Alexander the first and the peasant question presentation. Presentation: The peasant question in Russia and its solution by the government in the 19th century

  • Kogan L.P.

  • History and Social Studies Teacher

  • Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 12, Sergiev Posad

  • Moscow region

  • Teacher of the highest category

  • Generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills

  • Goals:

  • Educational - the formation of a knowledge system based on the material covered through independent work;

  • Developmental - continue training in how to work with various sources of knowledge;

  • Educational - instilling feelings of patriotism, respect for the history of one’s homeland.

December 12, 1801

  • December 12, 1801

  • A decree allowing merchants, burghers and state-owned peasants to purchase uninhabited state lands.

  • Meaning: the beginning of the process of eliminating the monopoly of the nobility and the treasury on land holdings.

  • February 20, 1803

  • Decree on free cultivators. Landowners could release peasants with land individually or as a whole village for a ransom.

  • Meaning: 40 thousand people were released by landowners during the entire period of the decree (1858). This amounted to only 1.5% of serfs.

  • 1808-1809

  • Decree banning the sale of peasants at fairs and the exile of serfs to Siberia.

  • Projects for the abolition of serfdom throughout the country

- V.O. Klyuchevsky

  • “Some government officials were even frightened by the very thought of liberating the peasants, which seemed to them a terrible coup,” - V.O. Klyuchevsky

  • Why couldn’t the liberal decrees of Alexander I produce serious practical results?

  • What prevented a radical solution to the peasant question?

  • Assess the activities of Alexander I on the peasant issue

  • Alexander I explained his departure from reforms with the words “There is no one to take!” How do you understand these words?

1. Activities of secret committees on the peasant question

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    Slide captions:

    Beginning of the reign of Alexander II. Peasant reform of 1861 MBOU Berendeevskaya Secondary School Nechaeva Marina Leonidovna, teacher of history and social studies

    Alexander II (1855-1881)

    Reasons for the abolition of serfdom 1) Low productivity of serf labor, unprofitability of farms based on forced labor; serfdom hinders the further development of agriculture 2) The lack of personal freedom among peasants hindered the further development of industry. Entrepreneurs had nowhere to get hired workers. 3) Serfdom is a threat to public peace. 4) Serfdom in practice was no different from slavery. 5) Crimean War.

    January 3, 1857 The Secret Committee on Peasant Affairs was created, which included the highest dignitaries of the state and which, over the course of a year, considered projects for peasant reform remaining from previous reigns. November 20, 1857 Rescript from Alexander II to the Vilna Governor-General V.I. Nazimov on the approval of provincial committees for the preparation of projects for peasant reform. December 5, 1857 Rescript from Alexander II to the Governor General of St. Petersburg P.I. Ignatiev on the establishment of provincial committees to prepare projects for peasant reform. January 8, 1858 Transformation of the Secret Committee into the Main Committee for Peasant Affairs. Creation of similar committees in 46 provinces. Discussion of the problems of the abolition of serfdom began to be public and open. March 4, 1859 Creation of editorial commissions under the Main Committee headed by General Ya.I. Rostovtsev to consider materials provided by provincial committees and to draw up legal acts regulating the abolition of serfdom. October 10, 1860 Dissolution of editorial commissions and transfer of documents on peasant reform first to the Main Committee and then to the State Council for discussion. On February 19, 1861, the Emperor signed the main legal documents on peasant reform (there were 17 of them in total), the main ones: - Manifesto “On the most merciful granting to serfs of the rights of free rural inhabitants and on the organization of their life” - “General Regulations on Peasants, those who emerged from serfdom" - "Regulations on the redemption by peasants who emerged from serfdom of their estate settlement, on assistance to the government in acquiring their ownership of field land"

    Central and local institutions of Russia involved in the preparation of peasant reform

    Projects for the liberation of peasants: a) in the black earth provinces (liberation of peasants without land or with a very small plot for a large ransom); b) in non-chernozem provinces (liberation with land, but ransom not only for the land, but also for the personality of the peasant)

    ME AND. Rostovtsev (1803-1860)

    ON THE. Milyutin (1818-1872)

    Civil rights: to carry out transactions with movable and immovable property (purchase, sale, etc.) to open commercial and industrial enterprises; speak on your own behalf in court; cannot be subjected to corporal punishment except by a court verdict or a lawful order of the authorities placed over them; move to other classes.

    A temporarily obligated peasant is a personally free peasant, forced to fulfill all his duties to the landowner before transferring to redemption.

    10 rub. = 6% X = (10 x 100) : 6 = 166 rub. 67 kopecks X rub. = 100% Redemption operation: the peasant had to independently pay 20% of the redemption amount to the landowner in a lump sum. 80% of the redemption amount was given as a long-term loan by the state - for 49 years at 6% per annum

    Statistical data Cutting off was carried out in some provinces among 40-65% of peasants. Cutting - for 3-15% of peasants. On average throughout the country, the plots amounted to 20% of the peasant allotment; in some provinces - 30-40% of the peasant allotment.

    “Donation allotment” - ¼ part of the highest standard of land allotment, which a peasant could receive for free.

    Charter - an agreement between a landowner and a peasant

    A peace mediator was an official during the period of the peasant reform of 1861. He was appointed from among the nobles to draw up and approve charters and resolve disputes between peasants and landowners. He had judicial and administrative powers.

    Peasant Administration Village Assembly - - elected representatives to the volost assembly - tens (1 person per 10 households) Volost Assembly - - elected the volost foreman; - hired 1 or several clerks to help the foreman;

    The significance of the reform Positive aspects - created the necessary conditions for the establishment of capitalism; - contributed to the growth of economic development rates; - contributed to the formation of a new social structure, the emergence of new social strata - the proletariat and the industrial bourgeoisie; changes in the peasantry itself. Negative points - remnants of serfdom have been preserved; - infringed on the economic interests of landowners, eliminated their monopoly on the exploitation of peasant labor; - artificial preservation and constant support by the government at the expense of the peasants of the landed estates; - predatory character towards peasants, contributed to the deterioration of their situation; - stagnation in agriculture and other spheres of life; - the purchasing power of the population was approaching zero.

    “The Policy of Alexander III” - Sought to attract foreign capital to the country and limit the import of foreign goods. Supporter of protectionism in customs policy. The greatest influence on the Tsarevich was the law teacher K. P. Pobedonostsev. He sought to attract entrepreneurs to cooperate with the government. Second son of Alexander II.

    “Alexander’s Policy 1” - Which provisions of Speransky’s reform project do you consider the most important and why? Table of contents. Constitution of Nikita Mikhailovich Muravyov. Define: - the territory of Russia; National composition; religion; class division; political system; economic, political and social aspects of society. Conservative movement Ideologists: historians N.G. Ustryalov and M.P. Pogodin, playwright and poet N.V. Kukolnik, writers F.V. Bulgarin, N.I. Grech The ideology of conservatism was developed by the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Count S.S. Uvarov.

    “Nicholas the First” - Occasion: Dispute between Orthodox and Catholic clergy in Palestine. Monetary reform of E. Kankrin (strengthening the silver ruble). Crimean War 1853-1856 Guns from the war. Nicholas the First 1825-1855 Reforms of Nicholas the First. The weakening role of Russia in the Balkans and the Middle East. PROGRESS OF THE WAR. The defeat showed Russia's economic backwardness.

    “Russia at the turn of the century” - Restoration of privileges to cities and nobility. Estates: nobility, merchants, clergy, peasantry. Unspoken committee. The beginning of Alexander's reign. Multi-confessional state. Lesson topic: Russian absolutism relied on the nobility and the rising bourgeoisie. Involving people's representatives at various levels in governance.

    "Caucasian War" - Caucasian War? A. Dzhendubaev. Where did it take place? Was there a victory? Reasons: There was a well-thought-out settlement of the Caucasian region Ph.D. Main thing: From the Azov to the Caspian seas. Shamil was not loved and revered everywhere. Caucasian? Purpose of the work: The war was declared over in 1864, BUT: Chechnya Dagestan North-Western Caucasus.

    There are 15 presentations in total

    © L.A. Katsva, 2011

    New attempts at reform

    Victory over Napoleon raised
    Alexander I to the pinnacle of power,
    gave him enormous authority.
    Now the king could return
    to reform projects, from which
    had to refuse
    in 1812
    Alexander I.
    Engraving from the original
    thin F.I. Volkova, 1814
    What reforms did Alexander consider
    necessary and most important the day before
    Patriotic War of 1812?
    Introduction of constitutional government
    and the abolition of serfdom.

    Polish constitution

    Coat of arms of the Kingdom of Poland
    as part of
    Russian Empire
    (approved 1832)
    In 1815, Alexander I granted
    constitution of Poland.
    Polish subjects received:
    freedom of the press,
    personal integrity,
    equality of classes before the law,
    independence of the court.
    A bicameral system was created
    legislative diet.
    Upper house – Senate –
    appointed by the emperor.
    The lower house was elected.
    Legislative initiative –
    only the emperor.
    The Emperor claimed
    laws adopted by the Sejm.

    Polish constitution

    gentry landowners,
    urban intelligentsia,
    other townspeople based on
    property qualification.
    Coat of arms of the Kingdom of Poland
    as part of
    Russian Empire
    (approved 1832)
    How can you characterize
    political system
    Kingdom of Poland
    according to the constitution of 1815?
    A constitutional monarchy
    with broad rights of the monarch.

    Warsaw speech 1818

    Portrait of the Emperor
    Alexandra I.
    Hood. J. Doe.
    At the opening of the Polish Sejm in 1818
    the king stated:
    "The education that existed in your
    edge, allowed me to enter immediately
    what I gave you, guided by
    rules of legally free
    institutions that have been incessantly
    subject of my thoughts...
    So you gave me the remedy
    show my Fatherland what
    what I have been preparing for him for a long time
    and what will it use,
    when did such an important matter begin
    have reached proper maturity."

    Warsaw speech 1818

    Why did the king decide to give a constitution
    Poland first, not Russia?
    Firstly, Alexander believed that Poland,
    due to its own historical traditions
    and European influence, better than Russia,
    prepared for a constitutional system.
    Secondly, he cared very much
    about his reputation as a liberal in Europe.

    Warsaw speech 1818

    What is the significance of Alexander’s Warsaw speech for Russia?
    The king stated unequivocally that over time
    control of the entire empire will rely
    to “legally free institutions”, i.e. parliament.
    How should one react to the king’s words?
    Russian nobility?
    The enlightened minority rejoiced,
    but most were in panic,
    expecting the imminent abolition of serfdom.
    A rumor even spread that in August 1818
    a decree will be issued on the liberation of the peasants.

    Warsaw speech 1818

    MM. Speransky:
    “How... from two or three words of Warsaw speech
    can happen so huge and with the very meaning of these words
    incongruous consequences?.. If the landowners, a class of people,
    without a doubt, the most enlightened, nothing more in this speech
    they don’t see how the freedom of the peasants can be demanded,
    so that the common people could see anything else here?”
    Why did the nobility fear the abolition of serfdom?
    although not a word was said about this in the speech of Alexander I?
    The nobility instinctively understood that in the constitutional
    It will be impossible for the country to maintain slavery.

    N.N. Novosiltsev.
    Hood. S.S. Shchukin.
    In 1818–1820 in Warsaw
    under the leadership of N.N. Novosiltsev was
    draft constitution of Russia -
    "Charter of the Russian Empire."
    structure and powers of the Sejm
    in the Charter -
    the same as in the Polish constitution.
    But Russia was divided
    for 12 governorships.
    Local diets were created in them.

    Charter of the Russian Empire

    Legislative branch diagram
    Upper house
    Lower Chamber
    s e m e s
    Upper house
    Upper house
    Lower Chamber
    Lower Chamber
    Nobility, townspeople (based on property qualifications)

    Charter of the Russian Empire

    Emperor's powers:
    The exclusive right of legislative initiative,
    approval of laws adopted by the Sejm.
    The right of final selection of deputies
    lower chambers of Sejms from among the elected
    (1/2 elected to the national Sejm
    and 2/3 of those elected to local diets).
    Leadership of the executive branch, army, church.
    Declaration of war and conclusion of peace,
    appointment of ambassadors and officials.
    Right of pardon.
    Thus, with the adoption of the Charter
    Russia's political system would combine autocracy
    with a constitutional structure.

    Peasant question

    A.A. Bestuzhev (Marlinsky):
    “The war was still going on when the warriors
    returning to their houses, the first ones smashed
    murmur in the class of the people.
    “We shed blood,” they said,
    - and they make us sweat again
    in corvée. We saved our homeland from
    tyrant, and the gentlemen are tyrannizing us again.”
    Return of the Warrior
    to your family.
    Hood. I.V. Luchaninov, 1815.
    What was the peculiarity
    peasant question after
    Patriotic War of 1812?

    Peasant question

    According to M.A. Fonvizina,
    young Russian officers compared
    “everything they saw abroad with the fact that
    what they imagined at every step
    in the homeland: slavery of the disenfranchised
    most Russians,
    abuse of power,
    arbitrariness reigning everywhere -
    all this outraged and led
    to the indignation of educated Russians
    and their patriotic feeling."
    Mikhail Alexandrovich
    Fonvizin (1788–1854),
    in 1812 - lieutenant,
    campaign of 1813
    graduated in rank
    How did the Patriotic War affect
    and a foreign campaign on the socio-political situation in Russia?

    Peasant question

    1816 – granting personal freedom to peasants
    Estonia at the request of the local nobility.
    1817 – liberation of the peasants of Courland.
    1819 – liberation of the peasants of Livonia.
    The land remained the property of the landowner.
    Landowners were required to hand over half of the land
    for rent to peasants, but after the lease expires
    the landowner could drive the tenant off the land, replacing him with another.
    Why exactly the landowners of the Baltic states (Baltic Sea region)
    asked for the landless emancipation of serfs?
    Local landowners were familiar with European experience,
    They understood that wage labor was more profitable than serf labor.

    Peasant question

    The king's attempts to defeat the same
    petitions of Russian and Ukrainian
    landowners turned out to be futile.
    Why did the autocratic king seek
    petitions of the nobles for release
    peasants, and did not abolish serfdom
    by your decree?
    Portrait of the Emperor
    Alexandra I.
    Hood. J. Doe.
    If the abolition of serfdom
    became an initiative themselves
    landowners, would decline
    noble conspiracy
    and peasant unrest.

    Peasant question

    In 1816 Alexander was
    projects presented
    liberation of the peasants.
    Authors: adjutant wing
    P.D. Kiselev,
    Member of State Council
    N.S. Mordvinov,
    quartermaster general
    N.S. Mordvinov
    P.D. Kiselev
    E.F. Kankrin.
    They all proposed limiting the number of serfs and courtyards
    owned by one owner, and transfer the excess
    into “free cultivators”.
    It was proposed to free the serfs
    and in the case of creating a factory on the estate.
    What, in your opinion, is
    the most important common feature of the projects?

    Peasant question

    Alexey Andreevich
    Hood. J. Doe.
    In 1818, Alexander I ordered
    drawing up a release project
    serfs A.A. Arakcheev.
    Arakcheev, offered to buy out the estates
    to the treasury “voluntarily”
    established prices with the landowners."
    The amount allocated per year for the redemption of estates was
    5 million rub. banknotes.
    This could be enough to ransom 50 thousand.
    audit souls per year.
    Approximately the same number of peasants
    sold annually at auction.
    According to historians, such
    the pace of liberation of the peasants
    would take 200 years.

    Peasant question

    What considerations forced
    Arakcheeva to offer such a slow
    solution to the peasant question?
    Alexey Andreevich
    Hood. J. Doe.
    Arakcheev tried to prevent
    no infringement of the nobility,
    to avoid it
    Perhaps he also hoped
    that gradually the landowners
    realize the benefits of giving up
    serf labor,
    and the pace of reform will increase.

    Peasant question

    In 1818–1819 on the project
    liberation of serfs worked
    also Finance Minister D.A. Guryev.
    Under him, a special
    Secret Committee.
    Only the first one was prepared
    outline of the reform project.
    Why project development
    the liberation of the peasants was carried out in secret?
    Dmitry Aleksandrovich
    The government feared that the information
    Minister of Finance
    about the preparation of the reform will be called
    in 1810–1825,
    as opposition from the nobles,
    Count since 1819
    and peasant unrest.
    Hood. G.F. Gippius.

    Military settlements

    One way
    alleviation of the situation
    peasants Alexander I
    considered the creation
    military settlements.
    Part of the state
    peasants were transferred
    on the situation of the villagers
    and had to combine
    View of a military settlement of the 19th century.
    military service
    with peasant labor.
    Army regiments were also transferred to a settled position.
    Gradually the entire army was to consist
    from military villagers and provide for herself.
    But the rest of the peasants would be freed from conscription.
    This made the state peasants, in essence, free.

    Military settlements

    A beautiful idea, unfortunately
    turned into a nightmare.
    Petty regulation
    all my life, drill,
    inability to go to
    earnings turned life
    villagers in hard labor.
    Contemporaries called
    creation of settlements
    "the main crime
    In a military settlement.
    Hood M.V. Dobuzhinsky.
    1817 – uprising of the villagers of Kherson and Novgorod
    1818 – uprising of villagers in Ukraine.
    1819 – uprising in the Chuguev and Taganrog settlements.

    After the overthrow of Napoleon
    Alexander I, confident that victory
    became possible only thanks to
    God's will, became interested in mysticism,
    those. teaching about communication with
    supernatural divine
    world through the study of secret
    meaning of religious texts
    and rituals.
    "Mentor" of the king in mysticism
    became a famous "prophetess"
    Baroness V.-Y. Krudener.
    Varvara-Julia Krudener.
    Engraving by Rosmeler, 1820.
    What features of V.-Yu. Krudener
    does the artist emphasize?

    Policy in the field of religion and education

    To spread mystical ideas
    in Russia in 1813 it was created
    Bible Society.
    Became president of the society
    Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod A.N. Golitsyn,
    all Christian denominations.
    Society sought to unite
    Christianity by spreading
    Holy Scriptures.
    At the meetings of the society along
    with Orthodox bishops
    Alexander Nikolaevich
    Catholics took part
    priests and Protestant pastors.
    Hood. K.P. Bryullov.

    Policy in the field of religion and education

    In 1817 the Ministry of Education
    transformed into the ministry of spiritual
    affairs and public education.
    The Holy Synod is subordinate to this ministry.
    A.N. was appointed minister. Golitsyn.
    The mission of the ministry: “To establish
    public education on piety,
    in accordance with the act of the Holy Alliance."
    Alexander I's dream was to combine
    enlightenment with the ideals of faith.
    A.N. Golitsyn.
    Hood. T. Wright.
    What dangers do you think
    was fraught with the creation of a new one

    Policy in the field of religion and education

    A.N. Golitsyn.
    Hood. T. Wright.
    Bringing to the forefront
    in the education of ideological tasks
    led to the rise of religion
    for secular education.
    The ministry supported literature,
    preaching “mystical” views,
    dissenters came under pressure.
    Spiritual censorship imposed by the Synod,
    began to interfere in the affairs of universities.
    The censors were instructed not to pass
    in printing materials about the government,
    without “seeking the consent of that ministry,
    the subject of which is being discussed."
    N.M. Karamzin: “Ministry of Eclipse.”

    Policy in the field of religion and education

    Mikhail Leontyevich
    In 1819 a high position
    occupied the Golitsyn ministry
    M.L. Magnitsky, former Voltairian
    and comrade-in-arms of Speransky,
    revised his views in exile
    and became a zealous conservative.
    Having received an order to conduct an audit
    Kazan University, he announced
    the university is a hotbed of freethinking
    and offered to destroy it.
    Alexander I appointed Magnitsky
    trustee of the Kazan educational district,
    entrusting him with “fixing” the university.

    Policy in the field of religion and education

    Mikhail Leontyevich
    11 out of 25 professors were fired,
    “harmful” books were burned in the library.
    Teaching restructured
    on a religious basis.
    At the lectures it was prescribed to instill:
    According to philosophy: “everything that does not agree
    with the mind of the Holy Scriptures,
    there is error and lies."
    By right: “Monarchical rule”
    there is an ancient one and it is established
    by God himself."
    In mathematics: “like numbers without a unit
    It can’t be, so is the universe,
    like many, without a single ruler
    cannot exist."

    Policy in the field of religion and education

    I was at the university
    barracks installed
    mode, students shared
    per rank depending
    from "moral"
    students of different
    discharges were prohibited
    communicate with each other.
    In 1821, the trustee of the capital district, D.P. Runich subjected
    St. Petersburg University suffered the same destruction.
    Preparations were being made to distribute Magnitsky's creations.
    instructions for all Russian universities.
    In fact, the authorities abandoned politics
    enlightened absolutism.

    Refusal from the course of reforms

    Alexander I
    in the uniform of the Life Guards
    sapper battalion.
    Not a single reform project
    Alexander I, with the exception of
    Polish Constitution,
    was not implemented.
    The king was faced with an obvious
    opposition of the nobility
    and chose to retreat.
    Moreover, he himself believed
    reforms are untimely
    at a time of growing revolutions
    in Europe.
    Completely abandon
    the king's reforms were forced by an uprising
    Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment.

    Uprising of the Semenovsky regiment

    Service in the Semenovsky regiment after
    the war of 1812 was much easier,
    than in other parts.
    Enlightened people joined the regiment
    officers and soldiers taught literacy,
    allowed them to earn extra money
    the bodily ones were eradicated
    Such arrangements irritated Arakcheev
    and commanders of guards brigades -
    grand dukes
    Nikolai and Mikhail Pavlovich.

    Uprising of the Semenovsky regiment

    In 1820, the new regiment commander
    army colonel was appointed
    G.E. Schwartz - brave but ignorant
    and a rude man who received an order
    "pull up" the regiment.
    Drill, petty quibbles
    and constant corporal punishment
    literally harassed the soldiers.
    In October 1820
    Portrait of G.E. Schwartz.
    1st Grenadier Company refused
    Kursk GKG
    serve under Schwartz.
    them. A. Deineki.
    The arrest of the rebel company caused
    revolt of the entire regiment.
    Schwartz barely managed to escape.
    this man.

    Uprising of the Semenovsky regiment

    G.E. Schwartz.
    After the Schwarz uprising
    sentenced to death
    pardoned, dismissed
    to retire, but soon
    Dismissed again in 1850
    for torturing soldiers.
    Alexander I, who was
    at the congress in Troppau, ordered
    disband the regiment,
    betray Schwarz and the 1st company
    military court
    other soldiers and officers
    transfer to army regiments,
    recruit a new Semenovsky regiment
    from other parts.
    Contrary to the facts, Alexander I considered
    Semyonovtsy riot (first case
    disobedience to the guards unit)
    manifestation of international
    revolutionary conspiracy.

    Refusal from the course of reforms

    Entry in the diary of M.M. Speransky
    (returned shortly before)
    from exile and close to the court)
    after the audience with Alexander
    in August 1821:
    "Talking about the lack of capable
    and business people not only here,
    but also everywhere. Hence the conclusion:
    do not rush into transformations, but
    for those who desire them, to have the appearance
    that they are being dealt with."
    MM. Speransky.
    Explain the position of Alexander I.

    Go to reaction

    Refusing to transform the existing system,
    Alexander I is forced to begin strengthening it.
    1822 - decree allowing landowners
    exile peasants to Siberia “for bad deeds.
    What is the significance of this decree?
    With this decree, the tsar canceled his own decree of 1811,
    directly forbade the nobles to exile peasants to Siberia.
    For the first time, Alexander I issued a decree that did not narrow
    but expanding the power of the landowner over the peasants.

    Go to reaction

    In 1820–1823 under the leadership of Magnitsky
    a draft of a new censorship charter has been developed.
    All works were subject to ban
    containing "any spirit of sectarianism"
    or confusing the pure teaching of the evangelical faith
    with ancient false teachings,
    or with... Freemasonry",
    as well as those
    "in which the willfulness of the human mind
    tries to explain and prove with philosophy
    the holy sacraments of faith inaccessible to him.”
    In 1822, the activities of Masonic lodges in Russia were prohibited.

    Go to reaction

    Archimandrite Photius
    (P.N. Spassky).
    Hood. G. Doe
    from an engraving by J. Dow.
    Alexander I is psychologically difficult
    survived the rejection of reforms.
    In the 1820s. he fell more and more often
    into apathy, entrusting the state
    cases for Arakcheev.
    Those around him were already dominated
    not mystics and supporters of Christian
    unity, but Orthodox fanatics.
    The most important place among them was taken by
    Yurievsky Archimandrite Photius,
    accused A.N. Golitsyn in an explosion
    Orthodoxy and dissemination
    Western false teachings.

    Go to reaction

    "Orthodox opposition"
    Arakcheev supported,
    jealous of the king
    to A.N. Golitsyn.
    In intrigues against Golitsyn
    Magnitsky took part,
    M.L. Magnitsky.
    realized that under the minister
    the soil shakes.
    In 1824, after conversations with Photius
    and the king sent Seraphim
    Golitsyn to resign.
    The Bible Society was headed by
    his opponent is Seraphim
    A.A. Arakcheev.
    (in 1826 the Society
    It will be closed).

    Go to reaction

    Ministry of Spiritual Affairs and People
    education was eliminated.
    The Ministry of Education was headed
    supporter of the “Orthodox opposition”,
    leader of the “Conversations of Lovers of the Russian Word”
    A.S. Shishkov.
    His conservative views
    were quite consistent with the current ones
    the emperor's views.
    After reviewing the censorship project
    charter, Shishkov edited it
    in an even more protective spirit.
    Adopt a new censorship statute
    Alexander I no longer had time,
    this will be done by his successor, Nicholas I.

    Go to reaction

    A.A. Arakcheev.
    With the fall of Golitsyn Arakcheev
    finally acquired limitless
    influence on the king became actual
    ruler of Russia.
    Biographer of Alexander I,
    led book Nikolai Mikhailovich:
    “On all matters, the sovereign began to listen
    Arakcheev alone, accept
    exclusively his reports
    in all areas of management;
    and the all-powerful count surrounded the monarch
    by his proteges and minions,
    not daring to contradict him
    and offer something
    without consulting
    with him first."

    The end of the reign of Alexander I

    Since 1824, Alexander I practically stopped studying
    government affairs, traveled for a long time
    throughout Russia, he became increasingly immersed in religious thoughts.
    According to some historians,
    he was seriously considering abdicating the throne.
    In November 1825, the tsar suddenly died in Taganrog.
    Alexander I
    the schema-monk's cell
    laurels in 1825
    before the trip
    to Taganrog.
    Copper engraving,

    Let's sum it up

    What would be the results if implemented?
    into the life of the “Charter of the Russian Empire”?
    Why did Alexander I not decide to implement
    your reform plans?

    Let's sum it up

    What role did it play in the socio-political life of Russia?
    Ministry of Spiritual Affairs and Public Education?
    What was the overall outcome of the reign of Alexander I?

    Sources of illustrations

    Slide number 2.
    Slide No. 3-4.
    Slide number 5.
    Slide number 9.
    Slide number 12.
    Slide number 13.
    Slide number 15.
    Slide number 16.;
    Slide No. 17-18.
    Slide number 19.
    Slide number 20.
    Slide number 21.

    Sources of illustrations

    Slide number 22.
    Slide number 23.
    Slide No. 24-25.
    Slide No. 26-27.
    Slide number 28.
    Slide number 29.
    Slide number 30.
    Slide No. 31-32.,_%D0%93
    Slide number 33.
    Slide number 36.

    Sources of illustrations

    Slide number 37.;;;
    Slide number 38.
    Slide number 40. Alexander I. The Emperor's Path. Catalog of the exhibition in Kolomenskoye
    04.29–09.28.2008 M., 2008, p. 28, scanned by the author.

    Description of the presentation by individual slides:

    1 slide

    Slide description:

    Alexander I (1801-1825) Alexander I Pavlovich the Blessed (December 12 (23), 1777, St. Petersburg - November 19 (December 1), 1825, Taganrog) - Emperor and Autocrat of All Russia (from March 12 (24), 1801)

    2 slide

    Slide description:

    Alexander I Catherine II named one of her grandchildren Konstantin in honor of Constantine the Great, the other - Alexander in honor of Alexander Nevsky. This choice of names expressed the hope that Constantine would liberate Constantinople from the Turks, and the newly-minted Alexander the Great would become the sovereign of the new empire. She wanted to see Constantine on the throne of the Greek Empire that was supposed to be recreated.

    3 slide

    Slide description:

    Alexander I G. R. Derzhavin responded to the birth of Alexander with the famous poem “On the Birth of a Porphyritic Youth in the North”: “At this time, so cold, As Boreas was furious, a Porphyritic Youth was born in the Northern Kingdom...”

    4 slide

    Slide description:

    Alexander I grew up in the intellectual court of Catherine the Great; his teacher, the Swiss Jacobin Frederic César La Harpe, introduced him to the principles of humanity of Rousseau, the military teacher Nikolai Saltykov introduced him to the traditions of the Russian aristocracy, his father passed on to him his passion for military parades and taught him to combine spiritual love for humanity with practical concern for his neighbor. Catherine II considered her son Paul incapable of taking the throne and planned to elevate Alexander to it, bypassing his father. Cesar Laharpe

    5 slide

    Slide description:

    Alexander I Alexander owed many of his character traits to his grandmother, who took her son away from his mother and ordered him to live in Tsarskoe Selo, near herself, far from his parents, who lived in their palaces (in Pavlovsk and Gatchina) and rarely appeared at the “big court.” " However, the child, as can be seen from all the reviews about him, was an affectionate and gentle boy, so it was a great pleasure for the royal grandmother to tinker with him. On September 17 (28), 1793, he married the daughter of the Margrave of Baden, Louise Marie Auguste von Baden, who took the name Elizaveta Alekseevna.

    6 slide

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    Alexander I served for some time in the Gatchina troops formed by his father; here he developed deafness in his left ear “from the strong roar of the guns.” On November 7, 1796 he was promoted to colonel of the guard. In 1797, Alexander was the St. Petersburg military governor, chief of the Semenovsky Guards Regiment, commander of the capital division, chairman of the food supply commission and performed a number of other duties. Since 1798, he, in addition, presided over the military parliament, and starting the following year, sat in the Senate and State Council.

    7 slide

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    Alexander I Already in the manifesto of March 12, 1801, the new emperor committed himself to governing the people “according to the laws and according to the heart of his wise grandmother.” In decrees, as well as in private conversations, the emperor expressed the basic rule that would guide him: to actively introduce strict legality in place of personal arbitrariness. The Emperor more than once pointed out the main drawback that plagued the Russian state order. He called this shortcoming “the arbitrariness of our government.” To eliminate it, it was necessary to develop fundamental laws, which almost did not exist in Russia. It was in this direction that the transformative experiments of the first years were carried out.

    8 slide

    Slide description:

    Even before Alexander’s accession to the throne, a group of “young friends” rallied around him (Count P. A. Stroganov, Count V. P. Kochubey, Prince A. A. Chartorysky, N. N. Novosiltsev), who from 1801 began to play extremely important role in government. Already in May, Stroganov invited the young tsar to form a secret committee and discuss plans for state transformation in it. Alexander readily agreed, and his friends jokingly called their secret committee the Committee of Public Safety. In court circles, the Secret Committee was called a Jacobin gang. The committee operated until the fall of 1805. Alexander I

    Slide 9

    Slide description:

    Russia at the beginning of the 19th century Population – 44 million people. Multinational and multi-religious country. The population density in Russia is one of the lowest in Europe (In the European part there are 8 people per square mile, in the south and east - 7 people per square mile, and in Europe 40-50 people)

    10 slide

    Slide description:

    Russia is an absolute monarchy. The capital is St. Petersburg. The main socio-political force were the nobles, who received in the 18th century. privilege. The state supported the nobility with all its might. The most numerous and powerless part of the population were peasants. Socio-economic situation in Russia

    11 slide

    Slide description:

    Categories of the peasantry: landowners or privately owned; State; appanage (belonged to the imperial family); economic (former monastic) Socio-economic situation in Russia

    12 slide

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    Merchants and townspeople; Cossacks; Clergy. Socio-economic situation in Russia

    Slide 13

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    At the beginning of the 19th century. commodity-money relations expanded, the use of civilian labor increased, and the technical re-equipment of industry began. The natural patriarchal way of life, non-economic coercion, and the routine state of technology were combined with the new capitalist mode of production. Socio-economic situation in Russia

    Slide 14

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    The capitalist mode of production requires: A market of free hired labor; Capital, i.e. funds invested in production; High purchasing power of the population. Socio-economic situation in Russia

    15 slide

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    The serfdom system prevented the formation of capitalist relations, hampered the development of productive forces, and interfered with the modernization of the country. During the first half of the 19th century. Russia maintained its traditional economic and socio-political structure. Socio-economic situation in Russia

    16 slide

    Slide description:

    Agriculture At the beginning of the 19th century. Agriculture employs 9/10 of the population. Half of the agricultural sector is landowner farming, the other is state feudalism (the owner of the land and peasants is the state). The beginning of the century was characterized by the beginning of the decomposition of the natural economy and the penetration of commodity-money relations into the countryside.

    Slide 17

    Slide description:

    Agriculture The landowners' farm produced products for sale; grain exports amounted to 70 million poods. Many landowners switched to multi-field crop rotation and used agricultural machines: seeders, winnowers, threshers. New agricultural crops were introduced, and potatoes became a field crop. Most landowners simply intensified the exploitation of the peasants by increasing quitrents (in kind and in cash) and increasing corvée (including the “month”).

    18 slide

    Slide description:

    Agriculture Landowner farming was in decline. 65% of all farms were mortgaged. The total amount of debts of landowners to the state and credit organizations was about 400 million rubles.

    Slide 19

    Slide description:

    Agriculture The peasantry had little land, the plots did not allow for commercial farming, they barely provided the subsistence level, the payment of taxes and taxes. Frequent crop failures doomed peasant families to half-starvation. The importance of the peasant community increased. The land was divided between peasant households into small plots and was redistributed from time to time. There was striping. The community restrained the ruin of the peasants and shifted part of the taxes onto the shoulders of more successful community members. All this prevented the stratification of the peasants and the formation of a proprietary psychology.

    20 slide

    Slide description:

    Agriculture A few peasants engaged in crafts and trade could save money. The peasant question is the main one in Russia. Three sides of the issue: personal liberation of peasants; land allotment; community land use change.

    21 slides

    Slide description:

    Industry Forced labor was used in manufactories, which made them unprofitable and backward. Russia lagged behind Europe. From England in iron smelting - 3.5 times; Based on the use of civilian labor, new regions began to form - Northwestern (Petersburg-Baltic), Central (Moscow) and Southern (Kharkov). In Russia, a system of brutal labor exploitation has developed: workers worked 13-14 hours. Merchants made large fortunes from the sale of wine and large government orders.

    22 slide

    Slide description:

    Industry Entrepreneurial dynasties were formed: the Sapozhnikovs, Morozovs, Guchkovs, Bibikovs, Kondrashovs. Money earned from trade was invested in production. The Russian bourgeoisie was weak and politically powerless.

    Slide 23

    Slide description:

    finance At the beginning of the 19th century. To finance the wars against Napoleon and support noble land ownership, the Russian government produced large issues (emissions) of banknotes - paper money. In the first quarter of the 19th century. The issue of banknotes increased 4 times. As a result, they sharply depreciated. Attempts by Paul I and Alexander I to overcome inflation failed.

    24 slide

    Slide description:

    trade At the beginning of the century, the all-Russian market continued to form. The main buyers were merchants, nobles, and some townspeople. The role of shopping centers was played by fairs, national and local. They represented seasonal, wholesale and small wholesale trade. Shop trade began to appear in cities. The balance of foreign trade is positive, i.e. export of goods predominated. Agricultural products (wheat, timber, hemp, leather) were exported. The bourgeoisie could not compete in Europe with its products and goods were exported mainly to China, Iran, and Turkey.

    25 slide

    Slide description:

    transport The main types of transport were water and horse-drawn. Water system: 1808 -1811 – Mariinsky and Tikhvin canal systems, connecting the Baltic with Moscow and the Volga trade route. Steamboats appeared on the rivers. Ships owned by foreign shipowners were used to trade with the West. They traded across the Baltic and Black Seas. There were few highways and they connected St. Petersburg with Warsaw, Moscow with St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl and Nizhny Novgorod.

    26 slide

    Slide description:

    INTERNAL POLITICS The main goal: to preserve the existing socio-political and economic system, to improve it in accordance with the needs of the time. Problems: Improving public administration; Agrarian-peasant question; Improving the education and training system.

    Slide 27

    Slide description:

    Widespread pardons were granted. 12 thousand people dismissed from service by Paul I were returned. The Secret Chancellery was destroyed. Torture is prohibited. Travel abroad is free. The letters of grant to the cities and nobility were returned. The old names of regiments and Russian military uniforms have been returned to the army. INTERNAL POLITICS

    28 slide

    Slide description:

    December 12, 1801 - Decree on the right to acquire land by merchants, burghers, state peasants, and manumitted serfs. February 20, 1803 - Decree on free cultivators. Peasants, with the consent of their landowners, could purchase their freedom in entire villages with land. The practice of distributing state peasants into private ownership has been stopped. INTERNAL POLITICS

    Slide 29

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    30 slide

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    In 1802, ministries with a system of unity of command were established. In 1810-1811 the number has been increased and a Committee of Ministers has been established for joint discussion of certain issues by ministers. In 1802 the Senate was reformed. It became the highest administrative judicial and supervisory body. The Senate received the right to make “representations” to the emperor of old laws and to participate in the discussion of new ones. The role and powers of the Chief Prosecutor of the Synod were strengthened. At the head of the Synod in 1803-1824. Prince A.N. was there Golitsyn (he was also the Minister of Education from 1816). In 1810 the State Council was created. INTERNAL POLITICS

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    The State Council of 1810 consisted of ministers and state dignitaries appointed by the emperor. Advisory functions in the development of new laws and interpretation of existing laws. Distribution of finances between ministries and consideration of ministerial reports before their presentation to the emperor (until 1906).

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    Slide description:

    In 1801, the Permanent Council was formed - an advisory body under the emperor, consisting of figures from Catherine's era. The Stas Secretary of the Permanent Council was M.M. Speransky. The son of a poor priest. Author of a number of reform projects. The book “Introduction to the Code of State Laws” outlined the principle of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial powers. The project included the convening of a representative State Duma, the introduction of elected courts, and the State Council. INTERNAL POLITICS Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky, Russian statesman, count (1839).

    Slide 33

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    M.M. Speransky planned the introduction of broad suffrage in Russia. Serfs would not receive this right, but they could also be protected, since in the project no one could be punished without investigation and trial. Against the liberal project M.M. Speransky was made by conservatives led by N.M. Karamzin. In the note “On Ancient and New Russia” addressed to the Tsar, Karamzin insisted on preserving the old order, meaning by this autocracy and serfdom. INTERNAL POLITICS Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich

    Slide 34

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    Of the proposed projects, only the State Council was created. MM. Speransky was called a French spy. And with the approaching war with the French, the emperor sacrificed Speransky, removing him and sending him into exile. After the Patriotic War and the Foreign Campaign of the Russian Army, the second period of the reign of Alexander I began - conservative. Count A.A., who was close to the emperor, carried out a policy of conservatism. Arakcheev. INTERNAL POLITICS

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    Count (from 1799) Alexey Andreevich Arakcheev, who enjoyed the enormous trust of Alexander I, especially in the second half of his reign (“Arakcheevshchina”). Reformer of Russian artillery, artillery general (1807), chief commander of military settlements (since 1817). He is an oppressor of all Russia, a tormentor of governors, and a teacher of the Council, and a friend and brother to the Tsar. Full of anger, full of revenge, Mad, without feelings, without honor, Who is he? (A.S. Pushkin) (“Betrayed without flattery” - the motto given by Emperor Pavel Arakcheev for his coat of arms, changed by evil tongues to “betrayed by the devil of flattery”, for flattery); INTERNAL POLITICS

    36 slide

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    The years from 1815 to 1825 were called “Arakcheevism.” This is a policy aimed at strengthening autocracy and serfdom. It was expressed in further centralization and petty regulation of public administration, in police and repressive measures aimed at destroying free thought, in the “cleansing” of universities, in the imposition of discipline in the army. The most striking manifestation of Arakcheevism is military settlements. INTERNAL POLITICS

    Slide 37

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    The purpose of military settlements: to achieve self-sufficiency and self-reproduction in the army, to ease the burden of maintaining the army in peacetime for the country's budget. The first attempts to create military settlements date back to 1808-1809. The widespread introduction of military settlements dates back to 1815-1816. State-owned peasants of the St. Petersburg, Novgorod, Mogilev and Kharkov provinces were transferred to the category of military peasants. Soldiers were settled here and their families were discharged to them. INTERNAL POLITICS

    Slide 38

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    Soldiers' wives became villagers, sons from the age of seven were enrolled as cantonists, and from the age of 18 - into active military service. All of them had to earn their own food with their own labor, performing ordinary agricultural work, and at the same time perform military service. The whole life of a peasant was strictly regulated, and violation was followed by corporal punishment. Trade, crafts, and contacts with the outside world were strictly prohibited. The arbitrariness of the local authorities reigned in the settlements. By 1825, more than a third of the soldiers had been transferred to military settlements. The idea of ​​self-sufficiency failed, since huge amounts of money were spent on organizing the settlements themselves. INTERNAL POLITICS

    Slide 39

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    One of the episodes of the reign of Alexander I was the uprising in the Chuguev military settlement (1819), which was brutally suppressed by the tsarist troops led by General Arakcheev. The reason for the riot was a dispute over how to provide the regimental horses with hay. Soon, unrest also spread to the neighboring Taganrog regiment. Local authorities lost control of the situation, and Arakcheev rushed to the rescue. The general was shocked by the hostility of the peasants towards the settlers and towards him personally. Arakcheev reported to the emperor that the rebels were shouting: “We don’t want a military settlement. We don’t want to serve Count Arakcheev more than the Emperor. We want to destroy Arakcheev because we know when he dies, the military settlements will disappear.” INTERNAL POLITICS

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    Soldiers were given the privilege of living sedentary lives with their families, on the same basis as peasants. They were called the "reserve battalion" and were required to spend three days in the winter and two days in the summer on military exercises. Each peasant homeowner was assigned two or three soldiers from the two active battalions that made up the rest of the settlement. The peasant was obliged to feed the soldiers and provide new equipment in exchange for helping him in the field. The entire way of life of the peasants changed due to the military exercises in which they had to participate. Close-knit peasant communities disintegrated. INTERNAL POLITICS


    Slide description:

    In 1802, the Ministry of Public Education was created and new educational institutions were opened. In 1804, a Charter was issued for universities that allowed them to self-govern. In 1817, the Ministry was transformed into the Ministry of Spiritual Affairs and Public Education. It is called upon to develop Christian piety and strictly monitor the textbooks and teaching system. One of the manifestations of Arakcheevism was the inspection of Kazan and St. Petersburg universities, their “cleansing”. The best professors were accused of freethinking, fired and put on trial. INTERNAL POLITICS

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    In 1804, the Charter on Censorship was issued. At universities, censorship committees were created from professors and masters, subordinate to the Ministry of Public Education. This made it possible to publish works by Western European educators. During the conservative period of Alexander I's reign, censorship policies became stricter. In 1816-1819 the tsar supported the initiative of the Baltic nobility, who showed their readiness to free the peasants, since in these regions serf labor was becoming unprofitable. The peasants received personal freedom, but did not gain the right to land. INTERNAL POLITICS

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    Post-war projects of Alexander I. A.A. Arakcheev and Finance Minister D.A. Guryev was given the task of preparing proposals for the abolition of serfdom. Both prepared proposals and the tsar approved them, created a secret committee, but the matter did not move further. Rumors about the abolition of serfdom caused panic and rage among landowners. A group of advisors led by N.N. The Novosiltsevs were tasked with developing a draft Constitution for Russia. The “State Charter of the Russian Empire” (1819-1820) envisaged the creation of a bicameral parliament - the State Duma and local representative bodies of power - Sejms. INTERNAL POLITICS

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    Freedom of speech, press, religion, equality of all citizens before the law, and personal inviolability were assumed. Property is inviolable. The king approved, but did not introduce it. The Kingdom of Poland was granted a Constitution (1815), self-government and freedom of the press, as well as the right to have its own army. In the Grand Duchy of Finland, the Sejm (elected representative power) and the State Council (executive power) were formed, and the right to private property was confirmed. The Emperor's viceroy in Poland was the Tsar's brother Konstantin Nikolaevich (married to the Polish princess Lovich). INTERNAL POLITICS

    Slide 47

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    In 1796, in St. Petersburg, he married Juliana Henriette Ulrike, the third daughter of Franz Friedrich Anton, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld (in Orthodoxy Anna Fedorovna), divorced on March 8 (20), 1820. In 1799, Konstantin took part in the Italian and Swiss campaigns of A.V. Suvorov. In the same year, the French king Louis XVIII, who was in exile at that time, sent Paul I the Commander's Cross of the Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem for the Grand Duke as a sign of friendship. At the Battle of Austerlitz in 1805, Constantine commanded the Guards Reserve. In 1812 he took part in the Patriotic War, and then in the Foreign Campaign. In the Leipzig Battle of the Nations in the fall of 1813, he was the commander of the reserve units that participated in the battle. He fought with dignity, receiving a golden sword “For Bravery.” In 1823, Constantine, citing a morganatic marriage with the Polish Countess Grudzinskaya (although the Regulations on the Imperial Family, which prevented children from an unequal marriage from inheriting the throne, did not deprive him personally of the rights to the throne) INTERNAL POLITICS