April month. Months in English

Taking our first steps into the world of a foreign language, we perceive new sounds, letters, words and rules with interest. But without proper practice, knowledge is not absorbed, which means it must be constantly trained. At the initial stage of learning, the best simulator and assistant is new words. Vocabulary includes the laws of spelling, practicing pronunciation, and the ability to build dialogues, i.e. in fact, all the necessary basis for conversation in a foreign language. Today we will expand our vocabulary with an interesting and popular topic - seasons in English. We will learn the meanings of words, learn to remember them quickly and easily, and at the same time analyze their use. Join us, you definitely won’t be bored today!

Words for time periods are some of the simplest in the English dictionary. This topic is very popular and is taught to students of all ages, so we will provide a list of terms in the most accessible format. So, we study the seasons in expressions in English with transcription, translation and transmission of sounds in Russian letters. This approach to learning makes it easy for both an adult and a child to understand and remember all the words, and an expanded explanation of sounds allows you to carefully work on pronunciation, immediately instilling the correct English accent.

Seasons (times) of the year

First, let's get acquainted with the expressions that characterize the seasons of the year.

General vocabulary
Word English transcription Russian sounds Translation
day [day] day
week [week] a week
month [mans] month
year [yir] year
season [ˈsiːzn] [sizn] season
semester [simester] semester
favorite [ˈfeɪvərɪt] [favorite] Darling
seasons of the year [ˈsiːzns əv ðə jɪər] [siznes of the world] Seasons
winter [ˈwɪntər] [winter] winter; winter
cold [cold] Cold; cold
snow [snow] snow
ice [ice] ice; ice
snowflake [ˈsnəʊ.fleɪk] [snowflake] snowflake
Christmas [ˈkrɪs.məs] [chrismes] Christmas
Christmas tree [ˈkrɪs.məs triː] [Christmas Tree] Christmas tree
bell [bel] bell
New year [new year] New Year
gift [ɡɪft] [gift] present
snowball [ˈsnəʊ.bɔːl] [snowball] snowball
snowman [ˈsnəʊ.mæn] [snowman] snowman
skiing [ˈskiː.ɪŋ] [skiing] skiing
snowboarding [ˈsnəʊ.bɔː.dɪŋ] [snowboarding] snowboarding
sledding [ˈsledɪŋ] [slading] sledging
spring [sprin] spring
storm [storm] storm
sun [san] Sun
warm [voom] warm
wind [wind] wind
to blow [that blow] blow
bird [bad] bird
nest [nest] nest
green [ɡriːn] [green] green; greenery
flower [ˈflaʊər] [flower] flower
blossom [ˈblɒs.əm] [blosom] bloom
grass [ɡrɑːs] [gras] grass
to melt [that malt] melt
romance [romance] romance
summer [ˈsʌmər] [samere] summer
hot [hot] solar
sunny [ˈsʌn.i] [sled] hot
tan [tan] Tan
vacation [vection] holidays; rest
trip [trip] drive; journey
sea [sii] sea
beach [scourge] beach
surfing [ˈsɜː.fɪŋ] [shofin] surfing
swimming [ˈswɪmɪŋ] [swimin] swimming
camping [ˈkæmpɪŋ] [campin] rest in the camp
picnic [ˈpɪk.nɪk] [picnic] picnic
bonfire [ˈbɒn.faɪər] [bonfire] bonfire
watermelon [ˈwɔː.təˌmel.ən] [whatamelon] watermelon
ice-cream [ˈaɪskriːm] [icecream] ice cream
autumn [ˈɔːtəm] [autumn] autumn (Britain)
fall [fool] autumn (America)
leaf [bodice] sheet
to fall; falling ; [ˈfɔː.lɪŋ] [that foul]; [folin] fall; falling
rain [ˈreɪn] [rain] rain
cloud [cloud] cloud
puddle [ˈpʌd.l̩] [badl] puddle
to get cooler [tu get kolde] get colder
sleet [leaked] wet snow
umbrella [ʌmˈbrelə] [umbrella] umbrella
Halloween [ˌhæl.əʊˈiːn] [halloween] Halloween
red [ed] red
yellow [ˈjeləʊ] [yellow] yellow
harvest [ˈhɑː.vɪst] [havist] harvest
mushroom [ˈmʌʃ.ruːm] [mushroom] mushroom

Having learned these words, we can already do small practical exercises - briefly describe the seasons, talk about our favorite time of year in sentences in English, and also write questions and answers about what we usually do at this time. But have you noticed that the most important thing is missing? The table does not indicate what the months are called in English! Don't worry, they are deliberately placed in a separate section.

Names of months and days of the week

From generalized periods of time, let's move on to more specific ones, and find out how months and days of the week are designated in English. It is easier to learn their names in order, especially since they are in many ways similar to our speech. The following tables give English notations with Russian translations, indicate how each word is pronounced, and add traditionally accepted abbreviations of names. Let us immediately make a reservation that they can only be used in writing: such constructions are read and pronounced in English as full names.

English months
Word Transcription Russian sounds Translation Reduction
Br. Am.
January [ˈdʒænjuəri] [january] January Ja Jan.
February [ˈfebruəri] [fabruary] February Fe Feb.
March [maach] March Ma Mar.
April [ˈeɪprəl] [April] April Ap Apr.
May [May] May
June [jun] June Jun.
July [julay] July Jul.
August [ˈɔːɡəst] [ogest] August Au Aug.
September [septembe] September Se Sep.
October [ɒkˈtəʊbə] [octoube] October Oc Oct.
November [novembe] november No Nov.
December [disembe] December De Dec.

As can be seen from the table, in Britain the name is shortened to two letters, and in America to three, while in the American system the abbreviation ends with a dot. Please note that some symbols cannot be abbreviated.

Let us note another important point: the English language requires that seasons be written with a small letter, and the name of the month is always written with a capital letter, no matter where in the sentence this word appears.

English days of the week
Word Transcription Russian sounds Translation Reduction
Monday [ˈmʌndeɪ] [Monday] Monday Mo Mon.
Tuesday [ˈtjuːzdeɪ] [tuesday] Tuesday Tu Tue.
Wednesday [ˈwenzdeɪ] [Wednesday] Wednesday We Wed.
Thursday [ˈθɜːzdeɪ] [sozday] Thursday Th Thu.
Friday [ˈfraɪdeɪ] [Friday] Friday Fr Fri.
Saturday [ˈsætədeɪ] [Saturday] Saturday Sa Sat.
Sunday [ˈsʌndeɪ] [Sunday] Sunday Su Sun.
week [week] a week
weekdays [ˈwiːkdeɪz] [weekdays] Weekdays
weekend [ˌwiːkˈend] [weekend] weekend

Abbreviations for days are carried out according to the same principle as for the names of months. In a sentence days of the week are always written with a capital letter.

But we are a little distracted from the topic, since there is a separate educational material on the weekly schedule. Let's go back to the seasons and months, and look at easy ways to quickly learn the seasons in English. With interactive material, the English language looks much more interesting and attractive for children, and for adults too.

Seasons in English in songs and poems

You can’t force restless kids to sit at vocabulary tables, and even colorful cards with words don’t make much of an impression on them. It's another thing to learn the months and seasons by playing the English club for young followers of Sherlock Holmes!

Yes, yes, all children love to solve riddles, don’t they? This useful and fun game can be easily translated into English using the song below. She not only teaches children to name the seasons, but also to associate them with natural phenomena and fun activities. So that you can immediately sing along with the performers, we provide the English lyrics of the song with Russian sounds. By the way, using this material you can learn entire phrases on the topic of times or seasons of the year in English, the context of which will help to understand the Russian translation column.

Seasons of the year song
Text Pronunciation Translation
Chorus: Four seasons in a year

I can name all four.

Do you wanna’ hear?

Let's get ready and say them all:

winter, spring, summer and fall.

/foor seasons in e yir/

/Ai ken name ool foor/

/Du yu vonna khiir/

/Lets get ready and say zem ool/

/winter spring Samar and Fool/

There are four seasons in a year

And I can name them all.

Do you want to listen?

Let's get ready and repeat them all:

Winter, spring, summer and autumn.

I’m thinking of a season with snowmen and ice. /Aim sonkin of e season visas snowman and ice/ I wished for a time when there are snowmen and ice.
And if you like sledding, it’s very nice. /end if you like sledin, its very nice/ And a lot of fun if you like sledding.
It's very cold. I need my hat and gloves. /Its very cold. Ay nid mai hat and gloves/ It's very cold there and I need a hat and gloves.
Winter is the season I was thinking of! /Winter from the season I uoz sonkin of/ Winter is the time of year I wished for!
I’m thinking of a season where it rains for hours. /Aim sonkin of e season war it rains foo aurs/ I wished for a season where it rains for hours.
Which helps the blooming of the brand new flowers. /Which Helps The Bloomin of The Brand New Flowers/ They help new flowers bloom.
It starts to warm up, which I really love. /It starts that vorm up, wich AI riley love/ It's getting warmer, which I really like.
Spring is the season I was thinking of! /Sprin from the season Ai uoz sonkin of/ Spring is the season I wished for!
I’m thinking of a season where we don’t have school. /Aim sonkin of e season ware vi dont have school/ I wished for a time when I didn't have to go to school.
I always play outside in my neighbor’s pool. /Ay allways play outside in may nagbors pool/ I always play outside and swim in my neighbors pool.
The sun is so hot. Which I really love. /Ze san from sou hot. Weech Eye Riley Love/ The sun is burning hot, just the way I like it!
Summer is the season I was thinking of! /Samer from the season Ai uoz sonkin of/ Summer is a time that I have wished for.
I’m thinking of a season where I rake for a while. / Aim sonkin of e season ware Ay rake foo e wile / I think about the time I rake the leaves first.
Then I jump into those colored leaves in a big pile. /Zen Eye Jump Intu Zos Color Leafs In E Big Pile/ And then I jump into this colorful pile of leaves.
I pick apples and wear sweatshirts. Which I really love. /I Peak Apples & Wear Sweatshirts. Weech Eye Riley Love/ I pick apples and wear sweaters. And that's what I really love.
Fall is the season I was thinking of! /Foul from the season Ai uoz sonkin of/ Autumn is the time I thought about.

Agree, with the help of such a fun exercise, the seasons in English are learned much faster and more fun, no matter how old the student is! By the way, you can separately memorize the chorus of the song in verse, and then separately analyze each riddle.

You can also easily learn the name of the month in English in a song for children. Let's look at a funny song for little children, with which we will learn the symbols of the months and talk a little about the calendar.

Months of the year song
Text Pronunciation Translation
If you can't remember /If yu kant rimembe/ If you don't remember
the months of the year /The Manz of The Year/ Months of the year
From January to December /From January tu Disembe/ From January to December,
I've got a little song here /Ive got e little song hir/ I have a little song for you.
Chorus: January, February, March, April,

May, June and July ,

August, September, October, November

And remember December.

/January, Fabruery, Maach, April,

May, June and July,

August, Septembe, Oktobe, Novembe

End Rimembe Disembe/

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and don't forget about December!
Well there are 365 /Wel the Ar Sri Handred and Sixty Five/ Okay, there's 365 here.
days in a year /Daze in e yir/ Days every year.
52 weeks but only 12 months /Fifty tu vix baht only twelv manzs/ 52 weeks but only 12 months
In this little song here /In zis little song hir/ It's in this little song.
Now if you've got a calendar /Nau if yuv goth e calendar/
Take it off and check it out
/Ten the pages and yul si/ Flip the pages and you will see
What this song is all about. /Wat zis song from ol about/ Everything this song is about
If you find you'll still forget /if u fine yul steel foget/ If you find yourself still forgetting
The month of the year /The Manz of The Year/ all months of the year.
Don’t you worry and don’t you afraid /Dont yu vori end dont yu Don't worry and don't be afraid,
Sing my little song here. /Sin mai little song hir/ Sing my little song.
Now if you've got a calendar /Nau if yuv goth e calendar/ Now if you have a calendar
It really paste to take it out /It riley paste tu tek it out/ Take it and check it out.
Turn the pages and you'll see /Ten the pages and yul si/ Flip the pages and you will see
What this song is all about. /Wat zis song from ol about/ Everything this song is about.
Chorus x2

In this composition, you can also first learn the chorus, and later gradually understand the context of the verses.

This is how easy it is to learn the seasons and months while improving your English with nursery rhymes and songs. Don’t forget to repeat the vocabulary you’ve mastered and see you in new classes!

January – January, named after the god Janus. According to legend, he had two faces, one looking forward and the other looking back, so he could see the beginning and end of the year. He was the god of gates.

February – February. The name comes from a Latin word that means purification. In ancient times, houses looked very dirty after winter and the time occupied by this month was considered favorable for cleaning the house.

March – March, named after the planet Mars and the god of war. The Romans believed that this period was convenient for wars.

April – April. Derived from the Latin word aperire - to open (beginning of spring). There is a second version that the name was received in honor of the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite.

May - May, received its name in honor of the Roman goddess Maya. She was the goddess of spring and earth.

June - June, invented in honor of the goddess Juno, who is a symbol of marriage. To this day, some people believe and prefer to get married in June. Juno's husband was the equally important god Jupiter - the king of the gods, respectively, Juno was the queen.

July – July, named after the great Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. This month was the ruler's birthday.

August - August, took this name as an inheritance from the first Roman emperor Augustus.

September – September, sept, which means seven in Latin. During the Roman Empire, the calendar began with the month of March, therefore September was the seventh month of the year.

October, November, December (October, November, December). The Romans simply called these months octo, novem, decem - eight, nine, ten.

In this article we will look at what the seasons and months are called in English. Let's remember how to spell "month" in English and figure out the pronunciation of this and other words. Many months in English have very interesting naming histories, and today we will learn them all.

But first, a few subtleties of calendar vocabulary:

  • All 12 months in English are written with a capital letter.
  • In abbreviated form they look like this: three initial letters and a period: Jan., Feb., Jun. etc. May is written without a dot.
  • "Half a year" translates to "6 months" (6 months in English). The phrase “half a year” is much less common.
  • Instead of "autumn"(autumn) used in the USA and Canada "fall".
  • The date is also written differently in the UK and US. Compare: April 5, 2016 (UK) and April 5, 2016 (USA).

Here is the name of each month with translation and transcription:

The name of each month in English and how they appeared. Some pronunciation features.

January and February

These winter months sound very similar to similar Russian words, with some differences. Let's say there is no “v” sound in the middle, as in Russian.

The month of February is the most difficult to pronounce. It sounds like ˈfɛbruəri, with an [r] sound in the middle of the word. Two [r]s next to each other are often a hindrance for language learners. However, you can often hear how even native speakers, especially Americans, say only one [r] in a word: ˈfɛbjuəri, and this is also the norm.

As already noted, months in English are written with a capital letter. This is done because almost all of them come from proper names. Each of these words has its own history and is therefore unique.

January comes from the name of the god Janus, who was honored in this month.
February comes from the word "Februa" - an ancient Roman rite of purification that took place on February 15th.

March, April, May

The three months of spring sound like Russian ones. Additional associations for 100% memorization:

March named after Mars, the Roman god of war.
April- in honor of the goddess Aphrodite.
May- month of Maya, goddess of spring.

June, July, August

These are summer 3 months in English.

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to confuse “June” and “July” in Russian? In English there is no such problem; in the words June and July even the number of syllables is different.

June named after Juno - the goddess of marriage and female happiness.

This is where the stories with the ancient Roman deities end. Julius Caesar named the next month after himself (Julius), and had the right to do so, because it was he who reformed the calendar. Later, Octavian Augustus continued the reforms, and also named one month in his honor.

September, October, November

The three autumn months in English are named according to serial numbers: September is the seventh (septem in Latin), October is the eighth (octo), November is the ninth (novem). Wait, why don’t the numbers match modern ones? The fact is that earlier, among the ancient Greeks, the year consisted of ten months. The first month was March. After the reforms of Caesar and Augustus, the months became twelve, but some names remained.


Falls under the same principle as the autumn months. According to the old calendar, this was the tenth month (decem - 10 in Latin).

“Month”: translation into English and pronunciation secrets.

month - month

The word "month" - month- derived from the word “Moon” (moon). A long time ago, looking at the changing phases of the moon, people came up with the idea of ​​​​measuring time using it as a guide. In Russian, the connection between the word “month” in the meaning of “moon” and the calendar month is also obvious.

To learn how to correctly pronounce the word “month” in English, you need to:

  1. Say the first three sounds;
  2. On the sound [n], place the tongue between the teeth, preparing to pronounce the sound [θ];
  3. Pronounce the sound [θ], the tongue remains between the teeth.

It is important not to be shy about sticking out your tongue when pronouncing the interdental sound [θ]. There are no such sounds in Russian, so this action seems strange, but in English it is absolutely natural and normal.

Now let’s complicate the task and say the word “months”.

Here it is important to pronounce not, a - all five sounds. The difference between these options will be audible to a native speaker.

  1. Say ;
  2. Already on the sound [n], prepare for the next sound - the tongue goes to the teeth in advance;
  3. Interdental [θ] - on it the tongue begins to return back into the oral cavity;
  4. Smoothly move the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth, without stopping the air flow, and pronounce the sound [s].

Say all five sounds smoothly, one after the other, slowly, several times. When you feel some freedom, say a little faster:
Months. Months. Twelve months. Three months. Three summer months.

The similarity in the sound of some Russian and English words is an absolute plus; the translation is immediately clear. The same is true with the names of the months. Now that you know their origins, as well as the subtleties of pronunciation, you can easily use them in speech.

Winter came to us somewhat suddenly this year. Snow fell overnight... then melted and covered the city streets again. It has become noticeably colder. But winter is the favorite time of year not only for children, who first await the arrival of St. Nicholas, and then Santa Claus. Adults are also sensitive to the New Year holidays. For others, winter can never compare with spring, for example, when the green season gives rise to wonderful feelings in the soul - and not only love ones. From somewhere comes the desire to change everything and become better! Well, summer... Who would dare to argue that “summer is good”, as it is sung in the children's song?! But autumn is also a wonderful time. You can write a whole essay about the autumn gifts of nature, about numerous delicious holidays, etc.

We have not yet considered the topic of seasons in English, so we invite you to familiarize yourself with the names of the seasons in English, their correct use in sentences, and funny rhymes that will help you remember them faster.

Seasons in English

The year is divided into seasons, largely ignoring the fact that some countries have both "rainy seasons" and "monsoon seasons" rather than summer or winter, for example. According to the Gregorian calendar, the year consists of 12 months, and these, in turn, form four seasons:

  • winter – winter [‘wɪntə];
  • spring – spring;
  • summer – summer [‘sʌmə];
  • autumn – autumn [‘ɔːtəm] – Brit. (fall – American).

What months these seasons include in English - read below.

Winter – winter:

  • December – december;
  • January – january;
  • February – february.

Spring – spring:

  • March – march;
  • April – april;
  • May – may.

Summer – summer:

  • June – june;
  • July – july;
  • August – august.

Autumn – autumn:

  • September – september;
  • October – october;
  • November – november.

Seasons in English:

prepositions and articles with which they are used

The rules for using articles and prepositions with the names of seasons in English are very simple.

The preposition is used with the seasons in:

  • in winter – in winter;
  • in spring – in spring;
  • in summer - in summer;
  • in autumn – in autumn, but in the fall.

With words all, any, each, every, last, next, this, that neither a preposition nor an article is used: this summer - this summer, next autumn - next autumn.

The article is used only when the sentence sometimes has a clarifying definition: in the autumn of 1941 - in the autumn of 1941, in the spring of 2016 - in the spring of 2016.

After the words for, through, during need to put definite article the: for the summer - for the summer, during the spring - throughout the spring.

When the names of the seasons have a descriptive definition, it is used indefinite article a: warm summer – a warm summer, rainy autumn – a rainy autumn. But with the adjectives late, early the article is not used: late spring - late autumn, early winter - early winter.

Seasons of the year:replenish vocabulary stock

Let's look at words with transcription in English that are associated with this or that time of year. If you want to add your own associations to the series, please write comments!


  • snow – snow;
  • snowflake – snowflake [ˈsnoʊfleɪk];
  • snowball – snowball [ˈsnoʊbɔːl];
  • snowman – snowman [ˈsnoʊmæn];
  • snowdrift – snowdrift [ˈsnoʊdrɪft];
  • ice – ice;
  • mountains – mountains [ˈmaʊntənz];
  • sled – sled;
  • skis – skis [ˈskiːz];
  • snowboard – snowboard [ˈsnəʊ.bɔː.d];
  • holiday – holiday [ˈhɑːlədeɪ];
  • Christmas – Christmas [ˈkrɪsməs];
  • New Year – New Year [ˈnjuːˈjɪə];
  • gift – gift [ɡɪft];
  • magic – magic [ˈmædʒɪk];
  • dreams – dreams [ˈdriːmz].


  • sun – sun;
  • wind – wind;
  • flowers – flowers [ˈflaʊəz];
  • lily of the valley – lily of the valley [͵lılı|əvðəʹvælı];
  • tulip – tulip [ˈtuːlɪp];
  • birds – birds [ˈbɝːdz];
  • swallow – swallow [ˈswɑːloʊ];
  • park – park;
  • romance – romance [ˈroʊmæns];
  • love – love [lʌv];
  • walk – stroll.

Summer – summer

  • vacation - vacation;
  • journey – journey [ˈdʒɜːrni];
  • sea ​​– sea;
  • ocean – ocean [ˈoʊʃn];
  • beach – beach;
  • fun – fun;
  • ice cream – ice cream;
  • cocktail – cocktail [ˈkɑːkteɪl];
  • party – party [ˈpɑːrti];
  • fruit – fruit;
  • berries – berries [ˈberiz];
  • butterflies – butterflies [ˈbʌtr̩flaɪz];
  • mosquito – mosquito;
  • picnic – picnic [ˈpɪknɪk].

Autumn – autumn

  • fog – fog;
  • cloud – clouds [ˈklaʊdz];
  • rain – rain;
  • umbrella – umbrella [ʌmˈbrelə];
  • puddle – puddle [ˈpʌdl];
  • cold - cold;
  • tea – tea;
  • harvest – harvest [ˈhɑːrvɪst];
  • vegetable garden – garden [ˈɡɑːrdn];
  • vegetables – vegetables [ˈvedʒtəbəlz];
  • mushrooms – mushrooms [ˈmʌʃruːmz];
  • chestnut – chestnut [ˈtʃesnʌt].

How to quickly remember the seasons in English

Various rhymes and songs are great for memorizing new words and are effective for both children and adults! So pick a tune and hum it. You will not only quickly remember the seasons in English, but also cheer up yourself and those around you!

Four seasons in a year

I can name all four.

Do you wanna’ hear?

Let’s get ready and say them all: winter, spring, summer and fall.

I’m thinking of a season with snowmen and ice.

And if you like sledding, it’s very nice.

It's very cold. I need my hat and gloves.

Winter is the season I was thinking of!

I’m thinking of a season where it rains for hours.

Which helps the blooming of the brand new flowers.

It starts to warm up, which I really love.

Spring is the season I was thinking of!

I’m thinking of a season where we don’t have school.

I always play outside in my neighbor’s pool.

The sun is so hot. Which I really love.

Summer is the season I was thinking of!

I’m thinking of a season where I rake for a while.

Then I jump into those colored leaves in a big pile.

I pick apples and wear sweatshirts. Which I really love.

Fall is the season I was thinking of!

January, February, March

April, May and June

Autumn's coming soon

It's December, winter's here

Time for another year

January, February, March

April, May and June

July and August, goodbye summer

Autumn's coming soon.

Hey September, October, November

It’s December, winter’s here.

Goodbye Christmas, that's the end

Time for another year.

Goodbye Christmas, that's the end

Time for another year.

Enjoy every day, every beautiful season and remember what the seasons are called in English! Native English School is open for you both in winter and summer! Come to educational lessons with native speakers and practice speaking English. We look forward to seeing you!