What are we doing to protect the planet? Recycling of household items

The ecology of the Earth is deteriorating every day. Instead of preserving and protecting the resources of our planet, we mercilessly spend them: we waste electricity, pollute water, poison the atmosphere, etc.

At the same time, everyone thinks: “Nothing depends on me anyway,” and is mistaken. Everyone must take care of the health and cleanliness of the world in which they live, only then can they hope for a positive result.

How to do it? Here are some simple examples:

Plant a tree. This is good for the air and for the earth. In addition, it will be incredibly interesting for you to watch how the tree that you planted with your own hands grows, becomes covered with greenery, gives shade to people fleeing the sun, etc.

Make sure your car's engine doesn't run in vain. Considering today's gasoline prices, this will save not only the environment, but also your wallet.

Try to dry things in the traditional way as often as possible - using a rope and clothespins. Firstly, you will extend the life of your favorite clothes, and secondly, you will save a lot of energy that the “drying” mode spends.

Have a “meat-free day” once a week. Producing half a kilo of meat requires 10 thousand liters of water and several trees cut down for pasture. In addition, such unloading will improve your digestion.

Try to wash your items at a temperature no higher than 40 degrees. This saves energy. Also try to fully load the washing machine tank.

According to statistics, the average person uses 6 paper napkins per day. If everyone reduced their number to at least five, 500 thousand fewer napkins would end up in trash cans each year.

Use both sides of the paper. You need many documents for personal use, and if some text is already printed on the other side, it will not interfere with you. Every year, office workers send about 21 million tons of A4 paper to landfill. This amount can be halved.

No one has canceled waste paper collection points. Instead of throwing away newspapers and magazines you read, recycle them. Some organizations provide such a service as pickup. It is very comfortable. Recycling Sunday newspapers saves half a million trees a week.

Plastic bottles are not recycled. They decompose over millions of years or are burned, poisoning the atmosphere. Buy a special reusable container and use it by filling it with purified drinking water. This will allow you to improve the environment and reduce costs.

Even if you love taking a bath, try to give it up in favor of a shower at least once a week. The shower uses half as much water.

Turn off the water while brushing your teeth, you don't need it anyway. This way you can save 5 liters of water per day.

Do not preheat the oven. Almost no dish, except baking, does not need this. Monitor the cooking process through the transparent door without opening it.

Instead of buying a paper airline ticket, book your ticket online, which requires very little time spent on the computer. And in general, give preference to electronic media rather than paper ones.

Use cardboard matches, which are a product of recycled paper, instead of disposable lighters made of plastic and filled with butane.

When leaving a room, always turn off the light behind you. Even if you plan to return in 15 minutes.

When traveling by car on business, try to accomplish as much as possible of what you have planned at one time. If you get everything done in one trip, you will save gas, time and make your small contribution to improving the environment. Also try to think through the route in advance so as not to add extra kilometers.

Create a flower bed in front of the house. Surely, none of your neighbors will be against it, and most will even support your endeavors.

Try to use disposable tableware as little as possible. For example, instead of buying coffee from a vending machine, drink a cup in the morning before work or keep a cup at your desk. This will reduce the amount of difficult-to-recycle waste and give you more positive emotions.

Refuse plastic disposable bags. They take tens of times longer to decompose than any other garbage. Replace them with biobags or a stylish shopping bag.

Replace at least one light bulb in your home with energy-saving fluorescent ones. You can use it in your pantry, closet, toilet, etc.

If you turn your computer off instead of leaving it in sleep mode, you can save 40 kilowatt-hours per day.

When washing dishes, many are accustomed to rinsing them first and then using detergent. The water continues to flow at this time. If you only turn on the water to rinse out the detergent, you can save a huge amount of water.

Each discarded bottle takes more than a million years to decompose, so they must be handed over to special collection points. Recycling glass reduces air pollution by 20% and water pollution by 50%.

If possible, try to use diapers less often. Of course, they relieve many problems, but at the same time they cause enormous harm to the health of our planet. Each child manages to send approximately 3.5 million tons of poorly recyclable garbage to a landfill. Diapers and cloth diapers are less convenient, but better for the environment.

Be creative. Come up with unusual packaging for gifts. It could be an old capta, newspaper, fabric, etc. This way you will make your gift more original and will not waste extra paper.

Every two minutes you sacrifice while showering will save more than 10 liters of water.

If you have the opportunity, get around the city by bike. This will help you improve the health of you and your planet.

Try to buy local products. Thus, you will support the economy of your area and reduce fuel consumption for transportation

During a barbecue, many people lose sight of their plastic plates, forks and other disposable utensils. Most solve this issue simply - unpack a new set. As a result, plastic utensils are wasted and thrown away several times more. Label the dishes so you don't lose sight of them. To make it more fun, you can come up with funny nicknames for all the barbecue participants.

If you have the opportunity, make an agreement with your boss and work from home. You will save money on travel, regardless of whether you use personal or public transport, and will also make your small contribution to the fight against air pollution from cars.

Before throwing away any item, think about whether it is necessary. Maybe you can give it to someone who needs it or take it to a thrift store?

Never leave trash behind. If everyone cleans up after themselves, our planet will become much cleaner.

Discard the discs; they decompose very poorly, just like their packaging. You can download any movie, any program, any game and any music album using the Internet. Whether you pay for it or not is your choice.

Use rechargeable batteries instead of regular batteries.

Visit second-hand and consignment stores more often. The fact that someone used a bicycle, a net, a blanket or checkers before you does not make these things worse. Let them serve you better instead of littering the environment.


There are many other ways to help our planet, for example, participate in the PROMOTION on clothing models from ARISTA on aristaopt.ru, and spend the money saved on protecting the environment or purchasing more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient products.

For 10 years now, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has been drawing the attention of the world's inhabitants to the problem of climate change.

Today, Earth Hour is the largest environmental event on the planet. According to WWF, more than 2 billion people around the world, more than 170 countries and about 7 thousand cities take part in it. In 2016, Earth Hour will take place on Saturday, March 19, from 20:30 to 21:30 local time.

Meanwhile, you can help the planet not only once a year, but every day. Useful habits that save the environment - in a TASS special project

Save energy

Interesting fact

LED light bulbs (light-emitting diode) consume 85% less energy than incandescent lamps, and 50% less electricity than fluorescent and energy-saving lamps. They do not heat up and do not require replacement for a long time, and therefore they can be used in places where the light is on constantly.

The service life of LED lamps is 50 times longer than that of conventional lamps. In addition, LEDs turn on instantly and produce better, continuous light in which colors appear natural and are less irritating to the eyes.

Reduce exhaust emissions

Exhaust gases are products of oxidation and incomplete combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. Their emissions are the main reason for exceeding permissible concentrations of toxic substances and carcinogens in the atmosphere of large cities and the formation of smog, which is a common cause of poisoning in confined spaces.

Exhaust gases are also one of the reasons for the increased greenhouse effect.

To get around the city, use public transport or a bicycle, and walk more.

If you get behind the wheel, try to maintain a constant speed limit. When accelerating and braking, more fuel is consumed than when driving at a constant speed.

Interesting fact

The authorities of megacities are trying to reduce the harm from exhaust gases. In particular, the use of electric vehicles is being introduced in some large cities. The Moscow authorities are taking similar steps.

As reported on the website of the capital's mayor's office, by the end of 2016, 200 electric charging stations for electric vehicles will operate in the capital, and 55 such devices will be installed by May 1.

Charging stations increase the economic efficiency and reliability of energy supply for the transport complex. “They also help increase the number of environmentally friendly electric vehicles on the city streets,” said Deputy Mayor of Moscow Maxim Liksutov.

The first charging station for electric vehicles opened in one of the parking lots in the city center in 2015.

Save water

In preventing environmental disaster, this method plays no less a role than energy saving. Using water every day, we usually don’t think about how much is left on the planet and whether there is enough for everyone. Meanwhile, more than a billion people suffer from water shortages around the world. Save water:

Take a shower, not a bath. Install an economical shower head.

Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.

To wash large quantities of dishes, use a dishwasher - this way, significantly less water is wasted.

Interesting fact

Dentists advise spending at least two minutes on high-quality teeth cleaning.

If you do not turn off the water tap during the process, then more than 10 liters of water pour out of it every minute.

The total consumption per day is at least 40, per month - 1200 liters, and per year - 14,600 liters.

For comparison, that's over 70 filled bathtubs.

Save paper

Remember that this is how you save trees.

In the printer settings, select duplex printing. According to some reports, 30 packs of office paper require one tree.

Read e-books.

In the office, use whiteboards that you can write on with a marker instead of sticky notes.

Interesting fact

According to environmentalists, about ten thousand hectares of forest are cut down in Russia every year for the production of toilet paper.

This problem can be solved very easily.

Just at the supermarket, choose paper that is made from waste paper.

Consume wisely

Waste in landfills is not used in any way, while some materials can be sent for recycling or not thrown away at all. That's why:

Buy as much food and things as you really need. Choose local and seasonal products with minimal packaging. Extra packaging means extra waste.

Do not use disposable plastic bags - in nature they can take more than 200 years to decompose. Replace them with reusable bags.

Don't throw away old things. Give them to people in need at shelters and relief funds.

Hand over used batteries to special collection points. They contain many heavy metals, which, when released into the soil, poison it.

Interesting fact

In Russia there is no centralized system for separate waste collection. Meanwhile, in many cities there are corresponding collection points. In particular, the Moscow authorities have launched an interactive map of separate waste collection points and recyclables collection points.

According to the Moscow City Hall website, on the online map you can find collection points for aluminum cans, energy-saving light bulbs and batteries, waste paper, plastic, glass, electronic equipment, tires, ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

The capital has the largest number of collection points for energy-saving lamps - 1042 points.

It is no secret that mainly non-renewable resources are used to generate energy - coal, gas and oil - while carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas, enters the atmosphere (causing the greenhouse effect - an increase in the temperature of the lower layers of the planet's atmosphere). Every year, humanity consumes more and more energy, polluting the environment even more. The easiest way to save the environment is to use energy wisely. A few simple steps will help residents of the metropolis with this:

Use energy-saving and LED lamps. They consume less energy and can last up to 20 years.

Turn off the lights in the room when you leave it.

Turn off your computer and do not leave it in sleep mode for a long time.

Remember to unplug chargers from the outlet. They consume electricity even when not used for their intended purpose.

Incredible facts

10. Reduce energy consumption

The human race has grown to 7 billion, and our insatiable energy consumption plays a major role in causing irreparable harm to the environment. One of the most important actions we can take to conserve nature is to significantly reduce these costs. At the level of each individual person, this results in following certain principles:

Purchase and use of fluorescent lamps;

- "insulating" our homes so that they require less energy to heat and cool;

Turning off the lights, as well as any electrical equipment, when we leave the room;

Use cold water instead of hot or warm whenever possible;

Use the washing machine and dishwasher only when fully loaded.

In addition to the listed ways to save, there are many others. Even though these actions may seem relatively small on an individual level, they have a huge impact on the bottom line when most people do them. What's more, consuming less energy also means lower utility bills, and more money saved.

9. Produce and use renewable energy

Humanity will inevitably continue to use energy, even if each of us makes a concerted effort to reduce our consumption. Therefore, an equally important step for preserving the environment is to find alternative ways for the production and use of environmentally friendly types of energy.

You may have seen buildings adorned with shiny solar panels or wind turbines standing like sentinels. These two forms of green energy can help eliminate our dependence on the standard form of energy produced by burning fossil fuels. In addition to deciding to switch to existing alternative energy sources, governments should be encouraged to invest in scientific research aimed at finding new alternative energy sources.

8. Save water

We cannot live without water, and anyone can attest to the importance of this resource. The world around us needs water as much as we do, so we cannot protect our environment without saving water personally. Saving water will begin when every person begins to look at it as a limited resource and do not forget about this when consuming it.

A good way to force yourself to use less water is to install WaterSense-labeled appliances, especially in toilets, showers and taps. These water-saving devices can reduce water consumption by more than 30 percent. Such solutions can result in savings of millions of gallons of water, however, today very few people choose this type of technology.

Among other things, we ourselves are able to limit our water consumption. For example, take shorter showers or turn off the water while washing dishes. As a result, if everyone follows these simple rules, then, for sure, the positive impact on the environment will subsequently be obvious.

7. Buy energy-saving and environmentally friendly products

Energy-saving products help save up to 30 percent on energy. New generation refrigerators are a prime example of this. A technique like this will not only save you several hundred dollars annually, but will also have an invaluable impact on the environment. At the same time, it is worth setting the temperature in the refrigerator a few degrees warmer, this will definitely not cause any harm to the products (2-3 degrees Celsius), but the freezer will perform its functions quite adequately if you increase the temperature in the range of -18-15 degrees Celsius. Even such minor changes will significantly reduce the amount of energy you consume. Well, of course, you shouldn’t leave the refrigerator door open for too long a period of time.

In addition to purchasing energy-saving products, it is a very good idea to purchase household cleaning products and other items that are environmentally friendly. These products do not contain chemicals that are harmful to the environment. However, if you don’t like such products, then you can easily use soda or vinegar, your kitchen, of course, will not smell like “grapefruit of passion” or “intoxicating mango,” but at the same time, it will remain clean, and the earth will remain yours grateful.

6. Reduce consumption, reuse, recycle

The enormous amount of waste produced each year—hundreds of millions of tons in America alone—is one of the greatest obstacles to a healthy environment.

Each of us can play our part in addressing this issue by reducing our waste. This could mean shopping less and reducing our overall consumption. If we consume less, we therefore use less energy and leave behind less waste. However, no matter how much we limit our consumption, some types of waste will always exist, so we must also focus on using recycled products, for example in packaging and reuse.

At the same time, we are already able to follow simple changes, namely: storing food and other items in reusable containers, rather than in plastic bags or disposable containers. Recycling involves purchasing recycled products and sorting waste into appropriate categories: aluminum cans, glass, plastic, paper and cardboard.

5. Drive less and drive smarter

Cars not only consume large amounts of fuel, they also release CO2 into the atmosphere, making them the biggest culprits when it comes to harming the environment.

While it may not be possible to give up driving entirely, it is possible to reduce your time behind the wheel and do it wisely.

Whenever possible, ditch your car and use public transportation. If public transport is not a 'viable' option for you, then cycling is the answer and is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint on earth and still stay fit. That is, you are killing two birds with one stone at the same time.

4. Support initiatives on global climate change

Over the past 10-15 years, world leaders have sought to make significant progress in addressing climate change. One of the methods they have resorted to is setting clear time frames for reducing CO2 emissions, often placing limits on the amount of CO2 that can be released into the atmosphere.

Similar initiatives have been successfully adopted at the local, regional, and national levels in the United States. As for the international level, documents such as, for example, the Kyoto Protocol, received support from a fairly large number of countries.

However, the world has not yet managed to come up with an initiative that would be supported by all countries, including the largest polluters, the USA and China.

3. Live where you work, eat where you live

If you have an 8-hour workday, you spend a significant portion of your life at work, so you can at least reduce the time it takes you to get to work. It will be good for both the environment and you.

As for food, does this mean that you need to regularly dine at home and not allow yourself a holiday dinner somewhere in a restaurant in the city center? In fact, it would be more appropriate to mention the 100-mile diet here. The concept of this diet is to only eat food that is prepared within a 100-mile radius of your home. Not only does this support small-scale farmers who typically use more sustainable and organic practices, but it also reduces the financial and physical waste associated with transporting food over long distances.

If everything you eat is produced relatively locally, it means that your food does not contribute much CO2 emissions, which is not the case with food that is shipped from other countries. It may seem difficult to follow this diet, but even by deciding to source a significant portion of your food from local sources from now on, you can be of great help to the environment. In addition, many people believe that buying locally grown products means always having fresher and better quality products.

2. Plant trees and protest about deforestation

One of the best ways to purify the air is to plant trees as they play an important role in keeping the air clean by releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. The more trees, the higher the air quality, so planting them is a sure step towards preserving the environment.

It is very important to take a stand against deforestation. The loss of large numbers of trees that occurs when tropical forests are cleared for industrial development means that we are losing millions of trees that would clean our air.

By protesting deforestation and refusing to buy products that come from deforestation, it may be possible to slow down or even stop it.

1. Encourage others

As Gandhi rightly noted, “First of all, you must change yourself in the direction in which you want the world to change.” This is certainly true when it comes to saving the environment, with each of us responsible for making decisions that will benefit the natural world around us.

But even our best efforts will have minimal impact if there are very few of us, because the environment will not be preserved if only a few activists and world leaders act.

It will be preserved only through the collective actions of all humanity, which is why it is so important, having started yourself, to encourage others to follow all the above rules.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Municipal budgetary educational institution, secondary school No. 16, Karpinsk, 2012 Completed by: Potapenko Kirill, student of grade 3 A Head: Matveeva Marina Ivanovna Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 16 primary school teacher HOW CAN I HELP THE PLANET?

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INTRODUCTION Our planet Earth was formed billions of years ago. Lush greenery, clean air, crystal clear water in the seas and oceans - this was our planet.

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Time has passed. And what do we see now? Poisoned seas and oceans. The polluted air we breathe. Soil contaminated with pesticides and radioactive waste.

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Why did it happen so? After all, at the very beginning of its creation, the planet was clean! I consider my topic relevant, since the entire natural environment needs our protection, our help! If we don't urgently help nature, it will die. What will remain on Earth?! I want to help the planet return to its original state by doing everything in my power. Man mastered and changed the world around him without thinking about the consequences. Air, water and soil pollution is the result of human activity!

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1. Collect and study information about global problems of the planet, about the environmental situation in my city. 2. Determine an area of ​​the Earth where I can be useful. 3. Learn to see distress signals coming from plants, animals, etc. 4. Develop an action plan aimed at improving the environmental situation of the Earth. 5. Analyze the information received and draw conclusions. I want to breathe clean air, drink clean water, eat healthy food and therefore, the purpose of my research: to find out how I can help the planet OBJECTIVES

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HYPOTHESIS If I help nature, preserve its riches, then I will help the planet on which I live. OBJECT of research – ecology of planet Earth. SUBJECT OF THE RESEARCH - the help that every person can provide to improve the ecology of the Earth MY WORK PLAN 1. Go to the library, read articles from encyclopedias and books, remember the lessons of the world around us, watch films about global problems of the Earth, find interesting information on the Internet. 2. Meet with people in the city who know about the state of the environment in Karpinsk. 3. Start keeping a research diary “Helping the Planet” and recording in it “distress signals coming from nature” and ways to eliminate them.

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Research methods: analysis of literature and films, interviews, conversations with adults, observations, comparisons, keeping a research diary. Buraev Photos

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Environmental problems Water pollution Discharge of industrial and household waste Oil pollution Air pollution Industrial, transport and household emissions Fires Soil pollution Excess of chemical fertilizers Burning garbage Decrease in biodiversity Environmental pollution Deforestation Poaching Forest fires RESEARCH DIARY Having studied information in books, magazines, the Internet, watched a film "Planet Earth", I learned about the global problems of the Earth. One of the global problems is the environmental problem. I believe that this problem is the most important, since if a person is careless about nature, this can lead to the extinction of life on Earth. Global problems are problems affecting all of humanity. Ecology is the science of the relationships of living organisms and their communities with each other and with the environment.

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There are environmental problems in every country in the world, because pollution in one country affects the nature of other countries. Winds, sea currents, and groundwater carry pollutants over long distances. Many environmental issues are being resolved through the efforts of many countries. Causes of environmental problems Industrial enterprises Air pollution Water pollution Decline in the number of plants and animals Acid rain Disappearance of forests Decrease in the number of plants and animals Air pollution Decrease in biodiversity Automobile emissions Deforestation

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Oil production Damage to the earth's crust Water pollution Death of marine and terrestrial animals Forest fires Soil pollution Air pollution Decline in the number of plants and animals

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The most polluted countries in the world. Russia India Philippines USA China The most environmentally friendly countries in the world. Switzerland Costa Rica New Zealand

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THE DIRTEST CITIES IN THE WORLD Chernobyl (Russia) Sumgait (Russia) Vapi (India) Haina (Dominican Republic) Tianjin (China) RUSSIA Moscow St. Petersburg Chernobyl Dzerzhinsk Norilsk URAL Asbestos Nizhny Tagil Magnitogorsk

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THE CLEANEST CITIES IN THE WORLD Calgary (Canada) Honolulu Helsinki RUSSIA Severodvinsk Tchaikovsky Saransk

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People all over the world solve problems of environmental pollution. Ways to solve environmental problems. 1. Creation of plants for processing solid waste (garbage) 2. Installation of gas and dust collection plants at enterprises. 3. Creation of treatment facilities. 4. Use of wind generators and solar panels for energy production. 5. Production of electric vehicles, cars powered by solar batteries. 6. Use of surfactants (cleaning agents) in oil spill sites. 7. Improving the condition of soils by adding peat, zeolite 8. Protection of forests - the lungs of the planet. 9.Creation of nature reserves and national parks. 10. “The Red Book”. 11. Work of the organization "GREENPEACE"

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Having learned about the problems that exist on the planet, I thought: “Can I help the Earth? The planet is so huge, and Me?

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I’m still small, I don’t know how to build sewage treatment plants, I won’t be able to protect all the animals and plants on Earth, I’m not able to solve global issues.” I decided for myself to determine the boundaries of the Earth, where I can really help nature - today this is my city.

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I addressed my question “How can I help the planet?” to adults who know about the environmental problems of our city. Having met with the candidate of biological sciences Buraev Mikhail Erikovich, the school geography teacher Irina Yuvenalyevna Yaroshuk, and interviewed the ecologist of our city Kazachenko Maria Stepanovna, I learned about the problems of our city: 1. One of the main problems of our city is soil pollution. The pollution is assessed as dangerous! There are many spontaneous dumps of household waste in the city in forests, in areas where collective gardens and garages are located. 2. Air pollution - 2535.5 t/a The air has a high content of radioactive gas radon. The main source of radioactive gases is soil. In terms of air pollution, Karpinsk is not classified as a risk zone. Since 2008, coal-fired boiler houses have been completely suspended in the city. 3. Water pollution. The water of the Turya River is characterized as “dirty”. Due to the insufficient degree of purification at treatment plants, wastewater is characterized as insufficiently purified. 4. Growth of oncological diseases - 1st place in the Sverdlovsk region. Buraev Photos

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Advice that adults gave me: 1) Since one of the main problems of our city is waste, you need to try not to throw garbage, not to set fire to garbage heaps when cleaning the territory, not to litter the rivers with garbage, and to actively participate in cleaning the city’s territories. 2) Since we have a high level of radon in our city, it is necessary to take care of your health: - drink medicinal teas from herbs and berries, - eat natural products grown in our area. 3) Feed the birds in winter (they greatly influence the ecological situation in the city) CONCLUSIONS: 1. The problems of our city and the whole world are the same. 2. Scientists around the world and environmentalists are working to solve these problems, but today it is impossible to solve all the problems. 3. I realized that I need to be more attentive in nature, see the “distress signals” that it gives and help nature if it is in my power.

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In the summer I started a diary “Helping Nature”. (See the diary in the appendix). In it I began to record nature’s “distress signals” and my help to it.

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My help to the Planet June July August September October November December January Help in planting shrubs and trees in the garden Replacing all the lamps in the apartment with energy-saving ones Solution: Do not burn the leaves, but put them in a container. If possible, I refuse transport, ride a bicycle or walk. (Benefits) for air and health) Refusal of chemical fertilizers Saving plastic bags (saving water) At home we are trying to refuse chemicals. dishwashing detergent (replace with mustard) 1. I save water. 2. I made warning pictures about saving water. I monitor the taps at home and at school (I close the taps if the water just flows) I hung signs at school “In 1 minute...”, “Don’t forget to close the taps.” Refusal of chemical fertilizers Saving polyethylene bags (in order to reduce soil pollution) Cleaning the area around at home, in the garden. Solution: Do not burn the leaves, but put them in a container for humus. Cleaning the area around the house and in the garden. I feed the birds. House for birds in the garden Restoring an anthill Conversation with the guys before the hike “Behavior in nature” Help in planting shrubs and trees in the garden 1. Made feeders 1. Provection “Feed the birds in winter.” 2. Designed the environmental newspaper “Birds are our friends.” Help in planting shrubs and trees in the garden. Helping to care for indoor flowers. Gathering medicinal herbs. Harvesting berries and herbs for the winter.

1. Sort your trash. Separating garbage into “components” and throwing it away separately is something environmentalists strive to teach residents of all developed countries of the world to do. The only problem is that trash containers are usually common for all types of garbage.

However, if you wish, you can, for example, hand over glass bottles and jars to a collection point for glass containers, paper, old magazines, newspapers - to waste paper. It is important to keep trash cans free of household hazardous waste. For example, light bulbs, batteries, mercury thermometers, batteries, etc. – things that can harm the environment.

Find out about collection points for used lamps, batteries, mercury thermometers, etc. in my city.

2. Start beautifying your city.

Clean-up days, public tree-planting events, volunteer programs for collecting garbage in parks - you can participate in these events without harming your budget and benefiting your own health. Try going there with your loved ones - this way you will not only help improve the environmental situation, but also have a good time with your family, because joint work, as we know, brings people closer together.

3. Save fuel.

Car owners can also take part in preserving the environment. Try to reduce your fuel consumption while driving. The optimal speed for an average car is 60-90 km/h, sticking to it, you can save up to 20% of fuel. In addition, you should keep your car in order: check the tire pressure, remove unnecessary heavy junk from the car - this will help reduce drag while driving and reduce gas mileage. Another tip - if you are standing for a long time, for example, in line at a gas station, it will be more economical to turn off the engine. More than 10 seconds of idling will be “more expensive” than restarting the engine. It will also be useful to sometimes replace the car with walking, cycling or taking public transport.

4. Reduce your energy consumption.

It may seem that leaving the computer on standby and leaving the microwave on does not use much energy. But in fact, over the course of a year, a considerable amount of wasted electricity and, consequently, money can accumulate. Tip: Turn off all appliances that you are not using from the network, or use “pilot outlets” with a complete power-off button.

5. Choose eco materials.

Environmentalists advise avoiding plastic bags and disposable goods - polyethylene and plastic can take many years to decompose in landfills, and when burned they release acrid black smoke.

Thus, bags in supermarkets can be easily replaced with canvas bags, and disposable plastic picnic tableware can be easily replaced with cardboard plates and reusable cutlery.

6. Save water.

Supplies of clean fresh water are depleting, scientists urge every inhabitant of the planet to think about the future and use water rationally. So, you can take a shower instead of a bath, use economical shower heads with a flow rate of less than 10 l/min, and turn off the water while you brush your teeth or soap yourself. By the way, this way you will not only help our planet, but also save money on utilities.

7. Give away unnecessary things.

At home you can often find a lot of things that you don’t use, but for some reason you keep. After some time, the “junk” will go to the landfill. But you can give those things that have not yet lost their useful properties to places where they can be useful. There are many charities that are ready to accept old clothes, equipment, children's toys and donate them to shelters, orphanages or homeless shelters. Another option is to post an ad on the Internet indicating what you can give away for free.

8. Don't litter.

We see signs with such a call quite often, but does everyone follow this simple commandment? There are a lot of cigarette butts on the roadsides and near the metro, in parks after picnics there are piles of uncollected garbage, and in yards there are beer cans and packets of chips lying everywhere. Of course, it is necessary to cultivate a caring attitude towards the surrounding world from childhood, but each of us can at least take care of ourselves - do not throw small garbage out of the car window, take a cigarette butt to the trash can, leave the clearing clean after a friendly picnic.