What refers to active vocabulary. Vocabulary of the Russian language from the point of view of active and passive stock

Active and passive vocabulary. Passive vocabulary includes historicisms and archaisms. Historicisms are words denoting objects that have disappeared from modern life, phenomena that have become irrelevant concepts, for example, chain mail, corvee, horse tram, modern subbotnik, Sunday, socialist competition, Politburo. These words fell out of use along with the objects and concepts they denoted and became passive vocabulary; we know them, but do not use them in our everyday speech. Historicisms are used in texts that deal with the past, fiction, and historical research. Archaisms are outdated names of phenomena and concepts that exist in modern times, to denote which other, modern names have arisen.

There are several types of archaisms 1 the word can become obsolete entirely and completely go out of use lanita - cheeks, neck - neck, right hand - right hand, shuytsa - left hand, so that - so that, destruction - destruction 2 one of the meanings of a word can become obsolete, while while the rest continue to be used in modern language belly - life, thief - state criminal of False Dmitry II was called Tushinsky thief the word give has lost its meaning to sell over the last 10 years, and the word throw away has the meaning to put on sale 3 in the word may change 1-2 sound and or place of stress number - number, bibliomtek - library, mirror - mirror, snurok - lace 4 an obsolete word may differ from modern ones by the prefix and or suffix druzhstvo - friendship, restaurateur - restaurant, fisherman - fisherman 5 the word may change individual grammatical forms Wed the name of the poem by A.S. Pushkin Gypsies is the modern form of gypsies or the belonging of this word to a certain grammatical class of the word piano, hall were used as feminine nouns, and in modern Russian these are masculine words. Word obsolescence is a process, and different words may be at different stages of it.

Words that have not yet fallen out of active use, but are already used less frequently than before, are called obsolete vouchers. Obsolete words are contrasted with neologisms - new words, the novelty of which is felt by speakers.

Linguistic neologisms are words that appear as names for new objects, phenomena, concepts that do not yet have names in the language, or as new names for already existing objects or concepts.

Linguistic neologisms arise in the following ways: 1 a new word, a new lexical unit appears in the language. It appears through the borrowing of shop tour, charter, shaping, image or the emergence of a new word according to word-formation models existing in the language from the old word geography lunography or neologism-borrowing marketing marketing, computer computer, computer geek, computerization 2 a new word arises from an already existing word in the language meaning, for example, teapot - a non-specialist with weak skills in something, stroke - paste for correcting text, round - negotiation phase, pirate - unlicensed, shell - garage. In the future, this meaning can break away and form a new homonym word.

If an object, concept, phenomenon, called a neologism, quickly becomes irrelevant, the neologism may not have time to become a commonly used word, master the language, and this word may immediately go into the passive vocabulary, becoming historicism.

This is the fate that befell many neologisms from the time of the NEP, the first years of perestroika: kooperator, gekachepist, voucher. Language neologisms are used by native speakers in their everyday speech and are known and understood by many. If the existence of a linguistic neologism is justified, pretty soon the neologism enters the active vocabulary and ceases to be recognized as a new word. However, the creation of new words, word creation is also possible in other situations—an artistic word, a situation of friendly communication, the speech of a child who has not yet fully mastered the vocabulary of the Russian language.

An adult, a poet, a writer consciously resorts to word creation in order to make his speech more expressive or to play with the rich word-forming capabilities of the language, a child does this unconsciously. The results of such word creation are called individual contextual, author's neologisms. So, we find in A.S. Pushkin the words ogoncharovan, kuchelbeckerno, in V.V. Mayakovsky lyubenochek, and hasten, turn blue, lighten.

Sometimes the author's neologisms become real words and enter the literary language, such as, for example, the words pendulum, pump, attraction, constellation, mine, drawing, which entered the Russian language from the works of M.V. Lomonosov, industry, love, absent-mindedness, touching - from works of N.M. Karamzin, fade away - from F.I. Dostoevsky, mediocrity - from I. Severyanin. The functions of obsolete words are varied.

Firstly, they can be used directly to name and designate corresponding objects and phenomena. Thus, outdated words are used, for example, in scientific and historical works. In works of art on historical themes, this vocabulary is used not only to denote obsolete realities and outdated concepts, but also to create a certain flavor of the era. Obsolete words can be used in literary text to indicate the time in which the action takes place.

Obsolete words, mainly archaisms, can also perform stylistic functions - they can be used to create solemnity in the text. Phraseology Words, when combined with each other, form phrases. Some of them are free, they are formed by us in speech as needed. Each word in them retains its independent meaning and performs the function of a separate member of the sentence. For example, reading an interesting book, walking down the street.

But there are phrases that are called non-free, connected, or phraseological. In them, words, when combined together, lose their individual lexical meaning and form a new semantic whole, which in terms of semantics is equated to a separate word, for example, let the red rooster - set it on fire, beat the thumbs - mess around, from minute to minute - soon, with a pinhead - small . As a rule, such combinations are fixed in the language as a result of frequent and long-term, sometimes centuries-old, practice of use.

The same combination can appear either as free or as bound, depending on the context and meaning. For example, He closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep - the Dean's office turned a blind eye to the student's misbehavior. A set of lexically indivisible, integral in meaning, reproduced in the form of ready-made speech units combinations of words is called phraseology from the Greek phrasis expression and logos doctrine, science. Phraseologisms can be divided into groups from the point of view of the origin and tradition of using expressions from colloquial speech to speak one's teeth, to lose one's head, miracles in a sieve, fish without fish and cancer, expressions from professional spheres of use were born in a shirt, from argot to baffle, green street - from the vocabulary of railway workers, clumsy work, without a hitch - from the speech of carpenters, rub in points expressions from bookish literary speech and terms and phrases from scientific use center of gravity, chain reaction, roll down an inclined plane, bring to white heat b expressions from works of fiction and journalism And the casket simply opened I. Krylov with feeling, with sense, with arrangement A. Griboyedov the living corpse of L. Tolstoy The case smells of kerosene M. Koltsov. Like a word, a phraseological unit can have synonyms and antonyms, for example, two pairs of boots - a bird of a feather, beat swords into plowshares - sheathe a sword phraseological units-synonyms make a mess - clear up the mess, rolling up the sleeves - carelessly, heavy to lift - easy to lift rise of phraseological units-antonyms. Phraseologisms of the Russian language by origin are divided into two groups: Original Russian and Borrowed.

Original Russian phraseological units The emergence of original Russian phraseological units can date back to the time of the existence of the Proto-Slavic language, common Slavic or Proto-Slavic, Old Russian language, East Slavic, Old Russian and Russian languages, Russian proper. One of the indicators of the Proto-Slavic origin of a phraseological unit, therefore, is its parallel fixation in the East-West South Slavic languages ​​and their dialects Indian summer, from the head to the feet, East Slavic phraseological units are registered in the Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​and their dialects written with a pitchfork on the water, from all the legs, the actual Russian phraseological units are usually noted only in the Russian language in full Ivanovo, which is what my leg wants. Primordial Russian phraseological units can be associated with mythological ideas, folk customs, rites, rituals: sparrow night - a dark night with a strong thunderstorm, a time of rampant evil spirits headlong - in the original meaning it means a ritual delineation for protection from evil spirits to wash the bones - the emergence of phraseological units associated with the reburial rite, before which the excavated remains, i.e. bones were washed.

With material culture, specific realities, historical facts, it is as if Mamai passed - the Tatar Khan Mamai made devastating raids on Rus' - Mamai's massacre - Khan Mamai was defeated in the Battle of Kulikovo without slurping salt - salt, as an expensive product, could not have been given to an unwanted guest during a treat.

With professional, slang, argotic speech, terminological vocabulary to get out of the rut from the professional vocabulary of drivers, silently from the speech of the military, sapa - hidden undermining, put on the map from gambling jargon With various genres of folklore, a hut on chicken legs, a red maiden, a grandmother said in two , little man, grasping at straws With the names of specific people who created phraseological units or the context that contributed to its emergence leavened patriotism Vyazemsky, monkey labor, a disservice, a snout in a cannon Krylov, shut up the fountain K. Prutkov, end up with a broken trough Pushkin

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Based on frequency of use, vocabulary is divided into 2 groups: active and passive.

Active vocabulary consists of words that are understandable to speakers and are in constant use.

2 types of active vocabulary:

a) words of common nationality (commonly used, colloquial, colloquial, bookish, lofty, official business).

b) words limited in their use to a certain dialect or social environment (dialectal, professional, terminological, slang).

All words are devoid of any connotation of novelty or obsolescence. They define the lexical system of the SRL.

Active vocabulary is part of the vocabulary of a modern language, which is freely used in live everyday communication in all spheres of life of human society.

Passive vocabulary refers primarily to book language. Passive vocabulary consists of words that are understandable, but not used in everyday speech communication. These words have a connotation of novelty or a connotation of obsolescence and therefore are not included in the lexical system of the s.r.ya. Passive vocabulary includes historicisms, archaisms, neologisms, and occasionalisms.

Outdated and new vocabulary. Historicisms and archaisms. Types of archaisms.

Types of archaisms: lexical and semantic.

The archaization of words, their departure from the vocabulary, is a gradual and lengthy process. Vocabulary undergoing the process of archaization belongs to the peripheral sections of the vocabulary of the language. The main factor determining this situation is low usage, tending to zero.

Historicisms These are words that have fallen out of everyday use due to the fact that the objects and concepts they denote have disappeared from modern life.

Examples of historicisms include words that call:

  • old socio-political relations (veche, subdivision);
  • objects of bygone everyday life (truck, dvornitskaya);
  • ranks, positions, status (boyar, landowner);
  • ancient clothes (Armyak, caftan);
  • - any weapons (crossbow, cone);

Such words have no synonyms and are the only names of disappeared objects and concepts. I. is used in historical and fiction to recreate the flavor of the era.

Archaisms (Greek.archaios-ancient)- words that are outdated and out of general use. Unlike historicisms, they have synonyms that are in the active vocabulary. For example: voyage - travel.

Archaisms differ:

A. lexical

b. semantic

Among lexical archaisms stand out:

  • actually lexical- words that are outdated in general and have been replaced in the passive dictionary by words with a different root. For example: father (father).
  • lexical-word-formative- words with obsolete suffixes or prefixes. For example: warrior (warrior).
  • lexical-phonetic archaisms- presented are words that have an outdated sound appearance. For example: gate (gate).

Semantic Archaisms are words with outdated meanings. For example, the word madness is outdated. meaning "madness". In decree meaning the given words are archaisms, but in other meanings. they are included in the active dictionary of s.r.ya.

Archaisms are used by writers and publicists to give speech a sublime stylistic coloring. Archaisms are not used outside of stylistic purposes.

Outdated words vary in their degree of obsolescence. Some of them are currently completely unknown to native Russian speakers.

Some disappeared without a trace. For example: a drop - four pounds.

Others have retained their traces in derived words and phraseological units. For example, in the words hut, slob.

Other old words are familiar to native speakers and are not in the passive vocabulary. For example: verst, young.

Both native Russian and borrowed words fall into the category of outdated vocabulary. Eg. archaisms vorog, eyes, this - originally r.s.l.

Outdated words can be revived, that is, returned to the active dictionary.

Neologisms and occasionalisms.

New words or figures of speech that have arisen to designate new objects and concepts or replace old names of already existing phenomena, called neologisms (Greekneos- new +logos- word, concept). Eg. word: lunokhod, lunate appeared along with new objects, signs and processes. The words airplane, parking lot replaced the old ones: airplane, parking lot. Kn. include not only completely new, but also previously known words that have acquired new meanings. For example: script - meaning. "plan, scheme for holding any event, exhibition."

Distinguish lexical And semantic neologisms.

Lexical- Words that did not previously exist in r.ya. They are created on the basis of existing words or borrowed from other languages. For example: Tselinograd resident.

Semantic- neologisms presented. are words that already exist in the language and have received a new meaning. For example: signal - warning.

There are neologisms nominative (general language) And individual-stylistic (occasionalisms).

Nominative presented are direct names of objects and concepts. For example words: monorail, oceanaut.

Stylistic neologisms not only denote phenomena and give words expressive and emotional shades. For example: dude, show-off, bungler.

Newly entered words into the lexical system will be perceived as neologisms as long as freshness and novelty are felt. As soon as a new phenomenon becomes a common fact of life, its name ceases to be a neologism. Over time, individual (author’s) neologisms can become part of the asset. dictionary.zapas. This is how the neologisms of Lomonosov - constellation, and Dostoevsky - fade into oblivion - became active.

Occasionalisms (from the Latin occasionalis - random) are individual-stylistic speech phenomena that arise under the influence of the context, the situation of verbal communication to denote a new object or the expression of a new concept. O. are created specifically, deliberately. This distinguishes them from spontaneously committed violations of the norm - speech errors. They are always “tied” to a specific context, situation, understandable against the background of a given context, situation and the model or single sample that served as the basis for their creation, for example, a newspaper headline. Ubusiness arose in connection with a series of contract killings with a series of contract killings of businessmen based on the noun business stem of the verb kill.
Occasional formations are, in principle, possible when using units of each language level embedded in texts:

A. Pushkin (rhyme model)

N. Gogol (green-haired)

F. Tyutchev (loudly boiling cup)

Especially a lot about. created by children: I drank myself, etc.

Most of all Fr. in the field of vocabulary and word formation, which is due to the role of nomination in the structure of speech communication. Here a special layer of words stands out - occasional words. They are called chimerical formations and “one-day words”, because they serve the immediate needs of communication: an orator is one who yells.

Several ways:

1. by analogy with a specific word: first printer (Ilf and Petrov) by analogy with “first printer”.

2. based on a specific combination of words: remove foam - remove foam (Saltykov-Shchedrin).

O. can be borrowed from other languages, becoming international, for example, “Lilliputian” (Swift).

2 categories of occasionalisms:

- Potential words are created according to existing word-formation models, not only modified ones. As a result, the possibilities for implementing such models and their use in speech, for example, are expanding. gentlemanly.

- Actually occasional words are formed under the influence of context by analogy or example of a specific word. For example: Kuchelbeckerno (Pushkin) - from the name of the Decembrist V.K. Kuchelbecker + adverb model like sad, melancholy.

O. words are always derivative and, as a rule, do not have the entire paradigm of forms.

Active vocabulary

vocabulary that can be used reproductively, in contrast to passive vocabulary, which the communicator understands when reading and listening, but does not use in speech.

Explanatory translation dictionary. - 3rd edition, revised. - M.: Flinta: Science. L.L. Nelyubin. 2003.

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On thaty:" Aactive and passive vocabulary of literary Russian language"

Mastyugina A.

In modern Russian, obsolete words include those that are known from works of classical literature. They are rarely used in speech.

Reasons for words becoming obsolete:

1) extra-linguistic; 2) intralinguistic.

Historicisms are words whose semantic changes are caused by extra-linguistic factors. These are the names of objects and phenomena of the old way of life, the old culture, social, economic and political relations that have become a thing of the past. Historicisms include the names of social institutions (corvée, quitrent, zemshchina), household items, clothing (arshin, frock coat, caftan), names of people by social status (smerd, boyar, prince, count, nobleman, hetman, centurion). the word historicism extralinguistic

Neologisms at one time included such words as budenovka, cart, committee of the poor, surplus appropriation, educational program, workers' faculty, but in a short time they became historicisms.

The intralinguistic reasons that determined the appearance of obsolete words include synonymous competition, as a result of which one of the synonymous words gives way to another. Such a process occurred at one time with the words eye and eye, brow and forehead, airplane and airplane, helicopter and helicopter, etc.

In addition, intralinguistic factors include the processes of expanding or narrowing the meaning of words as a result of the elimination of more specialized names. The following example is given in the linguistic literature: in Russian, each finger had a separate name. But the word FINGER was used only for the thumb, the word FINGER for the index finger, etc. Over time, the special names of fingers became unimportant and the word FINGER acquired a general meaning, spreading to all others, and the word FINGER began to be used as an archaic synonym for it.

Varieties of archaisms

Obsolete words that have fallen out of use as a result of intralingual processes are called archaisms. As the language develops, they are replaced by other words that are more acceptable to subsequent generations. Old nominations are becoming passive vocabulary.

In linguistics, there are several classifications of archaisms. So, N.M. Shan divides all archaisms into lexical and semantic. M.I. Fomina, A.V. Kalinin and others divide archaisms into the following groups: lexical proper, lexical-phonetic, lexical-word-formative, lexical-semantic.

Actually, the lexical archaisms are completely outdated (eye, forehead, finger, battle).

Lexical-phonetic archaisms include words whose sound form has changed in the process of historical development (bakcha - melon, busulman - Muslim, stora - curtain, klob - club number - number, calm - style).

Lexico-word-formation archaisms are words in which individual word-formation elements are outdated (friendship - friendship, nervous - nervous, rest - rest, buyer - buyer).

Lexico-semantic archaisms retained their sound form, but changed their meaning (the word druzhinnik is perceived by modern speakers as a participant in a voluntary association, and not a person who was a member of the princely squad).

Historicisms and archaisms are an important stylistic device in a literary text, by which one can determine the era in a work on a historical theme.

Neologisms and their types

Neologisms are new words or meanings that have recently appeared in a language. These are the names of new objects that appeared in the process of development of science, culture, technology, production, everyday life, names of new phenomena, actions, processes.

A neologism remains new until it has become commonly used and sufficiently frequent (programmer, computer, cybernetics). These words quickly entered the language and became an integral part of the vocabulary.

In the language there are such neologisms that name phenomena that are obviously transitory (new materials - crimplen, bologna, styles of clothes and shoes - Romanian, body shirt, hairstyles - gavroche, babetta), etc. Such words from the category of neologisms very quickly fall into the category of outdated vocabulary.

Linguistic scientists distinguish lexical neologisms - new derivatives and borrowed words (lunokhod, nuclear-powered rover, cruise, broiler), which make up about 90%, and semantic ones, which arose as a result of the emergence of new meanings in words functioning in the language, for example: dynasty - 1) series sequentially reigning monarchs from the same family, and 2) representatives of different generations from the same family, having the same profession (working dynasty), etc.

Occasionalisms are individually authored formations. They are characterized by one-time use, created “on occasion”, and are inherent only in a given context. Everyone knows the occasionalisms in the works of V. Mayakovsky (hammer, sickle, chamberlain, etc.), K. Fedin (starry eyes), E. Yevtushenko (bezneronie, nesgubinka, teasing, etc.), etc.

Dictionaries of obsolete and new words

There are no special dictionaries of historicisms and archaisms yet. However, many outdated words were included in V.I.’s dictionary. Dalia. Their meanings are reflected in a large academic encyclopedia.

For a long time there were no dictionaries of neologisms. However, back in Peter’s times, the “Lexicon of New Vocabularies” was compiled, which was essentially a short dictionary of foreign words. Some words were included in V.I.’s dictionary. Dahlem. The Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, edited by D.N., became significant in its composition of neologisms. Ushakova. A large number of them were included in S.I.’s dictionary. Ozhegova.

In 1971, a dictionary-reference book was published, prepared based on materials from the press and literature of the 60s, “New Words and Meanings,” edited by N.Z. Kotelova and Yu.S. Sorokina. The dictionary explains about 3,500 words that are widely used.

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Active and passive vocabulary are distinguished due to the different usage of words.

Active vocabulary (active vocabulary) consists of words that a speaker of a given language not only understands, but also uses and actively uses. Depending on the level of linguistic development of speakers, their active vocabulary averages from 300-400 words to 1500-2000 words. The active composition of the vocabulary includes the most frequent words that are used every day in communication, the meanings of which are known to all speakers: earth, white, go, many, five, on.

Active words also include socio-political vocabulary (social, progress, competition, economics, etc.), as well as words that belong to special vocabulary and terminology, but denote relevant concepts and are therefore known to many non-specialists: atom, gene, genocide, prevention, cost-effective, virtual, atom, anesthesia, verb, ecology.

The passive vocabulary (passive vocabulary) includes words that are rarely used by the speaker in ordinary speech communication. The meanings are not always clear to speakers.

Passive words form three groups:

1) archaisms;

2) historicisms;

3) neologisms.

1 Archaisms (from Greek archaios ‘ancient’) - obsolete words or expressions, displaced from active use by synonymous units: neck - neck , right hand - right hand, in vain- in vain, in vain, since ancient times- from time immemorial, actor- actor, this- this, that is to say- that is .

The following types of archaisms are distinguished:

1) actually lexical - these are words that are completely outdated, as an integral sound complex: lichba ‘account’, otrokovitsa ‘teenage girl’, influenza ‘flu’;

2) semantic - these are words with an outdated meaning: belly (in the meaning of 'life'), shame (in the meaning of 'spectacle'), existent (in the meaning of 'existing'), outrageous (in the meaning of 'calling for indignation, for rebellion') ;

3) phonetic - a word that retained the same meaning, but had a different sound design in the past: historia (history), glad (hunger), vrata (gate), mirror (mirror), piit (poet), osmoy (eighth), fire ' fire';

4) accented - words that in the past had an emphasis different from the modern one: symbol, music, ghost, shudder, against;

5) morphological - words with an outdated morphemic structure: ferocity - ferocity, nervous - nervous, collapse - collapse, disaster - disaster, answer - answer.

Archaisms are used in speech:

a) to recreate the historical flavor of the era (usually in historical novels, stories);

b) to give speech a touch of solemnity, pathetic emotion (in poetry, in an oratory, in a journalistic speech);

c) to create a comic effect, irony, satire, parody (usually in feuilletons, pamphlets);

d) for the speech characteristics of a character (for example, a person of clergy).

Historicisms are obsolete words that have fallen out of use due to the disappearance of the realities that they denoted: boyar, clerk, guardsman, baskak, constable, crossbow, shishak, caftan, okolotochny, solicitor. Words denoting the realities of the Soviet era also became historicisms: kombe-dy, nepman, revkom, socialist competition, Komsomol, five-year plan, district committee.

For polysemantic words, one of the meanings can become historic. For example, the commonly used word people has an outdated meaning of ‘servants, workers in a manor house’. The word PIONEER, meaning ‘member of a children’s organization in the USSR’, can also be considered obsolete.

Historicisms are used as a nominative means in scientific-historical literature, where they serve as names of the realities of past eras, and as a pictorial means in works of fiction, where they contribute to the reconstruction of a particular historical era.

Sometimes words that have become historicisms return to active use. This happens due to the return (reactualization) of the phenomenon itself denoted by this word. Such, for example, are the words gymnasium, lyceum, governor, Duma, etc.

3 Neologisms (from Greek neos 'new' + logos 'word') name words that have recently appeared in the language and are still unknown to a wide range of native speakers: mortgage, mundial, glamor, inauguration, creative, extreme, etc. After a word comes into widespread use, it ceases be a neologism. The emergence of new words is a natural process reflecting the development of science, technology, culture, and social relations.

There are lexical and semantic neologisms. Lexical neologisms are new words, the appearance of which is associated with the formation of new concepts in the life of society. These include words such as autobahn 'type of highway', jacuzzi 'large heated bathtub with hydromassage', label 'product label', remake 'remake of a previously filmed film', bluetooth 'a type of wireless communications for data transmission', as well as sponsor, hit, show, etc.

Semantic neo-logisms are words that belong to the active dictionary, but have acquired new, previously unknown meanings. For example, the word anchor in the 70s. received a new meaning ‘a special platform for fixing an astronaut, located on the orbital station next to the hatch’; the word CHELNOK in the 80s. acquired the meaning of “a small merchant who imports goods from abroad (or exports them abroad) with their subsequent sale in local markets.”

A special type of words of this kind are individually authored neologisms, which are created by poets, writers, and publicists with special stylistic purposes.

Their distinctive feature is that they, as a rule, do not become active vocabulary, remaining occasionalisms - single or rarely used new formations: Küchelbecker (A. Pushkin), green-haired (N. Gogol), Moscow soul (V. Belinsky) , passenger , become masculine (A. Chekhov), machinery (V. Yakhontov), ​​frown (E. Isaev), six-story building (N. Tikhonov), vermutorno (V. Vysotsky). overblown (A. Blok), multi-powder, mandolin, hammer-handed (V. Mayakovsky).

Only individual author's formations over time become words in the active dictionary: industry (N. Karamzin), bungler (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin), pro-sate (V. Mayakovsky), mediocrity (I. Severyanin), etc.

The creation of new words is a creative process that reflects a person’s desire for novelty and completeness in the perception of reality. Native speakers create new words that reflect the nuances of existence and its assessment: for example, psychoteca, soulful, soulful dance, joyfulness, specialness, self-righteousness, etc. (from the collection of neologisms by M. Epstein).

However, the results of word searches should not always be considered successful. For example, the new formations found in the following statements are unlikely to enrich the national lexicon.

The question has been formed and guaranteed.

The store urgently needs a vegetable shop to sell vegetables.

There are also real masterpieces of toy making.

Material assets were stolen, although the warehouse was special.