—Juno must discover her true abilities and understand just how much power she truly possesses.

15. "Horse Dancer" Jojo Moyes

Sarah's grandfather was a horseman with a rare talent that only a few at France's elite equestrian academy, Le Cadre Noir, could comprehend. But life has taken an unexpected turn, and now in a council house in east London, the Captain hopes to educate his granddaughter.

Natasha is a lawyer whose job is to represent the interests of children. Her confidence in her work was shaken, and her marriage finally collapsed. But meeting Sarah and her horse, named Boo, can help Natasha find herself and discover the true meaning of life.

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