A person who puts everything together perfectly, as they call it. Experience is the son of difficult mistakes

Of course, every person has a certain desire that drives him. It will not be surprising to anyone if such an attraction is called the desire to find happiness. Indeed, everyone dreams of possessing, or rather fully feeling, happiness - something ephemeral and difficult to describe, but nevertheless a feeling that is difficult to confuse with something else.

Feeling happy

Perhaps you have never felt happiness. But if you are given at least a couple of moments, you will not confuse it with anything and will definitely remember these emotions. After all, compared to other, let’s say, everyday thoughts and sensations, happiness is an order of magnitude higher. That is why everyone strives in one way or another to become happy.

The pursuit of happiness is the pursuit of ideals

If you think a little, it becomes quite obvious that the level of happiness of each individual depends on the level of development. It is the presence of certain internal parameters that actually determines the degree of satisfaction with life. After all, as has long been known and proven, no external achievements make a person truly happy.

Thus, it is not difficult to understand that only an ideal person is able to truly feel such emotions. Accordingly, the pursuit of an ideal is the path to happiness in the most global sense of the term. It is about the ideality of human beings that we will talk further, and the relevance of the topic for every reader will probably no longer raise any doubts.

The ideal is different for everyone

To begin with, we should make some remarks regarding the understanding of the ideal person by each individual person. Given the enormous diversity of human beings, it is not difficult to guess that there is a different understanding of ideality for each individual. Nevertheless, for any person, ideality is determined by the embodiment of one’s best qualities in reality, fruitful self-creation, which makes it possible to constantly develop and become better than oneself.

As you know, an ideal person never compares himself with others, but only with himself. Moreover, if he surpasses his previous self, then the movement goes in the right direction. Nevertheless, in many ways, the image of an ideal person consists of certain general parameters that are understandable not only to each individual, but also to everyone else. People in reality have a lot in common, and mainly the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe best and not the best, the properties of discrimination are identical for everyone, although they may vary slightly depending on the historical era and social group.

For example, for some, the ideal woman is a beautiful girl with a chiseled figure, while others value the qualities of a housewife and a wonderful mother in a beautiful field.

Is there a most ideal person?

The understanding of this term definitely depends on the preferences of the individual. For some, the most ideal person is the one who is considered the most outstanding in a certain profession or field of activity, others focus on great figures and historical characters, and others consider someone close to them to be the most ideal. Thus, it is difficult to call any person completely ideal for everyone, but it is not difficult to determine the commonality between all ideals, and this commonality is the presence of certain properties and character traits that distinguish them from among people.

What are the qualities of an ideal person

In general, such criteria are positive characteristics that are basically the same for all cultures and times. For example, it is unlikely that justice or generosity have ever been or will be considered shameful qualities. In fact, everyone has an internal understanding of these and other similar characteristics that seem to be inherent in people.

This fact is surprising, but if you think a little or look at your own feelings when choosing behavior in any situation, you can easily observe some indicator that is inherent in you initially, which gives accurate knowledge regarding the best decisions, thoughts and actions. Of course, if you are used to deceiving yourself or allowing negative tendencies to develop in yourself, then you will more often begin to move away from your own ideal in external manifestations, emotions and thoughts. However, the precise certainty of how to move in the right direction and what the ideal person in you is will not go away and will continue to be present in your being.

Ideal in art

Thus, the qualities of an ideal person are those indicators that have been glorified for many years by magnificent works of art, the postulates of religions and great examples of human beings who have approached the ideal. We will not list each of these properties in detail, since the reader can easily understand what we are talking about and, if there is a need, determine which properties are missing or which need to be developed. It is worth mentioning separately only about the character of an ideal person, who in fact can be absolutely anything (soft, heavy, etc.), because human character is determined by a certain set of parameters and their combination. But a person with whom it is difficult to communicate, but who will never deceive, and a person with a gentle disposition, who is liked by many and will never deceive for the sake of another, can be equally honest.

What are the traits of an ideal person

In many ways, such people (not completely ideal, but ideal within the limits of the capabilities given to them) are not difficult to notice. It is quite possible that you know such “perfectionists” who differ from the rest in some completeness and completeness. After all, an individual who acts in accordance with an internal ideal, in fact, does not need anything; in general, a person’s qualities are minimal, refined and sublime, such a person does not strive anywhere in everyday life and is not subject to various “wants”, hence inner peace and tranquility are manifested.

Moreover, if you communicate with such a person, then you yourself begin to feel complete satisfaction with yourself and everything else. Such sensations only appear when communicating with a truly fulfilled person, one who has nothing feigned or fake, who has calmness not due to complacency. This is basically how the traits of an ideal person manifest themselves in external space and interaction with others.

How to develop positive traits and qualities in yourself

As said earlier, everyone strives for happiness, and this need requires the pursuit of one’s own ideal, that is, such a way of activity, interaction and thought process that most corresponds to some internal indicator that is inherent in everyone initially. Of course, there is a truth in everyone, a model of what your ideal person looks like. Moreover, despite the seemingly significant differences, in the final sense, such an image is identical for everyone, as are the ideal qualities that each individual person may possess.

Probably the most essential activity that a person can have is movement towards the ideal, and this, in fact, ultimately determines any activity. Accordingly, it is advisable to reflect on how productively you yourself are moving towards your own ideal, because this is initially essential for yourself, since it determines the degree of happiness inherent in you. As you know, there are no limits to perfection, and in any version there is room for improvement.

Weight control

To develop positive qualities in yourself, you can choose any direction you like, but it is better to “select” those that make you less happy, because it is in these areas that you are less consistent with the ideal. Let's take such a banal example as excessive body weight, which creates a huge number of complexes. If this worries you, you should simply start working in this direction.

However, one should take into account the absence of such a parameter as a precisely defined ideal weight of a person, which is mandatory for everyone. This characteristic is individual for everyone and is sometimes determined by natural parameters.

Thus, it is not difficult to understand how important a reasonable attitude towards your own aspirations is, since what will make you ideal is not the imitation of any external generally accepted templates, but the following of the true and immanently inherent in each individual image of an ideal person, that is, your far-fetched image, which embodies happiness .

Pedantry Translation Pedantry (from Italian pedare, to educate) is a phenomenon that occurs in various areas of life, but most often accompanies scholarship and pedagogical activity. A pedant is a person who, because of the form, loses sight of the content, jealously observes the usual order in small things and is completely withdrawn from mental development and movement forward. In school, pedantry is a true pestilence, bringing lifelessness to living work and instilling in students a disgust for school. Not so long ago, corporal punishment was systematically practiced among school pedants. The best guarantee against pedantry is to raise the educational qualifications among teachers. Only a person with a good general education can easily avoid deadening formalism, which often degenerates into pedantry with its pettiness. Y. K.



Pedant. The word "clean" refers to a person's actions and has a negative connotation. “Bore” has nothing to do with order, but characterizes the speaker’s attitude towards order.

Pedant-schmedant! This man's name is COMPANY MANAGER!


Man always strives for self-realization and must constantly adapt to changing circumstances in order to work with society. Since ancient times, philosophers and psychologists have tried to understand whether there is a pattern in human behavior and perception of the world. The famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud created a theory about the structure of psychiatry. From this, Carl Gustav Jung (a doctor from Switzerland) invented the concept of the psychotic.

Psychiatrists study theories of different personality classifications to find out why one or another person did a certain action.

Even though each person is different, they have similar behavioral characteristics. Words and our actions result in a psychological appearance that creates an impression on all our actions.

The science of studying the interaction between man and the world around him

How humans can and do interact with the world around us is the subject of both science and sociology.

There are 16 personal psychotypes in total. Sovereignty in the modern world serves as a diagnostic in the consultation of these doctors as psychologists and psychiatrists.

According to the theory of Carl Junga, psychotypes have the following classification:

  • after settings (introvert and extrovert);
  • with the prevailing modes of mental activity (rationalism and irrationalism).

To obtain a new classification and try to determine personality, psychiatrist A.

Augustinaviciute decided to combine the concept of Jurge and the theory of information metabolism of A. Kempinski. The theory is based on the exchange of information flow between society and the individual, which he compares to human metabolism.

How did the classification names come about?

How did you recognize the different types of people's psychotypes and give them names?

Each psychological classification defines itself using one dominant attitude: extraversion or introversion, as well as two more powerful functions - logic, ethics and sensory.

For rational people, ethics or logic will prevail, irrational people will have intuition or sensor. Later, 16 psychological types of a person were supplemented with other personality characteristics that were understandable to ordinary people.

Knowledge of the external signs and behavioral characteristics of various psychological types means psychiatrists can quickly recognize the patient's problems and thus correct their behavior.

Carl Gustav Jung proposed a classification consisting of eight main psychological types. Socionics offers a detailed classification of 16 types.

Personal psychotypes

What does knowing different psychotic personalities tell us?

If you know a person's type, you can anticipate your actions, establish relationships, and learn to trust them. Socionics gives us 16 psychological types of people:

  1. OR - intuitive-logical introversion. This includes people who can solve any problems. They are great strategists. Their shortcomings include indifference and they do not know how to express their feelings.

    They love comfort and simplicity. We avoid conflicts.

  2. LIE is logically intuitive. Quite practical. Very reasonable. Socially, he admires risk-taking.
  3. ILE - Intuitive Logical Extravagance. We want to explore, invent something.

    Learn new information quickly, they are principled and insist on their own.

  4. FEL is logical sensory extraction. Good businessmen are consistent. They can be foreseen. News is cautious.
  5. SLE - sensory-logical extracretion. They are quite strict in their statements, without reservations. Practical and responsible.
  6. LSI - logical-sensory introversion.

    These include calmness, rationality, and discipline. Their disadvantages include their problems.

  7. SLI - sensory-logical introversion.

    It tastes good. Quite emotional, conservative.

  8. ESE - Ethical Sensory Extraversion. He has a talent for persuasion. Good communicator. Optimistic. Flaws include negligence and misadministration.
  9. SEE - Sensory-ethical extravagance. This includes people with management skills who know how to manage people and have planning skills.

    They attacked with anger attacks.

  10. EE is an ethical-intuitive prey. Very emotional and artistic. They play drama in public.
  11. IEE - intuitive-ethical extraversion.

    They have an innate sense of tact, very quickly.

  12. ESI-ethical-sensory introversion. Moralists with great patience. Reliable. Disadvantages include over-resolution.
  13. SEI - sensory-ethical introversion. Their shortcomings include their inability to make decisions. They love comfort and peace.
  14. EII - ethically intuitive introversion.

    Dreamers who can empathize. Moralists.

  15. IEI - intuitive-ethical introversion. They don't want to suffer from problems. Lazy dreamers. Very sensitive to different situations.
  16. LII - logical intuitive introversion. They have well-developed logic and can be analyzed. He logically delves into the essence of various phenomena.

Definition of psychotype

Each of us wants to achieve this goal.

To be successful, you must be able to understand yourself. Thus, the best way to gain self-understanding is to independently define the psychotic personality.

Can you identify which psychotic you are? Today, there are quite a few psychotic personality tests that will help you determine which psychological types you have.

The most popular test is the test that determines your temperament type. It includes simple psychological questions, the answers to which will help in the determination. It is very important to remember that these tests do not provide a complete picture, but are intended to provide a general understanding of your personal characteristics.

It is known that the following classification of human psychotypes by K. Longard will help you more accurately determine your properties.

  1. Hypertensive.

    This type includes people who have good communication skills, are vocal and active. During a conversation, they often communicate through movements and facial expressions. There are often examples of leaving the main topic and discussing something abstract about them.

    The disadvantages of such people include their ability to initiate various conflicts and their selflessness. Their enemy is loneliness.

  2. Dysthymic. It’s just that ascetic people don’t like loud, self-sufficient companies. They were not seen in conflicts; they preferred to stay away. They speak little and have a keen sense of justice.

    There are few friends. They are excellent workers for monotonous work. Poor, slow, passive.

  3. CycloidalCycloidal. People are moods that fluctuate within them at a fairly high speed. Love of communication, cute, emotional. With a bad mood - they become reserved, they become irritable.

    With different moods we can see different properties - dysthymic or hyperthymic.

  4. Exciting. Probably the most deadly, closed and do not like people.

    Conflict. The team does not like rudeness or cruelty. In relationships, authorities dictate their own rules. They rarely manage to control their emotions and outbursts of anger.

  5. Thing. Quiet people. Known as a boring person who likes to read morals. This type of person in conflict is seen as an active site that constantly challenges.

    If a person of this kind becomes a boss, his subordinates always suffer from this. He is accustomed to making excessive demands not only for himself, but also for others. Jealous, vengeful, self-confident, incredible.

  6. Pedantično.

    Bureaucrats. They don't want to stick. Good and reliable business partners, but otherwise boring and formal.

  7. Being concerned. No initiative, it's not social. He is often ideal for the scapegoat role.
  8. Emotionally. People usually retained all feelings. Prominent representatives of the psychological classification are “emo”.

    They can be compassionate towards others, dutiful.

  9. Demonstratively. Such people are always in the spotlight. They love praise and power. The disadvantages are their ability to replace other people if they themselves need it. Hypocritical, praiseworthy, selfish.
  10. He was brought up. Communicate, get in touch. Adoration is polemical, but it will not be openly contradictory. Romantic nature.
  11. Extravertirano. Talkative, easily fall under the influence of someone else, meaningless.
  12. Introverted.

    Self-sufficient thoughts do not like noisy and large companies. Detained and principled. They constantly defend their position, which is often wrong.

  13. Today it is not difficult to take simple tests to find out your personal psychotherapist and adjust your behavior yourself.

    ← Definition of a psychotic person BlogBreak forever →

    A perfectionist is a person who strives for perfection

    What do you call people who are prone to excessive cleanliness?

    What is this: a disease, a phobia or something else? How can this affect a person's life? Is it good or bad to have such a tendency (not in the sense that we all love cleanliness, but when this idea already turns into an obsession)? Maybe you're just dealing with an overly squeamish person.

    This is not a deviation from the norm, unless, of course, it takes on obsessive forms, such as, for example, a person constantly wears rubber gloves, shoe covers, a protective gown and a mask.
    Agree, it’s not very pleasant if the house is a mess, there are crumbs on the table, and trash on the floor.

    There is nothing wrong with daily cleaning. It is not a sin, for example, to grab the handrails on public transport with a napkin. They tend to be sticky and greasy - gross. Especially for a person with a high threshold of disgust. And the fact that a person carries wet wipes or hand cleansing cream with him is not a pathology.
    Any excess, as in the example given at the beginning, already borders on mental disorders.

    A person obsessed with an obsessive fear of pollution and dirt is called a mysophobe. One who is overly afraid of contracting bacteria and germs is a germaphobe. Anyone who is ready to polish floors every second and brush away specks of dust in their own home is a ripophobe.

    What do you call a person who does everything perfectly and on time?

    When an exaggerated fear of touching a contaminated/infected object turns into a fixed idea, there is a reason to turn to specialists. An overly valuable idea can crowd out everything, moving to the forefront.

    Imagine how personality is distorted in this way!

    Public transport, dirty streets, dubious characters living on them make us all a little miso- and germaphobic.

    You just need to grasp the line beyond which pathology begins.


    When, out of experience in literature, we discussed the story of Fazil Iskander "Forbidden Fruit", the eighth graders were assigned to write the story to the first person, so it seemed that the narrator was much older and smarter than he was at the time of the events described.
    Pleasant intonation is encouraged, stylization, even imitation of a popular author, is not condemned.
    Thus, two eighth grade students completed the task.

    Danil KUZNETSOV,
    8th grade

    Lover of the Order

    As a child, I really loved the order in the apartment.

    If I noticed that everything that had stood in the same place for a long time had now moved, I would begin to cry loudly and bitterly. She found the mother, put the matter in place so that they would immediately stop when she cut off her signal from the cormorant service.

    When I was a little older, the irregularities in the house became very serious: the pen of my older brother, the father of notes, fell off the table into the trash; cleaned out my mom's stuff, which later searched all the cabinets.

    One day my mother left the apartment and walked to my brother's elevator.

    Then I walked down the corridor and saw that the door was open. "Error!" - I thought, and closed the door, and waited for my mother. Then I heard my mother's voice, she said something inside me, but the door did not open or appear. Then my mother left. At first I get bored, then I'm afraid, and soon I'm screaming at everyone in Ivanovo. Finally, I heard voices, then cracks in the castle, and now my mother hugged me, hugged me, kissed me and gently calmed down. But I keep crying.

    In my hands, sweets and other sweets, as well as things that I had not allowed before. But I can't calm down. My name is nearby. She's a little older than me. We're having fun with him. Soon I will forget about my tears. I have only pleasant memories of this incident in my head.

    About two weeks later, my mother went out onto the balcony. I saw the door open. I immediately feel good memories. I ran to the balcony, hit the door and closed it on the bottom handle. Mom turned around and saw that the door was closed. Her eyes widened, and immediately there was horror in them.

    Eighth floor. Street frost. My mother wears a thin lounge suit. There is no one else in the apartment.

    I took it, I put it in its place! Order against stress. Systemic vector psychology of Yuri Burla

    Neighbors at work. I saw the fear of my mother, and he was also afraid. Mom started to show me her hand, so I turned the button back, but I understood it in my own way, and with a happy smile I closed mom on the middle handle. Mom realized that there was only one way to knock on the door. If I wasn't afraid of a strong blow, she said: "Go to the kitchen and take the candy on the shelf." I was delighted with the kitchen...

    And my father spent a long time repairing the balcony door.

    I grew up, I went to school. Many different problems have been added.

    But my mother sometimes runs over me: “Why are there pants on the floor? Why is the plate on the TV and in close proximity to the computer made of candy?” And other unfair accusations. And, unfortunately, I simply do not have enough time to monitor all the “violations” in the house.

    - an effective tool for forecasting and building relationships. Taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of those around you, you can avoid many problems, make your life brighter and richer, your relationships more interesting and comfortable, and your work more efficient.

    Socionics has discovered that every person has one of 16 psychotypes, which does not change throughout life.

    gives distinctive features not only in behavior, but also in appearance - physique, gestures, emotions and facial expressions. Each has its own bright reflection in a person’s appearance. We all carry this unique imprint throughout our lives. Based on these traits, a person’s psychotype is quite easy to identify. consists in finding these signs and determining the psychotype based on them.

    Unlike most, typing by appearance is based on objective physiological specific traits. Therefore, due to a fairly large set of signs (and more than fifty of them have already been discovered), it is impossible to fake the appearance of another type, which cannot be said about behavior, reactions, answers to test questions, etc.

    This section is an auxiliary tool for studying the methodology for determining the type of psyche by appearance - here you can see and examine the signs of each of the 16 types and 4 in the photograph, compare the severity of signs in the appearance of each representative of the type and subtype and catch the similarities.

    When creating the photo catalogue, we did not at all strive to collect as many photographs of each person as possible and provide comprehensive information about him and his life from the point of view of socionics. You can search for the information you are interested in on your own on the Internet.

    What do you call a person who likes everything to be exactly right and straight and fast?

    The purpose of the catalog is to show the image of a psychotype, supplementing it with facts from the life of a representative of the type. Therefore, for ease of perception, most of the photographs are sorted based on both typical similarity (appearance, emotions, facial expressions, gestures, poses, etc.) and any other properties: angle.

    In the extended version of the photo catalog, it is possible to quickly select representatives of the psychotype of each of the subtypes (temperaments).

    We wish you a pleasant viewing and studying the signs of IMT in appearance =)

Everything is on the shelves, joint to joint, minute by minute - what do you call a person who does everything perfectly? How to describe a person who loves maximum order in everything and does not tolerate any shortcomings? What is the complexity of this phenomenon and why such behavior can interfere with life.

A person who does everything to the maximum is called a perfectionist. Moreover, people with this trait try to do everything perfectly, regardless of their real capabilities. Sometimes, causing negativity in life.

Perfectionism is a character trait

It’s more of a lifestyle, which sometimes backfires on the perfectionist himself. The whole point is that the main and most important description of this phenomenon is to do the job as clearly and efficiently as possible. Be it simple cleaning and decluttering of a closet with things or wallpapering your apartment. So what's the problem? Okay, good quality?

Sometimes, perfectionists take on tasks that are beyond their capabilities. Trying to complete it 100%, they “hang” over the problem for hours, not having the psychological ability to delegate it to another person. Spending time, they try to understand the niche and complete the task as efficiently as possible. Although, a person who does not have such a “illness” would simply do the job as best he can.

Another characteristic disadvantage of perfectionism is frequent disappointment in oneself. As with everything around them, this type of people also places high demands on themselves. In addition to external components, perfectionist people very scrupulously rummage through their inner world, trying to bring it to perfection.

Perfectionist in relationships

Of course, both in relationships and in family life, a person who is used to doing everything to the maximum will try to arrange everything as “beautifully” as possible. Of course, regarding your perception of beauty.

The partner of a perfectionist is, as a rule, a person not endowed with such a character trait. On the contrary, subconsciously perfectionists are looking for a mate that they will “finish to perfection.”

Despite the obvious disadvantages, a lifestyle where you do everything to the maximum is more of an advantage than a disadvantage. In a world where everyone is only chasing money, not caring about quality, a perfectionist is a real find.

It often happens that we have known a person for quite a long time, but we don’t know what he really is like. To find out more about a specific person, you don’t need to pester a person with your questions, follow him, and even more so arrange interrogations a la the Middle Ages, no, what are you... There are harmless ways that will help you learn a lot more about a person.

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Photo gallery: Ways that will help you learn a lot more about a person

We all know that eyes are the mirror of the soul, so the first and simplest method is to determine character by eye color.
Blue, blue or gray eyes indicate that a person is not afraid of the resistance of others, and in public shows himself as a confident person. In general, such people are ambitious and determined. They are romantics, they fantasize a lot, they are vulnerable and sensitive, they remember insults for a long time, and they hardly know how to forgive.
Lucky are those whom Mother Nature awarded with brown eyes. These people simply sparkle with charm, and, of course, others like them. Brown-eyed people are very active people, and by nature they are leaders, so do not be offended if such a person orders you around. People with brown eyes are temperamental, passionate, impulsive, but at the same time they can also be aggressive. The grievances pass quickly. Very witty and almost always the soul of the campaign.
Almost in the same way as brown-eyed people, owners of green eyes strive to be in the center of attention and to be in time everywhere. Such people are proactive, stable, look at everything soberly - they are rationalists to the core. They love order in everything, are assertive, principled and purposeful. Such people are ideal organizers and workers, because the work they start will always be completed.

But to see the true face of a person, eyes alone are not enough. A significant way to learn more about a person is to find out what his favorite color is.
Thus, people who prefer white are very sensitive, romantic and gentle, they are open to others, but lovers of gray, on the contrary, like to withdraw into themselves, not letting anyone into their personal territory. They love order in everything and do not like the difficulties of life.
Those who are fans of the color blue are very emotional and love to show their feelings. They are calm, reasonable and most importantly, very loyal.
Green supporters, one way or another, depend on the opinions of others; they need recognition. They love it when they are shown signs of attention, and they need aesthetics in everything. Calm.
But fans of red are simply a fountain of emotions! They are active, businesslike and passionate, they want everything at once, and the most amazing thing is that they achieve all their goals.
Fans of the color yellow are very interesting personalities. They are open and simply irreplaceable in companies. A person who loves the color yellow can be called a “generator of ideas”; rest assured, you will not be bored with such a person.
Supporters of the color purple are mysterious and mystical. A person who prefers this color is a fusion of opposites - an impulsive conqueror and gentle selflessness. Such a person uncontrollably strives for freedom and independence, but at the same time loves peace and quiet, often on his own wave, soaring in the clouds. He is endowed with some kind of magic, magic, and always tries to understand a world full of mysteries. Very sensitive, with well-developed intuition.
Those who love the color black are rationalists. They know what they want and are balanced. They often have a strong character.

Among the ways that will help you learn much more about a person is a preference for certain drinks. If a person loves beer, this indicates that the person is an egoist who is more interested in carnal pleasures. They are boastful, but this is not a death sentence - with gentle influence such people can change.
If a person cannot imagine his life without coffee, then next to you is an indecisive person, distrustful, looking for a logical explanation in everything and if he does not find it, then he becomes suspicious of everything.
We can say about people who love red wine that they will always be able to stand up for themselves, and will finish what they start. These are reliable people, and you can always count on their support.
Mineral water lovers are born loners, they do not like noisy companies, and in general, it is not so easy to gain the trust of such a person.
Those who prefer various lemonades are fickle people, their views change depending on the situation, and they also dream of living carefree, which, in principle, they succeed.
But lovers of natural juices are not looking for easy ways; they like order in everything, so that everything is “laid out on shelves.” There is clearly a lot to learn from such people.
Whiskey and cognac lovers are naive aesthetics, but it is easy to find a common language with such people. They are businesslike and are indispensable employees at work.

The next part of the article will be of interest to men.
How can you understand what she is like without talking to a woman? Very easy - on lipstick.
Dark pink color is “worn” on their lips by ladies who strive for harmony and want to see the ideal man next to them.
A girl with red lips wants to attract attention, and is generally used to being in the center of events, knowing everything about everyone. Very temperamental and self-confident.
By applying golden brown lipstick to her lips, a woman wants to say, “Look how sweet and wonderful I am.” At their core, these ladies are optimists.
Well, if a woman chooses transparent gloss, then this can only mean that she is self-confident and does not need to demonstrate her advantages. Usually it is much easier to find a common language with such women than, say, with the owners of red lips.

And now about the clothing style. Style is a person’s self-expression, so it most accurately reflects a person’s inner world.
Adherents of the classical style are people who have achieved what they want in life, they are confident in their actions and do not like to put themselves on display. They do what they like and do not need public recognition.
Sports style is preferred by relaxed people who are always sociable. It is easy to find a common language with them.
The military style is preferred by courageous and strong women who want to get rid of elegance and femininity. This is a kind of protest to everyone and everything. Such people often remain lonely.
A temptress and temptress in a mini or a skirt with a very revealing slit, stockings and huge high heels is a clear example of a vamp girl. Such women are not always self-confident, simply hiding behind a beautiful body and beautiful forms, they try to assert themselves in at least something, and in this case,

Our modern world is structured in such a way that a person is forced to do a lot: an intense work day is replaced by an equally busy evening at home. Even weekends are packed with urgent matters, I want to find time for entertainment. Armed with an indispensable desire to do everything perfectly, a person encounters many obstacles on his way.

The desire to do everything perfectly is debilitating

Often young people, sometimes middle-aged, try to achieve perfection in business. It would seem a wonderful aspiration: a job well done always deserves praise and admiration. However, the desire to do everything perfectly carries with it a negative connotation.

As a result, the following may happen:

  1. It will not be possible to accomplish what was planned because there is not enough time: careful work aimed at an ideal result requires a huge amount of time;
  2. You still, however, this will cost a lot: complete exhaustion, lack of sleep, irritation due to being full-time, while others are relaxing and enjoying life;
  3. Loss of strength and self-esteem. This is the most dangerous consequence: setting inflated demands for oneself and not achieving them, a person gradually loses confidence in his abilities and even begins to consider himself worthless.

Set reasonable goals for yourself

To “cure” your excessive craving for the ideal, learn simple rules:

  1. Try to “lower the bar” little by little: watch people who perform well, but without strain. For example, sweeping a garden path is enough; there is no point in washing it until it shines every time;
  2. Get satisfaction from the fact that you managed to do everything and retained your strength and time to relax. Time management becomes a trap for many: while setting the goal of getting more done, a person still remains busy all day. The problem is that he can't stop. Decide why you need to perform this or that amount of work. Having completed a job earlier, you are not obligated to start the next one!
  3. Determine a “sufficient level” above which there is no need to try to “idealize” everything;
  4. Enjoy a good result as much as a great one. Understand that there are very rarely situations when a task requires perfect execution.

At a certain stage, a systemic understanding of what is quality, what is good, and what is ideal will develop. Common sense will tell you when simple execution is better, what situation requires a special approach: for example, rough handmade chairs look great in a country house, while an aristocratic house, on the contrary, requires exquisite Venetian chairs with carvings and gilding. The main thing is to remember the relevance of your titanic efforts. Strive for the ideal only when it really makes sense.