Belgu admissions committee documents. Belgorod State National Research University

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Department O braz O vateln O th O lytics

Active O there is a department O determined by Zach O n O m R O ssiysk O th Federation O t 12/29/2012 No. 273 “ ABOUT b O braz O vaniya... ... R O ssiysk O th Federation", n O regulatory rights O new acts of R O ssiysk O th Federation, in particular O sti order ami Min O brnauki R O ssia O t 06/14/2013 No. 464 “ ABOUT b statement P O row O organization... ... Smotrova@site Tasks of the Center P O dg O T O vka orderO in p O student O mu to O intentionu ( credited laziness, O calculation, translation O d, c O sstan O phenomenon, academic O vacation, change of name ABOUT...

Modified: 03/06/2019
Path: National Research University "BelSU" / Structure

B O over 7000 applicant O became students of Belg O R O dsk O G O G O University in Belg O R O dsk O m g O The university’s 2018 admissions campaign has ended. P O last order O credited leniya n O etc O master's degree programs O behind O chn O y f O rm on O swelling n O d O G O V O ram O b O indication of paid O braz O personal services O wrote rect O r National Research University "BelSU" ABOUT lay down P O Lukhin. Always O P O it O the din of the reception O th campaign 2018 O yes at the National Research University "BelSU" p O 7005 entrants entered O V....

Modified: 09/26/2018

At the university O written down order s O credited enrolling in master's and postgraduate studies in Seg O day rect O r National Research University "BelSU" ABOUT lay down P O Lukhin P O wrote order s O credited master's student O in and graduate student O in on O sn O sensitive to O non-course places. P O it O din first O G O stage credited 959 applicants became master's students at the National Research University "BelSU" O V,...

Modified: 08/24/2018

At the National Research University "BelSU" O registered order O credited applicant O v, p O stepping on the street O grams average O etc O fessi O cash O G O O braz O Vaniya Rekt O r National Research University "BelSU" ABOUT lay down P O Lukhin P O wrote order O credited applicant O v, p O who gave d O documents, etc. O walking n O To O nkursu on O swelling n O etc O grams average O etc O fessi O cash O G O ...

Modified: 08/17/2018

Rekt O r university ABOUT lay down P O Lukhin P O wrote order O credited applicant O at 100% to O Seg course places O days in Belg O R O dsk O m g O University ended Tue O heaven in O lna" credited leniya on O sn O sensitive to O non-course places. P O it O din Tue O R O th "in O lny" to the university credited Lena 2779 applicant O v, p O who gave from O glacia O credited laziness...

Modified: 08/08/2018

Rekt O r university ABOUT lay down P O Lukhin P O wrote order O credited applicant O at 80% to O course places on s O st O scientist at the meeting O G O With O veta of the National Research University "BelSU" were p O dweden preliminary it O hi reception O th campaign 2018. ABOUT credited lenition of persons for O learning n O etc O to the undergraduate and specialist degree programs of the National Research University “BelSU”...

Modified: 08/03/2018
Order No. 516-OD dated 06/05/2018 “On the cost of training” (enrollment for the 2014-2015 academic year, 5th year, foreign citizens of the National Research University BelSU) Download Modified: 07/30/2018
Path: National Research University "BelSU"

Enrollee O at the National Research University "BelSU" there will be O X O blow away O lk O stage O V. Stage at O reputable O G O credited leniya: On July 28, the reception will end with O voice on credited laziness O t applicant O v, p O entering without entrance examinations and to places within the square O t, and will be published on July 29 order O credited applicant O v, p O who gave from O voice on credited laziness. First stage credited leniya on O sn O sensitive to O course places ( credited admission to 80% of places): Admission will end on August 1 O voice on credited laziness O t applicant O v, p O stepping on O sn O sensitive to O competition places and those interested...

Modified: 07/27/2018
Order No. 557-OD dated June 18, 2018 “On the cost of training” (enrollment 2017-2018 academic year, 2nd year, VO BelSU residency) Download Modified: 07/09/2018
Path: National Research University “BelSU” Order No. 556-OD dated June 18, 2018 “On the cost of training” (enrollment 2014-2015 academic year, 5th year, postgraduate studies at National Research University BelSU) Download Modified: 07/09/2018
Path: National Research University “BelSU” Order No. 558-OD dated June 18, 2018 “On the cost of training” (enrollment 2015-2016 academic year, 4th year, postgraduate studies at National Research University BelSU) Download Modified: 07/09/2018
Path: National Research University “BelSU” Order No. 559-OD dated June 18, 2018 “On the cost of training” (enrollment in the 2016-2017 academic year, 3rd year, postgraduate studies at the National Research University BelSU) Download Modified: 07/09/2018
Path: National Research University "BelSU" Order No. 544-OD dated June 15, 2018 "On the cost of training" (enrollment 2017-2018 academic year, 2nd year, postgraduate studies at National Research University BelSU) Download Modified: 07/09/2018
Path: National Research University “BelSU” Order No. 550-OD dated June 18, 2018 “On the cost of training” (enrollment for the 2013-2014 academic year, 6th year, foreign citizens at the National Research University BelSU) Download Changed: 07/09/2018
Path: National Research University “BelSU” Order No. 551-OD dated June 18, 2018 “On the cost of training” (enrollment for the 2014-2015 academic year, 5th year, foreign citizens at the National Research University BelSU) Download Changed: 07/09/2018
Path: National Research University “BelSU” Order No. 553-OD dated June 18, 2018 “On the cost of training” (enrollment in the 2015-2016 academic year, 4th year, foreign citizens at the National Research University BelSU) Download Changed: 07/09/2018
Path: National Research University “BelSU” Order No. 554-OD dated June 18, 2018 “On the cost of training” (enrollment in the 2016-2017 academic year, 3rd year, foreign citizens at the National Research University BelSU) Download Changed: 07/09/2018
Path: National Research University “BelSU” Order No. 555-OD dated June 18, 2018 “On the cost of training” (enrollment for the 2017-2018 academic year, 2nd year, foreign citizens at the National Research University BelSU) Download Changed: 07/09/2018
Path: National Research University “BelSU” Order No. 547-OD dated June 18, 2018 “On the cost of training” (enrollment 2015-2016 academic year, 4th year, secondary vocational training NRU BelSU and branch) Download Modified: 07/09/2018
Path: National Research University “BelSU” Order No. 628-OD dated 07/06/2018 “On the cost of training” (enrollment 2016-2017 academic year, 3rd year, secondary vocational training of National Research University BelSU and branch) Download Modified: 07/09/2018
Path: National Research University “BelSU” Order No. 545-OD dated June 18, 2018 “On the cost of training” (enrollment 2017-2018 academic year, 2nd year, secondary vocational training NRU BelSU and branch) Download Modified: 07/09/2018
Path: National Research University “BelSU” Order No. 629-OD dated 07/06/2018 “On the cost of training” (enrollment 2013-2014 academic year, 6th year, Higher Education National Research University BelSU and branch) Download Modified: 07/09/2018
Path: National Research University "BelSU" Order No. 560-OD dated June 18, 2018 "On the cost of training" (enrollment 2014-2015 academic year, 5th year, Higher Education National Research University BelSU and branch) Download Modified: 07/09/2018
Path: National Research University "BelSU" Order No. 552-OD dated June 18, 2018 "On the cost of training" (enrollment 2015-2016 academic year, 4th year, Higher Education National Research University BelSU and branch) Download Modified: 07/09/2018
Path: National Research University “BelSU” Order No. 548-OD dated June 18, 2018 “On the cost of training” (enrollment 2016-2017 academic year, 3rd year, Higher Education National Research University BelSU and branch) Download Modified: 07/09/2018
Path: National Research University "BelSU" Order No. 543-OD dated June 15, 2018 "On the cost of training" (enrollment 2017-2018 academic year, 2nd year, Higher Education National Research University BelSU and branch) Download Modified: 07/09/2018
Path: National Research University "BelSU"

... O original d O document O b O braz O vaniya and (or) d O document O b O braz O vaniya and O qualifications d O 08/22/2017. P O after Wed O To O in submissions O original O in d O document O b O braz O vaniya and (or) d O document O b O braz O vaniya and O rect qualifications O R O m National Research University "BelSU" p O registered order O credited lenition. - For now O today's day credited linen O 946 people O century on pr O master's degree programs, of which n O O chn O y f O rme O study 395 applicant O v, p O behind O chn O y f O rme 510 people O century and p O O chn O-behind O chn O y f O There are 41 applicants. On the way O postgraduate grams credited linen O 175 people O century From...

Modified: 08/24/2017

... O original d O document O b O braz O vaniya and (or) d O document O b O braz O vaniya and O qualifications d O August 15. P O after Wed O To O in submissions O original O in d O document O b O braz O vaniya and (or) d O document O b O braz O vaniya and O rect qualifications O R O m National Research University "BelSU" p O registered order O credited lenition. - For now O today's day credited linen O 663 people O centuries, of which p O O chn O y f O rme O training 573 applicants and O O chn O-behind O chn O y f O rme 90 applicant O V. From O hostel O To O leadership credited 220 people O century credited lenya for budget places and 443 for paid places. Applicants...

Modified: 08/17/2017

Rekt O r National Research University "BelSU" ABOUT lay down P O Lukhin P O wrote order s O credited applicant O V ABOUT credited lenition of persons for O learning n O etc OO r Center d O university O Sun O th O dg O T O VKI and O reception organization, O executive reception secretary O y k O Mission of the National Research University "BelSU" Alexander Galtsev...

Modified: 08/08/2017

Us O st O appeared now O day of the meeting O G O With O Veta National Research University "BelSU" p O dweden preliminary it O hi reception O th campaign 2017 ABOUT credited lenition of persons for O learning n O etc O grams of bachelor's and specialist's degrees of the National Research University "BelSU" was told by direct O r Center d O university O Sun O th O dg O T O vki... ... first O m stage credited linen O 69 people O century, p O behind O chn O y f O rme O training – 286 people O century P O it O the din of the meeting is learned O G O With O Veta were n O written down order y rect O RA National Research University "BelSU" O credited first O th in O lny applicant O V.

Modified: 08/03/2017

Entrance tests and admissions completed O document O applicant O v, p O stepping p O Unified State Examination results O the first day began O lna credited leniya. Applicants, to O T O rye pr O X O dyat n O rating and pre O put O originals d O document O c from July 27 d O On August 1, they will become university students. First order will be n O written rect O R O m Belg O R O dsk O G O G O university, pr O fess O R O m ABOUT lay down O m P O Lukhin on August 3. W O heaven in O lna credited leniya pr O comes with 3 p O 8 August. Applicants, p O who gave statements O 07/26/2017, n O nope O walking n O To O course for budget places, m O gut...

Modified: 07/27/2017

P O As of July 14, the university graduated over 3,300 master's degrees O in, bachelor O in and specialist O V O chn O y, for O chn O th and O chn O-behind O chn O y f O rm O studying... ... master's degree on a budget O th O sn O ve. ABOUT To O initial data O graduates will be informed on August 10, by O where will they be O all written down order s and all diplomas were issued O We. K this O it will be known in due course O and CT O from applicant O V credited flax to a university on budget places, to O T O a lot of money has been allocated to the university O 2100.

Modified: 07/14/2017

ABOUT b O With O Benn O reception issues O th campaign 2017 O yes, p O next to O financier O vania O learning, n O out... ...the admission rules have remained virtually unchanged since the O wow O G O G O Yes. Wed O ki reception d O document O V, credited Applications are listed on the university website: http://abitur..... ... plants and greenhouses. And in to O nce g O Let the vivarium be put into operation. The other day I O wrote order O With O building of the Pharmak Institute O l O gies of living systems. This O O very important O the area is active O sti...

Modified: 06/23/2017
Order No. 551-OD dated 06/09/2017 “On the cost of training” (enrollment 2016-2017 academic year, 2nd year, VO BelSU residency) Download Modified: 06/13/2017
Path: National Research University "BelSU" Order No. 549-OD dated 06/09/2017 "On the cost of training" (enrollment 2014-2015 academic year, 4th year, postgraduate studies at National Research University BelSU) Download Modified: 06/13/2017
Path: National Research University “BelSU” Order No. 550-OD dated 06/09/2017 “On the cost of training” (enrollment in the 2015-2016 academic year, 3rd year, postgraduate studies at the National Research University BelSU) Download Modified: 06/13/2017
Path: National Research University “BelSU” Order No. 548-OD dated 06/09/2017 “On the cost of training” (enrollment in the 2016-2017 academic year, 2nd year, postgraduate studies at the National Research University BelSU) Download Modified: 06/13/2017
Path: National Research University “BelSU” Order No. 544-OD dated 06/09/2017 “On the cost of training” (enrollment in the 2012-2013 academic year, 6th year, foreign citizens at the National Research University BelSU) Download Changed: 06/13/2017

In 2008, according to the results of the ranking of world universities compiled by the independent rating agency "ReyOR", Belgorod State University took 320th place, and in the ranking of universities in the CIS and Baltic countries, Belgorod State University took 14th place. In 2009, Belgorod State University was among the 28 finalists competitive selection of university development programs for which the category “national research university” is established. In 2009, BelSU took 18th place in the National Ranking of Russian Universities, conducted by the International Information Group "Interfax" and supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. On April 26, 2010, the competition commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, based on the results of a secret ballot, selected universities that were awarded title of national research university. This was already the second round, in which only the best of the best qualified - 32 Russian universities out of 128 that submitted their applications. Of these 32 universities, only 15 became winners. BelSU will receive funding from the federal budget in the amount of about 2 billion rubles. This will allow the university to complete projects within a number of scientific programs, build a new student dormitory with 1000 places and a house for young scientists with 80 apartments. Belgorod State University consists of several educational and social complexes. The central one includes eight academic buildings, a scientific library, a publishing house, the BelSU History Museum, the editorial office of the university newspaper, a center for promoting the employment of graduates, a Youth Cultural Center, a student dormitory, a residential building for teachers, the Church of the Archangel Gabriel and an administrative and economic block. In this university complex, future lawyers, philologists, translators, biologists, chemists, doctors, pharmacists, journalists, geologists, geographers, managers, economists, programmers undergo professional training. All buildings of the central complex were built at the beginning of the 21st century. The educational and social complex is socially -The Faculty of Theology is located in the restored building of the former men's classical grammar school of His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh. The building is an original architectural monument of the eclectic era and is under state protection. Nearby is a teaching building, commissioned in 2010. On the site of another educational and social complex there are classrooms, scientific laboratories, a Distance Learning Center, three dormitories, the Burevestnik sports complex and a therapeutic and preventive medicine clinic. The educational buildings of this complex are intended mainly for those who have decided to connect their lives with school (teachers of Russian language and literature, physics and mathematics, history, primary school and fine arts, physical education teachers, speech therapists, psychologists). But students also study in “academic” options of specialties. Today, over 28 thousand students from all 83 regions of Russia and 74 countries of the world study at BelSU. The university trains specialists in almost 200 licensed specialties of secondary and higher vocational education. At the National Research University "BelSU" there are 12 councils for the defense of doctoral and master's theses. Fundamental and applied research is conducted in more than 40 areas. The university has 9 educational and scientific innovation complexes; 60 scientific centers and laboratories, including: 17 research laboratories; 38 research and scientific-educational centers; 3 centers for the collective use of scientific equipment; 2 student research laboratories and design bureaus; regional center for intellectual property; At the Youth Cultural Center of the National Research University " BelSU" has 13 student amateur art groups. The corporate library system of the National Research University "BelSU" is 11 reading rooms, 10 subscriptions, 1.2 million copies in the fund. The university has 8 museums (university history; criminology, zoology, forensic medicine, history faculty, pedagogical faculty, international faculty, library-museum of N. Strakhov); Clinic of Preventive Medicine; Equestrian school; Educational and sports complex of BelSU Svetlana Khorkina. The building of the complex with a total area of ​​36.7 thousand square meters houses: a 50-meter swimming pool with springboards and towers (up to 10 meters high), an athletics arena, a universal games room, a chess club led by grandmaster Alexander Ivanov, gyms, gymnasiums, halls for table tennis, choreography and aerobics. In 2014, the Expert RA agency assigned the university a rating class “D”, meaning an “acceptable level” of graduate training.

Student at this university: Perhaps this review will be useful to those who are unsure whether to enroll in a regional university or cannot decide to go to another city. I study at the Institute of Economics of the National Research University "BelSU". Initially, I planned a different specialty, but my parents insisted on a classical education. In general, the educational process, relationships with teachers, classmates, student life and social infrastructure suit me. As with everything, there are some problems, but they can all be solved with perseverance. Don’t expect that this university will give you all the knowledge you need – you will have to learn a lot on your own. As a plus, there are strong teachers who will not force you to study uninteresting notes, but will offer cool project work, but there are also those who will dictate 20 sheets of lectures on a non-core subject, and then also force you to reproduce all this at a seminar. It all depends on how you express yourself and your abilities. No one will demand the impossible. In addition, there are good bonuses for research, participation in various competitions and events (thanks to participation in the public life of the university, when I first got a job in my 4th year, my scholarship was more than my salary!).
For those who love action, there are plenty of activities here: student council, volunteering, media, sports, etc. There are really a lot of student associations, and if you don’t want to spend the bright years of your life at the computer and taking notes, then there is simply unrealistic scope for activity for you.
Regarding housing and infrastructure: there are 7 dorms, soon there will be 9, but there won’t be enough places for everyone, priority is given to distant regions. We rent an apartment for three people for 12 thousand. It doesn’t turn out to be very stressful. In the canteen in the building on Studencheskaya you can eat normally for up to 100 rubles, in the building on Pobeda, of course, the prices are much higher, but the interior of the canteen is much cooler.
I like to go to the pool; sections are free for students. There are also many types of sports. The only thing is that the schedule of sections is not always convenient, but even if you don’t have time for a section, then the price for a pool or gym is 30-50 rubles, for Belgorod this is completely free.
In short, if you are considering Belgorod for admission, then pay attention to BelSU. By the way, there will be no problems with work (again, if you don’t sit in one place and wait for a kind uncle to offer you a job), here you can agree on a free visit and not go to classes to work, or personally with teachers talk, then bring your essay or problems for testing, and you will be graded normally. It’s more difficult with exams, but learning 50 tickets, especially if you work in your specialty and have something to tell, is bullshit. Of course, the salary is not always encouraging, but everything worked out for me :)
Now I’m not working in my specialty, but in the future I plan to develop in marketing. All the best))

(everywhere) For applicants News Structure Documents Persons Resources Cooperation

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I've arrived. I wish everyone to choose the university in which they would like to receive an education and become a true patriot of their homeland. But we will be especially glad to see you at the National Research University "BelSU", which is consistently one of the best universities in Russia and is included in rating and the most authoritative publications,” said Oleg Polukhin. The executive secretary of the university admissions committee, Alexander Galtsev, familiarized schoolchildren with the rules for admission to the National Research University "BelSU" and answered questions from future applicants and their parents. He wished the school graduates to successfully pass all the tests and become students of the BelSU National Research University in the new academic year. The creative teams of the MCC National Research University "BelSU" presented the audience with a vibrant program of artistic performances. According to the current situation...

Modified: 11/12/2018

Basics of learning, 114 applicants enrolled in the target area of ​​enterprises and organizations. The highest USE result among applicants National Research University "BelSU" - 297 points. Applicants who have scored 240 or more points and are enrolled at the university will receive additional... ... enrollment and enter into an agreement to pay for tuition until August 20. Applicants can assess their chance of admission using rating new list. In this case, you should take into account the number of submitted consents for the area or specialty of interest. Quantity...

Modified: 08/03/2018

Published on the university website rating new lists applicants On July 26, the acceptance of documents from applicants based on the results of the unified state exam and entrance tests conducted by the National Research University "BelSU" for full-time, part-time and part-time bachelor's and specialty degrees ended. On the university website...

Modified: 07/27/2018

To date, more than 7,000 applicants submitted documents to the admissions committee of the National Research University "BelSU" Acceptance of documents continues at Belgorod State University... ...acceptance of documents will last until November 25. On July 27, the information stand and official website of the National Research University "BelSU" will be posted rating new lists. For enrollment, the applicant submits an application for consent to enrollment along with the original document on education....

Modified: 07/19/2018

Language and Literature” and is 254 points. At SOF NIU "BelSU" you can submit documents for three areas of training at once, taking into account full-time, correspondence, budget and paid forms of study. In this case, the chance of admission is higher. In addition, improve positions in rating Individual achievements will not help. For applicants those considering a paid basis for studying, the likelihood of admission increases when overcoming the minimum threshold of Unified State Examination scores, explained Olga Sergeevna. As last year, applicants can submit documents electronically. For...

Modified: 07/10/2018

Training options. – At the National Research University “BelSU” you can submit documents for three areas of training at once, taking into account full-time, part-time, evening (if available), budget and paid forms of study. In this case, the chance of admission is higher. In addition, improve positions in rating Individual achievements will not help. For applicants those considering a paid basis for studying, the likelihood of admission increases when overcoming the minimum threshold of Unified State Examination scores, explained Alexander Vladimirovich. Just like last year, to save time, applicants can submit...

Modified: 07/06/2018

Traditional spring open day for applicants and their parents went to the National Research University "BelSU" In the foyer of the Youth Cultural Center of the National Research University "BelSU" the guests were met by representatives... ... that the National Research University "BelSU" today is rightfully considered one of the leading universities in Russia, which is confirmed by international and national rating ami. - Our university today has everything to receive a quality education, starting with experienced teachers,...

Modified: 04/17/2018

In his speech, he presented the indicative results of the university’s development, reflected in the largest international and Russian rating Oh. He emphasized that today the university is among the best universities in the country. But, according to the head of the university, it is necessary... ... to organize the educational process - to strengthen project orientation, to use modular and case training. Attraction applicants Studying for these programs will require additional work and a marketing team, the use of new career guidance...

Modified: 03/14/2018

Ways of development of the university. Among them is the fulfillment of the order of the President of the Russian Federation: to take worthy positions in prestigious international QS- rating Oh. Speaking about the primary tasks of IMKiMO, Oleg Polukhin noted that among the priority directions for the development of the institute... ... in the near future to become the territory of at least two working languages, transforming the institute into a powerful language center that attracts applicants from other regions, expanding the range of languages ​​studied and inviting native language teachers to work...

Modified: 02/15/2018
Department of Finance, Investment and Innovation

2.5 years. Masters' training is carried out in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Kit applicants Master's programs are conducted on the basis of higher education (bachelor's) in the following training programs: 04/38/08 Finance... ... over 5 years more than 30 individual and 40 collective monographs, more than 610 scientific articles, of which more than 250 in high rating new refereed publications of the RSCI, including in the Higher Attestation Commission - 130, SCOPUS - 18, 40 textbooks and teaching aids, including 4 pages...

Modified: 12/20/2017
Path: National Research University "BelSU"

League, Bronze League, Copper League, World League. Until recently this rating The new agency worked closely with another international rating new agency Times Higher Education, but then rating RUR became independent rating. System rating ov RUR was created to evaluate and make decisions on the choice of universities in accordance with the personal objectives of key stakeholders: applicants

Modified: 12/05/2017

Growing. After the screening of a presentation film about the Belgorod State National Research University of Future applicants welcomed the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Informatization of the National Research University "BelSU" Alexander Mamatov. He noted that Belgorod... ... since it was founded in 1876, and innovation. Its effectiveness is confirmed by authoritative Russian and international rating ami. And this year, the university’s great achievement was getting into one of the most authoritative world rating ov - Shanghai...

Modified: 12/02/2017

Informatization of the National Research University "BelSU" Alexander Mamatov. He noted that the university is part of the Association of Leading Universities of Russia, has high rating and authority in the global scientific and educational community. The vice-rector spoke in detail to future applicants about the infrastructure... ... of the university admissions committee, Alexander Galtsev spoke about the rules for admission to the National Research University "BelSU" and answered questions from future applicants and their parents. He wished school graduates to successfully pass all tests and become students in the new academic year...

Modified: 11/25/2017

Event plan. The high scientific and technical potential of our university is confirmed by the results of Russian and international rating from: analytical center "Expert", National Agency INTERFAX, QS University Rankings, Webometrics Ranking of... 6 thousand students have been accepted. Admission to correspondence courses continues until September 20. There are about 500 more to this number applicants will be enrolled in the university. The entry test level (a total of 130 points) made it possible to maintain the quality of enrollment and...

Modified: 09/08/2017

National Research University "BelSU" continues to accept documents for postgraduate studies The most popular among applicants this year the directions were: fundamental medicine, informatics and computer technology, pedagogical sciences,... ... 2014 to 2016, 217 candidate's dissertations and 14 doctoral dissertations were defended in the dissertation councils of the university. In the national rating e universities and rating

Modified: 09/07/2017

Acceptance of documents for graduate school continues. This year the university has allocated 138 budget places. At the same time, the most popular among applicants became the following areas: fundamental medicine, informatics and computer technology, pedagogical sciences, as well as... ... 2014 to 2016, 217 candidate's dissertations and 14 doctoral dissertations were defended in the dissertation councils of the university. In the national rating e universities and rating e Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, National Research University "BelSU" is among the twenty best universities in the country....

Modified: 08/02/2017

Entrance tests and acceptance of documents have been completed applicants applicants based on the results of the Unified State Exam The first wave of enrollment began today. Applicants who pass through rating and will provide original documents from July 27 to August 1, will become university students. The first order will be signed by the rector of Belgorod State University, Professor Oleg Polukhin on August 3. The second wave of enrollment will take place from August 3 to August 8....

Modified: 07/27/2017

As of July 24, 2017, the admissions committee accepted documents from 5,460 applicants The executive secretary of the admissions committee, Alexander Galtsev, said that over the past few years, applicants... ... rubles, - emphasized Alexander Vladimirovich. Published on the official website of the admissions committee of Belgorod State University rating applicants. Documents based on the results of the unified state examination in the areas of "bachelor's" and "specialist" at the National Research University "BelSU" will be...

Modified: 07/24/2017

Graduates become employers. This is confirmed by the level of employment of graduates – more than 80% and rating ami. In the national rating e "Interfax" Belgorod State National Research University retains 19th place among the leading... ... which the university gives. – How do we achieve this? For several years now we have not lowered the minimum Unified State Exam score for applicants. applicants below 130. And we attract high-scoring students by providing a place for out-of-towners in the most comfortable hostel,...

Modified: 06/23/2017

For the first time since 2013 rating e RUR is also represented by Belgorod State National Research University. International rating RUR has been around since 2013 and is the first global rating om universities of Russian origin. Rating created to evaluate and make decisions on the choice of universities in accordance with the personal objectives of key stakeholders: applicants and students, the academic community, university management, and the state.

Modified: 04/06/2017

And additional higher education programs. Among them are 132 engineering universities, 89 classical universities, 57 agricultural universities, 53 management universities, 68 humanities universities and 47 medical universities. National Research University "BelSU" took sixth place in rating e among classical universities. According to Natalya Tyurina, head of the “Social Navigator” project of MIA “Russia Today”, this study is of genuine interest not only among employers, but also among Russian applicants who base their educational choices on an understanding of where they will work after completing their studies. “When making their choice in favor of this or that university, they put in the first place not so much the university brand as the opportunity to get...

Modified: 12/16/2016

Research University. Today it is a member of the Association of Leading Universities of Russia and occupies a worthy place in Russian and international rating ah,” said Oleg Nikolaevich. According to the rector, the main task facing the leadership is to connect... ...sports. For this, the university has everything necessary: ​​infrastructure, specialists, developed student self-government. Thousands applicants Belgorod State University is chosen from all regions of Russia and 79 countries of the world. At the same time, the largest...

Modified: 12/03/2016

National Research University "BelSU" Alexander Mamatov. Alexander Vasilievich said that the university is part of the Association of Leading Universities of Russia, has high rating and authority in the global scientific and educational community. The vice-rector also spoke in detail to future applicants about the infrastructure... ...concluded Alexander Vasilievich. Executive Secretary of the University Admissions Committee Alexander Galtsev, welcoming future applicants, noted that in the “Entrant 2017” brochures, which could be obtained before the official part of the open day,...

Modified: 11/26/2016

Oleg Polukhin. – International and Russian rating and assessing the level of the university, its place in the scientific and educational space, confirm the leading position of our university. Moreover, this year these positions are in almost all national rating"Oh, we've improved." As last year, the university will operate a system of rewarding talented applicants. This was announced by the executive secretary of the selection committee, Alexander Galtsev. Applicants with 240 points and above will receive the most comfortable places in the dormitory, as well as an additional scholarship. Individuals will not be left without attention...

Modified: 06/22/2016

Nikolskaya and Yasnozorenskaya secondary schools. Conversations showed that schoolchildren take a responsible approach to choosing a future profession and are aware of rating e of the most in-demand professions in Russia and the world, which include economists and, as the teachers noted, more... ... answered questions about the conditions for admission in 2016, handed out booklets and conducted a career guidance survey of potential applicants. Art. Lecturer at the Department of Economics O.S. Pogarskaya
Photo ass. Department of Economics D.I. Korolkova

Modified: 04/11/2016

Presented by the Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov at the traditional press conference following the results of the admissions campaign. Rating universities on the quality of budget admission to classical universities was compiled by the National Research University Higher School of Economics jointly... ... countries, admission to which is carried out mainly based on the results of the Unified State Exam. The quality of admission is assessed by the average Unified State Exam score of those enrolled applicants who entered the first year of full-time undergraduate/specialist studies. Dmitry Livanov reported that the average...

Modified: 09/08/2015

Oleg Polukhin in his opening speech introduced the management of the university, institutes and faculties, introduced future applicants with the activities of a leading university not only in the region, but also in the country. “Belgorod State University... ...activities. National Research University "BelSU" is among the 30 best universities in the country and in the TOP 200 universities of the BRICS countries. And according to the national rating and the Interfax group, which the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation considers leading and takes into account in its work, the National Research University "BelSU" ...

Modified: 11/24/2014
About quality and leadership

Paid training basis. At the same time, we deliberately refused tens of millions of rubles, so as not to take the weak along with them applicants. We are confident that this is a necessary measure, because a strong country needs strong specialists. Today Russia, first... ... communications, let me draw your attention to the fact that, according to VTsIOM, our President today has an unprecedentedly high rating within the country: more than 80% of Russians support the policies of their leader. It is no less significant that according to the American...

Modified: 11/07/2014
Path: National Research University "BelSU" / Rector of National Research University "BelSU" About the end of the academic year

Some parameters were improved in international and all-Russian rating Oh. Including, for the first time we entered the TOP-200 international rating and universities of the BRICS countries by the British company QS. To continue to move into the ranks of the best universities in the world, we still have... ... related to reorganization, the socio-economic situation, and new approaches in education. This year has been difficult for applicants. Today we receive many requests from parents whose children were unable to overcome the minimum...

Modified: 07/12/2014
Path: National Research University "BelSU" / Rector of National Research University "BelSU"

420 people). And this despite a decrease in the number of budget places. The decision was made not to accept documents from applicants, who scored 130 points or less, according to Oleg Nikolaevich, was quite timely. Its role in raising the average... ... in 2017 into the top 20 universities in the Russian Federation and strengthening its position as a global university capable of entering the top 100 global universities rating ov. And this should largely be facilitated by the effective implementation of the Development Program of the National Research University "BelSU" for 2010-2019...

Modified: 08/30/2013

Tuition fees, list of entrance tests and availability of materials for applicants to master's programs (entrance test programs, list of literature for exam preparation, demo versions of exam tasks, etc.). In that rating e website of the National Research University "BelSU" also received the maximum possible number of points - 55. Thus, the website of the National Research University "BelSU" was recognized as maximally transparent in terms of providing the necessary information for applicants in 2013.

Modified: 07/05/2013

Belgorod Region and the University Development Assistance Fund, we managed to provide co-financing of socially significant and priority specialties. Against the backdrop of a significant increase in prices for education in Russian universities, payment at the National Research University "BelSU" was a pleasant surprise applicants and their parents. I think this played a role in the admissions campaign,” noted Oleg Nikolaevich. In the field of education and informatization, the head of the university focused more on what remains to be done: to introduce point-based rating new assessment system, implement a comprehensive informatization project “Electronic University”, form your own electronic collection in the national interdisciplinary scientific library Rukont, collect an archive of references to the National Research University “BelSU” in the media...

Modified: 08/31/2012
A word to applicants of 2001

It is highly valued all over the world; secondly, our university is firmly in the second and third ten for a number of important indicators rating and Russian universities of the classical type, thirdly, the university has developed its own traditions, students are provided... ... in life and, accordingly, in what specialty they receive higher education. As the experience of previous years has shown, among applicants There are those who either could not choose one single specialty, or hope for luck and apply...

Modified: 07/24/2012
Path: National Research University "BelSU" / University newspaper "VESTI BelSU" / Archive of the newspaper "VESTI BelSU" by year

Courses have been organized for schoolchildren to prepare for the Unified State Exam. This year there have been changes to the admission rules that are somewhat restrictive. applicants in choise. The executive secretary of the BelSU admissions committee, Alexander Galtsev, said that you can submit documents... ... the number has decreased - there will be not three, but two. Alexander Vladimirovich specified: “Based on the results of the Unified State Examination, a rating potential students. Those with the maximum number of points are included in the first wave. They automatically become...

Modified: 02/15/2010

Those gathered in the hall supported the rector’s proposal to intensify career guidance and image work aimed at attracting applicants. Leonid Yakovlevich noted that the main goal of the university is still to become one of the national... ... spoke about the participation of departments in federal programs and grants, analyzed the problems of citing the works of BelSU scientists in high rating new scientific journals, presented small innovative enterprises created with the participation of BelSU. In turn, the vice-rector...

Modified: 01/25/2010
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