Ayurvedic body constitution test. Why is the type of dosha important and how to determine it? Ayurvedic dosha test to determine body type

continues to introduce you with a variety of typologies and this time we will talk about Ayurvedic typology.

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medicine, in Sanskrit meaning “knowledge of life”, “art of longevity”. Treatment in Ayurveda is based on a comprehensive study of human nature as a whole, its characteristics and relationship with the outside world. Man, according to Ayurveda, is a unique creation, inherently inseparable from the universe. Everything that exists in a person also exists in the macrocosm around him.

The Ayurvedic system of healing the mind and spirit developed in parallel with the development of traditional yoga. Ayurveda covers a wide range of healing techniques, including cleansing programs, herbal medicine, nutrition, and physical exercise, regimen and lifestyle.

According to Ayurveda, the universe is formed by five elements: ether (space), air, fire, water and earth. These elements manifest themselves in the form of three biological principles, or vital energies (according to Ayurveda - doshas): Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These energies of nature form all life on earth, including determining the human constitution through their combinations.

The basis of Ayurveda as a healing science is the study of the constitution of a particular person, which is initially formed at birth ("prakriti") and changes over the course of life, under the influence of the environment and lifestyle ("vikriti"). The three doshas also manifest themselves in the elements of nature, seasons and time of day and influence a person.

Ayurvedic therapy aims to balance and harmonize these three energies in a person.

Three doshas: Vata, Pitta, Kapha.

Vata dosha means wind (air). This is the driving energy force that motivates the other two doshas - Pitta and Kapha - to move. It controls the movements of the senses and mind, ensures mobility, variability and adaptation, and is responsible for the expression and discharge of all impulses. The action of Vata in the body occurs mainly through the nervous system. Like an electric current, it “creates” reactions and nerve impulses. The properties of Vata are mobility, dryness and coldness.

Pitta dosha- this is the energy of fire. Pitta in the body is responsible for digestion, metabolism, controls the power of perception, is responsible for the formation of heat in the body, and understanding. Pitta “acts” through the digestive and circulatory system, it provides the body with strength and energy. The main characteristics of Pitta dosha are heat, strength and humidity.

Kapha dosha. Kapha is water, and its container is earth. Kapha is the main element in the human body, which is mainly composed of water trapped within the connective tissues, skin and muscles formed by the earth element. This dosha is a supporting and preserving force. It provides stability, constancy, is responsible for the formation of tissues, the strength of joints, and gives stability to the emotional sphere. Kapha acts through systems that provide nutrition to tissues - lymph and blood plasma. The main characteristics of Kapha are heaviness, oiliness, stability, and coldness.

So, cotton wool is the driving force responsible for variability, adaptability, and movement. Pitta is a transformative force that gives energy and allows you to move from one state to another. Kapha is stability, it strengthens, preserves and provides stability.

An excess of one of the doshas in the body leads to imbalance and can cause specific disorders and diseases. Excess Vata leads to instability, increased nervousness, exhaustion, weakness, brittle joints, dryness and depression. Excess Pitta leads to internal heat, fever, inflammation, anger and irritability. Excess Kapha leads to increased body weight, heaviness in the body, heavy breathing, inactivity and drowsiness.

Individual constitution

All three biological energies are present in the human body: Vata, Pitta and Kapha, but one or two of them usually predominate. Less common are people in whom any one dosha predominates; such a constitution can be defined as a Vata, Pitta or Kapha type, in accordance with the dominant dosha.

Mixed types are more common, when two or three doshas are present to the same extent. There is also a “balanced” type, in which all three energies are balanced and manifest equally; such people are practically healthy, but are quite rare. Therefore, when determining a person’s individual constitution, it is necessary to take into account the degree of manifestation of each of the three doshas, ​​which can vary depending on the time of year and day, lifestyle, and age.

Here are the main manifestations of doshas in the human body:

Cotton wool. People of the Vata type tend to have a thin physique, the body is poorly developed, height is high or short, and there may be pronounced asymmetries in the structure of the face or body. This type of skin is dry, thin, and prone to roughness and cracking. Blood circulation is poor, veins are prominent and there is little subcutaneous fat. People of this type are sensitive to wind, cold and dry weather.

Emotionally, Vata people are unstable, prone to mood swings, emotionally sensitive, and prone to anxiety. This type is also characterized by increased activity and creativity.

Pitta. The Pitta type is characterized by average height and build, moderate weight with well-developed muscles. They always have warm skin, arms and legs. People of this type have an increased appetite and well-functioning digestion. They are sensitive to heat and humidity.

In the emotional sphere of the Pitta type, irritability, anger, and aggression predominate, while they are characterized by strong will, concentration and determination.

Kapha. Kapha type people are usually short in stature and have a strong, well-developed body. They have thick, moist skin, large hands and feet, and large facial features. This type of people is more prone to being overweight than others. Kapha types are sensitive to humid and cold climates.

Psychologically, Kaphas are stable, constant, prone to attachment and stability. They do not like changing places and surroundings; it is difficult for them to part ways.

Highlight seven main combinations of doshas. Theoretically, there are more possible combinations, but the rest are much less common.

  1. cotton wool
  2. Pitta
  3. Kapha
  4. Vata-Pitta
  5. Vata-Kapha
  6. Pitta-Kapha
  7. Vata-Pitta-Kapha.

Each person is born with a certain number of doshas, ​​that is, he has a certain constitution given to him from birth. This constitution with which a person was born is called Prakriti in Sanskrit. This is the original nature of every person.

In the course of life, a person experiences unfavorable environmental factors, allows disturbances in his lifestyle, and the movement of doshas begins in his body. It is not for nothing that Ayurveda sometimes says that Dosha is something that goes out of balance. So, doshas are mobile energies, and their ratio in relation to each other is constantly changing. When such changes are insignificant, a person may not even notice it. When one, or even two doshas have seriously increased their presence in a particular person (in relation to his Prakriti), then we can already talk about

Once again I want to draw your attention. What is important is not the ratio of doshas in a person at the moment, but how much this ratio differs from the initial Prakriti of a given person. For example, the ratio of Vatta 10%, Pitta 72%, Kapha 18% will lead to serious illnesses in a person whose Prakriti is Vatta 30%, Pitta 50%, Kapha 20%, although the same condition will be almost ideal and absolutely healthy for a person with Prakriti Vatta 11%, Pitta 70%, Kapha 19%.

The balance of a person’s doshas at any given moment in his life may differ, and sometimes be very different, from the balance of doshas that was given to him from birth. The balance of doshas, ​​or the type of constitution determined in a person at a particular moment, is called Vikriti.

Again. Prakriti is the ratio of doshas given to a person at birth. Vikriti is the ratio of doshas that a person has at a particular point in time.

When a person's Vikriti coincides with his Prakriti, then the person is perfectly healthy. In practice this rarely happens. Modern man lives, as a rule, in such a way that his Vikriti differs from his Prakriti. And the greater this difference, the greater the severity of the disease in a particular person. Therefore, to be healthy, you need to bring your Vikriti to Prakriti. That is, make sure that the ratio of doshas in your body becomes the same as it was given from birth.

In the following articles I will describe to you in more detail the different types according to Ayurvedic typology.


The individual constitution of each person is determined at the moment of conception by a unique combination of all three doshas (, and). This combination of three doshas is called (first creation). Ayurveda is based on understanding the individual constitution. This knowledge is necessary to ensure a healthy, harmonious and happy life.

In Ayurveda, there are 7 types of constitution:

  • vata, pitta, kapha (monotypes);
  • vata-pitta, pitta-kapha, kapha-vata (dual types);
  • vata-pitta-kapha (triple type).

Let's take a closer look at the main types of constitution classified in Ayurveda.

Vata type

Vata people are usually physically weak. They have a flat chest with visible veins and tendons. They are dark-skinned, their skin is cold, rough, dry and cracked. She usually has several dark-colored moles.

Vata personalities are usually either too tall or too short, with a thin physique that shows a predominance of joints and bone structure due to poor muscular development. They have sparse curly hair, thin eyelashes and emotionless eyes. The eyes may be sunken, small, dry, with cloudy and dry outer and inner membranes. Legs are rough and fragile. The tip of the nose is curved and upturned.

Physiologically, appetite and digestion may be different. Vata personalities love sweet, sour and salty foods and love hot drinks. Urine production is insufficient, stools are dry, difficult and in small quantities. They tend to perspire more than other types of constitutions. Their sleep may be disrupted and they may sleep less than other types. Their hands and feet are often cold.

These individuals are creative, active, alert and restless. They talk and walk quickly, but tire easily.

Psychologically, they are characterized by short memory but quick perception. They may understand something instantly, but may soon forget it. They have little willpower with a tendency to psychological imbalance, little tolerance, confidence, and courage. Their mental strength is weak, they are nervous, fearful, and subject to many worries.

Each constitutional type is also a typical pattern of interaction with the environment. Vata personalities tend to make money quickly and spend it just as quickly. Therefore, they remain poor.

Main characteristics of Vata constitution:

  • thin physique;
  • low body weight;
  • skin is dry, rough, cold, brown, black;
  • hair is black, dry, curly;
  • teeth protruding, large, crooked, gums thin;
  • eyes are small, dull, dry, brown, black;
  • appetite is changeable, insufficient;
  • taste preferences: sweet, sour, salty;
  • thirst is inconsistent;
  • dry waste, difficult to pass, constipation;
  • very physically active;
  • restless, active mind;
  • temperament is timid, indecisive, unpredictable;
  • faith changing;
  • memory is good about the recent, bad about the past;
  • dream pictures of fears, flying, jumping, running;
  • insufficient sleep, intermittent;
  • speech is fast;
  • financially poor, quickly spending money on trifles;
  • the pulse is weak, thread-like, the movement of a snake.

Pitta type

These people are of average height, slender, and graceful in build. Their chests are usually not as narrow as those of Vata people, and they have average veining and muscular tendons. They have many moles or freckles, bluish or brownish-red in color. Their core is not as revealed as that of Vata personalities. Their muscle development is moderate.

The complexion of Pitta personalities can be coppery, yellow, reddish or fair. Their skin is soft, warm and less wrinkled than vata skin. Hair is thin, silky, red or brownish, with a tendency to early graying or loss.

The eyes can be grey, green or copper-brown and sharp. The eyeballs were detected moderately. The conjunctiva is moist and reddish. The nails are soft, the shape of the nose is pointed, the tip of the nose tends to redden.

Physiologically, these people have an active metabolism, good intestines, and, as a result, an excellent appetite. Pitta personalities usually consume large amounts of food and drink, but are naturally inclined to taste sweet, bitter and astringent, and like cold drinks.

Their sleep is of average duration, but continuous. They produce more urine and their excrement is yellow, thin and copious. They are prone to excessive perspiration. Their body temperature is slightly elevated, their hands and feet are warm. Pitta personalities cannot tolerate sunlight, heat and, moreover, hard work.

Psychologically, pitta personalities have a good will to understand, they are very intelligent, witty, and can be good speakers. Their emotional tendencies are towards hatred, anger and envy.

They are ambitious individuals and love to lead. They value material prosperity. They like to be moderately successful financiers. They enjoy showing off their wealth and luxury.

Main characteristics of the pitta constitution:

  • average build;
  • average body weight;
  • the skin is soft, oily, warm, light, red, yellow;
  • hair is soft, oily, red or brown;
  • medium-sized teeth, yellowish in color, soft gums;
  • eyes are penetrating, sharp, green, gray, yellow;
  • appetite is good, excessive, unbearable;
  • taste preferences: sweet, bitter, astringent;
  • excessive thirst;
  • waste is soft, oily, and comes out freely;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • aggressive, intelligent mind;
  • temperament is aggressive, irritable, envious;
  • fanatical faith;
  • memory is sharp;
  • dream pictures of fire, anger, violence, war;
  • sleep is short but deep;
  • speech is sharp, caustic;
  • financially they have average income and spend money on luxury;
  • the pulse is moderate, jumping like a frog.

The fundamental theory in Ayurveda is the theory of three Doshas - three types of human constitution. The constitution is formed under the influence of five types of energy that are present in all people.

The types of energy are determined by the corresponding primary elements: ether (space), air, fire, water and earth.

The combination of ether and air forms “Wind” (Vata), fire and water – “Bile” (Pitta), water and earth – “Mucus” (Kapha). However, in their “pure form” they are rarely found; most often there is a mixture of the two main Doshas - Vata-Pitta, Vata-Kapha, Pitta-Kapha. Another option is possible when Vata, Pitta and Kapha are in balance, that is, a person has reached a state of harmony, but this is extremely rare.

The goal of proper nutrition is to achieve balance, which means eating foods that reduce the amount of the main Dosha in the body and increase others.

To understand what type of constitution you are, it is recommended to take a simple test to determine Dosha.

Vata constitution ("Wind")

These people usually have thin bones, a narrow chest, dry hair and dry skin, blood vessels visible through the skin, and thin and sparse hair. Growth can be either high or low. The skin is most often dark and has many moles. Their hands and feet are almost always cool. They are often restless, constantly in a hurry, and get tired quickly. Such people “grab everything on the fly,” but just as quickly forget. They love sweet, sour and selenium foods, and hot drinks. They are rarely overweight, their physique is thin, and their muscle mass is small.

The main qualities of “Wind” are dryness and cold. An increase in this Dosha is fraught with the appearance of a dry cough, dry skin, and joint pain.

Pitta constitution (Bile)

People are short, graceful in build, and their muscles are more developed than those of Vata people. The hair is thin, soft, the skin is soft and light, the eyes are blue, gray or brown. Body temperature is slightly elevated; such people do not tolerate heat well. They love cold drinks, sweet, bitter and astringent foods. They have a good appetite and fast digestion. They can gain weight easily and lose weight just as easily. They are prone to leadership, have good oratory skills and wit.

“Bile” is a hot and moist formation. People in whose body this Dosha predominates are prone to sweating, digestive disorders, and increased body temperature.

Kapha constitution (mucus)

They have a well-developed body, tend to gain excess weight, and enjoy good health. Skin and hair are soft, slightly oily. Movements are slow, deliberate and smooth. They love spicy, bitter and astringent foods. These people like to sleep for a long time. Non-conflict and peace-loving individuals. They learn information slowly, but remember everything for a long time. They forgive offenses relatively easily.

These people are prone to increased formation of “mucus” in the body - edema, runny nose, accumulation of phlegm in the lungs and bronchi, and the formation of pustules on the body. “Mucus” is a “cold” Dosha; its content in the body increases with the onset of cold weather.

Dependence of nutrition on dosha

Kapha nutrition

There are more people of this type, the reason for this is our desire to stock up for a rainy day. We save money, buy food for future use, and sometimes even eat as if we were going on a hunger strike for a week. Kapha dosha can make up up to 80% of the human body and is present in some amount in everyone. On the one hand, “reserves” give us a feeling of calm and stability, and on the other hand, they cause the accumulation of extra pounds in the body and the appearance of edema. In order not to lose control over your weight and your own health, you need to adhere to a clear daily and nutritional regimen.

For Kapha, it is necessary to know exactly what and when to eat, to avoid free snacks and inactivity. It is recommended to get up and have breakfast as early as possible; the morning meal should be at 8-9 am. Getting up later will lead to lethargy, you will not have the desire to do exercises, your appetite may disappear, which will certainly return with renewed vigor in the evening, and this is a direct path to obesity. Lunch is around 1 p.m., this meal is the most satisfying, at 4 p.m. there is an afternoon snack, and at 7 p.m. there is dinner. In the morning, it is useful to drink a cup of herbal tea, which will “wake up” your metabolism and get rid of excess fluid. Avoid sour, sweet and salty foods, as well as overly warm dishes; the optimal temperature for food is room temperature or lukewarm. Cold food and drinks should also be excluded, this leads to an increase in Kapha in the body; in general, people of this type need to observe moderation in the consumption of food and liquid. Once a week it is advisable to arrange a fasting day. You need to eat light foods - vegetables, fruits, unrefined grains, soy products.

Vata food

Vata type people are prone to allergies, which can occur even when consuming seemingly harmless foods. For this reason, be careful with exotic and multi-ingredient dishes. Eat cold drinks and food as rarely as possible - it leads to an increase in Vata in the body. Food should be warm and have a mild taste so as not to stimulate the already excited nervous system of these people. The most beneficial are sweet, sour and salty foods. Eat dishes with vegetable or butter - they will “soften” the Vata body, which often suffers from dryness and lack of fat. Cereals such as rice and buckwheat, dairy products, and nuts are useful. It is recommended to drink more - herbal soothing teas, warm milk with honey. Three full meals a day are recommended: breakfast around 7 am, lunch at 12 noon and dinner around 6 am. Once a week you can do a fasting day with fruit juice.

Pitta nutrition

Pittas usually have a good appetite, which should not be indulged due to the threat of gaining extra pounds and increasing the load on the internal organs. A hearty meal during the day and a light dinner are suitable for them, which should be as early as possible - at 5-6 pm. Pittas are not recommended to eat hot, spicy or too spicy foods, as this increases the formation of “bile” and heat in the body. Fried foods (especially in oil) are also not suitable. Sweet, bitter, astringent foods at low temperatures are beneficial. Raw fruits and vegetables are recommended. Low-fat dairy products and legumes are healthy. People of Pitta type need to drink a lot, the best option is plain water, tea or coffee have a stimulating effect. You can drink tea with milk, herbal teas, still water. Drinks can be sweetened a little, this is useful, since the liver in such people works under strain; honey or a small amount of sugar will be beneficial for it. It is necessary to avoid late dinners and fasting days. If necessary, you can do unloading 1-2 times a month with juice - apple, grape, pomegranate.

How to determine body constitution
(Dosha test)

Doshas in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, all people are divided into 5 main types, which depend on the dominant element in the constitution. The elements of Ether and Earth are considered passive because the former is inert, while the latter represents the solid basis for everything that exists. Dynamic and active elements include Fire, Air and Water. The theory of the three doshas is based on these 3 elements.

Vata dosha embodies Ether and Air, Kapha is represented by Earth and Water, and Pitta is represented by Water and Fire.

The concept of three doshas in Ayurveda is fundamental. In European medicine, there is a theory that human nature can be determined by the dominance of blood, bile or mucus. However, this theory is only part of the numerous Ayurvedic knowledge.

The proportions of the doshas are determined at conception and depend on nutrition, genetic characteristics, lifestyle and psychological state of the parents. A balanced constitution, when all doshas are in harmony, is rarely observed. If a person is lucky, he will be endowed with excellent health. Most people are born with one or two dominant doshas. They need to adjust their diet and lifestyle to achieve good health.

Each person is endowed with prakriti of one of the 7 combinations of Pitta, Vata and Kapha (P, V, K, PK, VK, VP, Samadosha).

Vikriti and Prakriti

The combination of doshas, ​​which is established before birth and is unique, is called prakriti. It remains unchanged throughout life. An exception may be situations where genetic changes are observed. However, there is a so-called constitution of the present - vikriti. It characterizes the state of the body at the moment. If health is ideal, then vikriti and prakriti coincide. However, in most cases, there is a significant difference between them due to dietary habits, emotional background, lifestyle, age, exposure to external factors, etc. This difference can be determined by an Ayurvedic doctor after a thorough examination of the person. Having learned the difference between vikriti and prakriti, the doctor can draw up a detailed health program.

If you know your constitution type, you can determine exactly what steps need to be taken on the path to health. An Ayurvedic doctor can help with this. However, if you do not have this opportunity, you can take a constitution test.

With age, your physique does not change and you can wear the same size clothes as in your youth. The main problem of people with this structural type is that they have a mobile and not always stable nervous system

Types of people – Wind, Bile, Mucus

In Tibetan medicine, types of people are usually distinguished depending on the predominance of a particular dosha in a person: a person of Wind, Mucus and Bile. It is not so often that you meet a person with a pure predominance of a specific life principle. Mixed types predominate. Such as: Wind-Bile, Bile-Slime, Wind-Slime, Wind-Bile-Slime. Let's look at the main types of people according to Tibetan medicine.

Let's consider the type of person with the predominant life principle of Wind (the nervous system dominates). Such people are tall or short and thin. They are easy-going, very sociable, emotional, and have frequent mood swings. In modern medicine, such people are usually called ectomorphs, and in Ayurveda this type of constitution is called Vata.

Gaining weight is given to such people with great difficulty, but they lose it without problems. Such people are capable of a strong, confident start, but at the same time they get tired quickly, however, they are able to quickly restore the wasted energy. They have a fast metabolism, so energy from food is instantly absorbed. Such people move and talk a lot, so they are always active and have no problems with being overweight. Among the foods, Wind people prefer sweet, sour and bitter foods. With age, your physique does not change and you can wear the same size clothes as in your youth. The main problem of people with this structural type is that they have a mobile and not always stable nervous system. Such people need to learn to restrain their negative emotions and see only positive moments in life. Wind people usually have thin hair and thin skin that is prone to dryness, so there is a risk of early wrinkles. Such people need to be careful in sports, because... there is a predisposition to muscle pain and problems in the joints and muscles.

Such people never have problems with excess weight, even in old age, so the people of Vetra are not at risk of chronic diseases associated with excess weight.

Let's consider people with the dominant type of constitution Mucus (Kapha in Ayurveda). Such people have the largest body type, they are strong and resilient. Usually tall. In the modern classification of physiologists, the physique of such people is similar to endomorphs. Such people are calm and balanced. They have good patience, a cheerful character, and they are optimists in life. Slime people have a slow metabolism, so they live long lives. These people are slow and not verbose, blood circulation is slow, the veins are small and deep. These are rather pragmatic and conservative people, although they are sentimental and emotionally sensitive.

Such people have thick, oily, soft skin with large pores. Therefore, wrinkles are rare. However, if there is excess fat, the skin can sag. If such a person suddenly begins to gain weight, stretch marks may form.

Typically, such people have excellent health, have good, healthy sleep, and have a large supply of vitality and energy. However, Mucus people are lazy by nature and if laziness progresses, excess mucus begins to accumulate. As a result, such a person begins to gain weight sharply. In this case, the doctor needs to pay attention to the daily routine of such a person - how and how much he works and rests, what food he eats. If such a person feels heaviness, it is more difficult for him to move and do work. This may indicate that you need to take specific measures and adjust your diet and physical activity.

The main problem of Mucus people is eating junk food and overeating, which results in obesity.

People of bile (Pitta in Ayurvedic lore) are usually of average height and normal build. Such people are enterprising, diligent, and very demanding of themselves and others. They have a very agile mind, so they are good organizers and strategists, and have developed leadership abilities. They also have high energy, are purposeful, intelligent, and active. They have a good physique, without sharp fluctuations in weight. They have excellent blood supply and warm extremities. By body type, people of this constitution are more like a mesomorph.

People with this constitution have a pleasant, loud voice, so it is easy for them to manage people and defend their position. They are hardy and peaceful in nature. However, when bile is indignant, such people begin to get irritated for any reason and experience excessive demands and aggressiveness towards others.

People with Bile often have diseases of the skin, liver, cardiovascular system, and gallstones. Such people need to learn to manage themselves and channel their energy in a positive direction, then harmony and health will come to their lives.

If you watch your diet and lead a healthy lifestyle, then the three constitutions will be your support and support in life. published