Axioms of spelling. Chapter VI. From which the reader can easily learn everything that is contained in it

Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma

1) I have instructions from both the judge and all our friends to reconcile you with your friend.

2) You will see Peter the Great and Princess Sophia and the daring conquerors of Siberia in Surikov’s paintings.

3) In Ancient Greece there was no stopwatch, no tape measure, no precise scales.

4) Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than any wealth.

5) At the borders of the Russian land, the short horses of steppe warriors began to flash, and messengers scattered throughout the Slavic cities with calls to send squads for a general rebuff to the enemy.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Let's give the correct spelling.

1) I have instructions from both the judge and all our friends to reconcile you with your friend.

2) You will see Peter the Great, Princess Sophia, and the daring conquerors of Siberia in Surikov’s paintings. (TWO commas!)

3) In Ancient Greece there was no stopwatch, no tape measure, no precise scales.

4) Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than any wealth.

5) At the borders of the Russian land, the short horses of steppe warriors began to flash, and messengers scattered throughout the Slavic cities with calls to send squads for a general rebuff to the enemy.

The correct answer is indicated at number 1 and 5

Answer: 15|51

Relevance: 2016-2017

Difficulty: normal

Codifier section: Punctuation marks in BSC and sentences with homogeneous members

Rule: Punctuation marks in BSC and in sentences with homogeneous members. Task 16.


This task tests knowledge of two punctograms:

1. Commas in a simple sentence with homogeneous members.

2. Commas in a complex sentence, the parts of which are connected by coordinating conjunctions, in particular, the conjunction I.

Target: Find TWO sentences that require ONE comma in each. Not two, not three (but this happens!) commas, but one. In this case, you need to indicate the numbers of those sentences where the missing comma was PUT, since there are cases when the sentence already has a comma, for example, in an adverbial phrase. We don't count her.

You should not look for commas in various phrases, introductory words and in the IPP: according to the specification in this task, only the three indicated punctograms are checked. If the sentence requires commas for other rules, they will already be placed

The correct answer will be two numbers, from 1 to 5, in any sequence, without commas or spaces, for example: 15, 12, 34.


OC - ​​homogeneous members.

SSP is a compound sentence.

The algorithm for completing the task should be like this:

1. Determine the number of bases.

2. If the sentence is simple, then we find ALL rows of homogeneous members in it and turn to the rule.

3. If there are two basics, then this is a complex sentence, and each part is considered separately (see point 2).

Do not forget that homogeneous subjects and predicates create NOT a complex, but a simple complicated sentence.


Homogeneous members of a sentence are those members that answer the same question and relate to the same member of the sentence. Homogeneous members of a sentence (both main and secondary) are always connected by a coordinating connection, with or without a conjunction.

For example: In “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson,” S. Aksakov describes with truly poetic inspiration both summer and winter pictures of Russian nature.

In this sentence there is one row of meanings, these are two homogeneous definitions.

One sentence can have several rows of homogeneous members. Yes, in a sentence Soon a heavy downpour hit and covered with the noise of rain streams and gusts of wind, and the groans of the pine forest two rows: two predicates, hit and covered; two additions, gusts and groans.

note: Each row of OCs has its own punctuation rules.

Let's look at various sentence patterns with OP and formulate the rules for placing commas.

15.1.1. A series of homogeneous members connected ONLY by intonation, without conjunctions.

General scheme: OOO .

Rule: if two or more words are connected only by intonation, a comma is placed between them.

Example: yellow, green, red apples.

15.1.2 Two homogeneous members are connected by the union AND, YES (in the meaning of AND), EITHER, OR

General scheme: O and/yes/either/or O .

Rule: if two words are connected by a single conjunction I/DA, no comma is placed between them.

Example 1: The still life depicts yellow and red apples.

Example 2: Everywhere she was greeted cheerfully and friendly.

Example 3: Only you and I will stay in this house.

Example 4: I will cook rice with vegetables or pilaf.

15.1.3 The last OC is joined by the union I.

General scheme: O, O and O.

Rule: If the last homogeneous member is joined by a conjunction and, then a comma is not placed in front of it.

Example: The still life depicts yellow, green and red apples.

15.1.4. There are more than two homogeneous members and a union AND repeated at least twice

Rule: For various combinations of union (clause 15.1.2) and non-union (clause 15.1.1) combinations of homogeneous members of a sentence, the rule is observed: if there are more than two homogeneous members and the union AND is repeated at least twice, then a comma is placed between all homogeneous terms

General scheme: Oh, and Oh, and Oh.

General scheme: and O, and O, and O.

Example 1: The still life depicts yellow, and green, and red apples.

Example 2: The still life depicts and yellow, and green, and red apples.

More complex examples:

Example 3: From the house, from the trees, and from the dovecote, and from the gallery- Long shadows ran far away from everything.

Two unions and, four och. Comma between och.

Example 4: It was sad in the spring air, and in the darkening sky, and in the carriage. Three unions and, three och. Comma between och.

Example 5: Houses and trees and sidewalks were covered with snow. Two unions and, three och. Comma between och.

Please note that there is no comma after the last och, because this is not between the och, but after it.

It is this scheme that is often perceived as erroneous and non-existent; keep this in mind when completing the task.

note: This rule only works if the conjunction AND is repeated in one row, and not in the entire sentence.

Let's look at examples.

Example 1: In the evenings they gathered around the table children and adults and read it aloud. How many rows? Two: children and adults; gathered and read. The conjunction is not repeated in each row, it is used once. Therefore, commas are NOT placed according to rule 15.1.2.

Example 2: In the evening Vadim went to his room and sat down reread letter and write a response. Two rows: left and sat down; I sat down (why? for what purpose?) to re-read and write.

15.1.5 Homogeneous members are connected by the union A, BUT, YES (= but)

Scheme: O, a/no/da O

Rule: If there is a conjunction A, BUT, YES (= but), commas are added.

Example 1: The student writes quickly but sloppily.

Example 2: The baby no longer whimpered, but cried bitterly.

Example 3: Small spool but precious .

15.1.6 With homogeneous members, conjunctions are repeated NO NO; NOT THIS, NOT THAT; THAT, THAT; OR EITHER; OR OR

Scheme: O, or O, or O

Rule: when repeating other conjunctions (except I) twice, neither, nor; not this, not that; this, that; or either; or, or a comma is always used:

Example 1: And the old man walked around the room and either hummed psalms in a low voice or impressively lectured his daughter.

Please note that the sentence also contains homogeneous circumstances and additions, but we do not highlight them for a clearer picture.

There is no comma after the predicate “paced”! But if instead of the union AND THEN, AND THEN there was simply AND, there would be three whole commas (according to rule 15.1.4)

15.1.7. With homogeneous members there are double unions.

Rule: In double conjunctions, a comma is placed before the second part. These are unions of both... and; not only but; not so much... but; how much... so much; although and... but; if not... then; not that... but; not that... but; not only not, but rather... than others.

Examples: I have an errand How from the judge So equals And from all our friends.

Green was Not only a magnificent landscape painter and master of plot, But It was still And a very subtle psychologist.

Mother not really angry, But I was still unhappy.

There are fogs in London if not every day , That every other day for sure.

He was not so much disappointed , How many surprised by the current situation.

Please note that each part of a double conjunction is BEFORE OC, which is very important to take into account when completing task 7 (type “error on homogeneous members”), we have already encountered these conjunctions.

15.1.8. Often homogeneous members are connected in pairs

General scheme: Scheme: O and O, O and O

Rule: When combining minor members of a sentence in pairs, a comma is placed between the pairs (the conjunction AND acts locally, only within groups):

Example1: Alleys planted with lilacs and lindens, elms and poplars led to a wooden stage.

Example 2: The songs were different: about joy and sorrow, the day that has passed and the day to come.

Example 3: Geography books and tourist guides, friends and casual acquaintances told us that Ropotamo is one of the most beautiful and wild corners of Bulgaria.

15.1.9. They are not homogeneous, therefore they are not separated by commas:

A number of repetitions that have an intensifying connotation are not homogeneous members.

And it snowed and snowed.

Simple complicated predicates are also not homogeneous

That's what he said, I'll go check it out.

Phraseologisms with repeating conjunctions are not homogeneous members

Neither this nor that, neither fish nor meat; neither light nor dawn; neither day nor night

If the offer contains heterogeneous definitions, which stand before the word being explained and characterize one object from different sides, it is impossible to insert a conjunction between them and.

A sleepy golden bumblebee suddenly rose from the depths of the flower.


Complex sentences are complex sentences in which simple sentences are equal in meaning and are connected by coordinating conjunctions. The parts of a complex sentence are independent of each other and form one semantic whole.

Example: Three times he wintered in Mirny, and each time returning home seemed to him the limit of human happiness.

Depending on the type of coordinating conjunction that connects the parts of the sentence, all complex sentences (CCS) are divided into three main categories:

1) SSP with connecting conjunctions (and; yes in the meaning and; neither..., nor; also; also; not only..., but also; both..., and);

2) BSC with dividing conjunctions (that..., that; not that..., not that; or; either; either..., or);

3) SSP with adversative conjunctions (a, but, yes in the meaning but, however, but, but then, only, the same).

15.2.1 The basic rule for placing a comma in the BSC.

A comma between parts of a complex sentence is placed according to the basic rule, that is, ALWAYS, with the exception of special conditions, which limit the application of this rule. These conditions are discussed in the second part of the rule. In any case, to determine whether a sentence is complex, you need to find its grammatical basis. What to consider when doing this:

a) Not always every simple sentence can have both a subject and a predicate. So, the frequency of sentences with one impersonal part, with a predicate in vague personal proposal. For example: He had a lot of work ahead of him, and he knew it.

Scheme: [is coming], and [he knew].

The doorbell rang and no one moved.

Scheme: [they called], and [no one moved].

b) The subject can be expressed by pronouns, both personal and other categories: I suddenly heard a painfully familiar voice, and it brought me back to life.

Scheme: [I heard], and [it returned]. Don't lose a pronoun as a subject if it duplicates the subject from the first part! These are two sentences, each with its own basis, for example: The artist was well acquainted with all the guests, and he was a little surprised to see a face unfamiliar to him.

Scheme: [The artist was familiar], and [he was surprised]. Let's compare with a similar construction in a simple sentence: The artist was well acquainted with all the guests and was a little surprised to see a face unfamiliar to him.[O Skaz and O Skaz].

c) Since a complex sentence consists of two simple ones, it is quite likely that each of them can have homogeneous members in its composition. Commas are placed both according to the rule of homogeneous members and according to the rule of complex sentences. For example: Leaves crimson, gold They fell quietly to the ground, and the wind circled them in the air and threw them up. Sentence pattern: [Leaves fell], and [wind O Skaz and O Skaz].

15.2.2 Special conditions for placing signs in a complex sentence

In a school course of the Russian language, the only condition under which a comma is not placed between parts of a complex sentence is the presence common minor member.

The most difficult thing for students is to understand whether there is common minor clause, which will give the right not to put a comma between parts, or there is none. General means that it relates simultaneously to both the first part and the second. If there is a common member, a comma is not placed between the parts of the BSC. If it exists, then in the second part there cannot be a similar minor member, there is only one, it is at the very beginning of the sentence. Let's consider simple cases:

Example 1: A year later, my daughter went to school and my mother was able to go to work..

Both simple sentences can equally qualify for the time adverbial “in a year.” What's happened in a year? My daughter went to school. Mom was able to go to work.

Moving the common member to the end of the sentence changes the meaning: My daughter went to school, and my mother was able to go to work a year later. And now this minor member is no longer general, but relates only to the second simple sentence. That is why it is so important for us, firstly, the place of the common member, just the beginning of a sentence , and secondly, the general meaning of the sentence.

Example 2:By evening the wind died down and it started to freeze. What happened By the evening? The wind died down. It started to freeze.

Now more complex example 1: On the outskirts of the city the snow had already begun to melt, and it was already quite a spring picture here. There are two circumstances in the sentence, each simple has its own. That's why comma added. There is no common minor member. Thus, the presence of a second minor member of the same type (place, time, purpose) in the second sentence gives the right to insert a comma.

Example 2: By nightfall, my mother’s temperature rose even more, and we did not sleep all night. There is no reason to attribute the adverbial “to the night” to the second part of a complex sentence, therefore a comma is placed.

It should be noted that there are other cases in which a comma is not placed between parts of a complex sentence. These include the presence of a common introductory word, a common subordinate clause, as well as two sentences that are indefinitely personal, impersonal, identical in structure, and exclamatory. But these cases were not included in the Unified State Examination tasks, and they are not presented in manuals and are not studied in the school course.

Erida Triandafilidi 06/04/2018 13:40

Where is the hyphen after the word "BROTHERHOOD?" "Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than any wealth."

Tatiana Statsenko

A hyphen is not needed: friendship and brotherhood are homogeneous subjects connected by the conjunction YES.

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We continue to explore the levels of the language system, relying on the book "Russian language: I understand - I write - I check." We will talk about homogeneous members of a sentence connected by conjunctions.

Lesson 29 Homogeneous members connected by single coordinating conjunctions; repeated coordinating conjunctions; double coordinating conjunctions. Learning to create statements

I. For homogeneous members with single coordinating conjunctions, the dividing punctuation marks are commas and dashes.

1. A comma is placed:

1) before connecting conjunctions and also, and even , expressing the completeness of the enumeration, for example (note the rhythmic intonation pause shown by a slash):

Nikolay ,/ and also his Brother/ would like to enroll in the Faculty of Economics.

We make a rhythmic pause after the subject Nikolay and homogeneous subject Brother. However, if the sentence does not end after the homogeneous member, even if there is a pause, a comma, based on the structure of the sentence, is not needed;

2) before adversarial conjunctions ah, but, yes (in meaning But), although, however, how , expressing relations of opposition.

Unions a, but, yes, although are synonymous, but have their own shades of meaning, for example (put synonymous conjunctions in place of the highlighted conjunction):

Sasha was going to for a walk, yeah did not go.

A nasty union however equal in meaning to the union But, when it acts as a means of connecting homogeneous members or stands at the beginning of a simple sentence as part of a complex one, for example (substitute instead however union But):

1) We never hoped to meet again, but we did.(M. Lermontov)

2) My friend came unexpectedly, but I was glad to see him.

If the word however stands in the middle of a sentence or at the end, then it cannot be replaced by a conjunction But, it is introductory and is separated by commas, for example:

What a good man Ivan Petrovich is, however.

Let us remember that the union A equal in meaning to the adversative conjunction How in expressions none other than And nothing more than, For example:

Rhine Falls in front Not What other, How short merman ledge. (V. Zhukovsky) Compare: In front, the Rhine Falls is nothing more than a low ledge of water.

2. There is no comma:

1) before single connecting conjunctions and, yes (in meaning And), For example:

The whole world made noise behind the back and stayed only in mind yes on covered with pale pencil leaflets. (K. Paustovsky);

2) before single disjunctive conjunctions or, or , expressing a strict division of concepts or phenomena, for example:

Intelligence about success or failure spread quickly.(D. Furmanov)

1. If the union And has an adversative meaning in sharp opposition (it can be replaced by the conjunction A or But), then it is preceded by an intonation dash as an author's punctuation mark, for example:

I wanted to go around the whole world - and didn't go around hundredth part.(A. Griboyedov)

Read the same sentence with a calm intonation - the dash in the letter will be unnecessary.

2. Before the joining conjunction And, expressing connecting relations, a comma is placed, for example: I'll leave this city, and very soon.

3. Before the union or in meaning that is, used in explanatory constructions, when we are talking about the same concept, a comma is placed, for example: A newborn seal calf, or belek, lay on the shore. = On the shore lay a newborn seal calf, that is, a squirrel;

Now let's look at examples where in sentences, along with homogeneous members, isolated members are also used (rhythmic pauses are shown with a slash).

1) Five minutes later, Ippolit Matveyevich was wearing a moon vest, strewn with a small star, and an iridescent lustrine jacket.(I. Ilf and E. Petrov) - Here is a union And connects two homogeneous subjects. After the first subject, a separate definition begins - a participial phrase, which before the conjunction And must be closed, hence the presence of a comma.

2) I tanned like a blackamoor, / and went wild.(S. Aksakov) - Here is the union And connects two homogeneous predicates. The first predicate includes a comparative adverbial phrase, which closes before the conjunction.

3) Grandfather was about to pass by, / but, looking through the gate, / stopped in bewilderment.(A. Kuprin) - Here two homogeneous predicates are connected by an adversative conjunction But, preceded by a comma. After the conjunction, a common circumstance begins - the participial phrase, which refers to the second predicate ( has stopped how? looking through the gate), therefore a comma is also placed after the conjunction, although there is no intonation pause. The fact that the participial phrase refers to the second predicate verb is indicated by the fact that the phrase can be torn off from the conjunction and placed after this predicate verb without violating the structure of the sentence ( was about to pass, butstopped, looking at the gate ).

Exercise. Read the sentences with punctuation marks. Analyze the meaning, form of the predicate and intonation of statements in accordance with punctuation. In each case, explain the punctuation.

1. The old grandfather, Andrei and I were sitting on a bench in the yard.

2. Old grandfather Andrei and I were sitting on a bench in the yard.

3. The old grandfather, Andrei, and I were sitting on a bench in the yard.

4. Andrei and I, an old grandfather, were sitting on a bench in the yard.

5. Old grandfather Andrey and I are on a bench in the yard.

6. I, like old grandfather Andrei, was sitting on a bench in the yard.

7. Me and Andrey, an old grandfather, were sitting on a bench in the yard.

II. Homogeneous members connected by repeated coordinating conjunctions

Repeated coordinating conjunctions are used if the homogeneous members connected by them denote words whose concepts are combined or separated.

1. A comma is added between homogeneous members connected by repeating conjunctions:

connecting and,.. and; Yes Yes; no no;

dividing or or; or either; then,.. then.

In this case, a comma is placed in the place where there is an intonation pause in the speech, for example:

1) Masha collected stamps, / postcards, / and badges.- A series of homogeneous additions opens an alliance And, however, there are pauses in speech and commas in writing before the second and third conjunctions.

2) Masha collected stamps, / and postcards, / and badges.- A series of homogeneous members begins directly with the addition; pauses in speech and commas in writing before the first and second conjunctions And.

3) Masha did not collect either stamps or postcards.- A pause in speech and a comma before the second conjunction between homogeneous objects.

4) Masha collected stamps and (yes) postcards,/ badges and (yes) stickers.- Homogeneous additions are connected in pairs. A pause in speech and a comma in writing between pairs.

5) Masha collected this (beautiful stamps and postcards), / that (original badges and stickers).- There are repeated conjunctions here then... then pairs of common homogeneous additions are connected in curly brackets, between which there is a pause in speech; unions And between the additions themselves are single, so there is no need for a comma before them.

It is still necessary to carefully monitor which parts of the sentence are connected by conjunctions. Let's look at an example:

I fell into the ditch / And, driving away the flower stuck in the middle / And sweet And a shaggy bumblebee sluggishly asleep there, / began to pick a flower.(L. Tolstoy)

Based on the signs of homogeneity in this sentence, three pairs of homogeneous members are distinguished: 1) homogeneous predicates connected by a single conjunction and-1 (tears and began to pick ); 2) homogeneous definitions connected by a single conjunction and 2(bumblebee drunk and asleep ); 3) homogeneous circumstances connected by a single union i-3(fallen asleep sweet and languid ).(Which parts of speech express homogeneous definitions and circumstances?)

In addition, homogeneous definitions and circumstances are located within a separate common circumstance - an adverbial phrase. (Where does the turn begin and close?) After answering the questions in brackets, explain the placement of commas.

Exercise. Homogeneous members connected by repeating unions form a figure of speech called a polyunion. Read M. Lermontov's poetic sentence from the poem "Ballad". Observe how polyunion slows down speech and emphasizes individual words, enhancing their expressiveness:

And the waves crowd and rush back,
And they come again and hit the shore...

2.There is no comma:

1) with two homogeneous members connected by repeating conjunctions, if these homogeneous members form a close semantic unity. In this case, there is no enumeration intonation, for example:

Both father and mother (both) took part in raising the son;

2) within integral phraseological units connected by repeating conjunctions And or neither:

both old and young,

And this way and that way,

no more, no less,

Neither brother nor matchmaker,

Neither this nor that

Neither fish nor meat, etc.

Please note that there is no comma inside these combinations.

III. Homogeneous members connected by double coordinating conjunctions

Homogeneous members, connected by double comparative unions, are compared according to some characteristics or qualities.

Comma placed before the second part of double conjunctions

both,.. and;


Not like;

Not only but;

How much,.. so much;

Not that... but;

If not,.. then;

Although,.. but, for example:

Most of their faces expressed, if not fear, then concern.(L. Tolstoy)

Sometimes, when a sentence is very common, there is a rhythmic pause after the second homogeneous member, but this is not a reason to place a comma in this place, for example:

I have an errand How from the judge, / So equally from all our acquaintances / to reconcile you with your friend.(N. Gogol)

I have instructions both from the judge and from all our acquaintances - to reconcile you with your friend.

Exercise. What member of the sentence is the indefinite form in the analyzed sentence? Why is there a dash possible in this case?

- No, Pyotr Fedorovich! – Ivan Ivanovich objected coolly. - This won’t happen!

– As you wish, only I must follow the instructions of my superiors.

- Why are you frightening me? That's right, do you want to send an armless soldier after her? I will order the yard woman to send him out with a poker. His last arm will be broken.

– I don’t dare argue with you. In that case, if you don’t want to present her to the police, then use her as you please: slaughter her when you want for Christmas and make hams out of her, or eat her that way. Only I would ask you, if you make sausages, send me a couple of those that Gapka so skillfully makes from pork blood and lard. My Agrafena Trofimovna loves them very much.

– Sausages, if you please, I’ll send you a couple.

“I will be very grateful to you, dear friend and benefactor.” Now let me tell you one more word: I have instructions, both from the judge and from all our acquaintances, so to speak, to reconcile you with your friend, Ivan Nikiforovich.

- How! with an ignoramus? so that I can reconcile with this rude man? Never! It won't happen, it won't happen! “Ivan Ivanovich was in an extremely determined state.

“As you wish,” answered the mayor, treating both nostrils with tobacco. – I myself do not dare to advise; However, allow me to report: now you are in a quarrel, but how will you make peace...

But Ivan Ivanovich began to talk about catching quails, which usually happened when he wanted to hush up his speech.

So, the mayor, having received no success, had to go home.

Chapter VI.
From which the reader can easily find out everything that is contained in it

No matter how hard they tried to hide the matter in court, the next day the whole of Mirgorod learned that Ivan Ivanovich’s pig had stolen Ivan Nikiforovich’s request. The mayor himself was the first to let it slip, having forgotten himself. When Ivan Nikiforovich was told about this, he said nothing, he only asked: “Isn’t it brown?”

But Agafia Fedoseevna, who was present, began to approach Ivan Nikiforovich again:

- What are you saying, Ivan Nikiforovich? They will laugh at you like you are a fool if you let it happen! What kind of nobleman will you be after this! You will be worse than the woman who sells the sweets that you love so much!

And the restless one persuaded! I found somewhere a middle-aged man, dark-skinned, with spots all over his face, in a dark blue frock coat with patches on the elbows - a perfect official inkwell! He greased his boots with tar, carried three feathers behind his head and a glass bottle tied to a button on a string instead of an inkwell; he ate nine pies at a time, and put the tenth in his pocket, and on one stamped sheet he wrote so many sneaky things that no reader could read at one time without interspersing it with coughing and sneezing. This small semblance of a man dug, pored, wrote, and finally concocted the following paper:

“To the Mirgorod district court from the nobleman Ivan, Nikifor’s son, Dovgochkhun.

As a result of this request of mine, that from me, the nobleman Ivan, Nikiforov’s son, Dovgochkhun, this was to happen, together with the nobleman Ivan, Ivan’s son, Pererepenok, to which the Mirgorod district court itself expressed its connivance. And the most impudent arbitrariness of the brown pig, being kept secret and already reaching the ears of outsiders. Any such allowance and connivance, if malicious, is strictly subject to judgment; for this pig is a stupid animal, and even more so capable of stealing paper. From which it is obvious that the often mentioned pig was instigated to do so by the enemy himself, who calls himself the nobleman Ivan, Ivan’s son, Pererepenko, who has already been convicted of robbery, assault on life and sacrilege. But this Mirgorod court, with its characteristic partiality, expressed its secret agreement; without which agreement, this pig could in no way be allowed to steal the paper: for the Mirgorod district court is very well equipped with servants, for this it is enough to name one soldier, who is always in the reception room, who, although he has one crooked eye and a somewhat damaged hand , but to drive out a pig and hit it with a club, it has very commensurate abilities. From which one can reliably see the connivance of this Mirgorod court and undoubtedly the division of the Jewish profit from that profit by reciprocity, combining. The same aforementioned robber and nobleman Ivan, Ivan’s son, Pererepenko, was defamed in captivity. That’s why I, nobleman Ivan, Nikiforov’s son, Dovgochkhun, bring this to the povet court, in due omniscience, if with this brown pig or the nobleman Pererepenok, who agreed with her, the said request is not collected and the decision on it is fair and in my favor, then I, nobleman Ivan, Nikiforov’s son, Dovgochkhun, have filed a complaint about such unlawful connivance with the court in the chamber with the appropriate transfer of the case. – Nobleman of the Mirgorod district Ivan, Nikiforov’s son, Dovgochkhun.”

This request had its effect: the judge was a cowardly man, as all good people usually are. He turned to the secretary. But the secretary let out a thick “hm” through his lips and showed on his face that indifferent and devilishly ambiguous expression that only Satan takes when he sees a victim running to him at his feet. There was only one remedy left: to reconcile the two friends. But how to start this when all attempts have been unsuccessful so far? However, they still decided to try; but Ivan Ivanovich bluntly announced that he did not want to, and even became quite angry. Instead of answering, Ivan Nikiforovich turned his back and at least said a word. Then the process proceeded with extraordinary speed, for which courts of justice are usually so famous. They marked the paper, wrote it down, put a number on it, sewed it in, signed it - all on the same day, and put the file in the closet, where it lay, lay, lay - for a year, two, three. Many brides managed to get married; a new street was built in Mirgorod; the judge lost one molar and two side teeth; Ivan Ivanovich had more children running around the yard than before: God only knows where they came from! Ivan Nikiforovich, as a reproach to Ivan Ivanovich, built a new goose barn, although a little further away from the old one, and was completely built up from Ivan Ivanovich, so that these worthy people almost never saw each other in person - and everything was in the best order, in a closet made marble by ink stains.