Chemistry from scratch in a year for the Unified State Exam. “When I decided that I would take the Unified State Exam in chemistry, even ammonium ions were surprised

At school I took chemistry for show, nothing more. In the 9th grade there was no this subject for six months, and the remaining six months were taught... by a fireman. In grades 10-11, chemistry went like this: I didn’t go to it for half the semester, then I handed in three downloaded presentations, and they gave me a proud “five” because I had to travel 12 km to school 6 days a week (I lived in a village, studied in city) was, to put it mildly, lazy.

And so, in 11th grade, I decided to take chemistry. My knowledge of chemistry was zero. I remember being surprised by the existence of the ammonium ion:

– Tatyana Alexandrovna, what is this? (Pointing to NH4+)

– Ammonium ion, formed when ammonia is dissolved in water, similar to potassium ion

- I see it for the first time

Now about Tatyana Alexandrovna. This is my chemistry tutor from October to June of the 13/14 academic year. Until February, I just went to her, sat my pants, listened to boring theory on general and inorganic chemistry. Then February came and I realized that the Unified State Exam was too close... What to do?! Get ready!

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Little by little, deciding on options (at first without organics), I prepared. At the end of March we finished studying INORGANICS, there was a sample that I wrote for 60 points and for some reason I was very happy. And the goal was powerful, above 90 points (my department needed a lot of points). And all knowledge of organics was limited to the homological series of methane.

In April-May, a difficult task lay ahead: to learn all the organic matter. Well, I sat until 11 at night, until my eyes were drooping, solving tests, getting better at it. I remember that on the last evening before the exam I studied the topic of “amines”. In general, time is running out.

How the exam itself went: in the morning I solved one option (to turn on my brain) and came to school. It was the most anxious hour of my life. Firstly, chemistry was the most difficult exam for me. Secondly, immediately after chemistry they were supposed to announce the results of the Unified State Exam in Russian. I barely had enough time in the exam, although I didn’t have enough time to complete task C4. I passed with 86 points, which is not bad for several months of preparation. There were errors in part C, one in B (just about amines) and one controversial error in A, but you cannot appeal against A.

Tatyana Aleksandrovna reassured me, saying that she just couldn’t wrap her head around it yet. But the story doesn't end there...

I didn’t enter my faculty last year. Therefore, the decision was made: it will work the second time!

I started preparing right from the first of September. This time there was no theory, just solving tests, the more and faster the better. Additionally, I studied “complex” chemistry for the university entrance exam, and for six months I took a subject called “general and inorganic chemistry,” which was taught by Olga Valentinovna Arkhangelskaya herself, the organizer of the All-Russian Olympiad in Chemistry. Six months passed like this. Knowledge of chemistry has increased significantly. I came home in March, complete isolation. Continued preparations. I was just solving tests! A lot of! There are about 100 tests in total, some of them several times. Passed the exam with 97 points in 40 minutes.

1) Be sure to study the theory, and not just solve tests. I consider the best textbook to be “Principles of Chemistry” by Eremin and Kuzmenko. If the book seems too large and complicated, then there is a simplified version (which is enough for the Unified State Exam) - “Chemistry for high school students and those entering universities”;

2) Pay special attention to the topics: production, safety precautions, chemical glassware (no matter how absurd it may sound), aldehydes and ketones, peroxides, d-elements;

3) After solving the test, be sure to check your mistakes. Don’t just count the number of errors, but look at which answer is correct;

4) Use the circular solution method. That is, you solved a collection of 50 tests, solve it again in a month or two. This way you will consolidate material that is little remembered for you;

5) There will be cheat sheets! Write cheat sheets, always by hand and preferably small. This way, you will remember problematic information better. Well, no one forbids using them during the exam (only in the toilet!!!), the main thing is to be careful.

6) Calculate your time along with the registration. The main problem of the chemistry exam is lack of time;

7) Formulate tasks (preferably) the way they are presented in collections. Instead of "nude" write "n", for example.

Told by Egor Sovetnikov

Advice for students who want to pass the Unified State Exam with excellent marks.

Future anthropologists, veterinarians, biochemists, geneticists, ecologists, doctors, pediatricians, dentists, pharmacists, etc. will have to take the Unified State Examination in chemistry and biology. However, depending on the specialty, the profile test and additional exams may differ. For example, in the natural sciences, such as “anthropology”, “veterinary medicine”, “biochemistry”, “ecology”, the main exam is considered to be biology. And for medical (“general medicine”, “pharmacy”, “pediatrics”, “dentistry”) - in chemistry.

Biology. The examination paper consists of three parts and includes 50 tasks. The first block of the test (36 questions) involves choosing an answer option from four proposed ones. Of the eight questions of the second part, three tasks require choosing three correct answers out of six, three - for correspondence, two - for establishing the sequence of processes and phenomena. All six tasks in the third part require a detailed answer.

All exam questions belong to one of three levels of difficulty: basic, advanced or high. The maximum number of initial points for error-free completion of the work is 69. After recalculation, this number “turns” into 100 test points. In order to score 50 points, you must complete all the tasks in block A and most of block B. Those applying for places in medical universities cannot do without part C.

During preparation, special attention should be paid to the tasks of the third part. In terms of content, there may be questions from any section of biology. To answer them, theoretical knowledge is not enough; you need to be able to draw conclusions and summarize various information yourself.

The KIM includes tasks from all five major sections of school biology: “Plants”, “Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens”, “Animals”, “Man and his health”, “General biology”. Compared to last year, virtually no changes were made to the CMM. The only innovation is that a task on the patterns of inheritance of blood groups in humans has been added to the number of tasks in part C (high level of complexity).

180 minutes are allotted for the exam. In order not to go beyond the allotted time, methodologists recommend spending no more than 1 minute on each task of Part A, Part B - up to 5 minutes, Part C - from 10 to 20 minutes.

Often, the greatest difficulties for applicants are caused by questions on botany: this science is studied very first, and by the eleventh grade much is forgotten. Therefore, I recommend that you definitely refresh your memory about what at first glance seems elementary. For example, plant families, the structure of simple organisms, etc.

Chemistry. The questions in each part of the test are grouped not only by type (with multiple choice, short and long answers), but also by difficulty. Thirty tasks in Part A are at the basic level and require a choice of answers from four proposed ones. The ten advanced questions in Part B require short answers. Each of the five tasks in the third section of the test is designed for a high level of knowledge. To earn points, you need to prepare a detailed answer.

For error-free completion of all tasks in the first part, you can score 30 primary points (about 45 test points), the second and third - 18 primary points (about 27 test points) each. Thus, for applicants aiming for 50–60 points, it is enough to complete all the tasks of the first and half - two-thirds of the second or third part.

The test includes tasks from four major sections of school chemistry. Most of the questions (18) are devoted to the theoretical foundations of chemistry. Moreover, they mainly test knowledge of the mechanism of chemical reactions and the ability to solve problems on this topic. For each of the other three sections (“inorganic chemistry”, “organic chemistry”, “chemistry and life”) there are 9 questions of varying levels of complexity.

During the exam, you are allowed to use reference materials and a calculator, which are provided to each applicant on the spot.

The third part of the work is almost entirely built on solving problems and composing equations. These tasks are assessed quite flexibly: depending on the “purity” of the solution and the number of options, you can earn from 1 to 5 points for each correct answer.

An important nuance - the Unified State Exam in chemistry is designed for the most part for advanced students who should be able to use various methods when solving problems. Therefore, everyone who studies in regular non-core schools must take additional classes with teachers or take courses at universities.

As an experienced tutor in chemistry and biology, I will help you prepare for final and entrance exams, successfully pass Centralized Testing and the Unified State Exam

First of all, you need to determine your level of knowledge on the subject. A tutor will help you with this in the first lesson, but you can first take specially designed tests according to the form of Unified State Examination tasks in chemistry and biology. After this, knowing your approximate level, you can determine for yourself the required number of lessons with a tutor to prepare for the Unified State Exam.

    Zero level. If you are in 10th grade, then it is advisable to study 2-3 times a week. If you are already in 11th grade, then 4-5 lessons per week are required. Breaks during holidays should be excluded. Take the maximum number of independent tasks to consolidate the material covered. Try to devote 2-3 hours every day to the subject and solving sample USE tests.

    First level. If you are in 10th grade, then 2 times a week. At the same time, you can afford to relax during the holidays. If you are in 11th grade, then 3-4 times a week and you can’t even dream of relaxing during the holidays. Work on each topic independently for 1-2 hours each week.

    Second level. If you are in 10th grade, then once a week and the vacation time is completely yours. If you are in 11th grade, then 2 times a week and breaks during the holidays, if possible, exclude. Work on each topic independently for 1-2 hours each week.

    Third level. For the third level, one lesson per week is enough, regardless of the year of study. Plan your own optimal schedule of activities and rest.

Note: Lessons with a tutor must be systematic.

Today's topic in the "Questions for Teachers" section is preparation for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry with a high score! We asked a question to various chemistry tutors in order to find out their opinion and approach to presenting the material. We remind you that a really high score on the Unified State Exam is a number from 80 to 100, which is an indicator of good preparation and a competent teacher.

1. Who, from your point of view, has a chance to get a result with a high score? Who can have hope and who shouldn't?
2. What exactly do you need to pay attention to in the process of preparing for the Unified State Exam in order to try to ensure a decent result? What are the features of training applicants for a high score?
3. Please advise how to choose a tutor who can prepare with excellent results? Is it possible to consider the possibility of tutoring a student? Do I need to look for a university teacher? Or is it better to be a school teacher? Or just an Unified State Exam expert? Please give reasons for your answer.
4. Is it possible to prepare for the Unified State Exam in a group? Or just individually?
5. If you manage to prepare for the Unified State Exam in chemistry with high results, please tell us about your experience in recent years (also write which universities these students entered).

Zolotovsky Arkady Alekseevich

tutor of chemistry, mathematics and physics

1. If a person is intelligent enough to assemble a picture from blocks or a children's construction set, and at the same time knows mathematics at the 6-7th grade level, then he can prepare for the Unified State Exam in chemistry and get more than 85 points. All you need is a systematic study of the material. I had 11th graders who in December-January did not know what valence was, what indices in a formula were, coefficients in reaction equations, but after the gaps in knowledge were eliminated, they were directly transformed, they showed interest in learning, quickly learned the material according to an in-depth program, and, as a result, received 85-86 points. Criterion for lack of aptitude for chemistry: cannot comprehend the relationship between valency and structural formulas. Such people do not need to study chemistry or take chemistry exams at all.
2. If a student has basic knowledge, then to obtain good results, an in-depth study of all topics is necessary. At school, students are oriented toward rote learning. For example, the concept of a mole is tied to Avogadro's number, without explaining the connection between relative atomic and molecular masses with the mass of a macroscopic amount of a substance. In addition to in-depth study of topics, you need to comprehend the connection between various topics, learn to recognize chemical concepts even from everyday and practical problems.
3. In most cases, a university teacher can prepare you better, but not always. Regalia is not always a guarantee of training. In Soviet times, when I was a student, applicants were brought to me to prepare for the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University. Then there were entrance exams, and the level of these universities was higher than the Unified State Examination now. They brought me problems that university teachers could not solve. That was the competition. When I solved and explained these problems to them, they asked me to work with them, and brought their friends and girlfriends, parents brought their relatives and acquaintances. I recommend testing tutors before trusting them with your child, rather than blindly trusting credentials (which are often deceptive). If a tutor directs your child toward rote memorization of formulas, especially tables, quit immediately. It can only cause harm to the child.
4 . You can study in a group if the students are of the same level. I work with groups of 2-3 people. Less often from 5-6. Both for schoolchildren and students. If the children are capable, but simply do not have the money for individual lessons, group lessons (of the same kind) are almost as effective as individual ones. In addition, the effect of competition has an impact on motivation to study.
5. Over the past 2 years, I have had 9 people prepare for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry. 6 people were focused on a high score (above 80) (the rest just needed a “passing score”). All those who studied seriously and were 11th graders from December-January received more than 85 points. One girl scored 95 points.

c) be able to study independently and work meaningfully with a book
d) have the opportunity (financial, availability of time) to study as much as he personally needs
Some of the necessary skills can be acquired during classes, but then it takes more time, and the tutor will not be able to develop some qualities at all. In their absence, you can hope for a high score, but you can’t count on it.
2. To ensure a decent result for a teacher, it is necessary to assess the student’s ability, under the existing conditions, to acquire the knowledge and skills that will allow him to get the maximum score, and to achieve just that. When preparing a candidate for the highest score, you can give a little more material than is required according to the training materials, and try to consider the topics a little deeper in the hope of greater intellectual capabilities. In both cases, mentioning the connection of the material in question with the surrounding life and its place in the history of science and society contributes to assimilation.
3. A tutor is a person who is able to gain authority in the process of communicating with a student, make classes interesting and achieve the desired result. I believe that the best tutor will be a person with life experience, who has children of at least school age, who knows the subject much more than the school level, who has a broad outlook, has a calm character, is patient, sensitive and free from preconceived opinions. The student has little life experience, school teaching does not stimulate a breadth of knowledge, and if you do not know the teacher personally, then it is better not to, perhaps you should prefer a university teacher or an expert, but there is no complete guarantee. Let students and school teachers not be offended by me, I now stand in the position of a parent who is going to entrust his child to a stranger.
4. It is possible if the students are similar in their knowledge and abilities, but I would prefer to send my child to individual lessons, because... only they can count on the greatest attention from the teacher.
5. I managed to prepare for 100 points a couple of times in medical universities - students are highly motivated, conscientious, diligent, intelligent, and have good basic knowledge before starting preparation.
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