Analysis of educational work. Individual meetings with parents of students

There are 20 people in 3 “A” class



3 children from a large family (Chernoskutov Grisha, Kunaev Misha, Eliseev Lenya)

3 children from a single-parent family (Vlad Sakulin, Semyon Shantarin, Semyon Lomovtsev)

Implementation of set goals and objectives :

Educational work this academic year was aimed at achieving the following educational goals:

Model and build a classroom educational system aimed at developing and revealing the individuality of a child who knows how to live in a classroom community and build relationships of friendship and mutual assistance with his classmates .

To achieve the goals, educational tasks were solved:

Study the personal qualities of students, the developing relationships in the classroom;

    Design the way of life of the classroom community;

    Contribute to the formation of a class team and the creation in it of a morally and emotionally favorable area for the development of children;

    To promote students’ acquisition of the values ​​of Russian culture through their participation in games, holidays, quizzes, etc. d.

Results of class activities over the past year show the correctness of the chosen guidelines for the formation of a great team and the methods of their implementation through gaming, health-saving technologies.The remedies were effective and pedagogical influence such as conversation, class hours on various topics, games.It was possible to fully realize the following goals and objectives: to promote the formation of a classroom team and the creation in it of a morally and emotionally favorable area for the development of children.

Failed to achieve desired results in interpersonal relationships in a team, faced behavior problems in the classroom.

Development of student self-government So far, only at the initial stage, the implementation of various assignments requires the supervision of a teacher.

I see the reasons for this in that there is no developed sense of respect for each other,

there is no skill in the culture of behavior in school and outside of school, and an insufficiently responsible attitude towards academic and extracurricular activities.

I consider it necessary to continue in the next academic year formation of cultural behavior skills in the family and in public places. To do this, more actively involve both the parent committee and all parents of the class.

1. Organization of educational and cognitive activities.

An analysis of students' performance and quality of knowledge showed that by the end of the school year, 20 students were promoted to 4th grade. Baidina M, Goncharov P, KlimovM, KunaevM, Nazarova A, Patrusheva L, Reshetov D, Sakulin V, Sinyagina Yu, Chernoskutov G, Shantarin S, Shcherbina E, Troyan A. show active cognitive interest and a responsible attitude to learning a positive attitude towards educational activities was formed. A weakened interest in learning is observed among Mametov D, D, Dreskov S, Eliseev L. Belosludtseva M. Monitoring of academic performance and academic discipline was carried out through individual conversations with parents and students, and consultations for parents.

In the next school year, it is necessary to pay attention to developing self-control skills in children.

2. Development of the class team.

Certain results during the school year were achieved in the development of the classroom team. According to students, teachers and parents, a satisfactory psychological microclimate has developed in the classroom. Most guys try to be friendly, independent, and active. It is important that in the class there are children with a high degree of moral orientation who influence public opinion in the team. At the same time, fights are a concern, to eliminate which it is necessary to improve the culture of student behavior.

The social activity of the children can be considered high. They carry out their assignments well, participate in competitions and competitions. Student self-government in the classroom is at the development stage. The unity of the class team was greatly facilitated by such forms of work as collective trips to the theater and circus, excursions, and congratulations to birthday people.

3. The effectiveness of extracurricular and out-of-school educational work.

In accordance with the educational goals and objectives of the school, as well as the characteristics of the development of the classroom team, the priority areas of educational work were classroom and school activities. The key activities of the class were the holiday program “Autumn Festival”, “Let there always be a mother”, “Hello, New Year”, “Come on girls, come on boys”. " Victory Day".

4.Working with “difficult” people.

With students at risk Sergei Dreskov, Maxim Belosludtsev, Leonid Eliseevconstant individual work was carried out, which gave satisfactoryresults. Pedagogical observations of this group of children showed that the leading motives for their actions were a reluctance to study and do homework. Effective results were obtained by using such pedagogical techniques as visiting families in order for children to follow a daily routine and observe the rules of behavior at school and at home.The forecast for the further socialization of these students is to attract children to attend sports sections.

5. Pedagogical interaction with the family.

During the school year, good relationships developed with the students' parents. The most effective forms of interaction were individual and group consultations for parents during the period of children’s adaptation to school, parent meetings “Encouraging and punishing children in the family”, a meeting-workshop “How to help a child become attentive”, the competition “Dad, Mom, Me - a Reader” family". Attendance at parent meetings is 75%. The level of effectiveness of parent meetings can be considered high. The school parents' committee was active. (Gorbunov R.V., Klimova M.V., Chernoskutova O.A.) A group of parents took an active part in joint activities of the class: conducting excursions, extracurricular activities, decorating the class.

7. Conclusions

An analysis of extracurricular and extracurricular educational work in the classroom showed that during the school year, positive experience was accumulated in organizing extracurricular activities with students and working with parents. The cultivation of tolerance, interest in learning and curiosity can be considered pedagogical successes and discoveries. At the same time, negative aspects emerged in the organization of class life and the education of students, such as foul language.

In this regard, long-term goals educational work in the classroom are :

    Development of cognitive interests and motivation for educational activities in students, increasing academic performance.

In the near future, it is necessary to solve suchpriority tasks:

    Continue to develop self-government in the classroom.

    Developing student leadership skills.

    Improve cultural behavior and communication skills.

    Individual work with children to improve academic performance.

Analysis of educational work at school

In the 20__-20__ academic year, the educational work of the school was carried out in accordance with the goals and objectives of the school for this academic year. All activities were links in the chain of the process of creating a person-oriented educational and educational environment. This work was aimed at achieving educational goals, fulfilling the stated objectives and increasing the efficiency of the educational process as a whole.

So, the main goal of the school is to create the best conditions for the formation of a spiritually developed, morally and physically healthy personality, capable of consciously choosing a life position, able to navigate modern social conditions.

Objectives for the 20__ – 20__ academic year:

  1. Through educational work, advisory assistance, and the work of the methodological association, provide support for successful activities, as well as practical assistance in the development of classroom hours, parent meetings and other activities to help class teachers (to improve the methodological skills of class teachers).
  2. Develop the existing system of student self-government, presenting them with real opportunities to participate in student self-government; intensify the work of preschool educational institutions.
  3. Improve preventive work in school.
  4. Update educational programs for students in grades 5–11.
  5. Create a favorable moral and psychological climate in the children's team.
  6. Strengthen the health of students through physical education and sports, create motivation for a healthy lifestyle.
  7. To develop in students moral qualities that correspond to universal human values;
  8. Create conditions for family and public participation in the educational process, attract parents to participate in school self-government.

Based on the goals and objectives of educational work, the priority directions of educational activities of the school were identified: civil-patriotic; sports and recreation; spiritual and moral; career guidance (labor); crime prevention; working with parents, improving student self-government, working with class teachers.

Working with class teachers:

Summing up the results of educational work for the 20__-20__ academic year, it should be noted that the teaching staff of the school sought to implement the plans and solve the tasks assigned to them. These characteristics indicate an established and sufficiently qualified team of class teachers. In the past academic year, the school opened 11 classes, the number of students at the beginning of the year was ___ people. Each class teacher in our school models his own educational system. Our methodological seminars within the framework of the school methodological topic “Modern educational technologies and methods in the educational system of the class teacher” helped with this; this was necessary both to improve the professional skills of the teacher and to help them avoid mistakes in their work, orient and guide teachers to solving general school educational problems.

The main criteria for the effectiveness of the work of class teachers in the 20__ - 20__ academic year were:

— promoting independent creative activity of students, increasing the level of satisfaction with their class activities;

— level of interaction with teachers, teaching staff, with various school services and departments.

— level of interaction with preschool teachers and other social partners.

Meetings of the methodological association of class teachers were held at school every quarter. Structure of the meeting: theoretical block, presentation by class teachers - from experience working on the topic of the seminar; familiarization with methodological literature on the issue being studied. The meetings were held in the form of a methodological (theoretical) seminar. In the 20__ - 20__ academic year, it is necessary to include such forms and methods as: “Round table”, “Brainstorming”. The topics of educational training were determined based on requests from class teachers: “Modern forms and methods of extracurricular and extracurricular work with students”, “The system of work of the class teacher to prevent bad habits and other negative manifestations”, “Organization of self-government in the classroom” and others. Every year the experience of the best class teachers (full name) is presented and summarized, but in the 20__ - 20__ academic year the experience was not fully summarized (there were presentations at seminars, but there was no documentation and protocol, what to pay attention to in 20__ – 20__ academic year). In March, a pedagogical council was held on the topic “Civic-patriotic education of students.” At the end of the year, class teachers presented analyzes of educational work.

Throughout the school year, class teachers took part in district seminars.

Control over the educational activities of class teachers was carried out through attendance at events, class hours, and parent-teacher meetings; through other forms (personal, class-generalizing, etc.); through verification and analysis of documentation.

The main forms and methods of educational work were thematic classes, collective creative activities, competitions, quizzes, mass sports competitions, educational games, conversations, excursions, and hikes. When preparing and conducting classroom and school-wide educational events, the organizers widely used information and communication technologies,

show technologies, business games and Internet resources. Analysis and study of the development of class groups showed that the activities of the majority of class groups are aimed at the implementation of public and socially significant tasks and prospects. School students are actively involved in the life of the student body, in school-wide events, and in village events.

At the end of the school year, each class teacher conducted and wrote an analysis of educational work with the class for the 20__-20__ academic year. All class teachers gave a report on the work in the main areas of educational work (civic-patriotic education; - moral and aesthetic education; - intellectual and cognitive activity; - physical education and health education; - social work activities, participation of the class team in school-wide events).

Class teachers did not analyze in detail the areas of activity of the class team: they did not pay due attention to individual work with children and parents, the relationship between the class and subject teachers, and the psychological microclimate of the class. The work with children in various types of registration, “at risk” groups, has not been analyzed; the work with families requiring special attention has not been reflected. The most important point in working with a class of class teachers of grades 5-11 is interaction with subject teachers. The analysis of educational work does not reflect this direction of the result - irritation of teachers and students, grades that do not correspond to the desired ones, conflicts. In this matter, class teachers need to be not observers, but relationship builders; the class teacher must ensure a conflict-free learning process.


1. In general, the work of class teachers can be considered satisfactory.

  1. Analyzes of educational work by class teachers have not been compiled in full.


1.Not all class teachers actively participate in the educational work of the school.

2. The experience of advanced class teachers has not been sufficiently generalized;

  1. More actively involve class teachers in the preparation and conduct of open educational events.
  2. Conduct events to exchange experiences of leading class teachers
  3. The Deputy Director for VR should hold a seminar on planning educational work in the classroom for 20__-20__ school years. year., develop recommendations for writing an analysis of work with the class, a plan for educational work.

Civil-patriotic direction:

Within the framework of the civil and patriotic direction, cooperation with the Veterans Council, meetings with participants in local wars, home front workers, and lonely widows continued. This work covers students from grades 5 to 11. The school traditionally held the following events: “Mercy”, “Obelisk”. Traditionally, the month of military-patriotic education was held in February. During the month, a set of events was carried out aimed at promoting civic-patriotic education and developing a sense of patriotism and citizenship.

The following activities were carried out:

— holding a competition of creative works _________

— organized and conducted a paramilitary game ____________

— class teachers of grades 1-11 conducted thematic classes and excursions.

Drawing competition “Our army is dear!”

Formation review and songs

Based on the results of the events, students in grades 5-11 showed fairly good preparation and organization. This work will continue to be carried out in accordance with the curriculum and the civil-patriotic work plan.

Positive results:

  1. More and more attention is being paid to civic-patriotic education.

2. Involving parents in joint events in this area

3. School students take part in regional events in this area.


  1. Effective participation in paramilitary training competitions.

Possible ways to eliminate deficiencies:

  1. To control the work on paramilitary training of students.

Health program

One of the main activities of the school is the preservation and

strengthening the health of students, according to the “Health” program.

The need to introduce this program is as follows:

1.development of physical qualities through all types of activities in class and extracurricular activities;

2. formation of a general culture of civic qualities and legal self-awareness, experience of independent activity of students;

3. formation of skills of a conscious attitude towards a healthy lifestyle;

  1. increase interest in physical education and sports;
  2. lack of awareness of parents in matters of preserving children's health;
  3. low physical activity of schoolchildren.

The program provides for the organization of health-improving work in the following areas:

Formation of a system of values ​​of health and a healthy lifestyle in school activities.

— development and implementation of measures aimed at preventing alcoholism, drug addiction and other bad habits.

— normalization of the teaching load.

— increasing parental literacy on issues of protecting and promoting children’s health.

At school, the system of health work includes methodological, sports and health, educational and educational areas, student self-government, monitoring the level of physical health of students, systematic work on occupational health and safety and the work of the commission on health, organizing nutrition for students and monitoring sanitary and hygienic standards and their compliance.

Taking a promising health program as the basis for their activities, each teacher of our team organizes their activities to improve the health of children, to develop their orientation towards a healthy lifestyle and to improve the physical and moral education of students. Attention was paid to providing students with hot meals, and inspections were carried out by members of the school’s parent committee on the organization of student meals.

Pupils achieve athletic success in a wide range of sports. The school has accumulated interesting experience in conducting various mass sports and recreational activities with students. As part of the sports and recreational area, traditional events were held: “Runner’s Day”, “Health Day”, volleyball, basketball competitions, presidential

competitions, “Sports Festival”, “Cross of Nations”, “Athletics Relay”, “Come on guys”, “Come on girls, come on beauties!” etc. The school’s achievements in this direction are reflected in the appendix.

During the All-Russian Health Day, hours of communication and events were held on the topics: “We choose life”, “The art of being healthy!”, “Take care of your health”.


There are smokers among the school boys.

Possible solutions to problems:

Strengthen efforts to prevent tobacco smoking and involve medical workers in joint activities.

Spiritual and moral education

Goal: Further improvement and development of students’ individual creative abilities. Development of artistic taste, the ability to see, understand and analyze beauty. Hold themed parties with the help of parents and children.

The main task of spiritual and moral education is to fill the work of students with interesting, varied creative activities that develop the individual qualities of the individual. The main result of this task is the development of the moral responsibility of the individual, readiness for self-realization, self-development and moral improvement. Work on spiritual and moral education was carried out in accordance with the school-wide plan for extracurricular activities, plans of class teachers, based on the leading directions, events were held, various forms and methods of work were selected.

At the same time, there is a lack of attention to the formation of moral and spiritual qualities of students. In some cases, what is alarming among teenagers is hostility, intolerance towards each other, towards people, the inability to behave in public places, to take care of property and school property. Positive attitudes towards society and nature remain at approximately the same level. Such results indicate insufficient educational influence of class teachers.


  1. Insufficient attention of class teachers to the study of ethics and culture of behavior.

2.Low activity of students in __ grade. in creative competitions.

3. Insufficient use by class teachers of various methods for diagnosing the moral level of students and correcting the educational impact on them in accordance with the results obtained.

Possible ways to overcome the shortcomings:

  1. Class teachers should improve methods of stimulating students' success in overcoming difficulties; pay more attention in general education classes to various intellectual tournaments and entertaining subject materials that would help interest students.
  2. Class teachers should intensify the creative activity of students.
  3. The administration promptly directs, monitors, and stimulates the work of class teachers in using various methods for diagnosing the level of education of students and making corrections in connection with the results of their educational activities in this direction.

Career guidance:

Career guidance work is carried out with students in grades 9–11; for this purpose, meetings are organized with representatives of lyceums and colleges. In the 20__ - 20__ academic year, it is necessary to include other effective forms of work in the plan, such as meetings with people of interesting or rare professions.

Crime prevention:

According to the plan of educational work, as part of the implementation of the task of developing the moral qualities of students, in order to prevent and prevent juvenile delinquency, the following activities were carried out at school: Diagnostic work: study of children and families; drawing up psychological and pedagogical cards for students; monitoring the adaptation of schoolchildren in grades 5 and 10; drawing up social passports of a student, class, school; The school psychologist conducts testing in classes and the school at the request of class teachers and administration with the development of recommendations, etc. In the 20__ -20__ academic year, 5 meetings of the Prevention Council were held. Students were invited to the meetings along with their parents, and members of class parent committees were also present. Issues (behavior, attendance, academic performance) that were discussed at meetings of the prevention council were then brought up for discussion in classes, and the implementation of the decisions of the prevention council by members of the parent committee was monitored. The parent committee together with the chairman,

A psychologist visited students at home and examined their living conditions. At a meeting of the Prevention Council, issues of working with underachievers, behavior offenders, and children who miss classes without a good reason are discussed.


  1. Decent attention is paid to working with difficult teenagers at school.
  2. The identification of children at risk has improved and the timely provision of assistance, if necessary, their registration in special government institutions
  3. The necessary assistance is provided to children from low-income families.


1.Parents’ responsibility for raising children is reduced.

2. Low level of education of parents, financial difficulties in families.

  1. Violation of the rules of conduct during class or recess.

Possible ways to overcome the shortcomings:

  1. Providing social and pedagogical support for children in socially dangerous situations.

2.Full implementation of the joint work plan of all services - schools, village administration, district police and its implementation.

3. Class teachers should strengthen control over students prone to crime and families in difficult life situations, and promptly inform the school administration.

  1. Strengthen control over the work of class teachers of grades 8-10. on ethical and legal education of schoolchildren.

The result of the work of the Prevention Council is a decrease in the number of absences without good reason, but it should be noted that the number of students registered with the College of Children and Children has not decreased.

Working with parents: pedagogical education at class and school-wide parent meetings; open days; consultations; studying the family through conversations, raids, drawing up an inspection report on housing and living conditions, questioning. It is necessary to pay special attention to the early prevention of family dysfunction and the identification of families in a socially dangerous situation.

Work with teachers: educational and educational work at meetings of the methodological association of class teachers; report of class teachers at a meeting with the director, with deputy directors for VR on various issues: the system of individual preventive work with students, the system of working with families, early prevention of negative manifestations in student behavior, the results of studying families by class teachers of 10th, 5th grades classes, etc.

In the 20__ - 20__ academic year, based on an analysis of difficulties, resource

opportunities, prospects for opportunities, the following main goals and objectives of preventive activities in classrooms can be determined:

Continue work to improve the system of a comprehensive program for the prevention of deviant behavior (especially the prevention of tobacco smoking, obscene language, and suicide) at the managerial and executive level, which will allow for a more prompt and joint response to emerging problems.


  1. The level of interaction between the school and parents has increased.


1.Parents are poorly attracted to participate in extracurricular activities.

  1. Organization of parent education, uniform form of parent meetings.
  2. Low turnout at meetings in __ class, __ class.

Possible ways to overcome the shortcomings:

  1. Class teachers should more actively involve parents in participating in extracurricular activities.

2. Pay more attention to the organization and conduct of parent meetings, the forms of holding parent meetings.

  1. In the 20__-20__ academic year, the deputy for VR will pay special attention to the systematic conduct of parental education.

Work under the "Family" program.

Strengthening relations with the parent community means holding class parent meetings, individual conversations with parents, and joint extracurricular activities at the class level. School-wide parent meetings were held as scheduled. Attendance at parent meetings remains satisfactory.

Work with parents is carried out on the basis of the school program “Family”, which also provides for a system of pedagogical education for parents, participation in the educational activities of the school (for example, the work of commissions to check the quality of catering, to work with students at risk, speaking at teacher councils, participation in raids, holding events: “Mom, Dad and I are a sports family”, “We are for a healthy lifestyle”, family portfolio competitions, etc.).

Interaction with the parent community - involving parents in the educational process - is one of the main tasks of the school teaching staff and its solution is carried out in the following areas: - psychological and pedagogical education of parents;

— assistance to parents in renovating classrooms;

— individual patronage of disadvantaged families and adolescents;

— joint creative activities, holidays;

The administration involves parents in the management of the school through the School Governing Council, PTA meetings, class PTAs and meetings. The school's governing council and school-wide parent committee meetings are held four times a year. The following issues of education and training were considered at the school council and meetings:

1) Public report on the results of work for the 20__-20__ academic year.

2) Presentation of the school’s educational and educational plan for the 20__-20__ academic year.

3). Study of safety rules, road traffic, prevention of injuries, 4) On the organization of hot meals, the purchase of school and sportswear, provision of educational literature. 5) Report on the renovation of the school and classrooms.

Minutes of class and school-wide parent meetings are available to each class teacher and the deputy director for educational work (accumulative material is available). Protocols are kept by everyone according to the approved scheme. There are no deviations.

Participation of parents in school-wide affairs and public events Joint creative activities are increasingly being practiced at school and involve the following: - participation in all forms of extracurricular activities (hikes, excursions, evenings, tournaments, competitions).

An important link in the system of educational work of a school is the system
additional education. In total, the school has 13 clubs and 2 sections.
At the expense of OU rates, ___ circles (names of circles) have been created at the school. Almost all ATOs based at MOAU Secondary School No.__ take an active part in regional competitions and shows:

Analyzing the activities of school clubs, it can be noted that, in general, all subject and sports clubs worked satisfactorily.

Analyzing the state of students' employment in organized leisure, it can be noted that the majority of school students (__%) are engaged in various clubs, sections, electives, and courses.

All elementary school students are involved in circle work. In the next school year, class teachers of middle and high schools need to pay special attention to involving students in club work

Labor education General cleaning of the school, carried out once every quarter, and environmental raids on the school grounds are promoted. In May-August, minors are employed as auxiliary workers. Teams of grades 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 were involved in summer work practice.

Environmental education:

The April event “Live, Earth!” contributed to nurturing love and respect for nature. in the classrooms there were classes “The Earth is our common home” and a drawing competition “How beautiful the Earth is and the people on it!”

Throughout the spring period, the school staff and students continued to work on the “School is our second home” project. The goal of the project is to involve students, teaching staff, parents, and the public in solving problems of cleaning, improving and landscaping the school yard.
— formation of an ecological culture of students based on labor, spiritual and moral development of the individual through the joint activities of students, parents, teaching staff, village residents in the improvement of the school yard
The objectives of the project are to form an active civic position among the younger generation
— education of ecological culture and environmental consciousness of schoolchildren
— to promote the moral, aesthetic and labor education of schoolchildren
- create a sense of personal responsibility for the state of the environment
- develop the initiatives and creativity of schoolchildren through the organization of socially significant activities - improvement of the school territory
- transform and improve the school area.

Everyone worked on solving these problems, I would like to see all this multiply and develop further. Hawthorn seedlings and flowers were planted in the school yard.
Student self-government:

The work of student self-government bodies - the student council - continued at the school. Almost all members of student government are volunteers. It included representatives of class groups from grades 9 to 11, selected at class meetings. The main goals and objectives of school government are:

Creation of favorable pedagogical, organized, social conditions for self-realization, self-affirmation, self-development of each student in the process of including him in a variety of meaningful individual and collective activities, stimulating students for social activity and creativity, educating a citizen with a high democratic culture.

A total of 6 meetings were held during the year. At the meetings, the preparation and implementation plan, analysis of school-wide key issues were discussed, and the results of the rating of social activity of classes by quarter were summed up. “At-risk” students were also heard at council meetings. Regarding attendance and behavior issues.

Members of the student government council carried out school-wide events: for Teacher’s Day they prepared the “Constellation of Teachers” event, for the Day of the Elderly and a monthly “Mercy” campaign was organized, a concert program for Defenders of the Fatherland Day, Home School Day, Childhood Day “School Lights the Stars” , Maslenitsa, etc.

A major event carried out by the student council was self-government day.

The understudies realized how difficult and important the teaching profession is. For student council leaders, this day tested their organizational abilities. It’s a pity that not all 11th graders decided to try themselves as teachers, but overall the event achieved its goal.

All members of the council were participants in the New Year's performance, shown for elementary school, middle school and high school students. They were organizers and jury members of music video competitions and competitions.

Members of the council took part in rural events - Village Day, the "Salute, Victory" rally, the celebration of Defenders of the Fatherland Day, International Women's Day.


  1. The work of school student government over the past year can be considered satisfactory.

2. Low results of the activities of the information and educational departments of school student self-government

Possible ways to overcome the shortcomings:

  1. It is necessary to intensify the work of all departments, especially the information department, through closer cooperation with the library and classroom groups.
  2. Make life in the classroom open, and through class information sheets, highlight your excursions, holidays, and class hours once a month.
  3. To foster independence and initiative in students, to attract more of them to actively participate in self-government.
  4. Class teachers should intensify the work of class student self-governments.

Conclusions: Based on the analysis of educational work, it should be noted that, in general, the set tasks of educational work in the 20__-20__ academic year can be considered resolved, the goal has been achieved. Based on the problems that emerged during the work, we can formulate tasks for the next academic year:

— continue work to improve the theoretical level of the teaching staff in the field of raising children;

Improve the system of formation and development of the class team;

Humanization of relationships between students, between students and teaching staff.

— formation of moral meanings and spiritual guidelines in students

— to achieve full coverage of schoolchildren in clubs and sections

— improve preventive work among minors, paying priority attention to the formation of tolerant relationships, opposition to alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and suicidal tendencies

- developing students’ ideas about a healthy lifestyle, continuing and developing the system of work to protect students’ health

— strengthen joint work with society (rural administration, local hospital, library) in solving assigned tasks.

To improve the work of school student self-government and the class teachers’ MO.

Participation of students of MOAU Secondary School No.___ in zonal, district, regional events.

Analysis of educational work

for... academic year

class teacher...class

At the beginning of the school year, there were ... people in the class: ... boys and ... girls. Profits during the year - ... Departures during the year - ...

At the end of the school year, there are... people in the class.

Transferred to ... class ... students, of which ... students were transferred conditionally, as they had one unsatisfactory grade per year:

Full name of the student - the subject for which the grade was unsatisfactory

These students have extremely poor knowledge in most subjects of the curriculum, but especially in the Russian language, algebra and geometry. During the school year they got "2" in different subjects in several quarters.

Constant preventive work was carried out with students and their parents, repeated conversations were held with the participation of a social teacher, the head teacher of educational work, small teacher councils on academic performance were held 2 times, students were invited to the Prevention Council and to the school director.

Parents were systematically informed about their children's progress. During the holidays, additional classes were conducted with these students, however, due to the weak perseverance and indiscipline of the above students, the classes had only a short-term effect and did not improve the overall performance picture by the end of the year. That is why it was decided to conditionally transfer these students to the next grade: in August they will have to write repeated final tests and, subject to receiving a satisfactory grade, will be transferred to the 9th grade. If students cannot get a “3”, they will be retained to repeat the course in 8th grade.

Parents are notified of the results of the year.

During the year, more than half of the students (15 people) were involved in clubs and sections (6 people at school, 9 outside school), some students attend several clubs.

The level of team cohesion is average, relationships between boys and girls have improved somewhat, but isolated conflicts have occurred, although constant educational work was carried out in this direction.

There is still no self-government in the classroom, children cannot organize something on their own, there are no clear leaders with organizational skills and authority among most classmates, so the help of the class teacher is required in everything.

Most children are very passive: activities do not arouse their interest, they refuse to take part in them. There is no desire to do something additional - beyond the scope of the curriculum. Many are not interested in anything at all and do not engage in additional activities, while the sphere of interests of the rest lies outside of school: sports (Students' names), a foreign language (...), other.

Throughout the year the class took part in all school activities.

Three events aroused the greatest interest among the children:

    New Year's KVN with parallel class students (14 people took part).

    Preparation and participation in the school-wide event “The Ideal Couple” (participants –...)

    Preparation for the festival of patriotic songs “Vivat, Russia!”, dedicated to the 68th anniversary of the Great Victory (16 people took part, the class took 2nd place among grades 8-11).

Received awards for the past academic year

For active participation in the social life of the class: ... names of students

Working with “difficult” children

F.I. child

Cause of concern

Were you able to get involved in the work?

What instructions were given?

What were the most interesting things for him?

Systematic absenteeism and tardiness, low academic performance, lack of behavior culture, lies.

He undertakes to carry out assignments, but never completes them; he lies, twists and turns, trying to explain why he didn’t do anything.

Irresponsible, you can't rely on him for anything.

Reluctance to work in class, discipline during class and recess

Refuses all orders

Nothing in school life is interesting

Working with parents

Over the past school year, 6 parent meetings and 2 meetings of the parent committee were held.

Parent meeting topic

“Physiological maturation and its influence on the formation of cognitive and personal qualities of a teenager. Life goals of teenagers."

“How to help a teenager gain self-confidence.”

"On the Difficulties of Teaching."

“A healthy lifestyle is the basis of success in the modern world.”

“Moral priorities of the family and their importance in the formation of a teenager’s personality.”

Attendance at parent meetings has improved somewhat compared to the last school year, but almost the same parents constantly attend school - as a rule, these are the parents of children who have the fewest problems, the rest appear at school periodically or when the child has serious problems .

Parents of ... students have never been to parent-teacher meetings. Communication with these parents took place only by telephone. Parents of... students attended the meetings once.

Over the past school year, parents were primarily interested in issues of academic performance and discipline, as well as preparing children for the upcoming exams, which was already underway in the current school year.

The group of “problem” students that emerged in the last academic year - ... - unfortunately, did not decrease, but increased: they were added to it ..., who significantly reduced the level of academic performance this year and received “D” grades in various subjects.

All of these students have extremely low motivation for learning and the level of development of learning skills. At the end of the year, individual conversations were held with all students and their parents, parents were informed about the problems of their children and about possible difficulties in passing exams in the next academic year (notifications were sent to all parents).

Dear parents!

The administration of MBOU Secondary School No. ... brings to your attention that your son (daughter), _______________________, student of grade 8 “b”, has unsatisfactory grades on the final tests for the course of grade 8 in Russian language and mathematics (algebra, geometry).

In 9th grade, the child will have to take an exam in these subjects (they are compulsory).

The certificate is issued only upon successful passing of the exams!

The school administration expresses concern about your child’s level of knowledge and recommends that you pay special attention to your child’s performance in the above-mentioned subjects in the next school year.

The school administration reminds that if in the 9th grade a child has unsatisfactory grades in two or more quarters, then he may not be admitted to the final certification and, instead of a certificate, will receive a certificate stating that he “attended” a course at a 9-year school.

We hope for your understanding and cooperation!

Educational activities in all areas, conversations on traffic rules and protecting the life and health of students were carried out according to the plan drawn up at the beginning of the school year.

The topic of educational work in... the classroom in... the academic year:

“The team is not some faceless mass. It exists as a wealth of individualities” V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Target: - creating in the classroom team the most comfortable conditions for the personal growth and development of each child.


    Creating conditions for the formation of a student’s personality culture, educating a Person and a Citizen who knows how to adapt to the modern world, who is able to find a place in it, make independent decisions, express their opinions, and think creatively.

    Mastering and putting into practice innovative technology for forming a class team through the interaction of creative groups.

    Development of social skills and team functioning skills in society (interaction with the teaching staff, parents, etc.).

    Improving the conditions for the development of the need for self-knowledge, self-development and self-determination based on moral values ​​and leading life guidelines.

    Creating conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of pupils. Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

    Formation of moral and ethical life principles among students, patriotic education, aesthetic development.

    Organize a CTD to develop students’ creative initiative.

    To form in families a positive attitude towards the active public and social activities of children.

    Conduct psychological and pedagogical education of parents.

    Apply the “Social Test Method” for the socialization and adaptation of students in society.

    Change the system of self-government in the classroom.

Objectives set for the academic year

Methods, ways of their implementation

Result (goal achieved, no, at what stage of achievement)

1. Create creative groups to realize the abilities of each team member and increase self-esteem.

Questioning to identify creative inclinations and hobbies of children.

Creating conditions for various types of group creative

activities, development of group interaction skills

and personal communication in a peer group.

Work continues

2. Create favorable conditions for the development of students’ personalities,

free and full disclosure of their individual abilities;

Formation of schoolchildren's need for self-education, education and development of their moral and volitional qualities through a system of class hours and assignments.

Work continues

3. Develop moral feelings and qualities, the ability to sympathize and

empathize with other people.

Class hours, creation of educational situations, involvement in active activities

Work continues

When analyzing the goals and objectives of educational work, the teacher must note all the advantages and disadvantages of his work. A well-conducted analysis of educational work over a year will help combat the main shortcomings of the educational process, increasing academic performance and improving the moral and value guidelines of the class.

How to analyze educational work

In order for the analysis of educational work to be as accurate and fair as possible, the teacher needs to remember the goals that he set for himself at the beginning of the year and understand the degree of their fulfillment. The main goal that almost all teachers set for themselves is to create optimal conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual. You can also set yourself the goal of instilling moral and ethical guidelines in schoolchildren.

The main difference between the analysis of educational work and the classic review of achieved and unrealized educational goals is that it is impossible to develop moral guidelines in one year. Also, in one year, all conditions for the development of a child’s personality are not created. Often, teachers work on the same educational goals for 10 years in order to ultimately achieve a decent result.

That is why the annual analysis of the educational work plan is often focused not on goals, but on tasks. A teacher can set himself the task of instilling a respectful attitude towards school property and the history of the educational institution as a whole. The goal may also be to develop independence and autonomy for each student not only at school, but also in real life.

Noting a successful solution to a given problem, the teacher must give arguments in his favor. For example, the class’s work on creating a school museum dedicated to the history of the educational institution is an excellent indicator of completed educational tasks. Working on such a museum, children will definitely be able to get acquainted with and appreciate the main stages in the history of their home school.

Another important goal of educational work is the formation of patriotic views in children. There is now a special emphasis on this aspect in schools in the sphere of current political events. The participation of children in the Victory Parade, reports on the economic and political role of Russia in world history - all these moments directly indicate the fulfillment of the teacher’s standards for instilling patriotism.

The cultural and educational goals of educational work cannot be ignored. In order for children to learn something new and get vivid impressions from the educational work carried out by the teacher, the teacher can visit theaters, concerts and film shows with the class. All these activities usually take place outside of school walls during free time and are enjoyed by children of different ages. Such events, aimed at expanding the cultural and educational boundaries of the child, quite easily help to unite the class, making the team friendly, eliminating conflicts within it.

When drawing up such an analytical plan, the teacher needs to note those tasks that have not yet been achieved. For example, the formation of a respectful attitude towards elders among younger schoolchildren occurs over several years, and such a task cannot be completed in a year. Also, anti-alcohol campaigns among high school students need to be carried out over several years, and it is simply impossible to achieve the goal of moral and health education in a year.

If some task turned out to be “too much for the teacher,” he should note the reasons for what happened. The reasons themselves may lie in insufficient school equipment, in the choice of the wrong methods to combat the problem, and so on.

All these aspects noted in the analysis become a clear reflection of the teacher’s activities throughout the year.

Main mistakes when compiling an analysis

The analysis of educational work is carried out by all teachers who have a classroom management. Often, despite extensive experience, teachers make glaring mistakes when drawing up such a plan.

To begin with, the teacher should not focus on any one aspect of educational work, for example, on issues of patriotism. In order to raise a full-fledged personality with your own views on life, you should engage in aesthetic, physical education, health, and moral education. Moreover, it is impossible to carry out exclusively lecture and theoretical methods of working with the class. Reports and thematic hours are good, but the teacher will achieve much greater moral education if he goes with the children to the theater or to a symphony music concert.

Also, when analyzing educational activities, it is not the successes of one specific student that are taken into account, but the general, average indicators for the class. So, if there are several successful students in the class who were able to achieve their educational goals together with the teacher, you should not focus exclusively on them, because most likely, there are also those children in the class who are far from the desired ideals and personal qualities. That is why, in order for a teacher’s analysis to be as accurate as possible, he should always use average indicators.

The most organic analysis of educational work is obtained if the teacher focuses specifically on the chosen methods of work and the assigned tasks. Lengthy discussions on the topic are unlikely to be able to characterize the quality activities of a teacher.

When compiling such an analysis, it is necessary to take into account the age of the children, their interests and study load. The education of moral qualities should not occur at the expense of the academic subject, otherwise, the elementary successes of the class in the subjects will suffer greatly. In his educational work, the teacher should actively use the help of parents. A variety of themed classes for children and adults will help to establish connections between generations, and will also have a positive impact on achieving the goals of educational work.

You should also use as many different graphs, charts, and examples as possible in your analysis. This will help make the compiled text come alive, because in order to achieve the set goals, the teacher must be interested in competent educational work. If a teacher uses different methods, pays special attention to this issue and does not ignore the needs of children, the level of success in educational work will be very high.

Almost always, a teacher’s work is not limited to a forty-minute lesson. Educational work is an important part of the educational process, helping to shape the child’s personality. By paying attention to a variety of methods and goals of educational work, the teacher will easily achieve the desired results. As a result, compiling an analysis of educational activities will not be difficult at all, even for a teacher without work experience.

APPENDIX No. 1 to Minutes No. 1 of the Pedagogical Council dated 08.28.13

Analysis of educational work

for the 2012 – 2013 academic year

The main goal of analyzing the work of Municipal Budget Educational Institution Lyceum No. 12 is to provide an analytical substantiation for planning work in the new academic year based on identifying the factors and conditions that influenced (positively or negatively) the results of activities in the 2012-13 academic year.


  • Statistical data (OSH, RIC)

  • School documentation

  • Systematized data of intra-school control

  • Results of monitoring, intermediate and final certification of students

  • Results of independent control work and sections

  • Results of Olympiads, competitions of various levels

  • Results of work with teaching staff

  • Results of surveys, questionnaires and research conducted with students
III . MANAGMENT STRUCTURE Intra-school management is a targeted, continuous interaction between the lyceum administration and all participants in the pedagogical process to achieve their goals.

Regularly working collegial bodies are the pedagogical council and the methodological council, which in turn rely on the work of methodological associations. The Pedagogical Council considers issues that highlight the strategic and tactical problems of the development of the lyceum and the organization of the educational process. The methodological council solves the problems of scientific and methodological support.

The Lyceum is managed at several levels.

At the strategic level, the lyceum is managed by the Governing Council, which includes teachers, parents of students who can contribute to the development of the educational institution.

At the operational level - the director and the Pedagogical Council.

At the level of student self-government, the leading role belongs to the Collective Council, which includes representatives of all grade levels.

In the 2012-2013 academic year, MBOU Lyceum No. 12 worked in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, documents of the educational authorities of Krasnodar, the Charter of the Lyceum, and a curriculum drawn up on the basis of the federal curriculum. The teaching staff had goals and objectives arising from the school’s unified methodological theme: “UNITY OF PEDAGOGICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE EVALUATION OF STUDENT’S WORK, RESULTS OF PERSONAL GROWTH IN CONDITIONS OF PRE-PROFILE PREPARATION AND PROFILE TRAINING”, work on which was carried out throughout the year.

The goal of the lyceum was to create conditions for all students to receive accessible, high-quality education, upbringing and development, ensuring a person-oriented approach and preserving the health of schoolchildren in the conditions of developmental and pre-profile education through the professionalism, skill and creativity of each teacher.

To achieve this goal, tasks were set and appropriate means were selected to successfully solve them.

I. Creation of conditions for providing pre-profile training and transition to specialized training through:

1. Introduction of a computer science course in 5-7 information-mathematical and general education classes.

2. Introduction of subject courses: mathematics, computer science, chemistry, biology

3. Strengthening the applied purpose of ZUN, the practical orientation of all academic disciplines.

4. Activation of excursion education and project activities in all classes.

5. Creation of conditions for the opening of specialized chemical and biological classes in the 2013-2014 academic year.

6. Introduction and development of electronic educational resources.

7. Monitoring the quality of education.

II. Implementation of personality-oriented pedagogy through:

1. Implementation of a differentiated approach to students.

2. Organization of the educational process on a diagnostic basis.

3. Preparing students to participate in olympiads, intellectual marathons, and creative competitions.

4. Development of creative capabilities and formation of students’ aspirations for self-education through the active use of the method of independent and design-research work.

5. Creation of conditions for training schoolchildren at the senior level according to the chosen profile or individual plans in accordance with social demand.

6. Continuation of work on the “Gifted Children” program.

III . Increasing the methodological and professional level of the teaching staff through:

1. Cooperation with various methodological services of the district and city;

2. The work of methodological associations, the systematic nature of the HSC;

3. Active implementation of the method of educational projects; studying the theory and practice of using the method of educational projects in modern education;

4. Systematic work with young specialists;

5. Certification of teaching staff;

6. Studying at advanced training courses for teachers;

7. Participation in professional competitions;

8. Creating an atmosphere of cooperation, mutual understanding, mutual respect between family and school, conditions for self-development and self-education.

9. Preparation of the teaching staff for work in specialized training conditions and/or according to individual plans of students;

10. Regular provision of information about its activities, including posting such information on the school website, in a public report;

11. Creation of a portfolio of primary and secondary school students, reflecting achievements and individual progress;

12. Active use of computer and Internet capabilities in one’s activities.

Particular attention was paid to solving health-saving tasks:

1. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements in the organization of the UVP.

2. Cultivating in the minds of students understanding and acceptance of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

3. Strengthening work on continuity in the system: primary school - middle level to prevent and prevent manifestations of maladaptation of schoolchildren in the educational process.

4. Development of a sports and recreational system, organization of sports events.

5. Carrying out a full medical examination of schoolchildren and all school employees.

6. Ensuring comprehensive safety of school students and pupils.

9. Designing lessons from the perspective of health-saving educational technologies.

Problems were solved on educational work:

1. Inclusion of students in active activities as a way and means of self-development, self-education, self-expression.

2. Development of student self-government.

3. Creating conditions for the spiritual, moral, civil and patriotic development of the student’s personality.

4. Continuation of work to prevent crime and vagrancy, strengthening control over school attendance by teachers.

5. Uniting the school community through organizing collective creative activities

Decided general pedagogical tasks:

1. Formation and maintenance of positive motivation for schoolchildren’s learning as the basis for achieving a high level of training and education.

2. Development in students of a sustainable interest in learning and curiosity, the need for education.

3. Providing assistance to educationally neglected children, preventing their academic failure.

4. Ensuring the unity of classroom and extracurricular activities in the UVP, integration of basic and additional education.

5. Improving the quality of training and the effectiveness of education.

6. Preserving the number of schoolchildren, creating conditions for accessible education.

In accordance with the assigned tasks, work plans for methodological associations and intra-school management were developed, methodological support was determined, and the necessary material base was prepared.


Almost all of the tasks were successfully completed in the 2012-2013 academic year; many, due to their relevance, need to be extended. Unsolved problems include:

1.Improving the quality of teaching in mathematics

2. Development of sustainable interest in learning

3. The work of the teaching staff according to continuity: primary school – middle school – high school

4. Develop teacher creativity

5.Organization of work with motivated and gifted children. Work with gifted students was carried out, but not in the system of subject teachers, which affected the small number of victories at subject Olympiads and intellectual marathons. These and other personally oriented tasks require a thoughtful, thoughtful attitude of each teacher and systematic work of the entire teaching staff.

Personnel analysis

Number of members The teaching staff of MBOU Lyceum No. 12 of the city of Krasnodar as of September 1, 2013 amounted to: 49 teachers, including 6 management employees.






Total teachers


















Age composition of the teaching staff




Number of people


Number of people


Number of people


up to 25 years







25-30 years







30-35 years







35-40 years







40-45 years







45-50 years







50-55 years







Women over 55 years old







Men over 60 years old







Educational qualification







94 %







2 %





specialized secondary


4 %





Titles and awards




Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation


5,6 %


5,6 %



Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


1,9 %





Excellence in Public Education


3,7 %


3,7 %

Excellence in Education of the RSFSR


1,9 %


1,9 %



Honored Teacher of Kuban


5,6 %


5,6 %