105th aviation division. Distinguished soldiers of the division

105th Fighter Aviation Division.

(brief historical background)

In the active army:

As part of the associations:

From December 10, 1941 to August 1942 - as part of the Rostov divisional air defense region.
From August 1942 to September 1942 - as part of the Krasnodar divisional air defense region.
From September 1942 to February 1943 - as part of the Grozny divisional air defense region.
From February 1943 to March 1943 - as part of the Krasnodar divisional air defense region.
From March 1943 to June 8, 1943 - as part of the Rostov divisional air defense region.
From June 8, 1943 to June 29, 1943 - as part of the Rostov Air Defense Corps District.
From June 29, 1943 to July 9, 1943 - as part of the Rostov Corps Air Defense District of the Western Air Defense Front.

Division composition:

182nd Fighter Aviation Regiment - from December 10, 1941 to July 10, 1943. Transferred to the 10th Air Defense Fighter Corps.
572nd Fighter Aviation Regiment - from February 1, 1942 to July 23, 1942. Transferred to the 102nd Fighter Aviation Division.
234th Fighter Aviation Regiment - from April 15, 1942 to July 10, 1943. Transferred to the 10th Air Defense Fighter Corps.
738th Fighter Aviation Regiment - from August 1942 to July 10, 1943. Transferred to the 10th Air Defense Fighter Corps.
822nd Fighter Aviation Regiment - from August 2, 1942 to February 22, 1943. Transferred to the 126th Fighter Aviation Division.
266th Fighter Aviation Regiment - from January 7, 1943 to July 10, 1943. Transferred to the 10th Air Defense Fighter Corps.
961st Fighter Aviation Regiment - from March 1, 1943 to July 10, 1943. Transferred to the 10th Air Defense Fighter Corps.

Division command.

? – from December 10, 1941 to January 3, 1942.
Major General of Aviation Korol Stepan Georgievich - from January 3, 1942 to April 29, 1942.
Colonel Rybkin Leonid Grigorievich - from April 30, 1942 to July 9, 1943. Appointed to the post of commander of the 10th Air Defense Fighter Aviation Corps.

Participation in operations and battles:


Heroes of the Soviet Union:

On February 14, 1943, Pyotr Grigorievich Ageev, senior lieutenant, flight commander of the 182nd Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 105th Air Defense Fighter Aviation Division of the Rostov Air Defense Division Region, was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Gold Star No. 809.
On February 14, 1943, Sergei Konstantinovich Koblov, senior lieutenant, flight commander of the 182nd Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 105th Air Defense Fighter Aviation Division of the Rostov Air Defense Division Region was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Gold Star No. 701.
On February 14, 1943, Vasily Mikhailovich Uskov, captain, squadron commander of the 234th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 105th Air Defense Fighter Aviation Division of the Rostov Air Defense Division Region, was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Gold Star No. 811.

On July 9, 1943, on the basis of NKO Order No. 0091 of June 5, 1943, the 105th Fighter Aviation Division was reorganized into the 10th Air Defense Fighter Aviation Corps.

transport aviation Formation: Disbandment (transformation): Predecessor: Successor:

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Battle path

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105th Guards Mixed Aviation Borisov Pomeranian Twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov Division - aviation military unit of the Russian Armed Forces as part of the 6th Air Force and Air Defense Army of the Western Military District

History of organization building

In the history of the USSR Air Force, and by continuity in Russia, the 105th Aviation Division was formed and subsequently reorganized several times:

  • 105th Air Defense Fighter Aviation Division (1950) (07/15/1950);
  • 105th Fighter Aviation Division (1951) (10/01/1951);
  • 105th Fighter-Bomber Aviation Division (03/01/1960);
  • 105th Fighter-Bomber Aviation Division (10/01/1976);
  • 105th mixed aviation division (08/10/1993).

After the reform of the Russian Air Force, the division was reorganized into an air base. At the same time, the 47th Separate Guards Reconnaissance Borisov Pomeranian Twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov Aviation Regiment was disbanded (previously (May 1, 1998), the regiment was given the regalia of the disbanded 871st Fighter Aviation Pomeranian Red Banner Regiment. The air base thus formed received the name:

  • 7000th Guards Aviation Borisov Pomeranian twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov base (2009);
  • 105th Guards Mixed Aviation Borisov Pomeranian Twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov Division (12/01/2013);
  • Military unit (Field post) 57655 (until 08/10/1993).

Division commanders

As part of connections and associations

date District Army (Command) Notes
01.12.2013 Western Military District 1st Leningrad Red Banner Air Force and Air Defense Command
01.08.2015 Western Military District 6th Leningrad Red Banner Air Force and Air Defense Army

Division composition

As of December 2013

Composition of the division at the time of formation in December 2013:

  • (Kursk region, Khalino, MiG-29);
  • (Petrozavodsk, Besovets, Su-27, Su-35);
    • Duty unit of the 159th Guards. IAP (Baranovichi airfield (Belarus), Su-27);
  • (Tver region, Khotilovo, MiG-31, Su-27);
  • 47th separate mixed aviation regiment (Voronezh, MiG-25, Su-24, An-30/32, Su-34, An-26, Il-22);
  • 98th separate mixed aviation regiment (Murmansk region, Monchegorsk, Su-24, Mi-24/35, MiG-31, MiG-25);
  • 138th separate mixed aviation regiment (Mi-8, An-26, An-12, Il-22).

As of May 2016

  • 14th Guards Fighter Aviation Leningrad Red Banner Order of Suvorov Regiment (Kursk region, Khalino, MiG-29SMT, MiG-29UBT);
  • 159th Guards Fighter Aviation Novorossiysk Red Banner Order of Suvorov Regiment (Petrozavodsk, Besovets, Su-27S, Su-27P, Su-27SM, Su-27UB);
  • Duty flight of the 159th IAP (Baranovichi airfield (Belarus), Su-27);
  • 790th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Order of Kutuzov (Tver region, Khotilovo, MiG-31BM, MiG-31BSM, Su-27S, Su-27P, Su-27UB);
  • 47th mixed aviation regiment (Voronezh, Su-34).

Participation in operations and battles

  • Russian military operation in Syria (part of the forces as part of the Russian Air Force Aviation Group in Syria) - from September 30, 2015 to present

Distinguished soldiers of the division


Period Aerodrome Airfield view
10.08.1993 - 01.09.2009 Voronezh

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An excerpt characterizing the 105th Mixed Aviation Division

When the frightened mother asked - what about the doctor? The woman, calmly looking into her eyes, affectionately replied that, in her opinion, it was high time for her mother to give birth to live (!) children... And she began to gently and carefully massage her mother’s belly, as if little by little preparing her for a “soon and happy” childbirth ... And so, with the light hand of this wonderful unknown midwife, at about six o’clock in the morning, my mother easily and quickly gave birth to her first living child, who, fortunately, turned out to be me.
- Well, look at this doll, mom! – the midwife cheerfully exclaimed, bringing mother the already washed and clean, small, screaming bundle. And my mother, seeing her little daughter alive and healthy for the first time... fainted with joy...

When exactly at six o'clock in the morning Dr. Ingelevichius entered the room, a wonderful picture appeared before his eyes - a very happy couple was lying on the bed - it was my mother and I, her living newborn daughter... But instead of being happy for such an unexpected happy In the end, for some reason the doctor went into a real rage and, without saying a word, jumped out of the room...
We never found out what really happened with all the “tragically unusual” births of my poor, suffering mother. But one thing was clear for sure - someone really didn’t want at least one mother’s child to be born into this world alive. But apparently the one who so carefully and reliably protected me throughout my entire life, this time decided to prevent the death of the Seryogins’ child, somehow knowing that he would probably be the last in this family...
This is how, “with obstacles,” my amazing and unusual life once began, the appearance of which, even before my birth, fate, already quite complex and unpredictable, had in store for me....
Or maybe it was someone who already knew then that someone would need my life for something, and someone tried very hard so that I would still be born on this earth, despite all the “difficulties” created obstacles"...

As time went. My tenth winter has already completely ruled the yard, covering everything around with a snow-white fluffy cover, as if wanting to show that she is the full-fledged mistress here at the moment.
More and more people went into stores to stock up on New Year's gifts in advance, and even the air already “smelled” the holiday.
Two of my favorite days were approaching - my birthday and New Year, between which there was only a two-week difference, which allowed me to fully enjoy their “celebration”, without any long break...
I hovered around my grandmother all day long, trying to find out what I would get for my “special” day this year?.. But for some reason my grandmother did not give in, although before it had never been very difficult for me to “melt” her silence even before my birthday and find out what kind of “pleasure” I can expect. But this year, for some reason, to all my “hopeless” attempts, my grandmother only smiled mysteriously and answered that it was a “surprise” and that she was absolutely sure that I would really like it. So, no matter how hard I tried, she stood firm and did not give in to any provocations. There was nowhere to go - we had to wait...
Therefore, in order to at least occupy myself with something and not think about gifts, I began to compile a “holiday menu”, which my grandmother allowed me to choose at my own discretion this year. But, I must honestly say, this was not the easiest task, since the grandmother could create real culinary miracles and choosing from such an “abundance” was not so easy, and even more so, catching the grandmother doing something impossible was In general, the matter is almost hopeless. Even the most fastidious gourmets, I think, would find something to enjoy at her place! for the first time it was allowed to invite so many guests. Grandma took all this very seriously, and we sat with her for about an hour, discussing what special thing she could “spell” for me. Now, of course, I understand that she just wanted to please me and show that what is important to me is just as important to her. This was always very pleasant and helped me feel needed and to some extent even “significant”, as if I were an adult, mature person who meant a lot to her. I think it is very important for each of us (children) that someone truly believes in us, since we all need to maintain our self-confidence in this fragile and highly “fluctuating” time of childhood maturation, which is already almost always reveals a violent inferiority complex and extreme risk in everything we try to prove our human worth. Grandmother understood this perfectly, and her friendly attitude always helped me to continue my “crazy” search for myself without fear in any life circumstances that came my way.
Having finally finished preparing my “birthday table” with my grandmother, I went in search of my dad, who had a day off and who (I was almost sure of this) was somewhere in “his corner,” doing his favorite pastime. ..
As I thought, sitting comfortably on the sofa, dad was calmly reading some very old book, one of those that I was not yet allowed to take, and which, as I understood, I had not yet grown up to read. The gray cat Grishka, curled up in a warm ball on daddy’s lap, was squinting his eyes contentedly from the excess of feelings overwhelming him, purring with inspiration for the whole “cat orchestra”... I sat down next to daddy on the edge of the sofa, as I did very often, and quietly began to observe the expression his face... He was somewhere far away, in the world of his thoughts and dreams, following a thread that the author apparently very enthusiastically wove, and at the same time, he was probably already arranging the information he received according to the shelves of his “logical thinking” so that you can then pass it through your understanding and perception, and send the finished product to your huge “mental archive”...
- Well, what do we have there? – Dad asked quietly, patting me on the head.
– And our teacher said today that there is no soul at all, and all the talk about it is just an invention of priests in order to “undermine the happy psyche of the Soviet person”... Why are they lying to us, dad? – I blurted out in one breath.
“Because this whole world in which we live here is built precisely on lies...” the father answered very calmly. – Even the word – SOUL – is gradually going out of circulation. Or rather, they “leave” him... Look, they used to say: soul-stirring, heart-to-heart, heartbreaking, heartbreaking, soul-opening, open the soul, etc. And now it is being replaced - painful, friendly, padded jacket, responsive, need... Soon there will be no soul left in the Russian language... And the language itself has become different - stingy, faceless, dead... I know, you didn’t notice, Svetlenkaya ,” Dad smiled affectionately. “But this is only because you were already born with him as he is today... And before he was unusually bright, beautiful, rich!.. Truly sincere... Now sometimes I don’t even want to write,” Dad fell silent for a few seconds, thinking about something of his own, and then added indignantly. – How can I express my “I” if they send me a list (!) of which words can be used and which are a “relic of the bourgeois system”... Savagery...

The 55th anniversary of the 105th Combined Aviation Division was celebrated last weekend at the Baltimore military airfield. Everyone was able to attend the anniversary show - entry to the sensitive facility was free.

Guests of the holiday got acquainted with the exhibition of the division's aircraft and saw the performance of paratroopers. The best aerobatic team in the world - "Swifts" - flew in from the Moscow region to congratulate their Voronezh colleagues. The last time ace pilots performed in Voronezh was in 2000. The division is spreading its wings - not in the sky, but on the ground. The entire composition is at the parade. To wave a plane at a car without looking is not in their rules, even on a holiday. Therefore, the most important thing - the federal commander - flies directly to the airfield.

The division's combat path from Russia to Europe and back. Almost immediately after their appearance, the units are transferred to Germany to master the new MiG-15 jet aircraft. Next - years of sorties and completed combat missions. In 1969, the division was named the best in the 16th Air Army. After 43 years, the pilots return to their homeland and are stationed in Voronezh. Now the mixed division even has its own 2nd, singing squadron, Voronezh State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company reports.

Sergei Rabsky, commander of an aviation squadron: “When we have free time, we can sing. We can fly, we can sing. The repertoire is very wide, but basically all the aviation songs that came to us by inheritance, there are also new ones.”

An absolute hit is the anthem of the 105th Division. In the real singing squadron, as in the movies, there are now many “yellow mouths”. For now, only old men still go into battle. For many of them, the “hot spots” began in Afghanistan. For half a century and the last 5 years, the division has guarded the skies over Chechnya and Tajikistan. They are not in the sky today.

Height - 1600 meters, speed 800 km per hour, overload - 6 units. "Swifts" in the "Nesterov loop". The most important thing is to maintain the direction. The best aerobatic team in the world received its name for its special flight dynamics. Another loop - oblique, barrel and low level flight with the landing gear extended. The program was rehearsed on the ground more than once. The Swifts arrived in Voronezh from the Moscow region, from their base, in advance - to explore unfamiliar airspace. While the pilots are on a technical break, other swifts take their place.

Valery Morozov, flight commander of the Swifts aerobatics team: “Flying in front of spectators is, of course, always exciting, especially if there are professionals who evaluate the work from the ground and make comments, sometimes correct, sometimes not.”

For spectators - aerobatics of angular swifts, for pilots - sweat, blurring the eyes and stress. Valery Morozov says this is professional. I have already spent 800-hundred hours in the sky. By the way, only a pilot of the first category can become a Swift. Now there are 11 of them in the group. The “Swifts” are commanded by Woodpecker.

Nikolai Dyatel, commander of the Swifts aerobatics team: “I was just born with that last name, went to school, graduated from it. I don’t know. Before me there was a Dyatlov last name. What’s the difference, (laughs) Dyatlov, Dyatel - as long as he’s a person He was a good and decent leader."

The flightless plane is the division's own monument. This is the first Su-24 that was in military service. On the last anniversary, a capsule was buried here - a message to descendants. Now those who lifted these planes into the sky have been immortalized in metal. By the way, the division still flies Su-24 and Su-25. And the commander of the heavenly parade is the hero of the Russian Federation.

Viktor Bondarev, commander of the 105th mixed aviation division: “We were able to do something, achieved certain successes in service, not only in service, but also in the flying profession, we are at the top of the Air Force. The division is excellent, so I won’t leave here I want and will be as long as my homeland and the command of the air force allow me to command it.”

They say about these people: they are a special caste. Everyone, somewhere and at some time, flew together - studied, served, fought. The flying fraternity is more than 55 years old. They have one thing for everyone and each one has their own - the most important memory - the first minutes in the sky.

Type of army:

fighter aircraft
attack aircraft
bomber aircraft
transport aviation

Formation: Predecessor:

7000th Air Force Base

Battle path

Russian military operation in Syria

105th Guards Mixed Aviation Borisov Pomeranian Twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov Division - aviation military unit of the Russian Armed Forces as part of the 6th Air Force and Air Defense Army of the Western Military District

  • 1 History of organization building
  • 2 Division commanders
  • 3 composition of connections and associations
  • 4 Division composition
    • 4.1 As of December 2013
    • 4.2 As of May 2016
  • 5 Participation in operations and battles
  • 6 Distinguished soldiers of the division
  • 7 Basing
  • 8 Notes
  • 9 Literature
  • 10 Links

History of organization building

MiG-31 790th IAP

In the history of the USSR Air Force, and by continuity in Russia, the 105th Aviation Division was formed and subsequently reorganized several times:

  • 105th Air Defense Fighter Aviation Division (1950) (07/15/1950);
  • 105th Fighter Aviation Division (1951) (10/01/1951);
  • 105th Fighter-Bomber Aviation Division (03/01/1960);
  • 105th Fighter-Bomber Aviation Division (10/01/1976);
  • 105th mixed aviation division (08/10/1993).

After the reform of the Russian Air Force, the division was reorganized into an air base. At the same time, the 47th Separate Guards Reconnaissance Borisov Pomeranian Twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov Aviation Regiment was disbanded (previously (May 1, 1998), the regiment was given the regalia of the disbanded 871st Fighter Aviation Pomeranian Red Banner Regiment. The air base thus formed received the name:

  • 7000th Guards Aviation Borisov Pomeranian twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov base (2009);
  • 105th Guards Mixed Aviation Borisov Pomeranian Twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov Division (12/01/2013);
  • Military unit (Field post) 57655 (until 08/10/1993).

Division commanders

As part of connections and associations

date District Army (Command) Notes
01.12.2013 Western Military District 1st Leningrad Red Banner Air Force and Air Defense Command
01.08.2015 Western Military District 6th Leningrad Red Banner Air Force and Air Defense Army

Division composition

Su-34 from a division in Syria

As of December 2013

Composition of the division at the time of formation in December 2013:

  • 14th Guards Fighter Aviation Leningrad Red Banner Order of Suvorov Regiment (Kursk region, Khalino, MiG-29);
  • 159th Guards Fighter Aviation Novorossiysk Red Banner Order of Suvorov Regiment (Petrozavodsk, Besovets, Su-27, Su-35);
    • Duty unit of the 159th Guards. IAP (Baranovichi airfield (Belarus), Su-27);
  • 790th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Order of Kutuzov (Tver region, Khotilovo, MiG-31, Su-27);
  • 47th separate mixed aviation regiment (Voronezh, MiG-25, Su-24, An-30/32, Su-34, An-26, Il-22);
  • 98th separate mixed aviation regiment (Murmansk region, Monchegorsk, Su-24, Mi-24/35, MiG-31, MiG-25);
  • 138th separate mixed aviation regiment (Mi-8, An-26, An-12, Il-22).

As of May 2016

  • 14th Guards Fighter Aviation Leningrad Red Banner Order of Suvorov Regiment (Kursk region, Khalino, MiG-29SMT, MiG-29UBT);
  • 159th Guards Fighter Aviation Novorossiysk Red Banner Order of Suvorov Regiment (Petrozavodsk, Besovets, Su-27S, Su-27P, Su-27SM, Su-27UB);
  • Duty flight of the 159th IAP (Baranovichi airfield (Belarus), Su-27);
  • 790th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Order of Kutuzov (Tver region, Khotilovo, MiG-31BM, MiG-31BSM, Su-27S, Su-27P, Su-27UB);
  • 47th mixed aviation regiment (Voronezh, Su-34).

Participation in operations and battles

MiG-29SMT from the 14th Guards. IAP
  • Russian military operation in Syria (part of the forces as part of the Russian Air Force Aviation Group in Syria) - from September 30, 2015 to present

Distinguished soldiers of the division

  • Dyachenko Andrey Aleksandrovich, major, deputy commander of the aviation squadron of the 47th mixed aviation regiment of the 105th Guards mixed aviation division of the 6th Air Force and Air Defense Army, was awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of Russia on March 17, 2016
  • Zakharov Andrey Ivanovich, major, navigator of the 47th mixed aviation regiment of the 105th Guards mixed aviation division of the 6th Air Force and Air Defense Army, by Decree of the President of Russia on March 17, 2016, was awarded the Order of Courage.



  1. Michael Holm. 105th Fighter Bomber Aviation Division (Russian) (May 11, 2016). Retrieved May 11, 2016.
  2. Alexander Khrolenko. Pomeranian Guards. Newspaper "Red Star". Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (October 19, 2011). Retrieved September 15, 2016.
  3. "Spetsstroy of Russia". Miracle complexes for “raid” (Rus). “Spetsstroy of Russia” (04/29/2016). Retrieved May 14, 2016.
  4. WARFARE.BE. Aerospace Forces (Russian). Retrieved May 11, 2016.
  5. 1 2 President of Russian Federation. Recipients of state awards of the Russian Federation (Russian). Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (March 17, 2016). Retrieved March 20, 2016.



  • 105th Fighter Bomber Aviation Division
  • 105th mixed aviation division

105th Mixed Aviation Division Information About