Alexander Filonov: “My first pole was a shaft.” Alexander Filonov: “My first pole was a shaft” Athletics will someday get rid of doping

June 25, 2014 09:43 Sergey ZYUZIN, Vitaly DVORYANKIN "Altai sport"

Judge of the All-Union category in athletics Alexander Filonov is a widely known, one might even say famous, personality in Altai sports. But we know catastrophically little about him. Your correspondents came to this unexpected conclusion after several hours of communication at the regional Olympic Reserve School. He seems to be a joker, he doesn’t mince his words, he spits out poetry like from a machine gun - and at the same time, he is a deep, serious, competent interlocutor. A joker, but not a balabol. Seasoned man, what kind to look for now.

Bryansk roots

- Alexander Andreevich, recently it was Parents’ Day. Let's remember yours.

I was born on December 24, 1938 in the Bryansk region, Klintsovsky district. The village of Velikaya Topal is the former estate of Prince Golitsyn. My father fought in the Finnish War and the Great Patriotic War. He returned home all wounded. One of the fragments was still sitting next to the heart - the doctors were afraid to touch it. When they operated on him, pulling out other fragments, they said: “You will live 14-15 years.” My father had a disability of the first group and four years of education; he worked on a collective farm until retirement. The doctors' prediction came true: dad came home from work (he was guarding the local House of Culture), lay down on the bed, mom went for fresh water, came back, and he was no longer breathing. At that moment I served in the Soviet Army. Mom worked on a collective farm all her life, had no education, but knew poems and riddles a thousand times more than me. An incredible hard worker. I looked after my grandmother, who had been lying in bed for 17 years. My mother's father, my grandfather, died at 105 years old. He stumbled, fell and hit his head. Didn't smoke or drink. He worked as a carpenter and carpenter. He witnessed the arrival of the queen to the estate of Prince Golitsyn. Next to the estate stood a church, converted by the Soviet authorities into a school. The church was built in the 14th century. The princess walked into it through an underground passage dug from the estate. The dance hall in it has been preserved, all gilded. The people kept everything and didn’t give it to anyone.

The paternal grandfather lived to be 75 years old. Everyone feared and respected him. I could stop a horse in full gallop. If someone was fighting, they came up and hit their heads - the fighters were knocked out. And the grandmother - also on the paternal side - lived 103 years. She knew how to cast a spell, she spoke all sorts of chicks, barley and even a hernia. The grandmother was the daughter of a landowner. My grandfather stole it in his youth. Got married. She bore him eight sons and two daughters. Her brothers, offended by the fact that she had chosen a rootless peasant, took revenge - every year they set the house on fire.

- You are one of those about whom they said “children of war.”

When the Germans arrived, everyone who could went into the Bryansk forests. Those who did not leave died. We were also locked in a barn, surrounded with hay on all sides. The gates were wrapped with wire. They were going to burn him alive. But the great-great-grandson of Prince Golitsyn arrived with the rank of Wehrmacht colonel and said: “Don’t burn mine.” The second time my grandmother saved me and the other boys from death and managed to hide them. They wanted to see the retreating Germans. And they were angry, just a little bit - they fired from machine guns.

Simferopol - Omsk - Barnaul

- I wonder how a Bryansk boy became interested in athletics for the rest of his life?

In 1957 I graduated from high school. And suddenly a physical education teacher who had no special education says: “We need to go to the regional school sports competition in Klintsy. Who is ready for what? He called me over, pointed to the stretched rope, gave me the shaft in my hands: “Will you jump over?” Well, I ran and jumped. “You will be pole vaulting,” the physical education teacher decided. Believe it or not, I came to the Olympics and won these jumps! With a bamboo pole I reached a height of 3.10. Moreover, he won the triple jump with a score of 11.80. After that, I was included in the team of the city of Klintsy to participate in the Spartakiad of the Bryansk region. With a score of 3.20 he took third place in the pole vault. Broke five bamboo poles! He also took third place in the triple jump. And it was not just anyone who awarded me, but the bronze medalist of the Melbourne Olympics, Igor Kashkarov, a fellow countryman from the city of Dyatkovo!

And then it was haymaking time! At that time, there were no discounts for athletes in their studies. Exams had to be passed. My memory was very good. I remembered all the historical dates and was considered the third best student in school in mathematics. I graduated from school, my father asks: “Where do you want to go next?” - "To Army!". And in the summer I went to work on a collective farm. They gave me a personal horse named Kazbek. He never used the whip, but my word was law for him. He could jump over a high wall if I called him.

He joined the army even though he was not yet 18 years old. They transported us in “calf carriages,” as these carriages were popularly called. We got out in Simferopol - in sweatshirts, hats, felt boots and galoshes. On the contrary, criminals are loaded into the same “veal barns”. They shout: “Hello, brothers!” On November 16, he took the oath. Served in the radio engineering special forces. We were subordinate only to Odessa, where the headquarters of the military district was located, and Moscow. He received an award for discovering radar stations of Turkey, a member of NATO. Near Yevpatoria, he took part in the discovery of the C-130, one of the best NATO reconnaissance aircraft that penetrated our territory. Our pilot shot him down.

In Alushta, when we were on leave, we went to the beach with local girls. They swam about 50 meters with lumps of sugar to feed the dolphins. They swim up and start playing, tickling under the arms. And then they take us for a ride along the shore. Unforgettable feelings! One day they started catching them in nets to send them to the dolphinarium. The dolphins cried so much... It’s impossible to bear.

There was no time to play sports in the army. Towards the end of the service we began to think about where to go next. And then, those who entered an institute or technical school or went to construction sites on a Komsomol voucher were demobilized earlier. I served for two years and eight months and went to Omsk to study as a roofer. That year, two thousand former sailors and one and a half thousand former soldiers came to Omsk. You’ll go to a dance and hear the cry “Polundra!” - everything is clear: there is a fight with the locals.

- Have you returned to athletics in Omsk?

Tretyakova Lyudmila Alekseevna was my first coach. Honored Trainer of the RSFSR. He ran with her together with Galina Andreevna Zvyagina ( For many years she was a teacher at the Faculty of Physical Education at a pedagogical university. — Approx. edit). At the regional championship he was second at a distance of 800 meters with a result of 1 minute 57 seconds. After that, I was offered to enter the Omsk State Institute of Physical Culture. I passed the exams and went to the Dynamo stadium. I see a group of athletes pole vaulting. "Can I?" - I ask. And he himself is in trousers and a shirt. The guys and the coach laughed: “Come on!” He took off his shoes, rolled up his trousers, took the pole and jumped over the bar. I can’t imagine how. “I took two eighty... Can you have more?” - “Bet.” - "And who are you?". Told. This is how my unsuccessful career began. When I entered, it was time for distribution between coaches. They announce my name. Tretyakova says: “I will have it.” And then the head of the department intervenes: “Won’t he go to the pole?” “I’ll go!” - I blurted out. In the second year of study he was included in the regional team. I enjoyed playing hockey, football, swimming, and Greco-Roman wrestling. In hockey together with Leonid Kiselev, famous in Altai ( He successfully coached Barnaul Motor in the 80s. — Approx. "AS".) played for the oil plant - they received food stamps for it. But then there was a policy at the institute: to engage in only one sport. When they found out that I was struggling, they threatened to expel me from the university. I had to obey.

- We met you at the Summer Rural Olympiads. Are you interested there?

It is important to know who will come to us. I worked for 12 years at the physical education department at a pedagogical institute. In 1965, Dean Vladimir Ivanovich Usenko brought me from Omsk together with Shpagin. Usenko came to his former dean Gurevich: “I need an athlete and skier. Whom, Miron Lazarevich, do you recommend? Gurevich, one of the track and field athletes, proposed my candidacy. And so I was already assigned to Ust-Kamenogorsk in the sports society “Enbek”. Subsequently, when I moved to the Institute of Culture, I also watched the footage.

They say that you still go to all athletics competitions and watch very carefully. Are you Sergei Klevtsov's agent?

No. I participate in the selection of promising children for our school who can grow further. These children then continue to improve with Klevtsov.

Chair for Tamara

In the region, Filonov is considered the main authority in knowledge of the rules of athletics. Is it true that in the village of Altai, at the regional Olympics, you forced all the markings on the paths to be redone?

Volodya Abramov approached: “Andreich, what should we do - everything is wrong?” - “Redo it yourself. Start trying everything on!” Those who made the initial markings did not know many of the subtleties. You need to carefully read the competition rules, everything is written there.

They say correctly in the army: “Learn your materiel!” You are a judge of the all-Union category with more than 30 years of experience. What is the most difficult thing about being a judge?

Organization of competitions. Everything needs to be planned and done according to schedule. No delays or delays. It is very important to choose the right staff of assistants. They must clearly understand what the chief judge requires and comply. I didn’t allow such a mess when the judges were being disturbed by everyone. The inspector will raise his finger - and all judges must listen to him! But the competition rules do not stipulate one important point. I once said this in Moscow at the main coaching board: “Your rules do not include a deputy chief judge for nutrition!” My colleagues laughed and admitted that I was right.

- What was the most memorable moment in your work as a referee?

My first international tournament in Moscow, where I worked as a trainee chief judge. Winter, competitions in the arena, two hundred judges. What did I do then? The first thing to do was cancel the entry of the athletes, led by the judge, to the starting blocks. This added dynamics. Then I saw Tamara Bykova struggling in the high jump sector ( bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in Seoul, winner and medalist of the world championships. — Approx. ed.). The benches were too low for jumpers, and her back seemed to be hurting. And I ordered the commandant to bring Tamara a chair. Bykova thanked me, sat down, and I heard applause behind me. He turned around - Honored Coach of the USSR and Russia Evgeniy Petrovich Zagorulko clapped: “Bravo, judge!” It's called, and received applause. At the debriefing, everyone was surprised that I was just an intern. Judges of the all-Union category Vladimir Ilyich Lakhov, Oleg Aleksandrovich Ryakhovsky, Viktor Alekseevich Karoshchan, Prokopiy Izotovich Starostin taught me a lot in their time. I was the only one who received an A at the European Championships among the deaf and dumb, held in Vladimir. Judged the high jump and pole vault. In general, I was one of the ten strongest athletics judges in the country. Unfortunately, I did not speak foreign languages, so I was restricted from traveling abroad to work at international competitions.

- With your memory you couldn’t learn at least English?

Yes, it was already late...

There are always a lot of scandals associated with biased refereeing in sports games. Is it possible to somehow influence the result in your sport?

Can. The judge can ruin the athlete's mood. A spade can be identified somewhere, although there was none. On the other hand, an athlete can harm himself more than any judge by not knowing the rules of the competition.

Vladimir Yurzinov recently admired the abundance of “thoroughbred” children in Altai. At the same time, athletics experts say: earlier the choice was much richer and now there are far fewer strong, physically gifted children. Who is right?

In modern Russia, 85 percent of schoolchildren have one or another disease. At the same time, children receive athletics on a residual basis: first of all, parents take their children to prestigious sections - football, hockey, rhythmic gymnastics. But you still need to work. As one famous coach says: “It’s better to dig through the shit for a year and find at least one talent than to do nothing for 15 years.” Some former students bring their child to the coach, others see obvious talent on the side and advise the mentor to pay attention.

- If you had your way, what would you change in the teaching of physical education in universities?

At the Institute of Culture, I ensured that physical education was four hours a week from the first to the fourth year (at other universities it is still two hours). If a student misses two hours of class, go run 25 laps around the stadium. If he moves one step, that’s it, the training doesn’t count. They all knew how to swim.

What do Zakharov and Klevtsov have in common?

Will athletics ever get rid of doping?

Never! This is an eternal companion. We need to show the result. But I never chased results and never fed mine anything forbidden.

- What record in athletics do you consider the most outstanding?

I don't want to talk about Usain Bolt. Nature is on the side of black athletes. Their muscle fibers contract much faster than those of “pale-faced” people. For me, the outstanding result is one where there is no doping. In his youth, Sasha Menkov ran fast (above the standard for a master of sports) and jumped high (2.20). He switched to length, where his versatile talents showed. If I had speed, even with a metal pole I would have jumped higher than my best result - 3.90. But I had endurance, so I ran well at medium distances. Where did she come from? When I was a child, I herded cows and had to chase them. When I returned from the institute to my native village, the locals asked: “Sasha, what kind of activity do you do?” I asked them to dig a hole next to the barn. He took the shaft, ran and jumped onto the barn! Countrymen shout: “Monkey!”

Pole fighters do not have doping. And modern achievements of science and technology make it possible to perform miracles. Frenchman Renaud Lavillenie showed an excellent result in the pole vault - 6.20. He himself is short, but he picks up poles very competently ( grins). Once I bent a fiberglass pole so much during a jump that it flew about 15 meters away. I fell so that everyone who was training fell silent. They run up: “Alive?” Then I beat myself off with everything that was possible and impossible. They gave this pole to a guy named Muratov. Together with the trainer, they sharpened it on a machine - made it thinner. He went to jump - his pole was thrown so that his head stuck in the sand. I didn’t draw any conclusions. I came to the stadium of the Agricultural Institute for morning training. Jumped. I woke up at six in the evening: “Where am I?”

We all know Shubenkova, Shulzhenko, Kotova, Shubenkov, Svechkar - if desired, we can continue this series of athletes who have achieved a lot. Which of the Altai athletes, in your opinion, never revealed their great talent?

Strebkov... Nesterov... Byzov... Denisov... But most of all I was upset about Svetlana Koroleva. She is from Pavlovsk. That's who could win Olympic gold. Such makings of a javelin throw! In Munich in 1972 she took only sixth place. Galya Shulzhenko was not fully realized, and this is the coach’s fault. Natalya Shubenkova also did not fully open up. I recently asked her: “If I had not left Yuri Petrovich Zakharov, what place would I have taken in Seoul? Above the fourth? Natalya Mikhailovna admitted: “You were right. I shouldn’t have left.”

Honored Coach of Russia Yuri Zakharov is a legend of our athletics. Many called him a difficult person. In what ways was it difficult? What were his strengths?

Do you know what bothers me? During their lifetime, some comrades did not complain as much as they could. And after death, they shout that they were his best friends and like-minded people. Why did many people dislike and envy him? He was a skier. And he achieved success in our form! Yuri Petrovich was never shy about learning from others. At training camps, at competitions. I looked carefully and took notes. And he was confident that he was right.

What is the phenomenon of the honored coach of Russia Sergei Klevtsov? In fact, he became one of the main specialists in Europe and the world in the sprint hurdles.

As an athlete, he was not able to realize his full potential. It was only because of the referee's sloppiness that Klevtsov was not awarded the title of Master of Sports. But unfulfilled ambitions helped Sergei Alexandrovich grow into a strong coach. He took unconventional paths in working with hurdlers. Klevtsov is a very efficient and tough specialist. If you can’t withstand the load, don’t fulfill my demands, leave. He has gathered a strong group: Shubenkov, Dremin, Babich, Sokolova, Pronskikh, and there is a capable boy from Perm.

Klevtsov has his own head on his shoulders, but I will still speak out about Seryozha Shubenkov. The Winter World Championships in Sopot showed that he needs to increase speed endurance in shortened sprints. It seems to me that Shubenkov does not need to chase the immediate result. We need to accumulate strength so as not to become exhausted, work calmly in training, and build up new potential.

Own wish

- If you were taken back to your youth and asked to live your life again, what would you do differently?

I would go the same way, only I would do everything three times better. I would learn seven foreign languages. Journalists like to ask their interlocutors: “Who raised you?” I was raised by my family, my wife and my team.

- What is the most important thing in life?

Friends. Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

We know a very famous coach who said: “I’ll live until retirement and won’t work a single day anymore. Tired". Do you feel tired?

I supervise all the athletes at the school, but in retirement I will quickly disappear. Klevtsov said that he would not let me go, and the other guys warned me about the same thing. I have a letter of resignation of my own free will. On it is a resolution from colleagues: “We ask you to fire after death.”


FILONOV Alexander Andreevich. Born on December 24, 1938 in the village of Velikaya Topal, Klintsovsky district, Bryansk region. Record holder of the Altai Territory in pole vaulting. Champion of zonal competitions (Urals, Siberia and Far East) of the RSFSR Championship in 1966. Graduated from the Omsk State Institute of Physical Culture in 1965. From 1965 to 1977 - senior lecturer at the Department of Sports Disciplines, Faculty of Physical Culture, Barnaul State Pedagogical Institute. From 1977 to 1983 - head of the department of physical education at the Altai State Institute of Culture. All-Union category judge in athletics. For many years he headed the panel of judges of the Altai Territory in athletics. During this time, 5 judges of the all-Union category and about 40 judges of the republican category were trained.


Commander of the 1st Infantry Battalion of the 364th Infantry Regiment of the 139th Infantry Division of the 50th Army of the 2nd Belorussian Front, captain.

Born on September 5, 1920 in the village of Slobodskaya (now Omutinsky district, Tyumen region). He graduated from school, then from the Yalutorovsky Technical School of the Dairy Industry. He worked as a technician at the Ishim station. In 1938, the district Komsomol committee sent him to study at the Omsk Infantry School, which he graduated from in 1940 and was sent to a military unit by the Omsk GVK.

On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War - from July 1941. He fought on the Kalinin, Western and 2nd Belorussian fronts. In 1943 he graduated from the courses for battalion commanders at the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze. In battles he was wounded three times. He took part in the Mogilev, Minsk, Bialystok, East Prussian, East Pomeranian and Berlin offensive operations.

“The summer of the third year of the war began. The Nazis were retreating from Ukraine. Belarus was still waiting for liberation. Captain Filonov also led his infantry battalion to the west. The Nazis resisted fiercely. In the battles, the battalion captured 10 machine guns, 11 guns, 80 machine guns and rifles, 15 ammunition depots and 10 prisoners.

After a short rest, the battalion reached the bank of the Basi River. Here Filonov’s military skill was especially clearly demonstrated. Skillfully maneuvering, Captain Filonov's battalion crossed the river with almost no losses. At the same time, the Nazis received a crushing blow: 250 soldiers were killed and 40 were captured. 23 warehouses with ammunition and food, 16 guns, 17 machine guns, and many rifles were captured.

The battalion marched for more than a month, liberating the Belarusian land from the occupiers, and in July it reached the Dnieper near Mogilev. A group of six fighters was the first to enter the enemy shore. It was led by battalion commander A.G. Filonov. Despite heavy enemy fire, the brave six gained a foothold and held the bridgehead until the main forces of the regiment arrived.

For the feat accomplished in battle, Alexander Grigorievich Filonov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the SSR dated March 24, 1945.

Awarded two Orders of Lenin (07/28/1942; 03/24/1945), the Order of the Red Banner (09/19/1944), the Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree (04/06/1985), the Order of the Patriotic War 2nd degree 10/12/1943), anniversary medals.

In 1947, with the rank of guard major, he was transferred to the reserve. In 1955 he graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute. Lived in the city of Sochi, Krasnodar Territory, worked as a lawyer.

Based on materials from the book Tyumen People - Heroes of the Soviet Union. - Tyumen, Vector Book, 2004. - P.149.

December 9, 2015 on the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland in the village. Omutinsky, near the building of the Central District Library, a memorable historical event took place - the opening of a memorial plaque to the Hero of the Soviet Union Filonov Alexander Grigorievich. This is a tribute to the memory of the hero of the Great War and a sign of respect to a courageous man.

The life of A. G. Filonov is a vivid example of service to the Fatherland and we will always remember the people for whom the homeland became a guiding star, in its name they, without sparing themselves, performed great feats.

“They write poems about exploits.
They create songs about fame.
Heroes never die
Heroes live in our memory!”

F Ilonov Alexander Grigorievich - commander of the 1st battalion of the 364th rifle regiment (139th Roslavl rifle division, 50th army, 2nd Belorussian Front), captain.

Born on September 5, 1920 in the village of Slobodskaya, now Omutinsky district, Tyumen region, in a working-class family. Russian. Graduated from school, Yalutorovsky Technical School of the Dairy Industry. He worked as a technician at the Ishim station in the Tyumen region.

Since 1938 - in the Red Army. In 1940 he graduated from the Omsk Military Infantry School. Since July 13, 1941 - in the active army. He fought on the Kalinin Front. In 1943, he graduated from the courses for battalion commanders at the M.V. Frunze Military Academy and was sent to continue serving in the 139th Infantry Division on the Western Front. He took part in the Rzhev-Vyazemsk and Smolensk offensive operations. In battles he was wounded three times.

He particularly distinguished himself during the Mogilev offensive operation. On June 24, 1944, the battalion of A.G. Filonov successfully broke through the enemy’s deeply echeloned long-term defense in the area of ​​​​the settlements of Girovtsy and Gorodets (now the Chaussky district of the Mogilev region, Belarus) and, having fought 12 kilometers, destroyed a significant amount of manpower and captured large trophies . During the further offensive, the soldiers crossed the Basya and Resta rivers and on June 27 reached the Dnieper near the village of Buynichi (now an agricultural town in the Mogilev district of the Mogilev region). A.G. Filonov, having crossed the Dnieper under enemy fire with a group of fighters, organized control of the battle and retention of the captured bridgehead.

U Kazom of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 24, 1945 for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the German invaders and the courage and heroism shown to the captain Filonov Alexander Grigorievich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

Later he took part in the Minsk, Bialystok, East Prussian, East Pomeranian and Berlin offensive operations.

Since 1947, Major A.G. Filonov has been in reserve. In 1955 he graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute. Lived in the city of Sochi, Krasnodar Territory, worked as a lawyer.

Awarded 2 Orders of Lenin (07/28/1942, 03/24/1945), Orders of the Red Banner (09/19/1944), Orders of the Patriotic War 1st (03/11/1985) and 2nd (10/12/1943) degrees, medals.

A bust of A.G. Filonov is installed on the Memorial of Glory in the city of Slavgorod, Altai Territory, where the formation of the 178th Infantry Division took place.

On the Kalinin Front, A.G. Filonov fought as commander of a reconnaissance company of the 178th Infantry Division. When performing various tasks at the front line and behind enemy lines, he repeatedly demonstrated courage, determination, and skillful management of units in a rapidly changing situation. On November 7, 1941, while carrying out a combat mission behind enemy lines in the area of ​​the village of Ryabinikha (now Torzhok district of the Tver region), A.G. Filonov set fire to the house in which the headquarters of the German battalion was located, killing 6 enemy soldiers. On November 13 of the same year, in the area of ​​​​the village of Zhagreevo (now Staritsky district of the Tver region), acting in an ambush, the scouts destroyed 7 carts and 11 enemy soldiers. On January 9, 1942, a reconnaissance group under the command of A.G. Filonov defeated the German garrison in the village of Vorotovo (now Moshensky district of the Novgorod region), capturing 2 cars, a motorcycle, 2 machine guns and 5 machine guns. On January 15, 1942, the reconnaissance company took part in the attack on an enemy stronghold in the area of ​​the village of Skovorotyn (now Oleninsky district of the Tver region). During the battle, the machine gun crew was destroyed, 5 enemy soldiers were captured, and 2 were captured. On January 28, in the area of ​​the urban village of Olenino (now Tver Region), scouts captured a chief corporal, who provided valuable information about the composition and location of enemy units. On February 6, 1942, in the area of ​​the Maherovo railway crossing (now Oleninsky district of the Tver region), A.G. Filonov’s reconnaissance group blew up the railway track in three places over 1 kilometer. The movement of enemy trains was stopped for a day.

While performing combat missions, A.G. Filonov was wounded twice - on September 11, 1941, in the area of ​​the village of Ivankovo ​​(now Vyshnevolotsky district of the Tver region) with a bullet in the left hand, and in December 1941, in the area of ​​the village of Ryabinikha, with a bullet in the right leg. The division commander nominated him for the Order of the Red Banner. By order of the commander of the troops of the Kalinin Front, he was awarded the Order of Lenin.

In November 1942, near the village of Pogoreloye (now Firovsky district of the Tver region), A.G. Filonov was wounded for the third time - by a shrapnel in the side. After recovery, he was sent to a three-month course for battalion commanders at the M.V. Frunze Military Academy. Upon completion of the course, he was sent to the Western Front, where he was appointed assistant chief of the operational department of the 139th Infantry Division. During the Smolensk offensive operation from August 11 to September 23, 1943, A.G. Filonov was responsible for organizing the work of the division commander’s observation post and repeatedly carried out individual combat missions in the advancing first-echelon battalions. When breaking through enemy defenses, capturing the villages of Osinovka and Liseevka (now Kuibyshevsky district of the Kaluga region), crossing the Snopot and Desna rivers, he acted boldly and decisively, ensuring the timely delivery and accurate implementation of command orders. By order of the commander of the 10th Army, he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree.

Soon A.G. Filonov was appointed commander of the 1st Infantry Battalion of the 364th Infantry Regiment. During the Mogilev offensive operation on the night of June 24, 1944, the 139th Infantry Division crossed bridges across the Pronya River and was brought into battle on the right flank of the army.

From the award list for A.G. Filonov:

“During the offensive battles from June 24 to June 29, 1944, he proved himself to be a brave and decisive officer. When breaking through the defense of the avenue on June 24, 1944, in the area of ​​​​the settlements of Girovtsy and Gorodets, during their capture, the battalion destroyed 120 German soldiers and captured 10 people. As a result of the successful offensive battle, the following trophies were captured from the pr-ka: machine guns - 10, machine guns and rifles - 80, various warehouses with ammunition - 15, various guns - 11, carts with property - 30, walkie-talkies - 2. The battles in this area were completed 12 km.
When breaking through the defense of Project 25-26.6.1944 on the Basya-Resta rivers, thanks to skillful battle management, the battalion crossed these rivers with small losses and successfully completed the tasks assigned to it. At the same time, 250 German soldiers were destroyed and 40 were captured. Trophies were captured: 17 machine guns, 111 machine guns and rifles, 23 ammunition and food warehouses, 16 various guns, 46 carts with property, tractors – 3 pcs., cars – 7 pcs. In addition, a 105mm battery was captured in firing positions along with horses and servants.
When breaking through the defense of Avenue 27.6.44 on the Dnieper River, he was the first in a group of 6 people to cross the river. The Dnieper, despite the heavy fire from the river, gained a foothold on the opposite bank and continued to control the battle, inspiring its personnel to feats of arms.

Commander of the 364th regiment
Lieutenant Colonel Petrov

During the offensive in Eastern Poland from August 14 to September 6, 1944, A.G. Filonov’s battalion acted decisively and boldly, while pursuing the retreating enemy, did not allow him to break away and gain a foothold on intermediate lines. Being wounded, the battalion commander continued to control the units until the combat mission was completed. The regiment commander A.G. Filonov was nominated for the Order of Suvorov, 3rd degree. By order of the commander of the 49th Army, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

In 2013, he graduated from YUTI TPU with a degree in Environmental Protection Engineering.

In 2014-2016 – laboratory assistant, since 2016 – assistant at the Department of Physical Education and Physical Education at UTI TPU.

Scientific activity

Scientific interests - industrial wastewater treatment.

Pedagogical activity

Disciplines taught: “Ecology”, “Hazardous natural processes”, “Life safety”.


1. Filonov, Alexander Vladimirovich. History of the emergence and stages of development of EIA [Electronic resource] / A. V. Filonov // Ecology and safety in the technosphere: modern problems and solutions: collection of proceedings of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference of young scientists, graduate students and students, Yurga, November 5-6 2015 in 2 volumes / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Yurga Technological Institute (UTI); edited by D. A. Chinakhova. - 2015. - T. 1. - [S. 106-108]. - Title from the title screen. - Free access from the Internet. - Adobe Reader. Access mode:

2. Filonov, Alexander Vladimirovich. Greening the economy and business [Electronic resource] / A. V. Filonov // Ecology and safety in the technosphere: modern problems and solutions: collection of proceedings of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference of young scientists, graduate students and students, Yurga, November 5-6, 2015 .in 2 volumes / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Yurga Technological Institute (YUTI); edited by D. A. Chinakhova. - 2015. - T. 1. - [S. 108-113]. - Title from the title screen. - Free access from the Internet. - Adobe Reader. Access mode.