Questionnaire for students' attitude towards teachers. The results of a survey of university teachers and an assessment of the need to conduct a study of the management system of Moscow State University

Appendix 6

Satisfaction of teachers and staff with work at the university

One of the indicators of a university’s activities in the field of ensuring the quality of training of specialists is the degree of satisfaction of teachers and staff with work at the university, which is determined on the basis of studying your opinion during a sociological survey.

When filling out the questionnaire, circle those answer options to the questions with which you agree, and if there are no such options, then write your answer option in the “Other” column.

All data will be presented in a summarized form after computer processing, so we ask you to answer all questions in the questionnaire sincerely and conscientiously.

1. The main source of information about the life of your university:

1. Orders of the rector, other official documents

2. Orders of the vice-rector, dean, head. department, head laboratory

3. Department meetings

4. Meetings of the Academic Council

5. Meetings of the scientific and technical council

6. Service documentation educational method. Office (Department of OOP)

7. Meetings and conferences held at the university

8. Personal communication with management

9. Conversations at the department, in the dean’s office

10. Department staff

11. Management of divisions (departments, centers, departments)

12.Colleagues from other departments and students

13. University newspaper

14. Oral unofficial information, rumors from various sources

15. I don’t receive information about university affairs

16. I am not interested in information about the affairs of the university

17. Other (university website, blogs__________________________________________)

2. How satisfied are you with the availability of information about the affairs of your institute?

A source of information

completely satisfied

partially satisfied

not satisfied

difficult answer


Dean's offices

3. What form of advanced training do you consider most acceptable at present? (check only one answer option)

1. Zonal IPPC

2. Permanent methodological seminars

3. Internship in related schools. and scientific establishments, enterprises

4. Allocating time for individual creative work

5. Participation in the work of the educational and methodological association

6. Scientific internship abroad

10. The opportunity to implement your scientific developments

11. Other __________________________

12. I find it difficult to answer

7. How satisfied are you with the working conditions at the university and the equipment of the workplace?

8. There are many different sides and aspects in the life of a university that in one way or another affect every teacher and employee. Rate how satisfied you are:

completely satisfied

partially satisfied

not satisfied

difficult answer

The attitude of the university management towards you

Recognition of your successes and achievements

Activities of the university administration

Terms of payment

Convenience of work and services, having. at the university

Labor protection and safety

Managing changes in operations. university

Providing benefits:

rest, san. treated, etc.

Syst. nutrition. medical and other services

9. Does your university have a contract system for concluding employment agreements with teachers and staff?

1. Yes 2. No 3. Difficult. answer

10. If such a system exists, are you satisfied with the job security provided by the contract?

11.How satisfied are you:



partially satisfied

not satisfied


Relationship with the administration

Relations with immediate management

Relationships with colleagues at the department, in the laboratory

Relations with students

12. Are you satisfied with the role of your university in society and in the relevant professional field?

13. What problems of the educational process require, in your opinion, a priority solution?

2. Poor equipment with modern TSOs

3. Lack of audiences

4. Lack of choice for students of academic disciplines and teachers

5. Inconvenient schedule

6. Inability to quickly reproduce handouts for classes with students

7. Weak system for diagnosing and assessing students’ knowledge

8. Quality of training content

9. Insufficient consideration of the needs of graduates’ consumers

10. Imperfection of the economic mechanism for stimulating organizers of the educational process

11. Organization of practical training

12. Low discipline of students

13. Rejuvenation of teaching staff

14. Imperfect curriculum

15. Insufficient laboratory facilities

16. Level of scientific research

17. Other _____________________________________________________

18. I find it difficult to answer

14. Your position

1. Vice-Rector

3. Director of the department (Center), head of department

4. Head department

5. Professor

4. Senior Lecturer

5. Teacher

6. Researcher

7. Head of laboratory (office)

8. Department employee __________________

9. Department employee

10. Library worker

11. Educational support staff

15. Your age

1. Up to 30;;;; 5. >60)

16. Your gender

1. male 2. female

17. Work experience at this university

up to 5 years; 5-10; 11-15; 16-20; > 20 years

What, in your opinion, needs to be done to improve the educational process and professional activities of teachers (staff) (write)_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

Moscow State University of Printing Arts named after Ivan Fedorov

university labor competitiveness training

Discipline: Control systems research

The results of a survey of university teachers and an assessment of the need to conduct a study of the management system of the Ivan Fedorov Moscow State University of Printing Arts

Performed by student Fedorova A.E.

IKiM, group DeM(bak)3-3,

Accepted by: D.A. Korolev

Moscow 2013

List of questions for surveying teachers:

1)How do you rate the overall qualifications of the teaching staff? (1-5 points)

2)How satisfied are you with the working conditions at the university? (1-5 points)

)Do you think our university is effective? (YES - 2 points; NO - 0 points)

)Are you comfortable using the group's electronic rating? (YES - 2 points; NO - 0 points)

)Would you like to change the nature of studying at university? (YES - 0 points; NO - 2 points)

)Do changes in the field of education often occur at the university? (YES - 0 points; NO - 2 points)

)Do you enjoy your work? (YES - 2 points; NO - 0 points)

)Are you ready for remote communication with students via the Internet? (YES - 2 points; NO - 0 points; HARD TO ANSWER - 0 points)

)Does the university have a sufficient base for organizing practical training for students? (YES - 2 points; NO - 0 points)

)Will student performance improve due to the ranking system? (YES - 2 points; NO - 0 points)

)Do you think distance learning is effective? (YES - 0 points; NO - 2 points)

)How satisfied are you with the attitude of the university management towards you? (FULLY SATISFACTORY - 2 points; PARTLY SATISFACTORY - 1 point; UNSATISFACTORY - 0 points; HARD TO ANSWER - 0 points)

)How satisfied are you with the recognition of your successes and achievements? (FULLY SATISFACTORY - 2 points; PARTLY SATISFACTORY - 1 point; UNSATISFACTORY - 0 points; HARD TO ANSWER - 0 points)

)How satisfied are you with the provision of benefits: rest, sanatorium treatment, etc.? (FULLY SATISFACTORY - 2 points; PARTLY SATISFACTORY - 1 point; UNSATISFACTORY - 0 points; HARD TO ANSWER - 0 points)

The weight of each question is 100%. Thus, the maximum possible score for the survey is 66 (the sum of all points for the answers).

Scale for assessing the functioning of Moscow State University named after. Ivan Fedorov:

1. 0-32 b. -

2. 33-51 b.-

3.52-66 b.

General completed table: Questionnaire questions

12 teachers were interviewed using this questionnaire. Their answers are shown in the table below.

Survey results

Question Interviewed No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 No. 11 No. 121) Evaluate the system of advanced training at the university. 43324344442342) Are you satisfied with the working conditions at the university? 5443434332433) Do you think our Is the university competitive? dadadadadadadadanetdanet4) Do you think it is correct to maintain a point-rating system in our university? no no no no yes no no no no no 5) Evaluate the organization of workplaces at the university. 44343444442346) Evaluate the quality of work of the control room? 2323434221247) Evaluate the equipment of the university with modern technical means and teaching technologies? 43443 43334438) Rate the quality works of dean's offices.2432544441139) Would you like to change the structure of education at the university? no no no no no yes yes yes no 10) How often do changes in the field of education occur at the university? yes no no yes no 11) Assess your work schedule at the university. 44434435343412) Do you enjoy your work? yes yes no yes yes yes no 13) Ready are you to remote communication with students via the Internet? yes I find it difficult no no I find it difficult I find it difficult no yes no no yes I find it difficult 14) Does the university have a sufficient base for organizing practical training for students? Assess students' interest in receiving new information33344344314218 ) How satisfied are you with the attitude of the university management towards you? Partially satisfactory Unsatisfactory Partially satisfactory Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Partially satisfactory Partially satisfactory Fully satisfactory Fully satisfactory Unsatisfactory Partially satisfactory Unsatisfactory 19) How satisfied are you with the recognition of your successes and achievements? Partially satisfactory Unsatisfactory Partially satisfactory Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Partially satisfactoryPartially satisfactoryCompletely satisfactoryCompletely satisfactoryUnsatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryCompletely satisfactory21) How satisfied are you with the provision of benefits: rest, sanatorium treatment and etc.? Partially satisfactory Partially satisfactory Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Partially satisfactory Partially satisfactory Unsatisfactory Partially satisfactory Fully satisfactory Unsatisfactory Partially satisfactory Unsatisfactory 22) Are you satisfied with the transition from written to electronic testing? yes no yes yes no yes no yes yes yes no

Histograms of distribution of answers to each question:

Figure 1 - Distribution of answers to question No. 1

university equipment technology competitiveness

Figure 2 - Distribution of answers to question No. 2

Figure 3 - Distribution of answers to question No. 3

Figure 4 - Distribution of answers to question No. 4

Figure 5 - Distribution of answers to question No. 5

Figure 6 - Distribution of answers to question No. 6

Figure 7 - Distribution of answers to question No. 7

Figure 8 - Distribution of answers to question No. 8

Figure 9 - Distribution of answers to question No. 9

Figure 10 - Distribution of answers to question No. 10

Figure 11 - Distribution of answers to question No. 11

Figure 12 - Distribution of answers to question No. 12

Figure 13 - Distribution of answers to question No. 13

Figure 14 - Distribution of answers to question No. 14

Figure 15 - Distribution of answers to question No. 15

Figure 16 - Distribution of answers to question No. 16

Figure 17 - Distribution of answers to question No. 17

Figure 18 - Distribution of answers to question No. 18

Figure 19 - Distribution of answers to question No. 19

Figure 20 - Distribution of answers to question No. 20

Figure 21 - Distribution of answers to question No. 21

Based on the diagrams, the greatest consistency among the teachers surveyed is observed when answering the following questions:

How satisfied are you with the working conditions at the university?;

Do you consider our university competitive?;

Do you think it is correct to introduce a point-rating system in our university?

The table below shows the average scores for each question:

Question Average score1. Rate the system of advanced training at the university. 3.3 out of 52. How satisfied are you with the working conditions at the university? 3.3 out of 53. Do you consider our university competitive? 1.7 out of 24. Do you think the introduction of a point-rating system is correct? in our university?0.5 out of 25. Rate the organization of workplaces at the university.3.6 out of 56. Rate the quality of the work of the control room2.7 out of 57. Rate the university's equipment with modern technical means and teaching technologies3.5 out of 58. Rate the quality of the work of the dean's offices .3.1 out of 59. Would you like to change the structure of education at the university? 1.3 out of 210. Do changes in the field of education often occur at the university? 0.8 out of 211. Rate your work schedule at the university. 3.8 out of 512 Do you enjoy your work? 1.5 out of 213. Are you ready for remote communication with students via the Internet? 0.5 out of 214. Does the university have a sufficient base for organizing practical training for students? 1.2 out of 215. Will students' performance increase thanks to the rating system? 0.8 out of 216. Do you consider distance learning effective? 1.3 out of 217. Rate students' interest in receiving new information 3.2 out of 518. How satisfied are you with the attitude of the university management towards you? 0.8 out of 219. How satisfied are you with the recognition of your successes and achievements? 0.8 out of 220. How satisfied are you with the provision of benefits: recreation, sanatorium treatment, etc.? 0.7 out of 221. Are you satisfied with the transition from written testing to electronic testing? ?1.3 out of 2

Based on the table of average scores for each question, we can conclude that our university is functioning normally. But there are issues that should be given special attention. These are: the introduction of a point-rating system at the university; quality of control room work; reluctance of teachers to communicate remotely with students; dissatisfaction of teachers with the attitude of the university management towards them and dissatisfaction of teachers with the rest provided to them.

Functioning Rating Scale:

1. 0-32 b. - the control system needs research.

2. 33-51 b.-The university as a whole functions normally, but some aspects in the management of the educational institution should be reconsidered.

3. 52-66 b.- The university functions effectively.

Survey results processed and converted into points:

Questionnaire Number of points out of 66 No. 145 No. 243 No. 342 No. 437 No. 544 No. 645 No. 738 No. 846 No. 942 No. 1021 No. 1138 No. 1239

from the above questionnaires fall into the range of 33-51 points. This suggests that the university is functioning normally, but some points in the management system should be given attention and, perhaps, changed; 1 questionnaire falls within the range of 0-32 points. This indicates the need to review the organizational structure of the university.


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Dear comrade!

In connection with the study of the educational process at the university, we ask you to answer the questions in the proposed questionnaire. Read the question and possible answers. Choose the option that best reflects your opinion and circle the code that corresponds to it.

If none of the options suits you, write yours in the designated space. Please note that answers to questions are not subject to disclosure.

1. Which definition of the concept of “student education” do you think most fully reflects its content?

01 is the process of equipping students with professional knowledge, developing their desire to act in accordance with the requirements

02 is a purposeful process of formation and development in students of professional and psychological qualities necessary in everyday life and activities

03 is a specially organized, managed interaction between a teacher and a student, the ultimate goal of which is the formation of a specialist in his field with the necessary professional knowledge, skills and abilities

04 - other (write).



2. To what extent are you satisfied with the state and effectiveness of student education at the university (university)?

05 - satisfied

06 - more yes than no

07 - no more than yes

08 - not satisfied

10 - fully informed

11 - partially informed

12 - not sufficiently informed

13 - I find it difficult to answer.

4. To what extent do you know the requirements for students set out in the University Charter, regulations and rules of the student dormitory?

14 - I know fully

15 - I know the basic provisions related to the performance of my duties as a teacher

16 - I know some articles, provisions

17 - I find it difficult to answer.

5. Do you maintain contacts with the heads of departments, faculties, and institutes on issues of student education?

18 - support constantly

19 - support irregularly

20 - I don’t support

21 - I find it difficult to answer.

6. Do you use your professional and teaching experience in the interests of education?

22 - I use it all the time

23 - more likely yes than no

24 - more likely no than yes

25 - I don’t use it.

7. Are you satisfied with the results of your activities in educating students?

26 - yes, I do

27 - more likely yes than no

28 - rather no than yes

29 - I don’t feel it

30 - difficult to answer.

8. Do you use the practice of moral stimulation and encouragement during classes?

31 - yes, I use it

32 - no, I don’t use it

33 - I find it difficult to answer.

9. If you use the practice of moral stimulation and encouragement, then how is this expressed?

34 - I use different types of approval and support

35 - I use team influence measures on poorly performing and undisciplined students

36 - please note distinguished or underachieving students in the order of the head of the faculty or institute

37 - other (write).




10. Do you experience difficulties in conducting educational work with students?

38 - experiencing

39 - I don’t feel it

40 - difficult to answer.

11. If you experience such difficulties, what are they associated with? (several items can be noted)

41 - lack of a unified approach to understanding student education

42 - insufficient attention on the part of managers at various levels to issues of student education

43 - insufficient personal preparedness for educational work with students

44 - lack of objective information about the state and practice of education in a student group, course, faculty, institute

45 - insufficient efficiency of educational structures and teaching staff in teaching students

46 - lack of constant and effective prevention of student misconduct by management officials

47 - other (write).




12. Do you think the current level of education meets modern requirements and upcoming professional challenges?

48 - answers

49 - more likely yes than no

50 - more likely no than yes

51 - not responding

52 - I find it difficult to answer.

13. What, in your opinion, components of the content of student education are the most significant at the present time? (several items can be noted)

53 - nurturing devotion to the chosen specialty

54 - formation of readiness to conscientiously fulfill one’s professional duties

55 - development of a constant desire to master knowledge and profession

56 - formation of special qualities, especially necessary when performing professional tasks

57 - nurturing professional pride

58 - physical fitness and perfection

59 - other (write).




60 - high

61 - average

62 - low

63 - I find it difficult to answer.

15. To what extent are you satisfied with the state and practice of educational work in the traditions of the faculty, institute, university?

64 - quite satisfied

65 - more satisfied than not

66 - no longer satisfied

67 - completely dissatisfied

68 - I find it difficult to answer.

16. What, in your opinion, are the reasons that make it difficult to organize and conduct effective educational work with students?

69 - weak use of student traditions in the educational process of the university

70 - a significant increase in the influence of surrogates of “mass culture” on the consciousness of young people

71 - formalism in educational work to ensure continuity in education

72 - insufficient information support for education

73 - poor knowledge of educational techniques and methods, capabilities of the university educational system

74 - other (write down).




Please provide some information about yourself:

17. Your current position

75 - head of department

76 - deputy head of department

77 - professor

78 - associate professor

79 - senior teacher

80 - teacher

81 - assistant

18. Teaching experience

82 - up to 5 years

84 -10-15 years


Merkulova Ekaterina Andreevna

Barysheva Maria Valerievna

1st year students, economic department of the College of Electronics and Business of OSU,
RF, Orenburg

E-mail: sk502@ yandex. ru

Nurmanova Sabilya Andreevna

scientific supervisor, teacher 1st quarter category of OSU College of Electronics and Business,
RF, Orenburg

Today, the greatest demand is for specialists who clearly understand their mission to constantly transfer experience and knowledge to the younger generation, who have flexibility and mobility in the use of innovative technologies for teaching students of professional colleges. Teachers of vocational colleges must perceive their external environment with an awareness of their own responsibility, be able to act independently and react to rapidly changing professional situations. This flexibility in knowledge, ability and assessment can only be achieved through continuous development of the way of thinking and through the belief in the need for lifelong learning. College teachers must be qualified, passionate, and capable teachers.

Since we are 1st year students, we became interested in finding out what a modern student’s idea of ​​a teacher is, for this we conducted a study, “The Teacher Through the Eyes of a Student.” To process the survey data, statistical methods and data grouping methods were used.

Purpose of the work: to identify students’ opinions about the professional activities of teachers through the questionnaire “Teacher through the eyes of students.”

Job objectives:

· studying the requirements for a teacher;

· studying the requirements for a teacher;

· survey of students of the College of Electronics and Business of OSU;

· processing of survey results using statistical methods of grouping personal data;

· establish compliance of the activities of teachers of the College of Electronics and Business of OSU with the requirements of the state standard.

When solving the assigned tasks, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the requirements for the activities of teachers and lecturers were considered and general aspects of the studied aspects were highlighted.

General features of the requirements for the activities of teachers and lecturers.

1. Conducts training for students in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards, promotes the development of the personality, talents and abilities of students, and the formation of their common culture.

2. Organizes and controls their independent work, individual educational trajectories (programs), using the most effective forms, methods and means of teaching, new educational technologies, including information.

3. Ensures that students achieve and confirm educational levels (educational qualifications).

4. Evaluates the effectiveness of teaching a subject (discipline, course) to students, taking into account their acquisition of knowledge and mastery of skills using computer technology.

5. Respects the rights and freedoms of students, maintains academic discipline, attendance schedule, respecting human dignity, honor and reputation of students.

6. Communicates with parents or persons replacing them.

7. Carry out control and evaluation activities in the educational process using modern assessment methods in the conditions of information and communication technologies (including maintaining electronic forms of documentation).

8. Ensures the protection of life and health of students during the educational process, complies with labor protection and fire safety rules.

The essence of our study was that students of various courses in the College of Electronics and Business of OSU were asked to evaluate the activities of a real teacher on a five-point scale.

Characteristics of a teacher's activities

1. Organization and punctuality of the teacher.

2. Mastery of the material and rational use of time in class.

4. Connections with other disciplines.

5. Connection with practical activities, the teacher orients students towards the profession.

6. Ability to communicate with the audience.

7. Erudition and culture of speech.

8. Objectivity, respect and tact in dealing with students.

9. Appearance of the teacher.

Evaluation criteria:

5 points- quality manifests itself almost always;

4 points- quality manifests itself frequently;

3 points- quality manifests itself in approximately 50% of cases;

2 points- quality is rarely manifested;

1 point- quality is lacking.

To achieve this goal, the basic principles of statistical data analysis were studied.

Statistics as a science studies the quantitative side of mass socio-economic phenomena in inextricable connection with their quality.

The work examined the theoretical aspects of the fundamentals of statistical methodology, namely methods for grouping the obtained personal data.

3 first-year groups, 2 second-year groups, 2 third-year groups and 2 4th-year groups took part in the survey.

When processing the survey data obtained, statistical methods of grouping by quantitative and qualitative factors were used. The following is a grouping according to the quantitative factor, i.e. the overall assessment of the teacher’s activity in the courses.

Grouping survey results by quantitative criteria

In the first and fourth years, the majority of students rated the teacher’s activities as 4 points (Figure 1, 2).

Figure 1. General assessment of the teacher’s performance by 1st year students

Figure 2. General assessment of the teacher’s performance by 4th year students

More than half of 2nd and 3rd year students rate the activities of teachers as 5 points (Figure 3, 4).

Figure 3. Overall assessment of the teacher’s performance by 2nd year students

Figure 4. Overall assessment of the teacher’s performance by 3rd year students

As the results show, students of almost all courses are satisfied with the attitude of teachers towards them. Perhaps this is due to the fact that young teachers are just establishing contact with students.

The grouping of survey results by characteristic features is presented in Figures 5-8.

Figure 5. Characteristics of the teacher’s activities by 1st year students

Figure 6. Characteristics of the teacher’s activities by 2nd year students

Figure 7. Characteristics of the teacher’s activities by 3rd year students

Figure 8. Characteristics of the teacher’s activities by 4th year students

From the results of the survey of students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years, teachers master the material and use time rationally in class, but from the results of the 4th year it can be understood that they are not particularly happy, probably, teachers are often distracted by extraneous topics and do not have time to present the material.

On the issue of organization and punctuality, many of our students believe that teachers do not always arrive on time for class. This may be because they are having meetings or dealing with serious issues.

1st-3rd year students highly appreciated the teacher’s ability to convey material to students. 4th year students divided their opinion between average. Perhaps they simply are no longer interested in studying and they don’t listen to anything and it seems that they explain things poorly.

If you look at the results, the first-year teachers do not quite form the thinking, but for the senior students, not everything is clear either, their opinions differ, the 2nd and 3rd year students are happy with everything, but the 4th year students are convinced that not all teachers have connections with others disciplines.

2nd year students believe that teachers guide students towards a profession. In the 1st and 3rd year there is a small proportion, which shows that teachers do not do this at all. In the 4th year, the majority think exactly this way.

1st and 4th year students believe that the teachers’ speech is not entirely professional and understandable. 2nd and 3rd year students think the opposite. Opinions differ on this matter.

The teachers of our educational institution look very attractive and take care of themselves. All survey participants agree with this.

The teacher's characteristics such as organization, punctuality and appearance received the highest ratings. As the survey showed, connections with other disciplines and practice are less important for students.

These figures are quite encouraging. Students who took part in the survey believe that they are shown respect by teachers. This is especially true for 3rd year students.

You can also note such characteristics as objectivity, respect and tact in relation to students. But almost all indicators received high marks.

Almost all indicators were set high assessments, which indicates the professional competence of teachers, the compliance of their activities with the requirements of the state standard!

Thus, we studied the requirements for the activities of teachers and teachers; a survey of students from the OSU College of Electronics and Business was conducted; the results of the survey were processed using statistical methods for grouping personal data; the compliance of the activities of teachers of the College of Electronics and Business of OSU with the requirements of the state standard was established.


1. Yodgorova M.O. Modern requirements for a professional college teacher / M.O. Yodgorova // Young scientist. - 2012. - No. 1. - T. 2. - P. 86-87.

2. Konik N.V. General theory of statistics: lecture notes. / N.V. Konik. M.: EKSMO, 2008. - 160 p.

3. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n “On approval of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section “Qualification Characteristics of Positions of Education Workers” / [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: (date accessed 05/05/2015).

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education Moscow State University of Printing Arts named after Ivan Fedorov university labor competitiveness training


P about the discipline: Management systems research

on the topic of:

The results of a survey of university teachers and an assessment of the need to conduct a study of the management system of the Ivan Fedorov Moscow State University of Printing Arts

Performed by student Fedorova A.E.

IKiM, group DeM (tank) 3−3,

Accepted by: D.A. Korolev

Moscow 2013

A list of questions for surveying teachers:

1) How do you rate the overall qualifications of the teaching staff? (1−5 points)

2) How satisfied are you with the working conditions at the university? (1−5 points)

3) Do you think our university is effective? (YES - 2 points; NO - 0 points)

4) Are you comfortable using the group’s electronic rating? (YES - 2 points; NO - 0 points)

9) Would you like to change the nature of studying at university? (YES - 0 points; NO - 2 points)

10) Do changes in the field of education often occur at the university? (YES - 0 points; NO - 2 points)

12) Do you enjoy your work? (YES - 2 points; NO - 0 points)

13) Are you ready for remote communication with students via the Internet? (YES - 2 points; NO - 0 points; HARD TO ANSWER - 0 points)

14) Does the university have a sufficient base for organizing practical training for students? (YES - 2 points; NO - 0 points)

15) Will student performance improve due to the ranking system? (YES - 2 points; NO - 0 points)

16) Do you think distance learning is effective? (YES - 0 points; NO - 2 points)

18) How satisfied are you with the attitude of the university management towards you? (FULLY SATISFACTORY - 2 points; PARTLY SATISFACTORY - 1 point; UNSATISFACTORY - 0 points; HARD TO ANSWER - 0 points)

19) How satisfied are you with the recognition of your successes and achievements? (FULLY SATISFACTORY - 2 points; PARTLY SATISFACTORY - 1 point; UNSATISFACTORY - 0 points; HARD TO ANSWER - 0 points)

20) How satisfied are you with the provision of benefits: recreation, sanatorium treatment, etc. (FULLY SATISFACTORY - 2 points; PARTLY SATISFACTORY - 1 point; UNSATISFACTORY - 0 points; HARD TO ANSWER - 0 points) The weight of each question is 100%. Thus, the maximum possible score for the survey is 66 (the sum of all points for the answers).

Scale for assessing the functioning of Moscow State University named after. Ivan Fedorov:

1. 0 - 32 b. -

2. 33 - 51 b.-

3.52−66 b.

General completed table: Questionnaire questions

12 teachers were interviewed using this questionnaire. Their answers are shown in the table below.

Table Survey results


2) Are you satisfied with the working conditions at the university?

3) Do you consider our university competitive?

4) Do you think it is correct to maintain a point-rating system in our university?

9) Would you like to change the structure of education at the university?

10) Do changes in the field of education often occur at the university?

12) Do you enjoy your work?

13) Are you ready for remote communication with students via the Internet?

I'm at a loss

I'm at a loss

I'm at a loss

I'm at a loss

14) Does the university have a sufficient base for organizing practical training for students?

15) Will student performance improve due to the ranking system?

16) Do you think distance learning is effective?

18) How satisfied are you with the attitude of the university management towards you?

Partially satisfactory


Partially satisfactory



Partially satisfactory

Partially satisfactory

Completely satisfactory

Completely satisfactory


Partially satisfactory


19) How satisfied are you with the recognition of your successes and achievements?

Partially satisfactory


Partially satisfactory



Partially satisfactory

Partially satisfactory

Completely satisfactory

Completely satisfactory



Completely satisfactory

21) How satisfied are you with the provision of benefits: rest, sanatorium treatment, etc.

Partially satisfactory

Partially satisfactory



Partially satisfactory

Partially satisfactory


Partially satisfactory

Completely satisfactory


Partially satisfactory


22) Are you satisfied with the transition from written to electronic testing?

Histograms of distribution of answers to each question:

Figure 1 — Distribution of answers to question No. 1

university equipment technology competitiveness Figure 2 — Distribution of answers to question No. 2

Figure 3 — Distribution of answers to question No. 3

Figure 4 — Distribution of answers to question No. 4

Figure 5 — Distribution of answers to question No. 5

Figure 6 — Distribution of answers to question No. 6

Figure 7 — Distribution of answers to question No. 7

Figure 8 — Distribution of answers to question No. 8

Figure 9 — Distribution of answers to question No. 9

Figure 10 — Distribution of answers to question No. 10

Figure 11 — Distribution of answers to question No. 11

Figure 12 — Distribution of answers to question No. 12

Figure 13 — Distribution of answers to question No. 13

Figure 14 — Distribution of answers to question No. 14

Figure 15 — Distribution of answers to question No. 15

Figure 16 — Distribution of answers to question No. 16

Figure 17 — Distribution of answers to question No. 17

Figure 18 — Distribution of answers to question No. 18

Figure 19 — Distribution of answers to question No. 19

Figure 20 — Distribution of answers to question No. 20

Figure 21 — Distribution of answers to question No. 21

Based on the diagrams, the greatest consistency among the teachers surveyed is observed when answering the following questions:

3. How satisfied are you with the working conditions at the university?;

4. Do you consider our university competitive?;

5. Do you think it is correct to introduce a point-rating system in our university?

The table below shows the average scores for each question:

Average score

2. How satisfied are you with the working conditions at the university?

3. Do you consider our university competitive?

4. Do you think it is correct to introduce a point-rating system in our university?

9. Would you like to change the structure of education at the university?

10. Do changes in the field of education often occur at the university?

12. Do you enjoy your work?

13. Are you ready for remote communication with students via the Internet?

14. Does the university have a sufficient base for organizing practical training for students?

15. Will student performance improve due to the ranking system?

16. Do you think distance learning is effective?

18. How satisfied are you with the attitude of the university management towards you?

19. How satisfied are you with the recognition of your successes and achievements?

20. How satisfied are you with the provision of benefits: rest, sanatorium treatment, etc.

21. Are you satisfied with the transition from written to electronic testing?

Based on the table of average scores for each question, we can conclude that our university is functioning normally. But there are issues that should be given special attention. These are: the introduction of a point-rating system at the university; quality of control room work; reluctance of teachers to communicate remotely with students; dissatisfaction of teachers with the attitude of the university management towards them and dissatisfaction of teachers with the rest provided to them.

Functioning Rating Scale:

1. 0 - 32 b. - the control system needs research.

2. 33 - 51 b.- The university as a whole functions normally, but some aspects in the management of the educational institution should be reconsidered.

3. 52−66 b.— The university functions effectively.

Survey results processed and converted into points:

Number of points out of 66

11 of the above questionnaires fall in the range of 33−51 points. This suggests that the university is functioning normally, but some points in the management system should be given attention and, perhaps, changed; 1 questionnaire falls within the range of 0−32 points. This indicates the need to review the organizational structure of the university.