The hellish city of Umbriel. Last free city

And now Umbriel has violated the usual understanding of things. Light Eye has lost contact with the city tree. Now if he dies, where will his soul go? Is it really going to be processed and become food for that ingenium that Wemreddl talked about? How many Argonian souls have the cursed island already taken? Does this mean that they are torn out of the eternal cycle of birth and death? Or is there another, all-encompassing cycle of which the Argonians are only a small part, following their own path?

He decided to stop thinking about sublime things, so that his head would not burst from overexertion, and focus on earthly things - simple and understandable. The truth was that he was picked up by a spell cast by Annaig using an alchemical composition and brought to Umbriel. Why did this happen? Who knows?

Fortunately, they entered the cave where he was brooding alone.

The newcomer turned out to be a short, bony man, similar to a Nordling - smooth white hair, ivory skin, riddled with thin veins. But something in the outline of the skull and the stooped figure with sloping shoulders unmistakably pointed to the alienness, the foreignness of this creature. He was wearing black trousers and a vest, and over them an olive caftan.

The man looked Light-Eyes up and down and spoke in some kind of gibberish. When the Argonian remained silent in response, showing his lack of understanding, the stranger put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a small vial of opaque glass. Having thrust the bottle into the hands of Light-Eye, he indicated with signs that he should drink the potion.

The lizard was at first wary of the proposal, but, judging that they could have killed him more than once and in simpler ways, he threw the contents of the bottle into his mouth. After all, if he is still alive, it means that someone really needs him here on the island.

The liquid tasted like burnt orange peel.

The man waited a moment, then cleared his throat and asked:

Now you understand me?

Yes,” Light-Eye nodded.

Then I'll get straight to the point. We have noticed that you are a hitherto unknown breed of living beings. At least not one that is known to me, but I have a very long memory and a lot of experience.

I'm an Argonian.

This is just a name. I do not know him.

That's the name of my race.

And this word is not familiar to me. - The little man raised his head, carefully examining the lizard. -Have you come from outside? Are you not from Umbriel? Is this a true statement?

I'm local, from Tamriel.

Another meaningless word. You surprise me. Here is Umbriel and nothing more.

Your Umbriel is now in my world. He flies over my country, Black Marsh.

Black Marsh? It doesn't interest me much. Well, maybe just a little, if it helps to study and understand you. Do you know what interests me now? What part of Umbriel will you become?

I don't understand.

You are not the first who came to us from the outside, but the first with such a body. Therefore, Umbriel must study you and remember - suddenly others similar to you will appear. We will know how to use them. Let's start with you.

What if I turn out to be useless to you?

Then we cannot allow Umbriel to study you. We will extract the inner essence from your body and use it, and send the body back to where it came from.

Why not let me just leave? Take me back to Tamriel. Why kill?

Souls are too precious to us, we cannot afford to lose even one. So tell me about your body.

What should I tell you? I am as you see me. No more, no less.

Are you some kind of deirdre?

Do you know who the Deirdres are? - Light-Eye gaped in surprise. “The person we talked to earlier didn’t know.”

And who is he to know about Deirdre? - The white-haired man shrugged. - We have seen deidra before, but now there are none of them on Umbriel. So, are you Deirdre?

This is good. Very good, because it simplifies a lot. The comb on your head and neck... What is it for?

For nothing. It makes me more beautiful in the eyes of beings of my race, I think so. There's probably nothing else for it. But I look after him.

What about the webbing between your fingers?

For swimming.

Swimming? What is this?

Well, I'm moving in the water. The feet also have webbing between the toes.

Are you moving in the water? - The man blinked thoughtfully.


Below the surface?

How long can you stay underwater? How often do you need to inhale air?

If necessary, I can not surface at all and breathe at depth.

Great! - the skinny one smiled. - You've already interested me. Umbriel needs creatures like you.

Light-Eye shifted from foot to foot, not understanding what was being said, and remained silent, although many questions were on the tip of his tongue.

Cloaca of the Entity. Yes... I think you would be very useful in the Cloaca of the Entity. But let's continue our conversation. As for your skin, it's scales, isn't it?

Part two

Chapter first

By the movement of the Redguard's shoulder, the prince realized that she was planning a deceptive blow, and managed to substitute the blade, but not quickly enough - the blade of the sword slipped within a hair's breadth of his hand. He tried to slash at her ribs, but she dodged with a quick dance move.

You think right, Attrebus! - Gulan's exclamation was heard.

The Redguard took a step back, not taking her gaze off the prince.

Yes. Let's try again?

Maybe we can rest a little?

Fine. In a moment I will be at your service again.

She seemed to relax, but suddenly exploded again with rapid movements.

Attrebus retreated. For the umpteenth time, her speed surprised him and took him by surprise. He took her thrust at the crossguard of his sword, and his wrist ached from the force of the blow. The Redguard pirouetted behind him and aimed her weapon at the back of his head. The prince threw himself on the ground, rolled somersaults and jumped up. She attacked with a long lunge, but Attrebus parried, broke the distance and... missed again.

The warrior walked around the circle at a side step, and he waited, carefully watching her movements. Suddenly stooping, she jumped ahead of the swing of his sword, but before she could touch his body with the blade, the prince slammed his fist into her stomach. She recoiled and sank, gasping for air.

Amid the cheers of the fighters watching the fight, Attrebus walked up and aimed the tip of his blade at her face.

Are you giving up?

She coughed, shuddered, then agreed:

The prince extended his hand, and the Redguard accepted the offered help, quickly jumping to her feet.

A nice fight,” she smiled. “It’s good that we fought with dull blades.”

You are very fast. - The prince smiled back. - Would you like to chat?

Why not?

Fine. I don’t know whether it’s worth saying, but I would willingly repeat our fight. And quite possibly, with a sharp weapon.

Since the Redguard was limping - apparently, she had twisted her leg in a fall - Attrebus lent her a shoulder and helped her get to the edge of the training area, where their comrades were resting, sipping beer.

Bring us some beer too! - the prince ordered, and young Dario rushed to carry out the order.

They sat down on a separate bench. Attrebus watched as the warrior unlaced her armor of thick leather and felt lining.

What is your name? - he asked.

Radasa, my prince.

Are you the daughter of Thralan Two-Blade of Kespar?

Yes, my prince.

He was a good man and an excellent fighter. One of my father's best bodyguards.

Thank you, Your Highness. Nice to hear.

He looked at her more closely, because under the armor she was hiding a very slender figure.

But he was not handsome. In this you are not like him.

A blush of embarrassment rushed to her dark face, but pride and courage were visible in her eyes.

So you think I'm attractive, my prince?

You are not masculine, like many other women who have connected their lives with the art of war.

I heard that Your Highness knows how to flatter women...

Dario approached and placed two mugs of cold beer between them. Attrebus sipped the drink with pleasure, tingling his tongue and palate. Amazing! Especially after a difficult fight.

Why do you want to serve me? - He asked Radas, looking straight at him. - You would be received very well in your father's guard.

She shrugged.

Prince Attrebus, your father sits on the throne. He is the emperor. Serving him, I would quickly sour and fall into depression. And with you, I expect there will be no time to be bored.

Yes, that’s true,” he agreed. - The Empire is still recovering. Both figuratively and literally. The rebirth takes place in continuous struggle, so that there are enough battles that can bring glory for all of us. If you join my guard, you will very often have to look death in the eyes. This is not a game, not fun. I have to warn you.

“I know,” the Redguard answered briefly.

Great! I like your attitude!

I hoped that Your Highness would like me.

I'll like you better if you just call me Attrebus. I do not insist on unnecessary ceremony when communicating with personal guards.

Her eyes widened.

You want to say…

Exactly! Finish your beer, and then go to Gulan. He will make sure that you are given a horse, weapons, and will help you decide on housing. And then maybe we can chat some more.

Annaig saw the murder out of the corner of her eye.

She was in the middle of preparing a clam sauce, butter and white wine to serve with thin rice flour noodles. Of course, none of these names hid an ordinary earthly product. The mollusks were some strange growths, called here “lam-pen”, but they tasted in no way inferior to mussels. Instead of butter, fat was used, which was taken from strange creatures that, according to Sleer’s description, resembled insect pupae. White wine, almost indistinguishable from grape wine, was made from the fruits of some trees. Noodle flour was made from a grain similar to a cross between rice and barley. But the girl was glad to have the opportunity to cook at least something more complex than just meat dried in the heat. She enjoyed learning new ways of cooking, understanding the unfamiliar tastes and preferences of the lords of Umbriel. Very interesting and instructive...

Kuijn appeared suddenly. She waved her hand, and then something amazing happened. Oorol, the cook in charge of supplying food to Lord Jol, suddenly lost his head. In the most literal sense. She flew off as if cut by a sword, blood rushing out in a tight stream from the body, which still maintained an upright position. Kuijn stepped back. In the unusual silence, the corpse swayed and hit the floor.

This is not good... - Sleer muttered.

Lord Jol is tired of his lunch! - Kuijn screamed hysterically. - He expressed displeasure four times in a row! Immediately remove this carrion and wash the floor! We need a cook to replace Oorol!

She looked around at her workers. Her chest was heaving heavily, as if from fast running. The burning gaze settled on Annaig.

No... Not this... - Sleer whispered pleadingly. - No…

Sleer! - Quijn shouted. - You will be in charge! Take the girl with you!

Yes, cook! - the gray-skinned woman answered clearly and, lowering her eyes, began to collect knives and other devices. “This is where we got into trouble...” she muttered. - It doesn't get any deeper.

Did she kill him? - Annaig asked, stuttering with horror.

By itself…

What do you mean? What does it mean - by itself?

Listen to me carefully. Our kitchen prepares food for the three lords: Prixon, Oroi and Jol. Most of the food is intended for their retinue and slaves - that's what you and I cooked, and that's what I cooked all my life. This work is simple and safe. But serving the lords themselves is a difficult task. And not only because they are flighty and fickle in their tastes. They also always compete with each other. Fashion for the components of dishes, aromas, taste sensations, even the color of food is constantly changing. And now we have to cook for Lord Jol, and no one knows for sure what he likes. Oorol was lucky - he managed to entertain Jol for almost six months.

Annaig did the math in her head. From the information she received, it turned out that a year on a flying island was no more than half a year on Tamriel.

This is very little! - she exclaimed.

That's it. Now get ready quickly - we still have to get our hands on his workers and figure out where to start, what is best to cook and in what direction to think when inventing new dishes.

How was she able to kill Oorol?

We call it a carving knife. - Slyr shrugged. “But no one really knows what it is.” You can't see him! Sometimes it is longer, sometimes shorter. None of us know for sure how Kuijn manages this. Now get moving if you've run out of useless questions that will cause us to linger here so long that we'll end up in the Cesspool just in time!

I've got one more question. And I don't think it's useless.

And what? - The cook shrugged her shoulder impatiently.

You said that we have to get our hands on the workers of Oorol...

We'll see there. Maybe things will come to a fight. Just keep a knife handy. Don't show it ahead of time, but be prepared for anything.

At the previous place, Sleer had six cooks under her command, but here there were eight. Together with Annaig and the gray-skinned woman herself, there are ten workers.

The “power grab” was quite simple: it only took a few kicks and slaps to calm and restore the working mood, and soon the new team was already jointly discussing the tastes of Lord Jol, or at least the idea that the late Oorol’s subordinates had about them . Unfortunately, it turned out that most of them had recently come from another kitchen, which was serving another lord and knew nothing about Jola’s preferences.

What was the last dish he approved of? - Sleer asked Minn, who was Oorol’s assistant.

Broth from some beast caught below. Light, transparent, with herbs.

At the bottom? - the Dunmer thought.

Can you describe them? - Annaig intervened. - Well, the animal and the grass, I mean.

I can show them. - Minn led them to a long table.

It's a hedgehog! - Annaig grinned when she saw the prickly skin. - And the plant... - She rubbed the shiny leaves in her fingers and smelled them. - This is not grass! These are young shoots of eucalyptus.

But we still used them today... And what came of it?

From this we conclude that the lord is tired of this dish? So? - asked Sleer. -Have you always prepared them the same way?

No, what are you talking about, cook! We fried the carcasses and then steamed them with the leaves of this “yuclipt” of yours.

This doesn’t seem like a good decision,” Annaig muttered.

Sleer rolled her eyes.

I didn’t think that I would have to repeat this to you again... - she said edifyingly. “But it looks like we can’t do without it.” Some of the inhabitants of Umbriel - slaves, workers, farmers, artisans, fishermen and the like - eat rough food: meat, grains, vegetables. The highest lords consume the pure essence and distillate made from souls. But the lower lords and ladies occupy an intermediate position. They still need simple food, but at the same time they require a little extraction from the spiritual substance. They want to increase their status - although most of them will never achieve this - and therefore they pretend that they cannot live without pure essence. And we cook as they want - steamed, with the addition of aromatic spices, a small amount of soulful substance. But they still need regular food. Therefore, they happily consume broths, extracts, tinctures... - She sighed. - Okay, enough explanations, we will still have time to chat. In the meantime, there are more important things to do. So, Minn! What else can you tell us about his tastes?

In the end, after arguments and long discussions, they prepared three dishes: a fluffy cream of Umbriel fish roe; snowflake balls melting on the tongue from the finest crystals, which were made from sugar and twelve other components with different shades of tastes and smells; a cold, clear broth of sixteen herbal ingredients, including eucalyptus, which has the aroma of each of them, but at the same time is not similar to any of them.

The servants took the lunch upstairs, leaving Sleer anxiously waiting.

Quijn found them in the middle of the night.

He's had enough,” she said. - He's tired again... And he's right, isn't he?

Without another word, she gave them a stern look and left.

We are dead,” Sleer moaned. - We are already dead.

Annaig felt on the verge of madness. From fatigue and malaise caused by the fumes of poisonous herbs with which she had been fiddling for half a day, the girl did not even find the strength to be afraid. But, closing her eyes, she saw Oorol’s severed, bloody head separate and fall onto the stone floor. Sleep did not come.

After three hours of unsteady half-sleep, she felt the amulet tremble slightly in her bosom.

The piercing cry of a night bird tore Attrebus out of his sleep.

Both moons were shining in the sky.

The prince jumped up, glanced briefly at the sleeping Radasa and went out onto the balcony. From here there was a magnificent view of the dark, but at the same time invariably majestic and beautiful city, of the White Gold Tower, directed upward towards the stars. He chose this estate for permanent residence precisely because of the beautiful view. The prince loved looking at the palace more than visiting it.

To the left, at the far end of the balcony, onto which doors opened from several rooms, Attrebus discerned the vague silhouette of Gulan in the twilight.

You, as always, are on your guard,” the prince grinned.

“She’s new,” answered the friend and bodyguard, nodding towards the prince’s chambers. - Your father wouldn't approve.

My father believes that a good relationship between a commander and one of the warriors can weaken power. And I believe that friends fight better than just mercenaries. I drink with my soldiers, try to share their hardships and hardships, and delve into their concerns. So you and I are friends - do you think this has made me weaker?

No, of course,” Gulan shook his head. - But you and I are not that close.

Close?! - Attrebus snorted. - Yes, you and I are much closer than Radasa and I! Physical intimacy is just another type of communication. I love all my people equally, as you know, all for different qualities. Radasa's qualities allow me to have a special kind of friendship for her.

As with Corinth, Celli and Fury...

Yes! And they have nothing to be jealous of. No more than you if I sit down to play cards with Lupo instead of Aiswulf. - The prince raised his head. - Why all this talk? Do you know something that I don't know?

No. I'm just a simple warrior. You're right, all bodyguards love you, and she will be no exception.

“And yet something oppresses you,” Attrebus said softly. - Tell me, I’m not afraid to know your opinion. It is my father who surrounds himself with servants who always say only what the lord wants to hear. Understand, Gulan, I love and respect him, he is my father. But there is something that he has not done and will never do... - He fell silent mid-sentence.

The Elder Scrolls. Hell city

The first of two novels in the Elder Scrolls universe by Greg Keyes, The Infernal City: An Elder Scrolls Novel, went on sale November 24, 2009. (publisher: Del Rey, 2009; paperback, 304 pp.; English). In Russian, the book became available to fans of the Elder Scrolls a year later - now "The Elder Scrolls. Hell City" can be bought, for example, in Ozone (publishers: Eksmo, Domino, 2011; hardcover, 400 pp.; translator Vladislav Rusanov).

Beginning of the book

Four decades have passed since the Oblivion Crisis, and Tamriel is once again threatened by an ancient, all-consuming evil. This is the flying city of Umbriel, casting a terrible shadow - wherever it falls, people die and are reborn as the living dead. And here, in the shadow of Umbriel, a wonderful adventure will begin and a strange company will come together, which can hardly be called heroic - a mysterious prince-legend; an agent on the trail of a vast conspiracy; a magician obsessed with his revenge; and young Annaig, in whose hands the fate of all Tamriel may be decided...

The reader finds himself in Black Marsh, in the town of Lilmoth, where seventeen-year-old Breton Annaig and her childhood bosom friend, the Argonian Mere-Glim, get involved in another risky adventure (as usual, this is the initiative of the restless Annaig) bringing to light the were-crocodile. With this noble goal, the couple goes to the slums of Lilmoth, Pusbottom. On the spot, it turns out that in fact there is no werewolf, but there is a deadly lair of skooma traders, from whose clutches the friends manage to escape only as a result of Annaig’s successful (this time) alchemical experiment. Having more or less smoothly flown from the roof of the building and breaking away from the chase, the friends return to the old villa of Annaig’s father, which is in the imperial part of Lilmoth, and there their intimate conversation begins, shedding some light on the events of the last four decades...

State of affairs in the Empire

40 years after the events of Oblivion, the Empire that it was at the end of the 3rd era no longer exists; now only Cyrodiil is undoubtedly present in its composition. The book contains too little or no information about the situation in High Rock, Hammerfell, Orsinium and Skyrim, so it is impossible to say for sure whether they are still imperial provinces. It can be assumed that Skyrim is independent and at enmity with the Empire, since one of the main characters was threatened to be sent there as a spy as punishment, while Hammerfell may be under the rule of the Empire, since Crown Prince Attrebus Mead visited there. For information about Cyrodiil, Valenwood, the Summerset Isles, Elsweyr, Black Marsh and Morrowind, read the spoilers below:

The Oblivion Crisis and the end of the Dragonborn Septim line brought turmoil to Cyrodiil. However, the hitherto unknown Colovian Titus Mede managed to assemble and weld together some part of the former Empire from the fragments. He began his career as a soldier in a mercenary army, then became a commander in Colovia, then a king in Cyrodiil, and finally an emperor. By his own admission, he captured the Imperial City with a thousand fighters, defeating the Nords of Eddar Olin. Titus has a son, Crown Prince Attrebus, immensely famous for his brave exploits, and also a younger brother, who seems (?) has no claim to the throne.

The Guild of Mages no longer exists, instead there are now two organizations - the College of Whispers and the Synod, the Order of Blades also disappeared, its place was taken by the "Penitus Oculatus", engaged in investigations, espionage and murders of unwanted yard

New cities and settlements appeared on the territory of Cyrodiil, such as Aion (not far from the Pella Gate), which arose on the site of the opened gates to Oblivion right in the middle of a detachment of soldiers who, despite huge losses, still managed to organize a rebuff of the Daedra, or a free trading town Water Edge, which grew out of the feud between the counties of Bravil and Leyawiin, as everyone in a similar situation needed a peaceful place to trade (Bravil and Leyawiin later became part of the Empire again).

The Altmer captured Valenwood in order to reclaim their ancestral lands, and once again formed the Aldmeri Dominion. Power belongs to the Thalmor, and their plans are quite clear: the subjugation of all of Tamriel and the resumption of the Merithic era. At the beginning of the 4th era, the islands were hit by a tsunami, possibly as a result of the fall of the Ministry of Truth (see Morrowind).

Elsweyr is in disarray - Mane is killed and the Potentate rules. The new manager of Rimmen declared the nomadic Khajiit clans outlawed; moon sugar is not sold to them; they have no right to approach the city. Khajiit living in the city are supplied with everything they need.

The book confirms the information known from the Guides to the Empire related to the birth of the Kadhites, namely, their variety and name are determined by the combination of the Masser and Secunda phases. As the plot progresses, we become acquainted with huge, saddled cats, as tall as a good riding horse, with yellowish-brown skins covered with stripes the color of dried blood, as well as with their riders, many of whom do not differ much from the first in appearance, except that they wear long loose shirts and scarves (the same yellow fur with small black spots; there are a lot of cat features on the faces).

Those who imagined Elsweyr as an arid, lifeless desert were mistaken - on the Enequin Plain, grass is green everywhere you look. Here and there you can see streams framed by palm groves, silver-leaved pyramidal poplars and dense thickets of tamarisk. Closer to Rimmen, the landscape changes - here a stream of unimaginable proportions swept through, washing away all the loose earth to the rocky base and leaving behind a tangled labyrinth of hollows, narrow gorges and ravines. To the east of the city, ridges of gentle hills turn into foothills overgrown with bushes and stunted oaks, and higher up real forests begin.

We will also visit Rimmen itself, to the market, where most of the crowd consists of Khajiit, many of them walking with a blank or, on the contrary, half-mad look, holding pipes with skooma in their hands. Then, along a wide street bordered by canals, we will approach a palace with golden domes, standing on a stone eminence surrounded by trees. Cascades cascade down from all four sides of the palace, feeding the canals, and behind the eastern one can be seen the uneven roof of the Akaviri temple. We could see and visit a building with similar architecture in Cyrodiil - this is the Temple of the Lord of the Clouds north of Bruma.

As you know, in the city of Vivec there was a celestial body of Oblivion origin falling at great speed, called the Ministry of Truth. By the power of Vivec it was stopped above the city and since then it has floated in the air above the temple quarter, considered one of the miracles. However, the speed of the fall of this rock did not go away, the rock simply froze, which meant that sooner or later it would have finished its fall. Which, in fact, happened after Vivek’s disappearance.

Scientists tried to fight the speed of the fall of the Ministry - a certain Vuhon created Ingenium, with the help of which he kept the Ministry of Truth in the air. But the price was high, because the ingenium required a soul to work (to keep open the source of communication with Oblivion, and more precisely, with the possessions of the Daedric prince Clavicus Vile, who receives power from stolen souls). Eventually, the ingenium exploded and the released force threw Vuon, along with nearby Sul, into Oblivion. The Ministry collapsed on the city, triggering a volcanic eruption and destroying half of Vvardenfell. This disaster was called the Red Year. The surviving residents fled to Solstheim. Argonia took advantage of this situation and attacked Morrowind, taking revenge on the Dunmer for a thousand years of enslavement. As a result of all these events, Vivec was completely destroyed, a bay of boiling liquid appeared in its place, and Morrowind ceased to exist as a political unit.

Thrust into Oblivion by the force of the ingenium explosion, Sul remained there for thirty-eight years. At the first moment, he happened to see how someone, resembling the outlines of a man created from the primordial darkness, threw a certain sword into the hole through which the Dunmer fell into the plane of Clavicus Vile. Sul tried to follow the sword, but did not have time. The clot of darkness called itself Umbra...

Despite the defeat of Mehrunes Dagon in an epic battle with Martin Septim, the Imperial forces were unable to provide a worthy rebuff to the hordes of the Prince of Destruction that invaded Black Marsh. But the Argonians fought with such fury that Dagon’s servants themselves closed the gates of Oblivion, if only the lizardmen would no longer enter them. As a result, the Argonian group An-Xileel, which gained strength in skirmishes with the Daedrs, achieved the independence of Black Marsh from the considerably weakened Empire and at the same time profited from the plunder of the estates of wealthy imperials. Then Argonia attacked Morrowind, weakened by the disaster, deciding to take revenge on the Dunmer for previous oppression.

The unification and action of the Argonians against the Daedra, as well as their subsequent attack on Morrowind, occurred under the influence of the Hist trees, the roots of which, penetrating deep into the rich soil and soft white rocks of Black Marsh, connect, connecting all Saxhlil (the self-name of the Argonians). This peculiar cult, which influences all lizardmen, is extremely hostile to everything alien. This circumstance determined further events - the Hist renounced the Lucayul (those who had submitted to the Empire or the corrupted Argonians), thereby deliberately abandoning them to death, and Umbriel, flying over Black Marsh, left behind a deserted area. Of all the Argonians, only the wild ones and An-Zailil escaped.

Review of the book

Despite the shortcomings present, the book still left a good impression; in any case, it is read in one sitting. Greg Keyes did a good job of conveying the atmosphere of the game; it’s immediately clear that he spent a lot of time playing the game and on the website of The Imperial Library. Although the latter may be a disadvantage for those who decide to read the novel without knowing anything about the Elder Scrolls universe, much will seem incomprehensible to such a reader (and even the glossary provided at the end is unlikely to help in this case). It’s somewhat disappointing that the story ends at the most interesting point, but you’ll have to wait for the release Lord of Souls: An Elder Scrolls Novel :)

If this book interests you, it can be purchased in Russian at Ozone.

The Elder Scrolls. Hell's City - description and summary, author Keys Gregory, read for free online on the electronic library website website

For forty years now, the states and peoples of Tamriel have been recovering from unprecedented destruction caused by the invasion of the armies of the Deidra princes from Oblivion. Emperor Titus Mead is piecing together the war-torn lands. Suddenly, a flying island appears off the coast of the continent, destroying all life in its path.

Few dare to resist him and save the world. Among them is Prince Attrebus Mead, whose name is shrouded in romantic legends. Dunmer Sul, a wizard and warrior searching for an old enemy. Detective Colin, who pulled the thread of a dangerous conspiracy. A young girl named Annaig, whose abilities for alchemy were appreciated even by the inhabitants of the Hellish city - Umbriel.

Greg Keys is a very famous and talented writer working in the fantasy genre. His books have won millions of readers' hearts and entered the world bestseller list. The novel “Hell City” is based on the universe of the super popular computer role-playing game “The Elder Scrolls”.

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Every city on Earth is unique, but sometimes you come across super strange specimens, the existence of which is difficult to even believe.

website found the most unusual cities on the planet. Some of them are quite suitable for spending a few days of vacation there.

1. The city where you can't die

In one of the northernmost settlements in the world - the city of Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen, it is officially forbidden to die. There is a cemetery in the city, but it has not accepted the dead for 70 years.

This is because bodies do not decompose due to the constant cold and can attract wild animals. People who are about to die are transported by plane to other cities in Norway.

2. A city located in two states

3. The most “hellish” city

In Michigan, USA, there is a town called Hell. It is not known exactly where this name came from, but residents willingly support the “hellish” image of the city.

Tourists happily take pictures in front of the “Welcome to Hell” signs, and in the local souvenir shop they sell documents for ownership of 1 sq. m. an inch of land in Hell, of course, for $6.66.

4. City - Chinese copy

The Chinese have learned to copy everything. How about copying a city? In order for Chinese citizens to have the opportunity to walk along European streets without leaving the country, it was decided to build a copy of the Austrian town of Hallstatt.

First the church was built, then the streets, which looked exactly like the original ones. By the way, real estate in Hallstatt, China, is more expensive than in Austria.

5. The last free city

Slab City is a place in California where mostly tramps, retirees, hippies and those who have nowhere to go live.

People in this city live in trailers and makeshift shacks without running water, electricity or addresses. There are no utilities in Slab City either, as well as taxes and apartment fees. It all sounds strange, but many who have been here say that it is very comfortable to be here. Residents call their city “the last free place in the USA.”

6. Cave City

Matmata is a city in the south of Tunisia, in which many Berber houses have been preserved, consisting of a dugout and several caves. In the 1970s, above-ground dwellings were built in the city, but many locals prefer to live in caves the old fashioned way.

Star Wars fans will recognize this location as the home of Luke Skywalker.

7. City under one roof

The entire town of Whittier, Alaska, is housed in a 14-story former army barracks building. In the same building there are all the shops, the police station, the clinic and the church.

This was done in order to save on heating costs, because it is cold and windy here almost all year round. By the way, the population of the city is only 220 people.

8. The bluest city

In Morocco there is an amazingly beautiful town of Chaven, the walls, doors and even stairs of which are painted in shades of blue and blue.

The fact is that once upon a time there lived Jews who painted their houses blue, a color sacred to them. The Jews have not been in this place for hundreds of years, but the tradition remains.

9. City of Aliens

In 1947, an unidentified flying object fell near the city of Roswell, USA. What it was is still debated. But Roswell has gained worldwide fame as a city of aliens.

Festivals dedicated to alien invasions are held here; even McDonald’s is decorated with images of humanoids.

10. City on the high seas