Anzor Muzaev Rosobrnadzor. Anzor muzaev

VPR NOT Unified State Exam! Instead of CIM - test work options Instead of a demo version - sample test work No multiple-choice tasks Russian language 4th grade - based on dictation Assessment of subject results in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, assessment of UUD Assessment of work based on standardized criteria, integration of the project with a system of advanced training in questions assessment Use of task banks built taking into account the experience of Russian and international assessment procedures Providing schools with uniform options and assessment criteria Availability for all schools Possibility of conducting at the regional level. Opportunity to obtain consolidated results at the federal level Improving mechanisms for the development of an all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education by building a system of interconnected research and diagnostic procedures at different levels of the education system

Model carrying out VPR Stage Model Database collection Sending an order through your personal account Generating KIMAO Replicating KIMOO Scanning- Filling out an electronic form Checking parts of SOO Processing parts A and BA Auto Generating statistical forms Auto

Schematic Model of carrying out educational work in an educational organization Schematic Model of carrying out educational work in an educational organization of an educational organization 3. Conducting a practical training in an educational organization 4. Checking part C 5. Filling out the electronic form (students’ answers to A and B, grades for C) 1. Date, quantity, subject 2. CMM, electronic form 6. Completed electronic form 7. Results, statistics Personal account OO Cloud service OIV Coordination and monitoring

Using the results of the VPR At the federal level: -monitoring the results of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard; -formation of a database of students' results, in the future - ensuring the possibility of taking into account the results as a portfolio At the regional level: -timely adjustment of certain aspects in the general education system; - basis for planning control and supervisory activities At the level of the educational organization: - adjustment of the educational process; -taking into account the results of the VPR when issuing annual grades in the subject.

Plan for the year October 13 Announcement at a conference in Novosibirsk November 2015 Conducting a round table within the framework of the NIKO conference on the final preparation of approbation December 8, 15, 2015 Approbation of VPR: 4th grade (Russian language, mathematics) April 12, 14, 19, 21, 2016 Regular implementation VPR: 4th grade (Russian language, mathematics, the outside world) Voluntary conduct of VPR: 5th grade (Russian language, mathematics, biology) May 29, 2016 Completion of processing and verification of results, issuance of statistics to all interested participants

Schedule for introducing VPR 2015/ / / / /2020 Approbation of VPR in elementary school (December April 2016) Introduction of VPR in elementary school Conducting VPR in elementary school Conducting VPR in elementary school Conducting VPR in elementary school Approbation of VPR in grades 5-7 Introduction of VPR in in grades 5-7 Conducting CDF in grades 5-7 Conducting CDF in grades 5-7 Approbation of CDF in 8 grades Introduction of CDF in 8 grades Carrying out CDF in 8 grades Approbation of CDF in 10 grades Introduction of CDF in 10 grades

Anzor Muzaev There are no miracles with the Unified State Exam Interview with the Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science Anzor Muzaev. Anzor Akhmedovich, please tell us about yourself: where did you study, what did you want to become, and could you imagine that your activities would be so closely connected with the field of education? When I was at school, I assumed that I would follow in my father’s footsteps and work as an investigator in the police. Of course, we actively discussed my future with my parents, but still there was no certainty until high school. But chance decided everything: we learned that at the Checheno-Ingush State Pedagogical Institute (as this university was called before) there were courses for young teachers for graduate classes. For two years I went to these courses, studied Russian, mathematics, and physics. University teachers gave lectures to us, and it was very interesting. I passed the final exams with flying colors, and they told me that after receiving my certificate they would automatically enroll me in this institute. Did you make a decision right away? Almost immediately, although, I won’t hide, I had previously considered other options. But this institute was the youngest university in Grozny, with new buildings, with interesting teachers - I had already seen this while taking courses. This is actually how my immersion in the profession began. One of the integral components of the life of a future teacher is practice at school... We did practice in two schools, and each had its own specifics. At the Lyceum at the Grozny Oil Institute, we had work related not to teaching, but to educational work. At another school, my classmates and I were already teaching lessons: labor and general technical disciplines. People did not give up, and none of the universities closed - honor and praise to our students and their parents, to the entire faculty. Did you plan to stay in school? No, from the very beginning I knew that I would study further, and then if I took up teaching, it would only be at a university. And so it happened. In the mid-nineties, the situation in Chechnya was difficult: I already graduated from college in 1996 after the first military campaign. In Grozny, it was no longer possible to continue postgraduate studies. I went to study in Makhachkala, at the Polytechnic University, and chose the specialty “Mechanical Engineering Technology”. There was a lot of work, I collected materials for my dissertation, conducted experiments, went to consultations with my supervisor in Astrakhan, participated in conferences and prepared for my defense. In 2003, I defended myself at the St. Petersburg State Technical University. And all this time he taught at the Chechen State Pedagogical Institute and the Grozny State Technical University. What do you remember about teaching at the university? It coincided with very difficult times in the history of our republic and the entire country: a crisis was raging, money was depreciating. Grozny was destroyed after the first military campaign. But people did not give up, and not a single university closed - honor and praise to our students and their parents, to the entire teaching staff. Despite the lack of wages, shelling and checkpoints, they went to school and work. We sat by the stoves, in rooms with taped windows. Attendance was one hundred percent! People believed that everything would change for the better, that the transition period was temporary. That's how it all happened. And they won, science and the desire to preserve our higher school won. I still meet many of these guys now: they have become engineers, teachers, and work in administration and government agencies. And I am proud that I also had a hand in their upbringing, in making them law-abiding citizens of Russia, patriots of their homeland - both the republic and the country.


Married, has five children.


Higher education (Chechen State Pedagogical Institute, 1996).



A visiting meeting of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science will be held in Buryatia

Issues of development of educational infrastructure will be discussed on February 12-13 in Buryatia as part of a visiting meeting of the State Duma Committee of the Russian Federation on Education and Science. Members of the Duma Committee, deputies of legislative bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, representatives of executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as federal executive bodies and industry organizations will arrive in the republic. Among them are the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science Vyacheslav Nikonov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee Gennady Onishchenko, Deputy Head of Rosobrnadzor Anzor Muzaev.

Rosobrnadzor will check the competence of 5 thousand teachers in 2018

Teachers will be tested in nine school subjects

MOSCOW, December 13, 2017, 14:52 - REGNUM In 2018, Rosobrnadzor will continue testing the model for assessing teacher competencies. Deputy head of Rosobrnadzor Anzor Muzaev announced this today, December 13, the department reported.

According to him, next year it is planned to test the model in a number of subjects. The department plans to check the competence of at least 5 thousand teachers.

School medals will be examined from the reverse side

The Ministry of Education and Science and Rosobrnadzor are satisfied with the results of summing up the results of the Unified State Exam campaign in 2017, but they have complaints about the objectivity of exams in the ninth grade, the process of holding regional Olympiads and the issuance of school medals. Rosobrnadzor notes that “in some schools there is a rudimentary distribution of medals,” and calls on regional educational officials to restore order in this area.

This year, “no serious violations were identified that would negatively affect the results of children or the situation as a whole,” said Deputy Minister of Education and Science Tatyana Sinyugina, summing up the results of passing the unified state exam in the Russian Federation.

Anzor Akhmedovich, please tell us about yourself: where did you study, what did you want to become, and could you imagine that your activities would be so closely connected with the field of education?

When I was at school, I assumed that I would follow in my father’s footsteps and work as an investigator in the police. Of course, we actively discussed my future with my parents, but still there was no certainty until high school. But chance decided everything: we learned that at the Checheno-Ingush State Pedagogical Institute (as this university was called before) there were courses for young teachers for graduate classes.

For two years I went to these courses, studied Russian, mathematics, and physics. University teachers gave lectures to us, and it was very interesting. I passed the final exams with flying colors, and they told me that after receiving my certificate they would automatically enroll me in this institute.

Did you make a decision right away?

Almost immediately, although, I won’t hide, I had previously considered other options. But this institute was the youngest university in Grozny, with new buildings, with interesting teachers - I had already seen this while taking courses. This is actually how my immersion in the profession began.

One of the integral components of the life of a future teacher is practice at school...

We did internships in two schools, and each had its own specifics. At the Lyceum at the Grozny Oil Institute, we had work related not to teaching, but to educational work. At another school, my classmates and I were already teaching lessons: labor and general technical disciplines.

People did not give up, and not a single university closed - honor and praise to our students and their parents, to the entire teaching staff

Did you plan to stay in school?

No, from the very beginning I knew that I would study further, and then if I took up teaching, it would only be at a university.

And so it happened. In the mid-nineties, the situation in Chechnya was difficult: I already graduated from college in 1996 after the first military campaign. In Grozny, it was no longer possible to continue postgraduate studies.

I went to study in Makhachkala, at the Polytechnic University, and chose the specialty “Mechanical Engineering Technology”. There was a lot of work, I collected materials for my dissertation, conducted experiments, went to consultations with my supervisor in Astrakhan, participated in conferences and prepared for my defense.

In 2003, I defended myself at the St. Petersburg State Technical University. And all this time he taught at the Chechen State Pedagogical Institute and the Grozny State Technical University.

What do you remember about teaching at the university?

It coincided with very difficult times in the history of our republic and the entire country: a crisis was raging, money was depreciating. Grozny was destroyed after the first military campaign.

But people did not give up, and not a single university closed - honor and praise to our students and their parents, to the entire teaching staff. Despite the lack of wages, shelling and checkpoints, they went to school and work.

We sat by the stoves, in rooms with taped windows. Attendance was one hundred percent! People believed that everything would change for the better, that the transition period was temporary. That's how it all happened.

And they won, science and the desire to preserve our higher school won.

I still meet many of these guys now: they have become engineers, teachers, and work in administration and government agencies. And I am proud that I also had a hand in their upbringing, in making them law-abiding citizens of Russia, patriots of their homeland - both the republic and the country.

Traditionally, its custom character remained (based on 30 million rubles), its traditional author (already “native” Svetlana Subbotina), traditionally positive tone with a touch of heroism.

Everything except one.

Unlike previous similar publications, Rosobrnadzor's face has changed.

Instead of former “Chief Unified State Exam” speaker Sergei Kravtsov The interview is given by the deputy head of Rosobrnadzor, named by the newspaper as “the main curator of the Unified State Exam.” That's it, no more, no less - after 9 months of bravado and promises of Sergei Kravtsov, the main one turns out to be not Kravtsov, but Muzaev.

Main or last?

Let's repeat - for the last six months in all interviews, television stories, comments, statements, meetings in the highest government bodies Sergei Kravtsov was the “chief in the Unified State Exam”, and now, when it’s clear "smells like something fried"(although perhaps scorched) - Kravtsov is no longer in charge.

Let us remind you that Sergei Kravtsov has been appointed Head of Rosobrnadzor since September 2013.

Previously, he headed the department of the Ministry of Education and Science, which coordinated project budget expenses, including costs of development, organization and conducting the Unified State Exam. Here are the Regulations on the Department, which was headed by Kravtsov until September 2013. To briefly summarize the essence of the Department’s work: he decides How many what to spend on and which of the subordinate services (Rosobrnadzor and Rosomolodezh) how much money to spend on what.

How much money do you really need for the Unified State Exam?

Here is one of Kravtsov’s first interviews in his new position with the Russian newspaper - As you can see, there is practically nothing except the Unified State Exam and school questions. And the headline above the photo of the new head of Rosobrnadzor is very resonant.

"Egeist"so apt A Russian newspaper dubbed Sergei Kravtsov.

So, Anzor Muzaev stated that there was not a single leak, and his leader Sergei Kravtsov announced a leak on the same day.

We would swallow this, in hardware language, “setup”, but Russia’s leading communications and PR agencies work for Rosobrnadzor, such as they don't make mistakes. This all sounds a lot like panic. special operation to transfer responsibility from a sick head to a healthy one.

Six months Sergei Kravtsov promised society a successful Unified State Examination, and when on the horizon billion-dollar procurement checks, revelations and a criminal case for incitement to suicide loomed, “the main one in the Unified State Exam” quickly changed, and also provokes a conflict with the leading critic of Minister Livanov.

A day after the publication in Izvestia, the second “control in the head” was published, or rather in two heads. On Channel One in prime time in the popular program “Man and the Law” story about Unified State Exam 2014.

We cannot suspect Pimanov of “ordering”, and she wasn’t in the plot. The plot has a different task - to show all of Russia those responsible for the Unified State Exam 2014, or rather, in the future - for its failure, because now this is a past episode, these are Anzor Muzaev and Anna Krechetova.

The baton has been passed!

A classic PR move is being performed before our eyes: we bully the deputy from United Russia, we appoint “in charge of the Unified State Examination” a deputy who is not so experienced in the apparatus struggle at the federal level, and a girl from show business hired to portray the movement “For an Honest Unified State Exam”, we are waiting for them to be “gobbled up” by critics and supervisory authorities, and Sergei Kravtsov – as if it had nothing to do with it. After all " RUssia morning"was a long time ago, but "Man and the Law" was recently. People's memory is short, but the “Chief of the Unified State Exam” is now Anzor Muzaev.

Victory has many parents, defeat is always an orphan

“Egeist” Sergei Kravtsov abandoned his brainchild- epic in terms of budget, violations and crippled destinies of the Unified State Exam 2014, and offered to “adopt” it to Anzor Muzaev. Anzor Akhmedovich, as a father of many children, a real man and professional in education, cannot refuse and show cowardice, the main one is the main one. Hiding behind others is not Caucasian.

And we have no doubt that public opinion, the expert community, and the investigation will correctly determine who is truly guilty of both the suicides of schoolchildren and the dubious use of the billion-dollar Unified State Exam budget. The public movement “Obrnadzor” continues to exercise public control over the organization and conduct of the Unified State Exam-2014. We will soon present our activists, readers and authorities with expert advice. assessment of state exam results. Of course, we will deliver one copy of the Report to Sergei Kravtsov.

Has someone been appointed to blame for the failure of the Unified State Exam 2014? was last modified: August 13th, 2014 by Movement Obrnadzor