148 school branch. School in the Great Patriotic War

History of the school

On September 1, 1935, in Moscow, in the Krasnopresnensky district, on Khoroshevskoe highway, a wonderful school was built and opened. Until 1917 from the street. The Tverskaya road to Serebryany Bor went through the village of Khoroshevo. There are small villages around and only 3 schools, and even those are “primary”. During the years of the first five-year plans, the district grew and began to become part of the city of Moscow. Soviet people performed great feats of labor.

Factories and power plants were built, Moscow became prettier, and the metro opened. Our home school also opened its doors. The first director was Lyudmila Nikolaevna Malkova (from 1935 to 1941). Favorite teachers were Raisa Petrovna Rudneva, Varlaam Alekseevich Panov, Maria Vasilievna Gidzinskaya and others.

School in the Great Patriotic War

On June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. Teacher Freidin went to the front and died, and his students died defending their homeland: Andrey Potapov, Vadim Volkov, Evgeniy Melnikov, Ekaterina Firsikova, Alexandra Surgucheva and many others. During the difficult years of the war, the Moscow People's Militia was formed in our school in 1941, in 1942 - the Guards, Dvinsky, Order of Alexander Nevsky regiment "Katyusha", in 1943 - the 37th Guards Regiment "Katyusha". The warriors of these formations walked a heroic path.

Veterans of the school, like all our people, waited for Victory Day. Gidzinskaya Maria Vasilievna became the director of the school. For her work, she was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, medals “For the Defense of Moscow”, “For Valiant Labor”, and “800th Anniversary of Moscow”. The school photo chronicle contains photographs of its graduates - “We are from the 50s.”

School in modern conditions

From 1977 to 2014, the teaching staff of the school was headed by Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Elesina. Elected in 1986 as head of the Frunzensky Regional Educational Institution and successfully led it, she returned to her native school in 1989. Unfortunately, in the summer of 2014, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Elesina, after a short illness, died and was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery. Her memory will remain in the hearts of people for a long time.

In the educational institution, 63 teachers have the highest and first qualification categories, 4 - the honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation”, 21 - the title “Honored Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation” and “Excellence in Public Education of the USSR”, 3 - candidates of pedagogical sciences, 7 - competition winners Priority national project “Education” and “Grant of Moscow”, laureates of the district competition “Teacher of the Year” and winners of the competition “Coolest Class”. In secondary school No. 148 there are 46 sets of classes (pre-professional, specialized, gymnasium, general education) and 8 extended-day groups.

In the process of innovative activities, the school achieved positive dynamics of results, stable quality of education: 2009-2010 - 72% quality, 2010-2011 - 72% quality. According to the rating indicators of the “Best Schools in Moscow”, the State educational institution secondary school No. 148 of the Moscow Department of Education ranks 87th. For more than twenty years, the team has been working without repeaters; every year all its graduates successfully pass the Unified State Exam and enter universities. Graduated from school with gold and silver medals: 2005-2006 with gold medals - 7, silver medals - 5; 2006-2007 with gold medals - 3, silver medals - 6; 2007-2008 with gold medals - 3; 2008 - 2009 with gold medals - 1, silver medals - 3; 2009-2010 with silver medals - 2, 2010-2011 5 gold and 5 silver medalists.

Achievements of our school

The teaching staff carries out a wide variety of work, the results of which are numerous victories and prizes for school students in international, All-Russian and regional Olympiads and competitions. In the 2007-2008 academic year. district level - 12 prizes, city (regional) level - 12 prizes, 2 All-Russian level winners, 25 winners of the second round of the All-Russian Olympiad, 1 winner of the third regional round; in the 2008-2009 academic year district level - 13 prizes, city (regional) level - 14 prizes, 26 personal winners of the second round of the All-Russian Olympiad, 1 winner of the third regional round, 2 personal winners of the All-Russian level; in 2009-2010 at the city (regional) level - 27 prizes, 2 personal prizes at the All-Russian level, 19 personal prizes at the International level; in the 2010-2011 academic year city ​​level - 45 winners, All-Russian - 8 students, International - 4 people. The school was awarded two “Victory Banners”. One was awarded by the Moscow Department of Education, the other by the administration and veterans of the Mozhaisk district of the Moscow Region.

In connection with the events in Beslan on September 1, 2004, under the leadership of the school director, the children and youth movement “Children of Russia against Terrorism” was born, the main task of which is not only to preserve the memory of the tragedy and the courage of Russian officers, but also to unite students in the fight against terrorism . The symbol of the movement has become a bell - a sign of trust and a call to resist evil and violence; it is awarded to organizations and public figures who support the movement. District and city schools joined it, schools in Ryazan, Noginsk, Moscow Region and, of course, Ossetia: Vladikavkaz and Beslan joined it, our bells are ringing in St. Petersburg, it was taken to Washington by US Ambassador Verzhbow, a guest of school No. 148 On the birthday of the movement. There was a publication about this event in the newspaper “Tverskaya, 13”. The school maintains the closest ties with the officers of Alpha and Vympel, with the Ossetian diaspora; the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of South Ossetia was our guest. In 2012, at a ceremonial meeting held within the walls of 148, the Council of State Security Veterans awarded the Order “For Loyalty to Traditions.”

On September 1, 2012, two evening schools were merged: GBOU VSOSH No. 148 in Bogorodskoye and GBOU VSOSH No. 36 in Veshnyaki Eastern Administrative District. Now this is one school - State budgetary educational institution Evening secondary (shift) comprehensive school No. 148 in Moscow.

Main directions of the school's work

The main goal of schooling- this is the acquisition of education, upbringing and development of all students, taking into account their individual characteristics, educational needs and capabilities, inclinations with the aim of forming a personality with strong basic knowledge, general culture, healthy, socially adapted.

The teaching staff of the school is working to create an adaptive school model that most fully takes into account the individual characteristics, interests and capabilities of schoolchildren, as well as the specific conditions of society. For this purpose, the school implements the following forms of education: full-time, correspondence, external studies, home-based education, and a system of additional education is being developed. The institution has been operating in development mode since 2007.

The work uses new forms of teaching and pedagogical technologies, which are aimed at developing the cognitive interest of students and at greater differentiation of the educational process. This is associated with the use of non-traditional forms of lessons (test lesson, lecture lesson, round table, interdisciplinary integrated lesson, conference lesson, etc.); introduction of more productive methods of teaching and organizing students’ cognitive activity (credit system, colloquiums, seminars, group work, etc.). Within the framework of the traditional teaching system, the use of information technology is expanding.

Developmental classes, subject weeks, intellectual marathons, and subject Olympiads help to increase the motivation of students’ educational activities.

VSOSH No. 148 implements programs of the main(secondary) and complete secondary general education. The school accepts students from the age of 14. Implements the following forms of training: full-time, correspondence, external, home-based, individual.

All forms of training are free.

For working students, students engaged in pre-university training or attending preparatory courses, as well as students involved in sports, music, etc. An individual schedule for attending training sessions can be developed.

- Full-time education involves attending classes at school according to a schedule distributed over 4 school days.

- Extramural training involves attending classes at school according to a schedule distributed over 3 school days.

- Externship form training is organized for students who are able to independently study using textbooks issued by the school, without attending classes at school, and take academic subjects in the winter and spring sessions.

Individual training involves a reasonable combination of the above mentioned forms of training.

Regulations of training modes

  • Daytime from 09.30 to 15.45
  • Evening from 15.00 to 22.10

Main student population

  • Working youth
  • Teenagers with pedagogical neglect
  • Teenagers from correctional educational institutions (with normal intelligence).
  • Adolescents and young people receiving primary vocational education in educational institutions that do not provide secondary (complete) general education.
I studied at this school for 4 years, until 1990. I left after 9th grade. It was strict at school, but the teachers were strong, many are still teaching. It all depends on the student, if he wants to learn, then everything will be great. I was lazy myself and studied with C grades, although the teachers said that I could do better. School knowledge was enough to enter a university, and then graduate school. I know those who after this school entered Moscow State University, MGIMO and without cronyism, with their own brains. Now there are those who graduate from this school without tutors with a gold medal...

Why shouldn’t the school provide information on how many medalists there are in a year, how they passed the Unified State Exam, how many children entered universities, which ones, how much is spent on the budget. After all, this is the result of 11 grades. It’s just unpleasant to read the reviews of some people calling names on normal children and teachers. And fights happen in all schools - this is the process of becoming an individual in society, and school is a very tough system with its own selection.

Thanks to the whole school and the entire teaching staff! I studied at school for 9 years, then went to a medical school. But I regret my decision. I come to my school all the time and I miss it terribly. Our school is the best. Don't believe the rest.

Hello everyone! I am 45 years old. In 1974 I went to the 1st grade of school 148. In my younger years, I didn’t focus on understanding the teaching staff. He studied in the elementary class with teacher Nina Andreevna (may the kingdom of heaven be to her). Sorry, I forgot my last name. I only know that my father (may he rest in heaven) studied in the same class with her daughter, so I think that my studies at this school were chosen in advance. I'll tell you about myself at that time. Healthy, handsome, blond, tall, well, an ordinary Soviet student of that...

Good afternoon I want to tell you about my, unfortunately, negative impressions of the school. The director is an absolutely incompetent woman who should have retired a long time ago; she is not at all interested in discipline and order at school, and besides, she says one thing and does another. I would like to draw particular attention to the village woman, it’s difficult to call her anything else, but formally the teacher of Russian language and literature: Elena Yuryevna Lakova, who does not know how to communicate with students, distorts reality and humiliates...

After reading the article from the official. website of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine about the criteria for assessing students’ knowledge, I found a specific discrepancy with what we have in notebooks and diaries: (Maybe because we are in budget classes of this school.

So, I came to this school for several years, when after a year of constant additional training. I took entrance exams to another school and realized what euphoria is. In order: 1) The director and her rotten system. Her obstinacy brings nothing but the degradation of the school. Perhaps while she was young, she coped with such radical measures against smokers and novice drunks, but as she got older, it apparently became impossible to control them. Of course, I understand that there are 1500 people in the school and managing such a number is not easy...

If you are deciding whether your child should study at school 148? No and no again! All positive reviews about the school are outdated. The director is a very old and sick person, she focused on the charter, the color and style of the uniform, earrings and hair length and that’s it. She doesn't care about the educational process. Students and parents unanimously howl about the chemistry teacher, and she responds, well, he’s just learning to be a teacher. And he has already been teaching for 2 years. Children don't know chemistry at all and no one does. Mathematics teacher Ryzhik N.A. during the school period...

Teachers go to the toilets to smoke, and when they come into class, it smells very smokey, and they cover themselves with chewing gum to avoid the smell. They scold you for every mistake! I remember studying at that school, and our children roared every lesson from these teachers. Now, out of curiosity, I came there, and what do I see? School regulations: 1. Sweatshirts with a hood are not allowed. 2. It is prohibited to wear jewelry or cosmetics. (Well, I can understand that) 3. You can’t wear striped or patterned blouses. 4. You cannot wear high heels. A...

The school has its own rules, which are called the “school charter,” and if a child violates them, they call the parents and try to prove to an adult that he is a camel. Girls should not wear trousers, even when the heating is not yet on. For every offense, the child is threatened with being kicked out (that’s what they say) from school. Teachers allow themselves to call their children idiots, stupid, etc. Dear parents, have pity on your children, do not send them to this school. I took my child there and have already regretted it a hundred times, it’s just a pity to pull the child and transfer him to another school.

The education itself is not bad at school. The difficulty of the material is higher than in neighboring schools in the area. But during breaks, chaos ensues in the corridors, which can only be compared with cheap American films about prison. Children hit each other. They beat you brutally, “like an adult,” until you get injured, they damage things, they cut your clothes. A child can easily get “in the ear” during the lesson itself. This is done quickly while “the teacher doesn’t see.” Teachers don't monitor this. The school in vain claims to be the best in the area...

The history of school No. 148 dates back more than 70 years of fruitful work.

In September 1935, school No. 47 was opened in the Krasnopresnensky district, which later, after the division of the Leningrad district, became the 148th under the leadership of director Lyudmila Nikolaevna Malkova.

Significant successes in educational work distinguish secondary school No. 148.

Founded in 1935, the school occupied a four-story building, at that time the tallest in the military camp on Khodynka.

Not far from the school, in a small wooden building, there was a branch. There was an educational program here, where fathers and mothers, and even grandparents of schoolchildren learned to read and write.

The director of the school and educational program was Maria Vasilievna Gidzinskaya, an honored teacher of the RSFSR, who led the teaching staff for more than 30 years.

At that time, we studied in three shifts, so until late in the evening the light from the windows of the classrooms illuminated the microdistrict.

The 148th team has developed good traditions since its founding. One of the kindest is when graduates plant currant, jasmine, and rosehip bushes next to the school building on the eve of the last school bell.

A large cherry orchard stretched around the school building; on the school plot, high school students built a greenhouse in 1959, where they collected fresh vegetables for school lunches all year round; Flowers grown by students were annually awarded with prizes at exhibitions on Leningradsky Prospekt, which at that time was part of the Frunzensky district of Moscow.

The school is also known for its civil and patriotic traditions, the origins of which go back to the years of the Great Patriotic War: here, in the harsh 1941, when the enemy was on the outskirts of Moscow, the 72nd Dvina Regiment of the Order of Alexander Nevsky Rifle Division, a mortar regiment and a battalion were formed people's militia.

Since 1977, the teaching staff has been headed by Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation Ekaterina Alexandrovna Elesina. More than 40 years of her life have been associated with this school, from her work as a pioneer leader, primary school teacher, teacher of Russian language and literature, and head teacher of the school. Elected in 1986 as head of the Frunzensky Regional Educational Institution and successfully led it, she returned to her native school in 1992.

School No. 148 has always been strong for its close-knit creative team.

The school can rightfully be proud of its former students, including scientists, doctors, and officers of the Russian Army. Among the famous in our country are people of various professions, such as the Chairman of the Central Bank Sergei Konstantinovich Dubinin, ex-world figure skating champion Alexei Ulanov, popular singer Dima Malikov and many others.

Today, School No. 148 looks different than it did 60 years ago. In 1988, a new building was built on the site of the cherry orchard, which is connected to the old building by a passage. It is a pity that neither the fruit trees nor the greenhouse have been preserved. But Khoroshevskoe Highway was being built up with 16-story buildings, and there was only one school in the microdistrict, and it was necessary to accommodate all the children. The school has 43 classroom sets. At the same time, in each parallel from the 1st to the 11th grade, gymnasium classes with a special program are organized, and there are also classes for correctional and developmental education.

The school was one of the first in the city to switch to a five-day school week and participate in an experiment in in-depth study of history, literature, physics, and mathematics. In the 1995/96 academic year, a city experimental site for continuous art education was opened. And since 2001, the experiment “Moral Education in School” has been conducted.