Newby Church, North Yorkshire, UK. Tower of the former Ryazan Zemstvo District Hospital in Ryazan

Lucifer followed the owner of the apartment into, indeed, not just a small kitchenette, but even, one might say, a small one. It was surprising that it even held a small sink, two kitchen cabinets and a round table with a chair. Of course, the apartment he was going to rent did not look very presentable and was not very big, but for the first time, until he got his feet in his work, it would do.

Lucifer Milton was an aspiring interior designer. He recently graduated from design school and was now designing apartments and houses. True, so far this did not bring the desired profit, but Lucifer was confident that gradually everything would get better. And Lucifer had to move from the house they shared with their older brother Michael because of his wedding. For some reason, Michael’s fiancée Emma immediately disliked Lucifer, and so he decided not to bother them and move to an inexpensive rented apartment.

That is why he and the owner of this apartment, Rowena, were now standing in the corridor and negotiating payment. Having quickly agreed on everything, Rowena, slightly tripping over the hem of her long, light blue dress, left the apartment. Closing the door behind her, Lucifer leaned against the wall and sighed.

“Finally freedom. I will no longer have to listen to Emma’s nasty voice when she complains about me to Mikhail.”

With such thoughts, Lutz took his bag with things and headed to the bedroom to lay out his things. The bedroom was small, it contained a single bed, a light brown bedside table with a lamp and a small chair on which lay a blanket with a pattern in large flowers. Quickly putting his small wardrobe in the closet, Lucifer decided to tidy up a little, since the apartment was quite dusty. The first thing he decided to do was start cleaning the living room. In half an hour of cleaning, Lucifer managed to sweep out a whole mountain of multi-colored candy wrappers from various corners and found someone’s black T-shirt under the sofa. In general, it seemed to Lucifer that besides him, someone else lived here - he found too many men’s clothes while cleaning, but Rowena didn’t say anything about the neighbor. And the apartment did not look lived in, maybe these things were left behind by the previous tenant of this apartment, but why didn’t he take them with him?

Carefully placing the found clothes on the sofa, Milton quickly wiped the dust on the paintings hanging on the walls. By the way, the paintings were very beautiful, it was clear that they were painted by a good artist. They depicted: various landscapes, nature and fantasy worlds. Lucifer involuntarily admired one picture; it depicted a flowering meadow, on which stood a pretty girl in a light dress, next to her stood a snow-white horse with wings. Lucifer was distracted from looking at the paintings by a voice coming from behind.

I see you liked my picture. I like it too - I was especially successful at drawing the pegasus.

Lucifer turned around. Standing in front of him was a short, fair-haired guy with honey-colored eyes. He was wearing a light gray Skillet T-shirt and jeans.

Hi, I'm Gabriel, your flatmate. And you?

I am Lucifer. But Rowena didn’t tell me anything about the neighbor, I thought that I would live here alone,” said Lucifer.

Rowena, so forgetful... She always forgets about my existence. He only remembers me if I owe rent,” Gabriel smiled. - I'm sorry that the apartment is such a mess. I was just about to clean up when suddenly my neighbor called me. She was doing renovations there, she needed help moving a closet - so she had to go help.

It's okay, I've already cleaned everything up. So are you an artist?

Well, yes. An illustrator, to be precise. I draw pictures and covers for books.

It's clear. I'm a beginner interior designer. True, so far I have few orders, but I think they will increase later,” said Lucifer. - Okay, it was very nice to meet you, and now excuse me, but I still need to clean my room. See you at dinner.

Nice to meet you too. If you need anything, please contact us.

Lucifer spent the rest of the evening cleaning his room. Gabriel never bothered him during this time. To be honest, his neighbor seemed a little strange to Lutz when he passed by him and almost touched his arm with his elbow, Gabriel recoiled from him as if afraid of his touch. And this is his appearance in the apartment - Lutz did not hear the front door slam. Although it’s possible that when Gabriel came in he simply held her back.
And the fact that Rowena did not mention that he would not live alone was very strange. Although, perhaps it’s all just his imagination.

“We need to finish cleaning and go cook dinner. When you’re hungry, all sorts of nonsense starts to creep into your head.”

With such thoughts, Lutz quickly finished cleaning and went to the kitchen. Gabriel was found there, he was standing in front of the table and, as it seemed to Lucifer, he was sadly looking at a plate of sweets. Noticing Milton, he quickly looked away from the sweets and tried to make a pleased face, as it seemed to Lucifer, he didn’t do it very well.

Hi Lutz, I already had dinner. Sorry I didn't wait for you - I was really hungry.

It's OK. There was no need to wait for me. By the way, maybe you can sit next to me. Since we are neighbors, we should get to know each other better.

Fine. “Only if you don’t mind, I’ll stand,” said Gabriel.

“As you wish,” Lucifer said a little surprised. - I would like to know more about you, tell me about yourself.

Well, my full name is Gabriel Novak, as you already know I am an illustrator, I have a mother Mary and Aunt Abbadon, who hates me because I, and not her precious son Thomas, managed to win an art competition. And since the four of us had to live all together, I decided to look for a separate apartment so as not to come across my aunt’s eyes again. In general, I only keep in touch with my mother. Why did you start looking for an apartment?

Our stories are somewhat similar, only I moved because of my older brother’s wife - she just hates me fiercely. Just don’t ask why, I don’t know it myself,” said Lucifer.

It's clear. Well, I think you and I will get along well together,” Gabriel smiled.

Lucifer and Gabriel had been living together for two weeks. They lived really well, Gabe turned out to be a very interesting conversationalist, he and Lucifer turned out to have a lot in common and soon they became friends. Only Gabriel continued to behave a little strangely. He tried to move away if Lucifer was too close, as if afraid that he would touch him; from time to time Milton noticed his sad glances turned to the sweets lying on the table. It seemed that Gabe wanted to take them, but for some reason he didn’t take them. Gabriel had never eaten with Lucifer; when Milton offered him anything, he politely refused. And in general, Gabe didn’t cause any problems; sometimes it seemed to Lucifer that he lived alone. And what was most strange: Gabriel could leave the apartment completely unnoticed and appear just as unnoticed. At times it seemed to Lutz that his neighbor could teleport or evaporate in the air. But one day, an even more unusual incident happened...

That evening, his best friend, Charlie Bradbury, came to visit Lucifer. Noticing the girl Gabriel entering the apartment, as it seemed to Lucifer, he became worried and quickly disappeared into the living room. Lutz led Charlie into the kitchen and, while the kettle was heating up, decided to show her the apartment. When they entered the living room, Gabriel was found there, noticing them, he froze in the middle of the room with a very frightened expression on his face. Lucifer, who did not notice this, continued to tell Charlie about the rooms.

And this is my flatmate's room. Charlie, meet Gabriel.

The girl looked in surprise at Gabe, who was standing nearby, for several minutes and, it seems, having come to her senses, she spoke.

Lucifer, I'm sorry, but who should I meet? There's no one here.

Why not? Gabriel is standing not far from you. Admit it, are you joking now? - Lucifer asked looking at the girl.

No. Nobody's here. “You’re probably joking,” said Charlie. - Just you know, some joke you made wasn’t funny.

Milton looked at her in disbelief. After all, with his own eyes he sees Gabriel standing next to him with his head lowered to the floor. By the way, why does he look like he was guilty of something?

Luc, tell me honestly, did you accidentally drink anything alcoholic or smoke anything suspicious? This may well cause glitches.

Charlie, you know very well that I don’t play around with that. And in general, it was a really stupid joke on my part. Sorry, I made a bad joke. Let's go to the kitchen, the kettle has already boiled for a long time.

While Lucifer poured tea into cups, he occasionally noticed Charlie's suspicious glances at him. She didn't really seem to believe it was a joke. To be honest, Milton himself did not understand what it was. It turns out that only he sees Gabriel, but why? Is he some kind of supernatural creature? It sounds very stupid, but how then can all this be explained? Lucifer had a lot of questions in his head right now. And only one person could answer them - Gabriel. Although he can learn something about his neighbor from his best friend.

Bradbury was a computer genius, and getting any information from the Internet was a breeze for her.

Charlie, could you get me some information? - Lutz asked, taking a sip from his cup.

Certainly. What do you need? - asked the girl.

I need all the information about Gabriel Novak. Just don’t ask who he is and why I need his biography. Just, if it’s not too much trouble for you, please find out everything you can about him.

OK. Tomorrow morning I will email you everything I can find out about him. Just promise not to joke like that again. Because I was seriously scared for you.

I promise. Thank you, Charlie.

After seeing the girl off, Lucifer returned to the living room. As he expected, Gabriel was not there - he must have somehow disappeared. To be honest, after all the strange things that happened today, Milton didn’t really want to spend the night in this apartment, but as soon as he imagined Emma’s dissatisfied face if he asked to spend the night at home, he decided to stay in the apartment. Having locked his bedroom door just in case, Lucifer lay down on the bed and tried to sleep.

As soon as the first rays of the sun looked through the window, Lucifer, who had not fallen asleep during the night, got out of bed and hurried to the bathroom. After quickly taking a shower and having breakfast, Milton began to wait for a letter from Charlie. But, alas, Lucifer was unable to read the letter as soon as it arrived. A new client called him, and Milton rushed to meet him. He was able to read Charlie's letter only after lunch.
He missed all the information about Gabriel's family, since he learned everything about his family from Novak himself. But the information at the end attracted his attention the most.

« Two months ago, Gabriel Novak was involved in an accident. He was hit by his ex-girlfriend, Meg Masters, in his own car. The reasons for her action were unknown - she is now wanted by the police. Gabriel himself is in a coma in the central city hospital.”

After reading the information, Lucifer thought for a few minutes. It turns out that Gabe is in a coma and Lucifer has been communicating with something like his ghost all this time. But why did Novak appear in front of him, and what does he want from Lucifer? After re-reading the information again, Lutz decided to have a serious talk with Gabriel. Entering the apartment, he quickly walked into the living room. Gabriel was found standing near the window - his sad gaze was directed towards the street.

Hello Luz. You know, to be honest, I thought that after what you found out, you would never come back here. “I’m glad you came,” Gabe said, turning to him.

“I might not have returned, but I was tormented by questions,” said Lucifer. - If I understand correctly, you are something like a ghost and only I can see you. But why did you appear in front of me and what do you want from me?

Yes, I really am a ghost. Only my body, it didn't die. I feel that I will soon return to it, but someone may interfere with this.

So, I don’t quite understand everything yet - tell me everything in order.

Well, as you already know, from the letter my friend sent you, I was hit by my ex-girlfriend. We didn’t part with her very well, and apparently he decided to take revenge on me. My body fell into a coma, and my spirit, let’s say, can now observe everything separately from my body. You can’t imagine what it’s like to see your body covered in all sorts of wires, to see how your mother suffers and your aunt rejoices. Besides, now I can’t eat my favorite sweets and do my favorite thing - drawing,” Gabriel said sadly. - You know, when I first appeared in front of you, I didn’t think that you would see me, but you did, and I had to improvise.

Yes, it was quite surprising. But why exactly I see you is a very interesting question,” said Lucifer.

To be honest, I think about this question myself. Although perhaps you see me because only you can help me.

And how can I help you?

The fact is that my aunt has long been trying to persuade my mother to disconnect me from artificial life support. Until now, my mother has stubbornly refused, but I am afraid that she may give in soon,” Gabriel said. - If this happens, I will not be able to return to my body, and it will simply die. I need a little more time and I will return to life. I just need the devices to support life in my body.

Are you sure that you will return? - Lucifer asked looking at him.

I'm completely sure. I feel like my body is not dead. I just need someone to convince my mother not to listen to Abbadon and then everything will be fine.

If I understand you correctly, you want me to talk to your mother and persuade her not to listen to her sister. But how will I do this? She probably won't believe me and will think I'm crazy.

You understand correctly. But I will be by your side and help you,” Gabe said, looking hopefully into Lucifer’s eyes. “I think if you tell her what only I can know, she’ll believe you.”

Well, okay, so be it, I'll help you. But only if after talking with your mother they send me to a mental hospital, it will be your fault,” said Lucifer.

Covered up. Eh, if I were a person, I would kiss you or ask you out on a date.

Noticing Lucifer's surprised look, Gabriel smiled.

Oh yes, I completely forgot to tell you, I am attracted not only to girls, but also to guys. You're just my type. And if you can help me, I will have to thank you somehow. I think going to a restaurant will be very suitable.

Well, it’s too early to talk about this. “I haven’t helped you yet,” said Lutz.

So you don't mind going to a restaurant. Well, that's great, now let's decide when we'll go to my house.

They decided to go to Novak's mother the next evening. To be honest, Lucifer was very worried, standing in front of the house where Gabriel’s mother lived, not daring to go into the entrance. He hasn’t quite figured out what he will say to her when they meet and how she will react to everything. It's good if she just kicks him out, but what if she calls the doctors and Lucifer goes straight to a psychiatric clinic. Gabe himself stood not far from him, he also looked excited. Having finally decided, Lucifer entered the entrance. Rising to the second floor, he stopped in front of a light brown door with the number fifteen. Raising his hand, he pressed the bell button. A few minutes later the door opened. A pretty fair-haired woman stood on the threshold; she looked about 50-55 years old.

Hello, is this you Mary Novak?

Yes it's me.

“My name is Lucifer, and I would like to talk to you about your son Gabriel,” said Lutz.

Gabe, did something happen to him? But why didn't the hospital call me? - the woman asked excitedly.

No, no, but our conversation is about his life, and I think it won’t be entirely convenient for us to talk on the threshold.

Okay, come on in.

As soon as Lucifer entered the small hallway, a brightly made-up red-haired woman appeared in the room. Apparently this was Gabriel's aunt - Abbadon. Only compared to Gabe's mother, she didn't seem upset.

Mary, who is it? - she asked, looking at Lucifer.

This guy said that he had a conversation for me regarding Gabriel,” Mary said, looking at her sister.

And you immediately let him into the apartment? What if he now kills us and robs us? In my opinion, he should be kicked out.

I'm not going to kill or rob anyone. I just want to talk and preferably without your participation.

Gabe, standing nearby, smiled contentedly and gave a thumbs up. This seemed to encourage Lucifer, and he spoke more confidently.

Our conversation won't take much time, and believe me, I won't do anything bad to you.

Fine. Let's go to the kitchen. And you, Abbadon, stay here for now,” Mary said, turning to the woman who wanted to follow them.

But Mary... - the woman drawled.

I said: you will wait here. Let's go, Lucifer.

The woman led Milton through a small hallway, and soon they found themselves in a large, bright kitchen. Mary closed the door behind her, and she and Lucifer sat down at the round table opposite each other.

So, what did you want to talk about?

Before I start speaking, you must promise that even if it seems to you that I am talking complete nonsense, you will listen to it to the end,” Lutz said, looking at Mary.

Fine. “I’m listening to you carefully,” the woman answered.

The fact is that now I live in the apartment in which Gabriel lived before the accident. Basically, the spirit of your son came to me and asked me for help. As he told me, your sister is trying to persuade you to take Gabriel off life support. Under no circumstances should you do this. Because soon Gabe will come back to life.

Mary, don't believe him! This is some kind of nonsense of a madman. Kick him out immediately,” Abbadon’s voice came from behind the door.

How can you prove that your words are true? “All this doesn’t sound very true,” Mary asked, not paying attention to her sister’s screams.

I know it's hard to believe, but I can prove it's true. Gabriel is here now, you can ask any question the answer to which only you and him know. He will convey the answer through me.

Fine. What gift did Gabriel give me for my birthday?

I drew a portrait of my mother with her favorite flowers - poppies - in her hands. The bouquet is tied with a bright pink ribbon. “I spent a long time choosing the right shade of paint for it,” Gabe said.

Lucifer relayed Gabriel's words. Hearing them, Mary froze in shock for several minutes. Suddenly the kitchen door swung open and Abbadon literally flew into the room - it was clear that she was simply furious.

It seems like you've already messed with my sister's head enough. Either you get out of our house yourself immediately, or I call the police.

Gabriel signaled to Lucifer to retreat. He quickly rose from his chair and, saying goodbye to Mary, hurried to the exit. He could only hope that she would listen to his words.

They reached home at night. Lucifer, without undressing, collapsed on the bed. Now an insane fatigue fell upon him - all this talk seemed to completely deprive him of his strength. Gabriel looked sad, he stopped near the window, looking at the street at night. Silence reigned in the room for several minutes, Lucifer was already starting to fall asleep, when suddenly Gabriel spoke.

Luc, thank you,” Gabe said, turning away from the window and looking at him.

For what? - Lucifer asked in surprise.

Because you agreed to help me. Someone else in your place would probably have refused me or decided that he was crazy and would have run to the hospital. And you believed me and helped me. Thank you.

Well, actually, I'm not sure I did a good job of convincing your mother to trust me. Your aunt also intervened at the wrong time...

Nevertheless thank you. You know, if I were my own body, I would kiss you. Although who knows, maybe I won’t return to it, so perhaps I can kiss you like that.

With these words, Gabe approached Lucifer and touched his lips with his. True, Milton did not feel anything, it was more like the touch of a light breeze on his lips, and not a kiss, but Lutz could not say that it was unpleasant. And to be honest, even in this spirit guise visible through the bed, he really liked Gabriel. It seems he managed to fall in love with his ghost neighbor. Gabriel, meanwhile, pulled away and stood near the bed.

Sorry, I just couldn't resist. By the way, when I’m in my body, I’m a much better kisser,” Gabe said. “If only you knew how much I want to return to it as soon as possible, then I could kiss you for real.”

“You will definitely return to your body soon,” said Lutz. - The main thing is don’t stop believing in it.

Thanks Luz. I am incredibly glad that I met you, it’s a pity that in the guise of a ghost. But I hope that soon I will actually return to my body, and then you will meet me in person.

Yes, just don't forget to ask me out. You promised.

I won't forget. Now go to sleep, you need to rest. “I’ll be there,” Gabe said, smiling.

Thinking that Gabriel had a beautiful smile, Lucifer fell asleep. When Lutz woke up the next morning, he did not find Gabriel nearby. He walked around the entire apartment, but Novak was nowhere to be seen. Deciding that perhaps Gabe had disappeared due to some ghostly business and would return later, Lutz began to go about his usual business. Then he went to the client’s apartment to discuss the house design plan with him and returned only in the late afternoon. Gabriel was still nowhere to be found. Lucifer began to worry - he walked from corner to corner for several minutes. In the end, he decided to go to the hospital where Gabe was lying and find out if everything was okay with him.

He got to the hospital quickly enough. True, then he had to weave through the corridors, looking for the department in which Gabe was. In the end, he managed to find out from a pretty nurse that Gabriel Novak came out of his coma last night. True, so far no one was allowed to see him. Hearing this news, Lucifer was happy, he believed that Gabe would wake up. True, along with joy came sadness, what if Gabriel doesn’t remember him, who knows if the body can remember what happened to the soul separated from it. Although it's not that important, the main thing is that Gabe woke up.

A month has passed:

A month has already passed since Gabriel's spirit returned to his body and he came to his senses. During this time, Lucifer managed to understand that he missed Gabe madly. He tried to drown out his feelings by taking on several home design orders at a time. It distracted me from thinking about Novak, but not for long. Of course, Lutz was glad that Gabriel woke up, but at the same time he was sad, thinking that he did not remember him, he himself did not know why such thoughts entered his head. Perhaps due to the fact that he had read too many books on similar topics, in them the body usually did not remember the adventures of the soul outside of it, apparently that’s why bad thoughts entered Luc’s head.

That evening Lutz was busy developing a new project for a recent order. Only today it didn’t really help take my mind off thoughts about Novak. Lucifer couldn't help but remember his smile and that kiss. Although he didn’t feel anything then, that scene involuntarily replayed before his eyes, preventing him from finishing the project. In the end, he abandoned this matter, deciding to brew himself strong coffee - it always helped him come to his senses. Just as he was brewing himself a cup of strong drink, the doorbell rang. Lucifer returned the cup to the table and hurried to open it. Having opened the door, Lutz did not immediately believe his eyes. Gabriel stood in front of him with a wide smile on his lips. Lucifer reached out his hand in disbelief and touched Gabe's cheek, which was slightly prickly to the touch with light stubble, but definitely real.

Gabe, is that really you? If only you knew how much I miss you. To be honest, I started to think that you wouldn’t remember me.

I wonder why I had to forget about you? I promised you a date, how could I forget about this? By the way, this is exactly why I came to you, get ready, we are going to the most luxurious restaurant in the city.

Or maybe we won’t spend money on restaurants and just drink coffee at home? “I just brewed it and I also have some sweets,” said Lutz.

Well, a date at home isn’t a bad idea either. Besides, I have long dreamed of trying the coffee you made - I think it will be simply excellent in combination with sweets.

Lucifer smiles. They walk into the kitchen together, and Milton takes another cup from the kitchen cabinet. They drink coffee together, eat it with sweets, and then kiss. The kiss is sweet, with the taste of chocolates and coffee. They pull away when they start running out of air, Gabe smiles and Lucifer smiles back. Life is definitely getting better.

For a long time now, such a theme as haunted houses and ghosts will not surprise anyone. But these are far from fairy tales for horror movie fans. Such houses really exist and can greatly ruin the lives of their inhabitants...

Trial of... a phantom!

An interesting trial took place in Norway not long ago. The realtor sued the buyer. The buyer initially signed the contract, but then refused to buy the property. The reason for the refusal was... ghosts, which, as it turned out, were found in the mansion for sale! Local residents told the buyer about the bad reputation of this mansion. According to them, this building, which is located north of the Norwegian capital Oslo, is simply infested with evil spirits. For example, doors slam by themselves, lights turn on in the basement, things fall from shelves for no reason, and the shelves themselves fall, even if they are firmly nailed to the walls... Eyewitnesses also saw the ghost of an old woman entering the house.

One woman, who herself lived for some time in a “bad” house, claims that she repeatedly heard the noise of a car starting next to it, although there was no trace of any car. In addition, dogs constantly bark at someone invisible.

When concluding the deal, the realtor kept silent about the rumors that circulated around the mansion. However, the buyer still found out about them and, although the purchase agreement had already been signed, demanded its termination...

The Weeping Ghosts of Beijing

Residents of China take their choice of places to build their homes very seriously. They believe that under no circumstances should you live or work near a cemetery or where crimes or suicides were committed.

In the very center of Beijing, on Chaoyangmen Street, where land costs a lot of money, there is a beautiful old building in the European style. Oddly enough, it has been empty for a long time. An Anglican church was once built on this site. The work was supervised by a British priest. However, even before construction was completed, he mysteriously disappeared. The British conducted an investigation, but found only a tunnel under the floor that led to the remote area of ​​Dashanji. After the fall of the Qin dynasty, one of the leaders of the Kuomintang party and his family settled in the house. In 1949, when the Communists came to power, he fled to Taiwan, leaving his wife and children. The wife of a Kuomintang member committed suicide out of despair. After that, local residents hear her bitter cry at night...

The authorities made several attempts to reconstruct the building. But every time one of the workers disappeared without a trace, and the team left the bad place. So the house is empty to this day...

Here is another typical example. One construction company bought a large plot of land cheaply in the Haidian district, also in Beijing, and erected a large residential complex. Investors did not know that there had once been a house on this site where a woman hanged herself. Soon, the residents who bought the apartments (and, by the way, not at all at a low price) began to wake up at night from someone’s screams and sobs. After which several old people announced to investors that they were giving up their apartments and demanded their money back.

Representatives of the construction company did not believe the story about the screaming ghost, deciding that it was some kind of whim of older people. They decided to spend the night in one of the apartments themselves. As soon as the time approached midnight, terrible screams were heard in the room. The company's employees were so scared that they rushed out into the street in their pajamas and were forced to spend the rest of the night in a nearby hotel.

The company turned to the famous Hong Kong feng shui master. He arrived by plane, inspected the site using special tools and reported that the site was completely unsuitable for construction. In short, investors suffered huge losses. What happened to the remaining residents is unknown...

Actresses don't die!

There are rumors that the ghost of the famous deceased has settled in the apartment located on Trekhprudny Lane, where the famous actress Lyudmila Gurchenko once lived and which is now empty. Neighbors on the landing, as well as those whose apartment is located directly below Gurchenko’s apartment, every now and then hear the sounds of footsteps, voices and rustles coming from there. At first, the residents did not pay attention to this, since the apartment had been undergoing renovation for a long time - they thought that there were guest workers there, who were hired by Lyudmila Markovna’s widower Sergei Senin. But when they asked the owner himself, who visits here on visits, he replied that the renovations had been completed long ago, and no one lived in the apartment...

Indeed, the neighbors noticed, no one enters the apartment and no one leaves it, and from time to time the lights in the windows come on, and the curtains change position all the time... What the hell is this? And recently, a neighbor from the apartment opposite was photographing his friend on the landing, and the footage captured something resembling a woman’s face... Many who saw the photo claim that it is none other than the late Gurchenko!

Those who don't want to leave

Parapsychologists from the Rostov Enyo center have encountered some cases that are associated with the activity of ghosts in residential buildings.

So, one man, the owner of a private house, many years ago, his mother died. The owner wanted to sell the house and move to another place, but as luck would have it, all potential buyers refused, although the price was more than acceptable... As it turned out, the spirit of a deceased woman lived in the house. During her lifetime, she asked her son never to sell this home. Only after the staff of the parapsychological center carried out “work” with the spirit and asked him to leave the house alone and go to another world, the property was sold.

Here's a very recent case. A 60-year-old woman came to the center for an appointment. It turned out that she lived with her son and mother in half of a private house that stood on the river bank.

When the family moved into the house, an elderly lady lived in another part of it. Because of her difficult character, she did not get along with her family. And then they found her body. As the official version stated, the old woman fell unsuccessfully and hit her head to death... However, it was later discovered that she had been robbed - money and gold were missing... Suspicion fell on the owner’s own niece, who had visited her aunt an hour before the tragedy. The police had no evidence of her involvement in the death of her relative; the death did not look criminal. And after some time, the niece, who inherited the house, suddenly fell ill and died...

The vacated part of the house was encroached upon by the same relatives who had been at loggerheads with the old mistress during her lifetime. But they say that everyone who wanted to register there or appropriate the property of the deceased old woman soon became seriously ill... So half the house was left without owners. And the neighbors began to hear someone walking around the empty half at night. A crash was heard, as if someone was taking objects and throwing them against the wall. The owner’s son often saw silhouettes of someone in the windows in the evenings, and the dog got into the habit of howling at night...

Of course, it was difficult to hide that something was wrong in the house from potential buyers, so the neighbor of the deceased was forced to turn to bioenergy specialists with her problem. They managed to come into contact with the spirit of their late grandmother. It turns out that the deceased woman did not realize that she was dead and continued to wander around the house, cursing her family. However, in the end, parapsychologists managed to safely deal with the ghost, and he left the world of the living...

Mystic. Journeys into the unknown

So, a young family comes to a new home - husband, wife and happy children. Or a desperate writer (journalist, artist, underline as appropriate) decides to retire to a remote mansion to spur the creative process. In general, everyone is happy and full of optimism, when suddenly something strange begins to happen around them...

1. The Shining (1980)

IMDb: 8.50
The main character, Jack Torrance, came to an elegant secluded hotel to work as a caretaker during the low season with his wife and son. Torrance had never been here before. Or is this not entirely true? The answer lies in the darkness woven from a criminal nightmare.

Awesome movie, no question. Stephen King, Jack Nicholson, mountains, mysticism. Super classic.

2. Sinister (Sinister, 2012)

IMDb: 6.80
Together with his family, the author of detective stories settles in a small town, in a house where almost a year ago a chilling tragedy unfolded - all the residents were killed. The writer accidentally finds video recordings that are the key to the mystery of the crime. But nothing comes for free: terrible things begin to happen in the house and now the lives of his loved ones are at risk. They are faced with something from which there is no escape...

3. Insidious (Insidious, 2010)

IMDb: 6.80
Josh and Rinay move with their children to a new house, but before they have time to really unpack their things, strange events begin. Objects move inexplicably, strange sounds are heard in the nursery... But parents are truly horrified when their ten-year-old son Dalton falls into a coma. All efforts of doctors at the hospital to help the boy are unsuccessful.
Several months later he is returned home, where the unfortunate child is cared for by his mother and nurse. But mysterious phenomena in the house continue. Desperate parents are ready to turn to anyone for help, and it soon turns out that Dalton, in an unconscious state, is connected with the paranormal world...

4. Secret Window (2004)

IMDb: 6.60 (113,997)
Writer Mort Rainey lives in a house on the beach, where he recently moved. Until recently, he had a wife and a career as a writer; now he meets with his wife only to once again refuse to sign the divorce papers. Mort’s creativity is also not very smooth; he starts writing and immediately erases what he has written. All day long, Mort just sleeps or looks at the computer screen. But in this measured, dreary life of his, a strange man in a black hat appears. Calling himself the Cockney Shooter, he accuses Rainey of plagiarism. Mort tries to remember how he wrote the story called Shooter, whether he really could have taken someone else's idea. Finding out all the facts, Rainey learns that Shooter wrote his story 2 years after its publication in the magazine. Mort just needs to find a copy of the magazine and Shooter will leave. But until then, a strange man in a black hat will haunt the writer and his wife.

A boring movie that seems to attract, and Johnny, as it were. But the movie is boring.

5. Hell's House (Películas para no dormir: Para entrar a vivir, 2006)

IMDb: 6.40
Mario and Clara are expecting a child and decide to look for a more spacious place to live. On the advice of a real estate agent, they go to look at the next option. It's crazy weather outside - it's been pouring rain all day. The house turns out to be a gloomy, abandoned building, standing on the outskirts. Overcoming a vague feeling of fear, the young couple goes inside... It would be better if they didn’t do this! The house turns out to be a trap from which there is no way back, and its owner is a devilish beast!

You know, for some now the topic that I’m about to raise will seem funny, but the fact is that I can’t hear my neighbors at all! In fact, not a single peep!

I don’t mean all the neighbors (although we are all very calm), but specifically one family. They live in a small one-room apartment, five of them! Husband and wife and three children. Two of the same age, in first or second grade, and a little boy, younger than our son. They always have such perfect silence that if I hadn’t met them at the entrance, on the street, I would have decided that no one lived there at all. They are not mute, I personally heard them talking while walking. From their apartment, only recently, the only sound began to be heard - a piano, and then, barely. It feels like they even play the piano in a whisper, Like ghosts, honestly. You can't see them or hear them. And I wouldn’t say that the intelligentsia, rather the opposite, the children are some kind of unwashed, this woman herself is dressed somehow and walks around with her hair combed. I can’t even imagine HOW they all fit there 36 meters away, plus a piano! But not about that now.

I am writing this because against their background I have a “screaming family” complex. It seems to me that the whole house hears us, especially me and my son (my husband always speaks quite quietly)! I’m not talking about swearing, swearing and scandals, of course, we never had that, but just about everyday sounds. TV, music (not all the time, of course), we love to laugh from the bottom of our hearts, we sing children’s songs to our son, then my son gets mad and plays around, then he falls and screams, then I say something to him in a raised voice (like, don’t go into the closet, put that Well, get off the table), but lately my son has begun to love squealing. For any reason - squeal! And when I forbid something, or hits him, and just like that, he “sings” - he squeals and laughs. My husband came home from work one day and said that on the first floor he could hear his son “singing” before going to bed. And in the bathroom he splashes around and laughs very loudly. Even though I’m not a loud-mouthed woman at all, it seems to me that, on the contrary, we can be heard by everyone and everything. Well, I can’t whisper forbid a child not to go into the toilet. He doesn't understand at all. And if you shout even a little, he immediately obeys.

In general, we live and behave like all normal people.

And I don’t understand why the neighbors are SO quiet?? Our audibility is perfect. They most likely do not have any sound insulation. They look more like low-income people than people who have good repairs.

Don’t their children play, don’t laugh at all, don’t watch cartoons, don’t get mad?? Children of different sexes, they are always fighting, swearing... What about a one-year-old baby? I have NEVER heard him cry...