Good obscenity meaning. What's going on with Russian swearing? See what “good swearing” is in other dictionaries



V.I. Chernyshev noted in the dialect of the Pushkin region (Pskov region): “It also contains word usages that explain the meanings and forms of some of our words, which have become obscured due to their isolation. So, for the word “mate”, known to us only in the expression: “ shout obscenities“, we have the use here: “ quietly swearing“to do something (secretly, in a fairy tale); "buried quietly and obscenely“(killed, in a fairy tale)” 19. In Kadnikovsky district Vologodsk. region Shaitanov stated: “ swearing (screams, works, drinks etc.), very strongly, with all his might. With bad or good obscenities (screams, roars), with severe pain" 20. A. Grandilevsky pointed out that in the Kholmogory dialect the expression is widespread dashing obscenities“in a frantic voice” (Grandilevsky, p. 189). In the column of the Siberian order of 1640: “At about four o’clock in the morning, that Siberian Cossack came to the palace and broke into the palace and the palace shouting in good custom"(Russian antiquity. 1892, vol. 76, p. 171).

In “The Adventures of Gilblaz de Santillana” (translation by Vasily Teplov): “...we all ran in fear swear words from the upper room" (Lesage G., vol. 1, St. Petersburg, 1781, p. 22). Wed. in the “Journal” of V.N. Zinoviev (1784): “I, despite the continuation of my illness, decided to curse to go" (Journal of V. N. Zinoviev’s travels in Germany, Italy, France and England in 1784-1788 // Russian antiquity, 1878, vol. 23, p. 218). In a letter from the same Zinoviev to Count S.R. Vorontsov: “Neapolitan, from the door, without waiting for what was promised, swear words rushed, ran home with half his soul and, in order to lure another to him again, threw blood” (ibid., p. 232). In a letter from V. G. Belinsky to N. V. Stankevich dated September 29 - October 8, 1839: “... I had already broken free and ran swear words"(Westerners of the 40s, p. 135). In A. F. Pisemsky’s novel “People of the Forties,” along with the repeated use of the phrase shout obscenities (yell), once the expression occurs run away with good obscenities (run): “Well, go and call Simonov here,” Vikhrov said to Zhenichka. That swear words ran and brought the old warrior with him by the hand.” Wed. in A. N. Ostrovsky’s play “It’s not all Maslenitsa for cats” in the speech of Feona (the housekeeper of the merchant Akhov): “Yesterday I went at dusk, but got lost in my own house; shouts the guard bad swearing».

The note has not been published previously. The manuscript has been preserved on 9 sheets of different formats, apparently written at different times. About the expression swear words V.V. Vinogradov also mentions in connection with the analysis of a number of phraseological units in the article “On the main types of phraseological units”: “Phraseological units can only be homonymous with the corresponding familiar words. They are absolutely independent of the lexical meanings of these homonyms. Wed, for example, fusion pour bullets..; to be under the fly or with a fly..: marvel; coward or a coward to celebrate; kill the worm; swear words(scream); soft-boiled boots; at peak interest; bribes are smooth with anyone; to the position of the vest; and ends in water; inside out; sleep in hand and so on." (Vinogradov. Selected works: Lexicology and lexicography, p. 149). - M.L.

19 Chernyshev V. Conversation of the Pushkin region // Language and thinking, 6-7. M.; L., 1936. P. 129.

20 Shaitanov. Peculiarities of the Kadnikovsk dialect. u. Vologodsk. lips // Living antiquity, 1895. Issue. 3-4 pp. 392.

V. V. Vinogradov. History of Words, 2010


See what “GOOD MAT” is in other dictionaries:

    Good obscenities- GOOD MOTHER. 1. Outdated Express Very quickly, lightning fast (jump up, run away, etc.). The scarecrow of the hares jumped up with good obscenities and grabbed his nose (M. Chulkov. Mockingbird, or Slavonic fairy tales). [Golyakov:] I jumped out of bed, thinking... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    swear words- scream with good obscenities, scream with good obscenities, shout with good obscenities... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

    Desperately, with all the strength they have, with all their might, as if they are cutting the Dictionary of Russian Synonyms. good swearing adverb, number of synonyms: 5 loudly (15) ... Synonym dictionary

    swear words- Good ma/tom (shout, yell, scream, etc.), colloquial. Very loud … Dictionary of many expressions

    1. Simple. Very loud (yelling, screaming, yelling, roaring, etc.). FSRY, 238; BMS 1998, 368; ZS 1996, 166; SHZF 2001, 20; BTS, 524; POS, 2, 28; NOS 7, 77; NOS 10, 10. 2. Nizhegor. Very quickly (run, rush, etc.). SRNG 18, 29 … Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    - (with all your might, like a blessed one (?)) to cry desperately for help, as if in evil trouble Wed. He stood on a stump and wanted to put a noose around his neck; the woman screamed with good obscenities, they came running... Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment. 2, 4. Wed. The dog... began to grab... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Scream with good obscenities (with all your might, like a blessed one (?)), cry desperately for help, as if in “evil trouble.” Wed. He stood on his stump and wanted to put a noose around his neck; the woman screamed with good obscenities, they came running... Dostoevsky. Crime and punishment... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    shout, yell obscenities- colloquial Very loud … Dictionary of many expressions

    Adj., number of synonyms: 19 screaming (41) bawling (43) bawling (34) ... Synonym dictionary

    Adj., number of synonyms: 33 screaming (41) screaming with good obscenities (19) bawling ... Synonym dictionary

GOOD MOTHER. 1. Outdated Express Very quickly, lightning fast (jump up, run away, etc.). The scarecrow of hares jumped up with good obscenities and grabbed his nose(M. Chulkov. Mockingbird, or Slavonic tales). [ Golyakov:] I jumped out of bed, thinking that some kind of tunnel had been blown up(Derzhavin. Miners). 2. Simple Express Very loudly, frantically; at the top of your lungs (yell, shout, scream, etc.). - I was just driving around the herds. Suddenly I hear someone yelling obscenities, yelling so loudly that I can’t figure out whether it’s a man or a pig.(A. Kozhevnikov. Living Water).

  • - Scream with good obscenities), cry desperately for help, as in “evil trouble.” Wed. He stood on his stump and wanted to put a noose around his neck; the woman screamed with good obscenities, they came running... Dostoevsky. Crime and punishment. 2, 4...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - obscenity adv. quality-circumstances Using mat IV, obscene words...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - m "atom, adv...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • -) - cry desperately for help, as in “evil trouble” Wed. He stood on a stump and wanted to put a noose around his neck; the woman screamed with good obscenities, they came running... Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment. 2, 4. Wed. Dog.....

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - GOOD MOTHER. 1. Outdated Express Very fast, lightning fast. The scarecrow of the hares jumped up with good obscenities and grabbed his nose. I jumped out of bed, thinking that some kind of tunnel had been blown up. 2. Simple. Express...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - A living person beats a dead person, a dead person screams obscenities, people run to the cry...
  • - See SEARCH -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - 1. Simple. Very loud. FSRY, 238; BMS 1998, 368; ZS 1996, 166; SHZF 2001, 20; BTS, 524; POS, 2, 28; NOS 7, 77; NOS 10, 10. 2. Nizhegor. Very fast. SRNG 18, 29...
  • - Sib. Same as good swearing 1. SRNG 18, 19; SPS, 26; FSS, 110...

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  • - desperately, with all my might, with all my might, as if...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 19 screaming, bawling, bawling, tearing the throat, tearing the throat with a scream, screaming, screaming, screaming with good obscenities, screaming at the top of his lungs ...

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  • - adj., number of synonyms: 22 who remembered his parents, who swore, who swore, who expressed himself, who expressed himself in obscene language, who expressed himself in obscene words, who expressed himself after his mother...

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  • - swear, swear, see also swear,...

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  • - adj., number of synonyms: 33 screaming screaming with good obscenities bawling loudly screaming tearing the throat tearing the throat tearing the chest with a cry screaming screaming screaming in...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 20 screaming screaming with good obscenities bawling loudly tearing the throat tearing the throat with a scream screaming screaming screaming with good obscenities ...

    Synonym dictionary

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V.I. Chernyshev noted in the dialect of the Pushkin region (Pskov region): “It also contains word usages that explain the meanings and forms of some of our words, which have become obscured due to their isolation. So, for the word “mate”, known to us only in the expression: “ shout obscenities“, we have the use here: “ quietly swearing“to do something (secretly, in a fairy tale); "buried quietly and obscenely“(killed, in a fairy tale).” In Kadnikovsky district Vologodsk. region Shaitanov stated: “ swearing (screams, works, drinks etc.), very strongly, with all his might. With bad or good obscenities (screams, roars), with severe pain." A. Grandilevsky pointed out that in the Kholmogory dialect the expression is widespread dashing obscenities“in a frantic voice” (Grandilevsky, p. 189). In the column of the Siberian Order of 1640: “At about four o’clock in the morning, that Siberian Cossack came to the palace and broke into the palace and the palace shouting in good custom"(Russian antiquity. 1892, vol. 76, p. 171).

In “The Adventures of Gilblaz de Santillana” (translation by Vasily Teplov): “...we all ran in fear swear words from the upper room" (Lesage G., vol. 1, St. Petersburg, 1781, p. 22). Wed. in the “Journal” of V.N. Zinoviev (1784): “I, despite the continuation of my illness, decided to curse to go" (Journal of V. N. Zinoviev’s travels in Germany, Italy, France and England in 1784–1788 // Russian antiquity, 1878, vol. 23, p. 218). In a letter from the same Zinoviev to Count S.R. Vorontsov: “Neapolitan, from the door, without waiting for what was promised, swear words rushed, ran home with half his soul and, in order to lure another to him again, threw blood” (ibid., p. 232). In a letter from V. G. Belinsky to N. V. Stankevich dated September 29 – October 8, 1839: “... I had already broken free and ran swear words"(Westerners of the 40s, p. 135). In A. F. Pisemsky’s novel “People of the Forties,” along with the repeated use of the phrase shout obscenities (yell), once the expression occurs run away with good obscenities (run): “Well, go and call Simonov here,” Vikhrov said to Zhenichka. That swear words ran and brought the old warrior with him by the hand.” Wed. in A. N. Ostrovsky’s play “It’s not all Maslenitsa for cats” in the speech of Feona (the housekeeper of the merchant Akhov): “Yesterday I went at dusk, but got lost in my own house; shouts the guard bad swearing».

The note has not been published previously. The manuscript has been preserved on 9 sheets of different formats, apparently written at different times. About the expression swear words V.V. Vinogradov also mentions in connection with the analysis of a number of phraseological units in the article “On the main types of phraseological units”: “Phraseological units can only be homonymous with the corresponding familiar words. They are absolutely independent of the lexical meanings of these homonyms. Wed, for example, fusion pour bullets..; to be under the fly or with a fly..: marvel; coward or a coward to celebrate; kill the worm; swear words(scream); soft-boiled boots; at peak interest; bribes are smooth with anyone; to the position of the vest; and ends in water; inside out; sleep in hand and so on." (Vinogradov. Selected works: Lexicology and lexicography, p. 149). – M.L.

Good obscenities GOOD MOTHER. 1. Outdated Express Very quickly, lightning fast (jump up, run away, etc.). The scarecrow of hares jumped up with good obscenities and grabbed his nose(M. Chulkov. Mockingbird, or Slavonic tales). [ Golyakov:] I jumped out of bed, thinking that some kind of tunnel had been blown up(Derzhavin. Miners). 2. Simple Express Very loudly, frantically; at the top of your lungs (yell, shout, scream, etc.). - I was just driving around the herds. Suddenly I hear someone yelling obscenities, yelling so loudly that I can’t figure out whether it’s a man or a pig.(A. Kozhevnikov. Living Water).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


See what “Blagiem obscenities” is in other dictionaries:

    GOOD MATE- V.I. Chernyshev noted in the dialect of the Pushkin region (Pskov region): “It also contains word usages that explain the meanings and forms of some of our words, which have become obscured due to their isolation. So, for the word “mate”, known to us... ... History of words

    swear words- scream with good obscenities, scream with good obscenities, shout with good obscenities... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

    swear words- desperately, with all their strength, with all their might, as if they were cutting the Dictionary of Russian Synonyms. good swearing adverb, number of synonyms: 5 loudly (15) ... Synonym dictionary

    swear words- Good ma/tom (shout, yell, scream, etc.), colloquial. Very loud … Dictionary of many expressions

    Good obscenities- 1. Simple. Very loud (yelling, screaming, yelling, roaring, etc.). FSRY, 238; BMS 1998, 368; ZS 1996, 166; SHZF 2001, 20; BTS, 524; POS, 2, 28; NOS 7, 77; NOS 10, 10. 2. Nizhegor. Very quickly (run, rush, etc.). SRNG 18, 29 … Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    shout obscenities- (with all your might, like a blessed one (?)) to cry desperately for help, as if in evil trouble Wed. He stood on a stump and wanted to put a noose around his neck; the woman screamed with good obscenities, they came running... Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment. 2, 4. Wed. The dog... began to grab... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Shout good obscenities- Scream with good obscenities (with all your might, like a blessed one (?)), cry desperately for help, as if in “evil trouble.” Wed. He stood on his stump and wanted to put a noose around his neck; the woman screamed with good obscenities, they came running... Dostoevsky. Crime and punishment... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    shout, yell obscenities- colloquial Very loud … Dictionary of many expressions

    screaming obscenities- adj., number of synonyms: 19 screaming (41) bawling (43) bawling (34) ... Synonym dictionary

    screaming obscenities- adj., number of synonyms: 33 screaming (41) screaming with good obscenities (19) bawling ... Synonym dictionary


  • Divisional medical battalion without embellishment. Series “Immortal Regiment”, Alexander Shcherbakov-Izhevsky. They didn’t even brush the blood off the operating tables; they didn’t have time. The anesthesia was ethereal. There was no Novocaine, and the morphine was running out. When the insides were cut out live or a leg was sawed off with a hacksaw...