21st separate brigade of the DSB. The difference between the DShB and the Airborne Forces: their history and composition

Military unit 54801 is the 247th Guards Air Assault Caucasian Cossack Regiment, Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces) of the Russian Federation. Military unit 54801 is a combat unit. It is stationed in the city of Stavropol, Stavropol Territory.
The 247th Regiment has two main holidays: on March 18, 2015, it celebrated its 42nd birthday, and on August 2, every year in military unit 54801 celebrations are held in honor of Russian Airborne Forces Day. By the way, in 2015 the Russian Airborne Forces will celebrate their 85th anniversary.

Sleeve patch


The 247th Guards Air Assault Caucasian Cossack Regiment was created in 1973 on the basis of the 21st separate experimental air assault brigade.
On August 1, 1980, the 21st Assault Brigade received the Battle Banner and a certificate. In 1989, her merits were awarded with the Challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the KZAKVO, and in 1990 with the Pennant of the Minister of Defense “For Courage and Military Valor.”
In 1990, the brigade became part of the Russian Airborne Forces, changing its name to “separate airborne.”

Museum of Military Glory

Since 1992, a unit has been stationed in Stavropol.
On May 1, 1998, the brigade became a regiment of the 7th Guards Airborne Division. It received the name "247th Parachute Stavropol Cossack Regiment", which later changed to the current one.
The regiment received the honorary title of “Guards” in 2013, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. This is only the second case in the Russian army when a part of the Airborne Forces receives such a “title” in peacetime.
The 247th Regiment is constantly involved in a variety of peacetime and wartime tasks: in 1986, military personnel of the then brigade were involved in eliminating the consequences of the Chernobyl accident; in 1988-89 - in Armenia and Georgia they eliminated the consequences of earthquakes; in 1989-1992 - participated in resolving conflicts in Transcaucasia, and in 2000-2004. - took part in hostilities in Chechnya.

On the road

Eyewitness impressions

The military town of military unit 54801 is located in a residential area of ​​Stavropol. Contract workers and their families are provided with medical services, and there are no problems with places in kindergartens, schools and other institutions. Military unit 54801 also accepts women for contract service.

Servicemen from military unit 54801 often leave their unit for long periods of time (sometimes for several months).

Soldiers go on business trips, for jumping, shooting, field exercises, tactics classes, and “mountain” training. Paratroopers learn to overcome heights from 1500 to 2600 m above sea level, cross mountain rivers, and move on ice; master parachutes, armored vehicles, walkie-talkies, standard and secret weapons. They run 1 - 3 km every day, if not in an outfit (and there are a lot of outfits here).
Over the course of a year, each paratrooper must complete a program for parachute jumps from Il, An, etc. aircraft, as well as helicopters. Compliance with jumping standards significantly increases additional payments and bonuses, as well as length of service.
Military unit 54801 does not issue driver's licenses. But all drivers and driver-mechanics who already have a driver's license can obtain driving category "D" and "E" during their service. Retraining takes place at state expense.

Airborne flag

In addition, each serviceman, if desired, can receive a referral to the Training Center - a training center for training junior airborne specialists. The course of training is from three months to six months. Excellent students can continue their studies at the Airborne Forces Sergeant School (study for 2.5 years). Those who strive for higher education are sent to Ryazanskoe

Higher Airborne Command School (RVVDKU) or other educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
Soldiers of military unit 54801 regularly stand guard. The guard consists of protecting particularly important objects on the territory of the unit and beyond. Not everyone is taken on guard duty, but only those whom the psychologist recommends for this combat mission. In some companies, mechanics are not sent on guard duty, since they are always “with equipment.” Newly arrived youth are also not placed on guard duty.
In addition, soldiers of military unit 54801 regularly participate in the May 9 parade, patrol the city streets, participate in city public events, and much more. It is clear that the workload is heavy, so discipline and regulations are strictly observed. And they compensate for the increased workload with good nutrition: the food in the dining room is delicious, there is a choice of dishes, there is a buffet. They also serve sweets: buns, cookies, sweets.

In the cockpit

Living conditions in military unit 54801 are generally good. Conscripts live in the unit's barracks, in cubicles of 4-6 people. The furniture, although old-style, is sturdy and comfortable, and there are TVs. Each person has their own bedside table and safe. Toilets and showers in every cabin, hot water constantly.
On the territory of military unit 54801 there is a gym with exercise equipment, two stores (grocery and manufactured goods), and the Museum of Military Glory of military unit No. 54801. There is a regimental military band.

In general, military unit 54801 is small - one regiment (which is about 1,500 people). There is no hazing here. Relations between colleagues and commanders are good. There are many contract workers, in some units the majority.
Military unit 54801 has many positive reviews from those who served in it before and are now serving.


Basic requirements for contract soldiers of the 247th Guards Airborne Regiment:

  1. Age up to 35 years. For some positions - no more than 25 years, for all “narrow” military specialties (MSS) - the decision is made in agreement with the military unit.
  2. Fitness for military service - category A; if category B - admission by agreement.
  3. You must have a driver's license.
  4. Education: high school (11 grades), or 9 grades + technical school or college (must have already been completed).
  5. Regarding the issue of being brought to the police: a closed administrative conviction will not be an obstacle to admission to the Airborne Forces.
  6. The reasons for the soldier’s desire to enter contract service, as well as whether it is his first contract or not.

Instructions for Mom

Parcels and letters

On November 5, 1972, in the city of Kutaisi, Georgian SSR (Red Banner Transcaucasian Military District), 21 separate air assault brigades were formed (military unit 31571). The brigade was staffed at the expense of the district troops. The brigade was not part of the Airborne Forces.

On November 5, 1972, 21 ODSB was formed

Composition of the Transcaucasian Military District in 1973:

Commander of the Transcaucasian Military District

  • 10.1971 - 02.1978 - Melnikov, Pavel Vasilievich, Colonel General.
  • 11.1969 - 08.1975 - Shelepin A.G., Lieutenant General.
  • 08.1975 - 12.1979 - Overchuk A.M., Major General, from February 1977 - Lieutenant General.

District Chiefs of Staff:

  • 05.1972 - 04.1974 - Grinkevich, Dmitry Alexandrovich, major general, from October 1972 - lieutenant general.
  • 04.1974 - 02.1976 - Krapivin, Valentin Ivanovich, major general, from April 1975 - lieutenant general.

First Deputy Commanders of the District Troops:

  • 12.1969 - 03.1974 - Yurpolsky, Ivan Ivanovich, lieutenant general.
  • 03.1974 - 11.1976 - Sukhorukov, Dmitry Semenovich, lieutenant general.

Commanders of the 21st separate air assault brigade:

  • 02/02/1973 - 11/1973 - Pugachev, Viktor Fedorovich, guard colonel.
  • 11.1973 - 08.1975 - Herzen, Leonid Vladimirovich, lieutenant colonel.
  • 08.1975 - 07.1979 - Musienko, Viktor Andreevich, colonel.


order of the commander of the Red Banner Transcaucasian Military District, Colonel General Pavel Vasilievich Melnikov, dated November 16, 1973

The formation of the brigade was entrusted to the organizational group of the headquarters of the Red Banner Transcaucasian Military District, headed by the first deputy chief of staff of the district, Major General D.G. Shkrudnev.

To February 19, 1973 in the city of Kutaisi, Georgian SSR, as part of the Red Banner Transcaucasian Military District (ZakVO) on the territory of military unit 31571 was formed 21 separate air assault brigade (military unit 31571) with a deployment in the city of Kutaisi, Georgia. The brigade was staffed at the expense of the district troops. The brigade was not part of the Airborne Forces. The battalions in these formations were separate units, whereas in the Airborne Forces only a regiment was a separate unit. From the moment of their formation until 1983, parachute training was not provided for in these brigades and was not included in the combat training plans, and therefore the personnel of the air assault brigades wore the uniform of motorized rifle troops (red shoulder straps) with the appropriate insignia. Airborne assault units received the Airborne Forces uniform only with the introduction of combat training for parachute jumping.

Management - military unit 31571, location Kutaisi, Georgia, subordination to the ZakVO (staff 326 people);

1059th separate artillery division (171 personnel);

The 1863rd separate division of communications and radio technical support of Tsulukidze (one SiRTO) consisted of three companies (190 people on staff);

303rd separate airfield technical support battalion (410 people on staff);

802nd separate air assault battalion (military unit 36685) (349 people) Tsulukidze;

803rd separate air assault battalion (military unit 55055) (349 people);

804th separate air assault battalion (military unit 57351) ODS (349 people);

1171st Aviation Group - military unit 61902 - (only 805 people on staff) As part of combat and transport helicopter regiments with an aviation base. The commander of the group was Drobnich Ivan Lukich. The air group consisted of 8 squadrons. On May 17, 1977, it was transformed into the 292nd and 325th helicopter regiments and the aviation department of the military unit 31751 Kutaisi;

Based on the directives of the General Staff of December 1, 1973 and the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of December 8, 1973, by March 14, 1974, the military units of the brigade were transferred to new states and the brigade received the name - 21st separate experimental air assault brigade (SDSB) .

Based on Directive of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces No. 314/4/00128 dated January 14, 1977, by order of the Chief of the Main Staff of the Ground Forces dated January 24, 1977 to July 1, 1977 21st separate experimental air assault brigade transferred to new states and renamed 21st separate air assault brigade of the Special Airborne Assault Brigade) .

21st separate airborne assault brigade of the ODSB(military unit 31571) on February 19, 1973 formed from::

- 802nd separate mountain airborne assault battalion (military unit 36685) (349 people) Tsulukidze;
- 803rd separate air assault battalion (military unit 55055) (349 people);
- 804th separate air assault battalion (military unit 57351) odshb (349 people);
- separate service battalion
- 292nd helicopter regiment - Tskhinvali (except for the year in Afghanistan) - military unit 61902
- 325th transport and combat helicopter regiment- Tsulukidze - military unit 31752 (formed on May 17, 1977, MI-8T and MI-6)
- 303rd separate airfield maintenance battalion
- 358th separate airfield maintenance battalion
- 801st separate communications and radio engineering support company
- 802nd separate communications and radio engineering support company - Tsulukidze PP 62013

In 1988, fighters of the 21st Special Airborne Brigade were among the first, exactly one day later, units and divisions of the brigade, having completed a five-hundred-kilometer march, took part in eliminating the consequences of the earthquake in Leninakan and Spitak.

The 21st Special Airborne Brigade was the first unit of the USSR Armed Forces deployed to the Karabakh conflict zone in 1988; it was the one that landed in combat at the Zvartnots airfield near Yerevan and restored Soviet power in Armenia.

On November 26, 1989, the 21st Special Airborne Brigade was awarded the Challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the KzakVO for success in combat and political training, after which, on the basis of the directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 314/3/001592 of December 6, 1989 and the directive of the Airborne Forces Commander No. 568/3/ 0839 dated March 27, 1990, in 1989 the 21st Airborne Brigade was reorganized into 21st separate airborne brigade (OVDBr) and transferred to the Soviet Airborne Forces. The brigade lost its regular helicopter group - a squadron of combat Mi-24s and a squadron of transport Mi-8s.

Since 1989, the brigade's personnel carried out combat missions in South Ossetia; in January 1990, the brigade, along with many other airborne units, restored the USSR state border with Iran in the Azerbaijani sector.

In 1990, the 21st Airborne Infantry Brigade was awarded the Pennant of the USSR Minister of Defense “For Courage and Military Valor” for high results in combat training and exemplary performance of combat missions. In connection with the extraordinary events unfolding in the country and the Caucasus region, units and divisions of the brigade took part in all the hot spots of Transcaucasia: Yerevan (Zvartnots), Kirovabad, Baku, Sukhumi, Gudauta, Kutaisi, Tskhinvali, Batumi, Agdam and others.

On August 19, 1991, the 21st Special Airborne Brigade, by order of the State Emergency Committee of the USSR under the command of Em Yuri Pavlovich, occupied all key objects of the city of Tbilisi and forced the “President of the Georgian Democratic Republic” Zviad Gamsakhurdia to speak on the national Georgian radio demanding the dissolution of the Armed Forces of Georgia and the surrender of weapons to the Soviet authorities.

In December 1991, the 3rd battalion of the 21st airborne assault brigade was the FIRST unit sent to the zone of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict.

According to the directive of the General Staff of the Russian Federation No. 314/3/0710 dated July 23, 1992, from September 15 to November 4, 1992, the brigade was redeployed from the city of Kutaisi (ZAKVO) to the city of Stavropol to the funds of the 147th personnel infantry brigade (SKVO). After the redeployment of the 21 Special Airborne Brigade, a new code name was assigned to military unit 54801 and it became known as the 147 Special Airborne Brigade, and the 21 Special Airborne Brigade ceased to exist as a separate military unit.

In 1994, the brigade was given the name “Stavropol Cossack” (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 22, 1994 No. 353-17; Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 036 of June 15, 1994). On November 12, 1994, having completed a 400-kilometer march, the brigade personnel arrived at the airfield in Vladikavkaz (Beslan region). Thus, the first Chechen war began for the brigade, which claimed the lives of 19 paratroopers and lasted until November 1996. Units of the brigade took a direct part in the liberation of Grozny from militants. On September 1, 1995, the 21st Airborne Brigade was transferred to a new staff and became known as the 21st separate airborne Stavropol Cossack brigade. And on January 1, 1998, the brigade organizationally became part of the 7th Guards. airborne division. On May 1 of the same year, the 21st Airborne Brigade was transformed into the 247th Stavropol Cossack Parachute Regiment. From May 1998 to August 1999, brigade units guard the military camp and airfield in. Kaspian Republic Dagestan. On July 15, 1998, the 247th Air Assault Stavropol Cossack Regiment was reorganized into the 247 Air Assault Stavropol Cossack Regiment, and from September 12, 1998 into the 247 Air Assault Caucasian Cossack Regiment as part of the 7th Airborne Division. On August 12, 1999, the 7th Airborne Assault Company of the regiment entered into battle with Basayev’s gang for the village of Tando and the Donkey Ear mountain in the Botlikh region of Dagestan. On August 14, they were joined by the 1st Airborne Battalion, and from September 18 on the territory of Dagestan, and then in Chechnya, the entire regiment carried out combat missions. Shelkovskaya, Grebenskaya, Voskresenskaya, Komsomolskoye, Gudermes, Dzhalka, Argun, Shali, Balansu, Benoy, Belgatoy, Tsentaroy, Nozhai-Yurt, Novogroznensky - this is an incomplete list of settlements liberated by the regiment from bandits. From 2001 to 2004, in addition to battalion groups in the Chechen Republic, a BTG was allocated from the regiment to carry out the combat mission of covering the state border of the Russian Federation in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Both during the years of peace and in the two Chechen campaigns, the regiment’s personnel showed and continue to show examples of courage and heroism. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that more than 2.5 thousand people from the unit were awarded high state awards, and eight were awarded the title “HERO OF RUSSIA”. Here are their names: Colonel NUZHNY Vasily Dmitrievich (posthumously), Captain KHOMENKO Igor Vladimirovich (posthumously), Senior Lieutenant VOROZHANIN Oleg Viktorovich (posthumously), Colonel EM Yuriy Pavlovich, Captain PEGISHEV Alexander Igorevich. Lieutenant MINENKOV Mikhail Anatolyevich, Lieutenant DUMCHIKOV Alexander Lvovich, Senior Sergeant CHUMAK Yuri Alekseevich (posthumously). In the period from August 9 to August 27, 2008, the regiment carried out special tasks to force Georgia to peace in relation to South Ossetia and Abkhazia. And the battalion tactical group of the regiment from August 26 to October 22, 2008 carried out special tasks as part of the Peacekeeping Forces of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Republic of Abkhazia. The unit's personnel took part in large-scale exercises: "West-81", exercises in Nebit-Dag (Tajikistan) in 1984, "Caucasus-85", "Caucasus-87", "Caucasus-2012". By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2013 No. 530, for high results in service, courage and heroism in performing combat missions, the 247th Caucasian Cossack Air Assault Regiment was given the honorary name “Gvardeysky”.

Note: the text contains different designations for the same object: medical institute, pedagogical institute and university. In fact, we are talking about only one complex of buildings of the ChSPI (Chechen State Pedagogical Institute) near the presidential palace.

“From 8:00 January 10, introduces a 48-hour moratorium on combat operations to remove the wounded and dead from the combat zone.”1 Before 8:00 January 12 no offensive operations were carried out.

"WITH morning 12 January <...>units of the 19th motorized rifle division captured the building of the medical institute. However, due to heavy enemy fire, they had to retreat. And then the division commander decided to send a reconnaissance company of paratroopers there."2 Its actions were supposed to be covered by a company of 19 MSD3 (most likely 108 orb).

The reconnaissance unit of the 21st Airborne Brigade operated in two groups (according to other sources: 3 groups of 4 people4):
1. from the side of the palace - chief of intelligence captain Alexander Igorevich Pegishev,
2. from the side of the Yubileiny cinema - company commander (?) Captain Alexey Egorovich Taraskin.5

“Having secretly advanced towards the university from the cinema, Taraskin’s group suddenly attacked the militant guards entrenched on the first floor of the university, thereby attracting all the fire and attention of the enemy. At this time, the main group rushed through the square to the central entrance.”6

According to senior lieutenant from the 21st Airborne Brigade Leonid Nazarov: “Instead of the promised 20-minute artillery barrage, there were only 4 shots. The infantry reconnaissance did not support us with fire.”7

The first two crossed the street. While the rest of the group was moving, Dudayev’s men opened fire. Corporal Andrei Gennadievich Blyudenov8 was killed. The second soldier (presumably Sergeant Fadeikin9) was wounded directly near the pedagogical institute (The composition of Taraskin’s group is not yet completely clear. At least 4 people: “Lieutenant Dumchikov, Senior Lieutenant Nazarov and two more soldiers”10).

Taraskin's group cleared the basements, and Pegishev's group cleared the second floor.11

From the description of the battle: “In the midst of the battle, an unexpected order to retreat came over the radio station. At first Pegishev thought that the militants were playing around. He had already had to deal more than once with the fact that they went to the working wave of one or another unit and transmitted false orders. Alexander asked to confirm the order for the detachment to withdraw. He was repeated the order to immediately retreat to the location, warning that aircraft would start hitting the building any minute. Alexander, still in doubt, asked the signalman to give the first and last letters of his last name. He said this. was a real confirmation of the order."12

The commander of the 21st Airborne Brigade, Lieutenant Alexander Pavlovich Dumchikov: “I was the leader of a group of four people. There were a lot of militants. I was on the second floor, the battle continued. The radio operators gave the command for us to retreat. The enemy cut off the infantry that went to help with fire. I stayed in the building.13" (In my opinion, at this moment the evacuation of the wounded from Alexei Taraskin's group began. In particular, Senior Lieutenant Nazarov14, Sergeant Fadeikin and others, and Lieutenant Dumchikov remained to cover them.)

Head of reconnaissance of the 21st Airborne Brigade, Captain Alexander Igorevich Pegishev: “I remain to cover the group’s retreat. It so happened that I received one [bullet] in the knee, one in the thigh. And I remained lying there... I climbed into the hole from under the mortar and began to bury myself there ...for about forty minutes, there was a piece of the bayonet and a small scrap from the magazine that I used to scoop it all out. I bit into the snot, seemed to come to my senses a little, and waited for it all to stop. one twenty everything continued. And at this time, I see another one falling out of the semi-basement of the gym. There was such a dagger fire - tracers were burning in the asphalt around him."15

Commander of the 21st Airborne Brigade, Lieutenant Dumchikov: “It was already light. I went down to the first floor. I shot at a bandit armed with a grenade launcher, ran. I felt that I was wounded in the leg, I rushed for cover. I was lying down, shooting back, another bullet hit my arm, another - shovel.16" "In the end, I found a sheet of iron. I pull it on myself, and thus the probability of being hit becomes less, i.e. I’m lying down, I can’t move anyway. Well, that’s it, let it be. they think that I was killed... Then the shooting stops and I begin to make some decisions. That is, first of all, I need to bandage the wounds as best I can."17

After which Captain Pegishev dragged Lieutenant Dumchikov into his trench.

The commander of the 21st Airborne Brigade, Lieutenant Dumchikov: “One of ours, Alexander Pegishev, was next to me. He gave me another injection, injected himself with a pyramidon - he was also wounded - and ran for help. He managed to slip through the fire. And I just sat there , I shot back, talking to myself so as not to lose consciousness. Then I crawled towards my people: I was making a lot of noise: I threw the machine gun, deciding that I would get there faster without it, especially since my fingers were no longer obeying me - I had lost a lot of blood. ."18

Commander of the 21st Airborne Brigade, Lieutenant Evgeniy Lakhin: “At night, Pegishev unexpectedly came. It was like returning from the other world, he said that Dumchikov was alive.<...>Together with the tankers, we moved to the front line."19

Head of reconnaissance of the 21st Airborne Brigade, Captain Pegishev: “They are taking the last tank from the tankers, entering this fucking square. They almost ran over Dumchikov! Again a madhouse at five in the morning! There was just a furious squall. They staged such a war there..."20

The commander of the 21st Airborne Brigade, Lieutenant Dumchikov: “Suddenly I saw a tank crawling towards me, and the guys in it simply didn’t see me. A shot rang out. I was shell-shocked and lost consciousness. When I woke up, the tank was no longer there... Little by little I continued to crawl, and so I got to my people. My face was cut with small fragments. First of all I asked for a smoke..."21

"By the morning the building of the medical institute was completely liberated from the militants."22 According to the head of intelligence of the 21st Airborne Brigade, Captain Pegishev, by this time about 48 hours had passed since the start of the operation.23 Thus, the university was liberated no earlier than the morning of January 14 (?) 1995.


1 Kulikov A., Lembik S. Chechen knot. M., 2000. P. 97. (http://www.infantry.lifecity.ru/teror/warchech.htm)
2 Astashkin N. Leap of a lone wolf. Rostov-on-Don, 2002. P. 126.
3 Sizova E. Nobody but us // Guard of Russia. 2004. No. 4. March. (http://www.rsva.ru/rus_guard/2004-03/hero.shtml)
4 Sizova E. Nobody but us // Guard of Russia. 2004. No. 4. March. (http://www.rsva.ru/rus_guard/2004-03/hero.shtml)
5 Nosatov V. Don’t shoot at the “32nd”! (http://artofwar.ru/n/nosatow_w_i/text_0130.shtml)
6 Nosatov V. Don’t shoot at the “32nd”! (

Military personnel of the 247th Airborne Assault Regiment, from senior officers to the rank and file of the Russian Armed Forces, are involved in terrorist activities and the implementation of criminal orders of the highest military leadership of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine.

This conclusion can be reached after analyzing investigative materials based on open source intelligence (OSINT), as well as based on recordings of telephone conversations and materials exclusively provided to InformNapalm by SBU employees. This publication is the result of comprehensive work by volunteer intelligence officers, cyber activists and security officials.

InformNapalm has repeatedly provided facts about the participation of military personnel of the 247th Airborne Assault Regiment in the undeclared war against Ukraine. Paratroopers of the 247th Airborne Regiment recently distinguished themselves during exercises of Russian troops in the occupied Crimea. Also, military personnel have repeatedly been the focus of InformNapalm investigations and have been recorded in the Ukrainian Donbass. Regimental officers also became targets of investigations. For example, the former battalion commander, Colonel Roman Yuvakaev, who was caught taking a bribe and was fired, and then rehabilitated and reinstated for the war in Donbass.

In the materials transmitted to the SBU, we received further data on the involvement of Russian military personnel as leaders, consultants, and advisers to the “LPR/DPR” terrorist groups.

Information about the object of study:

Since October 2014, in the activities of the terrorist organization "LPR" as a Russian adviser in the position of deputy commander of the 6th named after Platov of the 2nd AK “LPR”, citizen of the Russian Federation Stanislav Eduardovich Ershov, born 10/07/1970, is participating. Native andresident of the Russian Federation, career officer of the Russian Armed Forces, personal number U564661, participant in the Chechen campaigns, lieutenant colonel.

Last position and place of service of Stanislav Ershovin the RF Armed Forces before being sent to the occupied territory of Ukraine - commander of the 2nd battalion of the 247th Guards Air Assault Caucasian Cossack Regiment (military unit 54801, Stavropol), which is part of the 7th Guards Air Assault Mountain Division (g ..Novorossiysk). While in this position, in 2013 Ershovtook part in the filming of the video story “Victory Banner”, dedicated to the assignment of the honorary name “Guards” to the 247th Airborne Assault Caucasian Cossack Regiment.(Video “247 Airborne Regiment its Victory Banner )

Before this, Lieutenant Colonel of the Russian Armed Forces Stanislav Ershov“lit up” in the publication for Airborne Forces Day “These guys will NOT let you down,” which was published on August 2, 2006 in the issue of the newspaper “Stavropolskaya Pravda” and its Internet version.

It is interesting that he gave his first interview as a soldier of the 21st separate airborne brigade with the rank of captainto the NTV channel about the events of 1995 in Grozny, in which he was directly involved.(Video: “Russian army officer about the storming of Grozny-1995” )

With the beginning of the active phase of the anti-terrorist operation in the East of Ukraine, paratrooper officer of the Russian Armed Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Ershovtook part in the activities of a terrorist organization"LPR".

Apparently, the Russian Federation has also developed a mechanism for signing contracts for business trips to Ukraine with reservists who have experience in command in high command positions.

It has been established that Ershov’s appointment to a command position in“LPR” was carried out through the 3rd Directorate of Reserve Formations of Motorized Rifle Troops of the 12th Reserve Command of the Southern Military District of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. He was assigned to the position of senior officer.This is confirmed by his telephone conversation with a former colleague named Roman, who also received an order for a “business trip” to the occupied part of the Donetsk region.

[InformNapalm note: inall audio files to whichPartial transcripts have been made in this publication, for review and detailed study, compiled into one file and posted on video hosting, the video recording will be supplemented with subtitles of the full transcript later. Stay tuned].

“Klen” is Ershov’s call sign in the Donbass, a transcript of part of the conversations from his phone number +380669025254, where Ershov answers his interlocutor named Roman, “Ramses”, +79203832171

"Maple": Did they tell you the location of the deployment?

"Roma": No, they didn’t say. I’ll read it to you now: “Senior officer of the 7th directorate for the formation of motorized rifle troops of the 12th command of the reserves of the southern military district.”

"Maple": 7th formation? This is not for us. We are the third department, in my opinion. 7th formation of motorized rifle troops? No, we are not the 7th, we are the third. You're probably in the DPR. In short, Roma, people are stretching us here. Snezhnovsky(?) left. I’m thinking here myself, I stayed, as if they wouldn’t send me somewhere. In short, take camouflages and a couple of flash drives. Rewrite all the programs there, the shooting course - ah, it’s already there. KTZ with a company, with a platoon. All samples of statements, combat training log of a platoon, company, battalion, regiment. Also, the documents that you use, all the teaching materials, are required for the BND. In reality, we teach here, we train, but they don’t want to learn. It’s good if you come to us, but I just know that we have all the battalion commanders in place. Now things have more or less returned to normal, as if there was no war after Debal, people have stagnated, banditry is starting again. It seems like it should whistle right now. Ours should not (?) attack here, that is, Ukraine should fight back. The specificity is that the people here are peculiar: there are many prisoners, many escaped prisoners from Russia. You will have such a rich experience of working with such an element that you will be amazed. Loboutians, well, in short, there are many who can’t stand it. Right there Ruzik - the goat, next to us, from the 2nd brigade, destroyed everything, now they drag us to him to help him conduct classes. Now he will become the chief of staff of our corps, I don’t know how we will be.

Then Klenov noted that in the winter the adviser was shot in the leg, it was such that they were killed, someone shot himself, that is, there is a certain moral burden.

"Roma" clarifies what things to take with you?

"Maple": Don’t take anything new. Anything old is better. A winter jacket and a pea coat will be given to you where you will serve. Take the unloading if there is a normal one, so as not to buy here. It’s just that the bandits found everything for me here - unloadings, and weapons, all given to me as a gift, they were wrung out. And I have a UAZ, a wrung out Hunter. Roma, it's okay. It would be good if you came to us. And, when is the deadline, when to decrease?

"Roma": I don't know. My documents were sent to Moscow. The order will come now.

"Maple": And for the position of battalion commander?

"Roma": The regiment commander said - battalion commander, some senior officer. What kind of position is this?

"Maple": I am also the head of a department, some department. In Russia it is called that, but here you are deputy regiment commander or service chief. But most likely this is not for us.

"Roma": Are there large distances between each other?

"Maple": I can't do it on the phone. Well, two buildings - one in the DPR, the other in the LPR.

Ershov noted that there is very high demand here, “our airborne forces are garbage.” A lot from the Airborne Forces. The replacement will be in October.

Before heading to the east of Ukraine, Ershov was created a cover legend, according to which he was given the surname Klenov and he was allegedly a native of the city of Alchevsk, Lugansk region, where in the past he was allegedly engaged in business activities - selling household chemicals.By cover name Ershovchose the call sign “Klen”.

The practice of creating a cover legend is used for all officers and generals of the Russian Armed Forces participating in hostilities on the territories of other states in order to conceal their presence thereRussian military and their removal from criminal liability in the future.If necessary, the cover legend is changed. So, in May 2016, “Klen,” probably yearning for the romance of serving in the air force, received new documents under the surname Vorontsev, while keeping his previous call sign.

Ershov's participation in the activities of the terrorist organization “LPR” was confirmed by a conversation intercepted by the Security Service of Ukraine with an employee of the financial department of his previous duty station in the Russian Federation, in which “Klen” clarified the issue of paying him a “physical allowance”:

(“Maple” called a woman named Natalya Petrovna from his number +380669025254, +79153081843)

"Maple": It's your former client who's bothering you. You once helped me a lot, I served in Kostroma. This was 2 years ago. I had problems there. My name is Stanislav Eduardovich. Ershov.

"Natalya Petrovna": I do remember. Yes Yes Yes.

"Maple": Klenov is my last name now. Natalya Petrovna, You'll know where I am by the number. I've been here for a long time. You can tell by the number. I'm in the southeast. I've been here for a long time now. If you remember, my personal number did not open then.

[editor's note of InformNapalm: after receiving data on a serviceman thanks to the Ukrainian cyber activists of the group Trinity We also managed to obtain statements about payments that were previously made to Ershov through the RF Ministry of Defense, here is one of statements for 2012. This proves that by the beginning of hostilities in the Donbass he was already a lieutenant colonel in the reserves and was reinstated in the service under the control of the reserve formations of the command of the Southern Military District, as stated in the certificate above]

“Klen” wants to know if they are paying him a physical supplement.

"Maple": If possible, help me. It’s just that, in general, I’m here under other names, without documents. Well, I'm on a special mission.

“Klen” dictates its personal number: U564661, 10/07/70, Ershov...

While serving as deputy commander 6th separate motorized rifle Cossack regiment named after Platov 2nd AC "LPR", the Russian adviser “Klen” (Ershov) coordinates the combat actions of a subordinate unit against the Ukrainian Armed Forces stationed in the Popasnyansky district of the Lugansk region, he is the direct organizer of combat training for militants.Participates in the development and implementation of combat and mobilization readiness plans, conducts classes, as well as training units of the specified terrorist formation.
Through the efforts of subordinate militants, whom Klen, by the way, considers “bandits” and “cattle”, he is provided with everything necessary for a comfortable life and “service” in the part of the territory of the Lugansk region occupied by the Russian aggressor: housing in the city of Stakhanov, a UAZ Hunter SUV », basic necessities, etc.Everything, of course, was selected and “squeezed” from the local population.He was even “given” an apartment in Lisichansk, controlled by the Ukrainian authorities.
Russian army officer Ershovdoes not hesitate to take personal part in looting actions, in particular, the looting of stores and shopping centers.He gives the “trophies” obtained in this way to his mistresses, whom he acquired at the place of his “business trip”, and sometimes sends them to his wife in Stavropol.Also, through his own efforts in less than two years of his stay in the “LPR” Ershov“accumulated” a significant amount of money that he plans to spend on purchasing real estate in the Russian Federation.

“Service” in the “LPR” Lieutenant Colonel Ershovcombines it with a peculiar hobby - collecting insignia (chevrons) of units of the ATO forces, which militants remove from the military uniforms of killed or captured military personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and other military formations of Ukraine.“Klen” sends individual pieces of its collection as gifts to its friends in the Russian Federation from among its former colleagues.

Ershov’s contract to participate in the terrorist activities of the “LPR” expires on October 1, 2016.After this Ershovplans to return to the Russian Federation.It is significant that one of the reasons for his reluctance to extend his stay in Donbass is his open hostility towards the inhabitants of this region, whom Ershov calls “savages”, “herd”, “creatures” and even wants them to return to the control of the Ukrainian authorities and be punished by it. At the same time, he admits that he personally shed blood and killed local residents.

(Audio file “(05/25/2015) + (07/04/2016)” transferred to InformNapalm, the recording is included in the video, Ershov ("Klen") on +380669025254 received a call from a former colleague in the Russian Federation +79881179226). Part of the recording transcript:

“...there’s a herd right there. Here they should basically run around with bows and arrows - no options. Here they gave a tank battalion. I say: “Bastards, you just need to even ride horses. The checker is the limit of your development.” Here are simply the most "fucking" people I've ever met. Understand? Seriously, I’m telling you - this is crap, they just don’t care at all, and the war. At all my opinion: we should leave here, and the “Nazis” must bend them here so that they understand. It's just bastards here. 20% are those who are there for their homeland, that’s all. All the rest are just creatures, alcoholics, indifferent... they even have a stake on their head. I say: I’ve already shed blood here for locals - you can’t imagine. I didn’t get wet like that in Russia. Here I am already in authority - that’s why I can afford to kill here...”

(Excerpt from another call to a colleague):

“...I saw this Lugansk people in a coffin - a bunch of fuckers, such a mentality... You and I are happy people that we live in the Caucasus and don’t have to leave anywhere from there. I’m telling you, it’s better to move somewhere to Kizlyar... Okay, brother, come on, hugs, hello to Natula. Everything is fine. Yesterday they knocked out a Chevron “Ukrovskiy” for me there, I’ll bring it back later, yeah.”

Additional data on Ershov

In addition to the certificate provided by the SBU to Lieutenant Colonel Ershov, InformNapalm also found his social profile page on the Odnoklassniki network. Thereby All data on family members of a Russian war criminal has been established. Additionally, it was established that Stanislav Ershov has two children in Kostroma, a son, Daniil, 8 years old, and a daughter, Katerina, 17 years old. Ershov’s wife’s name is Tatyana, and his mother-in-law’s name is Olga. Of course they couldn't keep their "breadwinner" from war crimes in Ukraine. The Russian war criminal left them for 2 years to go kill Ukrainians, loot and plunder the Donbass under the protection of the Kremlin to spread the “Russian world”.


So O Thus, contrary to the rhetoric of the Russian media regarding the genocide of the Russian-speaking population of Donbass, the “Kyiv junta” has proven that Russian Lieutenant Colonel Ershov and his compatriots who take part in the activities of the “LPR/DPR” terrorist organizations come to the east of Ukraine not to protect its inhabitants, but solely for the purpose of making money and satisfying their own needs at the expense of the local population. Russian military personnel are engaged in killing people, looting and destroying the economic potential of Donbass and the infrastructure of the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine.

Now, from the perspective of 15 years ago, you understand well that in mid-1994, few people realized how long this campaign would last, what victims it would involve, how it would change Russia and its citizens. But the officers and soldiers, hastily collected from all military districts, honestly fulfilled their military duty. Sometimes at the cost of his life...
One of the clearest evidence of this is the laconic diary of combat operations of the combined tank battalion of the 21st separate airborne Cossack brigade, which recorded exactly how the unit operated from December 10, 1994 to February 4, 1995. It fell into my hands in February 1995, when I was on a business trip in Chechnya with Red Star photojournalist Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Gusev.

This document can tell a lot. We print it without deciphering the abbreviations.
“The combined TB of the 21st Airborne Brigade, consisting of 340 people (61 officers, 14 warrant officers, 265 soldiers and sergeants), marched along the route Beslan - South-West from December 10 to January 1, 1995. outskirts of the mountains Grozny as part of units of the 76th Airborne Division.
The battalion guarded the rear and artillery of the 76th Airborne Division, placing blocks along the route of advance of the columns. At the same time, from December 10 to 12, part of the battalion’s forces (9 troop, min. battalion, ptbatr and ZRAbatr - senior lieutenant colonel V.V. Polyansky) operated on the mobile railway. composed as a mobile fire group. However, due to the explosion of the bridge west of the village. Sleptsovskaya and blocking the Nazran railway station, the task of getting through to Grozny was not completed.
Part of the forces participated in a tactical airborne assault to cover columns moving in the direction of Grozny and evacuated the wounded. Distinguished: acting battalion commander Major S.N. Stvolov, commander of the 8th troop captain O.P. Ukhabin, assistant. beginning RAV service captain Bychkov L.I.
On December 12, the battalion suffered its first losses: a helicopter carrying troops was fired upon and Private Eduard Olegovich Zhivun was mortally wounded.
By January 1, 1995, the battalion concentrated on the southwestern outskirts of Grozny and began a direct assault on the railway depot of the station. On January 2, 1995, the task was completed. The depot and station were transferred to motorized rifles. But on January 5, 1995, the enemy knocked out the motorized rifle company (motorized rifle company - S.K.’s note) from the depot building and took possession of it. A group led by battalion commander Major S.P. Kachanov. out of 9 people, she recaptured the depot and again handed it over to Ms. But after 40 minutes the enemy knocked them out again and gained a foothold in the building. The group of Major Kachanov, who was already wounded but did not go to the rear, once again drove the militants out of the building. During the fierce attacks of the enemy, he called fire on himself. art. brigade Lieutenant Colonel Matvienko Boris Pavlovich. The enemy did not advance a single step, and the battalion was firmly entrenched in its position.
On January 1, 1995, the beginning distinguished himself. oper. department of the brigade, Colonel Nuzhny Vasily Dmitrievich. In the area of ​​the Press House, he and a group of scouts repulsed and led to the rear 16 surrounded and wounded paratroopers of the 106th Airborne Division.
From January 1 to January 12, 1995, units of the 21st Airborne Brigade fought to retain and capture the main objects - high-rise buildings on the street. K. Marx, in the area of ​​the market, the Institute of Petrochemistry (one of the tallest buildings in Grozny), the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya, the school on the street. K. Marx. Reconnaissance and sabotage raids were carried out behind enemy lines to the Sunzha River.
On January 12, 1995, an attempt was made to seize the university building in cooperation with motorized riflemen. The advance detachment, as part of the brigade's reconnaissance company, reached the attack line and started a battle, but the motorized rifles did not support it. The forces were unequal, the company retreated, but the assistant chief of intelligence, Captain A.I. Pegishev, Lieutenant A.N. Dumchikov, did not leave the building. and senior sergeant Razumov A.V. They covered the company's retreat and diverted the fire to themselves. Captain Pegishev was shell-shocked, Lieutenant Dumchikov was wounded by three bullets. They held out until dark and were then evacuated to safety. Captain Pegishev warmed Lieutenant Dumchikov with his body and bandaged him. He himself was unable to stand or walk. But he refused hospitalization.
On the same day, during the storming of the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Security Department, the acting officer distinguished himself. battalion commander, Major Sergei Nikolaevich Stvolov, reconnaissance platoon commander, Senior Lieutenant O.V. Vorozhanin. (On January 16, 1995, he was mortally wounded and nominated for the title of Hero of Russia). Major S.N. Stvolov was wounded and shell-shocked, but a week later he was again in command of the battalion.
During these battles, 2 soldiers were killed, 1 was missing (Corporal Zimin V.V. - reconnaissance company), 24 people were wounded, including 12 officers.
Until January 24, 1995, the 21st brigade received a 2-day rest in the area of ​​the park named after. Lenin and held the corridors at checkpoints for the entry of the main forces, evacuated the dead and wounded. Lieutenant Colonel B.P. Matvienko adjusted the fire of all artillery of the group. Reconnaissance led by senior lieutenant A.V. Zhukov. scouted the area of ​​the bridge across the river. Sunzha on the street. Khabarovsk and 21.01. ensured the passage of a Marine regiment into this area without loss.
On January 24, 1995, the combined tank battalion was given a new task: to move to the Andreevskaya Valley area and prevent militants from entering the residential area and industrial zone. The task was completed successfully and without losses.
From 1.02 to 3.02.95, reconnaissance units were tasked with penetrating behind enemy lines beyond the river. Sunzha and explore the area of ​​the slaughterhouse, chemical plant, bakery and bridge across the river. Sunzha. 2 groups led by senior lieutenant Zhukov A.V. and captain Borisov V.V. We repeatedly went behind enemy lines and returned without losses.
On 02/04/95, after artillery preparation, the battalion units launched an attack across the bridge in the area of ​​the bakery, but encountered strong fire resistance along the entire right bank. 8 enemy firing points and mortars were identified in the area of ​​the bakery. The attack failed. At 3.00 on 5.02 an attack was launched along another corridor, bypassing this strong point. But here, too, fierce resistance slowed progress. Despite this, by 11.00 6.02. units captured a bakery and ensured that a marine regiment was brought into battle.
During the fighting, the reconnaissance company commander, Senior Lieutenant Zhukov, and the group's intelligence chief, Colonel Nuzhny, were mortally wounded.
For two days the battalion held the object. The commander of the howitzer battery, senior lieutenant I.V. Mikloshevich, worked excellently here, skillfully adjusting the fire and not allowing the militants to concentrate for the attack.
During the fighting, 35 people were wounded and shell-shocked, 8 of them refused to be evacuated.
02/08/95, after the transfer of objects, the units completed the last task in the city. Grozny - captured the fire station area on the southern outskirts of the city. The capture was personally supervised by the commander of the 21st Airborne Brigade, Colonel Em Yu.P.
On February 12, 1995, the bloodless units were withdrawn to guard and defend facilities in the settlement. Khankala.
During their missions in the Chechen Republic, all military personnel performed their military duty honestly and conscientiously, showing personal heroism and courage. There was not a single sign of cowardice. Many military personnel have been nominated for state awards. 14 officers were awarded the next military rank ahead of schedule, and 8 were awarded one step higher than their current position.
1st row. Zhivun Eduard Olegovich,
2. Efr. Bludenov Andrey Gennadievich,
3. art. Lieutenant Vorozhanin Oleg Viktorovich,
4. senior pr-k Suleymanov Asim Eyub-Ogly,
5. row. Zobov Viktor Alexandrovich,
6. row. Kostin Alexey Anatolievich,
7. Lieutenant Kostin Roman Nikolaevich,
8. Senior Lieutenant Zhukov Alexander Vladimirovich,
9. p-k Nuzhny Vasily Dmitrievich.
Efr went missing. Zimin Viktor Viktorovich.
88 people were wounded and shell-shocked, of which 26 were officers, 5 warrant officers, 29 sergeants, 28 soldiers.
Even now, 15 years later, these lines smell like gunpowder to me. I note that the feat of the officers and personnel of the combined tank battalion of the 21st separate airborne brigade was appreciated by the state. On April 1, 1995, the title of Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded to Captain Alexander Pegishev, on May 15, 1995 - to Lieutenant Alexander Dumchikov (posthumously), on May 29, 1995 - to Colonel Vasily Nazhny and Senior Lieutenant Oleg Vorozhanin (both posthumously).
There were two long years ahead of the first Chechen campaign. In 1999, the counterterrorism campaign in the North Caucasus acquired a new scope. By that time, the 21st separate airborne brigade had been transformed into the 247th airborne assault regiment of the Novorossiysk airborne division. And that, as they say, is another story.