What does the color blue mean to you? Blue color in psychology: meaning, features and interesting facts

Correspond to our real or ideal self. The character that we have, or the one that we would like to have. If we want to make a certain impression, we will also unconsciously choose the right shade for this.

White- a symbol of purity and perfection. In the Christian tradition, the color of holiness, virtue, divinity. People who choose white as their color are usually neat, decent and sincere. Or they want to seem like that (don’t forget, right?).

Grey chosen by people who are afraid to express themselves too loudly. Or they want to be inconspicuous in order to get something (“eminence grise”). Gray is the color of neutrality. This is the perfect background for any other color, for any manipulation or game. He gives strength to those who are weak and vulnerable.

Pink- the color of softness, tenderness, kindness and sentimentality, the color of dreams and dreams. If you love pink, it means you do not tolerate cruelty and violence in any form. A person who chooses this color for himself prefers to live in an easy, comfortable world invented by himself. Pink dulls aggression and nervousness, so it is good for people who get very irritated and find it difficult to pull themselves together.

At the same time, too much pink around can lead to complete detachment from the world. Be careful with people who love pink - they are very sensitive.

Blue- cooling and soothing color. Blue (despite stereotypes) is the color of femininity and motherhood. Symbolizes peace, tranquility, carefree. Conducive to rest and relaxation.

Yellow- the lightest color. A symbol of lightness, liveliness, brightness and joyful perception of life. It is chosen by people who are sociable, curious, optimistic, and accustomed to attracting the attention of others. If a person completely rejects yellow, then he is in a state of emptiness, isolation or extreme irritation.

Orange- the color of warmth, bliss, joy, the color of energy, freedom and strength. Symbolizes development and focus on success. Orange is also the color of enlightenment; it’s not for nothing that Buddhist monks wear it. It reveals a person’s hidden capabilities, helps to free oneself from fears and depression, and relieves tension in all conflicts.

Violet represents everything non-standard. This is the color of our imagination, magic, magic. The one who loves him not only wants to be bewitched, but also longs to possess witchcraft power. Rejection of purple indicates a desire to establish as clear relationships with people as possible.

Everything said, of course, must be taken with a certain degree of convention. And don’t forget that we live in a world of shades, halftones and intricately mixed colors.

Has a long history. People began to attach importance to “colors” a long time ago, and this was reflected in folk legends, ancient myths, etc. I would like to mention astrology. The rays of the Sun, which are located in the spectrum, giving seven colors, correspond to their planets. Red is Mars, blue is the meaning of Venus, yellow is Mercury, green is Saturn, orange is the Sun, purple is the Moon, purple is Jupiter.

Historical meaning of color

Blue color - its meaning is the same in different industries. It symbolizes eternity and heaven. It can also be considered a symbol of fidelity, kindness, constancy and favor. However, the meaning in heraldry is somewhat different - honesty, chastity, fidelity and good reputation. One cannot help but recall “blue blood” - it speaks of the noble origin of a person.

It is worth noting that this color is quite close to black, therefore it has similar meanings to it. In Ancient Egypt and South Africa, the color blue had a mourning meaning. The French had such a concept as “blue fear”. Among the Slavs it was the color of grief and sadness, associated with the devilish world.

Speaking about the meaning of the blue color, it should be noted that it also symbolizes emotionality and communication. This color gives the impression of purity, airiness, lightness and ethereality. The more saturated shade is the color of the night, which gives the vision rest and peace from the bright light of the day. All such shades attract the color of ice, frozen rivers, snowy mountain peaks, and high skies. Blue is a symbol of eternal peace and faith, the content of some fantastic and mysterious substance. These shades look great in the interior, but if there are too many of them, it will cause depression.

What does it mean? This is, first of all, a shade that belongs to an element such as Water, and to the cardinal direction - North. Feng Shui says that walls on the north side should not be painted this color in order to avoid their coldness. This shade has a calming effect. Thanks to it, a person can get rid of negative thoughts, aggressive desires, and insomnia.

There are different Blues are able to pacify, calm a person and concentrate their attention on the inner world. It is best to use this color where a person does not need to be active. And you don't need to use it as the main color. Only in the details - then it will be perfect.

This color is perfect for those people born under Cancer. It is these signs that are in good contact with this shade.

I would like to note that the value of blue color depends greatly on the shade. Light - friendly and refreshing. Dark ones are reliable and serious. How dark or light a shade of blue a person chooses depends on his mood. The one that is closer to blue is calming, and the bright one, on the contrary, excites and refreshes. Dark - very solid and very calm. Therefore, when choosing a color, no matter what it is intended for, you need to determine exactly what role it should fulfill. After all, a lot depends on this.

Among the associations that the color blue evokes in humans, the most common is sky. Other most common word associations blue: sea, cool, ice.

These data confirm the results of an associative experiment conducted by K. G. Jung’s student Verena Kast in 1980. The subjects had such associations with the color blue as sky - 23%, green(adjacent color) - 18%, water - 10%, red(polar color) - 10%, sea, nature, new lands, eyes, velvet dress, deep, cold, bright joy, spirit,alcohol.

Blue, as the color of the sky and sea, symbolizes boundless distances and endless depths. In a figurative meaning, the color blue is often used in such common expressions of everyday speech as “blue (blue) flower” and “blue fog” (a symbol of romance, fairy-tale, wonderful), “blue distances” (an impulse to long for distant travels, for example, the expression “to go into the blue distance”), “blue dope”, “blue nose” of a drunkard (a state in which space and time change, in which one’s own strengths are overestimated and reality is underestimated).

Psychological impact

Blue color promotes reflection, calms and reduces blood pressure. Blue color induces melancholy. In the experiments of W. Wundt's student F. Stefanescu-Goang, the subjects characterized the effect of the blue color as follows: it pulls, beckons, and carries something mysterious. Most often, blue color causes the following mental effects: it creates a sad, melancholic mood, causes calm feelings and dreams. A very dark indigo blue color causes depressing anxiety, seriousness, sadness and sadness.

The perception of blue color usually evokes associations with the Universe, with thought, with fidelity, with divine wisdom. Blue is traditionally considered a feminine color. So, in the canons of Christianity, blue is the color of the Queen of Heaven, the Virgin Mary.

Blue color can have a inhibitory effect on a person or give rise to a kind of anxiety and even a sad mood, fatigue or mild depression. It expresses the desire for peace, security or oblivion, for harmony or passive sensitivity.

In the “color pyramid” test, developed by Max Pfister and his colleagues at the Institute of Psychology and Characterology of the University of Freiburg (Germany) in 1951, the subject is asked to create a “beautiful” and then an “ugly” color pyramid from a set of colors, for example :

According to the results of this test, the red color corresponds, first of all, to the subject’s affective responsiveness (readiness to a stimulus and the ability to discharge the stimulus), and the blue color is characterized as “the color of introversion, the color of affective regulation and control.” Inner control and direction through understanding, will and reason is characterized by various variations of the color blue (Prussian blue). Here, completely different nuances of blue are clearly evident than in the “blue flower” of romantic symbolism.

When interpreting the “color pyramid” test, the subtle nuances of each color are taken into account in accordance with a specially developed classification. Thus, “blue color No. 4” (Prussian blue) corresponds to “withdrawal into oneself,” “turning to oneself,” “concentration on one’s own experiences,” i.e., introversion, which in extreme cases can even reach autistic isolation. This color corresponds to softening, muting or removing emotional tension. In contrast, “blue color No. 2” (turquoise blue) contains an excitatory component. It no longer so much limits and restrains (like Prussian blue), but rather carries within itself something elastic and maybe even fragile.

Max Lüscher, who used a very dark shade for blue in his test, associates blue with a “relaxed sensibility” seeking an “ideal of unity.” According to M. Luscher, the main tone of this color corresponds to tenderness, passion and devotion, a feeling of security, shelter and safety. Blue color, according to M. Luscher, can also express a connection with the trends of the past. The dark blue color corresponds, according to M. Luscher, to a religious-philosophical-meditative attitude.

M. Luscher notes that the need for blue increases with fatigue and illness.

For M. Luscher, the dark blue color represents a color representation of certain basic needs. Physiologically, this is the need for peace; psychologically, this is the need for satisfaction, contentment and peace. One who is in such a balanced state feels included in something, connected to something and protected, safe.

Blue, according to M. Luscher, is the color of “bonding, affection, fidelity.” The blue color creates the precondition for feeling, deep thoughtful contemplative reflection. The dark blue color symbolizes “mind.”

Preferring or rejecting the color dark blue in the Luscher test corresponds to certain attitudes towards what that color means. If preference is given to the choice of blue color and it is placed in first place among the colors, then we can talk about satisfaction, the fulfillment of desires and needs, tenderness and spiritual unity, a sense of security, shelter and safety, as well as religion and tradition.

If the dark blue color comes in last place, then we can talk about dissatisfaction, the need for peace and a trusting connection with other people. Human or professional connections may be absent or broken, for example, if they do not correspond to some internal ideal and are therefore perceived as something boring and restraining, or if an existing attachment causes at the moment a feeling of something interfering, aggravating , oppressive, obliging and fettering.

Rejecting the dark blue color means escaping from stress-relieving peace and relaxation, which a person may even fear, as this condition may be associated with depression or decline. This may also be due to the impracticability of what you are striving for. This often refers to a loved one, work colleagues, or the place where the person must live. Existing human and industrial connections are rejected as falling short of the expected ideal and are perceived as boring and paralyzing. Since, in this case, existing contacts are burdensome and oppressive, they are regarded as dependence. As a result, a person strives to avoid this dependence.

Blue color is often rejected by people who experience prolonged stress or tension. In a study of more than 5,000 people who smoke cigarettes, it turned out that more than half of them rejected the color blue. This may be due to the fact that arousal from smoking serves as a protection against atony. It is this relaxing peace and atony that a person who rejects the color blue unconsciously fears.

The main psychological characteristic of light blue (cyan) color, according to M. Luscher, is carefree fun. This is the color of carelessness, emotionality and communication, it makes no claims and does not accept obligations. Blue color treats insomnia, diseases of the liver, throat and vocal cords, inflammatory processes and skin diseases, including those associated with pigment metabolism disorders - vitiligo; used for childhood infections, treatment of abscesses, fluxes, nervous tics and rheumatism, reduces appetite. It reduces pain and muscle tension, promotes deep and rhythmic breathing. Blue color gives a feeling of coolness, peace and spaciousness. It gives strength for patience and tolerance.

Light blue is the color of femininity, motherhood and the strength of family ties.

M. Luscher identifies the following somatic symptoms that correspond to the rejection of the blue color: neurotic discomfort in the body, allergic eczema, drug and other forms of addiction.

Blue color has a cleansing effect, helps restore the nervous system and vitality in the body, enhances the ability to concentrate and meditate, helps with absent-mindedness, colic, spasms, insomnia, increased heart rate, intestinal disorders, toothaches and headaches, nervous tension, and mental disorders. In India and Arab countries, the blue color was attributed to the healing power of heaven against the plague, which, in turn, was attributed to the action of red chthonic fire. Blue color helps fight infections and inflammation, lung and throat diseases, various eye diseases, reduces overexcitation and calms raging passions. People with intellectual work find it easier and more productive to work in an office with a blue lamp or blue curtains.

H. Frieling and X. Auer in the book “Man, Color, Space” distinguish the action of dark blue color as “deep, constructive, calmly restrained”, light blue color as “yearning, full of secrets, perceiving, subtly feeling "

F. Birren in the book “Color Psychology and Color Therapy” considers blue as a contemplative (contemplative) color: “Under the influence of blue, time is underestimated, and things feel lighter.”

In the color system, blue determines the colors of the passive, negative pole (see the doctrine of color by J.V. Goethe in the article “Red Color”, “Journal of Practical Psychologist”, 1996, No. 5). J. V. Goethe believed that the color blue emanates a “restless, soft, melancholy feeling.” In its highest purity, the blue color is like a “charming, enchanting something.” At the same time, J. V. Goethe always used the word “enchanting” (“reizend”) in the meaning of “admiring”, “attractive”, “stimulating”, “attractive”. If the blue color, according to J. V. Goethe, deepens reality, creates an airy perspective, as if spiritualizing the visible, then dark blue tones visually reduce the volume of the figure.

E. Heimendahl in the book “Light and Color” connects the symbolic effect of the blue color with “longing for the miraculous,” believing that the blue color “calls us to the foundations of the foundations, but in turn it has no foundations, because it itself is bottomless, because in In the blue color we feel a deep spiritual instruction to rush towards some unearthly world, towards the sky in its endless, strict sound.” E. Heimendahl associates the color blue with such deep concepts as: constancy, perseverance and perseverance; devotion, dedication, passion for one’s work; seriousness, severity; and also: concentration, depth, restraint. Of all the colors, according to E. Heimendahl, blue evokes the least sensory impressions and the most spiritual ones.

Yolanda Jacobi associates the dark blue color (as in ancient dream books) with depth, night, peace, death; dull blue, hazy color with fear, feeling lost, sadness. The symbolism of blue, according to I. Jacobi, expresses peace, distance, fidelity and abstinence. At the same time, I. Jacobi points to the demonic component of the blue color: something ghostly, otherworldly, as well as its “empty rationalism.” On the other hand, blue is the color of intoxication.

Wassily Kandinsky considered blue the “color of immersion.” In its physical aspirations, the blue color moves away from the person and rushes towards its inner center. The deeper the shades of blue become, the more strongly it calls a person into the infinite, awakens a longing for something pure, for the supersensible. Blue color creates an element of peace. The deep blue color represents for V. Kandinsky the eternal super-earthly center of gravity of colors, while in the deep green color, in contrast, earthly peace, satisfaction and self-satisfaction are embodied.

For J. Chevalier, blue is the deepest color. The gaze seems to drown in it, not encountering any obstacles, and is lost in the infinite. At the same time, blue is the most intangible of all colors. Nature manifests itself in it with its transparency, as in air, water, crystal, diamond. J. Chevalier considers blue to be the coolest and purest color.

If light blue is the color of dreams and daydreams, then dark blue is the color of dreams. Thus, a scale of shades of blue is formed from light daytime blue to dark night blue, where the light blue color of the sky symbolizes dreams, daydreams and fantasies, and the dark blue color of the sea (ultramarine and night blue, indigo) is the color of dreams, mysticism, the unconscious. In the Pali (Indian) language related to Sanskrit, the word dark blue (“nila”) also means “meditation.” A clear shade of medium blue (“Prussian Blue”) symbolizes, according to J. Chevalier, clarity, rationality, straightforwardness and spirituality.

Symbolism of blue in clothing

Everything that M. Luscher associated with the preference or rejection of the color blue is true, of course, for what kind of clothes a person chooses and what this choice can mean.

When talking about blue clothes, there is often an association with silk and velvet, on the one hand, and denim, on the other.

Silk and velvet are soft fabrics that caress the body and skin, awakening the magic of tenderness in a person. You can always feel the breath of sky and night in them, something subtle and festive: an evening dress, a beautiful mantle.

In contrast, the rough, durable, long-lasting blue fabric is used for workwear, as well as in the now casual blue jeans. Everyday, non-festive, making everyone the same, the blue uniform is the everyday wear of the majority of the Chinese population, causing the association of “blue ants”. Blue jackets are work clothes in many enterprises. The dark blue uniform is used by railway employees in many countries. The pilots' uniform is also blue. It has something of the blue sky, the color of space, calling into the distance, but also subject to a certain strict discipline. Blue is the color of police and police uniforms.

Blue is the classic color of sailors’ uniforms, accepted in all countries of the world, the color of the expanses of the sea, naval order and discipline. The color blue has been used in military uniforms for centuries. The image of the “blue dragoons” became a poetic symbol. The shade of blue “Prussian blue” gets its name from the blue uniforms of the Prussian regiments. It is with this shade of blue that H. Heiss and R. Hiltmann associate the function of control and management.

The blue color of jeans characterizes a certain lifestyle and belonging to a certain social class and age group. Initially, it was a symbol of the life of a cowboy and a farmer, independent, self-sufficient, able to cope with any difficulties.

People who avoid the color blue in their clothes can thus protest against any norms and authorities. If a woman avoids the charm of a blue dress or dark blue velvet, this may indicate insecurity and tightness. Sometimes the rejection of blue in clothing may be due to partly unconscious rejection by parents.

Primary experience

Throughout the existence of mankind, people have felt and feel themselves and their world under the blue vault of the sky. The blue color of the sky is the impressive effect of the earth's atmosphere on our eyes, refracting and brightening the blackness of space and at the same time reflecting solar radiation, saving us from the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation. Wherever we look, we see the blue sky in the distance. Blue and cyan colors give us a feeling of endless transparency and, at the same time, security.

The experience of the blue color of the sky is opposed to the experience of the blue color of the water, in which, in turn, the sky is reflected. The extent to which the shade of the color of water reflects a person’s mood can be clearly seen in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A. S. Pushkin.

“There lived an old man with his old woman

By the very BLUE sea...”

When the old man comes to the sea for the second time to ask the fish for a hut,

“The blue sea has become turbid.”

“The old woman scolds even more,

The old man gives me no peace:

A grumpy woman is asking for a hut.”

Hit my husband on the cheek...

The blue sea has turned black.”

And finally, when

“The old woman became even more foolish...

There is a BLACK storm at sea...”

As you dive deeper, the shade of blue changes from turquoise to ultramarine (cornflower blue). The blue-green gradation of the color of the sea gives it a mysterious character.

On earth, a person experiences the color blue by looking at blue stones. Among blue and light blue jewelry stones, turquoise is considered a talisman that helps in matters of the heart. This is a symbol of unchanging and faithful love. It is widely believed that turquoise brings happiness and reconciles spouses, reconciles everything hostile, stops quarrels, and establishes peace in the family. However, turquoise brings misfortune to people who do not observe moral commandments, who are angry and unkind. This stone is believed to have healing properties: turquoise helps those who suffer from insomnia or nightmares; Contemplating turquoise in the morning improves vision.

The deepest and richest materialization of the essence of blue is embodied in the most beautiful gemstone lapis lazuli. It is a bright blue stone interspersed with silver sparkles, making it look like a night sky with stars. In the V_I centuries. BC e. lapis lazuli was called sapphire. Sapphire embodies transparency as such, the color of air, a celestial creation that reveals itself in a miracle. Sapphire is a stone of fidelity, chastity and modesty. Among other things, sapphire is also a talisman of lovers and newlyweds, as well as a stone of the wise. It is believed that sapphire arouses the thirst for knowledge, strengthens memory, enhances prudence and prudence, heals melancholy and attracts the sympathy of others.

In the Middle Ages, the symbolism of a gemstone was associated with the spiritual meaning of the element it resembles. In the case of sapphire, this is the sky. In Christian symbolism of the Middle Ages, blue was always considered the “heavenly color.” Meditation on sapphire was practiced, which was perceived as “meditation in the sky”, helping, among other things, with eye diseases (blue color as a symbol of distance, good vision of distant objects), liberating from prison and captivity (blue color as a symbol of freedom, boundless open spaces ).

The transparent, delicate blue of the water is repeated by aquamarine - a transparent, greenish-blue stone. There are also bright blue aquamarines. This is an amulet of happy marital unions, mutual love and respect. Aquamarine also serves as a professional talisman for sailors, ensuring safety in travel and victory in sea battles. Aquamarine is believed to be able to calm storms and cool passions. It helps with diseases of the throat and teeth. Those suffering from these ailments are recommended to wear an aquamarine necklace.

In living nature, blue color is associated for humans, first of all, with flowers. Some of them, for example, bright blue gentian, grow in hard-to-reach places and therefore are especially rare and valuable, symbolizing something especially expensive. Blue chicory, also called “waiting by the road,” and blue forget-me-nots, by their very name, speak of the symbolism of eros and fidelity. In nature, there are incomparably more wild blue and blue flowers than those grown in gardens and flower beds. Many of them are associated with spring, appearing after white and yellow flowers. One of the most beautiful flowers of our latitudes, emitting a sky-blue color, and like no other flower resembling the iris of the human eye is cornflower. Another blue flower is the blue iris. These flowers seem to convey the spiritual essence of blue.

In Christian culture, and especially Catholic culture, many blue flowers are used as offerings to the Virgin Mary, the Queen of Heaven, depicted in a blue cloak the color of the sky.

Thus, the circle is closed: the effect of the blue color on a person is based on the effect of the blue color of the sky with its transparency full of light and water with its depth and distant expanses. The experience of transparency and depth is associated with the experience of the transcendental, divine principle. The blue color seems to mediate the connection between the heavenly and the earthly, between God and the world. As the color of air, blue expresses a person’s readiness to accept for himself the presence and power of God, blue has become the color of faith, the color of fidelity, the color of desire for something mysterious and wonderful. As the color of the depths of the sea, blue symbolizes the depths of the soul, the unconscious.

From the transparency of water and air, the blue color acquires such properties as clarity, precision, rational understanding, and intellectual fortitude. The spiritual component of blue is closer to the sky, the soul component is closer to the symbolism of the sea and the depths of the sea.

The connection of blue with air, wind and clouds symbolizes dreams, fantasies, loss of reality, even the existence in “castles in the air.” The blue color of Datura in alcoholism and drug addiction is embodied in the expression “gray nose.”

Finally, the color blue may be associated with the fear of drowning in the abyss. “Peur bleu” is what the French call the metaphysical “blue fear”. From France, the villain Bluebeard came into our fairy tales, in whom the destructive principle and passion for murder were combined.

The miraculous, magical side of the color blue is reflected in the symbolism of magicians and wizards who appear in a blue cloak or blue turban.

Symbolism and archetypes

“Blue Flower” is a poetic symbol of romance, an expression of metaphysical longing and spiritual eros. This symbol is associated with the work of the 18th century German poet and philosopher Novalis (real name and surname - Baron Friedrich Leopold von Hardenberg), a representative of early romanticism in Germany. Novalis expressed the ideas of intuitionist dialectics, the universal symbolism of nature, the polarity of the mutual transition of all things (“magical idealism”). He idealized the Middle Ages, where he saw the unity of spiritual culture, a strict hierarchy of social organizations, the hegemony of spiritual power and “care” for the individual. In the unfinished novel “Heinrich von Ofterdingen”, against the background of the hero’s pursuit of the “blue flower” of poetry, Novalis gives the quintessence of his mystical worldview. M. Luscher believed that the symbolism of the “blue flower” reflects the “blessed fulfillment of the ideal of unity.”

In the French fairy tale “The Raven King,” the princess must find the blue grass, the one “that sings night and day” and “breaks iron,” in order to save the raven king enchanted in chains. Twice she finds grass “blue from top to root,” but only the third time it was “that blue grass that sings night and day, that crushes iron.” The princess needs the color of selfless loyalty and devotion (“sings both night and day,” “breaks iron”) in order to disenchant the blackness of the raven king. She needs the singing of the blue grass so that the enchanted black raven king will stop his cawing. She needs the tenderness of the eros of the blue grass to destroy the iron chain with which the evil sorcerer bound the raven king.

From the point of view of color symbolism, it is interesting that the princess is the daughter of a “green” man. Green is the color of natural spiritual strength and hope, a prerequisite for the feat of salvation. But it is not enough to disenchant the black bird and bring back the groom. For this you need the help of the color blue - a symbol of the transcendental principle.

Among other fairy-tale characters, one can recall the tale of Bluebeard (a symbol of horror and inevitability) and the Bluebird, which brings happiness.

During the Christian Middle Ages, people who appeared in blue and blue were considered to “know the truth about heavenly things.” Their stone was considered a transparent sapphire, through which heavenly forces penetrate. What comes from the sky, is created by the sky, appears symbolically in blue.

In this regard, the vision of Abbess Hildegard von Bingen, who lived in the 12th century, is characteristic. She saw a “super-light light” and in it a sapphire-blue human image, burning in the red glow of the flame. This vision was captured by one of the nuns in a meditative painting. In the center is a sapphire-blue diaphonic (translucent) figure of a man in the middle of a circle of red-golden flame surrounding her, which illuminates her from all sides, but does not touch her. The red-gold circle is surrounded, in turn, by a circle of powerful light flames, conveyed by the color silver - this is the “super light color” in the vision. It seems that the human figure is surrounded by concentric energy circles. The light in the painting comes, in turn, from an area of ​​even deeper blue, the color of the sky. This is the realm of the transcendental. The entire image is surrounded by a green frame consisting of an ornament. For Hildegard von Bingen it is “benedicta viriditas,” the green force of the cosmos, which for her is identical to the force of Divine creation.

The sapphire blue human figure in the middle radiates heavenly light and heavenly power. She protrudes from the center of the picture and extends her blessing hands towards the viewer. And yet there is an obvious distance in her gaze and gesture. This aerial vision appeared to Hildegard von Bingen three times. She herself believed that the sapphire-blue figure of a man was the incarnation of Christ himself. However, this image does not correspond to the tradition of depicting Jesus Christ in Christian culture. It has very strong feminine characteristics. Vision can therefore be associated with the image of “Christ in her,” the inner image of Christ in Hildegard von Bingen, or the vision of one’s hidden “Self,” the image of God in man, the core of the inner essence, what C. G. Jung called "selfhood".

The symbolism of sapphire blue is very ancient. The throne of Zeus was depicted as a sapphire blue firmament. Sapphire is the precious stone that must be taken to build the heavenly Jerusalem.

In the Christian tradition, the image of the Virgin Mary is accepted in a blue cloak. Mary in this meaning is the Queen of Heaven, who covers with this cloak, protects and saves believers (Pokrovsky Cathedral).

M. Luscher also highlights in the symbolism of the color blue such an aspect as “the primary maternal principle of unity, loyalty and trust, love and dedication.”

The blue cloak as a symbol of connection with the “Kingdom of Heaven” also characterizes Jesus Christ himself. He passes this connection on to his apostles and followers, who are also often depicted in blue robes, symbolizing the beginning of transcendence and faith.

The starry blue mantle was worn by the emperors of the “Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation,” which symbolized Christian dominion over the world “given from above,” “blessed by God.”

According to the almost unanimous opinion of ancient Greek philosophers, the color blue symbolizes philosophy as a method of understanding the world. Platonists believed that blue, especially its dark shades, is the color of the wisdom of the Universe, this is the last line before the Truth.

In Ancient Egypt, the color blue was believed to be where the gods lived. The tombs of the pharaohs were painted blue so that the dead would rest in the divine presence, in the eternal life-preserving presence of heaven. In Ancient Egypt, lapis lazuli was primarily considered a cosmic symbol of the night starry sky. Its blue color was associated with belief in divine powers. As a symbol of life and resurrection, it was used in amulets, rings, to depict sacred scarab beetles, and placed with the dead in the grave.

Blue as the color of the appearance of a deity is also characteristic of other religions. Zoroastrianism saw the dark blue color as one of the main parts of the harmonious structure of the universe through its conflict with the other pole - the red color. It is in this opposition that the driving and inexorable force of Time lies.

One of the main gods in Indian mythology - Krishna (lit. “black”, “dark”, “dark blue”), protector, deliverer, god of love and dance, almost always appears in a dark blue color, comparable to the color of a rain cloud , bringing liberation from the deadly heat.

Tibetan Buddhism interprets the appearance of Buddha Vairocana in blue, thereby symbolizing transcendental wisdom, potency and emptiness. The color blue is at the center of many Tibetan mandalas. Angry Tibetan goddesses were depicted in dark indigo, symbolizing dark principles, fear, coercion and despondency.

The political symbolism of blue is often associated with spiritual and religious aspects. In the national flag of Israel, two blue stripes and a blue six-pointed star on a white background symbolize the constant presence of the Torah in the world, in accordance with one of the commandments of Judaism to tie special tassels to clothing with the inclusion of blue threads: “And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Proclaim to the children of Israel and tell them that they should make tassels for themselves on the edges of their garments throughout their generations, and in the tassels that are on the edges they should insert threads of blue wool. And they will be in your hands so that, looking at them, you will remember all the commandments of the Lord, and fulfill them, and not follow your heart and your eyes, which lead you to fornication, so that you will remember and fulfill all My commandments. and were holy to your God” (Numbers 15:37-41). ** From the commentary of E.K. Steinberg: “The people who were destined to form a priestly state (Exodus 19:6) needed to wear a visual sign that would constantly remind them of their dependence on the God who chose them and of their duty to be attached to Him with soul and heart during all your life’s activities and in every place you live. Such a sign should be the tassels on the four corners of the clothing, which, like the priest’s breastplate (Ex. 28:28), are tied with a blue cord, reminiscent of the blue of heaven, the supreme Ruler of fate.”

Many multicolor flags contain blue. For example, in the French tricolor, blue symbolizes freedom. The flag of a united Europe - the EU - represents a circle of golden stars (according to the number of EU member states) on a blue background. The UN flag is also blue.

Thus, the color blue is an archetypal symbol of unity, overcoming boundaries and belonging to one big whole.

Why does green mean “go” and red means “stop”? Black is the color of sadness and mourning, and the bride always wears white? You will say that this is a tribute to tradition and you will be partly right. Since the emotional perception of colors is primarily influenced by physiological factors, and then by traditions. All colors are perceived by a person through association, for example, blue is cold.

The meaning of blue in psychology

A person who loves the color blue has the following characteristics: honesty, modesty, melancholy, a strong need for peace. He loves to read, is prone to self-sacrifice, prefers to give rather than receive. This person does not know how, and does not like to make a scandal. He feels lonely even among people.

When exposed to blue color, a person is less anxious and his tension decreases. However, with prolonged exposure, fatigue and exhaustion occur, and calming effects turn into depressing ones. Blue color is dreaming, loss of reality. Blue reduces the manifestation of emotionality (if you want business negotiations to be successful, then it is better to wear a blue suit). A person who prefers this color tries to systematize everything and put it in order. He is dedicated to what he does and always has his own point of view, as well as being reserved, conservative and reliable.

Dark blue color in psychology

Dark blue (indigo) is a very serious color. It can lead a person to depression. If a person likes to draw in dark blue, then most likely he needs good rest, strong relaxation and complete satisfaction. A person who prefers dark blue is thoughtful, reflective, and stable. This color awakens in him a desire for the supersensible, calls a person to infinity, and evokes serene peace.

Celadon color in psychology

The color of the sea wave is a reluctance to external changes, and a thirst for power, and an underestimation of the difficulties in life, and a conviction in one’s own usefulness.

A person who likes the color of sea green is principled, pedantic, strong-willed, serious, attentive. He is afraid of compromising himself, arousing criticism, making mistakes and losing the success he has achieved.

Preference for sea green color means that a person is ambitious and overestimates his own strengths.

Blue color in clothes and its psychology

Each person has his own preference for the color of clothing, but not everyone knows about the psychology of color in clothing.

Every time you choose an outfit to wear, you don’t think that you are expressing your feelings. Color indicates the emotions you experience and also speaks about your character.

And so, choosing clothes of different colors, you feel differently, for example, blue clothes bring calm and peace.

In clothing, blue is considered the most pleasant color; it gives a feeling of stability, order and trust. It is preferred by mostly sensible, conservative, idealistic and devoted friends. This is the color of a classic business suit. Blue color in clothing means that the employee is conscientious and responsible. However, the man in blue will feel better as a subordinate than as a boss.

Blue color in clothes shows that a person is closed and self-absorbed. People wearing blue clothes are true to their principles, but remain patient and reserved in any situation.

Color affects the psychological state of a person and his physiological processes. Knowing the characteristics of color, you can form an image, evoke emotions and associations. Blue color in psychology is coolness, water, moisture, heaviness, calm, silence, trust, harmony, safety, masculinity. These are purity, heaven, honor, glory, sincerity, loyalty, peace, thinking, conservatism, order, depression and appetite suppressant.

Blue color is rightfully considered one of the most noble. Looking at it, we remember the shades of sky and water, elements that can be observed endlessly. Blue has also been used in art and jewelry making since ancient times. It was considered the most expensive, since for a long time blue paint was produced from the precious stone lapis lazuli. Accordingly, only rich people could afford blue clothes. Perhaps this is why many people subconsciously associate this color with something regal and majestic.

Blue color
in psychology

Blue color in psychology is traditionally considered the color of self-confident, determined and purposeful people. Such people practically do not accept conflicts and are ready to resolve all life’s troubles diplomatically. They always insist on their opinion, they can be entrusted with important work, which they will complete impeccably and on time. The color blue in human psychology indicates selflessness, intuitive decision-making, as well as calmness and the ability to come to a compromise. Therefore, when you like the color blue, the meaning in psychology of such a phenomenon is regarded as a desire for peace and stability in life. The characteristics of blue-eyed people may be similar.

Blue is the color of wisdom and faith. It has a calming effect. The color I often use to test people. Material people, devoid of spirituality, do not like the color blue or are indifferent to it. Blue is good at calming nervous children and adults. Lighted blue candles have a very good effect on a person. If a child draws his parents in blue or light blue, this means that he is safe and comfortable with his parents. Blue color also protects secrets. It is considered a symbol of the birth of the world.

Blue is the color of the sky, peace, relaxation. If you like him, then this speaks of modesty and melancholy. Such a person often needs to rest, he gets tired quickly, a sense of confidence and the goodwill of others is extremely important to him. The rejection of this color reveals a person who wants to give the impression that he can do anything in the world. But, in essence, he is a model of uncertainty and isolation. Indifference to this color speaks of a certain frivolity in the field of feelings, although hidden under the guise of courtesy. In short, choosing blue as the most preferred color reflects a person's physiological and psychological need for peace, and denying it means that a person avoids relaxation. When you are sick or overworked, the need for blue increases.

Positive characteristics

Organized, inflexible, idealistic, fortitude

Negative characteristics

Fanaticism, subordination, puritanism, stiffness

Blue is the second color in the cool spectrum. It helps to find inner peace, stimulates inspiration, creativity, faith and devotion. As the color of peace of mind, it is associated with introspection and self-deepening. Blue reduces muscle tension and significantly reduces the feeling of pain. Breathing becomes slower and deeper than with blue. Blue will help with mental fatigue, and will also provide the necessary flexibility and pliability to those who are used to acting rigidly and straightforwardly. Blue color cleanses the soul, inspires creativity, spiritual search and serves as a guide to the mysterious world of intuition. Blue also represents mental strength, wisdom and clarity of thought.

For many peoples, the color blue symbolizes heaven and eternity. It can also symbolize kindness, fidelity, constancy, favor, and in heraldry it denotes chastity, honesty, good reputation and fidelity. “Blue blood” speaks of noble origin: the English call a true Protestant “blue.” Blue is the color of the sky, literally and figuratively. Blue is the color of purity of body and spirit, upward aspiration, spirituality. The negative side of blue is puritanism and stiffness. Hence such expressions as blue stocking or blue beard. Here blue appears before us as a symbol of coldness and detachment.

Shades of blue

  • – the color of carelessness, it calms, radiates reliability, but at the same time, looking at it, it is impossible to concentrate. It does not promote the development of imagination. Reduces stress and is comfortable. This is the color of “calm emotionality.” Gives you the opportunity to be outside the boundaries of society, expands space. But! slows down growth and development. This is the color of dreams and daydreams, the color of peace and harmony.
  • Dark blue color(indigo) the color of dreams. It is very deep, leads to depression, causes a depressing effect, anxiety, excessive seriousness, sadness, sadness. Causes the need for physiological peace and contentment in the world. Rejection of this color is when you do not want to relax and unwind.

Blue color in psychology