23.05 01 specialty who can work. Ground transport and technological means" (NTS)

Training in a transport specialty allows certified students to improve and analyze existing transport systems, create new projects for the introduction of modern vehicles. Certain professions are devoted to maintaining safety during the transportation of goods and the transportation of passengers (specialty transport security). You can enroll in studies in such areas at specialized universities with highly specialized training of specialists. Enrollment is carried out on the basis of secondary education (grade 11).

Specialty "vehicles, technologies and processes": goals and features of training

The purpose of training in the specialty "Special Purpose Vehicles" is to examine existing special purpose vehicles, a thorough analysis of their components, and the rules of their interaction. Students are offered theoretical and practical classes based on familiarization with special-purpose vehicles (for work in the service sector, forestry, agriculture, and construction).

The result of the training is the ability to control existing technical installations for the production and assembly of models. The prospect of the program is the development by qualified specialists of new units and installations for the manufacture of effective special vehicles. You can enroll in this specialty with code 05.23.02 at the following educational institutions: MADI, Kurgan State University.

Many students are interested in the technology of transport processes specialty - what it is. The basis of this program is the study of the equipment used and control over the quality of its production and use. An important part of training is familiarization with the data that informs research into the safety and effectiveness of models. Special attention is paid to studying the correspondence of the transport used to the result obtained (taking into account costs). You can get a specialty 03/23/01 at universities: Angarsk State Technical University, Tyumen Industrial University.

Specialties "Transport construction" and "logistics": distinctive features of the directions

When considering transport systems as a specialty in the context of construction, you need to pay attention to the direction of developing installations for the manufacture and assembly of special equipment. During the training process, students will be familiar with the basic criteria for drawing up design documentation and estimates, determining the efficiency of assembling components and their reliability and safety.

Bridges and transport tunnels are studied separately, a specialty that provides for the production of engineers who are ready to improve and refine modern crossing systems. The correct selection of materials and drawing up drawings affects the creation of durable supports and interchanges. Admission to the specialty 05/08/03 is available at the following universities: Bryansk State Engineering and Technology University, St. Petersburg State University of Civil Engineering.

Students can also study the transport business logistics specialty, which examines methods for improving existing routes and optimizing transportation parameters (taking into account the purpose and parameters of specific equipment). Qualified specialists must be able to rationally select technical means for carrying out narrow-profile work and transportation (general purpose, passenger, dangerous). It is taught in the final courses of the specialty 03/23/01 and is its core area.

Specialty: hoisting and transport construction and road machinery

By studying the specialty of transport technology, you can work in the future at car factories and private engineering enterprises. When studying in the specialty 03/23/03 “Operation of transport-technological machines and complexes”, students also become familiar with existing installations for the manufacture, assembly, paint, diagnostics and repair of equipment. The main goal of the course is to train specialists who will be ready to service and improve the installations used in the future.

When studying special vehicles, students will be prepared to work with the transport itself. The basis of the program will be the study of vehicle components and their interactions. The rules for operating and maintaining equipment are studied separately. Qualified students in the future receive the profession of a driver, operator or mechanic. You can get a specialty on 02/23/04 after the 9th grade at universities: Berezniki Construction College, Pushkin Forestry College.

Specialty "ground transport and technological means"

Mastering the specialty 23.05 01 ground transport and technological means, students will undergo a program that includes:

  • study of vehicle development technologies;
  • features of drawing up drawing and design documentation;
  • manufacturing rules and engineering requirements for different types of machines and their elements.

You can undergo training in the specialty 05/23/01 and become an engineer or operator at the following universities: Lipetsk State Technical University, Tver State Technical University.

Upon completion of training in these specialties, they undergo practical training at automobile factories. To receive a diploma, students must successfully defend a written thesis (on the topic of their specialty). At universities, the cost of training is more than 50-90 thousand rubles. Training in motor transport technical schools is somewhat cheaper (about 30-40 thousand rubles per year).

You might be interested.

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (profile) - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Physics - optional at university
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the university's choice
  • Chemistry - at the university's choice
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

Today, one of the factors for improving worker productivity is the correct modeling and operation of transport and technical machines and equipment. Under the influence of scientific and technological progress, there was a need to develop new machines, as well as improve the quality of equipment parts.

Mechanical engineering is responsible for equipping all sectors of the national economy with new equipment. The pattern is simple - with the modernization of machinery and equipment, productivity and, accordingly, the quality of the goods produced increase. The field of mechanical engineering is aimed at solving current problems in the creation and operation of modern models of machines and equipment.

A graduate of the specialty 03.23.02 “Ground transport and technological complexes” is able to develop, improve, create, use, repair, and maintain road, track, construction and loading machines. Students receive a bachelor's qualification and can even occupy management positions.

Admission conditions

The main objective of the training is to prepare a qualified specialist capable of creating, developing and operating new machines and equipment, as well as upgrading existing models.

What subjects must be taken when applying for a bachelor's degree? The core here is mathematics. In addition to it, each applicant takes:

  • Russian language (as compulsory for all specialties);
  • to choose from: physics, computer science and ICT or chemistry;
  • At the discretion of the university, it may also be a foreign language.

Future profession

During the training process, future graduates receive engineering and technical training. Based on this, ready-made specialists will be able to:

  • develop documentation for new or modernized machinery and equipment;
  • create new and improve existing automatic systems;
  • manage the maintenance and repair of machines;
  • design and develop new parts.

Where to apply

Qualified training is carried out in the following priority universities in Moscow and Russia:

  • Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin.
  • Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.
  • Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
  • National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering.
  • Moscow State Transport University.
  • Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze (Moscow).
  • Moscow State Industrial University.
  • Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University.

Training period

Full-time undergraduate studies last for 4 years. Part-time or evening courses - 5 years.

Main disciplines included in the course of study

The training program includes the following set of core subjects:

  • design of ground transport and technological machines;
  • theory of ground transport and technological machines;
  • descriptive geometry and engineering graphics;
  • basics of design;
  • engines;
  • machine parts and design fundamentals.

Acquired skills and abilities

During the learning process, the student acquires the necessary professional skills and abilities:

  1. Creation and production of road, construction and truck machinery and equipment.
  2. Making sketches and drawings of new parts.
  3. Repair and maintenance of ground transport.
  4. Development and operation of new automatic systems.
  5. Modernization of existing models of ground transport and technical vehicles.

Job prospects by profession

Graduates of the direction 03.23.02 “Ground transport and technological complexes” are offered work in various enterprises that design new models of machines, as well as in transport companies. At the initial stage, new specialists most often have to start as an assistant engineer or equipment installer.

A promising position would be a transport engineer, designer or mechanic. The most in-demand position today is the position of specialist in the field of vehicle diagnostics. Graduates also go to management positions, such as the chief engineer of an enterprise for the repair of machines and automatic systems.

The average salary of specialists in this field varies from 30-40 thousand rubles, depending on the enterprise and work profile.

Advantages of Master's Degree Studies

The master's degree in this case allows you to analyze the dynamics of the development of ground transport systems, carry out experimental scientific research and allow you to train service and production personnel.

Future specialists can work as machinists and foremen on lifting equipment. A master's qualification can help in career growth and will allow you to rise to the level of a manager or head of a department at a transport enterprise.

Qualification specialist

Form of study Full-time education according to the “ZAVOD-VTUZ” system / -

Duration of training 5 years / -

Number of budget places 20 / -

Number of places (special quota) 2 / -

Tuition fees for the 2017/2018 academic year. year 171 740 / -

Exams mathematics (major) / physics / Russian language

Exams (Minimum score) 29 / 44 / 45

City Severodvinsk

Selection committee contact number +7 8184 539-579; +7 921 070 88 45

Graduate department +7 8184 539-567

Area of ​​professional activity of the graduate: development, implementation, production, installation and operation of equipment in the field of lifting and transport, construction and road engineering, automation of lifting and transport, loading and unloading and warehouse operations. A graduate of the profile “Lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment” can work at specialized enterprises for the production, maintenance and repair of transport machinery and equipment, construction and road equipment. Graduates of the profile are in demand at motor transport enterprises, motor vehicle technical service centers, construction and highway organizations. This is the only direction for training technical specialists in the design field.

Areas of graduate activity:

1. Transport and technological equipment in shipbuilding and mechanical engineering:

    mechanical engineer for the organization of work, maintenance and repair of lifting, transport and technological equipment;

    design engineer for the design of transport and technological equipment for shipbuilding and mechanical engineering, including the use of modern 3D technologies;

    process engineer for the development and management of transport and technological operations, installation and operation of large-sized structures;

    Head of the Chief Mechanic and Transport Department Department.

2. Transport and technological equipment in construction:

    mechanical engineer for the organization of work, maintenance and repair of construction equipment;

    design engineer for the organization and management of design work using lifting, transport and construction equipment;

    design engineer for the development of modern construction, road, and transportation machines, including the use of modern computer and 3D technologies;

    Head of the transport department and repair shops.

3. Transport and technological complexes in the oil and gas and mining industries:

    mechanical engineer for operation, maintenance and repair of elements of oil and gas production complexes;

    design engineer for the creation and management of design work using drilling machines;

    Design engineer for the development of modern drilling, road and transport machines.

4. Transport and technological means and complexes in the automotive industry:

    mechanical engineer for operation, maintenance and repair of transport and technological systems of the automotive industry;

    design engineer for the creation and management of technologies using industrial robots and automated systems;

    automotive warranty and service engineer;

    Head of service centers for the sale and maintenance of automotive equipment.

5. Transport port and cargo terminals:

    mechanical engineer for operation, maintenance and repair of technological complexes of transport terminals of ports, airports, cosmodromes;

    design engineer for the creation and management of logistics transport flows;

    head of transport terminals.

Training is carried out on a full-time basis (“plant – VTUZ”) forms of education; The duration of training is 5 years. Students studying under the “factory-VTUZ” system on a budgetary basis are employed in the first year at the base enterprises of JSC PO Sevmash, JSC CS Zvezdochka, NIPTB Onega. Students studying under the “factory-VTUZ” system on an extra-budgetary (paid) basis are also employed at the base enterprises of the Northern Center for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair.

The close connection between the educational process and production, which takes place during training in the “factory-VTUZ” system, is:

    High qualifications of the graduate, due to the combination of theoretical knowledge acquired at the institute and practical skills acquired in production;

    Financial independence already while studying at the institute. During daytime semesters, in case of successful completion of basic education, students receive a double scholarship: academic (from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) and personal (from the base enterprise).

    Official registration for work, work experience and social package already from the first year of the institute.

List of specialties and areas of training for which applicants undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations upon admission to training

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 2013 N 697 “On approval of the list of specialties and areas of training, upon admission to training for which applicants undergo mandatory medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established when concluding an employment contract or service contract for corresponding position or specialty" when enrolling in the areas of training indicated below, in the medical certificate (form 086u) you must make the entry “Suitable for training in the area(s) of training ________________________________ and indicate 1-3 areas of training that are relevant for you.

Branch of Northern (Arctic) Federal University (Severodvinsk):

  1. Teacher Education
  2. Psychological and pedagogical education
  3. Nuclear physics and technology
  4. Ground transport and technological complexes
  5. Mechanical engineering
  6. Shipbuilding, ocean engineering and systems engineering of marine infrastructure facilities

Technical College (Severodvinsk):

  1. Operation of ship electrical equipment and automation equipment

  • Specialty 02/34/01 “Nursing” 4th year. Qualifying exam.
  • Specialty: Automation of technological processes and production (in mechanical engineering)
  • Specialty "Technology of transport processes"

    The direction trains universal specialists who are capable of both solving managerial problems and understanding the technical component of the work. As part of training for managers, students study industry economics, transport law, personnel management, transport psychology, organization of transport services and safety of the transport process. Special disciplines include transport energy, information technology in transport, transport engineering, maintenance and repair, transport infrastructure.

    Who to work with

    A specialist in this area plans to manage the technical and commercial operation of transport systems. In accordance with the principles of logistics, it organizes the rational interaction of modes of transport that make up a unified transport system. Coordinates measures designed to ensure road safety. Can work at transport enterprises of various types: passenger, cargo, loading and unloading, etc.


    Specialists are in demand in various transport structures. The initial position is dispatcher or administrator. For example, in a logistics company, bus depot, taxi service. The average salary for this position is relatively low - from 20–25 thousand rubles. Service managers and logistics directors earn 40 thousand rubles or more per month.

    Specialty "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes"

    Among the technical professional disciplines of the direction are descriptive geometry and engineering graphics, strength of materials, theory of mechanisms and machines, machine parts and design fundamentals, hydraulics and hydraulic pneumatic drive, heat engineering, materials science. Among the humanitarian ones are the basics of labor law, transport law, and business law. Quite a large amount of time is allocated to specialized disciplines, specific for each profile.

    Who to work with

    Graduates of the department are responsible for the uninterrupted operation of transport and transport-technological machines for various purposes. They perform routine inspection of equipment, diagnose possible breakdowns, service maintenance and repairs. Order and inspect parts needed for emergency and routine repairs. Monitor compliance with safety measures when operating machines. They can work as dispatchers, senior mechanics and mechanics. Manage a small team of workers in car services, workshops, depots, etc.


    Mechanics and technicians are the most in demand in the automotive business. Even in an ordinary position, an experienced auto mechanic can earn 40–50 thousand rubles. Beginners, as a rule, find positions as car mechanics, mechanic assistants, and specialists in specific vehicle components. Enterprises in the mining industry offer fairly high income, however, you will most likely have to work far from the capital, on a rotational basis. We need specialists for public transport fleets, river shipping companies, and taxi services.

    Specialty "Ground transport and technological complexes"

    At the first stage of training, future transport specialists receive general engineering and technical training. They study descriptive geometry and engineering graphics, strength of materials, theory of mechanisms and machines, technology of structural materials, machine parts and design fundamentals. As part of specialized training, students undergo primary specialization, which subsequently continues in the master's program. Practical classes take place at the base enterprises of universities (factories, transport hubs).

    Who to work with

    Without a master's degree, a specialist can work as a technician servicing complexes and specific machines, as an equipment adjuster, or as an assistant engineer. The responsibilities of a novice “transport worker” include setting up equipment of a specific type, diagnostic and repair work, and monitoring compliance with safety measures in production. A prerequisite for a successful career is self-education. Equipment is constantly being improved; to be in demand, you need to constantly update your knowledge and skills.


    Among the professions in which graduates can work, there are several real “hits” of the labor market. For example, lifting equipment operators (wages from 40-45 thousand rubles), specialists in setting up and operating modern construction equipment (from 30 thousand per month), and experienced automotive technicians (from 35 thousand rubles) are in high demand. An additional advantage is knowledge of specific technologies. For example, mechanics who understand modern automatic electronic systems in the automotive industry are worth their weight in gold.

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